HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-10, Page 41► PAM 4A,-GODDERIC I SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL .10, 197.5 What kind of roses are the shortcomings, i.e. poor most suitable to plant? . blooming habits, etc. In the 1800's an elderly Often there may be up to 18 or German florist faced with this 20 persons reporting on one most difficult question recited rose. If the rose is "cleared" his tribulations by saying; "1 with a gpod report you can be haf so mooch-drOuble with de reasonably confident that it is ladies when dey come to buy truly a good rose. chine, Rose. Dey all wants him Do not buy roses from pic- hardy, dey wants him dooble, tures on general nursery dey wants him nice gooier, dey • catalogues. Roses adorning so wants him nice sl ape, dey many nursery catalogues are wants him fragrant.., dey often far from the true color or wants him to be' everydings- in form of the rose it is supposed one Rose ...Now I„ haf to say to , to represent. In fact, some of dem ladies I sees not dat the best-known nurseries have lady dat is rich, dat is young, even been known to send out dat is good damper, . dat is wrongly-named,'inferior roses. beautiful, •dat is healdy,dat is Also beware of supermarket smart, dat is everyditcgs,in ore bargains with their attractive lady. I "sees . her not mooch.',' packages and heavily -waxed (unquote) ' , 'thick canes. Waxed canes' will Today with thousands more, not impair the shrub, and you specimen roses from which to may be fortunate and obtain choose this question is even some excellent roses, but you more ., difficult to answer. The may more likely take home an Canadian Rose Society deyote a expensive disappointment. large section of their Rose , Packed in .moss the roots of Annual in an attempt to assist these roses are often severely rosarians in the selection of the damaged and dried out upon best roses for their particular . arrival at your home. area with a view to hardiness, A healthy root system is vital beauty, performance, and to the life of your roses. A rose,,. ° other pertinent data. with sturdy canes and a sparse This section, called "The root system is like an apart - Clearing House" is a concise, ' . ment building without a good informal report from rose foundation. growers all across Canada and Do buy your rose stock from some from the U.S.A. on roses a reliable Rose Nursery or introduced over the previous better still, take time out to five years, briefly stating hiasor visit the nursery. and choose her own personal experience your own cultivars. Although, • and evaluation of 'the per- you will have to pay a little re. a. rose.,nuts.ery,...it. - - ollru� m seLL:� 4. • --f rrnamof ^the�s�o � - its merit or pointing our its` like most"things, Y g ydu pay for. Good roses, planted carefully and CLAY — . . , Stlo Unload�n_�_ - Feeders.. • Cleaners - Stabling • Leg Elevators - Liquid Manure Equipment • Hog Equipment FARMATIC — • Milts ''Augers. etc. ACORN — - Cleaners, 'HeatedWaterers raw ZE $uIk,Toeks' Pipeline a Parlour Equipment WESTEEL-ROSCO-Granaries pa - Neg. Panelling Bulk Tank 1 Pipeline cleaning Detergents. Teat Dip. etc. Sovadini Dyne• toson Udd.rsen' Foemcheck Kleeneasy •' AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER 'WASHERS • • PORTABLE & BUILT=IN DISHWASHER • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People at:r. HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS PCCEPTFU 524-7831 Goderich Parks chairman Elsa Haydon presented junior ° service certificates .to six members of the Green Thumbers Garden Club at a meeting held Friday night at St. Marv's School. Receiving certificates (from lett) are Mike Madden, Owen Moriarty, Scott Wilson, Mike Moriarty, Sharon Moriarty and Patrick Madden. (staff photo) •. n thumbers hold annual } adequately cared fo iwille give after.meeting irs'r greui ear ears ofplesur. LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS" 2.11 I . Klacerdlne, Ontario Phase 398.4281 If you do ,not have an established rose garden, choose an, open area that gets ap- proxirhately six to . eight hours of stmshine a day and is a safe distance from shrubs or trees whose roots could encroach - upon those .of your roses. A three -sided garden with beds approximately six ft. wide with an open area in the centre in which you! can relax and enjoy your roses from `all sides, perhaps with an arbor for your favourite climbers at one end, an be a very pleasant lay -out. If you like a combination of Teas andGrandifloras this plan will accommodate both, allowing each rose bush a three ft. square breathing space. The taller grandifioras and tall teas make a nice 'backdrop on the outer side of your three -sided garden, ,with the lower growing teas in the foreground. If you prefer floribundas, I suggest you give thein anv ex- ' elusive setting of their own, as, a border planting or individual bed. If possible plan your rose garden so it canoe viewed from GUARANTEED , INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES TO VICTORIA & GREY TRUST CITY SAVINGS &TRUST STANDARD TRUST CANADA PERMANENT TRUST Bruce Erskine 86 North St. Phone 524-9555 One yearago this month the Goderich Green Thumbers was organized with a membership of 30'children and their leader MrS. lean Barnett. Last. Friday evening, 46 of the present 62 enrolled members of this club, plus their leader, and a committee of six young adults met at St. 'Mary's school . for "their second meeting of ' 75:`Ten adults attended, including the special guest of the evening, Mrs. Elsa Haydon who was on hand to present certificates for outstanding achievementtli Horticulture to s Thumbers and crests and seeds to other 1974 members. Following' the presentations, president Scott Wilson called on Patrick Madden to thank Mrs. Haydon. Bruce Betties, Flower Beds' Chairman, reported on current plans for proposed flower beds to be planted, by the Juniors He' also "gave a very interesting discourse On tree demonstrating his topic:. by Splaying ..a fine specimen slab taken from a recently- •. • ix Green arouna Lown. Your favorite window in order. Dickson, pure yellow' delight, that you may be able to enjoy fragrant. your roses , in inclement ' Grandifloras: Red, ._ 'J. S. weather. Roses bloom until Armstrong, White, Mt. Shasta; quite late in the fall, so you may Golden Girl, Deep coral, as well get as much enjoyment Camelot; Bronze Arizona AS possible out of your labor of (AARS.'75), etc. love. Floribundas: Coventry Once you have your par- Cathedral, Gene Boener, Little titular rose garden planned in Darling, Molly McGredy, etc. your` mina transcribe it to Climbers : Handel a)nd raper and figure out how many Galway Bay. roses you will need, the types, For more names and further to attend ,.colors etc., and place them by information plan now name on your blueprint and our next Meeting -of the Garden then start shopping: here are a Club to be held in Si. Mary's few suggestions from the School , next Wednesday . at 8 ®`Clearing House," with almost p.m. Rose Annuals for the past' "everydings in one rose": six years will be , at your White teas: White Master- disposal for browsing, as well tete, an immense velvety as . nurser*y catalogues and P other rose publications 'on rose, up to 60 petals, beautiful planting, etc.' form, disease -resistant; J. F. Kennedy, a vigorous shrub Guest speaker,, Art Bour• bearing perfectly formed .deau, will give a lecture on bloonis of outstanding white Thome landscaping, followed by with faint overtones of green. ' • a film on landscaping and Red teas: Alec's Red, cherry- roses. See you then! red exhibition blooms, strongly -scented; Oklahoma, very dark velvety red, perfect form, strongly scented. Pink teas: Electron,, cerise - pink robust shrub with old':rose • fragrance; First Prize,.. a graceful i-o'se-pink, fragrant; Royal Highness, a true Queen, very large, pale pink blooms; Sonia, (a 1975 introduction) rich coral with long pointed bud. Yellow ° and orange teas: Mabella, bright clear yellow, fragrant; Lolita, fascinating bronze, • fragrant; Grandpa Town of Goderich DO'CQNTROL Bylaw 10 of 1974 FINAL NOTICE Dog Tags are new overdue after April 15, 1975 A penalty of Ten Dollars (510.00) plus costs will be assessed as per item 3 of partnof bylaw 10 of 1974. Tags available at Municipal Office 57 West St. r Chairman Animal Control d felled tree and explaining how age could be determined and other interesting factors. He further advised that he hoped the cancelled visit'to the Maple Sugar camp may be held at a later date. Mrs. Madden, Flower Show Convener, who assisted with the club last year, read the Activity Report for '74. Mrs. aro W.' Wilson, Social and Membership Convener, gave her reportand advised that six children would be galled upon to bring cookies to each meeting on a rotation basis. The children providing the cookies would also be hosts and hostesses for the evening and would serve the members. Miss Jean Senior, Program Convener,, gave a ' very lively. outline 'of the proposed year's activities and projects. Mrs. Barnett was then called on to" demonstrate the planing of an "Indian Wigwam" to be entered by the' boys in the June" - Flower • -Show. Mrs., Wilson demonstrated the planting of morning glories to depict 'Ring around" the Maypole"' to be entered by each girl in the June Flower Show. Seeds and instructions for planting and preparing the proposed exhibits were given to each child. Stakes to complete the project,'' donated by Denomme's Garden , Centre, will be given out at the next meeting and further in- structions for training the vines to desired shapes. . Michael Madden read a letter -from Miss Mary Howell in - viting 'the Juniors to visit her lovely gardens sometime early, this summer. Mrs. Barnett read a letter from a member of the Canadian Rose Society in Ottawa offering a cash donation towards .the purchase of rose bushes for the Club. This letter ' came as result of an article written by Mrs. Barnett to the editor of the CRS, Rosarian, suggesting', the feasibility of starting a Junior Rose Society, and mentioning her experience with the Green Thumbers. ' The Green Thumbers were happy to welcome a very special representative from the Senior Garden Club at this meeting, Mrs: Frances Wor- sell, membership convener for the Garden Club. Any •interested adults, (parent or otherwise), are cordially invited to attend any of these Meetings. •It is im- portant that Juniors know that adults do care about, what they are doing. A delegation of five Juniors' and their leader and two .or three other members of the Green. Thurnbers Horticultural Society will be attending the District 8 Annual Convention at Teeswater on April 19. The Juniors will present the • skit "Fun for Sandwiches": Mrs. Barnett.has been asked • to speak on the°progress and activities of the. Green Thumbers. . LOWER INTEREST RATES Now Available On IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction & Land Development For Representatives In Your Area Phone . SAFEWAY INVEST.MENTS AND CONSULT ANT.IIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont. -1NeBuy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash— DO YOUNEED "A WATER WELL!!! D_Ail_1LZS►._ ...t!�l. _ . _. OFFERS''YOU= , . - •73 years of successful water development • The most modern, forst equipment available gniy_trained__persotinel - Fast service and free estimates - Guaranteed wells et lowest cost YOUR HEAD QUARTERS FOR. •ROGERS MAJESTIC TV •EXPERT TV SERVICE • ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION 162 MARY ST. GODERICH 5 2 4-908 9 From the Family Furniture Collection by KRUG BROS. SecretaryDesk Lock in drop' door, 3 doors, finished in dark walnut, protected'by the Dura -Seal finish • resistant to heat, water, alcohol, easily cleaned. 'Picture this fine piece of furniture in your home. Take advantage of the reduced sales tax on these and other fine items n n URNITURE • BLACKST9ISIE treet, Goderich PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S' FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE BOX 46, WINOHAM - OR PHONE 367-11004 THE RDS ACREMETER Contipuous readout ,in ACRES — Be SURE .. Apply correct amount of Fertilizer —' KNOW the EXACT number of ACRES covered regardless• of shape of field — Automatic cutoff for Headlands — 2 Year Guarantee. Write for further information or phone Terry MacDonald at (519) 482.3418 , EPPS SALES and SERVICE »Box 610, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 ri i ATTENTION FARMERS Have you C' - ^ Vfor your 1975'. considered 1 L �1 �� cash crop? For the past. two. years. Flax as . a cash _-crop has shown a net return per acre equal to, and in most cases better than, most cash crops available in the area. We have cleaned a limited amount-. of F»LAX SEED and this is now • . available for booking. Interest in this seed is strong and we suggest you phone and. order now to avoid being disappointed. Fol. seed please 'contact: oPr0TCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS„MITED Milverton, Ontario phone 595-4941 or ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS Lucknow,- Ontario phone 528.2026 4