The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-03-06, Page 33r
The 1st
Guide Conti
held their
Daughter B
evening, F
Parish Hall
As the
the table,
Mrs. Su
• Whitechu
Leader, c
second p
Prayer s
was aske
Linda w
from Me
was Lind
C.R.; M
Mrs". C
An a
read t
and gr
- --rose-
Kin sbr id 1 •
g ge Gi
pany and the 1st
Brownie Pack
annual Mother and
Banquet on Tuesday
ebruary 25 in the
at Kingsbridge.
„mothers ,
took their place ai
IV(adam Chairman,
san Belmore of
rch, the P. Brownie
ailed Brownie Linda
to the front and
ated her on winning
rize for the ,Brownie
hp composed. Linda
to say her prayer.
Belmore presented
ith a Brownie Flag
xico and a Book of
Prayers, one of which
a' s.
table guests were in -
Brother Carl Voll,
rs. Teresa Courtney, .
President of the
idge Catholic Women's
'Reverend Father Ed.
er, C.R.; Mrs, Susan
e, Brownie Leader;
rol McKim of Lucknow
Commissioner; Miss
e Miltenburg, Girl
Leader; and Mrs. Anne
e, Guide Leader, M
Hendriks was unable
ddress of welcome w
o Mrs. Teresa Court
atitude expressed to
bridge Catholic Wome
e in sponsoring
s and Brownies by G
Karen MacLennan. Mr
'Sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dean
(Pauline Lassaline) where they
stopped for a break and spent
the night. Here heDaltons and
Fraynes met iri With the Kings
and Dietrichs and proceeded on
to South Carona. They plan to
return on Monday, March 10.
Harvey remained at the home
of _his sister in Virginia and
plans to return to Goderich with
the Daltons and Fraynes.
Sincere sympathy is ex-
tended to Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Gilmore on the death of 1VIrs.
Gilmore's nephew,. Daniel Moir
" and his cousin Michael Moir of
RR 3 Ilderton on Saturctay,
February 22, as a result Of an
automobile accident. Mr. and
Mrs. Gilmore -visited with the
Moir Families in Ilderion and
attended the double wake at the
John T. Donohue Funeral
Home in London and the
funeral Mass in St. Andrew the
Apostle Roman Catholic
Church. Interment was in St.'
Peter's cemetery.
• -Mrs. Bill VanOsch returned
to her home here during the
past week after spending three
weeks visiting with her family
in Holland. •
Jim Sinnett, Chief Engineer
iss of the Paul H. Townsend Motor
Vehicle, attended the four day
Chief Engineer's Meeting held
as in Alpino, Michigan.
Tomorrow, March 7 is World
"le Day of Prayer. Services are
ns being planned for 2 p.m. in the
the South Kinloss Presbyterian
irl Church.'
ase. •
Miss- Shannon --Diirrun ad-
dressed Mrs. Carol McKim and
resented her with a rose vase.
Miss Jackie Dalton ex-
pressed appreciation to the
Mothers. for coming and Mary
Luanne Clare to the Leaders,
for their guidance through the
Reverend Father Dentinger
led in prayer. Following a
delicious smorgasbord meal,
prepared by the girls under the
guidance of Mrs. Anne Lalonde,
the Brownies using puppets
they had made., presented "The
Brownie Story".
The Girl Guides performed
skits composed by the girls
themselves, explaining the
Guide Laws. .They also •sang
several musical numbers.
• Mrs. Carol McKim express
her delight in the cone
presented by the Brownies a
Guides and thanked 4.11
Leaders for the good job th
were doing. •
Reverend .Fathee Ed De
i'nger, as well as Mrs. Teres
Courtney • expressed a
preciation for what the leade
ere doing and offer
'congratulatiens to the gir
S. • School students had a holida•Sf
on Wednesday -0. February 2 the -high.- winds • an
slippery roads. Kingsbridg
has not been, getting the sno
--storms-and-the roads -are -bare
You only have, to travel a fe
miles inland t� find the sno
and to see why school wa
called off for the day
Young Canada Week
sign up again
for bigtourney
It, won't be but a few days
fronow that the town of
Goderich will be invaded by
hundreds, of peewee hockey
-players taking part in the 26th
annual Goderich Lions . Young
'Canada Week Peewee Tour-
The towtf-will 'Mice again be
buzzing with hockey ex-
citement for eight to ten days
while the arena will be filled
with the sounds peculiar to_
minor hockey tournaments
from dusk to dawn and -ions'
club members run around in a'
wild frenzy to ensure -that
tournament isxun in an ef-
ficient manner.
. It's a big job for a town and
it's a bigger job for a service
club but the fellowship,the keen
sense of competition and the
aura..created through the mass
participation in Ca a's
national sport is a un-
forgettable experience.
Although once the tour-
nament ended last year and
became just a fond memory to
the ' many visitors and com-
petitors it attracted, the work
done by the Lions Club carries,
on throughout the -year. The
Lions toi4a,ment committee
has met at least seven times
since the last March in
preparation for the corning.
6 Also the problems facing the,'
d „committee—. are. „ age bid-
e problems which have plagued
w , tournament organizers in the
This year, 'however, the
w format of the tournament has
s changed from a Angle to -a
double knockout competition,
This means that each teamwill
play at least two games.
If a team loses its firtgame
if, will then participain a
.consolation series and at best
can win the ceiptolation
championship in thanategory.
If a team wins its first game it
will participate in the cham-
pionship series of that category
until the first game is
With the double knocput
format, the number of teams
' participating in the tournament
had to be reduced to 62.
However the same amount of„
games (84) ' will be played
during the 'tournament week
with the insertion of one special
t attraction.
Saturday, March 22 area fans
will be treated to a , game
Goderich and Lucknow Old-
,• timers. Members bf boA teams
were members of the teams
that participated in the first
tournament in 1949 and they
will don their hockey gear 26
years later to re-enact a game
of tOUrnament.
The number of entries for the
tournament were down slightly
this year ,,:and tournament
chairman Clarke Chisholm
this to the OMI-IA
playoff rule and difference in
the Easter break week between
n -
d r
ls • n
a s
There 'were 10 tables of cards
in play at the card party
sponsored by the Kingsbridge
Catholic Women's League on
Saturday , evening, March 1st.
The prizes were: men's high,
Charles Crawford; men's
second high, Brother Cart;
ladies' high, Mrs. Rita
Howard; ladies' second high;
Mrs. Blaise Martin.
• Plans are bing made ;,e hold
another card party in °the
Kingsbridge Parish Hall this
Saturday, March 8 beginning at
8:30 Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs, John Austin,
Joeand Eugene visited in
London during the past week.
Mr. Joe Courtney , spen
Wednesday , and Thursday.
February 26 and. 27 in Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack 'Murray
Lisa and Diana, Birmingham
Michigan spent a weekend
ecently at their country home
ear here and visited .with
elatives. in Lucknow and
Goderich. His mother, Mrs.
Peter Murray of Royal Oak,
Michigan visited at the home of
Mr,and.Mrs—RaYmond Leddy
n Lucknow.
Miss Fay Hogan, . of Owen
ound'visited at.the home &her
arents Mr. and Mrs. Con
ogan on the weekend,
Brownies are Shanno
Durnin, Lisa Frayne, Joa
Hendriks, Christine Marti
Mary Jo Steffler,
Linda •
and Dianne' Van OS&
Girl Guides are Mary Luann
Clare, Jackie Dalton, Donn
Drennan, Debbie Drennan
Sharron .Gaudette, Rose Mari
O'Keefe, Yvonne Sinnett
Dianne Miltenburg, Nancy
Miltenburg,. Karen MacLen
nan, Donna VanOsch, Jackie r orced
Va" nOsch and , Frances
VanRooy. •
• •
This is the 1st Annual sh
firownie Banquet as Brownies , rubs -give
were begun in September 1974
Guide Leader Kiss Denise
Lalonde has recently secured
employment in Windsor. Her
duties with the Guides has been
taken over by Miss Marianne
Miltenburg, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Reis Miltenburg. , •• ' • •
of spring,
SeVeral from this area at-
tended the Flea Hockey
Tournament held in the
Lucknow •arena on SatufdaY,
March 1. Teams taking part
were from Belmore, Ripley,
Belgrave, Tiverton, Teeswater,
Brussels and Lucknow.
In Town and Country Hockey
semifinal playoffs, the Kintail
Flyers have defeated •Lucknow •
in two games straighE The
Holyrood Butchers have
defeated Kingsbridge in two
games straight. On Thursday,
March 6, the Kintail Flyers twill
• play against the Holyrood
Butchers and Kingsbridge will
play against Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton
(Clarice Lassaline,); Mr. and
Mrs. Ken King, (Lucille
Lassaline), of Welland, Mr. and
Mrs. John Dietrich (Lorraine
Lassaline), of Mississauga and
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F-rayne
dee spending a 10 day holiday in
•South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs.
Dalton and Mr. and Mrs.
Prayne, accompanied by Mr.
Harvey,Lassaline of Goderich
left early Friday morning and
planned to travel as. far as
Virginia to the home of another
Give Mother Nature a little
push: Force a few stems Of an
early flowering shrub to bloom
ingors, so that you Will,h'ave a
spring bouquet long before
crocuses, daffodils and tulips
appear in the garden.
"Goldenbell forsythia, a
favotite in many gardens, and
Pussy Willow, easily found
during walks in the woods, are
the shrubs most commonly
used for this purpose," sayS
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
and Food horticulturist, D.B.
McNeill. "They arq, especially
good for brightening the scene
when' winter is getting you
To force Goldenbell or Pussy
Willow, cut off long wands of
flowering wood. These are
usually- the .brightly colored
young stems covered with
swelling buds. Place the stems
in A vase of water in a warm
room and in a few days they
will be in full bloom,. •
Mr, McNeill urges caution tri
cutting the stems: "You dOn't
have to ,cut down the whole
bush to have a good display.
Four or five stems in a vase
make an excellent bouquet."
counties. This year each school
board was free to set its own
dates for the week -break which.
simply compounded the
committee's problems. Teams
were reluctant to enter if their
break didn't coincide with the
Also due to the new format
this year there could be more
youngsters who need, billeting
for a longer period of time.
People who took boys in last
year were contacted again this
year and Mr. Chisholm claims
there could be some problems
unless there is more response
from the public.
•The tournament is nota Lions
project. It is a town endeavour
and the support is needed from
the townspeople to uphold the
Goderich tradition of, being
'congenial hosts.
Again the referees for the
tournament have been looked
after by the referee in chief,
Bill Beadom.' All referees
donate of their time and the job
they do is a commendable one
with only a few refreshments in
As tournament time draws'
nearer the walls begin to close
in one the Lions club tour-
nament committee. Mr.
Chisholm stated that the
committee is in a real bind with
the OMHA ra n g
•••.prohibitstearns froimplaying-in-',--
'a tournament if they are in-
volved in playoff games.
Because of •that- teams witt-be----•
cancelling out up until March
10. Some have cancelled
already, and the committee
must scramble through
rejected teams to find • a
Last year by tournament
time so many teams had to
bypass the tourney that•:"the
committee could not replace all
the cancellations and had to
schedule five or six exhibition
games. If worst comes to worst
it will simply be done again this
Many long hburs of work and.
organization are aFready
behind the tournament cern,-
mittee and the immediate
future does not look any
brighter as far as the work load
is concerned,
• The organization of such a
tournament requires aA team
effort 'and once again many of
the same old faces will be seen
during the week.
This year's committee, was
chaired by Clarke Chisholm;
Dick • Wright acted as a
secretary; Al Leggat
associate seeretary; Paul
Rivers handled billeting; Alvin
McGee looked after tran-
sportation; and others such as
Clem Wolterbeek, Bill Kirkey,
Nip- Whetstone and Guy
Emerson will be working in the
same capacities that they have
wc ked year after year.
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