HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-27, Page 5'
Citizens in agreement
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Int. Psalm
Park should bbe saved
H.S. TURNER October 5, 1961.
The citizens of Goderich who "Are we content tolet cost a great deal to restore. Harold Shipley Turner, 72 He is also survived by one
attended a public meeting anything happen to the Park "The house is in rough Montreal Street, Goderich, died "daughter, Marilyn of Toronto;
Monday night to 'discuss House or do we want to unite shape," he said. "It would take Thursday, March 20 in two -sons,-Ted of Belfountain
restoring the Park House, were and restore the building back to a rot of money to fix it up and I Alexandra Marine and General and Brian of Richmond Hill;
agreed that the historic site a site that the town, of Goderich don't think the money in ' Hospital, Goderich. He was 80. three grandchildren; one
should be saved - but they could„ can be proud of," she asked. Goderichavailable would, He was born February ..19, brother, John Turner of
not find anyone to save it. Provincial court judge Glenn amount to a ill of beans. -e 1895 in Tuckersmith Township Tuckersmith Township; and
The meeting called by Hays said he could remember Paul Carroll prepared a.brief to George and Emma (Shipley) one aunt, Miss Mary Turner,
council at the request of the the hotel 40 years ago as a place on his views on the project and -Turner. He'lived in Tucker-•. Huronview.
Huron County Architectural of rare charm and beauty. He asked that it be given in his smith Township.until moving to Funeral service was
Conservancy Society .,was said he frequented it at least absence. The brief suggested A Clinton in 1930 and from there 'Saturday, March 22 at Stiles
designed to secure public once or twice a. week to dine that the „Park House be in- to Goderich in 1935. Funeral Home with Rev,
support and ' effort into and recalled it as a successful corporated with Harbor Park He worked as a Customs and Arthur F. Gardner officiating.
reAtoring the old building to its business. He suggested that and the Lions Bandshell to form Excise Officer and retired' in Interment was' in Clinton
once 'natural beauty. About 20 possibly that success could be onehuge park area. 1960. , " Cerzifetery. Pallbearerswere
people showed up for the restored along • with the Mr. Carroll proposed that a Mr. Turner served overseas Les Riley, George Turner, Reg
evening, a, number of which building. zoological park be established with the 10th Field Division of Lawsoni, Ralph Holland, Doug
were affiliated with either the The judge added that he just west and in front of the Engineers during the First Bundy and Bill Hanly.
town or the society. could see no comparison bet- bandshell and that it• could be World War and was a VimY Honorary bearers were Dave
The conservationists offered ween the Park House and the surrounded with botanical Vet. He was a member of the McMillan, Bill Moorhead,
a brief history of the building to jail. He said the two, buildings walk-in garden. He added that Royal Canadian Legion, Harold Chambers, Jack
the gathering and presented a were as much apart in their an amphitheatre could be Branch 109, and, until recently McLaren, Simon Hallahan and
slide program that showed' the beauty and history as is constructed in front of the he was treasurer of Zone C1 of Stanley Lyon.•
condition of the building inside possible. He did compare it to bandshell With sloping rock the Legion. A memorial service
and out. They detailed the the" Van Egmond house in gardens built on the side facing held by the Legio) : at the . P o i
c e
architectural design of the Egmondville, a building West Street. funeral home , on Friday
structure that was worthy of currently being restored as a The conservationists again evening was attended by report
and strsd the community protect there. He • asked the group if anyone was members from' many of the
The Goderich Police
is orica value to Goderich,' Huron County and except that the Park House had dation to get the project off the He was very active in church Department investigated two
the Canada Company. much . more potential if ground. They said resources andcommunity affairs. For accidents this week. involving
Built in 1839 it was the house, «. developed than its counterpart , were available for the ,project several years,he was president parked cars. A cal ,owned by
of Thomas Mercer Jones, then • across the county. = and if support was secured in , of the Huron County Historical Ben Chisholm `of �2A .Albert St.
commissioner of the Canada "If we had people in Goderich numbers of citizens, the town Society as well as the Huron Goderich,. was struck by a
Company afteroJohn Galt had like they do in-Egmondville we council or,any other concerned Pioneer Thresher and Hobby vehicle attempting to make a..
been recalled. Jones' wife, -the Uwould be successful in our bid group, then , grants , from the Association, Blyth. . turn onto.The Square from
daughter of the head of the to ,restore the building here," government may be available •Mr. Turner was a member of Hamilton Street. The Chisholm
Upper. Canada Anglican said. Mr. Hays:' "All they have for the project.. the Goderich Public school vehicle was parked on The
Church Bishop. -Strachan, was to do is put their muscle and Mrs. Mona Sills ' Enzen- Board for -many years. Square. There was $140
somewhat of a socialite and their pocketbook ' where their sberger, a nurse at the As a member of North Street damage to the vehicle.
constantly entertained lavishly mouth islrP' . ,, Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, United Church, he acted in the , A. ;car awned by the
in, the.,com ;ax�y head uartel•s. Council member Bill Clifford expressed disgust at the apathy capacity of Church Treasurer;ro rl
'h' t 1 of it in relation claimed the two were similar interested in forming a foun- Zone branches.
proprietor of JIM'S Restaurant "I
their suggested that -possibly--undue of thee -town towerda the project -- Fldep ---,, and- Sundaa...- . h -on-West Street -was-':struckuby -- .. -�-- �, ,
The company moved Concern
headquarters to Toronto in 1852 concern over someone ""I . think the apathy is superintendent.
and ,13 years later sold the developing the Park House as a disgusting here. We had more He was married March. 4,
- p' g
building. The new owner turned bismess • , ' eple--cotta-the-public-meetin ;--1-967--- in Dungannon !baited
the site into a hotel which it has expense of its architecture was in. Seaforth to restore_the Van Church to the former Lillian
been ever since. being stressed. He said that the Egmond house and they have Watson who survives him, He
.The majority of citizens location of the building almost one third the population we do. was predeceased by hisfirst
gathered Monday night agreed prevented this development. The people here have the same wife, Linnie Nediger on
that the building should be The property it sits on, .ex- gloomy attitudes and op -
saved , andrestored to its tends one foot to the north, 40 to position to .this as they did for society to check into the
original form. The, house was, the west and the ' width of the the jail ,yet. look what ' success complications of the restriction
' 'modernized by the owners with driveway to' the east. Mr. 'the jail'enjoyed," she,claimed. tofacilitate accurate and
the addition of a third floor Clifford pointed out. that this County planner NiclhHil1 said proper procedure in the matter.
removing the dormer windows, restricted parking area for., a that, the only concreteHe added' that the homework
removing two fireplaces, and restaurant business since no sugg stion agreed on by the would save time that. 'council
stuccoing the walls. license to operate it could be group was the restricting order would have to spend on the
"It would be ,A real tragedy to obtained without parking from council preventing same investigation.•
lose," said Kelvin Jervis, "It's space. demolition of the building. He ,
much too significant to the Mr. Gower said that the said that in his opinion this was
history of the',town and countypotential of establishing a possibly the most `uncreative'
and should be -saved at all costs. restaurant' will still very at- step that could be taken at this
We knglw it.,uvquld colt a great tractive. He said that Goderich time,
dealhee dining,e - here r severely, lacks a dinir, place Cquncilwoman Elsa Haydon
tonight butt,:thk .bui 4mgcan't with the atmosphere and said -that the rights of the owner
remain sleazy as it is now." comfort for which the Park of the • property had to be
The costs for restoring the House has potential. , ;considered before taking that
structure were estimated by Harold Lamb, auctioneer, step. She said that he does own
the group to be' in the,,,neigh- told the ,gathering he had the property and it is -a private
borhood of $100,.000. The price toured the site several times business ' and that the
put before council for purchase and was impressed with its restriction could be construed
of the building is $60,000 and the interior. He said the building as a sort of discrimination for
remainder' of the ' sum would be has a great deal of cherry wood historical reasons.
needed to restore it. and pine in it but that it would 1 Ir. Gower advised the
"Restoring the third floor
and walls would be no problem
as. far as cost is concerned but
taking those 425 coats of paint
off the woodwork inside would
be ' expensive," said former
Owner of the building Ross
' Cummings.
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runaway vehicle while. parked °
in front of the restaurant on
West Street. - A vehicle -
belonging to Alf Hoy Motors
rolled out of the parking lot and ,.
struck the parked vehicle.
Damage was set at $180. ,
During the past week the
Goderich Police Department
also laid 20 charges 'under the
. Highway Traffic Act, nine
under the Liquor' Control Act,
one under the Narcotics 'Act, ,
one under local bylaws and one
under the • Motor Vehicle
Accident Claims Act.
Mrs. Dorothy Wallace asked
the group if they had any
• 'thoughts on what the building
could be used for if purchased.
She suggested that it could be
used to house a marine
museum„ depicting the town's
historical- relationship with
Lake Huron. She added that
possiblythe town could use the
site for offices to expand their
already crowded quarters.
Councillor Dave Gower said
he personally could see no
• possible use the town could
have for the building if it were
developed. He proposed that
the group collectively ask
council for a restriction to be
put on '" the site preventing
major alterations to the ar-
chitecture or demolition. He
said the move would not only
permit operation of the
business or resale of it , but
would insure that it remains the
way it is now. He added that
possibly the future may be
bright -for , restoring the`house
and that it would still be there
in its present condition.
Mr. Gower compared the
restoring of the Park House to
the project undertaken two
years ago to • save the Huron
County,='Jail. He felt. that the.
conservationists ' had done a
commendable job on the jail
but that they may be taxing ,
their resources by ,tackling a
similar project now.
He asked the society if they
intended to use the same means
on this project as they , did on
the jailtand suggested that they
may be . jeopardizing the
existence of the jail by doing so.
Mrs. Wallace replied that the
jail was now a self sufficient
operation" and was completely
separate from the Park House
project. She added that the'
society. had no intention of
asking any group for money.
She added that the condition of
the old hortel necessitated ac-
ction ff6W
Hamilton -Wentworth Police Choir
Goderich District Collegiate Institute
Tues day, April 1st, .1975
. 8:00 P.M.
Sponsored by Goderich Police Association
-ADULTS $2.00 ' C'HILDRE'N .50c
Tickets.,.available from any member of the
Goderich Police Department
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