The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 11Ti qp,v yr '•? ed fag N'yt ,i .iwwM, «.0 j the Oobert ha SICK THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 197 5." L -S SECOND SE,C VON Sno wm�biI� trail windtowar The first order of the day was to register the pledges and go route was not clearly marked and had to be explained ,at the over the course with one of the Foresters. The hastily planned beginning.'(staff-photo) Thesmellsmell of exhaust fumes, the sound or laughter and the clinking of coins were all evident on Sunday at the • Benmiller Foresters' Lodge in Benmiller. The. sights . and sounds were all part, of a snowmobile marathon spon- sored by the lodge. The marathon, the first in what the Foresters hope is an annual event, was organized to , raise funds for the Canadian Cancer 'Society , and the Ben - miller ballpark. The lodgemen hope to split the proceeds evenly between the,two causes. Over 100 snowmobilers took part in the all daysventure that included a winter barbecue and .a steaming plate of baked • beans prepared by the lodge • ladies. The participants gathered at. the Forester lodge to ' hand in their pledges, familiarize themselves with the 50 mile course and ' warm up their machines. The course was mapped out bythe lodge . members who were named _ to a special committee to promote 'the marathon. The 'snowmobilers - left the " Foresters' -`11111-Z' travelling cross country to the second side road north of - -Dungannon; .-gro n--there-the-y - went east anti' then „south service } • 'b4 corning back rto the Maitland River. They followed the river to Beraxniller, travelled across the Falls Reserve Conservation park and finished back at the lodge. ti The Foresters suffered a few minor setbacks during the course of. the day, the first coming at reg,straion time on Sunday morning. They ex- * pected from 25 to 50 machines be_ entered it the50 miler but the winter sport enthusiasts kept coming' and coming until at noon 103 machines had en- tered and were off and running. "We figured maybe the spirit that makes these people want to be involved with things like this is the same as the, :one people had when the car was first invented," said committee member Eric Moore.,"They all have a strong sense of ad- venture like automobile owners had in the early 1900's. . The unexpected response from the area snowmobilers caught the 'organizers by surprise but they ''managed to get matters under control and started sending .machines on .1 .4. The masked marvel considered remaining unidentified for the marathon but registered as Maxine Seers with pledges for 42 cents per mile before removing her face warmer. (staff -photo) • A d u their way in.groups of eight andei# ten. The move to restrict the number of snowmobiles travelling together was a safety • factor with hi ch the Foresters were -concerned. By keeping the number of machines. travelling together, small they • 'felt,ttmt" the danger of accidents with motori,cts or each of i "r1111111114111 , 4 would' he reduced'' \ t one point early in the day Mn,'. Moore estimated there were about 50 1.coviriiYttea-(itt paw, 4A f a Fifty miles in the bush on a snowmobile can work up a fellow's apit,�eetite but a cup of hot coffee, a plate of beans and a barbecued steak will take care of that problefh in a hurry.' Albert Durst, ' Jim Hawkins and Bill Brown relax after their,run while waiting for their steaks to cook. (staff - photo,) ,