HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-13, Page 3•
(continued from page 2)
their many, many hours of
hard, sweating labor and many
miles of marching,, in sun, cold
and rain, to do their "job", for
their Band and to help to bring
horse the glories and in some
cases, trophies and medals.
I am quite sure that our
mutual friend, Art Curry, will
endorse anything I have stated,
in this letter of facts as they
really were
Other girls, brought acclaim
to both bands with their at-
tractiveness and with their
agility, but the three little 9:10
year olds. I have mentioned
were the FIRST.
Yours very sincerely,
Mrs. Frank J. Chase,
361 St. David St,,
Stratford, Ont.
N5A 1E1
Bad scene
Dear Editor:
On Saturday evening March
,8th, 'while I was away from my
residence, a person, whose
identity is unknown, drove a
snowmobile into the side of my
house, veered off from there
and uprooted a large shrub
belonging to my next door
A witness, who was in my
house at the time,stated that
this unknown driver stopped his
machine for a minute or 'two,
surveyed the damage to my
house, and,, then . drove away
without, leaving any name or
Lot's talk minor hockey
S.,eason ends with
Minor Hockey action will
soon be corning to an end at the
Goderich Memorial Arena. The
last All-Star team in the
O.M.H.A. playoffs, the Lions
Pee Wee 'All -Stars lost two
straight,.to Wallaceburg. This is
the furthest the Pee Wees have
goae in O.M.H.A. playoffs in 25
Congratulations to all who
made it possible, coaches Don
Elliott and .Dick Eisler, all
players and parents. See you
Friday at the 26th annual
Goderich Lions Young Canada
Week Pee Wee Tournament.
The Kinsmen Club of•
Goderich will be playing a
benefit game against. the
Golierich,Lions Club and by all
reports, it 1poks like the old
timers in the Lions Club are
sneaking in' extra ice practice
up in Lucknow.
. The game is for a worthwhile.
cause - Cystic Fibrosis - so buy
your ticket or drop down to the
arena on March 28 at 8:30.
Last Thursday night the
eveness 'of the teams in the
W _O.A.A. playoffs this year
was shown again as Walkerton
defeated the .Electrics 1-0 in a
My first concern after--""**
assessing the damage to the
siding on the house, was- to
telephone my insurance agent.
—Upon -his -advice -the -police
called and a report filed.
There the matter stands. I
will be -forced to pay for
damages that I did not commit,
(my house insurance policy has
the standard deductible
clause), and the police have the
almost impossible task of
finding a damaged snowmobile
and then proving that it was the
one that collided with my
I do not own a snowmobile
myself, .nor do I have any wish
to. Neither do I object to
anyone's right to own and
operate such a machine under
safe and. sensible conditions.
'This, in my opinion, does not
include the public streets and
private property within the
town of Goderich.
Fortunately, we do have
some legislators' in our town.
who are trying to enforce
reasonable by-laws for the
safety of the snowmobiles and
Let us hope. that we soon can
get together on a, safe . and
sensible- policy, so that the
person who damaged my home
does not have to hide, under the
cover of a snowmobile suit and
the darkness of night; but can
,operate his vehicle in a place
and mannerdesignated for
such vehicles.
:W. Walton
97 Wolfe St.
This week Star of the Week honors' go to 10 -year-old De,l
Bedard, a .right-winger with the Goderich Legion Sailors- in .
the Atom House League. He has played minor `hockey in
Goderich for five years now and will graduate to the peewee
ranks next year.
Del has 'played both centre and right wing but prefers to '3(
play centre which he claims is a position that would give him
more ice time. He enjoys playing forward since it affords
him many opportunities. to score goals and Del estimates
that he has scored as many as 24 goals already this season.
He claims that he is, able to store-Ahe majority of his goals * '
by faking out the' goaltender which he prefers to do rather.(
than shooting the puck._ Del said . that in a breakaway
*.situation he will always try' to fake the ,goaltenders, which i(
* oftentimes gets therri confused and gives him a better
Scoring opportunity..
* In games this week Del's team defeated Glenmark Homes �(
* 7,1 and 4-0 'to win the Atom' championship. Del was
* prominent in both victories scoring two -goals in the first
*• game and netting a hat trick in the 4=0 victory. He isnot too Ar
• fond of the tripping and slashing that he says occurs a lot in *
* minor hockey and hopes that next year in Peewee there will
• not beasmuch,pfit.'.-),
resent�tjon of tro
second period goal. It seems a played some fine hockey for the.
which ever team gets a break Suns in the playoffs, won again
comes up a winner. the sparkplug in .the Suns win
In this particular game, over Listowel, notching' two
Walkerton had about three goals and an assist in the 3-1
breaks and scored on one. The victory.
Electrics had two but they Jim Mathers had a goal and
couldn't capitalize on them, two assists for the Suns, for
• Both Electric goaltenders another three point output.
Terry Bean and Paul Brenner David McDonald and David
held the forte ---very well the Gallow were credited with one
whole game. Walkerton's assist each.
goaltender ma* somekey The Suns played a _strong
saVes on Daryl Madge'S checking game and passed the
breakaway and `' John Thom- puck well. Goderich led I-0 ora
pson's close in shot: first period power play goal by
Tim Riehl was the strongest Morrissey until Steve Conners
player for the Electrics, scored for Listowel early'in the
breaking up rushes by taking third•period.
the man out and also moving Then Morrissey came back
the puck out of his own end. with the winning goal and
Listowel was in town for Mathers added .the insurance
game four of the playoffs last marker late -in the final period.
Saturday where the Electrics The Cyc ones took five of the
opened up for an 8.1 victory(!-N.ning.--mirthr penalties handed
The' locals led 2-1 after the first out by referees Ralph Dietze
period on. two goals by John' and., Gerry Revell of Kin
Thompson. Both were assisted cardine, 'neutral officials sent
by Randy Gaynor. in by the WOAA for the
In the second, the Electrics deciding game of the series,
added two more — Kent The Suns won the first game,
Feagan „from John Thompson $-6 in overtime, while Listowel
and Mike Eastwood unassisted. took the second game, 2-1 in
In . the third period, the Listowel.
Electrics blew in four more ' The Suns played an
Daryl Madge from Mike exhibition game here Saturday
Eastwood, John Thompson got against Clinton, winning 8-0.
his hat trick from Kent Feagan, The Clinton team are the:
Todd ,'Graham and Grant -WOAA Atom "C" champions,
'Garrow'with unassisted goals. and are waiting 'for the Grand
The good point of. the game Championships to be played for
was ' the second effort the • by the winners of the various
Electrics to use and did.use categories in the' WOAA. The
in their s tg•of goals. Suns are waiting to play for the
On ,Sunday the Electrics ;`B" championship in their next
dominated the play even more series.
than they did "'Saturday but • Darrell Graham scored three
didn't' -have the same' kind of goals and had one assist for the'
luck .around the net in a 5-2 Suns. David °allow had two
winning effort. goals and • an assist and Denis
Daryl-M-adg-e-had; three -goals •y r- e red-t-wi"ee-fo""
and an assist; Mike Eastwood a ' Jim Mathers scored ' the other
goal and an assist; Kent Goderich goal.
Feagan with the first tally.. David Eastwood, who played
Randy, Gaynor, Brent a strong game, had two assists,
Williathon and John Thom- while David McDonald and
pson had assists. Robbie Kisch got one assist
The' whole team Worked -hard each.•
the whole game and deserved Goaltender Jim MacDonald
full marks fop their victory. , played two anti a half periods of
After five playoff games, the the shutout while Jeff
Electrics have two, wins, two Denomme finished off, the
ties and one loss for six points, game in the Goderich goal.
which 'is' enough to keep them " This 'Saturday., the Suns are
near the top. scheduled to compete in the
Brussels Optimist Atom
Tournament. They are entered
in the `tiA-'-, division; and meet
South London in their frist
game at'9:15 a.m.' , .
Other teams competing in the
"A" division are Richmond
Hill, Oakville, Orangeville,
Kitchener, Merriton and
Garden City, Michigan.
The Suncoast , Suns , have
played a total , of forty-one
league, exhibition, .tournament
and play-off games so far this
season, according to coach
Richard Madge, and have a
record of 26 wins,' 13 losses and
two ties. '
Estate 8-6 last ° Saturday
morning in the deciding game.
In thesecond game played on
March 4 Tuesday Candlelight
Tavern defeated McIntee Real
Estate 5-3 as Tom Profit picked
up four goals for the winners:
Tom Profit took a pass inside
the blueline from Scott
MacDonald and skated in to
score on, a fine wrist shot to
open the scoring in the first„,
period. McIntee failed to deal'
the puck as Steve Profit picked
it up relayed it ' to Scott
Ma'cDonald, then to Tom Profit
to make it 2-0.
Before the period ended,
Scott MacDonald was, off for
hooking and Toni Smith for
McIntee Real Estate scored,
Twenty seconds later Greg
Lapaine got the tieing goal on a
breakaway, displaying a neat
bit of stick handling.
Both teams exchanged goals
early in the second period. Tom
Profit picked up the hat trick
after some fine passing from
Scott MacDonald and Steve
Profit (Tommy's brother).
Tom Smith tied it three all but
before the period ended, Torn
Profit scored his fourth goal on
a breakaway as he picked up a
loose puck at centre and out
skated a couple of defenders.
The only goal in the final
period was by Scott MacDonald
as he slid one along the ice, with
Steve Profit , assisting.
Mclntee's ' had several good
scoring. chances but Jim
Reynolds played a steady game
in the net for the winners.
In the third and final game of,
the :Consolation Series "D"_
played last Saturday morning,
it was a wide open contest 'with
the Candlelight Tavern finally
winning e g - m,- • • Core -Of`
8-6 over McIntee Real Estate.
The scoring went as follows
in the ,first period: Tom Smith
opened the scoring, Tom Profit
tied the game one all and Scott
MacDonald took a short pass
from Mike Chisholm to -give the
Candlelight Tavern a 2-1 lead.
Tom Smith then carried the
play :for McIntee, dropping a
pass to Steve Hunter who'tied
the game at 2z2 and 53 seconds
later, Tor"h Smith broke in the
clear to score unassisted"giving
McIntee a 3-2 lead at the end of
the first. '
In the second period, Greg
Marshall broke loose to score
two.. `quick. goals to put . Can-
dlelight back in front 4-3. For,
the first goal, he skated around
• PLAYOFFS .. " -
Monday night February 3,
Mr. •Stereo and Gardiners
started their final series of the
best two out of three games.
They tied the score 1-1, -Peter
Conlon scoring for Gardiners
and David Jewell scoring for
Mr. Stereo.
,Friday night these teams
went at it again•with Gardiners
winning the game 4-3. John
Antonopolous scored the first
goal for Gardiners assisted by
Mark' Jeffrey. Gord Harper
scored two unanswered goals
and Doug Lounsbury also
scored assisted by Steven
, David Jewell scored for Mr.
* • Stereo along with Trevor Erb
and Mike Brenner with Blair
Stokes assisting on Trevor's
goal. This put Gardiners out in
front by one goal.
On Saturday morning you
would have had to see this
game to believe it. Mr. Stereo
won the series by a score of 4-2,
scoring the last goal in the last
minute of regulation time.
Mike Brenner secrecy for
stereo assisted by Marl(, Hot-
chkiss. David Jewell scored the
second. Scott. Middell scored
the third assisted by Greg
McDonald and Mike Brenner
scored the last very important
goal. Todd .Jeffery' -and Gord
Harper , scored the two
unassisted goals for Gardiners.
We had the presentation of
trophies to .Mr. Stereo With
Gardiner's taking runner , up
John Dobie won the- most
improved goal tender trophy
andJohn Antonopolous took the
most improved player trophy
•« donated by Mr. Jack Stoddart
and Mr. John Bakker.
We sure. do appreciate these
-trophies and thank these
gentlemen very much. '
I would like to thank
everyone who ,has helped me
this year as a convener. I have
enjoyed working with all of you,
and the wee players. A special
thanks to all of the coaches that
'have spent so much of their
time working with the players.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * y(
106 The Square Goderich Phone 524-8551
. Pork
La 88c
S 'ice
The Suncoast Estates Atoms
took their ,hest of three
OMHA—WOAA semi-final
playoff series two games to one
by defeating Listowel Cyclones
here Thursday by a score of 3-1,.
The Suns will now await the
winners of the other semi-final
series between Walkerton and
- Joey Morrissey,
who- -pis
' In series "C" of the .finals it
was Canadian Legion'Auxiliary
4, Glenmark Homes '0 in the
second game which was played
last Tuesday evening. This
gives the Legion a two game
sweep. .
Congratulations go to the
Canadian ` Legion Auxiliary
team ,for winning the Atom
HousLeague playoffs aswvell.'.
as finishing in first place in the.
regular schedule. Coaches'l,,
Larry Hough and Orville
Wayland' are, to ' be •
Winning the past president's
bf the Legion Branch 109 trophy
for -the Championship was the
Legion team.
Jim- - Walton opened the
scoring in the first,peried at the
3:21 mark'•.picking, up a loose
puck to beat goaltender Pat
;Bissett on the stick side. There
was no scoring in the second
period'.as both teams played it
very close.- There were several.,
good end to end rushes but both
goaltenders made some
exceptional saves.
In the final period; Del
Bedard, through a fine in-•
dividual effort, chalked up
three gets in ,less than two
minutes,.ali unassisted,
Delhas been 'one of the
Legi'on's. best workers all
season'', skates well, plays his
position properly and digs for
the, puck in the corners. Atthe
conclusion of ,the "C" series in
the playoffs, if is fitting that he
is awarded the "Star of the
Week" honors, ,
The Glenmark Homes Team
•finished in second place in the
playoffs after a hard struggle.
Each' player made , a deter-
mined effort but it was up -hill
drive and they played their best
in a losing cause. .
Series "D Legion Members
Branch 109 trophy for the
runner ip0 team or the winner of
the consolation series was Won
by the Candlelight •Tavern as
th('v defeated McIntee Real
the net ~and tucked it in the
short' side and the ether from
the face-off. -
His third goal of the game for
his, hat' trick was also
unassisted. Both teams picked
up three goals in the third
Tom Profit got all three goals
for the Candlelight and McIntee
scorers were Greg Lapaine
from Brian Wain, Tom Smith
his third of the game and Ray
Vanstone from Pat MacDonald,
The Fred Thorndike
Memorial Trophy for the most
improved goalie in the Atom
House League goes to Brian
Murray of M.clntee Real
The conveners and coaches of
the Atom House League wish to
thank the referees for the
manner in which they carried
out their duties. Gerry Morgan •
and Ken Feagan- say goodbye
Jack for this season . ,.. and
would' Pike to see the same boys
who scored the goals on the ice,
also score them in the paper.
(To Ken and Gerry... I'll try
to do better next year. I just
hope you• two are back next
season as it was an excellent
job well 'done by the two con-
veners. Your reports were the
best in the league.)
The Goderich Lions were put
out of the OIVHA quarter -finals
on the weekend.
On Friday night neither team
was impressive and the
Goderich Lions fig•txred that it
'was 'anybody's , series but.
Wallaceburg__proved to bethe
superior - team when they
played here on Saturday.
The , game ended 5-4 for
Wallaceburg-on-Friday. It was
a frustrating game for the
Lions as ,their shots were off
target .and after many close
calls around the net,, the
Gode'rich Pee,, Wees were
unable , to score in the third
period-. while -Wallaceburg
scored once to break the tie.
• Entering the third on
Saturday the score was 4-3 with
the Lions behind one. The game
was fast and both teams per-
formed well, but Goderich had
trouble hitting the net while
Wallaceburg rallied in the third
and scored four goals to' the
Lions one. The final score was
8-4 for Wallaceburg:
Coach_ Don Elliott, :Manager
Richard Eisler and Chester are
proud of their team players as
this is the first'time in. 24 years
that the Goderich Pee • Wees
have been in the •OMRA
quarter -finals. The fine support
from parents and fans was very
much appreciated by both the
plaYers and the coach ,and
manager. Thanks to all from
the Lions, •
Randy Graham led- the
scoring in the series with three
goals and two assists; Danny
Maillet earned three goals and
one assist; and Robby Trebish
added one goal and three
assists. A well executed penalty
shot goal was' Mike Hodges'
contribution,; two assists were
added by Larry Madge and Ken
Reid and Larry Boyce +each,
received one assist.
In the second game of the Pee
Wee House League finals two -
out -of three series ' played last
Friday evening, Denomme
Flowers white washed
Goderich Restaurant 2-0.
First period, .Denomme'
Flowers went on the attack,
and in. the first 30 seconds of
play, Steve Sager picked up
Jim Burbine's pass to fkre it
high over Harold Sartori's
glove side.
There was no scoring in the
second period as both teams
played a close checking game
and Harold Sartori came 'up
with a couple of super saves to
keep „Goderich Restaurant in
the game as Denomme had the
play in the period.
• Goderich Restaurant finally.
.-showed vlay.=tney' weree-the top
team and started to 'skate and
shoot in the final.. period but
Steve Walters, Calvin Martin,
Robert Fluff and Wes fie an
all played a strong game on
defence backing up their goalie"
Robert Cummings to his sixth
shutout of the' year.
It was a team effort - that;
produced the sweep over
Goderich Restaurant and . the
players give all the credit to
their two -coaches Dick McLean
and John Sturdy. - - '
'Scott' Smith picked up.
'Denomme's second goal late in
the final period as -Jim Burbine
piked up •a pass skated in and
missed the net. Steve Sager dug
the puck out td Scott Smith who
fired it home to make the final
scores 2-�.
(continued on page 7)
John Dobie was awarded this: year's Most Improved Novice Goaltender trophy by John Bakker
on Saturday morning. The eight-year-old netminder plays for Lionel's Sunoco..(staff•photo)
'own of Goderich
Thursday, March 27
7:30 p.m.
Concerning planned neighbourhood park and playground on Cambridge Street, this
year's priority proiect. Everyone welcome. Of speciarl interest to east end residents.
Perks Committee