HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-05-01, Page 1100 I,T"-'1!.n,R. 1C.1-1 S TTiNA4.R RAI.' i; 8'I 12. AUCTION SI4LE F CLEARING AUCTION SALE Household furniture, antiques and appliances at 175 Huron St. ,Clinton for the estate of MRS. ELIZABETH' BUTLER on Sat. May 3,_1975 - 1 p.m. Apt. size freezer, 19" portable color TVA round dining room table, hall seat with mirror, Victorian side chair- partial listing only Terms Cash Richard and Lobb 'Auctioneers No Reserve R.G. Gethke 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE .� . 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 15. PUBLIC N, OTIrCE WATERLOOS oldest firm offers all-around mortgage service. No rejection because of impaired credit, refinancing a specialty; Hardtman & Strack Limited, 884- 6030 (call collect from out-of- town).-7tf SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern equipment, work guaranteed: Write or phone H. T. Dale, Clinton, Phone 482-3320.-tf EAVESTROUGHING, roofing, barn painting and general con,- tracting. Reasonable. • Contact.' Jim Bolger, 482-9202. Call bet- * GARDENS roto -tilled. Phone 524 - ween 7 & 8 a.m, -7tf ' 8712 after 4:30 p.m. -17,18 N1UR (GAGES - First: and second mortgages, residential, commercial confidential service. No hidden charges or bonus. Debt Consolidation and refinancing a specialty. HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICE - Call Collect. 1-885- 1900.-12tf FOR WEDDINGS, banquets and private parties, contact HULLY GULLY. Some, openings still available in May or June. In a `country atmosphere, we cater to all your needs. Phone 262- 5809.-18 AR rn Reminder TRt1,,TO.1IN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE • Income Tax Returns Business - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEANE @rucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY ,CUNNINGHAM 229 James St, Phone 482-7988 5011n Clinton SKELT-ON, APPLIANCES Inglis--Moffat-Beatty - Sales --Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph, 524-7871 -17t1 HAVE your garden tilled now. Phone 524-6973 or 524-7290.- 17,18,19,20 Weekly Auction, of New and Used Furniture every Friday Night at 8 p.m. at Ball Auctions BRUSSELS DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 19tf PHOTOGRAPHY by FRED BISSET 524A7223' GODERICH ACE RADIO 'i TV ® FLEETWOOD Sales & Service Remits to all makes of Radio i Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524.7771 Sid Brunsma , FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS , FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 "CHEST PROBLEMS" Then try to attend the annual educational dinner meeting of the Huron Perth Lung Association, to be held in the Ontario St.'`Baptist Church, Stratford, Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1975 6:30 p.m. (Across from Loblaws) The speaker will be ' DR: CAMERON C. GRAY Executive Vice President of the Ontario TB and Respirat:ory Disease Association and Executive Director of the Ontario Thoracic Society. Dr. Gray'.s 'topic will be "New Research in Lung Disease". Tickets are $3.75 and may be• obtained at 121 Wellington St., Stratford, 271-3500, or your area representative. VACUUM CLEANERS -SALES & SERVICE . ALL MAKES' -- - BOB PECK -Sale--consists of new chesterfield suites, stereos, maple bunk beds, recliners, coffee 8, - end table sets, continental beds in all sizes, bedroom suites, lamps of all kinds, Boston rockers, walnut corner cupboards, sewing . machines, dishes, radios, silverware, pic- tures, all small household appliances, and many more items too numerous to mention. VARNA 262-4748 gctfn- HOFFMEYER- Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Terms of Sale -' Cash, Cheque or Budget Plan. Plenty of Parking, Seating with Snack Bar and Washrooms. Auctioneer R. A. Ball. Phone 887-6166 APPLIANCES FOR YOUR Carpet .and -Upholstery Cleaning Needs; Superior Maintenance "Now Offers ' STEAM or DR1f 51AMPOO For Free Estimate Call ' • 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderich 0000s0000n 00000esoo 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 DUNC'S Home Repair Service Roofing, Painting Chimney repairs Free Estimates 21. Bi iRTHS McCAI 1E: Mr. and Mrs. Don McCab' ' ar,,e pr"oud to announce the bir th of their son, Jamie Donald, April -3,-•.,4.975, at St. Jos(!ph 's Hospital, London, Ontt trio. DIC K: To M1. and Mrs. 'James Dick, Goderich, at Alexandra Hos pital, April 22, 1975, a son, Jarr les Ar thur (Jamie), ADAMSO1' At • Alexandra Hospital to ,Mr: and Mrs. Douglas Ada mson, Goderich, •a daughter, Lis 1 Marie, A pril 28, 1975. 23. ENGAGEMENTS 1\1r. .and Mrs. Ha rold Maize, RR 1, Dungannon, Ontario, are p leased to annou nce the for- thcom ing mafrriag'E' of their daughter, Sandra .Lorraine, to, 1vir. Harvey Allen Ste wart, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S tewart, RR •1, Clintonillbehe, Ontario, 'I`ht''marriage w ld Saturday, May 17, 1fi75, at 4:00 p,m. at D. mgannon United Church, -18 26. CARD` Of THANKS MAIZE: The fat`nily of the late Mrs. Sadie Maize would like to thank all their friends, relatives and neighbours for the many kind ekpres'sions Of sympathy ex- tended to them during the loss of a beloved wife and step -mother. They also appreciated the lovely floral tributes, the comforting message of Rev. R. C. McClenaghan, the work of the oi,Dungannon United Chureh Women; andthe ser,Vices as arranged • by Stiles Funeral Home. These :kirl1nesses will always be remembered.«-18AR THIS'WEEK'S .Ken Duncan; 524-6065 tf 00000000000000 e0000 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, ' dishwashers, rangees GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges Screened Top -Soil Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel Bock Hoe Work •Roofing •Painting •General Carpentry PAUL LASSALIN'E 524-7154 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS' IN ARREARS OF • TAXES COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thata tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court' House, Goderich, on Tuesday, May 6, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid'i"aiies'still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on February 1, 1975,x - List of ,the property involved may be secured at my office in the Court House, .Goderich, Ontario. , Business Liquidation by Auction Conducted for Carroll's Landscaping and Garden Centre held at the location at Vanastra, 3 miles south of Clinton on Hwy. 4 on Sat., May '10 at 10:30 a.m. $15,000 in stock to be auctioned. - Evergreens, trees, hedging, flowering shrubs, potted plants, bare root plants, fertilizers, pesticides, patio stones,, patio furniture, grass seed, cedar posts, split rails, chain link fence, lawn equip.ment-, Ford 75 riding tractor mower, lawn mowers, lawn ornaments, new fluorescent light fixtures. Tractors = 8 N Ford tractor C -W Ford metal cab; Dearborn equipment - 2 furrow plow; Disc.,' two cultivators, 3 PTH. scoop, snow blower , 2 section harrows, snow skis, tractor chairs, stone boat, 2 wheel trailer, 165 Massey Ferguson fully equipped, power steering hyd. loader, only used 400 hrs. 1956 White boom truck c -w PTO winches, augers. Office Furniture - oak desk; filing cabinet; Taylor vault combination 24x30; cash register; billing machine; counter; cheque writer; electric adding machine. Furniture - Complete apartment of .furniture to be sold, stove, frig., dishwasher, beds, dressers, many more items. �RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AuCtioneers Liquidators, Appraisers Brucefield - 482-3120 Mid -Western Paving TOP HOME -COTTAGE REPAIR AND MAINTAINENCE FOR ALL ASPHALT WORK -DRIVEWAYS -PARKING LOTS -REPAIRS CONTACT • Jack's texaco• And Automatic Car'Wash 394 Huron Rd., GODERICH ' 524-7744 Lyle Montgomery 'CLINTON' 48'2-7644 16tfn - ROOFING - CHIMNEY REPAIR & REBUILDING PAINTING EAVESTROUGHING WE D ANYTHING. 524-2:445 •Carpentry Work •Home Renovating •Furniture Repairs • and Refinishifng NO JOB TOO SMALL 524-2591 YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVt THE ..BEST! Have Carpet Care Clean them with Steam, Call 524-2440 BLUEWATER PAVING CONTRACTORS Asphalt paving and grading. Asphalt sealing, resurfacing and repairing, residential and commercial, also all kinds of excavating; backfilling and rygravel supplies. Protect your investment with our two-year warranty and long established expgrience. For tree estimates call 291-4823. . • W. G. Hanly, Treasurer County of Huron. 16.. ERSONAL ill r. Winners, W inners, - CLUB --NO. 3 - MRS. BARBARA POLLOCK I;.LUB,NO. 4 MR'S; JOE BERRY (CLUB NO. 5 MRS. JOHNIEBBUTT You can be next Nollhing to buy Nollhing.1to lose E1 quire today N. T ORMANDY DIAMOND SPECIALIST GODERICH ° ' WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the -Arbor Gift Shop, in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about' our shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation.-3tf DO YOU, have marriage or family problems? 'The Ministry of ,Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham Office, 199 . 'Josephine Street. For appointment.. phone 3:57-3370.-8tf 18,19b ATHIWELL'S Property & Contents to be Auctioned For the Estate Of the late Ada Wilson at the location, 58 ElgAn St. East Goderich on Saturday, May 3, at 1 p.m. Property - 104' x 104' double lot upon which stands a 2 storey frame hdme, main floor, large living room, den dining room, kitchen, back entrance, 3 bedrooms and 3 pc, bafh on second .floor, 1'2 basemenf, hot water heat. 10 percentdown - Balance in 30 days. Persons interested in viewing property contact Robert Furniture, Antiques - Round oak pedestal table *Rh 4 ex- tensions; 6 oak diners;.diik buffet - glass front; chesterfield and 2 rockers; 36" roll top oak desk; 5 pc. sectional boOk case; 4 captain bar chairs; Marten Orme upright piano (oak cabinet); oak hall stand; 4 press back chairs; dressers; washstands; press back 4ice chair; cedar chest; oak rocker; Duncan Phyfe table; oak music stand; blanket box; wicker rocker and armchair; chest of drawers; brass and iron beds; parlour table, and chair; Clare Jewell wood stove; kitchen cupboard; Victrola; kitchen Clock; trunks; rugs; quilts, picture frames, Glass & China' - Cranberry, bi"Scuit barrow; blown glass coloured candy dish; CanSdian glass; coloured glass; crystal; Nippon; 2 oil larrps, silverware; brass. -No Reserve on Contents Tettns-Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Brucdfleld - 482-3130 17,18b Large ,Machinery Auction Held for two Goderich TwP. farmers, 614 miles pest of Clinton on the Bayfield Rd., turn right one, Mile„ on Wed - Four tractors - Ford 5000, 3400 hrs., recently overhauled, Koeha Cab; Case 430 fully equipped; Allis Chalmers "C" , complete with hydraulic two row scuffler pUller, Allis TwoaCombines - S.P., Case,600 fully equipped for white beans; Massey Ferguson 72, 011 tYPe c-w/bean equipment. Double set of equipment - Ford 4 furrow 14" trip beam semi Mount plow; Case 3 PTH. 3 furrow 14" wheel disc; 2-11)2 ft. ' Planter; .184-186, 4 row corn & bean planter; Mauro' 4 row bean puller1520 Innes bean windrower; 500 lnnes bean ,'Nindrower; J.D. 17 run grain sprayer 200 gal, 26 ft. boom; Comfort field sprayer 200 gal, 24 ft. boom; Allied 8^ft. teavY duty 3 PTH. scraper blade;, Allied 6 ft. 3 PT,H. scraper blade; 8 ton wagon and gravity box; 5 section hegvy duly diamond harrows & tool bar; Wifo 3 PT H. loader with 55" bucket; Massey Harris 3 furrow trail plow; New Idea 7 ff. trail" mower; 2 hydraulic double acting cylinder; quantity of square timbers; scrap metal and loose straw. Trucks and Car • 1967 Dodge l'2 ton pick up 8 cyl. (as is); 1954 Int. )2 ton truck (as is); 1941 Hudson ear; 16 ft. Aluminum Van insulated rear and side loading doors. Auctigneers Comments • An excellent offer of recently new and well maintained machinery, a good offering• of white bean' equipment. Attend' early, no small items. No Reserve Farm Sold - RATHWELL'S 4UCTION SERVICE ".Aluctioneers Liquidators - Appraisers Brucefl Id - 482-3120 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims ;against the Estate of CHARLES 'BARKER, Retired Machinist, late of the Tpwn of Goderich, in the County of Horoh, who died on or about: the 17,th day of March, 1975, are required to file thesame 1 with full particulars with the undersigned by, the 24th da -y of May, 1975, as after. th,at date the assets, of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 22nd day of April, 1975„. 18b BarriSters, etc,, 33 Montreal Street, Solicitor for the Estate, -Notice to Creditors and Others In the Estate of Edith ;May Fuller, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Married Notice is hereby 'given that all persons having claims against the Estate of Edith May Fuller, late of 201 Blake Street, Goderich, who died on or about the 5th day of February, 1975 at the Town of Goderich are required to submit full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executrix on' OT before the 12th' day of May, 1975 after which date the assets of the estate will. be distrifSute,d having regard only to such clams which have then been received. ,Robert 0 -:.Waters, , 74 Frank Street, Strathroy, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix 17. LOST AND FOUND PITBLADO: -We wish to express our sincere appreciation Jo everyone for their kindness, cards of sympathy, floral tributes and, donations to charity in memory of our dear father and grandfather, Daniel H. Pitblado. To the staff at Huronview for the care given to him, we .are very grateful. A special thanks to Rev. G' L. Royal for his comforting message and to Stiles Funeral Horne. -The Pitblado 1 miIy.-18AR YOUNG: The family of the late Meredith Young wish to express their sincere appreciation to all their relatives and friends for„the many acts of kindness .and ex- pressions, of sympathy extended to them during their bereavement in the: loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather, 'as well as during his illness. They would especially like to • thank, everyone' for the floral tributes and donations to charity; also to Or: Baker: Rev. Potter; the nL,rses and staff of}C1i•nton Public - o spital Hoc; _Funeral Home: • . and ,the friends and neighbours who helped with the lun- c.h,_,18AR For Mother's Day R'emember .The Fla'wer/Bask'et 52'4-2152 , RiX=x;64 111111111111110AMMIGIIMA Give Yourself aTreat.-- FOUND -•A child's purple mitt on Brock Street, almost new. - Owner may have same by calling at 171 Brock Street.=18 LOST - On Friday, April 25th, lady's brown wallet with im- portant papeis, Anyone finding please phone Virginia Chisho'ln, Dungannon, 529-7912.-I8 " LOST - Friendly, • black• Labrador RLtriever, on Satur- day, April 26, 1975, in Varna, Bayfield area, answers to Nina. Rabies and Town of Goderich tags on neck chain. Please ca'11 • 524-638 (recording). -1$.. '74 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 SR5 .,C OUPE With 5 speed transMission with overdrive. Has z All the hail- dliiig features of"the expensive luxury sports ca rs. Loadeo' with standard equipment such as buckets, defog"ger, radial.. tiro>s, special wheels, etc. which are optional with 1 3ther cat -s. Llt�. HHH 369, 3 other 5 speed 74's•in stock includin g a Selica. MORTGAGE MONEY - First and second mortgages up to 95 percent financing, prime rate, excelient• service. Call Paul Kueneman,...,Walkerton, 881-0476 eveninO, or Peter Henderson, Kitchener, 579-57V, collecto,9:00 STRICKLAND TOYOTA 334 Huron ,Rd., Goderich. 524-93.81 Wry Scarce Model... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, good franchise bread route and truck for sale, Reason for selling, health. Phone 482-7237 between 7 t, GROW cucumbers for Bicks. Prices have increased 14 percent over last year. Contracts are now available at Maurice Cronin, RR 3, Teeswater. 'Phone 392- 20. TO GIVE.AWAY '73 HORNET SPORTABOUT WAGON PART COLLIE, part police, one year old, suitable frit• farm or" watch dog,,Phone 524-a584.-18 CLAY fill available, no charge. Come 'and pick it up. 'Phone 524 - THREE grey kiti'ensd,' litter trained. Phone 524-7805.-17' cd'nomical 6 cylinder, automatic, one owner. 31,000 miles. The compact family model. LIC. FKD-342 . STRICKLAND AUTO MART LTD. Your authorized A merican Motors and JeeP Dealer 340, HURON RD., GODERtCH 524-8841 or 524-8411 ' misissimiressimalasamalwowwwwilissamoshommilalowallowasa