HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 21is Outepe •ZUlr4:1o.Kta There's a story about a man and a boy and a donkey starting' out on a journey. At the beginning, the boy got on the donkey's back while the man walked beside, but the people along the way hooted and hollered, "Look at that mean, strong boy riding on .the donkey while the weak, old man walks`." So the boy jumped off, the donkey and the man mounted the animal, This time the crowd jeered, "Can you imagine that healthy man riding while he lets the poor little boy walk." Not wishing to cause ,any more disturbance the •I. ,an and the boy' decided they would ride the donkey. Immediately the people set up another roar, "How cruel they are to both ride on the back of Y that poor, overburdened beast." So again, wishing to gain approval from the crowd, the pair changed positions and both got • off and walked. Now, the crowd really ridiculed them, "Can you imagine anything so silly," they taunted, "both walking. while the animal carries nothingon its.back. Then the man and boy thought they really had the solution, one picked up the front ,feet of the donkey while •the other took the back, feet and they began to carry it along the road. The jeering throng howled with laughter, "Surely this is the stupidest pair we have ever seen." • Unfortunately,, there are quite a,; few people around like -•-:•tlnose to thexOrawFl-rWlsTo..naatter what you do, you can't please GIVE] • NOW them. They'll find fault whatever happens. Much has been written about ° criticism, how it usually is motivated by a sense of in-, feriority, by egotism that would try to lift itself by putting down the other - person, by finding fault with others to cover faults in oneself. One needs to feel great pity. and love for the critical person because love is the catalytic agent that makes you un- derstand why the ci iticism is there. But it's not easy. How difficult it must be to live day after day with someone who is constantly criticizing. This winter I met a lady by the name of Hilda yvhe told me of a difficult situation that had her almost to the breaking point. Her own sister had turned against • her,, and everything Hilda did was wrong. If she inquiredabout her sister's ' health, she was nosy; if ,she didn't, she -was thoughtless. Should she initiate a conversation, she was trying to show off her knowledge, if .she remained quiet, she was being sulky. And so it t ,ant, whatever tactic Hilda used to please her sister was met with negativism and criticism. After talking to Hilda, it appeared that most the trouble carne from the sister's jealousy. Hilda had ac)riieved academically, the -sister' had not. Hilda held an excellent position, the sister felt her's was much inferior. No doubt she .was flooded with doubts as to her own worth and she was in - . determed•'fo b'rindg HiiTda down to her level. Not only that, she was telling lies to other BLOOD mcn-rbers of the -family trying to turn them against .Hilda as well. Well, what was Hilda to do? It seeined she, had tried about everything ... love, patience, understanding, but still- she came under this tirade which was obviously upsetting her 'very much. , It seems to me, that this is one -of those times when having doneall we can we must stand as Paul says in Ephesians 6:13, He goes on to tell us how to standagainst evil, malicious strategies .... with • truth, Easter ismore than eggs,. bunnies say Mormon ;pair Easter is a time of rejoicing! It is the beginning of Spring which ushers in the melodies of larks, the rushing of crystal streamlets, and the: living vibrance of renewed life and of renewed opportunities. Yet in a world filled with varied rituals, people seem .o remember the bunny and the egg more4than the Resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Two missionaries.•• with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Elder and Sister Goff, are emphasizing the true fneaning of this season,- by sharing a special Easter message with Goderich • and surreptinding communities, residents) Elder and Sister Goff com- mented that, "Easter' serves to remind the world of the great sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for all mankind:" ' "Through His oWn resurrection, He gave to all men the promise of life after righteousness, peau;- faith, salvation, and the greatest weapon o'f'all, prayer. How often prayer is looked upon as a last resort We harbour a kind of `I've tried everything else so all I can do .now is pray," attitude: i believe that prayer is not .only our greatest weapon but is ab- become closer and happier. solutely essential to our This is why Latter-day Saints Christian lives. meet in regular Family Home Sunday, I stayed,home from Evenings every Monday night church and listened oto a throughout the world so these b ht. i tat .,. � al tt s_ _tau ..� ... -..E P rt lit titers eak on card gh: r.esl�yte � n p qu g theta ftemei ous necessity of home to each other. getting more meaningful "We believe thatrong strong death," added. Elder and Sister ' Goff. ' "At this season' we often `reflect and ponder Our life's goals. We shun the past and search for new tomorrow's filled with renewed desires of success. It is a good time for men to re -dedicate themselves to their eternal nature .made possible through the . life and resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ,", they said. Latter-day Saints (Mormons) believe that Christ was a perfect man, the Literal Son of God, and that He was crucified and resurrected nearly 2000 years' ago, all of this so that mankind' today might be assured of eternal .life in His presence. , "He has shown us the way to eternal happiness and joy," said Elder and Sister Goff, "and only through obedience to the principles He taught . can men f ind'true happiness." "Members of 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 'feel that the teachings of Christ were meant to develop the total person," said N. Trevor Ormandy, President of the ' Goderich area for the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a family centred Church and everything in it is designed to help families season they will be sparing with area families a special Family Home E vening with discussions about. the life of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection, • • Weekly services and ac- tivities are held at MacKay Hall, 10 Nelson St. E., Goderich, • with special Easter services on Sunday, March 30 at 10:20 a.m. Everyone is welcome. For more information about the Family Home Evening and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contact the Elder and Sister Goff at Clinton, telephone 482-9319. ••• FIGHT LUNG�H' CRIPPLERS pray'er'times into our lives and farriilies build strong . in - into our churches: dividua s which become a Of 'course, the right kind of strength within our -corn- praying never glosses 'over , munities," said President anything.' It has to be truthful., Ormandy. it has to be constant, it has to be It might seem strange, in an intense and it must be un-: age of youthful rebellion, for a selfish. • married couple like Elder and ,.. As Hilda and I talked over Sister Goff. to 'voluntarily her relationship with her sister. devote 18 months of theirlife we were able to look at it'openly and pay their own expenses, to -and-pray-about it earnestly teach the world about Jesus I had a note from her this Christ. They feel that in this week ... things haven't changed service they can help provide. too, much with her sister yet ,for betterment of our (that will come) but Hilda is coping beautifully. the society. During this. unique, Easter WHY THE BIBLE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, BOOK IN THE WORLD • HOW TO USE THE BIBLE When in sorrow; read John 14. When men fail you, read Psalm 27 When you have sinned, read Psalm 51. ,When you worn', react Matthew 6:19-34. Before church service,read•Psalm 84. Nhen you .are in danger,; read Psalm 91. When you have the blues,, read Psalm 34. When God seems far away, read Psalm, 139, When you are discouraged, read Isaiah 40, If you want lobe fruitful. read John 15. When doubts come upon you, try John 7:17. When you are lonely or fearful, read Psalm 23. When you forget your btessi'ng.s., read Psalm 103. For Jesus' idea of a Christian, reak1 Matthew 5. Fdr Jame& idea of religion, read James 1 : 19.27. When your faith needs stirring; read Hebrews 1 1 • When you feel down and out, rasa Romans 8:31-39. When you want courage for your task, read Joshua 1. When the wnrlrl ceembit'g"r than Gnd•.read Psalm 90. When you••want rest and peace, read Matthew 11.:25-30.‘ When you, want Christian assurance, Romans 8:1-30, For Paul's secret of happiness, read Colos.'ia'ns 3:12717, When you leave home for labor or travel, Psalm 121, When you grow hitter'or critical, read 1 C'brinthians 13. When your prayers grow narrow or selfisih, Psalm 67, For Paul's idea of Christianity; read 2 Corinthians 5:15.19. :For Paul's rules on'how to get along with _men, Romans 1..2. When you think of investments and -returns, Mirk 10:17-31, For a great invitation and a great'opportunity, Isaiah 55. For Jesus' idea o'fprayer, Luke 1 1 :1 •13, :Matthew -6:5.16, For the prophet's picture of worship that counts, Isaiah 58:1-12, For the prophet's idea of religion, Isaiah 1:1048, Micah 6:6-8. Why not follow Psalm .119:11 aid hide some of these in your memory? n. Harris Franklin Rall SUNDAY; MAR,'CH 16 :8:OO p.m. BESURE TO SEE THE FILM OF "God's AAcres. Of DIam�flds" H 'w AT -� HURON MEN'S CHAPEL AUBURN Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing 1I 30 Minute Colour Presentation ON CABLE CHANNEL 1 2 Every Wednesday Night GOSPEL MUSIC . it Featuring THE HISEY HOUSE OF SONG" M . Coming NextWeek»' .s. DR.-.SIDENSPINNER PRESIDENT, EMMANUEL BIBLE COLLEGE The Baha'i Faith Teaches... Christ's explanation of Baptism was Spirit, Water. and Fire — Spirit is, bounty of God;:: -Water -'is the4. Worst �of God,, Fire the.love of God. P.O. Box 212 Goderich P:67-Boer-34-Ctinton ;;P.nT;•,:'rr'(lln"F{?.; ' Nr GODERICI-ISIQN4TL.- tTAR,"TH1.IRSIDAY, R 13, I !7$ PAG •# To.INESE AREiEtt Yrta thivaKh t Wet* thrv4 Ow Y911105 the. 4heyhew *SONO)). 1100111g9r no ,u �I frac Tem, part with lir: gMRS. LETITIA CLARK Mrs. Letitia Clark, Huron - view, formerly of 92 Nelson St. E„ Goderich, died'at Huron - view March 2. She was 94. She wasthe daughter of John and Mary. (Longworth) Gallagher .and was born November 10, 1880' in. Colborne Township.. • She was married to Arthur C, -Clark who prececeased her in 1952. She was a resident of Colborne Township until retiring to•Goderich. She was a member of North Street United Church. There areediate survivors. Funeral and committal services were held at Stiles Funeral Home Tuesday, March 4. Rev. Ralph King officiated.. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. sisters, Mrs. A. L: (Euphemia) Hodgson of London; Mrs. Mary Adams, Mitchell; and Miss Margaret James, Stratford; seven grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Funeral service was held at Heipbuck Funeral Home, Stratford, Tuesday, March 11 at 2 p.m. Rev. 'Lockhart Royal of Goderich officiated. Interment was in Mitchell Presbyterian Cemetery. and General Hospital fnlicoking a lengthy illness. fie was 66. He was the son of William and Louise (Hopper) Erviule, born June 4, 1908 in Goderich. He was m.arried'to the foriver Lena Rourke who survives. Be was g member of Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield. Besides his wife,, he is sur, vived by one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Mary Elizabeth) Meyer, Waterloo; two, gran- dchildren., Michglle and Earl W. Bogie, Colborne Marsha; Goderich. ; and, one sister, Miss Township, died ThuMay rsday, Funeral service . was March 6 in Victoria Hospital, no tmm :Saturday, March $. in Trinity London. He was 70. Anglican Church, Bayfield with 'He was barn January 29, 19U5 in Colborne Township where he Youmatoff officiating. lived all his life: He was the son ' Interment was in Bayfield. of Robert and Lavinia (Man- Cemetery. Pallbearers were ning) Bogie and worked as a Jack Sturgeon, Jack Merner,,. farmer. k Scotchmer, d. Fra, He was a member of Nile JacEric Earl and JimegFrancinciss United Church and a former Flowerbearers were Ken member of the session of Nile Knights and Les Elliott. United Church, Surviving are his wife, the Alexandra Marine former Edna Crawford; two ,Hospital Saturday, March 8. sons, Harvey and Barry, both , 'He was born in Hibbert of Colborne 'Township; one Township 78 year; ago.Tie was - granddaughter, Heather Lynn; 'the son of the,late Enon James, and two sisters, Mrs. Jean Stratford. He worked as a McKenzie, Goderich and Mrs.. Alice Potter, Whitewood, Saskatchewan. Funeral service was Monday, March 10 at McCallum Funeral 'Home with Rev. R. C. McCleneghan officiating. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Graham Bogie, Tom Brown, H.E. (HARRY) JAMES Henry Enon ( 1 e. y) James, 250 Picton Stree I'ra, oderich, formerly of Stratf .,., : , died in General enera1 barber and is .a past president of the Barbers' Union. He was a' 'member of Knox Presbyterian Church as well as the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 8, Stratford. He was also a past president of the Cribbage League. He is survived by his wife, the former FloronvotrAVinsfoui, one John Quaid, Gordon son, Robert Donald James .of Dougherty; Ralph Foster and 13on-NMIs;-two daughters; Mrs.• Cliff,.McNei.1-, _.. ,�_ .�.,." L. • R. (Christina) Hyde of Goderich and ' Mrs. E. J. S, E. ERVINE . (_G.era,Id xie) Ewasick of Spencer__ Ernest . Ervine, . Stratford; one brother, Alex Bayfield, ...died Wednesday, James of _Mitchell: three March 5 in Alexandra Marine • ONLY YOU CAN GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE! µB'o'b--M-cCALL ilk R•pr•s•ntatiw 11 Cambria Rd.,,God•rich T 24 7145 1• •.- ,0•1•• •• •.t•.,.•I-•••..•. ••' •r1•• ••' .••'1►•.1•• r•1,•••••.' .•r1•••'.••O••'`••1•►1•r4••1•••••,..••\.••^•►• r'••.••!••'1••'\•• SUhVDA Y SERVICES • Theiam-+ly, that orals together•.,.Stays ,togethe a • \ .,.••-mor'.•••►vr•t•r�•••r�..•r�••►•w••►••1•r�.•rw.+•�••�•r�••�.••�•n.+! •r�J ••••••••�••-1.•....N..*• •••••••• •• •••••. • i•-••••••• .••••••• ►•••••••••••••-• •'�.••'�..•t,•�.•.^.Jr�.••-t••, \• BEREA-BY—THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Meeting at Robertson Memorial School (Blake and Eldon Streets, Goderich) SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all 11:00 a.m, Worship SERMON: WHY. CLING TO CHRIST?" Wednesday, arch 19, 7:30 p.m. Service at Bethel Holiness Chapel Marvin L. Bard, Pastor 524-2235 t "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our • ! Lord Jesus Christ" Romans' 5, 1. I Don't lust watch us grow Com• end help us grow Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with •the .Pentecostal. Asialia ies of Canada WATERLOO STS CORNER OF •ELGIN AND .WA - REV.. PETER. G. ST DON Pt , S as or 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Free Bus Transportation' 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service II - '1 ]t t . 1 S- Are YoU Reading The O cotes? .. Tues. 8:00 ,p.m. BIBLE STUDY.�AND PRAYER 'Friday 7:30 p.m. -Youth Service t . ' )Jr1Ir'\•r1••••••.-41.-,..••••••••.411.•••.••••••••rt••V•1.••V•�.r-\••1••'••••-i•1.•1.•t••'0.••`.•*1.1 • FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH _ Bantist_Coment..i_A11. 4f•_Of110,0 .and Duebr c) MON REAL STREET near The ,Square V. W.H. McWHINNIE F:R.G.S. • • o �� Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School GUEST PREACH'ER: REV. ALFRED FRY - 11:00 a.m.. Serm.;n "THE STEADFAST .FACE" Come and Warship with us f ' M "Keep out of your life 'all., that keeps Christ out of your thoughts.." Listen to our Gospel Music Broadcast Channel 12 TV- eacjt ,Mon. 10:00 a:m. - 11:00 a.m. •,•J_• •'� rt••1.•Y.•r\.••�••V•�.••1•1•\•.'�••1••'••••... Iti••1• THE .SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. S SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP L. 11:00 A.M. tEVANGELISTIC SERVICE —.7 p.m. 524-9341 i' All Are Welcome ( WEEKDAY Home League (ladies) Wed., 8:00 p.m. 1•••••74....111,••:.•1•"\-410,4:,•••-•••••••••.+144•�..�..�.r2.. ,• -) pati Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 p.m. S n , ! ? "All Are Cordially invited to Attend" Methodist e TChurcli '1 he e e M OFFICERS '- CAPTAIN G. HERBER' - CAPTAIN M. MacKENZ1E Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls I . .. .. •1•.,•r—.r,-••-..•—••—•r—••--•--••— •---r— ••—••—'j • 10:00 a.m. Sunday. School '^ n 11•:OOa.m. TOPIC: "HE IS RISEN" 6:30 p.m. BIBLE STUDY' , . Anyone needing bus transportation phone 524-9903 • Everyone Welcome ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 }} HOLY COMMUNION AT 8:30 A•M• HOLY COMMU'NIQN AND SERMON AT 11 A.M. j LENT V f CNLLDREN'S PROGRAMME AND NURSERY AT 10 .&' 11 A.M. �'j, I"' r"°"""`�`�"`•r`•"...`�. �.r'•r�..�..�.�.•-�.- �-1 ,� WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 - HOLY COMMUNION AT 9:30 A.M. i and 7:00 P.M, , DISCUSSION GROUP AT 7:30 P.M. '�. Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A., B.D. . ! Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph B. Herdman .b j CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER, Pastor' 10:00a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL FORALLAGES 11:00 A.M. GUEST SPEAKER: REV.•A. WRIGHT DIRECTOR, RAY OF HOPE MINISTRIES h 6:15 P.M. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 P.M: EVENING SERVICE Sermon THE AGONY OF GETHS•EMANE WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH ci ••••..,•••••....• • iv•v 1t.r....••••••••••.►slur•Z401a•1.17•••••.. •••••••.••••.w•1.•••►w••••••-••"S..••'•••-•• I ' c Victoria Street United Church i 1• HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR ' 10 a.m. Bible School For All Grades 11 a.m. Worship Service ll' !i .• 1 Serrri'on: "CHRIST.; BEPORE. PILATE" --W—E--�L-- Mrs. J. Snider, Organist 8 Choir Director ��••1r�r••`I�r•r1•►1•r-\••••1..1•r1••��.••►••�.r�••'-►•r•�.•.'�••1••�•r'�.. r'�••��. ••• •-•••• ••1••'\•• 1••1••"•••..I•Y.►1.••••,Y•••r•V.., ••...• r•..ft..• 1••1••1••'••••••••••••"ft.•••7,• 0,-........•••••••••-••••••....1,;.••••••..r•••••.••1••1.•r1.•r1••^•..••'P•►••••••.••1.• 1”...••1••�.•r1.r Knox Presbyt,rian Church iTHE REV. G, LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A-- Minister-' I t S / THE REV, RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant l WILLIAM''M. CAMERON. Director of .Praise i SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 ! 1 11:00 a.m, D:vineWorship 1.i i ri wlckED" '1. i, ! Sermon: ' ' 1 1 "MAKING THEMOST OF 'DISAPPOINTMEN'T" i facilities %x. , Depart to Serve ,••1••t•• ••• ••'.►••' ••-•••.• ••••••••-•••. • •••....,•••••••••••••••••••••-••••••-••.. • • ',ft...01. ••-••• •••••••••,..1•.•••• • • ',ft...VI Knox ••1•r'..1••1••1••1.i1•••`••r.••1.•'\.••'\••- �' 10 00 a m Sunday School ` SERMON: f • j "THE RIGHTEOUS AMONG THE j (Nursery ',and Junior Congregation) f i, 7 30 p m. Young Peoples Society Nursery • t .01 Enter to Worship t Come end Worship with us, .••.1.•r?►•r'%•r ►•.' ••—••i•• ••-•—• .•.- •• ' ,••Y..••-►'r..►'r.••r.•,...••r•..•'••••••\.••" •r►.•r1••1.r"w...••►•r1..11 •,••••••.4101...••••••••••.1.410.•••••.1.11,1•.•;.••••. •••... .•►'`••�•L1.•1•r�►.•►1••,.rr.8_ ___ V►• North Street United Church The Risk/. Ralph E. King, B.A., B.D., Minister Miss Clare McGowan - Visiting Assistant Mr, ;Lorne H. Dotterer - Director of Music SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1975 Sunday School ages 10 and up at 9:45 a.m. Ages 3 to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m. Worship at 11:00 a.m. t x in 1 • • •