HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-04-03, Page 24• 'PAGE 8—OODERICH SIONAL-STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 33 19' s!) • WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The March meeting of Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute was held in Colborne Towhship Hall, Carlow, on Wednesday, March 26. As this is always the annual Meeting it hastecome a practice of having this in the form of a pot luck luncheon. At approximately 1 p.m. 29 members and' six visitors assembled in the hall and the meeting was opened, with the, President, 'Mrs. Eric Reaburn welcoming everyone. Al A) OCA)titt, The smorgasbord table was laden with delicious food and a very enjoyable luncheon hour soon drew to a close. Honored guests at the head table were the District President, Mrs. Don Haines of Auburn Presieent of the Auburn and President of the Auburn Institute Mrs. Haggitt. After the meal the members answered the roll call, "What the Institute has done for me" which often brought rounds of applause. The ladies and guests stood and introduced them- eom,seo.)f)e)o)o)ciec@)€, eier)o)er)ceech,.4 (3 CYCLE .CLUB A bicycle club will be organizedif there is sufficient interest. If you are interested please cat!. the Goderich Recreation & COmmunity Centre Board Office. Leave your name etc. A Meeting will be held in the near future, 524-8373 a A)PA)ODA)0)A)te,(1) 01`0,0)f)e)A't,,A)CA)FA,c% 41' •D. GERALD H1LTZ L.A., LLB. BARtZISTER°& SOLICITOR 14 ISPLEASED TO ANNONCE THE OPENINGOFHISOFFICE FOR THE / PRACTICE OF LAW AT 56 HURON STREET; CLINTON • COMMENCING THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1975 • RHONE CLINTON 482-7882 & 7335 ., • INowts the time for'the firs"t application of THE NEW ART'S Golf Green Fertilizer Landscaping, Nursery and Garden Centre 166 BENNETT E., GODERICH, 524-9126 23 VARIETIES DAHLIAS + 10 VARIETIES GLADS . + DAYLILIES + DOUBLE BEGONIAS • • Book Lawn Rolling NOW +INDOOR GARDENING CENTRE, + GARDEN SEEDS +BULK VEGETABLE SEEDS + FERTILIZER .1- PLANTERS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR LAWN 8.GARDENING'NEEDS COLBORNE CORNER 4,4 • selves which created a very veners: Agriculture and friendly feeling among them. Canadian Industries, Mrs. E. : Minutes of last Meeting were Reaburn, MrsW. Hardy; read and adopted and Citizenship and World Affairs, correspondence was received Mrs. A. Stoll, Mrs. Doug and attended to as follows: A McNeil; -Education and notice of Achievement Day at Cultural Activities, Mrs. M. Brookside School on May 17; Vontgomery, Mrs. Harm letter from Mrs. P. Wheeler Co- Kloeze; family and consumer ordinator of Volunteer Services affairs, Mrs. R. Buchanan, at Goderich Psychiatric Mrs. 0. Falkiner, resolutions, Hospital confirming she will Mrs. K. DeGroot, Mrs. E. speak to the Institute at the Bogie. April meeting; letter advising This being the annual of Exectitive meeting in . meeting, 'the annual reports Auburn Hall Monday April 7, were given which showed we 1:30 p.m. to plan for the District had a very interesting and Annual; letter advising 4-H , successful year. The members girls next project will be The have been very active. Garden Club, ' "Use of Mrs., Ralph Jewell moyed a, vegetables", letter from Blyth vote Of thanks to the president, 'W.I. inviting the Tiger Dunlop. secretary -treasurer and the Institute to their 65th Birthday officers for the past year and May 12; invitation and tickets voiced a note of welcome to to a 70th anniversary dinner Mrs. Earl Sherwood who will be banquet of Clinton W.I. Wed- the new president. nesday April 9; letter regar- Mrs. Reaburn, retiring ding senior training schools, president thanked the mem short courses and food forums; bers for their co-operation and a letter regarding Huron during the past three years that Dairy Princess speaking at one she has served and asked the meetin. members to give the same co- g -After 'considerable discussion operation to Mrs. Sherwood. members agreed to pbstpone Mrs. Sherwood then took the the tea and cards they were chair and thanked the Institute going to have in May until later for this high office and spoke in the year. They also agreed to words of praise. for Mrs. have the Sunshine Sister Reaburn and her untiring ef- banquet in the Colborne forts for the past three years Township Hall, Thursday June striving at all times for the 5th. good of the Institute. Books were , received Mrs.-•Haggitt, president of regarding the cancer Drive Auburn Institute then -spoke and- the response Of the ladies 'encouraging: words and what -- km' 55 cents to 58- cents; arid' 'toward canvassing for this was the Institute work has meant to • chOcolate milk from 60 cents up • most gratifying. her. Mrs. Allan Stoll thanked 'to .66 cents. Butter has also Mrs. K. DeGroot donated our guests, Mrs. Haines "and increased 13 cents a pound, three sma-H--pfctttres--of—Mrs;-Haggltt-and wished them -from $1.03-te-$1.16. Mrs. G. Raining and Glen McNeil of Colborne Township. • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McNeil are well knOwn and their many friends and the community extend congratulations and wish them many more pleasant years of happy married life. WORKSHOP .Planning Workshop Program Colborne Township dates to remember and attend, Saltford Wednesday April 2; Bemniller, Thursday April 3; Natural Environment and Recreation, , Township- Hall, Carlow Wed- nesday April 9. The meetings have drawn splendid crowds 'and much information has been gathered. The final general workshop will be in the Township Hall Tuesdar-edning April Oth which should be especially interesting for all, so plan to attend. SOCIAL NEWS Guests with Mr. and,, Mrs. Wm. Taman over the Easter holidays were their daughter Pamela, Mrs. Emms and daughter, Wendy from Ottawa who • visited for the Easter week. Mr. Emms arrived over the weekend to accompany them home, and another daughter ••• Delores, Mrs. Spiegelberg and Mr. Spiegelberg • and two sons Danny and Deanie of London visited for the holiday weekend. Goderich milk buyers pay more, today for dairy products Residents of Goderich will be paying more for their milk today. Prices have increased five cents a quart at the local , • dairies. Andrew's and Gardiner's dairies raised their •homo milk Price from 55 tents up to 60 cents; skim milk is now 55, cents from 50 cents; 2 percent needlepoint to the meeting and every success in their Institute Minister of Agriculture ' and Mrs. Carman Feagan received work, and the meeting closed ' Food for Ontario, William A. one for having a Birthday with the singing of 0 Canada. nearest this date as did Mrs. . 4-H GIRLS Ross Henry receive one for a wedding anniversary nearest Groups One and Two of Tiger this date and Mrs. Fred Bat- Dunlop 411 Girls held their tersby for the lucky chair. joint meeting in Colborne President Mrs. Reaburn then ToWnship Hall, Carlow, introduced Mrs. Don Haine-O, Monday evening March 31, The District President wh6 gave a meeting opened. with Marjorie very interesting talk on articles Shoemaker reading the pledge of History in the Institute such and Norine Brindley read the as who suggested the motto *Ili sof last meeting. "For Home and Cotmtry,42and Roll call "My Suggestion for when • it was accepted. , She our Achievement Day 'Skit or concluded with a lovely poem,Exhibit" wasanswered by each, on the letters of this motto.member.' Helen Dickson Mrs. Arnold Young, convener handed out Club No. 2 'covers .of the nominating committee, for book and Club No. 1 decided ,presented • the new. slate of on their name "Cottontail officers' for 1975-76 who were Cutters" installed by Mrs. Haines as Norinel3rindley handed out a follows: , quiz, "Do you knew your Past 'President, Mrs. Eric pattern symbols". The leaders Reaburn; president, Mrs. Earl then demonstrated a plain •Sherwood; 1st vice-president, seam .with overcasting Mrs. Wm. Clifford; 2nd vice finishing,amka zigzag finishing president, Mrs. R. Buchanan; and they also demonstrated secretary -treasurer, Mrs. stay, stitching, flat fell seam, Gordon Kaitting; assistant andfrench seam. secretary -treasurer, Mrs. The meeting closed with the George McBride; district Creed„read by Christine Mehl., 'director, Mrs. E. Reaburn; ,alt. Next meeting will be next dist. director, Mrs. Terence Monday, April 7th. • Hunter. - The 6th meeting of Tiger Branch Directors, Mrs. A,' Dunlop Shirt Tails was held at Young, Mrs. H. Brindley,,Mrs.. Rubena Brindley's on Monday R. BeakMrs. E. MLitt ; PubliC March 31. • , relations officer, Mrs. Tait- Roll call was "Show corn - Clark; alt. public. recationS pleted' .page showing your officer, . Mrs. Doug McNeil; planned costume." Each girl pianist, Mrs. R. Bean; answered the roll call. assistant pianist, Mrs. A. Stolf; Valerie Matthews read the card secretary, Mrs. E. Moore; minutes of the last meeting. assistant card secretary, Mrs. The next meeting will be held D. ',Bean; curator, Mrs. 'Tait at Linda Matthews on April 7th. Clark; auditors; Mrs. E. Book' covers to be done • for Robertson, Mrs. J. Horton. next meeting' • Books were 'Standing . committee con- checked by Linda Matthews. Rubena Brindley showed the girls .how to -do darts, seams, facing and seam finishes. Some of the girls tried a few of them. They discussed plans for - Achievement Day before lunch- was served. Group No. 4 -Tiger Dunlop Topsy Turvies held their 4th meeting at the hole oftheir leader Mrs. Bert Dougherty on Monday evening. Nine girls answered the roll Call, how to do "tailored tacks" in working , with the pattern on the blouse they are making. They had a 4-H LQ: test. They • picked out information as to measurements and fabrics, materials They ori the pattern envelope. They also,discussed the next project "Garden Club?' and what they are going to do for Achievement bay. The next meeting will be next Monday evening. . 40TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and' Mrs. Cliff McNeil,• Colborne Township celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Thursday, March 20 with a family dinner at the hOrne of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McNeil, followed by a reception and dance at the White Car- nation, Holmesville on Friday evening with approximately 200. guests consisting of their family, relatives, friends and neighbors. , Their Immediate - family consists of one daughter, Helen, Mrs. George gager of Goderich and three sons, Bob, • Donald • This elegant curio cabinet is finished in Cordova Pecan and features three 9djustabte glass shelves behind a glass door and one door in the. bottom section. Pictyre this in your living room! • Stewart, explained that these pre increases have come about for several reasons, some being increased input costs at the producer, processor, distributor and retailer level, and the withdrawal of the' consumer subsidy on milk by the Federal Government. He also commented on how certain, elements in the milk chain, from the cost of processing and marketing fluid milk products, trade practices, price spread a, management policies and methods of financing, contribute to the final price paid for a glass of milk. The Milk 'Commission of Ontario has reviewed recent milk' price increases at the producer level and upheld them. The , Consumers Association of Canada has supported these necessary increases to the farmers, but" they, along with the Milk Commission, are concerned about what happens to milk prices once the milk has left the farm, according to , Mr. Stewart. A public inquiry is to be held • by the Milk commission of Ontario. They will investigate pricing practices and margins between processors, distributors and retailers' of fluid milk products; inquire into the. manner in which these -,---- practices may vary within a corporate organization; examine the manneein which these practices may vary from one part of the province to another; inquire into the variations impractices between different processors, distributors and retailers within the province; in- vestigate the retail margins currently being given on the basis outlined in numbers 2, 3 and 4; inquire into discount practices in and after the' year 1972; compare the retail margins and discount Pi•actices in , Ontario with those in other jurisdictions. . This public inquiry will begin as soon—a.k_the_ necessary -- arrangements ean be made. ' am confident the, con- sumer appointment of Mrs. Robin Jeffrey to the Milk Commission of Ontario on November 1, 1974 will prove to be a very valuable dimension during the public inquiry," said Mr. Stewart. 45 t • - RO FING PAINTING, CHIMNEY REPAIR & SMALL JOBS WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 524-2445 NOTES FROM THE NILE Mrs. Jack Clements 529-7648 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs., Nell Lockhart (nee Anne Rising) who were married Mrs.recently. Schiler and her sister from St. Catharines_ „.'spent Easter with Mrs. K. Con- stabaris.me United' Church Women are planning a community shower for Mrs. Neil Lockhart (nee, Anne Rising) 'at the church on April 9 at 8:30 p.m. east side of the church to bring sandwiches and west side for cookies. Everyone welcome. There will be no Explorers, next •TUesday evening, but the next week,. April 15, the girls are planning afi evening with, Miss Lily Blanchard and her dolls., Mothers are welcome and a cup of tea will be served by the girls. A shower was held for Mrs. Laird- Spivak in the church. It was well attended and Bonnie received some nice •gifts. Miss Pat McGee of Nile and Mrs. Jo Ana Yule of Goderich helped to open the gifts. Bonnie thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and invited thein to come Sometime to see her. Mr. and Mr. Spiv& are residing in Durtgannton. • overweight? JOI counteweight® Get ready for iumtnerl HUNDREDS -OF CLASSES! There's a class near You. GODERICH St. George's Anglican Church 16 Nelson Street Wet Monday, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. lose weight . with the ° Canadian Family Meal Plan Try Counterweight Foods for the cgiorie-conscious. Available at your supermarket. 74 KINGSTON ST. JIM HAYTER SPECIAL S24-7314 • ••. • ..4.• 4 • • • • , • - , 4.0 , ,f4Y ":",, •.p 1%.:ktlfge • 1 973 Sat'elite Sebring . 2 door hardtop; V8 automatic, power steering, radio, wire wheel discs, finished in blue with 3 o_sp a blue cloth interior. Lic. DFX '399 "Shell_blon-Leaded gas now available tor your convenience." JIM HAYTER CHEV.-OLDS._ NOTICE Tree Planting The municipality will make available trees - Norway Maple, Silver Maple, Little Leaf Linden, London. Plane and Oak to be placed on town boulevards. Anyone wishing a tree please notify municipal office 57 West St., 524-8344, by April 11, 1975 IC!-FItRGEN I , 217 !Isaac ,st.. (South End) Clinton OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER IS 482-3441 master charge 1