HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 2914. `NOTICE TO CRE,D$' d, ALL ' persons ,having claims against the Estate of Arthur Lorne Tichborne, Retired 'Car- penter, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 11th tllay of Febrtiary, 1975, are required to file the • same with ful,particulars with the undersigned by the 29th day of March, 1975, as after that date tile assets of the estate will be distributed: DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 25th day of February, 1975. PREST and EGENER. Barristers ,• etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Este. 9, 9,11AR ALL persons having claims. against the Estate of LULA BLANCHE JONES, late of the Township of Tucker'smith, in the County of. Huron, who died Aii,or about the 20th day of February, 1975, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the '• 5th day of April, 1975, as after that date the assets of the estate' will be distributed. 4 .. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 7th day of March, 1975. PREST and EGENER, - Barristers, etc., 33 MbntrealStreet, Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. 11,12,13AR 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 15. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF ,,ALLEN c ROBERT COOKE M All persons having claims Ca11524-6125, anytime. 16. PERSONAL DO YOU have marriage or fam y AR leavipg for Sudbury, Friday- "5roblems? The Ministry of Com - arch 14, passengers welcome. munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, phone 357-3370.--Rtf against the estate of Allen Robert Cooke, late of the Town ,qf Goderich, in the County of Huron, Labourer, deceased, who died on the 18th day of September, 1974, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of March, 1975, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 3rd day of March, 1975. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the estate. 10,11,12AR IS. PUBLIC NOTICE MISSING PERSON: , Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Mrs. ''Hattie .. Dunlop, kindly" com rnunicate with W. GEORGE DANYLIW, at 401 Bay Street, Suite. 2709, Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2Y4, 366-1877. Mrs. Hattie Dunlop and her husband Charles, are said to have lived in Goderich between - 1930-1950, ' *or thereabouts. -10,11,12 4'?c,, 40, WHEEL`CHAIW WALKERS All persons having claims THE Humanitarian% against the Estate of .ANGELA Service Committee of"- the •' o f Goderich, Oddfellow and Rebekah .GHISHO-LM,.-late,.af...the T �c>tt..tT.,_...� �, 111.1 - Goderich, in the County of Huron,' Lodges` have equipment -fur loan` Widow, who died on or about the Contact Amos Osbaldeston,e 524 - '16th day of February, 1975, are 9623or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217. required -to -file -the same withLull TW 464 particulars with the undersigned by the 28thday of March,•1975, as after that date the assets 'of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 26th day of February, 1975.- , PREST and EGENER, • 33 Montreal Street, Goderich; Ontario. - Solicitors for the Estate. 10,11,1 r - 4 • rr� ALWAYS READY TO HELP 24. MARRIAGES McGEE - Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGee, R,,R 6, Goderich wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Bonnie Anne, to John Laird Spivak, son of Mr. and Mrs: John Spivak.,Dungannon.-11 —11 17. LOST AND FOUND 25. IN MEMORIAM LOST man's all weather coat, ;with leather gloves in pocket, on Saturday, March 8 in Sattford Hall. Phone 482-9166. --11 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers' of the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, May 6; 1975 at 10:00 a:m. re any unpaid taxes still outstanding atthat date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on February 1, 1975. List of ,the property involved may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario. John G. Berry, Treasurer County gfHuron. t r' .wl 16. PERSONAL WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our shower and Bridal Registry "Service. No charge, no obligation m 3tf LOST In the vicinity of arena during post game skirmish, one black snowmobilert toque with red and white trim. Finder please contact Fred Armstrong. Phone 524-7541. 1 IN NEXT WEEK'S SIGNAL —STAR 18,MISCELLANEOUS MORTGAGE . MONEY — First . .and second mortgages up to 95 percent financing, prime rate, excellent service. Call Paul. Kueneman, Walkerton, 881-0476 evenings, or Peter Henderson, Kitchener, 579.-5705, collect, 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday.-5tfAR • 20. TO GIVE AWAY BLACK: In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Howard Black, who passed away fourteen years ago, March 17, 1961. In quiet thoughts we live again The years that used to be So full of love and happiness You were atw•ay„‘ sp carefree Your smile, your ,kindness, and your love Which made our lives complete Are safe in loving hands above Where once again we'll meet. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Edna and family: -1l 26. CARD OF THANKS GARTON: I wish to `thank the team members from the Sunday morning hockey league' and the Goderich, Signal -Star Paper Leafs fo-their thoughtfulness and their gift. -John Garton . .a 26. BARD OF THANKS JEWELL - I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Alexandra l-lospital. Mr`s• M.C. Jewell. -11 GINN: We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all our friends, neighbours and relatives for their good yvis1V s cards- and gifts. A special nate Qf thanks to our family, Debbie`and Jon, Nancy and Keith, Laurie, Jim and Jan for the surprise 25th anniversary dance and dinner which they .so thoughtfully planned. To each., and everyone thank you. P.S. We have a limited supply of.. hay, corn and beans to sell! ! ! !—Jean and • Gerry Ginn. —11 ADAMS' - It was so nice to be remembered on our 25th an- niversary. Many thanks .to the , family and .friends for, cards, 'THREE kittens to give away. gifts, visits and the surprise , parties. Harold.and Isabel Phone 524-9546.-11 Adams. —11x The, Annual Home Improvement- Guide to Bitter Living -Issue TO give away a ' gas stove, overhead oven and rotisserie. Also frig. $15,, Phone 524-7511. —11 21, BIRTHS STRAWBRIDGE: John and . • . . • • for the • safe arrival of att new son, Matthew Ryan Douglas,, a brother for Scott Andrew. -11 GRAFOS: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, ,Ontario, on, March 9, 1975, to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Grafos, Goderich, Ontario, a son; John Kenneth.—1 Inc 23. ENGAGEMENTS BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Blake of Holmesville wish to ,announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Glenda Roseann to Gary George .. Netzke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Netzke, Waterlog. The wedding will take place Friday, April 11th, 1975 at 7 o'clock, in Holmesville United Church. —11 LEITCH - I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives and friends for cards• and visits 1 ,received, while a patient in Alexandra Hospital. Thanks also to Dr,.J.W. Wallace nurses and staff for their kind- ness and care.Wm. Leitch. —11x McTAGGART: I wish to thank Dr. Lambert, Dr. Cieslar and nurses on 2nd floor West, also,my friends for flowers and cards sent to me while a patient in Alexandra Hospital.—John McTaggart. -,1'1 SI'lEARDOWN - I wish to thank • .Dr. Wallace, Dr. McLauchlin and the nurses and staff on 8th floor of University I-Iospital, the Ladies Legion Auxiliary and friends and relatives. Murray Sheardown. —11 PATTERSON: I yvish• to thank , the girls on , 2nd East - in Alexandra Hospital, Dr. Lambert and Dr. Wallace, my friends for flowers and cards sent to me.—Evelyn Patterson. -1'1 THIS WEEK'S CLUB Winners •g CLUB NO. 3 MRS. PAT MATIER. • CLUe NO. 4 MRS. ELSA CRANE You can be next Nothing to buy Nothing to lose Enquire today, • N. T. ORMANDY DIAMOND SPECIALIST ' 15. PUBLIC NOTICE - -15. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE 1915 INTERIM TAXES DUE MARCH 3ist, 1475 I Interim- tax bills are being mailed this week and are due March 31st, 1975. Interim bill;is payable, in one installment at all Chartered' Banks and Victoria & Grey Trust Co., Goderich. The interim tax rate is 40 mills and interim taxes`of $10.00 or less are exempt from this billing. Final tax billing will follow at a later date, due dates June 30th and October 31,st. The bill will reflec e tot rate, less interinilevy of --40 mills. J. Harold Walls, A. .C.T., C.M.C. Clerk -Treasurer NOTICE; Members of Alexandra.. Ma rine and General Hospital of •' Goderich Corporation and other interested parties are urged to attend the annual meeting which will be held -on Monday, .March T4, 1975,'at 8:00'P.M."in the Ladies'. Auxiliary Room of - the hospital; at which time we will receive the financial statement, the auditors' report, the report of the Board and,, elect members to the Board of Governors and conduct other business' • MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION The following persons shallbe members upon resolution of the Board: '' GODERICH Attention F�rm ers A- FOR SALE BALED HAY available, good quality,. bo to 700 bales. Call 524- 7,077.-10,11 NO: '6. George • While Thrasher 'complete with shredder, in A 1 shape. Phone 526-'l703• -1111,12 (a) a person who has donated or who donates $iu0. in any one year to the Corporation shall be.a'Iife member; o- '5 (b) the president or chief officer of a corporation or organization which pays the Corporation 525. in any year shall be'ex officio a member of the Corporation for that year; (c) a person mho pays the annual membership fee of 51.00 to the Corporatr n in any .year shall be a member of the .Corporation for that year;' 1111 ;. ,•• • (d) a member who pays his fees annually shall not be entitled to vote at any rtreeting of the Corporation unless his _entitled fee was paid in full at least thirty days prior to the. -date of the meeting. K.G. DUNN, Chairman of the Board , A message of appreciation--- We would like to thank our customers for a very' successful and Productive' past 8 weeks of business. As We mentioned when you, purchased your 'new vehicle, it was a,beginning only and we will strive to do-ou"r:best in keepingnyou a,happy AFTER SALE customer. -1 • -DUE TO OUR VOLUME SALES DURING THIS PERIOD,WE HAVE TAKEN IN SOME OF THE FINEST USED CARS IN HURON AND WE INVITE ANYBODY IN THE MARKET FOR A FINE USED CAR TO COME AND SEE US NOW! -Sincerely, from all of;us at: 4 StricklandAuto Mart Ltd. Strickland Toyota Ltd. Your Authorized American Motors and Jeep Dealer 346 HURON RD., GODERICH 524-8841 0r• 524-841,VM Your Authorized Toyota Dealer 334 HURON RD., GODERICH" 524-9381 "Where your businesLis appreciated and not taken for granted" -N o