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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 28
1 •AR'TICLES FOR SALE CHECK our tipples on chesterfields, mattreaass, chrome suites, cense �� Nrblea.`C- • E New and Used Fur- niture„ 524-7231, 1/4 mile south of.* .Goderich—tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner 'removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner • of your toilet tank: Available at I4o/hneyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich--l4tf SINGER — For Authorised Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes.` Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524.8431, Goderich—28S29tf SEWING MACHINES. Large melee- tion of good used sewing machines. Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all make*. All rnarhines and repairs guaranteed. 29 East St., 524.8012, La Boutique—38tfA/R GERALD HELL FRUIT FARM -- apple►', Rotator% and turnips for sale. Fresh apple cider. Free delivery in town., Phone 524- 8008.-2tfAR (011)EN and Red Delicious; Northier:n Spys. Me littlish and fresh apple cider. We deliver.. F3ellvie•w • Farm, 52-4.801 1.-4tfAR VEAL CALVES for sale cut and wrapped, .80e Ib. Phone 1-881- 0469.-10.11 DRY I:TR E WOOD • Maple, Beach and -Ash - 12" $14.00 pet - cord delivered; 18" • $16,00 per cord ci IR/fired. Call Bayfield 565- 2451\--7x,8.11 1973 340 C.C., 'TNT, SKIDOO, FREE Alit. Phone 524- 7749.--9tfnc GILSON Snohirdwringer washing machine. Hoover spin washer -dryer. ' Phone 524-6088 'APPLES. FOR SALE. Macs, Cortlands, $4.50 bushel; Spys,, $5.25 bushel; 75 Ib.. hag of` potatoes, $3.00; 10 Ips:. onions,' 81.00; fresh cider.. Free delivery. around town. Phone 524-8037. Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-9tfAR SAP BARRELS, clean 45 gallon steel barrels with tight Itds, good for holding sap; also barrels for other use Agent for Blyth Steel Barrels. Phone E. Breckenridge, The Square, Go derir.h, Ontario, 524-8133; Kintail General Store. V Kintail, Ontario, 529-7600; or. Miller's .General Sti►re, Carlow, Ontario, 524.6079:-10,11,12,13 - ROWBOAT! Build "Your: own, Rowboat" inexpensively. Ideal fishing.for formati ►nwrite oto Gill L) ►dier, • Box 328, Mitchell, Ontario. -10,1.1 • OLDER M DF.1, electric range, 830.00; ski equipment: sift 11 Kissinger boots, skis withstep-in bindings. poles, car rack. Best offer. Call 524-9058 after . 5 p.m. -10,11.12x - 81RUSFOO`i' trefoil seed, also Birdsfoot trefoil ';and red clover mixed ;approximately 50;50. Phone 529-7492.-11,12 DEADLUNE CLASSIFIED ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER, 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLA$$NPI*O$ • k per word, minimum 11.50 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE MAN'S snowmobile suit, size large, only worn few times; - one B.B. gun. Phone 5/4-8513.-1,1 GOOD used furniture bought and sold. Patterson's Used Furniture, 524.7616.-5tfeow USED.VACUUMS•for°Sale, all in good working .condition. Phone 524.6092, after 8 p.m. phone 524- 2079.-11,12,13,14 FOR 'FREE GIFT and HOME 'PRESENTATION, phone 524- 6092 Goderich.-11.14AR BABY . -CARRIAGE, Gendron, navy and white, excellent con- dition. Phone 524.8554.-11 ' LARGE blonde wooden crib and mattress in good • condition, $35.00. Call 524-8185.-11 USED building material - brick, 2 x 4's, various lengths, 2,x 6's x 16ft., 2 x 10's x 16 ft.; steel beams, wooden beams; tongue and groove sheets.' Phone ,482- 7857..-10,11 - 'APPLES: End.of season special. Top quality $5, seconds $3 per bushel. Spies, ,Delicious, Cour- t ;in , ` acs. 'ring con ainers, after 4 or weekends. Ross Mid- dleton Storage, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north Of river. --11-18 PIANO and Hi Fi Radio for sale. Phone 524.6Te05.--11, TWO BOYS' suits, size 12; size 16; woman's spring • boat, size 14. Phone'524-2427.-111,12 TWO DOOR glass bookcase; knee hole desk, in -good condition; large aquarium, complete; assorted hooks; • miscellaneous items. Best ' offers. Phone 524- 8123.-1 I 24-8123.-11 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 'i'0 RENT -- $1.511 per pray rents • you :en electric "rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease,. etc. Service Dominion Hardware, phone .524- $581. –41 t f • 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT ONE -BEDROOM apartment. Available April 1st. Phone 524- 9445.-11 tf NEW THREE-BEDROOM prick bungalow, heart of Goderich, , immediate possession. Write Box 183, Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich.-1I tf THREE-BEDROOM house near Square. References., Phone between 6 and 8 p.m. only 524- , 2252.-11 THREE-BEbROOM town house for rent at Vanastra, RR 5, Clinton, $155.Q0 per month, all utilities pai phone 482•.7764 anytime.-48tf 8. HELP. WANTED 8. HELP WANTED PARKS Seasonal workers, apral to October, Town Parks. • Send • applications (state,.experience and parks' related knowledge if any) to: Town of Goderich, Parks Committee, Town Hall, West Street, Goderich. Deadline for app�licahons es' March 27. , • 9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE—household etre( t. ..r small lots wanted. Call (' 'if id E Furniture, 524.72:31.--tf Wanted! ,4 Wi,LL SELL BY AUCTION FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. ETC. SMALL LOTS HOUSEHOLD oiLOTS contact .., HAROLD LAMB Auctioneer 524-9657 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED --MAN w -it -h--1/2 ton truck—with-di• light delivery, clean-up garages, . etc., hauling, $6.50 per load. Phone 524-8553,-10.17AR , . • SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern . equipment, work guaranteed. Write or phone H. T. Pale, Clinton. Phone •is2-:3:320.—tf 1C1CX'�gL�7C>�q�['9gC91►�C�qC��C.1GX X HAIRDRESSER wanted. Phone 524.8994.-11 A R EXPANDING' CANADIAN OIL COMNY needs dependable perso who can work without super '.ion. Earle $14,000 in a yelir plus bonus. Contact customers in Goderich . area. Mail 0. H. Dick, Pres.,' South- 12. AUCTION SALE MORNING Antique Auction Sale at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 1i, one mile South of Goderich on Saturday, March IS 10:30 a.m. Small antique cast-iron cook stove; Quebec heater; 3 clocks; wardrobe's; pine chests of drawers; pine washstands; pine tables; pine buffet; marble -top washstands; English hall racks; sideboards; jelly cupboard; ' commodes; 4 antique side. chairs; 8 dining - room chairs; 2 ladder -back arm chairs; 6 hip -rest chairs with matching rocker; hostess chairs; pressed -back rocking chair; dining -room table with 6 matching - chairs; display . cabinet; oak bench; Victorian bed; spool bed; night stands; fern stands; small tables; S large prints; 7 frart)es; part toilet sets;, candle holders; iron pot; 8 flat irons; scales; brassware; bottles; lantern; ell lamps; crockery; quantity of •dishes; electric .plane; electric paint remover; hand saws; light fixtures etc. etc. Terms • cash MikeCutrimings • auctioneer Goderich 524.9064. 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE WHY WAIT FOR SPRING. do it now. Eavestroughing, very reasonable 'rates. ,Contact Jim Balger, 482-9202. ' Call after 7 p.m.-7tf . WATERLOO'S oldest firm offers . all-around mortgage service. No rejection because of impaired credit, refinancing a specialty: Hardtman & Strack Limited, 884- . 6036, (call collect from out-of- town).-7tf . 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE WILL BABYSIT' in my home.. Phone 524-2558.-10tf STUDENT will do housework or habysittingrduring Easter break, days ' only. - Phone • 524- western Petroleurn Canada Ltd., 11.TENDERS 87 West Drive, Brampton, • Ontario L6'i' 2J6.-11,12 PAPER CARRIERS W,ANT,ED - for morning .route, mainly in West End of Goderich. Call. collect 273-0310 or 524-7237.-11,12 PERMANENT HOUSEKEEPER . (lady or gentleman) for elderly gentleman. Person who accepts position' may have Saturdays and Sundays free. Please reply to Box ' 184, Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, ' stating age and qualifications. -11 FORMALS BY FREEMAN'S exclu'sively' available from CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS CLOTHIERS FOR MEN (for- --merly Pickett & Cam t?ell's), 36 The Square, Goderich.-11 tfAR FOR RENT: Electric, wallpaper steamer. • Phone 524- 6286.-8,9,10,11. • SWIMMING P001, SACRIFICE: 'FORMAI. RENTALS for all oKr Leading Manufacturer• and distributor • has ;above ground.elisions. Free style brochure. Rawvon &• Swartman. Style Shop, aluminum pools. left over from ' (;oxferich.-20tf 1974 season, .i, 2 price, guaranteed . • installation ; and terms. Call Credit. Manager collect, 519.681- 3805, days or evenings. -11.12,13x FILTER QUEEN VACUUMS authorized dealer 44 WEST ST. GODERICH 524.9024 2A. 'ARTICLES WANTED FURNITURE, glass, china. clocks, hells, brass. copper. Will buy 'fur cash or sell by auction.. Mikes Cum- mings, Auctioneer; 524.9084.-22tf OLYMPIC LOTTERY TICKETS Ernie Barker has better numbers this time. See him at 62'Essex St. or phone 524.6232 after 10 a.m. (He's unbearable before breakfast.) Huron Haven Homes Featuring the best variety in the 'area o1 top quality. modular, mobile, and Cedar Hames by Marlette, Oendix, 'tempi Ancil Lindal. Corns and Rio sur display 2iti miles north 'of Osderich north on Highway 21. Full service vilth satisfaction ,guaranteed.. Phone 524-4304 Owned and operated by Hames of the Future Ltd. 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1969 JAVELIN. lour speed, 390 ' engine. Phone 5246248 after '5 p.m.—lltfnc ,• ' Experienced 1.11 IL Part -Time WAITRESSES WANTIZD..- 7 &M:, - .#- P:M: • • APPLY ,CLUB GRILL - KINGSTON ST; - 524-8168 CLASS 'A' LICENSED MECHANIC ReYquired Immediately Excellent pay and working conditions • apply in person to McGEE PONTIAC-BUICK 37 Hamilton St. . Goderich • 3A. PET STOCK , COCKER Spaniels,• purebred, blonde' and tan, five • weeks. Phonic 524.9924.-10,11 TROPICAL fish, canaries Com- plete pet ,upplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Ex. ter, Ontario. Open ,10 a.m. to 6 p.m daily and Friday evenings.---40tf SA. ROOM $ BOARD ROOM with board, good meals, lunches packed. Phone 524- 6684.-8tf A ACCOMMODATION TO RENT • c!ONVENiENTLY located, desirable, two-bedroom apart- ment for two young gentlemen. ' Large 'living room, kitchen, dining area. Completely fur• niched. Shower, TV'Cable. Phone 524.7518. LET PHONE RING. 11 Ministry of Transport Canada Parry Sound, Ontario TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned marked "'Tender for Maintenance of Aids to Navigation • Kincardine Front and Rear Ranges, plus Fog Signal four months each year" will be received up to noon, Thursday, March 20th, 1975, For servicing Marine Aids to Navigation Ibcated at Kin- cardine, Ontario. Tender Forms, indicating location and description of the lights and fog alarm' to be serviced may be obtained from the District Manager; Ministry of Transport, Box 310; Perry Sound; Ontario. • Two (2) completed Tender • Forms to be returned to the District Manager, Ministry of Transport; Pair " C^"^ ntario y 5oun °Mario . in the 'ewe, r„�cw,... 12. AUCTION SALE AUCTIONEERS and -- LIQUIDATORS RRUCEFIELr). ONT Offer the most modern auction methods . LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO WIDE BRUCEFIELD 452.3120 • MARINA SUPERVISOR and ASSISTANTS Riqvired for the 1915- Season God,rich Municipal Mario Snug Harbour • + Duties to include -supervision of docks and marina sales q + Duties to commence In May and terminate In Sep- tember e -tember 1175 - Please apply in writing stating: '- �•- (a) Previous experience and qualifications (b) Employment summary and present status (c) Expected remuneration per N eek Applications will be recelsed until noon, Friday, March 14th. 1175. and should titt addressed to: Chairman d Harbour Committee TOM of (iodcrlch 57 West Street GODERICH, Ontario ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ i ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.004.0004 !r> 4004,0 0$ DUNC'S Hems Reoair Service Roofing, Painting Chidiney repairs Eavestroughing Free Estimates Ken Duncan! 524-6065 12. AUCTION SALE .Clearing • Auction Sole for Mr, Bill Proctor at Lot 24, Concession -4, Goderich Township, 4 miles west of. Holmesville on Cut line. Cattle, farm machinery, household- drtle- 7Th ffs March 27 at 1 p.m. Full listing' next week. Richard Lobb & R.G. Gethke „ Auctioneers --e100-4110-4080- AUCTiO'N SALE lib ♦" ✓ ✓ ✓ OF ANTIQUES, ,HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & MISC. ITEMS on Sat. March 15, 1975 at 1:00 P.M. sharp in the WHITING AUCTION ROOMS,' 63 Main St. Exeter Ont. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Pine cupboard; bonnet chest;' open wash stand; 3 .other washstands; chest of drawers; 2 dressers with oval mirrors; high beds; low drosser with 1t bonnet cupboards and 64 mirror in frame; parlor table; rocking chairs;,,wicker rocker; set of 4 pressed back chairs; table with 7 leaves;,sewing machine; benches; fern stand; hall tree; footstool; dressing screen; hump & flat top trunks; 2Iloor lamps; paper rack; 7 pce. toilet set; 6 odd - pieces of toilet set; 2 patterned oil lamps; parts of hanging gas lamp; 4 pces. Mercury glass, one very large; carnival • glass; depression glass; Nippon; Bennington bowl; bowl & nappie set; pressed glas$; brass jardiniere; several sets of salt & peppers;` coffee grinder;- 2 glass cookie jars; cobalt blue vase; ironstone; Bavaria cream & sugar; buttonsi oval & many other picture frames; iron kettle; crocks; iron, pots; and many other interesting items not.,mentioned. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Upholstered rocker; studio couch;, chesterfield chair; odd tables '& chairs; hostess chair; rug; emend table; floor lamps; 4 burner electric stove; vacuum cleaner; radio; quilts; blariketl; pillows; mats; books; lectric heater; electric fan; man Todd dishes & knick •knacks; pots & pans; some tools; many other items not listed. • This sale is mainly the belongings of an estate, name withheld at executors request: ' TERMS, CASH • • NORM WHITING, AUCTIONEER PHONE 235-1964 11b • ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ••••%•\••\•%%••••••.••••!.\\•%•••\‘‘,..\\N♦♦ ♦„5�. • , COMPLETE REGISTERED R.O.P. . HOLSTEIN MILKING HERD DISPERSAL For Arthur Haverkamp of Auburn Sale to be held at DAVID CARSON'S FARM 1 mile east of Listowel on Highway 86 WEDNESDAY, MARCH)9 At 1:00 p:m. sharp Selling Will Be: 51 Reg, and R.O.P. Holstein Cows in various stage of Lacta)ion; 9 Grade Cows and Heifers in various stage of Lactation,; 5 Reg. Heifer Calves. Selling will be.a 3 year old: •A Hanover Hill Chieftain Pauly from 2 Excellent Dams with a Sept. Heifer Calf sired by Roybrook Starlite. Also -a 5 Year Old Starlite from th'e Thames Crest Herd. Members of this Cow family are at High Silo Farms, Listowel, and Pickland Farms, Georgetown, and other top herds. This.herd has tremendous depth of Pedigrees from many outstanding .cow families. The herd will be reclassified before the sale. There will be excellent opportunities to purchase foundation stock and 4H calves. All cattle have beep blood tested and ate free of brucellosis and vaccinated for -I.B.R. Semen selling will be: 24 vials Roybrook Starlite, 2 vials Rosafe Shamrock Perseus, 7 vials Dividend Clipper, 4 vials Seiling Rockman, 2 vials Burtshill Ladysfnan, 25` vials Pickland Citation A. All semen has been purchased directly from United Breeders Inc., Guelph. Also available 750 lbs. of No. 1 ©ucti, transferable. Auction Sale of Complete Line of Nearly New Farm Machinery on Wednesday, March 26 at the farm at Auburn. See Sale Bills. No Reserve as the farm is sold. CARSON'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneer: DAVID CARSON, R.R. 3, Listowel 791-2049 • ProprieFtor, Arthur Haverkemp, Phone 529.7681 (11•111111.nomme 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE - .13. SERVICES AVAILABLE FURNITURE REFINISHING, quality work and prompt service. Free estimates. Also hand crafted Pine rep''oductions. Phone E. Niblocll,, Auburn, 526- 7272.-50AReow . DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates M.{ EE'S Goderich ,Phone 524.1:391 ear VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ' ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262.57411 gain LADIES . for your SPRING OUTFITS Phone Dianne at S24-2492 Deweerd' • PAINTING PAPER HANGING F/N'Estimates - Special Winter Rates 482-7550 Clinton' .: - SK-E-L;T-O-N-- -- APPLIANC)ES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524.7871 —17tf Sid Brui nsma FOR ALL' YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS . BACKHOE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS `SEWERS d FREE ESTIMATES Goderich. 524-8868' ' YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE -BEST! Have Carpet Care Chin - them wlh ' Steam Call 324-2440 HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES S5 KINGSTON ST. . ELECTRIC Inglis washers, • dryers, refrtgerptors, dishwashers, ranges GAS Ranges, barbecuds, lights, ` ranges TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax Returns • Business • Farm • hMlvidual LAWRENCE BEANE •ruceffild'•-- Photo 4112-92410 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM. 229 James. St, Clinton Phan. 462-76111A ' - s0tfn ACE ry RADIO 1.1V FLEETWOODSales & Service Reairs to ell malat of Radie $ Telerisieo GO PICTON ST. W. PRANN INILCOI--M/•T?71 • •Roofing ' *Pointing' *General • Carpentry PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158 .. 40 .*Carpentry Work •Home Renovating •Furniture Repair and Refinishing NO JOB TOO SMALL 524-2591 FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers - STEAM .or:DRY. SHAMPOO For Free--Estimate-Cate • 574:.8892 , •• 257 Warren St., Goderich Needlework, Oil and Picture Framing, choice of frame 1" to 3" width., Regular or non glare glass - - Ready to hang 1e 'hour service . phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Minton , .ow INCOME TAX TIME r'`' ' 'SEE HURON BUSINESS MAC•H.INES fgqr a good selection of adding machines.. 113 Ontario Street, CLINTON - 14. NOYICE,TO CREDITORS All persons having claims,, against the Estate of JOHN HENRY McDONALD, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 5th day of February, 1975, are ' required to file the same with full partic,.ulars with the undersigned by the 29th day of March, 1975, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, • this 25th day of February, 1975. - PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 10,11,12 IN THE ESTATE OF GORDON NORRIS SAMPSON, LATE OF, THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, -on or before the 24th day of March, 1975-, after which date the assets will be distributed. ' DONNELLY & MURPHY, . 18 The Square, . GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —9,10,11 A11 persons having,claims against the Estate of dmund Percy LeBlanc, late of the Town of Goderichin the County of Huron, who, died December 31, 1974, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before March 27, 1975, at which date °.the assets• will, be , distributed. Marie A. LeBlanc, P.O. Box 73, Godestich, Ont. N7A 3Y5 Executrix for the Estate. 10,1 1,12 All rsons having claims against Estate of Walter Henry Wagner, late of the Village of Auburn, in the . County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the . 19th day of November, 1974, are required to file th same with full.particulars wyttie undersigned by the 4th d y April, 1975, as after that date the assets of the Estate Will be distributed. ' ' DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 3rd day of March, 1975. ' "PREST& EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. 10,11,12