HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-10, Page 5.V• F6;�?;4Tiau 7,17 ra U BULLE TIN BOARD BLYTjI LIQNS BINGO — Blyth ' Memorial,. Hall, SATURDAY, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot in F0, calls. Big cash prizes. --44 tf NEW BING„O, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 every Thursday. Admission $1.00, fifteen regular games, $10.00 each. Three Share -The -Wealth games. One , Jackpot , for $150.00 in 54 calls consolation. One call and $10.00 added weekly if not won.—cgtfn BINGO every Saturday at Goderich Legion Hall,, 8:30 p.m. Fifteen regular games, $12.06 prizes. Four shard -the - wealth games, -with this week's jackpot ,•$85.00 in 57 calls. Door prizes. Admission $1.00.—gtf ' DESSERT card pa'f y spon- sored by Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89 in the Legion Hall, Wednesday, April '16, at • 1:30 p. m. Euchre and 500, draw on a ” blanket, door prize. Admission 75c, 'gentlemen welcomed. -13,15, THE ANNUAL AT HOME formal dance of GDCI,• April 25, 1975. Music by Chris Black and his swinging brass. -13,15 APPRECIATQN . NIGHT _..for Bob and Helen Stothexs' irl,, rP(,ognit on f thealr _ serylce-=-tor, the , community, Saturday, April 12th, Brookside School. Cards and dancing. , Boyds provided. 15x NATIONAL FILM BOARD in co-operation with Huron County Library presents April 14 - "Northern Art"; com- mentator: Mrs. W. Legg, President, Goderich Art Club to beheld at the Goderich Branch, 52 Montreal Street at 8:00 p.m. All welcome.-15AR THE HURON County Health Unit :invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Assessment"Office board room, 46 Gloucester Terr., Goderich on Thursday, April 17, 1975 from 9:30 - 11;30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Immunization; 4. Hearing.. Screening; 5. Fluoride' brushing of -children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages, 3 to 5 years; 6. Vision testing.-15AR THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, Assessment Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Te'rr., Goderich on Thursday,, April 17, 1975 from} 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for: 1. Heal h Surveillance; 2. Foot C 3. Anaemia Screening; 4. Urine Testing; 5: Blood- Pr sure; 6. Hearing Tests. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS • • ARE AVAILABLE.-15AR HULLY GULLY COMING EVENTS: Friday, April 11, HARDTIME DANCE, with Mozart and ., the Melody Makers; Saturday, April 12, Maple Syrup Festival and Canoe Race, and sugar buSb tours; Saturday night, April12, .Country Singles Dance; Saturday, April 19, Star Trex (sold out) ; Sunday, April 20, Moto Cross Season Opener; Saturday, April -26, Closed ,Banquet-andDance•.„15AR • CIRCLE ” your calendar for 'April 19thand plan to attend the nearly new sale at lnox Church I: I.- - .30 p.m. Auspices of Arthur Cir- cle. -15, 6 - BETA SIGMA PHI GARAGE SALE, April 19th, at St. George's Church Hall, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Donations or con- signments welcome. Call 524- 2407 daytime or 524-2392 evenings. -15,16 i•, Goderich Figure Skating Club �DANCE Saturday, Apiil12 GODERICH ARENA Music by The. Horbourlites' DANCING 9 - 1 SMORGASBORD LUNCH $8 A COUPLE ADVANCE TICKETS FROM AIRY SKATING CLUB MEMBER - -- OR CALL 524-6087, 524-9051, 524-9283 Goderich Minor Soccer MEETING • Tuesday, April 15 8 P.M. Recreation Office, 9 Waterloo St. WE NEED COACHES & REFEREES Come ane Come All WE NEED; VOLUNTEERS Do Your Part ... Help support minor sportt. , 0 "MUSIC FESTIVALS" RE: ORGANIZERS of the FESTIVAL 731 74 MUSICALSr 9 ,When can we see the FESTIVAL 1 975 MUSICAL? We'd love to see it. ti AMusic LOVER ,, THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, ' being held in the Assessment Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich commencing. Thursday, April 17, -1975 frotn 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is interested please. pre- register by calling 1-800-265-- 4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 524-0301, . Both husbands and wives are. invited' to attend and participate in the discussions. -15,16 - THE HURON . 'County Federation of Agriculture will • hold their monthly Membership Meeting, Thursday, April 10th, at 8:30 p.m. in the Seaforth High School, Seaforth, Ontario. Guest speaker - Mr. Frank Wall, from Ontario Federation of'Agriculture, Toronto. -15 by Coming Thursday, April 1 7 Rexall "2 F SALE Rieck. Pharmacy Y GODERICH It "They say that women are smarter than men, but did you "ever see a man wear a shirt that buttoned up the back?" WANTED CANADIAN & U.S. COINS Highest cash prices paid for your old coins. We pay $275.00 for a 1948 Canadian Silver Dollar. Many other coins have great value, • Find out now if you are an owner of valuable coins. Learn which coins to save, Send $2,00 for latest Price Bulletin listing numerous Canadian and U.S. Coins that we buy at TOP ' CASH PRICES. G:'MURGATROYD INVESTMENTS LTD. Box 124, Agincourt, Ont. MIS 384 E:1,14,11shed over 20 yet ooe5)5)5)5)00000000000000 0 0 Country Singles Dance•. A" SAT. APRIL 12 TV SI::NAL Program Changes THURSDAY, APRIL )0. 9:00 - 7 - AM13R1ZE MOVIE WITH RITA BELL (B&W) - "Youngblood Hawke" (Part I) (1964) Suzanne Pleshette and Genevieve Page 12:30 - 7 - ABC AFTERNOON P.LAYBREAK (SPECIAL) - "Can 1 Save My Children?" starring Diane Baker, David Hedisorl,, Tammi Bula and Jack Ging. A another and her teenage daughter and young son survive a plane crash in a remote area only to find their lives imperiled unless rescued within 24 hours. (ABC TV) 4:30 - 7 - THE 4:30 MOVIE - "The Honey Pot" (Part 1) (1967) Rex Harrison and Susan Hayward 10:00 - 7 - HAPPY ENDINGS (SPECIAL) - A• presentation of four original plays by four major playwrights -•' Jules Felffer, Herb Gardner, Neil Simon and Peter Stone. Lauren Bacall, Art Carney, James Earl Jones and Robert Preston star with Alan King. (ABC TV) FRIDAY, APRIL 11 9:00 -. 7 - AM PRIZE MOVIE WITH'• RITA BELL (B&W) "Youngblood Hawke" (Part 11) (1964) Suzanne Pleshette and Genevieve Page • 4: 30 - ? - THE 4: 30 MOVIE - "The Honey -Pot" (Part II) (1967) Rex Harrison and Susan Hayward SATURDAY, APRIL 12 3:30 - 7 - THE PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR -Today's show will feature the Ebonite Open from Toledo, Ohio. (ABC TV) 9:00 - 7 - THE ABC SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE - "Sweet' November" (1968) An " un- convent(onal . girl takes a new room mate- every_ y_,rnnnth. at-wayrs a ;. man -Stars- Sandy Dennis 'and- Antfioiiy` Newley. ..(ABC TV) 11:45 - 7 SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE - "The Four HorcemPn of DELICIOUS Meals or Snacks NOW FULLY LICENSED . GODERIGH SKGNAL-STAR, THUR PAY, `', ARA GODERJCH WTAUR1 NT STEAKHOUSE $ TAVERN Ltd. $ LICENSED UNDER THE;L• IQUOR LICENSE ACT WEST STREET - SALTFORD- VALLE .HALL FOR RENT PHONE '524-6838. eric-carman Oho 524.792 no .QR !* S• .lVt1�IC,•040/10911 '112, TfMtoi larga• --WEDDING$:_ ' fam)Iy. -PORT AIT .. ON' ll rim, arldut;tr aerial -COMMERCIAL- 1x11 " colour to P O S T C A R D S ... brochures off - FRAMING- needlewOrk . PHOTODRAWING ENLARGEMENTS , 004400000000000 r 004400 r 4 r 4004404 Appearing this Week: TERRY HENNESSEY THURS. FRIDAY & SATURDAY ,.. .r THE BEDFORD COURT,LOUNGE PLANNING DINNER OUT Try our delicious smorgasbord • Tues. 12-1:30 p.m. Wed. 6-7:30 Sunday 5-7 p.m. BedfordHot, The 5.quar'Q Goderich rZ�ZrZrlrZrurg2lZrZrZrZrZrZrT� rif'r Apocalypse" (1962) Glenn Ford and Ingrid Thulin VISIT?. MINI -MUSIC 43 WEST ST. GODERICH OPEN FRIDAYS 9;16 -TI L 41P.M. SATURDAYS 9:30 TIL 5:30 FOR ALL,.YOUR • MUSICAL NEEDS -LESSONS - NEW & USED INSTRUMENTS -PIANO TUNING PULSIFER MUSIC SEAFORTH, 527-0053 • Sfle' F a nTc 8 Gus Curry - PIZZA ALSO 524,73p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 L.Icenee0 under LC.0.0. COLOUR TV BAYF1ELD RD., GODERICH • RELAXING 524-7711 ATMOSPHERE DINNER RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED DININ6 and DANCING • ' * Sorry - we cannot accept reservations for entertainment SPAGHETTI -LASAGNA -RAVIOLI 50 rtdEST STREET, GODERICH ,, (Near Thi' Laundiomatl 524-76 Delivery Chorge only 50c 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED Open "Monday thru Thursday 4 to 2 a.m. Friday & Saturday 4 to 3:30 a.m, • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We now have 18" PARTY SIZE PIZZA SHOWTIME - 8:00 P.M. THE ODESSA Frill. THE STORY IS TRUE. THE ENDING WILL . STARTLE YOU. ° at HuIIy Gully Sport In Varna•,:•Turn west at Huron Centennial School in Brucefield. 8:30 p:m. Music by The "Bluewater Playboys" Refreshments Served t cam, N Watch for our next G• dance on April 26 at the Clinton Legion . JZ.1iJZ.?ZJZJZJZJZJZJIJZJTJZJZJZJZJZJZJZJTV� The warm greeting of e • your Welcome -Wagon hostess with "The Most Famous Basket in the World" will introduce you to our community and start you on the way toward new and - lasting •friendships. If you are new in4own, call Phone eT� o LTO r 524-6675 BILLY DEE WILLIAMS lean The' 'Italie SUN ,•M'ON., TU,ES., APRIL 13, 14, 15 SHOWTIMES- SUNDAY - Z,P.M. 8 8P.M. 'MONDAY, TUESDAY - 7 & 9:15 P.M. One other person was aII he needed. One. **************** 44 Each Dinner Box * contains • * 3 piers of finger %icktn good *. Kentucky Fned Chick g . * Golden Brown French Fries Cream? Cole Slaw * *Slice of Grecian Bread ********•fit•******* world wide pictures presents l:a SeWe., Rec�oe 1 AC;4NA71AN COMPANY WEDNESDAY TSO TUESDAY - APRIL 16 TO 22 SHOWTIMES.- WED., THUR., SUN., MON., TUES. - 8 P.M. FRI., SAT. - 7:30"and 9:15 P.M. TO BE ELIGIBLE- CLIP THIS COUPON AND TAKE TO ANY TWINS KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN STORE MI PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRISINIS Froocis Fork Coppola's IiidFa'lhr This 2 foT 1 Dinner Coupon Entitles You to a -DINNER FREE when you purchase one.dinner at the Regular $1.95 price. This Special Offer Expires April 2.7th,,1975. Offer not valid Tuesday. 14ellifINS ;olori!iSa'nders'ReCip -at the 5 Points- N 94 ELGIN ST. tit •...r�. �towr wtm• ANA1nAN t (SWANN NIColonel Sanders and his boys make it"finger lick; n' good" GOD E R I C H 11111111111 11111 III MINN IIII 11111 all all 11111 , w ., tto04)CE0 ANO DlnrcTED 8rrritistivi v 4 cfn;oa.,c .,.. FAIN IGar llxh Adult * scwr«,r..AprommiPiniti Entertainment .