HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-05-01, Page 9nt, •.„ 4 • 9 • The Goderich Lions Club presented a new blood gas analyzer to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Monday to update the hospital's labratory equipment. The machine gives an accurate count of levels of carbon diozide and oxygen in the body and measures the Ph level iv the blood stream both of which are dramatically altered during illness. On hand for the presentation were, left to right, Doug McNeil, chairman of the hospital board; Bill Clifford, Lions treasurer; Ed Jessop, president of Lions; Dr. Barry Deathe, Chief of hospital staff; and Tim Elliott, former hospital administrator. (staff -photo) Highland dancers volunteer time v•-• Teacher gets lift from GPH class It took only a telephone call to i- get dressed up and dance and from 70 to over' 90 years old. Telford has begun a Scottish encourage Mary Lynne Telford the patients seem to enjoy it so "These patients enjoy Country Dancing group at the and her Highland Dancing much," Mrs. Telford • ex- . something musical," said Mrs. hospital every Thursday Class to perform once monthly plained, ° - Merle Coulter, helad nurse on E morning. — fox ',..p:s..tide.hts_at riaderic.h_ On Tuesday .., eVening...,,this ' Warr' ' And_children. ' are, The first .week we had four --- ..— - ' "Psychiatric Hospital. But that • telephone call' was an im- , portant one for Mrs. Telford and the men and women, boys and girls at the hospital. ' ‘qt gives the girls a chance to week, three of Mrs. Telford's students -7- Elise and Heather Lindsay and , Kim Fritzley danced for the patients of E Ward. E Ward is a geriatric ward. Patients there range especiallS, good, There's a palrents, Mrs. TelfordTsaid, change that. comes over these illustrating with her fingers, --patients whenchildren are "last week. we' had .seven around." Nearly all 31 patients on E SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER •CLINTON BLOUSES -PULLOVERS PANTS SKIRTS • 1 •PANTSILMS OPEN 2-6 patients and this week, .we're expecting 10." It is difficult to know who gets the most enjoyment oat of the three-quarter hour sessions — the patients or -Mrs.' Telford. The petite mother of two young boys, Mrs. Telford -couldn't hide her enthusiasm for the classes. • "Last week 1 got such a lift. ,from it," she said. "When thqY carne in they seemed quiet afraid. When they left they Were all laughing ariii enjoying therriserves. It made feel so good." Mrs. Pat Wheeler, co- ordinator of volunteer services at.GPH, nodded knowingly. "We do appreciate Mary Lynne's efforts here,"she said. "The patients are enjoying her work on their behalf and they are responding. Thing's.' lik-e this are just great." "So far it is all women in the class," Mrs. Telford went on to" say. "I guess there's a smat- tering of all ages. But no men. I hope we get some men. They make the best dancers,' you know." • Other entertainment groups like the Telford 'dancers — or other people like Mary Lynne Telford with special talents to share are sincerely welcomed at GPH. It is this kind of volunteer services from ==x===xt •I• • Respect for Life Week May 4th to May i lth- The Unborn, The • Handicapped, the Aged SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME • ON CAltLE 12 WED., MAY 7 9 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER - DAN MURP.HY Q.C. fJ Mary Lynne Telford Ward were in attendance for the half hour program on 'Tuesday evening. Toes tapped along to the spirited tunes, tired eves Watchednimble feet and gentle smiles spread across, lonely face. • Later, this month, the Mary Lynne Telford dancers will entertain in the auditoritan Where crowds number close to 100 patients °fall ages. In June, the girls will be back in E Ward. But long before the colorful costumes and fancy'footwork of the surrounding community for Mary Lynne Telford's young e, which Mrs. Wheeler is sear - students return to GPH, Mrs. ching daily. Telford will be back. Mrs. It only takes a telephone call Sponsored by the Goderich Pro Life Group • Durnbbells'on CBC GODERI CH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 1, irS—PAQg Continued fro&Page 1 • locegnitioi', for their work than the smokers we Wert.' puiting on did .py soldier coming home. Mr. McLaren recalls humbly in barns alio old buildings, told us to stay out of the line and that their only honor was the -I write the sketches," said Mr. laughter and applause from the MeLaren. full theatre - houses across The divisional how the Canada and the U. S. 1)11 m bl 11s , calm' • n The only two me Mbers of the Princess, - operation in September of 1917, Pats Comedy Com Eight men again were used. PallY still f,tive today are Their 'name was derived from Norman Clark of Barrie, who the division shculder flash, a managed the show, and Jack dumbbell, which stood for McLaren who wrote all the strength and silence. skits for the group. The Princess Pats Cpmedy s The material written by the Company was still o i ng Benmiller artist ,was not low g calibre. He recently met with strong, however. In 1918, a year after their divisional coun- representatives of the National terparts came .into being, the Film Board to get them to use Pats were pulled out of , France the work in a documentary. The to give the King and Queen of England a command per- formance 'in the Appollo Theatre in London..... • Shortly. after that, during the last 100 days of the war, the two groups were amalgamated. The speed with which. the ad- vance was „moving prompted the two entertainment com- panies to be billeted together. Held over in Ferfay, Belgium, they worked tqgether for the first t i me in the wa r, 'We played in Mons together on November 11, -ko'1918, Armistice Day, and stayed there until homecoming," recalled Mr. McLaren. "When we got home we formed one companyin Toronto in 1919 and went on •tour. We travelled across the country, into the states, and even had a season on Bread way." After thewar the en- tertainers received no more Couple honored at -korteresitill— board turned him dowp:. "Thej, were too gold they had offered to them.," he recalled, Not everyone was of the same opinion. 11:arlier this year Mr. McLaren entertained some CBC executiyes uric! riegotiaked for the rights to his work. They 'reacted an agreement, sgned a contract, and the Canadian network plans to do a series on the skits and sketches to ke aired in 1976. • The reunion plarmed for the weekend will have the twd Princess Pats hopping in Toronto. They will be attending several testi =trial dinnelis along with the rernaining members of the Dumbbells, aq well as receiving Citations &OM the city and the province. They are slated to be at a national press conference, wii be honored by the Royal 'Lot* Hotel where they will meet with Vic Damone and Will per- sonally,perform some of their material for the Lambert Lodge. ,Once the highlight of a lonely soldier's life in_ a „foreign, .country during war, the two en will again bring laughter to the hearts of Canadians 60 they spread joy the Canadian years throughout contingent in Europe. after PLANNING A NEW FARM WISEWAY BUILDING? HOME & BUILDING CENTRE Last Friday evening, April 25, a farewell, party was held forEillandR�l5erta Proctor of RR 2, Goderich, who are moving out West. Thirty-one'of their friends and neighbours gathered in the home of Clayton ,Cox. The evening began with a card game and later Bessie Townsend read an address wishing the couple a safe trip, much. happiness in their new home, and Clayton Cox preented them with a gift. Lunch was served and the ,evening clOed with a social hour. Everyone extended best wishes to Bill and Roberta for the future... We can give you ."FREE ESTIMATES" 0111 need t arid-a"fliFica we may not be able to repeat - so call to- day IcHARGEX ig 40a oskv 217 Isaac St., (South End) Clinton OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER.IS48273441. master charge Coke, Pepsi-Cola, Kist Gingerale Active: to get started. Mrs. Wheeler is (at the hospitalmost days arid is it's the only way t anxious to hear from people • with warm hearts and time to volunteer. Next week — May 6 through .12, Mental Health Week — may be a good time to begin. to be. PaRTICIPaL7/017 • Starter Kit . REG, $ 6.99 NOW WITH • PURCHASE OF ANY READY TO , FLY AIRPLANE BY COX -GET KIT FOR • Save $$$ on this 1975 Ventura 10,11: • LIMITEDQbANTITIS We reserve the right to limit , one st61-ter kit to every plane REG. WOO TO $11.00 NOW $ 5.99 PINCHER'S HAVE A New Stock Of Games Paint,By-Numbers by Parker Bros. and Whitman ALL TYPES FOR THE BEGINNER TQTHE EXPERT PAYDAY 7.50 INVENTORS $799' BATTLESHIP °$7.69 CLUE 6.99 and many others Including new children's games from Whitman Golden • • • ,9 2 door coupe, 260V-8, swing out rear, vent window, floor mats, body side moUlding, window mouidings, rear detroster, automatic, pciwer steering, radio; deluxe bumper stripes, white , wall radial tires, finished in light saddle with neutral interior, only 800 miles.•LIC. JFR • 329 JIM HAYTER CHEV-OLDS KINGSTON ST., GODERICH from Whitman Golden -These include crafts for' all the family On file" Square, Goderich 524-6901 Open 7 Days a week and evenings. and for your convenieticeilve carry • , Carlton Cards 11 Gift Wrap • •• • •