HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-05-01, Page 7"0, wail for the forest, the proud stately forest, No more its dark depths shall the hunter explore, ' 0, wail for the forest, its glories are o'er." "The flowers of the forest are a'wede away," sadly lamented an early Scottish song -writer. Do you ever feel like weeping when you remember the woodlands of yesteryear with their sweet -scented„ Win- tergreen, the lady Slipper, Showy Orchids, Scarlet Painted Cone Flower, Indian Trumpet, Columbine, Wild Iris, anemone, Mayflower, Hepatica, dog- tooth Violets and • myriad of others? With j,he onslaught of so-called civilization, the roar of the bulldozer and the blood- curdling whine of the chain saw something very precious and beautiful has been literally torn out of our lives. I keep asking myself, ,"How much longer can I look out"of my windows at Nature in at . least some semblance of her natural self?" I love .the old chokecherry trees along the line fences with their black, 'mouth -puckering fruit of Autumn, that lures the song birds to my garden; the old Hawthorn tree with its snowy Springtime crown, and red autumn berries; the old Saskatoon bush with its tasty berries; a field of white daisies in June; the brown -eyed Susans, and the.Tiger Lily. wangLex....02w.n a country lane, walk through a• Springtime woodland, with. that fresh, earthy smell of new life . bursting through the cold ground~ and listen to the rustle of gay autumn leaves in the Fall. But as one blaring TV ad suggests : "How long will they last?" I 'was overwhelmed, with a wave of strange sadness recently when a newly posted "No Trespassing" sign blared.. out of the woods at.me from one of my favorite haunts. I felt that not only,myself but.Nature itself had been severely af- fronted. f- frt d Before my hurt had ester* understand these postings better if they realized just how they are endangering the very species they desire for their , home gardens. In otir love of --ature and perhaps our sense of freedom we often try our hand at transplanting nature to our private gardens, confident that with the care and supervision given our cultivated gardens we can preserve the wild- flowers. There are a few -species which may well survive the shock and respond to cultivation, such as Vervain, black-eyed Susan, Spring Larkspur., Evening primrose, etc. which grow in our im- mediate area. If you,' have a shady wooded area', ferns and some varieties of violets, ,hepatica, etc. may also survive. Many of these may not be picked when they are found wild, but the plants and seeds can be bought at some flower nurseries. - It is very important ,to learn something about the right time, proper soil and other pertinent data before experimenting. 'After considerable research with wild flowers and years of experimentation and hybridization many of our modern annuals, such as Clarkia, Campanula, Godetia, Salvia, Phacelia, Portulaca, Wild Rose, Aquilegia, etc., have been developed.. But unless you are an expert leave this process to :the hybridizers Police King Devlin discuss the new corn anitspeeialist m the field. In munication system that -is to be installed in the town's police cruiser. (staff photo ) the. .meantime, enjoy them where they grow! Far better communication • Because of its important role as our provincial floral ,em- blem, the Trillium is probably, the most wanted and exploited - of the wild species and therefore in the.gravest danger of extinction. It is one of the most .difficult wild flowers to transplant, thus rendering the most noble motives disastrous. As .,;a representative of the -Garden Club in your area I urge you to support our Wildflower Preservation Society. chief Pat and Bell Canada representative Mike one festered too deeply: I queried ,this i„. - Confirmation ''' blatant sign and learned that it wasn't Merely put there to keep .` folk "out" as much as• to keep on Tues day Nature "in'. • Unfortunately. ' ro mankmd has become so prone • to getting what he wants and at ,,t. George's doing what he wants that ,everything has to be "locked ' up"for 'safe -keeping. The Rt. Rev. Morse C. The, Ontario Horticultural Robinson, Suffragan Bishop of Association. is presently deeply Huron,will officiate at a ,ser - concerned ..over the wanton vice of Confirmation at, —St. destruction of wildflowers in 'George's Church on Tuesday, our province and has been May 6 at 8 p. m. instrumental in having con- siderable legislation passed to The Rector, Canon, G. G. protect various species of fauna Russell will present the can - and flora. (A copy of this i didates'and assist in the ser - protected list may be obtained vice. A coffee hour will. follow upon request from the the service in the parish hall, 'Association). , ' - provided by the members of the As a result of this legislation Anglican Church Women.. ' signs have been posted in g various areas to protect rare This will be Bishop Robin - and fast -disappearing species. However, even this is being s'on's first visit to Goderich ignored and in some cases such since' his consecration last signs seem to aggravate rather . year. In his previous position as -than prevent folk from digging Archdeaconof Program for the up plants -that have little or no Diocese of Huron he had visited chance of survival , upon . re- Goderich on several occasions. planting, unless under expert • supervision. It should be noted The Confirmation service is also that. the Association, points an opportunity for the parish out that this destructive and other interested people of practice is not the work of the community to gather in children but of adults. Children are receiving in- ° support of those who are being structions both at school and in. confirmed, and to hear and local garden clubs about such meet the diocesan bishop. preservation, so perhaps Mr. and Mrs. Public would. also Police cruiser a call away The .Goderich police department is purchasinga new .communication system that will cut the middle man out of after office hours calls. The system, supplied by Bell Canada, will allow callers direct contact with a police about $900 per year. Part of the $20 is taken up in the costs for new phones' and walkie-talkie rental. Police chief.,,,Pat King . is hopeful the new system will provide the residents of': officer wherever he is and cuts Goderich with the best com- out the answering 'service in munications the town can af- operation now.• ford. He said many small Calls coming into the station municipalities ' are takifig after regular office hours will advantage of it, adding that the.. be automatically switched t6 Ontario Police Commission is thepolice.,radio located in the very interested in seeing cruiser. This is put into similar units installed in other operation by merely pushing a areas of the province. button, on the phone in the., .The chief pointed out many police station. , advantages of the network. He Ifsomeone phones the police said someone in need .. of station in an emergency or for assistance cu.n be notified help the call will be transferred immediately of the officer's to the cruiser where the officer location and time of arrival, the on duty will take it. Under'the officer can give the person first' present system calls are taken •Band instructions, on what to do by; an answering service and and any information the person then the message is radioed to can offer can be immediately the officer on patrol. relayed to the officer. The unit, the Bell RES Option A, B and C, is capable of handling more than one call. If the officer is onthe phone „with '1 someone and another call comes in he can take the number of the first caller and. imbiediately transfer to the t second. If he is out of the cruiser doing a door check and has his walkie-talkie, he can still answer the phone. • j Not only can the officer' receive calls but hecan call �. out. Boththe radio in the cruiser, and the, .Walkie-talkie �. are equipped with an -"out" line. The ,cost of the new phone People of all'denominations are unit is about $280 per month, The Heywood Bros. jj welcome to attend. '"--)rrhe answering service costs OPEN DANCE 9 p.m. 1' a.m. �l 75th Wedding Anniversary Siii*C=11.==.11.C===X For'Harry & Marg Torrance/ , Friday, May 9 at the White Carnation . in Holmesville 1 Music by: MThe Glassmen of Ontario WE ARE .SPECIALISTS IN . GLASS ..: AUTO 8 TRUCK GLASS CAMPER. WINDOWS VAN WINDOWS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT • VAN ROOF VENTS QUARTER WINDOW )BLOCKOUTS •• TRIM... COMPLETE AUTO UPHOLSTERY' CUSTOM INTERIORS VINYL ROOFS OPERA WINDOWS BODY SIDE MOULDINGS CONVERTIBLE ,TOPS INSURANCE CLAIMS CALL 524-2134 FOR FREE E,'IMATES ALL PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS, FREE MOBILE SERVICE ON GLASS TO HOME; OFFICE, FARM,,FACTORY ALO AUTO GLASS LIMITED 41t./10 GLASS 3.5-6 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH 514- 2'I 36 .1..41 ♦• 6 • For Mother's Day Remember . The Flower Basket 524-2152 r•' Nn /*/�T pr�'*�w—.r./'� Ar r Ap ��'(��}CTA'(�.c.�e![� ]/.�. Q4 �J GODERIC.ISlGNAL-STAR, TH'!4t!RSDA 1 MAY 1, i975T'Act�I t ' GOOD SELECTION OF BULK SEEDS Leaf and head lettuce,,. cucumbers, radishes, green beans, yellow beans, corn, Peas, beets, carrots, squash, dutch sets, multipliers. , CIL FERTILIZER For MoTther'si.ai.:, • Ail Shape ud, 5ix+l • Terrariums- Wilk •r witbsvt pleats. Decorative Pots and Planters y ® Houseplants - Cactus African Violets - Tropical' Plants • Shrubs, Trees *lawn Ornaments, Planters e Propogators in Four Sues • Grow Lights FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING AND LANDSCAPING NEEDS ART'S LANDSCAPING, NURSERY 81 GARDEN CENTRE BENNETT ST., GOelERICH 524-9126 OPEN '7 DAYS A WEEK ; Sunday 472 to 6 ' Monday thru Saturday,till dark' This is the LAST YEAR that Pontiac and Buick CONVERTIBLES will be produced--- If. you felt you .would a Ike a convertible ---it .would need to be ORDERED IMMEDIATELY! E PONTIAC-BUICK-CADILLAC . • Hamilton St., Goderich 6 SALE! SPRING FASHION VALUES SAVE LADIES `CLOTH SPRING COATS REG. $39.98 TO "$69.98 SAIJE $3 1 99 TO $54 98 9, • ALL WEATHER COATS REG. $24.98 TO 549.98 SALE $ 1 9.98 TO $39.98 PANT COATS & JACKEF SALE REG. $10..98 TO $36.98 $' 5.99 ro $29• 59 OUR USUAL HIGH FASHION AT OUR LOW PRICES NOW 20 PASTEL. SHADES Sweater Sets Short Sleeve Pullovers Sweater Vests 200 OFF LADIES WEAR LIMITED 0 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH ' r