HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-8-2, Page 3•
A Racking Cough
Ctired by Ayer'ei Cherry Pectoral..
Mrs. P. D. HALL, 217 GOMM() St.,
Lockport, N. Y., says;
" Over thirty years ago I remember
hearing my father describe the wonder-
ful. curative effects of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. During a recent attack of La
Grippe, which assumed the form of a.
catarrh, soreness Of the lungs, acorn -
groaned by an aggravating ough, I
Seked various remedies and prescriptions.
While some of these medicines partially
alleviated the coughing during the day,
none of them afforded me any relief from
Viet spasmodic action of the lungs which
would aeize the the moment I attempted
to lie down at night. After ten or twelve
such nights, I was
Nearly in Despair,
and had about decided to sit up all night
in my easy chair, and, procure What
sleep I could in that way. It then oc-
curred to me that I had a bottle of
Airer's Cherry. Pectoral. I took a
spoonful of this preparation in a little
-water, and was able to lie down without
coughing. In a few moments, I fell
asleep, and awoke in the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec-
toral every night for a week, then grad-
ually decreased the dose, and in two
weeks my cough was cured." g,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. 3.0. Ayer fir Co., Lowell,Mase.
Promptto act, sure to cure
Ispnblisned everyThursday limning, as
Afain-street,nearly opposite Pittou's Jewelery
Store,Exeter,Cnt.,by John White do SonS,Pro•
Prie tors.
Fir stills e rtion , p Grano 10 cents
In eh su bs equea ti usertion ,per line 3 o eats,
To insure insertion, advertisements should
De sent in no tt a tor than Wednesday morning
tithe largest and best equipped in the 0 entity
oifluron,411 work entrusted to us willterrsts.s
nor prompt attention:
Deesions Regarding News-
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e paper is takenfrom the office or nob.
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2- worms of all kind.
Liens children or adulte
ea; SMITH's
dERPAAN Wtnettl
LOZENGES. 1.1way.
prompt, reliable, safe and pleasapt, fequiripg nc
after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bid aft&
effects' "oftiee. 25 ertrzt.c 7:1crz:
This wonderful discovery is the best known remedy fca
Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubles, sucV
as Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are pleasadk
and harmless, and though powerful to promote
healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken like pate
If your tongue is coated you need them.
poly, iiIohJy, Permanent y Entered.
Weakiteee, NerVOUSetees, Debility;
and all the train of evils frone early errors or
later excesses, the results of overwork,siek-
ness worry, etc. Full sitength, develepment
an lone given to every organ end portion 00
the body. Simple, natural inethode. Imme.
date improvemoneteen. Failure inmoseible,
2,0 0 rererences. Bootee explanation and
proofs utailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MalOAL CO.. Oufhloa Us'
Chiefly Because of Bacteria.
The following queetionle and answere are
taken from the London Dairy, and will be
of interest to those who have more than
once asked "Why is this done?"
Why should the udder of the ()ow and
the hands of the milker be made as Olean
at; possible before milking? To keep ,bac-
teria from getting into the milk.
Why should the railk be remoyed from
the stable as soon as possible after milking?
To prevent absorption of any odors of the
Why should milk not be put at once
after milking, into closely °peered cans?
Because by so doing odors are retained in
the milk.
Why should milk that is to be set for
cream in covered cane or put into cans for
immediate delivery, be aerated? To re-
move the animal and other odors from the
Why should milk be set se soon as possi-
ble? To stop the action of bacteria.
Why should the temperature of the milk
be reduced as quickly as possible for
creaming? To prevent the formation of
fibrin and the growth of bacteria.
Why should milk that is to be set for
cream be agitated no more than is neces-
sary before setting? Because agitation
favors the formation of fibrin,
Why should milk pails, pans, cans,
churns and every utensil used in the dairy,
be kept most carefully clean? Solely to
keep out bacteria.
Why is cream ripened before churning?
To develop flavor and render churning
Why should the ripening process of cream
not be allowed to continue too long? To
prevent the development of bacteria that
produce offensive products, such as bitter-
ness and destroy aroma.
Why should a thermometer be used at
every step of the procress of making butter?
To be sure the temperature is the one
desired at each stage or division of the
Why does cooling of the milk prevent
or retard souring? It retards growth in
Why do milk and cream sour less rapidly
in winter than in summer? There are few-
er bacteria in the air and the temperature
is lower.
• Why does the ripening of cream make it
churn more easily? The albuminous mat-
ter of cream is rendered less tenacious.
Why does milk become sour? Bacteria
changes sugar into lactic acid.
Why should the room in which milk is
set be made perfect in its sanitary condi,
tions, such as good ventilation, cleanliness
of floors, walls, etc., freedom of bad odors,
etc? To kseep out undesirable bacteria and
keep products free from bad odors.
Why is butter worked? To lessen the
percentage of water and casein.
Why does the presence of casein in the
butter injure it? It affords nourishment to
bacteria, which causes butter to decom-
Points of a Beef Animal.
An experienced feeder gives the follow
log description of the animals he selects to
fatten ;
The nose should be broad that the mouth
way close upon a goodly quantity of grass
at each bite and thus save the time of the
animal, for even in the work of eating time
is money. Quickly filled, the steer is most
of the time resting quietly, converting his
food into tender, juicy flesh.. The head
should be short and broad, giving an ample
breadth between the eyes. Long, deer -like
faces belong to the ne'er do well. The head
should be held well up and the carriage be
spirited. The horn should be fine and short,
and the eye should be bright and full. The
neck should be short and fine; a thick,
clumsy neck may be good enough bra hog,
but it is out of place in a steer. The brisket
should come down deep and full, and there
should be great width between the fOre leg
to give ample room for the lungs. Back of
the shoulders the body should be full, the
ribs springing well out, and the back be
broad, straight, and smooth, with no sink-
ing between the'chine and rump. The hips
should be straight and the flanks well filled
and come down low. The hide should be
soft and velvety ; if thick and covered with
a good coat of hair, so much the better, as
itovill help to keep ,the animal heat and
withstand the cold weather. The thigh
should be full and the hind legs straight.
All the legs should be short and the steer
stand squarely on them; add a broad loin
and rump and a fine tail and you have a
steer which will take on fat readily and in
a short time become a source of pleiesure
and profit to his owner.
In selecting sires for improving a beef
herd these same points should be observed,
for as "like produces like" a judicious- se-
lection -Of the sire will give just the ani-
mals that feeders and butchers are constant-
ly looking for and Ending so difficult to
secure. •
Tuberculosis in Cattle.
The Maine experiment station has just
issued a bulletin on "the suppression of
bovine tuberculosis and glanders". It
premises that tuberculosis'in cattle is wide-
ly distribute le and does not differ ma-
terially frordnhe same disease in other
anima's ; that it is most prevalent among
cattle where consumption and other forms
of tuberculosis among men are most pre-
valent-; that it is transmitted from sick to
well cattle through the matter coughed
out, and through milk, and very rarely by
direct inheritance. Also that human tu-
berculosis is most prevalent where the meat
and milk of tuberculoaie cattle is used,
Hence, tubercelosis in cattle should be sup-
pressed in order to save healthy cattle aed
healthy people from contracting the diaease.
Thousands of adults end children die of this
disease every year, contracted by using the
milk and flesh of diseased cows.
In regard to the means of suppressing the
disease in cattle the Maine experiment sta-
tion is notso dear., lteadersee the tuberculin
method of Koch, without discussion. It
declares that "the 20th of a grain of tu-
beroulit injected beneath the akin, will in
shoe€ time cause a marked rise in the
temperature of the body, if tuberculosis is
present, but no perceptible effect if not
present." The test should be made under
(fleeted n of a competent veterinaey ger*
geon, o
It is computed that every yea t the earth
rgeeivee about One hundred and forty.six
billiohs of filiooting eters, which fall On its
• surface, thus aleivly adding to ita Masa.
Use Deadly Illiaehitte Slow Being Studied
by glee !Preach Govern* sent,
Even Perade Albion and her cengo ar-
rangements are forgotten now in•Parie, for
la ell men's minds" there is One absorbing
question -e -whether M. Turpin'e new engine
of destruotionkis as formidable as it is made
out to be by the inventor, M. Turpin is
still a very youug man who has had a
remarkable past. Ple it is who nine years
ago invented the smokeless powder which
has already been adopted by every country
in the world as the only possible propelling
force of the future. Later on his reeearches
in chemistry, and particularly in picric
acid enabled him to evolve melinite, for
describing the constituents of which at
length in a French paper he was mat into
prison by 1VI. de Freycinet and kept immur-
ed for nearly two years and six months,
during which time he wrote a remarkable
treatise on the eters that at once ranks him
with our leading astronomers.
M. Turpin's gun consists of specially
designed cannon, each of which can, when
required, be made to work separately, but
can work better together anti with more
deadly effect. The cannon are to all ap-
pearance ordinary field pieces, but running
from under the breach to the ground is a
hollowed out tube full of mechanism, so
arranged that nothing but a shot from the
enemy could upset its workings. Six of
these cannon are placed in rine, and the
tubes are inserted in a trough on wheels
which has been before -hand filled with
small shells. As soon as the joinings have
been made, which takes seven to ten
seconds, the six guns begin automatically
to belek out their fire, the artillerists hav-
ing merely to direct them. When the
guns cease firing it is, of course, a sign
that the . trough is empty. It is then
instantly wheeled away and the next
trough is fastened on. Practically each
trough represents the butt of a magazine
rifle, only that instead of ordinary cart-
ridges, shell is used, and there is noneed of
human manipulation to pull a trigger, the
entire action being electrical and, of course,
mechanical. A train of twenty-five of these
Turpin six -set guns, which are very light,
can throw 7,500 shots a minute over a dis-
tance of two miles'so that all the battles
of the future must be determined at a dis-
tance. The natural anger of the French
nation that this valuable invention of one
of her own sons had been offered to Ger-
many is recoiling on the head of the French
war minister.
nay be the Means or Bringing us Some
Very undesirable immigrants.
The extremely low steerage rates to
which dull business and keen competition
have brought the Atlanta steamship lines
should have a reviving effect on immigra-
tion. The price of a passage is now within
the reach of allvvho would be likely to beef any
value to this country. If industrious vig-
orous and temperate people do not come
out now, it is because they do not want to
come, not because they cannot afford to
come. In fact the rates are so low that it
would not be surprising if they should be
the means of bringing us some very unde-
sirable new -comers. These may be direc
mmigrants or persons rejected from the
United States. The rates to New York
are still lower than those to Canadian
ports. The United States immigration.
laws are
and tend to secure the very flower of immi
gration. Some of the persons who are
denied entrance at United States ports, on
account of age, ill -health, poverty, or
previous record, may then offer themselves
to us. A steerage passage for nine dollars
from Liverpool to New York,. including
outfit and railway fare from London, is
likely to make these leavings unusually
numerous. They will scarcely suit this
country, and it will scarcely suit them.
The people we want are generally those
who leave home to come here. The adults
who set out for Canada consist for the most
part of men and women who are prepared
to work for their living. The United
States is supposed to present many more
opportunities for people who desire to live
by their wets, or,at all events, with a
minimum of industry. The prizes of this
country are to be come at by work, and
most Europeans understand that. We
of the total immigration to Atlantic ports,
but our share probably contains the smaller
proportion of bad elements. If Canada had
been reputed a land where the very out-
casts of European countries could thrive at
unproductive or dishonest callings, the
very large nuniber of such that have been
turned away from the United States in the
last two years would scarcely have return-
ed to Europe. They would have come here.
The United States being no longer the land
of welcome and the land of promise that it
once was, that clue may not come forward
in such numbers as in previous years, and
the worthy immigrants will have less reason
then ever for giving the States the prefer.
shoe over Canada. A suspension of immi-
gration to the U sited States, in fact a
return movement to Europe, has been
caused by the hard times in that country,
A Modern Application.
Teacher—" 'The Nide le not always to
the swift.' Do you Understand the inner
meahing of that?"
feller's tire gets punctured."
right glit hay—" S oin 8tin e
the heed
Ife•—" Vour friend, I• hear, paints is
beatetifullyb" Shea." Only one."
Vathere4 rrent Various routs from the
Atlantte te the raeme.
A paper factory is to be established in
Mr, P. Caship, an old eettler near Strat-
ford, is dead.
Crops throughout the country are report-
ed to be Promising.
The Glencoe Presbyterian church will
erect a new manse.
The Brockville Y. M, C. A. is to have a
junior lacreese club. ,
The Thoinpsonville grist mill has been
unfortunately fawned.
Tenders for the Berlin Waterloo Hospital
will be called for at once.
Hector Lang, of Eagle, is the new princi-
pal of West Lorne school.
Rideau Lake is swarming with beautiful
steam yachts this summer,
An offer of $21,427 for Winnipeg city de-
bentures has been accepted.
A Chatham boy has tapped 1,000 , spar,
rows with a brick dead fall.
The annual Wolford camp meeting will
begin this year about Aug. 27.
The wages of the Winnipeg S treat Rail wog
employes have been increased.
The Fraukville sawmill, uninsured, has
been burned at a loss of $4,000.
Leamington has a night patrol, and is
discussing compulsory vaccleation.
The Government has set aside $10,000 for
repairs on the Stratford post office.
Gabriel I3oussey, one of Maiden's oldest
residents, recently died, aged 75 years.
Work on the foundation of a new court
house at Portage la Prairie has begun.
There are sixteen, applications for the
position of principal of Thorold High
A young woman of London has a string of
buttons 39 feet long, no two buttons -being
The Ministerial Assoeiation of Chatham
strongly disapproves of Sunday concerts
St. George's Episcopal church at George-
town is the proud possessor of a new pipe
Samuel Hill, of Clinton, has deeded $10,.
000 worth of property to the Salvation
Two men from the schooner Azov were
drowned at Courtright, on the River St.
A meteor from the southwest, about the
size of a full moon, swept over the city of
Guelph last week.
Near Glencoe a seven-year.old son of John
Thompson, of Avondale Park, was killed by
a kick from a horse.
A party of Detroit wheelmen intend mak-
ing a tour through a portion of Canada on
wheels in August.
A considerable amount heel already been
subscribed for the establishment of a mater-
nity hospital in Ottawa.
Although the Frontenac County Council
voted to °loge the Sydenham High School it
will be opened in the fall.
It is said that no succe.ssor will yet be
appointed to the late F. A. Wise, superin-
tendent to the Rideau canal.
The Dominion estimates provide that
$13,000 more shall be spent this year in re-
pairing Rideau. Hall, Ottawa.
The Esquimaux on Exhibition at the
World's Fair passed through Canada last
week on their way to Labrador.
The Canadian Pacific railway report for
1893 shows that the net earnings were $7,-
964,000, a decrease of $678,000.
Custom collections for the port of Lon-
don for year ending June 30, 1893, $569,-
992; for year ending June 30, 1894, $493,-
The North Riding of Oxford Agricultur-
al Fair Association will hold its annual ex-
hibition at Woodstock on Sept. 25th and
Winnipeg Catholics offer to have the
public school inspectors run their schools if
the city will give them an annual grant of
A Seattle party tried to deposit $100,
000 in a Victoria, B.C., bank,at 3 per cent.,
but it was declined because the bank has
enough money.
John Crane, farmemBurnstown, accident.
ally shot in a fight between two young
men near Calabogie over ten years ago,
had the ball removed a few days ago.
About Bothwell there is an insect cutting
thousands of oak boughs off the trees. The
woods are literally strewn with small
branches from six inches to two feet long.
At the Kingston licensed victuallers
meeting it was decided to post a list of the
names of persons who will not pay their
liquor bills in each hotel and tavern in the
city. •
The Suva, Fiji, Times devotes several
columns to trade between Canada and Fiji.
The islands are preparing to make experi-
mental shipments of coffee, cocoa, cinnamon,
castor oil, oil cake, cocoanut oil, dye stuffs -
ginger and tobacco.
During the great smallpox epidemic in
Montreal in 1885 the city spent large sums
of money in vaccination and quarantine
and a man named Dechene objected to the
expenditure and carried the case in the
Privy Council. The city has won the case.
The Princess and Her Dead Son.
A lady:in-waiting to the Princess of
Wales told to a friend a touching little
incident which took place soon after the
death of her son, the Duke of Clarence.
The Princess, with her usual gentle retie.
euee, tried to hide her grief for her first-
born. It was shown only in her failing
health and increased tender oottsideration
for all around her.
One day whale walking With one of her
ladies in the quiet lanes near Sandringham
she met an old woman weeping bitterly and
tottering under a load of packages. On in-
quiry it appeared that she was a cerrier,
and made her living by shopping end doing
errands in the market town, for the country
'Mien Bethr VOW tick, we a,�hr Castor*
When she was a Child, she cried foe Castetia.
Whea she became raise, She clung to Cantoritt.
Waxen She keg Ohildren, she gave them Cestorla.
Your huiband will notice a great
hnprovement iii your cooking,
' when
Your house will not be 611ed with
the odor of hot lard, when
Yell use (arloLENE
Your doctor will lose some of his
Dyspepsia cases, when
You use
Your children can safely eat the
same food as yourself, when
You use
oriroLE NE
Your money will be saved, and
your cooking praised, when
You use karfOLENE
Famous cooks, prominent phy-
sicians and thousands of every-
day housekeepers endorse it.
Will you give it a trial?
Bold in S and,5 pound pails, by all groeers,
Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank
Wellington and Alm Sta.,
"But the weight is too heavy at your age,"
said the Princess.
"Yes; you're right, ma'am. I'll have to
give it up, and if I give it up I'll starve.
Jack carried them for me—my boy, ma'am."
"And where is he now !"
"Jack! He's dead I Oh, he's dead !" the
old woman cried, wildly.
The Princess, without a word, hurried
on, drawing her veil over her face to hide
her tears. A few days later a neat little
cart and a stone donkey were brought to
the old carrier's door. SLe now travels
with them to and fro, making a comfortable
living, and never has been told the rank of
the friend who has bred to make her life
easier for the sa,ke of her dead boy.
A Breakfast for One Cent, a Complete
Dinner for Four CCIIIS, and Supper
for Two cents.
One of the finest traits of the Viennese
aristocrat is his untiring charity. In the
year 1875, an association of 4C0 ladies and
noblemen belonging to the loftiest ranks of
society was fermed for the purpose of sup-
plying wholesale dinners to the poor at the
lowest possible price. Each member gave a
sum of $300 toward the initial outlay, and
with this money the first " Volkskuchen'
iPeople'sKitchen) was opened. To -day there
are ten of those in Vienna, and in the course
of the year food is sold in them to the value
of more than $500,000. The ladies and gen-
tlemen who manage this superb association
have done wonders, and eight or ten ladies
make a point of, being always in each kit-
chen whilst the dinners are being served.
The " Volkskuchen" are huge rooms,
with great windows letting in both sun and
air, and provided with oak tables and
benches, which are kept scrupulously elean.
The floor is paved with marble, and at the
lower end of the hall a wooden counter di-
vides it from the actual kitchen, where
many cooks are at work preparing the food.
All classes, from poor university students
to ragged looking tramps, receive a kindly
welcome. Each, person approaches the
counter and buys a pasteboard chip, or
check, for a dinner, generally consisting of
soup, beef, vegetables, a sweet, and bread.
This check is delivered to the ladies in at.
tendance, who serve the portions on china
plates, and hand them to the hungry cus-
tomers. The latter carrying theirfoodto
the tables, upon which are placed great
jugs of pure water, together with drinking
mugs of pewter, and comfortably seated on
the benches, they eat to their hearts' con-
tent. The complete dinner, well cooked
and daintily served, costs four cents, and a
breakfast of coffee, bread and butter, and
some kind of stew can be obtained in the
early morning for one cent.
•From six to nine in the evening supper
is served at a cost of two cents. It is gen-
erally composed of cold meat, soup, and
pudding. It is a touching sight to watch
the lovely and aristocratic court beauties
of Vienna, wearing snowy aprons over their
elegant walking dresses, distribute the food
to the poor, ill -fed wretches who crowd the
room. A kind smile or word of sympathy
always accompanies the action, and when a
particularly miserable fellow -creature
approaches the counter it often occurs that
one or the other of these charming minis-
tering angels inquires into his or her ease,
and undertakes to aid them in their trouble.
Every day over ten thousand persons dine
in the Volkekuchen, and the marvelously
low prices at which tire food is sold can
only be accounted for be, the huge quantity
n which it is bought and prepared.
How to get a "Sunlight" Picture.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrapper,
(wrapper bearing the words "Why Does a
Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to
Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
end you will receive by posta peetty pictures
free from advertising, and well worth fram-
ing. This is an easy way to dthorate your
home. The soap is the best in the market
arid it 'will only coat lc. postage to send in
the wrappers, if you leave the cads open.
Writeyour address cerefully.
The sun and the whole solar system is
' Moving through space towsitd it point in the
oonstellation Hercules, having a right as-
cension of about 269 degrees, end a north
declination of about 35 degrees,
False teeth made of inory bane been found
in the Roman eetacombs,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Casterio„,}
ilo`er to Make Mothers *tomato Xong Imam
and Always Charming.
Pleasant indeed fa the spectacle of a
mother renewing her youth in the youth
of her daughter delighting in the girl's
freshness and gaiety, forwarding her -
innocent pleasores and Audit% a lovely and
unselasb joy in adorning her young
beauty for festal occasions.
There are few sights prettier; but one of
those few is the same situation reversed --
the girl cherishing the matronly good looks
,of the mother; insisting that her costumes
shall be modern and becoming; scouting
the idea of her being relegated to dingy
hues and common fabrics; preferring her
mother's claim, to new garments to herown,
and going merrily shabby, if necessary, in
old clothes redeemed by the owl:Went grace
of youth, that the mistress of the home
may be suitably attired.
This sight, fortunately; is not a rare one,
but it is far less common than the other.
True, many girls say, and say honestly,
that their mothers prefer to make over
their old dresses or wear them regardless
of the fashion,that their daughters, at an age
to take keener pleasure in little fineries and
harmless frivolities, may have what is new
and dainty. So far as the clothes alone are
concerned, good mothers do indeed prefer
it. But they never fail to find it sweet and
comforting when their children prefer the
"You want to play dolls with me mother,
and I won't have it ! said one young girl
playfully to her mother, who was eagerly
planning anew hat for her. "I have
enough hats as it is, and I decline to be
dressed up in any more for your amusement.
Now I am going to dress you and we will
consider the question of your best bonnet."
"But I don't need another bonnet," be-
gan the mother. .
"I am not considering your needs," was
the imperious reply, "1 am considering my
own. I need ghat you should have a best
bonnet !"
The bonnet was bought, of course; and
if the mother did not enter as ardently as
she might in her youth into the matter of
flowers or lace, brown or lilac, she cared
quite as much as ever she would have oared
to hear that it was becoming, when the
person telling her so -was her eldest girl,
who only pronounced the decision after a
pause of breathless contemplation, walking
off to distant points of view, passing be-
hind to get the effect from the rear, light-
ing the lamps to make sure the colors
matched properly in the evening, and
admiring at length with clasped hands and
an expression of pleasure on her face.
To dress youthfully when youth is passed
is foolish and repelling; but a woman is
never too old to dress beautifully, any
more than she is too old to be beautiful.
There is beauty of youth, beauty of middle
life and beauty of old age: and these later
charms should be the especial pride and
delight of children and grandchildren.
Care for a mother tends to -ward off the
wrinkles that cares for her children bring;
and many a dull, sombrely or shabbily clad
mother might still be as lovely to the eye
as she is in character, if only her children,
in the unconscious selfishness of their
youth, had not failed to make the effort to
remain so seem worth her while.
Ibis in the family where the girls' good
'looks and becoming clothes are taken as a
matter of course, with just a friendly word
of approval now and then, but where the
appearanee of the mother in a new gown is
matter for interested comment from hus-
band, daughters and sons in family council
assembled, that the mistress of the house
is likely to remain long young, and always
Teacher—" What does your father work
at, Johnny ? " Johnny O'Shea—" He don't
woik at nnttie' ; he's a policeman, See?"
At Bombay 24 inches of rain have fallen,
in a day ; at Genoa, 30 ; at Gibraltar 33.
Tobacco is one of he few
articles of
ure whose
real merit
be found ou
byu.5ea. actual
thirty year3 we
have been ma-
king° the best
qrades of to-
bacco. and we recommend
as a reliable and superior
Va., and Montreal, Canada.
NER‘i NERVE BEAN are a new am-
covery that cure the wont eases of
Nervous nanny, Lost Vigor and
BEANS NFfeeloling Manhood; restores the
knees Of body or mind caused
by over -work, or the errors or cm.
ceases of youth. This Remedy ab-
solutely tures the most obstinate cateS when all other
TREATMENTS have failed even to relieve. Sold liydrssg.
gists at Si per package, or silt for 55, or sent by mail on
receipt of prIco by addressing THE JAMBS MEDICINE
CO., TOTOnto, Ont. Write for nontx,hiot. Sold in—
Sold at Browning's Drug Store, Exeter
Core SIOK IMAIDAONE and ateateight
it, ten eatgarreg, also Coated Tongue, Died-
neeeenotioustiete, Pain in the Side, Conatipstien,
Teepal Liver, Dad Breath. te stay eared also
regulate the bowele, vityiv mast btAlot,
Permit 28 otter -8 ler .rittua stmosts,
rade Markl Da, A. OWEN,
The oply, Scientific and Vrectioal Electric
Belt Made for general use, producing Vacating.;
Current of Electricity for the cure of Disease,
that east be rowing felt and regulated both h
quantity and power, and applied to any part
the body. It can be worn at any time Meting
working hours or sleep, and will peeitively cure
General Mobility
11tervotts Diseases
/sexual Weaknese
Kidney Iiiseaseo,
littme Beek,
Ilrinary Itiseases
Electricity properly applied is fast taltingthe
place of drugs for all Nervous, Rh eurnatiO, fLidP
ney and Hrmal Troubles, and will etrect cures
in seemingly hopeless cases whero every Other
known means has failed.
,Any sluggish, week or diseased organ may
by this means be roused to healthy activity
before it is too late. ,
Leading medical men rise arid recommend
the Owen Belt in their practice,
Contains fullest information regarding the cure
of acute, chronic and nervous clithases, prices,
how to order, etc., mailed (sealed) FREE to
any addresae
The Owe k Electric Belt & Appliance Co,
49 KI NG Sr. W.,• TORONTO, Our
201 to 211 State St., Chicago, 11.1
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl.
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as .
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &c, while their most
remarkable success has been shown in coring
Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Palle
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint:
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those 'who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after all sick head •
is the bane of so many lives that here is whet.
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
CARTER'S Lrrms Lrvnit Plus are very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 20 Cents;
See for $1. Sola everywhere, or Sent by mail.
Pill. Smoll Dom Small Me,
elo rrte ALI ,,•te.
Taints of the mood.
means the kid-
neys are in
s',.,rouble, Dodd's
Kidney Pills give
prompt relief,"
5175 per cent.
of disease is
first taused by
disordered hid -
"Might as well
try to have a
healthy eity
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay is
dangerous, Neg-
/ec ted kidney
troubles result
in Pad Blood,
Dyspepsia, liver
Complaint, and
the most clan,.
gerous of all,
Blights ,Diseuse,
Diabetes and
"rhe above
diseases cannot
exist where
Dodd's Kidney
Nile are used."
Sold by all detderts or seat by melt oierecelet
of price so tints, per box or six for env'
the 1,, A. Swath 4!,,s Co. Teroetae WOO tar
book tailed Kidney Talk.