HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 12PAGE 2/14-I.:QOM' RICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1975 SUGAR 'N' SPICE 5 bij 0111 SMILEY I have personally had it, with' the Canadian Postal Service, so I am sick to death of postal strikes andthreatsof•strikes- And 1 almost throw up every time Honorable Bryce Mackasey, minister in charge of the post), office, comes on television-fo state bluntly that postal employees 1at year stole only a „million dollars or whatever, which is just a drop' in the bucket, and that we have the third best postal" service in the world. His first statement prac- tically condones theft by public employees. His second must be something he halucinated while recovering front an overdose of stamp glue. Admitted, that for years, postal employees were sorely underpaid, and most of them were in the job only for the .security it offered. But the security is still there, and they are now far frormr--4-,--v sorely underpaid. Some of them, in view of what they do, and the, relatively simple qualifications required, may be overpaid, in comparison with some other jobs. , talk of suing the post office because they are not drawing their pay when they are not working, even though they are not on strike. Can you figure , Admitted, many postal jobs - are 'unexciting, even boring and monotonous. This is no excuse for the flouting of the publics needs, or fOr the thumb -to -the - nose attitude towards the .government, employer of the postal workers. .-----•Nobody-foreed-those, , 4 'to work in the post 'office. Plenty of other jobs are just as monotonous. If they wanted that out? It makes my head. reel. This week, I sent a letter "special delivery." It cost me 48 cents in postage. To make me expend such a sum, " the letter had to be mighty im- portant. It's sitting in a post office, unsorted, in which the employees are NOT on strike. v me? that postia peop, e had enough. Who'll join And in closing, may I add 1 don't put the blame on the I union, not all of it. These le are human and w , reach for all they can get. The real root -of my rage and " the fifth -rate Canadian postal non -service is the :gutless in Ottawa. ill politicians • Standard AUTO GLASS LIMITED THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO For vinyl tops • convertible tops • car uphOlslery • windshields • body protective mouldings 365 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH CALL 524-2136 Come to Where the Values Are m A&P "•'. • SUPER -RIGHT CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF • SHORT RIB ROAST iiENTiliiiNGSTEAKS BONELESS BLADE ROAST or • SHORT RIB ROAST Ib IBLADE BONE IN BLADEROAST excitement whydidret-thergo into high steel work or massage parlors? Isn't it about time for a showdown? Either Canada gets a first rate postal service, as we tsed to have, or we scrap the whole thing and turn it over to priyate enterprise. , In my far from •humble opinion, the latter cm/Se , should have been taken years 'or .the past several decades, the performance of the post office in this country has been a dismal one. Each year, efficiency decreases;, each year the costs vilaSe. :Each. iiew broom appointed as minister has carefully swept the dirt under the rug, instead of out the door. I think it's too late for a purge in the post office, which has become so constipated that nothing • short of dynamite would move those turgid bowels'. •-No new minister has the guts ' to go in and ream out the dottle. of the public pipeline. It would be his head on a platter if he tried. Nope: It's too late fi,r half measures. It's time to put the Whole shambling, sick, half- ,-.,„....Lparatyied- leviathan on the auction block, and sell it to the highest bidder: buildings bricks, equipment and jobs. And let's not get any phony •nationalism mixed up in it. If one of the new rich oil countries' wants to buy the mess and put it in running order, why not? Canadians can't do. it, ap- . parently. You think this is too drastic? It seems the only alternative we have to limping along with a postal system that the word "rotten" inadequately•" - describes. You .think something as big' and important as the'postal non -system should be con- trolled by the government? Hogwash! Anyone with ears, to, hear or eyes to read knows that government. is notably inef- ficient as an employer. LeVs look at one example. We two transcontinental railways.. CPR privately owned, has shown a thumping profit year after year. The CNR, government owned, highly subsidized, is always in. the red. You think I'm a little hot today? You're right. Postal strikes have cost me con- siderable, cin terms of anxiety and cash. And Vm only' a little frog. Imagine what . the. lousy service Is doing to slOw down and thwart large companies, whith hire hundreds of thousands. As I write, postal employees ' in Toronto are not working, ,, while mail piles up in thousands , of tons. " fiThy • are they not working? Because they won't ,croSg the picket lines of 'another, com- paratively small union that is otistrike. Aitget.thiS. The Post (iffice gav its non -working • em- ployees leave, of absence without pay. They were not fired. And • those employees have the unbelievable gall to , • r • • FRESH PRODUCE CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, P,.g.i., WHITE TABLE STOCK • POTATOES. 89ft, • 20 -LB BAG CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, FLORIDA LARGE ECONOMY PACKAGE Tomatoes , " 2 lbs 89? TEXAS WASHED, PACKED FRESH DAILY Spinach 3 10 -oz cello pkg $1.00 • FLORIDA MILD, LARGE ECONOMY PACKAGE OTh, • Radishes ,• 1-16, pkg 29? • CALIFORNIA, EXCELLENT FOR SALADS Avocado Pears 3 for $1.00 VARIETY OF COLOURS FOR YOUR CHOICE • Primula Plants 4 -inch pot$1.79 FREEZER CUT! SUPER -RIGHT, CANADA GRAD •"A" BEEF 60 TO 85 -LBS AV. BEEF CHUCKS 1. CUT & *WRAPPED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE AT A&PI CONSISTS OF ROASTS, STEAKS, STEWING BEEF; GROUND' MEATVAND-SOUP,SONES. SUPER -RIGHT OR TOWN CLUB, SLICED MAPLE '(EA MAPLE LEAF, BONELESS, READY -TO -SERVE • ,• Canada Packers' Week at A&P! MAPLE LEAF (2 -LB .yAc PAC $1.5q) • 1 -LB VAC PAC SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY, MEATY, FRO1Z-rac Pac $1.3.9 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES 1 -Ib Vac Pac 88? Side Bacon. Sliced Bologna Pork Hocks • 1649? SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY Sliced Beef Liver Ib 88% • TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls VAC PAC 160.08 Beef&PorkSausages1678si BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK • Cooked Meats 6 -oz Vac Pac 44? MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Cooked Ham 6 -oz Vac rac 99? • MAPLE LEAF • , • ..--tisages :I -lb pkg 99? Golden Fry so MAPLE LEAF, RANCH STYLE Bologna..BYTHEPIECE 11,4456 IN ER HAMS lb •c, GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN • Chicken Cutlets • Ib 79?,, HOLIDAY FARMS, SALISBURY STEAK & GRAVY, TURKEY & BEEF CROQUETTES, BEEF STEW Frozen Dinners 2 -lb pkg 79 HIGHLINER, FROZEN• • - 21/4 -lb pkg $1,69 Fish Fingers OMSTEAD, FROZEN Fish Fries • - 12 -oz pkg 79? 24Ib pkg 0 ALPINE, FROZEN(1-LB PKG 68 $1.28 Beef, Steakettes Sop *P-- for. Guaranteed: Quafity-. and :Savings!: • Action Priced! • MONARCH, 8 VARIETIES CAKE 1:17, MIXES - el REGULAR OR UNSCENTED • ACTION PRICEDI Secret Anti-Perspirant f"z"'II"! 99? tin CHAMPION — 5 VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Dr. Ballard's DOG FOOD 4115 -oz tins $1 00 • BATHROOM TISSUE — WHITE, PINK, YELLOW ACTION PRICED! Babies Only Please ' pkg 0(4 rolls 89? ARTIFICIALLY MAPLE FLAVOURED ACTION PRICED! Old Tyme Syrup 32-f I -oz bottle $1.45 Soft Margarine ROY*ALL. Aittion Priced! DELS'EY LUNCHEON • TOILET MEAT tin 5 TISSUE nit 0 y At. , IRISH, BEEF, HOT CHILI, BURGERS & BEANS, MEAT BALLS , A & P Puritan Stews • , 24 -fl -oz tin 7951 Snack Crackers 116z. 5 9 ? • MOTHER PARKER — INSTANT HOT • • DEODORANT — WHITE, CORAL, GREEN (ONE BAR FRU!) Chocolate Mix ' 2-16 carton $1 • 8 9 Lifebuoy Soap 3 bath sizelars 695e , STOUFFERS — FROZEN BEEF OR CHICKEN i0 -oz pkg 79ce C pkg of 2, 8 -oz tubs 79? Meat Pies BLUE BONNET FRUIT CREME, HOME ASSORTED, FAMILY DIGESTIVE, BOURBON CREME, ASSORTED CREME ACTION PRICED! PEEK FREAN COOKIES tiltag Action Priced! 14 -FL -OZ TIN Libby's A !slop • Sauerkraut sip WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. TO NORMAL4AMILY REQUIREMENTS! ActionPricedi TOMATO OR VEGETABLE ., HEINZ. SALTINES OR 'UNSALTED • (Save A.41)' .1-1.6 BOX CRACKERS 10 -FL -OZ TINS • A&P BRAND • SOCKEYE _SALMON 20c '09at 00 National Brads) 7,140Z TIN, .) Fresh from our own bakery ovens! JANE PARKER, SLICED, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60•4 WNW WHEAT • JANE PARKER: — DELICIOUS TOASTED 24 -OZ • HOT ROSS LOAVES • BUN. SANDWICH BREAD (BUY 2 LOAVES SAVE 9t) JANE PARKER, LEMON MERINGUE OR (SAVE 10e) Each Rhubarb -Apple Pie h 89? JANE PARKER • (SAVE 10c) pkg of 6491 Bran Muffins • 4JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake JANE PARKER, ORANGE OR CHOCOLATE • Chiffon Cake JANE PARKER Cinnarnon RODS (PKG OF 12 $1.19) PKG OF 6 JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR SUGARE6 (SAVE 10e) Family Donuts' • pkg of 9 6951 JANE PARKER (bUY 2 LOAVES -- SAVE I le) unnipernickel,Bread 216.0z loaves 79? JANE PARkER, "BROWN 'N SERVE" ROLLS • (SAVE 10E) PLAIN"OR WHEAT ( VE 6c) 19 -oz cake 79? Tw n Rolls PKG OF 12 (SAVE 10c) PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED , (SAVE 6e) 13 -oz cake 79? French Rolls PKG OF 10 " pkg 49f/ (SAVE 4e) JANE PARKER (ILUY 2 PKOS — SAVE 21t) Oki of 875? .Snowflake Rolis • 2 pkg's 412 89/1, A&P hocolate Chip IN440MATO SAUCE Libby's Spaghe Cookies 1-16 pkg 89? • ACTION PRICEDI tti 28 -fl -oz tin 49? K fiEN—SUCIEF-WArilEANS - ' 11),Ft-OZ-°11N--- STANDARD; FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS OR " • Kounty Kist 5 Vegetables VALLEY FARM — FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 241) bag FROZEN, CONCENT -RATED, ORANGE DRINK Honeydew 121/241 -oz tin 5 FROZEN, IN BUTTER SAUCE — PEAS, NiBLET CORN, LIMA BEANS OR FRENCH STYLE GREENr 'BEANS 10.0Z PIM ACTION PRICEDI • Green Giant Vegetables WESGATE BRAND , Ice Cream, *•. •, 1/2 -gallon carton $1.29. ISMI.01180/..M.11.11...1116.0amarc. 49? ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 15th, 4915. 0.01111.101100,411M, SOFT•t MARGARINE PLAIN, RIPPLE,.b.B.0. Potato' Chips PROCESS CHEESE Kraft Velveeta ..A&P FANCY, QUALITY Tomato Juice LIQUID JAVEL A&P Bleach ACTION PRICED! 8 -oz pkg 69? ACTION PRICED! pkg $2.29 484I -oz tin 49?, 128 -fl -oz plastic jug 99? ••