HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-05-01, Page 10t�. 1 • P9E,:1 Q.OPERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 1,1975'' xa 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE CHECK our prices on chesterfields, mattresses, Chrome suites, coffee tables. C •& E New and Used Fur- niture, 524-7231, 1/2 mile south or Goderich.—tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner 'removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at ilieyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-14t1 „S11NGiFt; — For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum -cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St.,0 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tf SEWING MACHINES. Large selec- tion of good used sewing machines, Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. 29 East St., 524-6012, La Boutique.-38tfA/R WROUGHT iron railing, porch railing, columns, post, inside vinyl stair rail, room dividers. Gerald k 'Lewis 524-2427. —12,13,14,15. —16-19x COMPLETE set of Ludwig Drums, Bass, Tenor Tom, Floor Tom, & Stainless Snair, Hi -Hat, Speed King Pedal & Cymbal Stand, finished in Charcoal Mother of Pearl, excellent • condition. Call 524-2507 after 6. p.rn.-ttnc 21' FT. CRUISER and motor for sale. making -$2,500.00. -Phone -5-24= 7593.-16,17tf • RICHARDSON Mobile Home, gas furnace, eye level oven and refrigerator, air conditioner installed. Phone,482-7231•'between 7 and 9 p.m. -,17,18 , FREE flower seeds and a free look at Jayco travel trailers, hardtops and pick-up caps. Service and large stock of ac- cessories. Bolt on hitches in stock for most 1974 and 1975 cars. Special price on a used Lionel . hardtop, like' new, gas stove,, • sink, ice -box, etc. Sleeps 6. Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Josephine St. N., Wingham. Phone 357-2272. Evenings 357- 3870.-17,18 1974 HONDA C13550, four cylinder, excellent condition. Asking $1,850.00: Phone 524-2795, Dave, after 1:30 p.m. -17,18,19x 3 H.P. CHAIN drive tillers assembled, guaranteed ready to go, $250:00. Steve Argyle Outdoor Equipment, phone 565- 2800.•-17,18 • HONDA -70, fair condition. Phone 524-6381.-17,18 17 FOOT Corsair travel trailer, • like new, complete with, gas , stove, gas electric frig, furnace, toilet, canopy, many other ex- tras. Phone 524-7922,-17,18nc 1974 HONDA 450, low mileage, DOHC. Must sell. Phone 524-8535 between 5 and 6 p.m. -17,18 RECLAIMED white brick; lumber; hand hewn beams; timber; and other,items. Used 75 H.P., totally enclosed, fan cooled, 1200 rpm, 550 volt electric motor, with reduced voltage, automatic starter. Apply Old Cann's Mill, Main Street, Exeter. Deliveries. Phone 1-296-4275.-17118 1973 MOBILE HOME, 12' x 60', two bedrooms, fireplace, fridge and Stove; 10' "x 7' tool shed. Phone "' 524-7653, Meneset Park. -17 APPLE SPECIAL — Top Quality Spies and Macs, $3.00 to $5.00 per bushel. Bring containers after 4 p.m. or weekends. Ross Mid- dleton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north of river.-17,18AR FILTER QUEEN VACUUMS authorized dealer 44 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-9024 Huron Haven Homes Featuring the best variety in the 'area of top quality modular, mobile, and Cedar Homes" by Marlette, Bendi'x, Homco and• Lindal. Come and see our display 2122 miles north of Goderich north on' Highway 21. Pull s'ervice with satisfaction guaranteed. Phone , S24-6384 Owned and operated by Homes of the • Future Ltd. DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASS11EDADS 1 2 O'CLCK SHARP •TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER 'CLASSIFIEDS - 8c pK word, minimum 31.50 „ 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE TRAVEL trailer, 17 foot, toilet, furnace and awning, like new. Phone 529-7114.-17,18 JUNIOR golf clubs, five -club set made by Powerbilt,' worth $60.00 new - selling for $25.00. Includes driver, 5, 7, 9 irons and putter. Call 5249106 after 4 p.m.-l7tfnc TURNTABLE for stereo com- ponent set by Garrard. Complete with new diamond stylus. Originally worth $70.00, will sell • for $32.50 or best offer. Call 524- 9106 after 4 p:m.-17tfnc 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE • HYDRO poles for sale for outdoor lighting, various lengths, $1.00 per ft. Phone 529-7601.-18 DISCOURAGED by the high cost of keeping clean? For inex- pensive; efficient, personal and household cleaning supplies, call collect, after'6 p.m. 529-7531.-16- 22eow THREE-YEAR-OLD oil stove with tank. Name your own price. May be seen at Culbert's Bakery, West St. or phone 524-7941.-1.8AR 2A. ARTICLES WANTED WANTED — Used girl's bicycle, 20 inch wheel, excellent con- dition Phone 524-6908.-18 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1968 RAMBLER American, six cylinder, automatic,in good condition. "Price $7.00:00. Phone 524-2396 after 5 p.m. -17 1966.MERCURY Cornet ,Con- vertible, one owner since 'new, Phone Harvey Munro 524- 7493.-L18 24;7493.-18 1968 FORD Wagon, economical, clean, $750.00; 15 H.P. Evilirude, .16$1.50.00. 524-687'1.-18 1964 MERCEDES BENS, 190 diesel, good 'running gear, as is. Phone 529-7998.-18 1966 VALIANT,• excellent con- dition, good second family car. Phone 524-6290 between 4-6 p.m. -18x 1973 PINTO, standard, like new condition. Best offer. Phone''482- 9850.-18,19 1967 CHEV., safety checked and .new plates. Phone 482-9508 anytime. -18,19x • • ONE roll -up steel garage door, 8 1966 PONTIAC Stztron ROCK albums used available ft verde, 7 ft. high, 11 hardware wagon. in again, used in good condition.' included, in goo Pink- -Ftoydis- It grznrrtxa•:• ' " '5h on e 524-2239":=1-8 a d condition. running condition. As 'is, best 4fff ox.._Phone 5.74-2311.7 —18 records $4; Cat Stevens' Buddha and the Chocolate Box: $2.50; -Neil Young's Harvest: $2.50; • Domenic Troiano's album: $2; Free Creek with Todd, Delaney., Mitch Mitchell, Kieth Emerson, •Linda Ronstadt, etc. 2 disks $3; Black Sabbath's ' Master of Reality $2; Woodstock II with Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Air- plane, etc. 1 .disk $1; Three Dog Night's Naturally closeout price 50c; Ramatam ,.ef attiring Mitch' Mitchell: $1.50; June 1, 1974 with Eno, Nico, Kevin Ayers, John Cale $2. Cl1'1" 524-9106 after 4 ,p.m.—l7tfnc. MORE rock albums. James Gang's Straight Shooter: $1.50; Silver Metre: good English rock $1; Joe Walsh: The Smoker You Drink $2; Jonathan Edwards featuring "Sunshine" $1; Bloodrock: Passage $1.50; No. 3 $2,• U.S.A. $1; Nigel Olsson's Drum Orchestra and Chorus: $2 CCS: Whole Lotto Love and No.' , „the English charttoppers, $1.50 each Melissa Manchester's first album : $1; Steve Miller's The Joker: $2; Big Brother6 and Tower of Power: Be a Brother $1. Call 524-9106 after 4 p.m.-17tfnc • STILL more rock albums. John Sebastian: The Four Of Us $1.50; Bootle.g•Him•!, Alexis Corner with • Steve' Miller, Robert Plant, Elton John, Rod, Stewart, CCS, 2 disks $3.50; Freedom:a Throu,gh The Years $2; Fanny: Charity 'Ball $1; The Bill: Puka Album $1. Seven singles by War, Todd Rundgren'; Dennis Coffey, Bobby Womack, Alice Cooper, REO Speedwagon,. Guess .,,;Who.; and. Jethro Tull for '$1.5Q. Also 20 samplers from Warner, Columbia, Capitol, K -Tel, ex- cellent .value at 60c per record. Call 524-9106 after 4 p.m.=-17tfnc Art 8 (raft ROLL SKATES, girl's size'6. Phone 24=`1865.-18 - 12' CANOE, life' jackets, oars, seats and electric motor. $200.00 complete. Phone 524-8792 mor- nings or evenings. -18,19 ANTIQUE' cherry loves,eat and oak table, four' leaves,' both need. refinishing. $75.00 each. 524-6602 after 6 p.m., weekdays, anytime weekends'. -18 SIZE 11 wedding gown, just cleaned,' beautiful gown, veil included. Will accept • any reasonable offer. Phone 524- 940'0.-18 TRAVEL TRAILER,. 18 'foot Glenalle, shower, toilet, pressure' system, hot water, fridge with freezing compartment, stove with oven, furnace. Sleeps six. All comforts of home, many extras, • Phone 524-2545.-18 MOBILE HO• ME, 12 k 52, two. h:.droom, partially furnished, 's indeck and; attached porch. N'ce location in Meneset Park. "'P BLACK Labrador puppies, 24-2922.=18tf $35.00, and chocolate Labrador bitch, registered. Phone. 524- '6825.-17,18,19 1973 CHRYSLER, two door hardtop, 12,000 miles, new car condition, lady -driven. Phone Goderich 524-9566:-18 1969 INTERNATIONAL 1800 tandc:n dump truck, power steering and in good condition. Phone '524-915,0 after ,5:30 p.m. -18x 17 0,P.P, CARS, 1973 and 1974 MODELS. 6 - 1974 Plymouths; 1 - 1973 Chev,; 1 - 1969 Ford 1/2 ton; 1 - '1974 Toyota; 8 - 1973 Fords. Power brakes ,and steering. Heavy duty police' equipment. As low, as • $1695,00. Licence No. -HEE-854. Mighton's Car Sales, 6, miles east of Hanover on High- way 4, west of post yard. Phone Durham; 369-3136,-18 • 1960 CADILLAC, 4 door, restorable condiflOn, new exhaust systema good' tires, asking $525. Phone 482-3704.-18 3A. PET STOCK TENT TRAILER with ..canopy, sleeps,six. Phone 524-2518.-18' TWO INTER -CHANGEABLE gas, stoves, $35.00 each; • push lawn mower, $12.00; four tires 895 x--14, . excellent, $40.00 for all. Phone 524-6280.-18 PLYWOOD shed, 8' x 8'; quantity of patio stones. Call after 6 p.m. 524-7760.-18x TRAVEL TRAILER, 28' x 8', air ,(conditaAed, summer or winter living. ply at trailer;.on park at *Gardiner's Motel and. Trailer Park, Goderich, No phones. Must sell: -1 8tf 46 Hamilton St. Goderich 524-8479 524-6815° Lewiscrafts, Grumbacher art supplies, frames, needlepoint, rug hooking and gifts. ORDER YOUR SUMMER CRA -FT AND ART SUPPLIES NOW! Thank You Edna Johnson golf clubs, bag included, perfect for beginner. Pg•,rice $50.00. Phone 524-9078 after 6 p,mM-1$,19' 80 ONE-YEAR-OLD.htris, Phone 524-6116,-18x EIGHTEEN , foot ' cedar strip boat, Phone 524-2387.-18 CHESTERFIELD and chair in excellent condition, Deep gold colour, Best offer. Phone 524- 7468,-18 MOBILE HOME, 50 x 12, fully furnished, excellent °•'condition, Can he seen at Mobile Village, Highway 21. Phone 524-2713.-18x MOBILE HOME, 60 x 12, fully furnished) excellent condition. Can be seen at Mobile Village, Highway 21, Price $6,500,00 or, best offer. Phone 524-2713.-18x. SMALL homemade trailer, sleeps two" Phone 524-6900,-48 ONE girl's and one boy's bicycle in good condition. Phone 524- 8991.-18 248991,-18 - TROPICAL' fish, canaries. -Com- plete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 'Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a,m, to 6 p.m, daily and Friday evenings:-40tf SA. ROOM & BOARD ROOM with board, lunches packed. 6684.-15tf • good meals, Phone 524- 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT NEW GROUND FLOOR 2- MAN'S Raleigh 10 speed bic c e, bedroom apartments, only - $`165.00 per month, in Lurkrtow. Phone 529-7924,-17-22 new. Phone 524-8640.-.-18 MATCHING gold -lined drapes, 60' x 72 inches and 148 x 84 inches, Pest offer. Phone 524-2500.-18 MODERN, new, 48" bed with mattress and matching dresser, Tecan wood finish, half price, $175.00. Phone 524-6557:-18' 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT TO , RENT — $1,50 per day rents.. you an electric rug shampooer, Removes spots, grease, -etc. Service - Dominion Hardware, phone 524- 85,§ 1.-4 f tf FORMALS BY FREEMAN'S exclusively available from CAPTAIN'S ' QUARTERS CLOTHIERS FOR MEN (for- merly Pickett & Campbell's), 36 The Squarei'Goderich.-11tfAR'° FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Free style brochure, Rawson & Swartman Style Shop, Goderich,-20tf • 2A. ARTICLES WANTED FURNITURE, 'glass, china, clocks, hells, brass, copper. Will buy for cash or Sell by auction, Mike Cum- mings; Auctirrneer, 524-9064,--22tf BELL & HOWELL cube type slide projector in good condition, Call 482-7890.-18 WE WILL pay top phices for ladies-' and gent.• , atches, watch chains, clocks, cppper and brass items, antique bric-a-brac. Phone 524-6945 or call in at Bygone'." The Square.--17tfAR " 4 ° THREE-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra, RR 5, Clinton, $155.00 per month, all utilities paid. • Phone 982-7764 anytime.-48tf . POR RENT at 46 West St., an apartment (upper) 1 -bedroom, a • beautiful- large lidingroom; large 'kitchen -dinette (stove and refrigerator supplied) $150, heated, (Sorry, not suitable for children) . contact. Malcolm Mothers, 524-9442 (evenings 524- 96941.-18tf ° GARAGE for rent in Goderich. $15 per month. Call 524-7885 anytime. -18 A -R FULLY FURNISHED, •bachelor apartment, immediate possession weekly or monthly. Phone 5.24-9097.-18 WANTED someone to share expenses and home • in Port Albert. Phone 529-7385,-18 , COTTAGE to rent. Furnished lakefront 4 bedroom cottage. Electric heat. Good beach. 5 Miles north of Goderich, Phone 524-6542,—,18tf, AR LARGE furnished room to rent to lady. Use• of kitchen facilities. Phone 524.8107,-18 .TWO-BEDROOM apartment, Bennett Street, Goderich. For information . phone 524- 6003,-18A R FURNISHED room in private home, central location, Phone .524-6989 after 6 p.m, -18,19 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT* 8. HELP WANTED ONE -BEDROOM apartment, heated, fully furnished, -all utilities paid. Adults only, , no pets. Available May 1, 1975. 59 North St. Phone 524-9303.-18 7°. WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with references require two or three-bedroom ,duplex or apart�mtent immediately. Phone 524-2847.—'18 8. HELP WANTED DOES your employer under- estimate your worth? Do people *fascinate you, especially when they bring you money? If you answer yes to these questions, call 529-7531, collect, after 6 p.m.-16-22eow YOUNG person to train as siding applicator. Full-time em- ployment. Phone Stewart Aluminum Sales, 524- 8821.-17tfAR EXPERIENCED auto parts counter man required. Salary and benefits, opportunity to grow with new organization. Reply in writing, giving particulars to Box 194, Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -17d rT EXPANDING' CANADIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable person who can work without supervision. Earn $14,000 to a year plus bonus. Contact customers in Goderich area: Limited auto travel. We train. Air Mail '0. T. Dick, Pres., South- western Petroleum Canada Lid., 87 West Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6T 2J6. $2001 a month - Extra Income Opportunity A local industry• requires an alarm answering, ser- vice evenings and weekends. 'This service isperformed in your home and requires -• ate lion-,only..-in_..the-e-vent:.oLan:watarm_..,...... It would be an ideal situation for a retired or han- dicapped _Person. - Please reply to Box 197 c -o Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box,220, Goderich 0 Applications Twp. of East Wawanosh Written applications fora full time Grader '•Operator and General, Maintenance Person; •Those applying must state experience.,Wages to be negotiated. Applications to be in the hands of Road Supt. at hi#- f-ffce by May 2nd 6p.m. Any' ap- plication not necessarily accepted. C.W. HANNA Road Superintendent Belgrave, Ont. Person -to Drive St Maintain 0 Tank Truck Occasional Heavy Lifting The person must... + Be able to meet.people, handle money and figures. + Be mature and responsible enough to work independently. - + Be somewhat 'familiar with Goderich,' Bayfield and Auburn areas. We, will, consider applications for full and part-time 'em- ployees, Hours can be flexible. Apply•in writing to... ' [0] Edward fuels Goderich 524-8386 Angle sea St. Textral Fibres, Goderich requires FEMALE Or MALE Factory Workers • Age no barrier • No previous experience required • We will train on job • Steady employment • Must be able to work rotating shift. APPLY: Directly to the plant between 3 and 5 p.m., daily • OR: Mr Eric ,Smith, Canada Manpower, Goderich 8. HELP WANTED WANTED: bass player for Kincardine area Rock Band. Contact Gary at Kincardine 368- 7374,-17,18 WILL BABYSIT pre-schoolers ins my home, Monday, to Friday. Ph,one 524-2954,-18\ AVON I have an open territory- in Goderich. .ft can be yours. Excellent earnings.' Call Mrs. M. Millson, London 451-0541 or Mrs. Thompson, 527-0238. WELDERS and • PLATE, FITTERS C.W.B. Ticket required Apply Feranco Steel Ltd., VANASTRA Phone 482-3551 18,19b. 9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted, Call C and E •Furniture, 524-7231•—tf • WANTED — A used car 1969-73, in good condition, low mileage, reasonabTyD priced "Phone 5247" 6973.-18. 'We Bu-__ y •a • Scrap Metals , AND Old Cars CAST - STEEL - COPPER & BATTERIES i24-2313 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED" • TWO teen-age boys would like work after 5cbool and en' Saturdays. Write Box No. 198 c,o, t1THWELIL'S AUCTIONEERS - and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ON,T. Offer the most modern auction methods: LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 Clearing Auction Sale of Antiques .and Household Effects For. Mrs. S. Seabrook Goderich. at the Auction Rooms, Hwy; 21, one mile south of Goderich. Sat. May 3 at 10 a.m. Flat -to -wall cupboard; cherry oval extension table; cherry chest of drawers; walnut washstand; Bird's eye maple rocking c)lair; hall seat (Canadian); drop -front, desk; 5 rocking chairs; 14 matching hip -rest chairs; Captain's chair; hostess chairs; But- ternut serving table; oval parlour table; small tables; 6 pce. dining -room suite; 3 pce. chesterfield suite; 3 Victorian ,bedroom suites;. 2 small kitchen, cupboards; wicker floor lamp; wicker' table lamp; organ stool; piano and bench; 2 studio couches; Marconi,portable TV; fridge; crocks;, oil lamp; pine tool box 2 trunks; coal scuttles; .copper boiler; ,2 pine benches; doll's gradle; •_ antique doll; buttons; 30 .frames; quilts; rugs;" - mats; 20 pces. of Depression glass; pressed glass; R.S. Germany cream and sugar`; set of Marlborough dishes; garden and hand tools; coal -oil slave; small coal and wood kitchen stove; approx. 4 ton of'hard coal; etc.. etc. Terms Cash - House Sold • Mike Cummings Auctioneer Goderich — 524-9064 Signal Stat- Box 220 Goderich.-18• 11. TENDERS EXPERIENCED, mature male willing to do farm chor,s in swine or, beef operation on• weekends. Presently wilt -king on beef, swine and cash crop operation during the week,, Apply Box 193, Signal - Star, Box 220, •-Go'derich, Ontario, -16,17,18,19 HIGH SCHOOL student would like summer work, cutting lawns, odd jobs, etc. Phone between 5 and 6 p.m. or weekends 5249265. Preferably • west end of town,-36t'f MAN with 1/2 ton truck will do light 'delivery, clean-up garages, etc., hauling, $6.50 per load. Phone 524-8553.-tfAR WILL DO typing assignments in my home. Would also consider part-time .office work,,. ex- perienced, Business College Honors Graduate" Apply Box 192, Signal-Star,Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, -16:1 7,18,19 •, 11. TENDERS .,oma -10 Application for concessionaire at the Falls Reserve Conservation Area Applications • will be received at the administrative headquarters by the un- dersigned • for the leasing of the above mentioned . con- cessi fn until Tues. May 6 at 5 "p.m. Application forms and terms of agreement are available by contacting the - Maitland'V alley Conservation Authority Secretary Treasurer Box 5 Wroxeter Ontario Tel. 335-3557 .Township of Ashfield TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED UNTIL 6 P.M. MAY6TH. 1975 For collecting garbage from all cottages ih the Township of Ashfield. Garbage is to be picked up each Monday from June 16th to Sept, 15th inclusive, and be deposited in the waste disposal site. • Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1y, D. M. SIMPSON, CLERK, RR 3, GODERICH Ontario Region _London Office TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Head, Tenders, Contracts and Administrative Services, Department of Public Works, Canada, 457 Richmond St., P.O. Box 668, London, Ontario, 'N6A 4Y4 and endorsed "TENDER. FOR PROJECT NO. L- 642333, ROOF REPLACEMENT, POST' OFFICE PUILDING, 81 CRESCENT STREET, GRAND BEND, ONTARIO," will be received until 11:00 A.M. E.D.S,,T., WEDNESDIK."'," MAY 14, 1975: Tender documents can be obtained through the office of the Head, Tenders, Contracts, and Administrative Services, Department of Public Works, Canada, 457 Richmond St., P.O, Box 668, London, Ontario, N6A 4Y4 and may be seen at this office. To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms • supplied by the Department and must be prepared in ac- cordance with the conditions set forth therein,. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. F. Jackson, Head, Tender's, Contracts and Administrative Services. LONDON, Ontario. • 4 J