HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-24, Page 24Reminder Weekly Auction of New and Used Furniture every_. Friday Night at. 8 p.m. at Ball Auctions BRUSSELS Sale consists of new chesterfield suites, stereos, maple bunk beds, recliners, coffee & end table sets, continental beds in all sizes, bedroom suites, lamps of all kinds, Boston rockers, walnut corner cupboards; sewing machines, dishes, radios, silverware, pic- tures, all small household appliances, and. many more items too numerous to mention. Terms ,of Sale — Cash, Cheque or Budget Plan. Plenty of Parking, Seating with Snack Bar and Washrooms. Auctioneer - R. A. Ball Phone 887-6166 iuu ti �T PAGE 12--GODF.IfH SIGNAL -STAR, THUkSDAS, APRIL 24, 1975 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 1.3. SEPVICES AVAILABLE 13.. SERVICES AVAILABLE 11. -SERVICES AVAILABLE 15. PUBLIC NOTICE Business Liquidation For Carroll Landscaping to be held at the location in Vanastra, 1 mile south of Clinton on Saturday, May 10, at 10:30 a -.m., of 515,000 in retail stock. Nursery, trees, hedges, shrubs, potted and bare root plants; fertilizers, grass seed, patio stones, lawn. ornaments,' 'pesticides, rnaments,- pesticides, tractors, equipment, riding and push mowers, garden, tools, lawn furniture, fluorescent lights, apartment lot of furniture, and office equipment. All trees named and tagged. Paddle Bidding No Reserve — Lunch Booth Brucefield - 482-3120 , Auctioneers — Liquidators — Appraisers CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Our last Tractor & Farm Equipment Auction will be held Friday, May 2nd., 1 9 7 5 at the Norwich Sales Yard, Hwy. 59 South of Norwich. Sale starts at 10 a.m. sharp THIS MONTH'S SPECIAL 1969 FORD 5500 BACKHOE 8A LOADER If you ha.ve'good useful etiuipment, or an extra tractor to sell, consign it to this'sale, as it will be our last sale until Sept. 5th,'1975. Tractors will be sold in order of number' as consigned. Small items sale starts at 10 A.M.,•discs and plows at 10:30. All equipment will be sold before 2 o'clock. Tractor sale starts at 2 P.M. We are equipped to load and unload. All buyers must be registered at office before sale. On; May 7th our regular Wednesday .livestock. auctions will start at 7:30 in the'evening instead of 1:30. • Lunch available. Not responsible for accidents. Les & John Shackelton. Harry Jansen Carman Denton Sales Manager Auctioneers & Auctioneer Phone 519;863-6820 _. ATHWELL''S!. E Property. & Contents. to be Auctioned - For the Estate of the late Ada Wilson at the location, 58 Elgin St. East,,Goderich on Saturday, May 3, at 1 p.m: Property - 104' x 104' double lot upon which stands a t'storey Warne home, main floor, large living room, den dining room, kitchen, back enteance, 3 bedrooms and 3 pc. bath,on second floor, 1/2 basement, hot water heat. 10 percent down - Balance in 30 days, Furniture, Antiques • Round oak pedestal table with 4 ex- tensions; 6 oak diners; oak buffet = glass front; 'chesterfield and 2 rockers; 36" roll top oak desk; 5 pc. sectional book" case; 4 captain bar chairs; Marten Orme upright piano (oak cabinet); oak hall stand; 4 press back chairs; dressers; washstands; press back office chair; cedar chest; oak rocker"; Duncan Phyfe table; oak music stand; blanket box; wicker rocker and armchair; chest of drawers; brass and iron beds; parlour table, and chair; Clare Jewell wood stove; kitchen cupboard; Victrola; kitchen. clock; trunks'; rugs; quilts, picture frames. Glass .& China > - Cranberry biscuit barrow; blown glass colour candy dish; Canadian glass; coloured glass; crysta , Nippon; °2 oil lamps, silyerware; brass. No Reserve on. Contents Terms -Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION. SERVICE Driticetleld •482.3120 17,18b 'WHY WAIT FOR SUMMER RUSH — when you can have your scale repair -ed and ready for summer now.' CallJOHN'S SCALE SERVICE, AMBERLEY, phone1-395-5636.-14-17 FOR ALL your sewing needs, call Dianne at 524-2492.-15,16,17x WATERLOOS Oldest firm offers all-around mortgage. service. No rejection because of impaired credit, refinancing a s`pecialty;` Hardtman & Strack Limited, 884- 6030 (call collect from out-of- town).-7tf SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern equipment, work guaranteed. Write or phone H. T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3.320.—tf EAVESTROUGf-11NG, roofing, barn painting and general con- tracting. Reasonable. Contact Jim Bolger, 482-9202. Call bet- ween 7 & 8 a.m. —7tf MORTGAGES — First and second mortgagees, residential, commercial confidential service'. No hidden charges or bonus. Debt consolidation and refinancing a specialty, HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICE - Call Collect. 1-885- 1900.-'=i2tf. DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S • Goderich • Phone 524-8391 19tf 12. AUCTION SALE ESTATE Auction Sale of Antiques and Household Effects for the late Mr. and Mrs. James Chisholm,, and other consignments ,at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21, 'one mile,southof Goderich on , Saturday, Aplril. 26 10:30 a.m. Mahogany love seat with, matching rocker and arm- chair; 2 china cabinets; dining -room extension table with' 4 chairs; 7 pc: bronze set; 5 pc. chrome set; 4• ,.pc. bedroom suite; Admiral TV; Norge frig.; radios; chime clock; Antique buffet; Vic- torian sideboard; settee with matching chair and .platform. rocker; 4 pressed -back chairs; library table; desk; 3 rocking chairs;, side chairs; small tables; coffee table with 2 matching ' end tables; 2 davenports; hall rackr Vic- torian washstand; small carved oak cupboard; 2 commodes; 10 milk carts; wardrobe, utility table; 2 rugs, mats; mirrors; table lamps' part toilet sets; bot- tles; frames; bells; wicker baskets; 8 quilts; drapes; 2 dinner -sets of dishes; 6 pc. set of Rogers flatware; flat irons; footstools; Hudson Seal coat linens; bedding; dishes; hand tools; oil space -heater, etc., , etc. • Terms, - cash 'Mike Cummings - auctioneer, Goderich 524-9064 r .r RAKING AND MOWING. Phone 524-9654 after 5 p.m. -17x GARDENS roto -tilled. Phone 524- 8712 after 4:30 p.m. -17,18 FURNITURE REFINISHING, quality work and prompt servie• Free estimates. Also hand .; crafted Pine reproductions. Phone E. Niblock, Auburn, 526- 7272.-50AReow HAVE your garden tilled now. Phone5.24-6973;-17,18,19,20 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB. PECK VARNA 262-5748 actin 11OFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges GAS - •Ringos, barbecues, lights,a ranges TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Returns -- Business - Farm - Individual LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM ° 229 James St. Clinton Rhone 482-7988 50tfn w 9 ACE RADIO & TV N FLEETWOOD Sales & Service Reoairs to all makes of Radio -.i Television • 60 PICTON ST. W- • FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 Mid -Western Paving FOR ALL ASPHALT WORK -DRIVEWAYS • -PARKING LOTS -REPAIRS CONTACT • Jack's texaco And Automatic Car --Wash - 394 Huron Rd., GODERICH " . 524-7744 *Carpentry Work • •Home Renovating •Furniture Repairs and Refinishing NO JOB TOO SMALL .524-2591 1 FOR YOUR Carpet =-gni— Upholstery SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat--Beatty Sales'Seyjyice Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 —l7tf Sid Bruinsma FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS " BACKHOE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES, Goderich 524-8668 GUARANTEED TOP HOME—COTTAGE REPAIR AND. Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO F ' Free Estimate Call 524-8892 25 arren St., Goderich YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEST! Have Carpet Corn Clean them with Steam Cali 524-2440 Need a New Addition? Or renovations to your present structure? • We also do expert painting and roofing. For a Free Estimate 'PHONE - GEORGE HOY - 524-8898 MARK DAUPHIN 524-9045 ATHWELL'S mi vim eitirai-Tiomo Bankruptcy Auction Of new Electrical stock, tools, office equipiflent and vehicles, Rathwell's Auctions have been instructed to sell by public auciion to the highest bidder withoyt reserve in the matter of. the Bankruptcy of Donald B. Johnston Electric' Ltd. in the village of Bayfield 'in the County of Huron at the location on 'Hwy No. 21. on Saturday, April 26 at 11:00•a.m. Inventory consists of commercial and residential new Electrical stock at wholesale price approx. 58000.00. Tools -Greenlee No. 882 - 11/2" to 2" hydraulic pipe, bender; Two Hilti 765 Torna Electric cement drill; 'Hilti Dx 350 fastening gun, large quantity of cartridges; quantity of B.D. and Wolf electric drills• and saws; Ridgit 1" to 2" pipe threaders; Ridgit 174 to 1" pipe threaders; quantity of manual pipe benders; 'spurs and safety belt:; hand tools; work bench; 2 section roller scafflit f; and ;many more pieces of equip- ment.' Office Equipment: Olympic electric calculator; oak office desk; 4 drawer filing cabinet; office chairs, Vehicles To be sold as is. Ford 1970 Econoline; Ford 1969 Econoline; Ford 1969 Econoline; Fargo 1967 1/2 ton pickup, Single axle pole trailer, Misc: Fluorescent"fixtures; baseboard heaters; new Danby frig/ range hoods; lumber; scrap metal and copper, Auctioneer's note: This is an excellent opportunity to increase your stock; purchase extra tools; or maybe a vehicle at below wholesale cost. Phone for more information 482-3120 Paddle Bidding - Terms Cash - Auctioneer's Decision final Lunch Booth Trustee in .Bankruptcy - William L. Butler, Kitchener RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERV.ICE Auctioneers, & Liquidators race e - -3T70 ForNcomplete Auction Service On view Friday, April 25 •Roofing *Painting' } •General Carpentry PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158. far.IIJ44I0IJZJZJZJZJZ.aJIJZJIJIJZJzJI.1ZJZ G ;-.• DUNC'S 4 V, Home Repair Service irl Roofing, Painting k Chimney repairs Eavestroughing H H . Free Estimates 4, Ken Duncan 524-6065 c, 01)(6)0)00)00)0)eea�0)0)0 oe)ooeDa Screened Top Soil Crushed goad Gravel Crushed Stone Cement Gravel Pit Run and Fill Gravel Back Hoe Work Lyle Montgomery CL INTON 482.7644 16tf - ROOFING : CHIMNEY REPAIR & REBUILDING P -A -I -N -T I NG EAVESTROUGHING - WE DO ANYTHING • An Evening With Stephen Lewis MAY 3.. Sunset Golf & Country Club 3 miles north of Goderich. DINNER AT 7 P.M. SOCIAL HOUR PRECEDING DANCING FOLLOWING Dinner & Dance —$5 per person Dance — 55 per coupl% Sponsored by Hucon N.D.P. Association 15. PUBLIC NOTICE 'CHEST PROBLEMS" Then try to attend the annual educational dinner meeting of the Huron Perth Lung Association, to be held in the Ontario St. Baptist Church, Stratford, Ontario, on • WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1975 • 6:30 p.m. (Across from Loblaws) The speaker will be DR. CAMERON C. GRAY Hxecutive Vice Presideht of the Ontario TB .and Respiratory Disease Association and Executive Director of the Ontario "Thoracic Society. . Dr. Gray's topic will be "New Research in Lung Disease". ,'Pickets are $3.75 and may be obtained at 121 Wellington St., Stratford, 271-7500, or your area representative. To serve you better 524-2445 14. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS Notice to Creditors and. Others In the Estate of Edith May Fuller, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Married Worlian, deceased. Notice is hereby ' given that all persons having claims against the Estate of'Edith May Fuller, late of 201 Blake Street, Goderich;, who died on or about the 5th day of February, 1975 at the Town of Goderich are required to submit full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned - Solicitor for the Executrix on or before the 12th day of May, 1975 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to such claims which have then .been received. Robert G. Waters, 74 Frank Street, Strathroy, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executrix 16,17,18AR 15. PUBLIC NOTICE WHEELCHAIRS —WALKER,S The Humanitarian Service C.P. & T. Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or , Fred Fritzley, 524 -7217. -ie yy mu um CKPHARMACY WILL .CLOSE AT 4'P.M. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 29 to allow our staff to attend a (- L'OREAL HAIR CARE SEMINAR • On April 21st, our staff attended 'a Du Barry Beauty Seminar in, London. NOTICE COLBOR'NE TQWNSHIP DOG OWNERS Mr. Richard Eisler PHONE 524-2715 ' has been appointed Colborne Township ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Dduglas McNeil, A. W. Hardy, 'Reeve , Clerk We're most happy with public response since we opened Our customers seem most happy with • their new American i Motors `cars. If you haven't looked 'at a new American Motors Product, take time to drop in and fest drive one of' these fine economical automobiles today. , And all American Motors Products are backed by the Buyer Protection Plan ..,..1.:. We ,,believe that our reputation depends on how you are treated AFTER the sale and not just before Shouldn't you d op in and -see us'? For example, how about this '75 6 cylinder Hornet Sportabout Wagon One of the most economical, popular, practical and durable vehicles in its class. Small enough to give .you the economy of a sub- compact --- strong enough fp pull your reasonable size trailer --- big enough for the average family. And we have them in stock, ready .l for immediate delivery. If you don't want a wagon -- we have the Hornet_and 4 door sedans a d hatchbacks. ri STRICKLAND AUTO MART LTD Your Authorized American Motors and Jeep Dealer 346 HURON RD: (HWY 8)'GODERICH 5.24.-8841 or 524-8411 a