HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-10, Page 14'47 aat Vlfr, 71: 1 44, PAGE 8,...00DERIcH SIGNAL -STAR, TBURSDAY , APRIL 10, 1975 4"'• 4' 4,'"4. ROUND AND ABOUT WITH MARINA There have been so many e,xperiences., from the receilt blizzard, 'that I can understand people talking about them for years to comp.. "Blizz Nite", last Wednesday, was bridge nite for a two group of women. The mailmen and these litridgers had a lot in common when it concerned thectveather - and everyone agreed it was =a ap heck of a hto be out of town playing bridge. It was the u\sual chatty,rnoisy evening and the fact that the windows were speckled with snow ,preventing or perhaps discouraging anyone from looking outdoors, didn't bother anyone. After a fine lunch and more chatter everyone is ready to leave and the door is opened to the elements and eight surprised women nearly fainted. Well! You should have seen them a few minutes later trying to get the cars out of the snow drifts with the roaring wind and icy blast freezing everything it touched. Finally one car was left in the snow banks and everyone - seven - piled into the other car. I firmly believe it was the weight of that big car that was ---:mthe contributing factor in -getting thru' those drifts and the good driver getting those • people home. We fully expertod fo three day . shut in. but luckily the wind • eased up and the' two days were enough. I just fell apart for one day. Wehad a four foot drift blocking the driveway and lucky for me a great youngster came to see if we needed help. The March blizzard, was a week or so late this year but it was just as devastating as the _dandy we had, three or four 'years ago. So the local "Sno Birds' that are still in the South can be glacPthey have made Sure of April weather before returning hone.This winter We have had a large deg, many times, lying in e deep snow in the back yard. tkri of this winter there was NOnow but at that time.I didni‘ realize it was an animal' back there on the ground. Since the blizzard the drift is pretty deep; one could barely distinguish him but yesterday I noticed him (or her) ripping something apart - and by the mess I thought it .might be a small animal. So, I walked out in the cold and stopped within two feet of the dog which was ripping some meat off a dandy bone, he had Aught from Prize., plant Mrs. Agnes Foster, Sheppardton, is proud of her prize amaryllis which is now 27 inches high and has seven pinkish - orange blooms. The bulb was planted at Christmas time, and under Mrs. Foster's watchful eye has grown into a real. conversation piece. ,c3 Area riits n dies. ORVILLE BLAKE • . A well-known area man and sports enthusiast, Orville Blake of Holrnesville,4passed away in University Hospital in London on April 3. He was 66. Mr. Blake was • born in Colborne Township on March 19, 1909, and lived on the Maitland Concession in that township until he moved to Holmesville in 1958. In 1931, he married the for- mer Iona Wallace in Egmon- dville. She survives him. 'As well as being an' elder at Irlolmesville United- Church,. Mr. Blake was on the Township School Board for 17 years in 'h. • somelhere, At this point I realized it must be arC-old dog and a little deaf because I stood several seconds before he realized I was there and then he jumped's° high and ran away so fast he scared me too, ; I suppose some animals like curling up in the snow - but up to now I was quite worried about him. I don't know where he belongs but he has taken my mind off weightier problems just watching and ,wondering. about him. I noticed the Dog Control final notice in last week's paper and it made me think of the visitor. I hope his owners have the licence tags, since after, April 15 there is a $10.00 fine phis costs for those who neglect getting their dog tags. Next week a movie all you parents - young or older should plan to see. Go with your teenager because even the young people are hoping all the teenagers will make sure they see this movie as 'it really concerns both parents and their children. It will be at Park Theatre April 13, 14 and 15 with two showings each time. So you see • Decorator tells ladies ways to dress rooms On Wednesday, April 2, Paul Brown fro Brown's Decor A m gave an' informative talk on d'ti home I-1 ec ra ng your . e brought a few wallpaper sample book§ and some carpet and tile samples. The following are a few of the interesting paints Paul made: Where to put wallpaper is the q:.iestion most people ask. Instead of hiding the height of a stairway or a high ceiling try to accent =it with vertical stripes, try to accent the windows in- -stead of hidinglhem. If you are ' going to spend the money on expensive wallpaper, use good wallpaper ror the ceiling as well. Paper one wall with a flocked or foil paper and paint the other three Walls and Ceiling for a new and exciting look to your room. ,Ask your home decorating centre about the types of wallpapers now available. A new type is so thin, keing almost transparent, that even a small pin head will show through the paper. Also, Mr. Brown advises that good wallpaper deserves pasting, even if it is pre -pasted. Wallpapers now cater to the different ethnic groups and he showed the Dutch and- Italian lines of wallpaper. Heritage and colonial styles are also on this really is an important first the market. rate movie. This Saturday, April 12 of R, be used again but must be the - s oT-7.eolumbusee'Rung-Ineth7d,-sarritiTortf&.as.t.it7:',; Bluebird Ball will be held at . was stripped, as the sun tends ,Saltford. There are still a few to fade the paper in different tinet8—arid-' "a 'good.. time degrees. Numbering the strips Restrippable wallpaper can Use steam to try removing dry strippable wallpaper from dry A small bottle of com- mercial acid added to water and rubbed onto the old wallpaper should help to remove it. You cannot paper over Stipple -painted walls and ceilings unless it is chisled off first. When applying' stipple paint, try riot to spread the paint" too thin. It looks best if painted on thicker than normal paint. Romans used designs on their floors similar to fish bones and other garbage!! Logically, the floor didn't require as many scrubbings! Linoleum Tile There are only two Never -Wax Floors on the market which require cleaning by damp mopping. To protect your floors from grooves and marking, try putting casters under the table and chairs. Also liquid wax can be used on your new tile floors. Individual porcelain tiles comes in two sizes -- 6" x 6" and 8" x 8". I-lowever Mr. Brown considers them very expensive, impractical and very dangerous when the tiles become wet and slippery! They require a good subflooring, one that doesn't give. If possible, they should be inlaid into cement, otherwise they will crack or chip. “7.-:_-:=-;f-utetbarke&nylomparipctirtg, with a foam underlay is a good, buy. To remove the rubber backing which has been Cemented to a floor use a sander. ' • Mr. Brown explains that in- . door, out -door carpeting really means indoor only. On the promised for a good cause - is an easy solution his order. helping the arthritis campaign. Vinyl wallpaper over vinyl Have fun. will slide off -- it can't be done. April ,16 Victoria. St. ladies You must remove the old paper have one of their big suppers first by using sandpaper. for you. April 14 - Do go and see The, National Film Board showing of Northern Art at the Library. April 16 in the 'afternoon at the Legion the Ladies of the Rebekah Lodge have their card party. Just don't have 'dessert with your lunch as you will love what they ' have planned for,, you. It starts at):,1,.: 30 and there will be a bake sale as well as the draw on a blanket, also a dpor prize. Have you organizatfon, presidents or ways ana- means heads considered the great offer re: The golden 24' ' Darwin . tulip? The Legion Branch 109 says this should be considered right now or you will lose out. Call Howard Carroll - how! Apr. 19 The Sorority Garage Sale at St. George's Church - Hall. Continues all day If you have bits and pieces to donate towards their project for the children's roomat the hospital, , they will be grateful. Phone 524- 2407 or evenings 4-2392. Also consignments accept d. April 19 Arthur Circle ladies of Knox Church have their Nearly New sale in the af- ternoon. Colborne Township. He was a carpenter by trade. He was also an enthusiastic sports promoter and was associated with the Holmesville Softball team for many years. Besides his wife, he, is sur- vived by one' son, Gerald of Holmesville'; one daughter, Mrs. Charles (Bernice) Reid of Varna.; eight grandchildren; - and two brothers, Earl of RR 1, Clinton, and Jim of Goderich. The funeral service was held from the Bali Funeral Home .on April 5, 1975 with. Rev. John Oestreicher officiating. Interment was . in Clinton 'Cemetery. . • • dl ToWn of Goderich' DOG CONTROL Bylaw 10 of 1974 FINAL NOTICE Dog tags are now overdue. After April 15th, 1975 a penalty of ten Dollars ($10.00).plus costs will be assessed as per item 3 of Part not ay -law 10 of c974. Tags available at Munidipal office, 57 West Street. " Chairman Animal Control, 4,4) 4,1'4,1,44,Ln:2i' 4,1 Love Martha market now, is artificial grass iiich is the true outddor rug because it is made of water- proof foam. But because it necessary to be put on, with special glues,' it is very ex- . pensive• and is not a do-it- yourself.. project. It can be placed over concrete, however, the glue tends to crystalize over the winter months. to cut a rubber -back -ed shag carpet, use a knife, 'not -scissors. Press it against the wall, and carefully slash with the knife. Try using a beater - bar when cleaning a mini -shag carpet. The life of a carpet is ten years. Latex floor paint will 'stay on cement floors longer than the other paints but all the paints tend to chip off with wear. It is a never ending paint job. After Paul's talk and some discussion, the ladies ,browsed through the samples he had brought. Next week the group will be showing a film called "A, Future for the Past." With the present interest in antiques and past history, this film should be of interest to many people. " They welcome' you on Wednesday, 9:30 - 1 a.m. at Knox Presbyterian Hall. The children's needs are met by babysitters. Have a morning ' out. ,111111111111111N114 SI. Haul's MT, and Mrs: Don Campbell and family and Miss Beverley McPherson were recent Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill McPherson and family. Mr. Hugh Rutherford of Kingston visited with, relatives on the weekend. His mother, Mrs. Ethel Rutherford who has been visiting at Kingston for sometime returned to Goderich with him. Mr. and Mrs. Nyle Ludolth, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ludolth "and Trevor of Kitcheper visited Mrs. Ludolth's Sr. mother, Mrs. Parr and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dorscht. Mn. and Mrs. Sandy McQuillan and Robbie,and Miss Sheila McQuillan of , London were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuillan. -Mr. and Mrs. bordon McIntyre of Richmond Hill spent a few days with Miss Isobel Miller and other_ relatives. - Mrs, Fr-ed`McQuillan spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mc(uillin. and family at Kit- chener. . • ' Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron moved back to the farm after spending the winter months in Lucknow. On March 27th, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McQuillin were honored by their 9th neighbours, friends and relatives at a social evening in the St. Helen's Hall on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Don' Cameron. read an address of good wishes and J.D. Durnin pres'ented them with - g,ifts. Frank and Laurine replied -and lunch was served at the con- clusion of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fowler of a few days With r. - and Mrs. Friday, they f the late C.a ledon spe his parents, Harold Fowler. !attended the funera Mr. Harry Fowler of Clinton. Sympathy of tile community— goes to the Fowler farnigies in the loss of their 'father and grandfather. • , No. 1'. * Birth like death is an open door to a new and greater life. For more information write Baha'i. P.O. BOX 212 P.O. BOX 334 CLINTON GODERICH k Now is the time tor the first application of Golf THE NEW RT' Green Fertilizer Landscaping, Nursery an!' Garden Centre 166 BENNETT E., GOD'ER=ICH, 524-9126 DUTCH BULBS + 23VARIETIES DAHLIAS + 10 VARIETIEk GLAM. + DAYLILIES 4. DOUBLE BEGONIAS. ° • Book Lawn Rolling NOW + INDOOR GARDENING CENTRE 4 -F.' GARDEN SEEDS +BULK, VEGETABLE SEEDS + FERTILIZER + PLANTERS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR LAWN & GARDENING NEEDS fINC E MODEL CONTEST Extended till Apr. 1 (Don't fOrget to get your entries in) trophies for senior', junior, special award with $15.00, $10.00, 57.50 model prizes. All models to be entered in contest must be purchased between IVGrch 21 Elitry forms available with purchase of model. ON THE SQUAREGODERRH and April 25, 1975 c.....*••••••.••••••••••••01,*•••••••••.•*•••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••;•••••••••••••.40...40"... ••••••••.01**4.441**11.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44••••••,.74.4••••••••..:•••••....^....•••••••.•••••••.f 1 - SPECIAL SELECTEE) AMT, MPC, SELECTED GROUP OF e I DEAL CARS. DEAL BOATS, TANKS, ETC. MONOG'RAM AND REVELL i SPECIAL CARS, PLAN ES, NOW 3. 3 3 ALL $3.88 FINCHER'S STOCK MANY' VARIETIES OF REGULAR PRICE, SMALL TO LARGE CARS, PLANES, BOATS, ETC. dl WE'RE GOING INTO THE APPLIANCE WISEVVAY BUSINESS HOME & BUILDING CENTRE 1\ I THE ONTARIO SALES ..; , ,• IF ISDOWN --- SO , , J IF YOU'RE THINKING OF , , . , ? / GETTING SOME NEW . .,...ft ' 1. APPLIANCES, WE'LL HAVE SOME "WORTHWHILE , - SAVINGS ON FAmous4-70-MictLARY APPLIANCES WHEN OUR STOCK ARRIVES NEXT WEEK '141r"---ArOrty,r-rr: .411 • MM. CHARGEXi oi • HUME LUMBEit 217 Isaac $t., (South End) Clinton , OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER IS 482-3441 master charge 'THE WISEST CHOICE IN TOWN' •WATCH FOR TIE BRAND OPENINrOf 0111 01111.0iN6 - COMING SOON ;••• Buy one of these demonstrators now and VE2 WAYS 1-McGee's Large Demonstrator Discount 2 -Sales Tax Reduction to 5% 1975 PONTIAC LEMANS Sedan, 350 V8, automatic; power iteeringilmwer brakes, mats; rear defogger, side mouldings, LIST$5309.90 wheel discs, radial white walls, bumper • protective strips, radio. Serial No. 2D29251504167 DISCOUNT- s626.90 • 1975 OONTIAC ASTREE 'HATCHBACK 2300 c.c. 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering, deluxe belts, floor mats, side 'Mouldings, electric defogger', , sport mirrors, 4cent—z'sfrigte$, honeycomb wheels, radial whitewall's, radio, protective bumpers. Serial Nd. 2C77B5U509874 . • LIST- ,s4518.05 DISCOUNT- s422.05 1 975 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM Sedan, 350 4 barrel V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, deluxe 'belts, mats, chrome package, remote mirror, radial white walls, bumper guards, tinted windshield; vinyl top, clock, electric defogger, stone shields, radio. Serial No. 7L69L51301048 1975 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Two door .hardtop, 350 V8, autOmatic, power steering, poler brakes, mats, side mouldings, rear defogger, radial white walls,. wheel discs, radio, dual horns;'' bimini blue. Serial No. 7K57Z51301436 • 1975 PONTIAC, LAURENTIAN Two door hardtop, Copper Mist, 350 V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, tinted. windshield, mats, side mouldings, door guards, rear defogger, litter container, sports mirror, accent %tripes, _radio, rear speaker, stone ssintio shields, bumper gdirds, deluxe steering wheel, wheel discs, radial white walls, fuel economy gauge, dual horns. Serial No. 7K57251301210 usx- $6216.00 DISCOUNT S1039.00 LIST- s5540.15 DISCOUNT- '851.15 McGEE DISCOUNT- '908.80 4683 • 4096 5237 4687 4909 PONTIAC 'BUICK ' CADILLAC GMC TRUCKi HAMILTON ST., GODERICH .• ‹oo