HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-28, Page 8tht
'iNfitiltar41) Litevitiett.
" flasti
ISAL.L.4407,V,A,ti VOI3 1 Se hoe'e
sloae.e tred on uly lett
t on the
-WIIISLEBN At$1.11tANOhl Oglie 29th int,
O , reroute: alao for the PltethlhIlh, Fttatter. ewe ttaerieday 10t . were the
Stihnitatnn teakinAter f
gr!rt)tt. tzagt(VE Ifd81,/itANQK Ot ale
4'3 , o headed
We are showing Sample Lots of dojo
Biegere Berfeme,
We ere &sewing a nice line of Hair
13rushes. "
'We are showing a cheap line of Toilet
We are showing aeline el Combs.
We sho 4.1.Mo:tine of Tooth Brushes,
We aro otl'eriug a Snap hi Whisks,
We bare low lines in. Sponges,:
We keep Tooth Picks and sell them
We keep Chamois Skins., best
You may need some of the above, call
and we will try and Please you,
Keep ool.
Big Boialtrpt Staro
Is the spot for
all the newest
Blouse Mater-
New De Lanes for Blouses,
New Sateens tor Blouse.
:New Pongees for Blouses,
New Crinkles for Blouses,
New 'Wash Silks for Blouses,
The newest thing in he
trade for Ladies BlOuses is
the Sheppherd Check Wash
Silks, We have them in
all shades for 25c, per yard,
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The pub1ishers would esteem it a favor if
readers would,when making their purchases,
mention that they raw the merchant's adver-
tisement in PRE blurs.
NOTICE -All business announcements
notices of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in these local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
cents per line each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in current issue copy
must be handed into office on Taeaday.
Tr/vitt MetTiodal
Notices for week ending July 4th, 1394.
THURSPAY.-Envelope Committee in School
House at 8 p.m.
FRIDAT%-"S t. Peter's Day," Short service with
address from 7.30 to 6 p. mega.
practice immediately after the
SIINDAV.-The Holy Communion will be ad-
ministered at the service in the
lathe evening there will be special- music by
the choir comprising "heath's seagnificate
and Nuns' Dimites Gounod's anthem
'Send out thy Welt" and there will be a
special sermon bearing on the fact that
Sunday is Dominion Day.
FIURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1894.
For. SAIdt.-1 second hand Phaeton, 1
Second hand two -seated carriage, and one
sett of seeoud hand harness. Also new
buggies and carts. Apply to
W. G. Bissgmr,
Cherries are ripening fast and the
yield will be large.
Several farmers have commenced
baying. The crop is light.
The strawberry crop has been gbocl
but it will not hold out long.
The James at. church will hold a
garden party and strawberry festival
on Friday evening,
The Centralia and Elinn villa Method -
jet churches will celebrate 15t July on
Monday next by each holding a straw-
berry festival.
The annual meeting of the Dominion
Allietice Council will (D. V.) be held in
IVIontreat, commencing at 9 a. Tues-
day, July 3rd, in the National Mon-
ument Hall, St. Lawrence Main Street,
Montreal. •
Mr. Philip Andrew of after
an intern; of some months died on
Tuesday night at the age of 48 years,
Mr. Andrew was a highly respected
reticle/A lend has zuffered much the past
nel10011 of months. aig remains will
be littrerred in the 211mville cemetery
!tfleday (Thuraday.)
roe H. IX O. for all itotrittele troahler•;
Henry Botsford, of Malawi, le dead.
For the last 30 years he war the township
'Warmest days Of the yeer,
The deye have eemmenced to ober
The 22nd was the longest day,
Key. Kerrie of Bayfield has aeoepted a
oell to the Catiniti Of En gland, Mitchell
The orsugemen of the St, Mary's, will
eelebrate the 12th July in St. Thamae,
The Exeter Creamery Co, have pur-
chased Second separator, and. now open.
ate two,
The Beeter Band gems to %iterate on
July dad, to take part in the strawberry
festival there,
Henry Eturlburt of Mitchell, who started
knitting factory near Toronto 4 few days
go has nt tde an asaigunient.
Miss Heal, of Fullerton has received the
gold medal for the highest standing le the
el. .11, A 0011•Te at the Oatario Ladies'
Collegw, Whitby.
j, C. Murdock, Lucknow, sad M,
BrokensbIre, Wingbam, heve been ap-
pointed officers in commotion with the
I. 0. G, T. of Outerin,
The Returning officers in Exeter were
R- 5, lame-, W. D. Weokes, eteo. H.
Bissett anti M. Bacrett, three Conserva-
tives and one Reformer.
The baud has accepted an engagement
to play at Parkhill, on the 12th of July
next, and also at Elia:wine for the S. F.
Picini° on the 2nd of July,
lneendiarlea tried to barn down the
shoe stom of J. Ready, St. Marys, on
Tuesday night, but passers-by luckily saw
the smoke and put out the tire.
Mr, and Mrs. Mahan, of Kirkton, Itud
Mrs John Copelend, of Blanshard, went
by the North west excursion, Tuesday, on
a trip to tha North West and Dakota,
iv Louie,
Uttied inmate oeMporred cre e ugoundt
lug Omits =leading Exeter and Ctcrlitoe,
also the leadieg ()lame all along the litni
wtU bedleld at Serena, Park oa Jely lean
see e
obtio, scl.,001 mind nainutee,
June 2dae1, 1804,
•USOting hold In the Towa Hal', et 8 20
p. in. Absent, T Fitton end W J Car-
• ling, The following is the order of leten
nt:eaestinagl:lhyeldpans:aaeyd :alviltoOtpe: 1,ouftz: eennitual•
utea of sipecial m etinke held May 15,
per E EiOwardt aoceplanee of teport and
discharge ef fence crournuttee, pet, Dr Lutz;
soceptence of reaignetion of Ultra Fer-
guson, 'prr Dr Lute; acresteartee of Miss
Reetre anelitiatiee ire teacher of NO? de-
partment, trace Miss Ferguson r esigned.
per Dr Linz; peplum of S Sreulake's
Ilea. of 689 67 for fenoing meterial.. per
Dr. Later einloysement of payment to
Emanuel .Bistett of elil 28, fenoieg Gott -
tract, per Dr Lutz; June ohecke f
Teachers' salaries to inoludeJuly amounts,
per P Frayur ; The ohainnau and P raper,
to be a repairs eornmittee with, newer:
per Dr Lute. reijourniareet
person,o3i. - J. Getpaa, Secy.
—0 --
Mier. T. Wenlaaa of Blyth, Otaited
feuds in town this week, --Mrs. Dever,
who hes been vie iting friends in Exeter
and throughout the °minty during the
\ past lew weeks returned to her home in
Detroit, last week -Dr. Holmes, of
Gorierieh, Co, Treastner, was in town
few days of last weak, -Rev. Locke 4:111
family will serive in Exeter, from A.1-
vintton. tonlay, (Thuseday ) -- Mr. all
Mrs Biseett and family of Foreet
visitrcl friends in then over Suuday.
Mr. eed Mrs. Wright of Alma, Mich , were
the guests. of W.F. and Mrs. Wm. Case,
this week. -Mr, D. • Johns, M„
leaves fur Manitoba shortly,. -Mrs,
Daltry and Miss AI. E. Atkinson of
Lucan, visited. friends in town Wed-
nesday. -Mrs. Hubble and family of
Oak Grove, Mich., tire the guests uf
Mrs. , James Parkinson. -Mr. Amos
Doupe of Kirkton, was a caller at Tat
Tines office yesterday. --Miss Edith
Hy:adman is visitine friends in Barrie.
-Miss May Gregory'is home from Gale,
where she was head milliner for a firm.
-Miss Blanche Hodgsci)p. of Toronto, is
visiting at Mr. Richard Young's. -Mrs.
J, P. Clarke and, daughter May, are
visiting friends in Cobourg. Mrs.
Clarke is attending the wedding of her
youngest sister, who is now the wife of
Mr. W. H. Gould,who had once been in
the employ of J. P. Clarke for five
years, but no 11! a resident of Belleville.
-Mrs. E. Elliott, Main st„ and daugh-
ter leave this week for Grand Bend
where they purpose spending the sum-
mer menths.-Mr. Park, of Goclerich,
is in town conducting the entrance ext
aminations,--- Miss Ida Johns was in
Clinton yesterday attending the wed-
ding of her cousin, Miss Andrews, to Dr.
Steep of Winnipeg. -Mr. ami Wire,
Snell of Exeter visited Mrs C. Hoare,
Clinton last week. -Mrs. E. Harwood
of Toronto is visiting her parents Mr.
and Mrs. James Down. -Mrs. W. Muir
of Glinton passed through Exeter yes-
terday enroate to Winnipeg to visit r
There will be a recount of the ballots
cast in the South Huron election.
Rev. Jackson will preach an anniver-
sary sermon at Elimville on Sunday
Now is the time to lay in your supply
of coal. Joseph Cobbledick is receiv-
ing large shipmente,
The E7..ectitive Committee of the
_ S?? -1..t, Huron Conservative Association
iwin meet in Honsa,11 on Monday next,
Lean' e majoriry is 1.1, a ,11.15§4i9
seems to have occurred in the count in
Stanley, which may vet prove on favoe
of Mr. Weismiller.
The garden party last night given by
the ladies of the Main st. ;.church, was
well attended. The strawberry part of
the program was declared off owing to
there being no berries.
The garden party under the auspices
of the Trivitt Memorial church on Sat-
urday evening last was quite a success-
ful affair, friday evening the weather
was so inclement that it was postponed
till Saturday. •
A circelar has been issued by did
'opal board of health, requestino• that
all school children. and others be vac-
cinated at once. This is required by
law and all Should govern themselves
ac cordingly. -
The marriage of Miss: M. Thomas.
youngest daughter of the late W. B
Thomas, to Mr. W. .3. Gould of' Bel-
leville, took place at the reaiclunce of
the bride's mother, Ball street, on Wed-
nesday evening last, in the presence or
the immediate member§ of the family,
Rev. E. Roberts, of the King , street
Methodist Church, performing the cere-
mony. Miss Lizzie Thomas, cousin of
the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while
the groom was supported by his brother,
Mr. John Gould of Si, Catharines. At
the conclusion of the ceremony refresh-
ments were served. The happy couple
left by the 11.20 train for their home in
"the bay city," 13elleyille, followed by
the hearty well -wishes of host of friends,
with whom We loin in wishing them
many years of happiness. The bride
TF4S the recipient of numerous valuable
presents.-Cobourg Sentinel.
with which ladies may use the California
TED loose.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
Heti& lasative Syrup of Figs, under ell
condition, makes it their favorite Tonally.
To get the true and genuine artiole, leek
for the name of the California Fig Syrup
Co.,printe.d near the bottom of the pack.
While working around the machinery
in the Creamery the other day, a young
lad named ja.s lackell; was caught by a
belt and had his arm badly injured.
Mr.John Whyte of Mitchell,has groat
field of rye on the old Casey farm, Logan
road. It is several feet above the fence,
and one straw, which measnred 8. feet 3 in
Geo Spearin, who has' for several years
been employed in Sharps' Express offiae,
left on Monde," for St. Catharines where
he has secured 4 situation in the Express
office. s
Some one tried to firs the Dominion
Hotel, Stratford, on Wednesday morning
by placing oil, waste under the building
and igniting it. The blaze was discovered
in time.
Word was received Monday of ths death
of Miss Elizabeth J. Kennedy, formerly
of St. Marys, which event occurred at
her brothern, residence in Chicago, the
evening previous.
Mr. A.. Coeens. of Tuckersmith, has
passed his and year examinations at To-
ronto University with 1st clue honors in
Mineralogy, leit class in Chemistry and
2ndclass in Biology.
Rev. McDonagh preached his farewell
sermon in the Main st. church on Sunday
evening last, and left yesterday for Kings _
vine, where he sacceeds Rev. Jasper
Wilson a former pastor in Exeter.
A very large contingent of the Masonic
fraternity visited Clinton on Sunday last,
and together with the brethren and other
visitors, attended divine service, Rev.
Hodgins, preaching a special sermon,
Mr. Chas, Snell, jr., has commenced
excavating the cellar forhis new residence
on the old skating rink property, Andrew
St Mr. L. Day will also proceed. with
the erection of a residence on the lot ad-
joining Mr. Snell's,
Clinton New Era: -"Mr. T. M. Otte
Iing sold the 21 acres., belonuiner
DaWdeen lust /19.1't dr in L. IL% B,1 to
"-r. Jos.-Copel, on Wednesday, at a good
figure. Tom generally secures a good
figure for anything he sells."
Mr. Will Ford of the firm ef Ford Bros.
butchers, was married last week to Miss
Kate Walker, daughter of Mr. Wm.
Walker, Stephen. Rev. Jackson tied the
knot: Miss Martha Ford and Mr. W, G.
Walker assisted in the ordeal. Congratu-
As it is possible we may be visited by
smaller:it, no time should be lost in seeing
that the school ohildren and others are
vaccinated. The medical men are supplied
with vaccine points end will attend. to the
request of any person desiring their ae-
While crossing Main St. on Thuraday
morning a setter dog belonging to Mr. D.
Johns, bit Mr, Thos. Dearing on the right
leg, drawing the blood, • The wound was
a severe one and laid Mr. Dearing up for
a few days. No serious results are an-
There was buried on Sunday last one
of Hibbert'e oldest and most respected
settlers, Richard Green, formely 01 the
3rd concession. He died on Friday at the
residence of his daughter, Mrs. John
Oldfield, of Tuckeramith, with whom be
had been stopping of late,
The Midsummer departmental ex-
amieetions will occur this wity; J elle 27th,
entrance examinations in oral reading,
drawing and commercial °aurae in High,
Public and Separate schools, June 23,
entrance for Collegiate Institute; Public
school leaving: kindergarten at Hamilton,
Toronto, Ottawa and Kingston, July 3r3;
the High School Primary, ,Tunior Leaving
and University Matriculation and
Scholarship examinations: July 12th,
Senior Leaving and Honor Matriculation
The honor list of the aucoessful students
in the graduating year in Tomato ljnie
nersity has appeared. David 14IcLennan
takes first-class hormone in his favorite de-
partment, physics, and J. Cecil Hamilton
is given second clasa honors in political
science. ,W Lingelbeck, formerly of
Stratford, takes various honors in modern
language, W Knox, of St Magys
secures second °lase honors in natural
sciences, and J K Coiling of lelitchell is
awarded third class ::, honors in
classics. Mr. Russell Manning of Exeter,
alsotakes high honor.
We call the attention Of our readers once
more to the black knot, The dissasn is
carried across fields by the winds, arid
ode affected. tree magi, he a short tittle
spread the disease through a whole
neighborhood. As soon as the first signs
of the disease thowil in an orchard, every
breech that is affected sheilld be cub eff
and burned, and if any tree or trees are
badly affeeted, they elsotild be eat down
and. burned at the earliest possible mo-
ment, No man. ought to wait a day, or,
an hour, after he finds that his trees' are
dieflatet for the only way to destroy the
spores ut to destroy them by fire. Bleak
knot is the worst disease that growers of
stone fruits have to oonteed with in the
tnidweet# and they thOuid not Spate
efforts to subdue and, ultimately desteoy
it altogether.
Important batent]ess
At tune of going to psees Mr. Me -
A. Boon to floreetnen , -One bottle of
English bpa,vin Liniment completely re-
moved a curb from my berm, I take
pleasure intreconimending this remedy, as
it acts with mysterious promptness in
the removal from horsed of bard, soft or
cellottaed. lumps, blood spa.yiu, splints,
entre, stveeny, stiilee and Sprains.
Go. Roan, Farmer, '
Sold by O. LUTE
Renter 1r1 Szt Houns.-Distreestag
wry and bladder damages relieved in alx
house by the "Geeet South Amerioan
ney Care." This new remedy is a great
eurpritee and delight to physiaiane on ac.
eoutit Cute Emcee/ling promptness in re.
Roving paitt in the bladder, Ildrieys,baok
and every pert of the uries.ty passages in
Male VR110121010. It telievee retention Of
vreter and pain in passing ft elineet hauled.
ately. /f you tout quick relief and ours
this is yellr remedy, Seld by C. Lurz
Willie Henderson aged 16, was deotvtind
in Hamilton bay on Sunday.
John Duke Coleridge, Lord Chiefasties
of Englaud, died ea Thursday evening.
Baron Nieotera, One of Italy's foremost
atateteuen, died at Naples on Wedneeday,
Robert Loamy, aged 21, Was drowned in
Ebnlarlaizill darn on Friday evening while in
410, Manitoba0.1.:6720,0,at,reasz. increaset isyea r ot/vieer crop'last a cyreeaarg of
Han, Bills Flint, the aged mutton of
Belleville, died at the Grand Union hotel
in Ottawa on Friday.
Ex -Congressman T, M. Bayne shot hien,
self thorough the head. in Washington on
Saturday, and expired instantly.
Hilyard Irwin, aged 20, Was drowned
in Sheppard's pond, near Shalbourne, yes -
to rclay by the upsetting of a boat,
The ninth annual mersting.of the Execu-
tive Health Officers of Ontario will beheld
in Chatham on August 14 and 15.
Sixty cases of choleee and 25 deaths are
reported at Cieonanftiece, Russian Po-
land, 30 miles frora the Prussian fron-
Frank, W. Ballard, formerly agent of
the Standard Oil Company at Burlington,
d St. Albans, Vt., by cotting
Fred. C. Williams. a Hamilton tailor,
Twhaisirismanayo.ver and killed at the Xing street
station of the G. T. R. in that city on
The Veloan Iron Works of Winning
will go into the hands of receiver, The
liabilities are 70,000, with assets in excess
of that emount.
The son of the keeper of Colchester
lighthouse is ill with smallpox, The Pro-
vincial authorities have taken steps to pre-
vent contagion.
The bicycle relay, which left Sarnia at
4 a. in. Friday. arrived in Montreal at 1.26
spc.hme.duSlaetutirmdaey. , 41.2, hours ahead of the
The steamer Siberian, which arrived at
Halifax on Friday night from Liverpool,
brought 250 soldiers, drafts for the differ-
ent troops in Halifax.
J. T. Conlon's mill on Picnic Island,
near.Little Current, one of the largest on
Georgian Bay, was destroyed by fire on
Thursday. Loss S50,000.
At Winnipeg aetvorkingman named Sohn
Stanley committed suicide by hanging
himself in the loft of a barn. He leaves a
widow and two children.
Burglars effected an entrance to the
C.P.R. R. ticket office at Pork.Front-streets,
, Toronto, on Friday night and. rifled the
drawers of postage stamps, etc.
At Comber on Saturday the little
daughter of Cyrus Roadhouse fell beneath
a heavy roller, which her father was driv-
ing, and was crushed to death.
Martha Conway, an actress, formerly
connected with MinnieVeward's Company,
shot herself at Niagara Falls on Saturday.
It is thought she will recover.
• Mr. Seagram's Joe Miller, the Queen's
Plate winner, won the Canadian Derby at
Montreal on Saturday, beating Mr. Hen-
drie's Nanny Lee and Lochinvar.
The opening - of the Intercolonial Con-
ference at Ottawa has been postponed till
June 26, owing to the illness of one of the
antipodean delegates at Vancouver.
The funeral of the fate Duncan Mc-
Intyre took place at Montreal on Friday
and was attended. by all the leading rail-
road and business men of the city
Sir George , tibbs, Premier of New
Soidtbn.rfalee; as proposed to Victoria
Eat the awo eoionies under the name
a The United Colonies of Australia,
4.- -Ai
Alexander Oran, yeai'S aerie, eines
sont oif, Tree Cran, manager of ,the Bank
day. s .---aratemottetenehgiggre,474
Theanchor liner Ethiopia, from New
York for Glasgow, passed Tory Island
Saturday, and reported her bow, badly
genve in by coming in contact with ice-
Daniel Porsylh and Frank Eisen, well-
known farmers were htommitted for trial
on Friday at farmers,
for a 17,..-Zber
thefts. Samuel Haigh has turned Queen.,
The Massey Music Hall, the gift of Mr.
PI. A. Massey to the people of Toronto
Was formally opened on Thursday night.
It is the largest and finest public hall in
the Dominion.
The Greek bark Efeyptos and the /ins -
slat steeener Veronstie colgele_ in the
Sea of An'v bothvessels lank.Twen-
itxyl-asiRxumsseinaneivere drOwned,4,
all but four -
At Buffalo on Thursday eVehing ex -City
A. Bartholomew at the Geld Dollar
Saloodin on Main street, and died a
few -
minutes later at the hospital. The trotible
arose over a women. an
Five distinct exp1c1Sions of fare damps an -
curved in the coal mines of Count Lariach
at Kerwin, Austrian Silesia, on Thursday
night. Two hundred reiners were killed
and many ethers entombed. . •
Sixty thousand pedple in .Chieago
petitioned the Board of Education to in-
troduce in the schools a reading book
similar to those esed in Toronto, consist-
ing of selections of Scripture.
Little E. D. Potter, at Cadwell's brick-
yard, Tilsonsburg, went into a small pond
of water that had been formed in a hole
where clay had been taken out, and getting
beyond his depth was drowned.
Mrs. Belanger, aged. 44, was run over
and killed by an electric car in Montreal
on Sunday, and Alekander Matts, a con-
ductor, was fatally injured by falling bet
tween two dare in the same city. '
A remarkable downpour of rain occurred
at Madrid, Nab,, on Friday. The Govern-
ment gauge indicated a fall of seven inches
in three hours. A fall of hail aeoompanied
the rain. The storm was general in that
ItIrfe Jan 'Mansholt of Bay View,
Queen's County, IL S., was planting pota-
toes in Some buret land, when a spark
ignited her clothing, and she received in-
juries ftom which she •died e few hours
latAetemall boy,hameti Walker, who resided
with his patent§ in Toronto, was bathing
in the Huinbeir with two companions on
Saturday etternoon, and getting beyond
his depth wns drowned before 0,1a could
he so annoned.
Benjuinia C. Betete, aseietant treaserer
of the New Central Coel Company of Mary.
and, has docanipPd from New Vork ye Ala
nearly $6,001 of the company's money.
He also deserted his wife and obildren and.
&roped With a pretty young sehool teacher,
Reporter Robb, of Val:weaver, who is
eharged with the lerto of the Raymond ex-
cursion train fake, is hi jail. is being
prosecuted for criminal libel, The citi.
dens a vcucouvo Arc angry at the prOyhis
dial press for piiblithing exeg„gerated to'
parts of the flo64.
ritie Nortil Agierica., Pang etnt.,
was drowned in the Grand river on Than -
Kill! Ii 11
We are now clearing
a number of lines of Summer
Goods at 'greatly reduced
prices, and all wishing to
secure bargains should avail
themselves of this Sterling
Regular 25c and 30c
Sateens now 21 cents.
Regular 20o do now, 16e.
Regular 35c Dress Gnods
now 25c.
Regular 50c do now, 850
Regular 25c do now, 12o,
Regular ,12ic Prints now,
Gents Good Plannelette
Shirts now, 23c.
Straw Hats marked away
Dress Trimmings t end-
less variety.
Baby Ribbon in all the
leading shades.
Ladies White and Color-
ed Vassars,
An elegant Stock of Para,„
sols at Rock Bottom Prices.,
Linen and Embroidered
Buggy Dusters, &c, &c,
In Crisp Cottons
See our extra heavy at 8c.
5ee ollx New Orleans
Sheeting 16 yds for $1.
5ee our 'Selected 1 ya
wide, 26 yds for $1.
2 Pair Ladies Tan Hose,
for 26c; pUBUO NOTIOE.
oys will be o
The little chaps can't help wearing out. cloth-
ing, They are not to blarm,. Parent'sr
should see to it that
are of right stuff at the start. Summer vaeat on aud
school holidays give a severe test to the goods ',old the
workmanship. Both
Should be Jut nigh
CARLING BROS. make a special fettinre of
in style, finish, quality and PrzoeS;
BROS.' Clothing is the Xing.
Eggs Sc. Butter The.
Laming, 'Mich.. June 25-A friend of
William Langley, fornaely of this city, now
of London Out, received a letter a few
months ago stating that Mr. Langley bad
Bright's disease. Of course no hope of
his recovery could be held. out. Within
a month, the same friend. has receiyed
a letter from Mr. Langley stating that he
is completely cured of the supposed fatal
disorder. Mr. Langley says no medicine
did him any good until he began using
Dodd's Kidney Pills. These helped. him
from the first and in the end restored
him to perfect health.
Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield
lo the :rise of Carter's Little Nerve Pills,
tided by carter's Little Liver Pills. They
:e.tet only relieve present distress but
‘st'estagthen the stomach and digestive so.
•paktatus. •
British Grain Trade.
Londnn,June25.-The Mark Lane Express,
in its Weekly review of the British Grain
Trade, st4s..--English wheat has advanced
7d. Foreigh,wheat, though the Supplies have
been large, has been firm. California, 24s.
a quarter, and 'No. 2 red winter, 225. Flour
has been stronger and wheat steady, but
barley and and bats have been neglected.
To -day English wheats are a turn dearer.
through scarcity, and the demand is slight.
American wheats have advanced 3d ,
Eh). am:a to . Assenelyd
2for t ujueiSieo,11189R4.iding of Huron, _
Weisminer of the Village of Hansen, in
the Oetinty of Huron, Merchant, one of the
Candidates at the Election has appointed Geo.
D. Arnold, Esc,of the village of Hannah in
the county of Huron, as his agent in pursuanoe
eriointh Section of the Election Act of
JOHN T. DICKSON, Returning Officer
2 Pair 1oaAb 'Black fre6,vyi 'ElOtAiolit4 the Legislative Assembly
• Bib for 250, for the South Riding of Huron held
26th ,Tune, iad .
tates at
?lcilungtiutraitlronetilhie PA°t ° f
° Towels Special Lot each tag. • office..
for 3e, sonNT,DICKS0N, Benito, '
1 Pair the Town ° Very Fine as41 s._ the County of ; the Huron,
'• '9 Pan' blither, one of
Xlection, has aPP .
mere, for 25c. in
-s‘ n Welt Esq., of the - °w ursuance of
3 Pair Heavy Cotton Sox
for 26e,
Men's $7,75 Rubbo. Coats
for $5,50,
Ladies Summer' Mattles
$6, for S4,26,
Ladies Silk Lined, do,
$6,75.for $4,50,•
Ladies Blk Lace Capes
$10, for $7,50,
Ladies Blk Lace Capes
8,50, for $O,
• We are clear-
ing all Millinery
Now is the
time to -buy the
above goods as
they will go
quick at the
prices quoted.
Pickard & 80n
, DofCloS.
Militia and Permanent Cows, eemerialei
Tot1sers, Great Coats and CaPei
Militia Store Suppli,it and Neoessaries con-
sisting of Boots, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers,
Socks, Iron Bedsteads, Brooms, Brushes,
Saddlery, hersaBlankete.ete.; Hard and Soft
Coal: Hard and Soft Wood (English measure)
Military all
feoarchthoef htheae
tingoi Military Busithugs on
ceived up to noon Thursday. 5th July, 1894.
Tenders to be matked on the tat hand corner
of the en vlope: Tenders for "Morale pewit -
lee," "MILITIA SWORE s urrdits'
or "Feet Wooe," as the case,ng', be, and ad-
dressed tO the honorable the Minieter of
Militia and Defence, Ottawa.
The coetraets for 'Clothing are to cover.
Period of three years from the 1st July, 1991'
those for Store Supplies and Necessaries, Coal
andWood, are for one 'year from 1st July,
Printed forms a of tender containing full
partioulare may he obtainedfrona the Depart-
ment at Ottawa, and at the following Militia
Stores, .z -TQuebec,hoTreaelsi Halifax,
B!,upseiri, ' nateonudn:
ento of Steres at London, Toronto, Ifinesten,
N. B., and Winnipeg, MIAtl.
Every article of Clothing, Store SUpPlitla
and Necessaries lobo furnished, as well as the
material therein, must be of Canadian Mann -
feature, and taimilar in all respeota to the
MilitilkStotes at Ottawa.
sealed patterns, which eerrnhibsedoseTinlota tatrithi;
to material for Saddlery -
No tender will be received unless made on
a printed form furaishea by the Department,
nor wilt a tender be considered if the Printed
form is altered in any maneee whatever.
Vlach mutt be adooranattied by an ;mai:intact
on a Canadian Chaeterean Bank for
an amount equab to tee per -scent ef the total
value of theetrtieles teedeted fore which will
be forfeited if the party makIng, the tolder
declines to Oen o.00ntmot wium sailed upon
itcoito the loweat °eater t ender.
chTehlueelloWeipliehrtamtithir Tote not bInd itself to
to do so. the tenderAbe no or: acceptedcinpthe
OttaWa; 211e1 Jane, ",51394.
' Peoretary,
Department of Militia anabeeeftea,
London, 1-luroit
Goiere No era -
London, depart...-. •
Exeter.-- .....
. . ...... ...
Kippcn ...
Blyth......... ...... ........,
Goon Sorrrirr-
Wingliam, depart...
beigrave .....
Lon desboro..... ••• •-•
.. .. •
Hensall.. ...
Exeter, ..... ..
and Bruce,
8.254, /F. 4,40 P.
9.29 9.00
9,42 0.15
0.47 520
19.55 0.28
30.12 0.5$
10.20 7.14
10.38 7.23
10,82 '7.37
11.10 8.00
0.35 A. la. 3-25g.
6.50 3.47
7.03 4.01
7,10 4.08
7.45 4.29
8 05
8 22
Sealed tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to Tuesday morning July 3rd,
for the improvement of Mud Creek Drairi as
perBy-Law lately published in the Exeter
Advocate. Plans and Specifications earl be
seen at my residence at Sodqm. The work;con-
templated will be that ;portion located in
Stephen and half WRY along S. I', road from
ott C bridge to concession road. The lowest,
tender not necessarily accepted. - Teeitees
will be opened on Tuesday July 3rd, at the
Town Hall, Orediton. By Order of Stephen
Counoll. C PROUTY, hav, P. O.
1 I
Bargain Day.,
of Fat 'Ming
Our famous 26e. T
(Bargain Day only) 20c.
Our famous Orient Blk,
Tea, (Bargain Day Only
Our famous., 35c. To
(Bargain Day only) 25c.
Dish ClOth Soap, 2
• 13 bars Electric S
--Day) 260.
(Tv .
1 yd. wide Pa
tory vdttor4 47.
1 2 pi.e8e6
60 Blk„ Serge
Goods, 26c.
60c. 131k,
• A range
Prints, 6c.
3 pair fast BIIK, 15 •
hose, 25e.
4 dozen
Shirts, 25e. .-
I08. cash discount
13oots & 8hoes,
158 °Ash discount ofi
168 cash discount
• 208 cash discount if
13e on hand early.
Ilighest price 01(1
farmPr°d•OtIC:06 '
Cl CI.11111
25 pieces