The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 10PAGE 4_B -GAD ERICH SIGNAL-ST,R, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1975 Nt TIPS "i. Pensioners must file by deadline Q. I am divorced and have three ,children. My ex-husband is required by a decree to pay support for the children only. Do I have to pay tax on this money? tA. Yes. Even though no money is received for your own sup- port, you must pay income tax on the support paid. to the children. etir' next, e y and will be receiving a. con- siderable amount of severance _pay: 4 -haver heard ---that' I, can invest this money in an Income Averaging Annuity contract and will only pay tax when I draw it out. Is this correct? A. Yes, that is correct. Ask your DistrictTaxation. Office for a copy of Inform6tion Circular 72-21 which lists other qualifying income •fors ' in- vestment in an ,income - averaging annuity contract. Q. I live in a trailer. Can this be classed as a principal residence? • A. Yes. Any type of structure that you own and ordinarily inhabit may qualify as a principal residence. + + + Q. Last year a relative died and in his will left me several thousand dollars. Is this money I inherited taxable as income? A. No. Money inherited is hot subject to income tax. However, if there were in- vestments involved, any in - ,vestment income received or • credited after you inherited the money would be taxable as part of your incohr e'. +++ Q. I , understand there are special, rules regarding the acquisition and sale of certain" works, of art. Could you explain these rules briefly? A. Yes. ' Works of art such as prints, etchings, drawings, paintings and 'sculpture, jewellery, rare folios, • manuscripts and books, stamps and coins are referred to as listed personal property. Gains on the disposition of these assets when sold for more than $1,000 are subject to the capital gains provision. Losses are subject to a special calculation. They may be deducted only from gains made from the sale of this type of property. + + Q. What .happensif I sell my home at a price greater than it st me? Am I going to be taxed on\ any profit or fain that I ma A. .. Ordinarily no. If a tax aerus es his home only as is principal residence, that home together with 'up to an acre of surrounding land, if the land contributes to the use and enjoyment of the home, will be exempt from capi"taltains tax. • - + + Q. What do you mean by the term principal,residence? A. A principal residence will generally be considered as any type of structure' owned by -the taxpayer and ordinarily inhabited by hirci. This . could include a mobile home, houseboat, or a condominium. +++ „ Q. My wife claims personal • exemptions for two of our children and I claim the other two. Who must. report Family Allowance payments'? A. Both of you - each parent must report ' the amount of Family Allowance received for the children which he or she has claimed .as dependants. For additional details, refer to Item 7 of the guide to filing provided with your income tax return. +++ Q. I understand there are three different ways I can report interest from my Canada Savings Bonds, What 'are they? A. The three Methods are as follows: First, you can cash the coupons yearly,. and of course, you would have to report the interest for the year in which you cashed them. • - Second, you can leave the coupons on the bond and not clip them until you finally sell the bond. This way you, take advantage of compounding the interest. You would have to report all the interest in the year you received it for the 1974 Canada Savings , Bond issue. However, there is no benefit to leaving the coupons attached to CLAY — • Sib Unloodeii ' - Feeders • Cleaners • Stabling • Leg Elevators - Liquid Manure Equipment Hog Equipment , PARMATIC - - Mills - Augers, etc. ,ACORN =--, - Cleaners • Heated Waterers ZERO i get credit for compound in- terest' because the compound interest coupon feature does not form part of this particular issue. Third, you can report the accrued interest without ad- tually cashing the coupon. , . • + + + Q. My wife and I have a joint bank account. ' The' payments into the bank account are made by me since my viife has no- private Bite' e *other own: -The- ..- T5 slips are made out in out, joint • names. Should I still T`GPort the interest income on, ,my tax return, including it with my income? A. Yes All of the bank in- terest must be reported as your income since your wife's share of the money on deposit came from you. - iq A large number of old .age pensioners in Ontario will not.. be ,,getting proper Guaranteed Income Supplement cheques -7 some none at -all— if they don't get their applications in by the March 31 deadline, according to Health and Welfare Canada officials.in Toronto. W. Wright, yegional Director for Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Sup- plement in Ontario said today that some 92,000 possible eligible applicants have yet to file applications. "So far we 'have heard from nearly 250,000 people," Mr. Wright said. There are about 92,000 who are eligible but have yet to fileapplications." t, the whose will a Wright people others Re -applications for Guaranteed Income Sup- . to 11 . element,.., �KKeI'eF_....u.a.. e.�..�..-,�._ a.... recipients of G.I.S. .in December, 1974. This has been followed-up by.one reminder. r According to Mr. Wright, program requires annual re-application by recipients because of the possible change in income. Recipients income , has dropped reeeiye larger G.I.S. payments while recipients whose income has increased will receive reduced rate, Mr. pointed out: Consequently, some will receive larger amounts beginning- this April — will receive less. "We urge that those persons who have not, yet filed their applications do 'so as quickly as possible so that • they will continue 'to receive the G.I.S. payments to ' which they are entitled," Mr. Wright said. 1J VA VIM t Sal ,C1 LiSh` ILEYIITit that CONSOLIDATED gives you an UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY! You can't win all the time. This was, learned on Wed- 'nesday night at Holmesville When the Colborne township boys played eight games of volleyball with the Goderich township lads. Colborne won five games and the ,boys learned' that winining is not, as important as the fun of playing and meeting-, new friends. The home boys would like to thank Colborne for travelling through unsatisfactory weather con- ditions to'meet them. To be new fashioned is to be old fashioned. Yes, the quilt is now in the quilting frames at the Goderich township Council Office. (I'll bet that's a first for our council!) So leave, the dishes in the sinK, pick up your thimble and ' whip over to Holmesville to learn the modern art of quilting . — Monday nights or Thursday mornings. A day long party ,may be planned. DO YOU NEED , A WATERWELL!.!! DAVIDSON WELL. DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU • 73 years of -successful water development - The most modern, fast equipment available • Highly trained personnel • Fast service and free estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest cost PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED` "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE pox 480, WINONAM - OR PHONE 9li7-19410 1 • This Wednesday, March 12th, Goderich township volleyball boys travel to Londesboro school to play a group from that locale. It sounds like another 'fun night. Everyone likes a bus trip, but this one is for anyone in the township who enjoys a day's shopping for art and craft material. April 10th has been set aside for a sewer and knitters delight — stops for yarn and fabric at stores and factories in "Kitchener, Hespeler and Galt. Cost is $4.25 paid one week in advance. The bus is filling rapidly (no wonder!), so if you're in- terested phone Kaye Harris 482-9985. Some good things happen at 65! Free Health Insurance. But you must apply for i Phone 524-8132 DAY OR NIGHT It becomes free as soon as you or , your spouse turn 65. For both of you and any eligible dependents. Provided you have lived in Ontario for the last year. Phone, write or visit your OHIP District Office for an application form, You've earned it. 'Ministry of'.. Health Ontario Nr/r/ F,,tni `i Millar M.r ,,ler' MEN on the CONSOLIDATED TEAM WELCOME the GREAT SUPPORT end BIG EARNINGS' to be made YEAR AFTER YEARI 5 rine ,at ,'+arvie ' 0' ^0.0 Inu^d '^ b•• n4niy,nrnlil. 100 a S!Cady ,ear alter year [,u5 gess rn 0 ,•r!y d' aunt On, 4n0 STA,. WITF,t' 0 ` Ma�...:Od:u tf, o a�,IC[iyeals 'll P. �Pr u31 :.4' 0.0001•1..ON3'a' 4 Say .res s Jl 'Reapwhd-31 - 05_s(• �0o'esPr�lattve Ynamber5 .r too C.r,n 001 44001 T-d'� nave ''r. sae About • rf'n 'hn�9h n AO, Jnr/ wM,P 7' IP he(lUi wile d Cnmpallror h, .0 0 ^nl•nr.,w ON,'O,P '•P '.r 'l(C' :ld(00 0., 07,0 -We ,mend Ie 0. .„nh; '7d'PO ,PAJ` ,rll',1 Ono -,p r.3 le ad h 7" 'S0• '. ,aad r ^PAA . Important: Always quote your OHIP; number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in your area Will answer any questions and help you, with your application. Barrie 114 Worsley Street 726:0326 Hamilton 25 Mom Street West 528-3481 Kingston 1055 Princess Street 546-3811 Kitchener 68 King Street East 745-7379 London 227 Queens Avenue •133-4561 Mississauga. 55 City Centro Drive 275.2730 Ottawa 75 Albert Street 237.9100 ' Peterborough ' 311 George Street North 743-2140 St. Catharines 15,Chllrch SUeet 682/6658 Toronto '195 Yonne Street IEglinlont 482 1.111 Windsor 1427 OueItell[` Avenue 258.7.560 A • r2• - •^ • nr• "o.e r^P 0 0 ^h t0 Dr0J4.e, 'l40Jay harp. me^ h , 41r,r r0' O •. _ r, .. r....] Baro,' TERRIFIC SELLING TOOL TO HELP YOU CLOSE MORE SALES' WP na.A a ,r!sletl ; .0,0, 5 *0)0 ^q /-,r n',r Representatives Jve malre avaoaoae rc ,• mP'S ,r a ,040 and yenta, ba5rs,,d 0 end ^q b^ site of arde • ./ver S4 000 worth.? eon vh, h. 0a.0 eas,er a6r! mare 0) 000) o 4000s rhe use ,of • P.;.PrPr, r,r• acro, rrr. SAO, mCney • • JOIN THE WINNING TEAM(, A,d now' r, '.•t and mai' the'`. oupO' l0r Ir E•e (3105 '1P,Ialls nn'Ihe Gre-1 Consolidated Oupor,uniry - - INFORMATION REQUEST COUPON 'PLEASE COMPLETE.¢ MAIL TODAY( MAIL TO CONSOLIDATED PAINT & VARNISH (CANADA) LTD P 0. 000,396 — Montreal North, Que. HI 5L4 NAME ADDRESS CITY, R STATE h' PROVINCE - PHONE AREA CODE HAVE_OR nave NOT_ had e.penence n ROOFING ano,or CHEMICAL I and or FLOORING and or BLACKTOP SALES NOTE l+ you HAVE HAD e.re'er :e :'ease erdor NAME of F)RAA you,replesenred an'.T ANNUAL SALES VOLUME $ r me answer to the above ,s yes are you willing to FLY to Cleve,and AT OUR E0PENSE with yaw WIFE NO STRINGS ATTACHED to discuss the oo55,bi .'y of a PROFESSIONAL Career with CanTaotrdated^ Or wou,d you prefeo nave managembnt visit you, L • B • 12 3 4117890 .I "MINDBLOWER" BY TENNA CANADA (AMPLIFIED AUTO SPEAKER SYSTM) • Sulk Tanks Pipeline & Parlour Equipment WESTEEL•RCSCOI,Oranarier i L • Hoc Penciling, Sulk Tank i PIpilin* cleaning Deksroonts, Tee Dip. .tc. Sovedine listen • Uddersan Foimeheck Klren«isy In ,1973, 2000 people were killed -and nearly 100,000 injured %n car accidents here in Ontario! Tragic? Sure. But.even more tragic when you consider that many of these people could have been saved by one simple action. Buckling a seat belt. Scientific evidence proves that seat belts reduce the chance of death or injury in acar accident by 50%! So your Ontario Government is spon- soring an intensive educational program to persuade* drivers and ' passengers—and children, too—to' Wear a seat belt even on short drives. The symbol of this program is the sign shown. It's a reminder to "Buckle up for safety." You'll be seeing it- often along Ontario streets and highways. It's part of a plan to help protect you, your family, and everyone in the province—to- help Ontario residents live better, longer. And to make doubly-sure'of it, the govern- ment has .prepared interesting, informative booklets, a. film, and a special school pro- gram on the importance of wearing a seat • belt. For more information,on seat belt safety, write: Public and Safety Information Branch, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario. M3M 1J8. Ministry of Transportation and Communications John, Rhodes, Minister a $74.95. . .2 AMPLIFIED SPEAKERS WITH '0 OZ. MAGNET OO` TPUT POWER' CONTROL -r 12 ABS PLASTIC GRILLES a • .48 FT. COLOR - CODED CONNECTING WIRE .ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE .SIMPLIFIEDINSTALLATION INSTRUC`fONS Amplifies Ten Times the -Power of Most Stereos Without Distortion. . 40 West St. Mr. Stere� A k\V-\ eszNEradszvin Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier 524-9344 1(e