HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-17, Page 14i 0 r v J ,r r 1.. D PAGE 6A 1 +a 'r a CIDg UCH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY,, APRIL 17, 1975 h . 7 v r F a3 L, v.e ., a �, .'act i ' k.`4µ%. n kw Snot " k J , „ "a, to a . Y: I JA�K,S JOIIINBS FUM OUEEN'S PIpM m v i a* On April 7th,, the Provincial Treasurer brought down the ne,w Ontario - 'Budget, and following are some of the highlights, which will be debated in detail in the Legislature. Effective April 8th, the basic Retail Sales Tax will be 5 percent instead of 7 percent,, although this is only until the 31 st D ecember,1975. The Ontario GAINS rate will rise to $240 per month per person ($480 a married couple) as of the 1st May, ,and a further 7,000 pensioners will be eligible for GAINS, 'raising the total 'lumber of 'beneficiaries to • 310,000 this year. There will . also be free drugs for all those over 65, although >anyone who has lived in Ontario less than ten years must apply to the Ministry of 'Revenue. This will be effective August 1st. - ° Some 450,000 low income taxpayers will be removed,, from 'the Ontario income tax rolls in 1975. No income tax will be paid by a ' single person earning $3;583, a married couple with . $5,323 annually,. a family of four with $6,033, and a single pensioner with $5,547. There is to be a grant to first- time home buyers to encourage an increase .in home ownership. Anyone purchasing or building a home for the first time will be eligible for a $1,000 grant from the Province, plus an additional -$250.. in -each •-of�--t'e--two—sue weeding years, .. for a total .of $1',500. a This program remains i effect unt-i•1---Deeernber- 1r , 1975, only, and covers both new and used homes, applying regardless of the' price of the .home or the income of the purchaser. To qualify the home must be the principal residence , of the applicant, and title or possession must be taken during the eligibility period. However, this $1,500 cannot be ° used towards a down payment, because it is only paid after the .deal. is closed, • and the second and third in- stalments of $250 each are only paid if ownership is retained. Retail Sales Tax is to be eliminated on all purchases of production machinery and , equipment effective April 8th, and 'this applies to orders for 'machinery and equipment placed on or after that date and before January 1st. Delivery must be taken on or before December 31st, 1977. The maximum small business tax credit will be doubled' ,from $3,000 to $6,000' annually, and there are also changes in the 'suc'cession duty and gift tax. Ontario will introduce measures to supplement where necessary• the, federal Agricultural Products ' Stabilization Act currently before the House of Commons, and owners of managed forests who are resident in Ontario will be eligible for a • rebate of 50 percent of property taxes on forests. In connection with the Provincial Sales Tax, effective July 1st, 1975, vendors will be paid compensation for cosh. incurred in ' collecting and remitting sales. tax. They may withhold 3' percent of tax collected up to a maximum of $500 in any' fiscal year: I shall elaborafte .on these measures and others contained in the Budget in the coming weeks, and will report to"you on the debates in the Legislature upon these measures and the estimates of the .individual ministries. Liberal Leader Robert Nixon.s initial reaction was to charge the government with "fiscal irrespolisibility" in bringing down another deficit budget. This government has "added a $4 billion net debt to the Province in the four years since Mr. Davis became premier" . In` this • 1975-76 budget; government spending is in- creased to an estimated $10.2 billion from the $8.7 billion spent in the last fiscal year. The deficit, , including non- bgdgetary items, is estimated at $1.67' billion compared with $1.03 billion expected for the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1975. Mr. Nixon asked, "How can we possibly stand the kind of fiscal irresponsibility that this treasurer is` putting forward in r a situation which is...in- flationary?" Many other Opposition Members described the fidget as cynical, irresponsible and a deliberate vote -catcher . Stephen Lewis, referring to the (continued on Page 12A Ducharme - Excavating -Dashwood 236-4230 TRUCKING - BACKHOE - & DOZER SERVICE CAL1,, NICK DOW.HANIU.K 5 2 4-6,2 40 GODERICH , LOOK! SAVE! CHOCOLATE OR PEANUT SUTTER CHIP A&P COOKIES 1 -Ib tin tie bag A&P BRAND PRICE CNTLLED. 100% PURE. � FROM CONCENTRATE a A&P _ORANGE JUICE 64 -n -oz bottle ARP ORANGE, GRAPE, LEMONADE FLAVOURED SUNMIX CRYSTALS' Pkg of 4, 3% -oz envs 89r 79r 99r . A&e:_�,OEIANG E _ELA�LOUI_, . -.- _-___. Q SUNMIX ° CRYSTALS Pkg of 2, 6'h -oz envs ARP; BRAND n SDCKEYi SALMON- 7 ? 0 WELCOME w- SER callI'CEith " hOsewarrlling gifts" and in- t' cation About your new location. Thee Holtess wit) be 'glad to 0/10hge your subscrip- , tion to the Signal -Star , Coll her at 524,-1854 • 30 7h-oi tin 12 FLAVOURS (PWS ,ITL. DEPOSIT) YUKON CLUB BEVERAGE$ 30. -fl -oz bottle SPECIAL BLEND A&P TEA BAGS : Pkg of 100 SALTINES OR UNSALTED AQP CRACKERS A&P VIAND, SALTED SNACK CRACKERS 14b pkg • 11 -oz pkg A&P (RAND GRAHAM CRACKERS 1 -Ib pkg 3 VARIETIES . , " ANN PAGE SOUPS r 10 -fl -oz tin SAVINGS OVER NATIONAL BRANDS 24% si.o9 3890 99C 65r 59r 69r 2�49a SW/l[H &SAVES �IIN PMF SWPS A&P BRAND PRICE 10 -fl -oz tin 19{ "42? FAB IRC SOFTENER 128 -Fl -oz plastic,jug X1.49 18% SAI T 32 -fl -oz plastic bottle 89At L L" IQUID ,, CONTAINS-RlCN--�$RAZhJA9W-•COFfEE$- '»--�.w.....•�_ .a wry .•8 O'CLOCK INSTANT COFFEE 10-oz•�ar -•69 �� COFFND, INSTANT ' EE -CREAMER SAVINGS � , OVER You . NATIONAL ' �AN &RANDS ANN PAGE PEANUT 'BUTTER 3% 30% 15% Worjar A&P CHEESE- SLICES 4 VARIETIES A&P MALLOW PIES TOMATO 20% ' ANN PAGE KETCHUP LIQUID JAVEL „ 2¢ A&P BLEACH • SKIM, POWDERED 8% • A&P INSTANT MILK SULTANA — 4 VARIETIES 4% 1 TV .DINNERS 50% 10% 3 -Ib jar WHITE i COLOURS A&P TOWELS pkg of 2 rolls PINK, YELLOW, WHITE AQP FACIAL TISSUE box of 200 sheets �Rr,�•�rvH1TE--�t-totovRs; �, tilt""`-.~ :..:..,:..�..�.'-�. ..-�" . QUEENSBURY BATHROOM TISSUE pkg of 4•rolls 89¢ �D-DRESSING 1 -Ib pkg $143 16% 14-oz:pkg 89¢' 20 -f1 -oz bottle f 69¢ M 99? $1.80 9 20? 128 -f1 -oz plastic lug 3 -Ib pkg 10% 24¢ 1,? 11 -oz pkg 69? 24% rmai w:� � g�Q20 A4P Brands 7 ARP (RAND, FANCY TOMATO JUICE 10 FLAVOURS AQP FRUIT DRINKS A&P FOGL ' ,WRAP A&P BRAND — S GRAIN A.S.A. TABLETS FROZEN, REGULAR CSR CRINKLE CUT AQP FRENCH FRIES 32 -11 -oz lar J 48 -H -oz tin 48 -fl -oz tin 12 -inch by 25 -foot roll A&P BRAND, FROZEN.' CONCENTRATED A&P ORANGE JUICE bottle of 100 2 -Ib pkg 12 -fl -oz tin A&P BRAND PRICE f2.Z5 89r 49r 51.19 49r 47r 49r 43r. 63r 49r By Buying AQP . �� BrandsYou Save � . SAVINGS OVER NATIONAL BRANDS 16% 10% 6% U 4% 56% 10% 14% TIDE POWDER DETERGENT 10 -LB BOX FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY ACTION PRICED( Banquet Meat Pies 2 8 -az Pies 6 9?' FROZEN, FANCY A&P Peas & Carrots 2-1b pkg 73? Cont, Whits, Yellow, or Naserted D.corat.d AcNin' Prlc.dt ScotTowels KELLOGS .. Corn Flakes OLD COLONY Maple Syrup. IROMONT �l Syrup pkg of 2 rolls 8 9? ACTION PRICE t ' 24 -oz. pkg 8 9? 16 -fl -oz bottle $1.:1'5 14 -ft -az bottle $1.3 3 Super -Right, Canada Grade "� BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST STEAK OR ROAST TOP ROUND Ben.l.e. — Ch.ck th. Trim $ POINT SIRLOIN Its STEAK CUT FROM EYE OF SIRLOIN POINT RUMP�60AST ROUNDWSiFAI( Ib 28� $ELECT QUALITY, SLICED, SKINLESS 4 ,.. ee or Iver k oc s FRESH MAPLE LEAF, SLICED. 3 VANITIES " Bee BONELESS - "Runup Roast BONELESS Sirloin Point Roast Ib FROZEN Cube Steaks ib $1.6 8 Minced IONS IN — CENTRE CLT Shank Meat ,,, • 1b 8 8 % MAPLE LEAF (1 LI- VAC PAC 701) Wieners 2 -ib Vac Pac $1..48 SCHNEIDER'S Bologna BY THE PIKE - • 1b 7 9,{ SUPER -RIGHT OR TOWN CSW Side Bacon .•1.(b Vac Pac $1.2 9 Round Steak lb $1.08 NEW ZEALAND, FROZEN Lamb Shoulder Chops �b•7r8 ALPINE, FROZEN Beef. Steakettes 2 -Ib PQ'1$1.2 ILUE WATER, FROZEN, HADDOCK N Fisk & Chips 20-0z Pkg 99se GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & • SERVE Chicken Cutlets • Ib 78? Cooked Meats 6-0z Vac Pac 42% MAPLE LEAP, 1 VARIETIES Mini Deli, &oz Vac Pac 89¢ MAPLE LEAF. sM1QMO, COOKED,' DINNER STYLE Boneless Picnics Vac Pac 1$1.48 MAPLE LEAF, II VARIETIES Cooked Meat Chunks it $1.09 MAPLE LEAv. Suited Bologna 16oz Vac Pac 89? Shop A&P, Take Advantage of Values like these .. . • EXTRA AISORIENT • PKG OP 24 ACTION PRICED( ALL PURPOSE ACTION PIUCEDI PAMPER P . ROBIN HOOD k' BAG DIAPERS - FLOUR PUDDING CAKE MIXES -4 '!ARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI BAR S1X, COFFEE RIPPLE, CARAAMILK, FAMILY PACK Robin Hood 2 9-o=,Pkgs $1.00 Cadbury candy says ' Pkg'of 4 75? ofatinVE, SHORTCAKE, NICE, CHIP RING ACTION PI KCEDI AAP BRAND, HAVARTI, SAMSOI, TYRO Peek Freon eiscuns 15-oitinntrbag99 Danish Cheese • lb$1.49 SOCIETY LUXURY, S VARIETIES • ACTION PRICED, ORAL AJITtUPTIC -- BONUS PACK -- i' Ox, FREE 314% -oz ins $1.00 Listerinfe 24-fhx plastic Irl $1.5 9 STRAINED -, MEATLESS •VARIETIES Dog .Food JACK'S ^Potato Chips 10'.(NANO (WITH PECTIN) STRAWBERRY a b JAM " 2'4-FL•OZ JAR ACTION PRICED( -oz pkg 8 3 Heinz Baby Foods 4% -fl -oz jar 21? STANDARD CORING 28-FL-Oi • TOOMATO�ES TIN r WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY tEQUIREMENTS' Q FL -OZ TIN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE P.E.I. ECONOMICAL AND NUTRITIOUS, PRICE LOWER THAN LAST -YEAR POTATOES CANARIA NO. 1' MADE FLORIDA FIRM RIPE Tomatoes 2 -Ib troy 89? FLORIDA MILD LARGE ECONOMY PKO Radishes >ab pkg 29¢ FLORIDA GREEN Sweet -Peppers 2 f� 49? Shipped to A&P. Fresh from Our .Own Bakery! N 0 IVY Jen. JANE PARKER ---TRY IT WITH AU CHEDDAR CNEEfFI (SAVE 20e) , (IVY FULL 8 -INCH Pother, Stk.d, Eedck.4 WhIN .r MI% Wh.1. Wheel 2 LOAVES — SAVE 11.) . -, 2401 LOAF ndwich Bread 2 7 9, l 'e pie 22 -OZ PIE 6 9? Sa p , JANE PARKER (SAVE 101) Peach Pie FULL 8 -INCH PIE (06,79? JANE PARKER, VANILLA (SAVE 10e) Macaroon Cup Cakes Pkg of 6 5 9? JANE PARKER (SAVE 4e) Golden Loaf Cake pox calm 5 5? JANE 'PARKER ' 1102. FAIL , TRAY" (SAVE 10e) Chocolate ,Brownies 89? ' JANE -PARKE*, RAISIN TWIST (SAVE, 4e) Coffee Cake -.�, 14 -ox cake 75? JANE PARKER (SAVE 4e) Frosted Ball'Donuts Pkg of 6 65¢ ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED �AI •PARKIR Jelly Donuts JANI), PARKER, SLICED Bread PUMPERNICKEL • (SAVE 44 pkg of 6 75? MY 2 LOAVES --SAVE Ise) 3,16 -os loaves 79? JANE PARKER, ''1tOWN 'N SERV(" EOLLs PLAIN OR WHEAT Twin- Rolls PKG Of 12 pkg 49? PLAK POPPY FEED,., SESAME SEA (SAVE h) French Ikons PKG of 10 pkg q,9? JANI PARKER " (IVY 2 PKGSO.-SAVI 21e), Twin °Rolls Z pkgs of 12 89? JANE PARKER . English Fruit Cake 12 -ox eak.49? EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 19TH, 1975. V. •-"P .4 I,. a� A P a 0