HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-03, Page 250 4 M7 ••• fl GOMPICH StglIA,P4T. . la I I . t,,PAMPAY.PAR, 143,49/5-40.04g0 :N AND ,011,INTRY 4 1.ARTICLES FO.li SALE CHECK our prices on chesterfields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & -E New and Used Fur- niture, 524-7231, 1/2 mile south of Goderich.-d AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner, removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Iteatine, Kingston Street, Goderich.-14tf SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tf SEWING MACHINES. Large selec- tion of good used sewing machines, Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. 29 East St., 524-6012, La Boutique.--38tfA/R GERALD BELL FRUIT FARM - apples, potatoes for sale. Fresh apple cider. Free delivery in town. Phone 524-8008. -2tfAR APPLES FOR SALE. Macs, Cortlands, $4.50 bushel; ''Spys, $5.25 bushel; 75 lb. bag of eating potatoes, 33100; also seed potatoes, $3.00 for 75 Ibs.;l'fresh cider. Free deliveryarourid town. 'TP !kin e- -524 403-T.'" Al4r-4,3elft-Pf II - Farm.-9tfAR SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE': --Leading Manufac-turer and distributor has above ground aluminum pools left over fron-i- 1974 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed - installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, 519-681-- 3805;days or evenings.- • 13,14,15,16,17x USED VACUUMS for sale, all in good working condition. Phone 524-6092, after 8 p.m. phone 524- 2079.-11,12,13,14 ' APPLES: End of season special. Top quality $5, seconds $3 per - bushel.Spies, Delicious, Cour- • tland, Macs. Bring containers, • after 4 or weekends. Ross Mid- , dleton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, northof river. -711-18. GENDRON P -ram, •Navy and white, excellent condition.'Phon 524-8737. -12tf • WROUGHT iron railing, porch railing,, caumns, post, inside vinyl stair rail, room dividers. Gerald • Lewis- 524-2427. -12,13,14,15. FOR- FREE GIFT and HOME PRESENTATION, phone 524- - 6092 Goderich.-11-140 COMPLETE set of Ludwig Drums, Bass, Tenor Tom, Floor Tom, & Stainless Snair, Speed King. Pedal & Cymbal Stand, finished in Charcoal Mother of Pearl, excellent condition. Tall 524-2507 after 6 p.m.-tfnc ' DRY FIREWOOD - Maple, Beach and Ash. 12" - $,14.O0 per cord delivered, 18" - $16.00 pet cord delivered. Call Bayfield 565- 2451.-13,14,15,16 FILTER QUEEN 'VACUUMS • authorized dealer 44 WEST ST. GODERICH • 524-9024 LIVE BAIT 1 -OR SALE DEW WORMS MINNOWS WE ARE LOCATED NORTH OF DUNLOP'S CORNER ON HWY • 21 Watch for the sign Huron Haien Homes • Featuring the best variety in the are'a of top quality' modular, mobile, and Cedar - 'omes by Marlette, Bendix, Homco and Linda!: Come and see our display 21/2 miles north of Goderich north on Highway 21. Full service with satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 524-6384 Owned and Operated by Hu.nes of the Future Ltd. • DEADLINE FOR TAKING •CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP. -TUESDAY, ADS CANNOT BE 'ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS-- Etc per word, minimum 1150 ;.; 4,4 'ARTICLES FOR SALE 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT GARDEN SEEDS Galore - Bulk, FORMALS BY FREEMAN'S package, also volume prices. . exclusively ,available from Seed • starting specialties. CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Specially formulated lawn seed CLOTHIERS FOR MEN (for,. . mixtures and fertilizers. merly Pickett & Campbell's), 36 Chemicals and pesticides. The Square, Goderich.-11tfAR DURST FARM AND GARDEN ...1.1111111.1111.11MIMMIIIIIMP,. CENTRE, 22 Isaac Street, 2A. ARTICLES WANTED . Clinton, 482-9333. Open all day Wednesday. -13-17 AR QUANTITY of cedar rails; five windows, 3'5" x 7', also other sizes; lumber for strapping, 1" x FURNITURE, glass, china, clocks, '2". Phone 524-7739.-13tf ONE 'SMALL farm tractor or garden tractor. What have you? Phone 565-2861.-14 bells, brass, copper. Will buy for --- cash or sell by auction. Mike Cum- -1972 C.B. 350 HONDA', excellent ming& Auctionser„.5.2.4...906.1.4,2,2tf..... constitibiliffik-61-faderPhone 524-2445.-13 AR 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE SALE cif Table Lamps, up to 50 percent reduction until ,April 5th Of-all-cliscontintred lines . Lodge-1-969-JA-VEUNT---four-sPeed 390 Furniture, 33 West Street, engine, power steering, brakes in Goderich,.-13-14 AR good shape. Phone 524-6248 after 5 p.m, -1 ltfnc SALE - 411 percent reduction until April 5thon. all mis-matched box springs in stock; 20 percent on any mattress purchased with'box springs. LODGE FURNITURE, 33 West Street, Goderich.-13-14 AR ONE MAN'S tuxedo and one formal jacket, size 40; two ruffled shirts, size M, with velvet bow ti'es. Phone 524-9533 after 6 p.m. -14 , 1963 FORD custom' half ton pick , up. Serviceable, reasonable, Phone 565-2831. --12tf BARGAIN HUNTERS: 197-3 Dodge Polara; 1970 Plymouth Fury II; 1966 Dodge Coronet. Phone 524-6344.-13,14x 1964 'CHEVY VAN, Safety checked, new paint job. 'Phone after 5, 524-6248.-13 tf.ne 1968 CHEVROLET Impala, four ,TWO F60 x 14 and two G60 x 14 , door*, 4autOrnatier..hardtepra-V-8, Tornado white lettered tires, like power steering, power brakes. new condition. Phone 523- Phone 524-7607.-14 9229.-14 • . " MATCHING gold lined.drapeS, 60 x 72- inches and 148 x 84 inches, Phone 524-2500.-14 16' WOOD • BOAT with 40 h.p. motor, with steering wheel and Water skiing equipment, $200.00 •or best offer; one utility trailer, box type, $75.00 or best offer; one homemade cabin trailer,' apl3rox. 11' x 7' x 6' high Thside, sleeps four, $300.00 or best offer; two acquarium tanks, • 8 and 16 with all accessories, $30.00 for both or best offer. Moving - must sell immediately. Phone 524-2476.-r14 , • IV, MAN'S red used C.C.M. bicycle, 26" wheel, 16" frame, 'equipped with light, large parcel carrier, kick stand and. lock, $45.00. LODGE FURNITURE„ 33 West Street. -14 1974 YAMAHA 250 c.c. Fndtro, less than 100 miles, good for street or trail. Phone -482-3279 'weekends.-14,15nc TWO LADIES 24" bikes; one child's 20" bike; all in good condition. Phone 524-6659,14 ONE ' , BROWN Naugahyde recliner, nearly new; also one rtillaway TV cart tolit a 20" TV, like new. Phone 524-7509, ID East Street. -14 LARGE QUANTITY - 4 drawer filing, legal size; also 4 drawer stacking, letter size, 97'..x 6"; Office desks and.tables; one wood •-Lathe, 30 in, .centres; 12 inch swing, complete with Motor Emery; 2 sets of chisels. N. Hamilton, 101 South St., Goderich, phone 524-8602,14 APPLE SALE - Macs $4.50 per bushel; Spies at $5.25; Red Delicious at $5.00; and No. 2 Spies at $3.00. Fresh apple cider and free delivery around town. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, phone 524-8008.--1-14tfAR ' VINYL covered crib mattress; good condition. Call 524-2035 after. 5 AM -FM STEREO with eight track player anti recorder, complete with speaker, mike and turntable. Phone 524-,6564 after 5:30 p.m. -14 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT TO''RENT - $1.50 per day rents • you an electric.- rug shampooer. Removes .spots, grease, etc. Service Dominion Hardware, phone 5247 8581.-41tf , 4411141111111111•1111 FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Free style brochure,: Rawson & Swartman Style Shop, Goderich.-20tf 1968 FORD. Fairlane, clean, safety checked, $875.00; 1968 Custom Ford, 4 door, good gas mileage, body good, "safetied", $895.00. • Phone 524- 6871.-14x • 3A. PET STOCK ,REGISTERED yellow Labrador 'puppies. Hunting, obedience heritage. • 'Beautiful tem- perament. Reasonable pricee Phone 438-3600.-14,15 BLACK Labrador puppies, available April 30th. Phone 524- 6825.-14,15,16 TROPICAL fish, canaries. Com- • plete pet supplies. ?at's Pet. Shop, 350 Main Street, Eveter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. ,to 6 -p.m. daily and Friday eyenines.-40tf &ACCOMMODATION TO RENT ONE MEDIUM size store and one small store or office. Well located for coffee shop. Newly decorated. Phone 524-9906 after 7 p.m. -13,14 ° 0. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT. 8 HELP WANTED ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen 'and living room privileges. Phone 524-89.26 after 5 p.m. -14,14x, NEW, GROUND FLOOR 2 - bedroom apartments, only $165.00 per month, in Lucknow. Phone 529-7924.-13,14,15,16 ROOM and board or room without board or to share an apartment with another girl, within walking distance to the square. Phone 482-7797 or 524-9024 during day. -13' ONE -BEDROOM apartment, available April 7th, All utilities, paid. Phone 524-8821.-14 THREE-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra, RR 5, Clinton, $155.0Q 'per month, all utilities paid. Phone '482-7764 anytime.-48tf FURNISHED APARTMENT, all utilities paid, close to Square, suitable for one person. Phone 524-6927.-14 ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments available May lst, 26 Bennett Street East, Goderich. For information • call 524- 6003.-14,15 JANITOR wanted full time, some weekends. Retired person welcomed. Phone,524-2191,14,,15 EXCELLENT, opportunity fur experienced hairdresser, in Goderich. Apply Box 189, Signal- , cSlteaarn.--7ing14A-:urposes three hours MAN OR WOMAN required for each week, Friday or Saturday. Apply Box 190, - Signal- Star,14AR EXPERIENCED free lance photographer wanted to photograph weddings in Central Huron area, Please send resume, also references to 13.0. Box 5110, Terminal A, London. -14 -.H.EATD-apartment-- -available- imMediately. Adults, -rio 'pets. Phone Friday afternoon • and Saturday 524-7898.---14tf mmosomimmium 77 -WANTED -TO RENT ONE -BEDROOM apartmeqt or house in the country. Phone Welt at 524-8526 Monday 'to, Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. -14x EARN extra money in your spare time. Work from your own home. Phone 524-7660 after 5 p.m. -14,15,16,17 WANTED a responsible person to' look after an 8 and 10 year old, evenings while mother works, Phone 524-7087,-13 & 14 AVON I have an open territory in Goderich. It can be yours.. Excellent earnings. Call Mrs. M. Millson, Condon 451-0541 or Mrs. Thompson, 527-0238. With driver's • licence for, after school and two evenings per Week. Contact. J. Buchanan, Signal - Star, between 3 and 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday ONE OR•TWO-BEDROOM apartment by June 1st. Call 9. WANTED (General) collect Strathroy 1-245-0958.-14x HOUSE, cottage or apartment liky May 1st. Phone 524-7177, after 5 p.m. -14 8. HELP WANTED .• I:, t•41 . Tourist Information - Booth .requires staff May to October 1975 Reply in writing to Goderich Tourist, 'Committee, 9 Waterloo St. S. Goderich, Ont. Deadline April 11, 1975 COMPLETE household effects small lots wanted. Call C' and Furniture, 524.7231.-tf or E Wanted!' WILL SELL BY AUCTION FURNITURE, ANTIQUES ETC. SMALL LOTS , HOUSEHOLD LOTS contact ... HAROLD LAMB Auctioneer 524-9657 8. HELP WANTED 4esemisimporw Experienced Stenographer Required for high volume industrial concern. , This position requires proficient -skills in tyPingi., dictaphone, and general office duty. Only the experienced need apply. • r, Please send complete resume to Box #191 Goderich Signal -Star • P.O. Box #220 Goderich, Ministry of Housing Goderich • Housing Authority Is now accepting applications in ' GoDERICii, ONTARIO' Rents are, Geared to Income IF You area resident of the Town of Goderich - You ae sixty years of age or over - Your- presentincome does not permit you to pay current Market t'PateS , - You have Wet previously applied Additional information and applications are available by contacting the Goderich Housing Authority at the Jollownig address .. Goderich Housing Authbrity 30 The Square Goderich, Ontario, telephone (.09) 524-6834 9. WANTED (General) WANTED Canada's leading Manufacturer and DistribUtor is seeking a choice residential site to display their new 1975 above ground' redwood pool, Your, backyard is the prime location we will consider. An excellent opport'inity for you the 'home owner call collect 681-3800 days or evenings. -13-17x, .10. EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED WILL DQbabysitting in my home for working mother. Experien- ced. Phone. 524-2572' or 524- 2236.-13,14 . MAN with 1/2 ton truck will do light delivery, clean-up garages, etc., hauling, $6.50 per load. Phone 524-8553.-10-17AR 12 AUCTION SALE :THINELL'S Aiimuoulti.211/41,111 • AUCTIONEERS -- and LIQUIDATORS RRUCEFIELO, ONT Otter the most' modern auction methods LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL BABYSIT pre-schoolers, in my home, daily or weekly., Experienced with infants. Pht,ne 524-6990.-14 - WILL BABYSIT a small infant in my own home. Phone 524- 9629.-44 anionimos, 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE , 1111=111. WATERLOO'S oldest firm offers all-around mortgage service. No rejection because of impaired credit, refinancing a specialty; Hardtman & Strack Limited, 884- 6030 '(call collect from out-of- fown)..-7tf SEPTIC tfinks cleaned, modern equipment,' work guaranteed. Write or phone H. T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320.--tf EAVESTROUGHING, roofing, barn painting and general con- tracting. Re4sonable. Contact Jim Bolger, 482-9202. Call bet- ween 7 & 8 a.m. -7tf ,DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 l9tf id Bruinsma . FOR ALL YOUR„ EXCAVATING NEEDS • ..-BACKHOE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK • SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS , FRE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 12. AUCTION SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE MORTGAGES - First and second mortgages, residential, cornmercial confidential service. No hidden charges or bonus. Debt consolidation and refinancing a specialey. HANNAH FINANCIAL SERVICE - Call • Collect. 1-885- 1900.-12tf SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis -Moffat -Beatty Sales -Sonde° Repairs lo all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 *Carpentry Work •Home Renovating *Furniture Repairs and Refinishing NO JOB TOO SMALL 5 2 4- 5 9 _COOS too eci)f)cotsoco Home Repair Service --L-Roefing7, Painting - Chimney repairs . • Eavestroughing Free Estimates en Duncan 524-6065' JJJJJJJJJJJ JJ 13. SERVICES ?MAILABLE *Roofing *Painting *General 'Carpentry: PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158 • General Repairs roofing, carpentry work and painting, two men, phone after 6 p.m. Jim McIver 524-6903 PHOTOGRAPHY by FRED BISSET 524-7223- GODERICH mosimumummossmnamm HOFFMEYER • Plumbing 5 Heating Ltd. . APPLIANCES - 55- KINGSTON • Inglis 'Washers, dryers, • refrigerators, diehwashers, ranges 12. AUCTION SALE • ,,,,. • CLEARING AUCTION .SALE Of farm machinery, livestock,furniture and antiques at ,Let 4, Cori.: 9, 3 miles north of Zurich on Sat., April 5 at 1.:i5 p.m. LIVESTOCK ,59..head of Hereford steers - 500 to. 600 Ib. Alberta ,calves, a choice selection of western cattle. PIGS - 3 sows with litters at sides; 13 pigs nine weeks old; '5 sows recently rebred; 1 hog specialist in large litters. MACHINERY - Int. 624 Diesel 10,90- hrs. fully equipped; Int. 444 gas 850 hrs, comes with fully hyd. front end loader; AC -C ° ' tractor comes with 2 row puller and scuffler; versatile self- propelled 10 ft. swather; Int. 10 ft. wheel disc' ^No.. -350 7, 3 . furrow Overrun 14" plow; 111/2 'ft. Kondshield cultivator; Int. 449A-4 row corn and bean planter; Int. 155 manure spreader; • 10 ft. drag harrows;. Int. 4 bar side rake; land roller; 4 section diamond harrows; Int. 7 ft.-P.T.O. mower; wagon and flat rack; 3 PTH - P.T.O. belt pulleyl, snow blower;' J.D. 10" ha in mOmill = 25' endless belt4,14.4.11. 95 Bu. Spreader . MISC. - 26 ft: - 5" grain auger; 45 bu. grain bin; fanning mill,; scales; 3 Beatty farrewing 'crates; pig and poultry equip. ment; 32 ft. aluminum ladder; sap equipment; well win- dless; cattle clippers; anvil; horse cutter;tools and many other items; M.T.D. IaWn flight riding mower; FEED 1000 bu. mixed grain - 1000 lb. seed beans FURNITURE - 9 pce: dining room suite; 11' x 12' rug; dressers; beds; washstands; writing desk; oil stove; Me. Clary bedroom box stove (ant.) gas lantern; misc. items; Zenith 23 "cubic ft. chest freezer. Farm Sold - Terms - Cast - No Reserve , Clare McBride - Proprietor • - , Q. and Appliances •to be auctioned, on'Wednesday evening, April 9 at 7 prtto be held at the White Carnation, Holmesville, 3 ,miles west of Clinton on Hwy. 8. -• On view Vp.m. until sale time. Consisting of oak bowfront china cabinet; oak round pedestal table; 6 Oak diner chairs; 4 pc. •bowfront bedroom suite; cherry bonnet chest; pine bonnet Atest; poster bed; spool bed; 3 pc.,11igh bed, dresser and Waifistaad; 2 washstands; commodes; spinning wheel; wool winder; 3 walnut chest of drawers; flat to wall cupboard; ice box; pine wardrobe; child's cradle; wicker buggy; gun stock and chicken coop chairs; 4 cane bottom diners; pine blanket boxes; hump back trunks; captain's high chair and 'arm chair; Boston, bow back, press back and oak rocking chairs; 6 ^press back chairs; toilet set; kitchen clock; Peguenot mantel clock; 2 inlaid waiting -boxes; radios; gramaphone; round pedestal table; nipon violin; 2 guns; brass bells and chimes; picture frames; 3 oval frames; crocks; brass bed; brass and iron. bed; books, Glass, china, and silverware, 2, English dinner sets; Canadian glass; milk glass;_press glass; souvenirs; china dolls; crystal and ironstone; and many many more items. Appliances Westinghouse washer and dryer; Zenith color TV, radio and record player (stereo); Wettinghouse refrigerator? electric stove. Terms - Cash - Peddle Bidding RATHWEILL'S-, AUCTION SERVICE . Srucefield • 4824120 RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 'Brucefield 482-3120 .^-•- 13,14b Antiques, Furniture 0 1.1b GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges ,TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE.. Income Tax Returns - Business - Farm Individual LAWRENCE BEANE Brucetield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. ,Phone. 4824988 50tia • FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance NOIN ,Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For Free Estimate call 524-889,2 257 Warren St., Goderich Mid -Western- • Paving FOR ALL ASPHALT WORK -DRIVEWAYS • -PARKING LOTS -REPAIRS CONTACT ' Jack's texaco And Automatic Car Wash 394 Huron Rd., GODERICH 524-7744 VACUUM CLEANERS - SALESA SERVICE • , ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn • ACE RADIO & TV FLEETWOOD Sales & Service Repairs to all makes -of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-5244771 YOUR FURNITURE 'AND CARPETS • DESERVE THE „REST)! Have Carpet Care ' Chian them with Seam Cell 5244440