HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-05-22, Page 2, • SIGNAL -STAR . THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1975 ED!TORI&COMMNT . ^ Those ahoijrs d Reporters and photographers are ' people. What's more they are busy People. ^ ~ ' The Signal-ttarThas been making a real effort to cover as many events as time will permit. This newspaPer is anxious to reCognize every group in town tor their efforts; whether it is a news 'story or picture coverage, the Signal -Star tries to be there. This attention to community projects, large'. and small, is important to a weekly newspaper. But in sorne respects it is likea demanding monster which is more and more difficult to 4ppeaseever.y week. Time is always in short supply. ' At present, two Signal -Star reporter photbgraphers are on duty seven days ("6"fitl nights) -a week. Lately it seems that even in seven -_'s, there is not tmdm everything which 'must be Some new rules must be laid especially where and weekend'aaaignrnmnts are concerned. ' person in .charge of arrangements understands that a limited amount of time will be allotted to the assignmeflt. The ength of time willnthe number of pictures to be takenN Thus, ' when a S)gnal.;,Stor photographer makes an, appointment to take a picture, he or she will arrive at the agreed hour and stipulate the length of -time allotted. .'\f\f is' ten rnibuhos''the people involved in the picture will be expected to ra\|yrounU ° within that amount of time. If this cannot be acconnp|ished'_ the photographer will have no choice but to leave -without the picture. °v p\cture' assignments after 10 p.m. will be avoided except on certain special and designated occasions. ' Finally4 no weekend assignments will be accepted after Frday afternoon at ~ �p.rD. Photographers willwillonly be e)cpacted to cover those events which have been previously arranged as well as on -the -spot ,news such as fires, accidents etc. m ' . In the first place, photographers The Signa|'Stared|toria| staff trusts usually do nbt'have time to wait for , these new regulations regarding photo speakers to finish.or dinner to be ea/e' assignments will result in a ' more - can be taken. Signal- reasonable work schedule for them and Star photmgrapher's_ a�re"-_no-v_' a�Myd. cnnM.nuegnod $orv1oeforrea that Alien'pictures are requested; the Home "'. n-' Scho�risiack With May being officially dubbed as Family Un;' Month, it seems fitting sOneoderich parents are thinking the reorganization of a According to sheet tout by thisgroup''HoneandSchoo| is*|inh between the' main partners _in the education 9f our children - theparent and 'teacher." The inifial public meeting .was held Wednesday, May 21 assessment ,ottfce board room. Evryone who was interested in the welfare of .Goderich youngsters Was cordially invited to attend. Hornand School anJ Parent- Teacher -_ 'there are people concermmuabmrrnm welfare of children, particularly Guest � .�0�8�/~~I GAVE . �T-�HE`TM OFFICE. ° ) Frm4ueeo's Park . ' s o. • . A Bill to reform certain laws founded upon Marital pr Family Relationships was introduced in the Legislature. On its introduction the Minister of the Attorney General, John Clement,. said that much of ,the existing family law �is based upon a social and economic environment which no longer exists. The L^~^"'° patronizing Is limited ,to the value of her towards women and it con- "separate"A tradicts 'the fact that they are married man's capacity to individuals first and not indir contractual liability satellites of their nd Mr buwevmr, unlimited as w�` Clement ..said that although married wornan's under the ...courts in Ontario have gone, a new Act.considerable distance toward A Wife will retain _.herr husband's credit children within the school system. The Home and School Association acts as a bridge between the home and the school, discovering various prnb|aniS • which may inhibit children in., their development. The Home and .School Association is vherethe-a-Cf\on is. Its members are presmnted on every government committee which deals with questions concerning the education and "development of- children. The Home and School Associations are federated tmaCanada-wide organization having a strong voice in government, There is a direct liaison between people at the grass roots level and government. It is 'tine Goderich revitalized this deserve it. r6- ' In these oaaeo, the cornmunity organ. Our school children law will presume that the property is. held in joint teoaucy, whatever the con- tributions. Liability for married women will also be changed. Under the present law, A married woman iS not .personally liable for breach of contract. Her liability - _--' attaining eqtutabig. resu. ^ -------' will receive $1.050 for the specific cases, the letri:...dbn the law Sumner Recreation � ����the basis Th? Act - for p�` This m is touyourYaonUYbuwonua itself be in favour of provide a revised in order to reflect our natal injv,ries. ' , • summer program of recreation ' present bd and economic Under. the new Act insurers activities for environment. . ' �ill '~~ from ' ' of � 'The main objective of the liabilitymthe insured Exeter Recreation Arena and Parks Committee �� their� is the ^^"".~, The __ new, vation of individual legal rights | now be liable for bodily project "Creative Playground a 'Marriage. It is, injury or death of Utility Program - In Action", which is ' ual rmembers m ~"= --- aimed'- '^ ' develop_' Centre, will receive the amount creative ' "Outdoor Experience" a project by Seaforth RecreatWn Committee which will provide an outdoor day 'camp ex- perience W children 6 to 14 years of age, will receive an amount of $3,0(10. • Vanastra Playground and Fitness Program, a the �m playgroundof the project. The purpose of this project 'is to provide the= . children and fitness activitiesfor in the Vanastra-Zurinhaecreudou and Community Centre Committee ^ within legal 'status .�rmarried men =^ Clement said theplay concept in the and women. Both w"="^~ Superintendent�playgrounds, will receive children will have important has "~~. `.~.-.`+". ~°am2'100 doai " �n ""a +" create a co- A go�dexample Fin `ance,Minister `John Turners reported request that wage increases in Canada be keptto m high of l� ^ cent durithe next year is admirable, but it's iiot very believable. ~ ' It comes on the heels of parliarnent's passing a wage increase for pur MP's. If you hadn't been reading the papers for a few weeks you wOuld asSume that a raise to MPs from a government that is asking everyone else tO Fiold wage demands at 12 percent, would of course be 12 percent,. or as a good example, less. Not achance, MPs voted \heniye\veo a pay increase of 33 1-3 percent. With school_ board trustees around here voting themselves 100 percent pay increase's and teachers in- Toronto `reported|y'ms~cin# for over. 70 percent ^pay boosts, you might "say that the MP's hf one third isn't all that high. But take a look, at what' highly criticized members of the labor force ^"="".~ ~~._ icb G i\ub ^"= ^ - MPs' 33 123 percent.' The ^,^ grants -' legal ".". change w^. not result^" °^~..- their project `"^", • past `'`~ ,--- Compare- Accord|ngto a Toronto paper, by to married persons.d�^~insurance ..'_-.°.,~..o`"" vNUbavothe right New franchising water safety in- to'teach'ers in'Toronto, who many people Both spouses legal water safety probably consider overpaid, have had other as if they were not Government "'^ gasoline 'an e of a 19 percent raise in- marriAt present, a ed. husband retailers service station harbour, receive ince 19713Letter carriers who may not, sue his wife in tort.- oPerators.C~and assiStance to the amount of also get alot ~fknocks, have had onthe married ~~^a' may sue her Commercial Relations Minister $2,160.00 average of 35 percent wage boost husband `n `"'` y`the Sidney Band�nmn,|ut»rnm*u The ijuron County •have had Of her, property but the Legislature that the guidelines establish -clear will be �-saistedudeummuut«y not for personal injuries. . n their project to al The, Act gives married definitions for terms' of leases, establish a young people'se 92 women the general right act clarify rights of operators to regional theatre touring program�« children,shuttins, as guardian foran.��s�l other brands andset un those five years. MPs pay d\aQ-' --dures bsenior citizens and the under- on nd«� ��applkm in several petroleum company to settle of percent increase in their pay ytit 1IJOK116 - 9ACK " .,15 YEARS AGe This we�The S�r presents to - readers p per the equal of ry which has seldom ek-. do n ^ appeared before a town the size of Goderith. The mammoth size of The Star, much larger than any rival, was not equal to the occasion and several of the big long columns haVe been converted into a supplement to get everything , and it will be in ' ' .` The has admitted that the $15 nUUonwi�not be spent in one yoam but over threeyears, and that this year only $1 million extra has been put aside for the e of day-care capital grants, to provide spaces for only 400 cbiNr�n. The $15 million was announced last year, and has been allocated, but it is unlikely. to be . spent for up to three years.May 1 lth to May 17th being Police Week in Ontario, may I the express my congratulations and appreciation to 'staff of the. Provincial and MuniCipal Police Departments in Hdron fothe excellent services which they have provided ,over the past year. I know the people of Huron woumwant "om."=^" paying tribute to the Police throughoutDepartments '-'on - and their staff. behind for some year's me`u''.197" but areas such as and disputes. The Minister of Housing, _ ^ Postal workers, and in some cases important clarification will be Ontario's drivers' licences is to n^ow ` classifying Donald ..- - ' -, ~_--' - un' �unuum' proceedings.�''` A ' ~ teachers, wentout on 'Strike before be initiated this f This they got their pay boosts. tribution of work, or money's worth which one `ohawill not affect most MPs \ustvoted it to themselves. And spouse makes to the property people who now have licences, they* have no one to answer to except nrbusiness owned bythe other. but new drivers and peoplewuu the 'workers who the government is lnthe absence of -an agreement wish to drive vehicles in d0f- apparently suggesting between them, the contributionferent categories will be '-treated- if /'tnetod under the new 9ccepr)2percent raises -a^ the next _arrangements. spdid he�ch�rs' 'nounced election in years time. nu�|dooymuniaAe' operators' and `^=—~^^~-~' one individualto another The- Huron -Expositor • '~`^ ~'~~~- couple isd a basic drivers' K to be ^ Oobtrith SIGNALTAR _0mw�m�m�e The CountyTown =*~~. of Huron -0-- ^ 7 .' Member CWNA and OWNA. Founded In 1848 and pubirshed every Thursday at GoderIch, Ontario. Advertising rates on request. Subscriptions peyable advance $10.00 in Canada, 811.50 In all couri. tries other than Canada, single copies 25 cents, Second class mall ReglatratiOn Number 0718. Adver. using is aCCOpted on the conditiOn tnat, In the event oftypograpnicai errbr, the advertising spec, oc- Oupled by the erroneous item, together with reasonable snowance for signature, wIfi not be chargild for but the bailing' of the advertleaMent will be pald for at the applicable rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong ptice, goods or service may not be sold. Advothang Is minty an offer to *ell, and may be withdrawn at any time The SIgnalaar Is not respon. sible for So loss or damage of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. ,P Ittisia•sti Office TELEPHONE 5244331 . EOE 2200 doder Published by Signal -Star Publishing 'Ltd' ROBERT G. SHAFER-president and publisher SHIRLEY J. KELLER-editor 'JEFF SEDDON-editorial staff DAVE SYwES-editorialstaff. Ich " =D"�°R~~'~~IAMS-«�v��m| x,opremematme ��_�-�_-.� WILLIAMS-advertising ; ~- Married will not be permitted permit and 89 other ^ but,affect the claim .fthe �nn' of licence. Ao6mo uur uibutortopart cfthe r' ` will 'need a school bus This clause confers no new operators' permit and 'u right to share in property �»n»n»r'dr�or will need a owned byuspouse, It prevents �ydnAprVooeuuere*�.ewwr\rmmoand married status from in- terfering with a claim. In a tests for the rules�f the road, case such as Murdoch vs. andhealth "'on-urd� are now Murdoch, the court vnum�on treat a spouse in the same wayas a third party who had madea contribution to a property orbusiness. The question 0.conferring positive rights toshare in family property ispresently being considered, afurther stage in the continuingreform of family law.,The new Act Mr. Clementsaid creates a presumption oftrust where property belonging' to one spouse is received by theother. Unless there is proof tothe contrary, the property isdeemed to be held in trust forthe other, Title taken in jointtenancy and bank accounts orcommon trim& in the names of iver - new measures t���� de by greater to "resource hundm', but relax ceoonuunm regarding lot size and intra - family ' [anUyaa)oy. The new policy, - which he proposes to implement by. November 1, will give regional planning boards or local land division committees fhe right to approve much smaller severances - of one acre or less - in areas where the local \ boards feel they will not objectionable and where they will meet new provincial guidelines. Under the neguidelines,yet . tnbo�roa\hudrafted, farmers would be able to sell un- conditionally ' ' �� of their being p�,thebaakfarms in any class of permit will allow a person to agriculturalregion. ive a vehicle or combination relatives who of vehicles (such as a car and want to build a residence trailermuw'"~^ truck)lot~ or to providehome K '�oy weight of '"~~ ---��hg�rmo�.`��'hYB\r For' commercial drivers'a vacant lot in an 'existing licences the classifications will hamlet. mmn/xa°normnQuow:\- In areas wit� less desirable agricultural would size and passenger capacity. et new also be permitted to any pur- Most,' 1 mail for chases as long as the. sub- - the category Vehicles theydivisions comply with �n \ are now driving, and �P planning officialplans. nny''wuuermn'nen/ /saU",inga year Apparont\Y, the Ontario. _ for conversion to the new G",�. ent|oicab|ts t» 5 Huron �buntyhad several of day~cona building |h�r'lnpeocm 75 projects programme, and in fact haS approved hY::tnr new Ministry made no substantial com- mitment nyCu\vuroondRooroot\mm. /D ,60 YE 0lEA RS� AGO neud�se to say it will be well ' worth reading. The ��atemt event of the astronomical yeat 1900 will be the eclipse of the sun on Mondoy. May 28 which will be total over a large area of the southern States. Here about four fifths Of the sun's diameter will be "°" ^ The . phenomenon will begin a little before eight in themorning, o'clockwill be greatest about nine �dw0bnover abou a . �erpuottnn - beingThe past few days have -been exciting ones for ''owners of favorite dogs, at least a dozen having been poisoned .within the past few weeks, Some great pets have been destroyed, most of them quiet, friendly animals, , so that the dog murderer could ,not (have had s' reason for his malicious work. A large reward is ered for the person's apprehension and conviction, and besurely wo}be convicted; forno person with instincts `^^~ . th-''0, ^ Thof g ^- ""' ^ at junction oYS�Put Patrick's and -Arthur Streets has this levelledweek been with good soil and sown with' grass seed. The residents in that neighborhood have long looked upon the spot as an eyesore and are now un- dertaking to keep the plot in ' good condition. A citizen calls the attention of The Signal to a statement in a recent issue of The GOderich ' 'Star to the effect that there are nearly 100 vacant. houses in town. If this number is anywhere nearly correct, says this citizen, it must inciiide the summer cottageS, a large nuniber of .which, ere Slways unoccupied at this time of yearo . The statement in 'The. Star As being quoted by a number of outside papers and Is not doing Goderich any good. It ghould be made very plain to the boys in town 'that they must not interfere with the squirrels in the court house park. The -little creatures have' becdme very_ tame and .evidently delight in their freedom but if they are chased and otherwise annoyed they may become very timid and not show themselves. We hope the boys will not molest the squirrels llut protect them.. They are.- a very pleasant feature in the park and it would be a shame to.�oo them by cruel antics. 5YEARS EAR EDIlOL . ' Praise for o0st& C V� le Dear Editor: We wero`�ory grateful to Constable Fortner, on a recent �o�mGobr��We�o�dm~ o keyscar in the trunk and afte many hoursof trying to get it t open we called your *police department. This gentleman came out and even when off duty came back and brought another man mho\ ua All told he spent several \ hours.Ynucan boproud oymen like this and we want to say thank -you, Constable Fortner, , Yorreo�hinQ out � \ inghunu` Sincerely, . Mr. and K�.John C.Wade severalReed City, Michigan. moor Readers are cordially invited to express their opinions of local, provin- cial and federal issues through the Letters to the Editor column of The' Goderich Sloth -Star. All letters mustbe signed to„ be published, although pen names are permissible providing it is undrequeserstood from another' reader, the letter writer!. true name will be revealed While there Is no limit to the length of a letter which can be offered for publication, the editor does reserve the right to delete portions cif any copy submitted fiax in- clusion in ' this newspaper. ' ' Take an active interest in your hemotown newspaper. Write. letter to the Editor .todir »n .ThmGoderiohYouthComuci\ and representatives of the recently formed Goderich Youth Centre Board asked: council last Thursday to with draw the call for tenders on the former Victor Lauriston Public School and make the building available to the group as a youth centre. 'A spokesman for the group told council the school would enable young people lo develop a meaningful ,program of recreation that they could develop themselves. The first indication that summer is really here for the year was the fireworks display Goderich last weekend, The Victoria Day celebration sponsored by the Kinsmen Club lit up the sky overtown thrilling' the young and old alike with the booms and colors-. The .activity marked the end of the long weekend, the first of the year, and people in town began to think of vacations to the cottage instead of hockey or skiing. ° DON'T o�/n�m�m� SHY~ COIVIE JOINUOS! .• 8PARTonU��"v�� INNQHNITED ' & . FEDERATED APPEALS 011 ����� .BE A+ BLOOD DONOR ° ° ;�� ^