HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-28, Page 5­ 1:1 I , 1-1 I - 11 I 1 ­ 1 -7- - . . Me L__ - ­.-.­---­­­-­­­­­ , --"I Il".., 1---, _,5­�_­�, __ ­�`! 7'.'i7'-,;- ,�� _ - , " , '7ii 1 1 . :; , '511. ','� 11, -, � .1 , I � '. :, , , 1, :: , I I ll� IN � ,,, � 7--7-,,,, , I � 1, I . I ,. ,: 1 7 . I � I I ­i­."Jil�'.' ­�, �.,, I ___,_"0"W#W_,i__1. il . � r I � _­ :77 - --,-- -77- � - � - , �­7` 1 0 I - I , O,w PRO ­_ - �1� � . � I I I . I I "I* _4,pw I ��­ 'mm , . , � 11 I . I 1� . I . � � : � 1 � I 11 I- ". 11 .11, ­ I I I , I , I '"Opm, , �� � I � . ­� I ',I � 11� . I I I I I I I I 1. i � I I I i .. . ,. � I i I . : : , .1 , i 1! . . � I . I I I I . � I I � I I � I . I I I I I I i � V, I I ; :1 I I Irl -77�� 1 "� �,� I I I � I . I I � . . I � I . . . I �, .., 1. . I , . I . . �", _ , il,� 1. I I .1, . "I 11 I I . I I . ,� I. , , , - �,A I l r t, I A � I I I .. , . 1. ,,, , . I I � .... 11 :,!� ., , � - � . � I � .1 � . ' . "" ', L � . I . I I .1-1. � � � , I � 1 : I 11 . �,� ,, 44; � . .� I . . I . I . . I . , " , T , , , , , . I � 11 , , � I I . . : . . � , H : ,zo � I " , I,, � �� 3 � II, I. -.� �_ '. I il I I I I `�+ 6 ".. � I I � I I I I , I - � "I .. , , . I - I I , . � , I � I � - 11 . 11 11 � .... 11 "I .... , ii i III! I! I _­ , , , I— ,4-2011K�AXAXWA .-------- 1:: ... ..... i;" 0"',41%MlrX1ir,ll#-KV�0 1-1l'�-01 I -­­­Tt�it,AW",9404"�9, X4, 0*0X!iI � . il��O~a 110 III W*WWW0WWA4*WAV*W*A**,-*W0WA0�k� 'I . 11.11.1- � � .1 ..."....-1— �. - 111.1. _­_­­____­__­ �_111­­ -m �i , �� �..."�l--.-.,,."�,,:,�.,-,-"� _, __ _II , , "T �, - �_ - I— WAYNO I.I.— ­­ .­­ .... � '' � ­%­­ I . . 11 . .11 I I � � I ­ ­­ - ­­­ - I ­ I � � � I � I t � . . I i I . . I . I . � I 1 4 ,'I � I - , I IA . 'in � '�. . , " ' I'�; I . Golil . I . N, 1�.11`.i�/`-`�', I , � � �! ... . q Witllo,at A"Roligion, " . Why don'& you trY Cialter's Little liivior . T111�1 'Vp,,,�',�,y f,�,�',,',`,;�i'j ,, ", Skill., 1)j1,.,(I(1 Zee Ill atI wore or , k, e e N I I I I fimnwm ;"!=____ gj".., -4"`�,.'�, are a p6iltivo oure for 4ick' i � ­­� I 00� 110.011iI by val bl'�olt. 11, I'll. K ­" I I I. :, . . I" ,.,� ,� I - � I � 11 I ����11� I.i I I . �� .�,' .... . I I . . � 1, _� — g,-JJ,;-,fJ;-,--,",� Of betiI Ld the Nli produc4d by d1sorI '' rtl, 10111��Nviz,q �-�:hiri WO(I Sho.1j,'40o, � , 11 '.. � ,,_ , J?11)8? '�1111�, 11 I 11 � ,,,.;, ,� . , I I'McLealn � .1. 11 ""I"Nif,44 9 . I .N,).A tIk�%li,lL,%1 .I., . . , , ',�_� "'.1 I , .�jj . aered 11rer. _)� 11�1 . . . . . . �..' ,,., I Rie Poe r1b%tPrb,_-r,K,1!U8in1_Jz� `I�T seine of The ,Pray ore a, (lose. I I I liayvq -aw, lol'i'Alti 11.,Ar1lI Salf, 10��,�tkw�, I 1.111, 1_1 . . I � I �, �1- � 15'I El'ilid, qoh 0 .t.- , .,r I., 1,,J�JZ, ,,� ll,,, 1 ,�­�fdf 11,nid. �`I,uptif�ns, 1li.xo1)4­% xnr� 1 , I ,�, i �..,. 71�; �, I I speakers, bad 11804 sevoro language con- �."k .. .... op, ,, I I ... I.;,l .... I­­IIl.lI ... I,qF,y,,Iw.0JI".­. � � I � -,�'­. , � , ".,� ..... . I ., " . I ; , " I I., I ­­­ utotuilutl a" '00"t l:Wlvs, ll�,,l�i,':. ,,, - � Novq ,,�, by rv.,,riovivig all lwpurltk,T� fr,62,i �, ��::"p 1, I - �v aligiolai J!&3n , �, .I I I'll it : , , � ,,­ � � oorning certain forms Of re I I I 11 I "I '�Tlll , . 1oU�,;,-Vo4I't)..I�II,Ji.tI, - � 11Ak"%,Jt,i; JtlI�l I 0. v bico,l friI Ail �,Limllion, vimple tn Ow I or w4DISMIlle r 'It. I I tble, ii�orioart minister, James Russell I . I I � I 4"'I", I I ��tlirtlgl.�;VIJII trIt" ls,,lI ,,,, , # li'll; C'. .i w A? "I 80roNh;J7e �� ,lril I ., l � I I , 1 4, . Lowell, thus spoke .- . q . � I i I I I : � I . I I , I ",...'I%,. *11 tb,nk thit some havc, Ueen 9, little . "a . 1, williketuht-t. alid rii ,nil"I't �.-. .. � I � ", I I , . . � , �� -11I � . i I . � 1.1-1, ­-­_.__­ - , . I I � � I " ,,��, I St, Paul, an d, . , . . 1. , A lI Ulit" kit.ZI it Il. -I. 0 I,,.,,�L. I 1,11, , � I I 1. �­ I lilard on Calvinism and i, 1: I EV V.1,TAjfT1­,-I ( V��XU� V4 A 01"T. -- Nsottlt4 ,� . I - I . � '�q I , . " '�2 ill !� I 1.:,wo �­ ,% I, Not I I w.- i v g mi)v; ti�.Z�ln r)o �'Q',..'X�, ,0,41.��ri-,,: i,cl kkvc! ,:*,) .,�f.icrminI I ) I ave Used onwarrantly stirc,lig lariguage. , . 11 . 20 rings ytill-ALI III,. ", . " 4 � I I 't I . I . � z,,XPF11it;or, %11�.1%avhd4li'wP for 11 rki nw.l&Sw) ' , "'!, . I I'll "I . � h�L I think that is rovilellifill; -we ,ought to M.ut IV ou", J %I l iicr� ,wwt . 14 1",I 1,�., ul,-1 ",'lolllralvifl, r"e,iII (!t.;t'. in I f'I I � I ' jk� Q'�,' '.��"'L t1.t(,. p: -(';d (�iiO L, "'i , . "" If I ­ . . I ,,aii in flle,,intnrt'�I�t ''t ,,i,-.-:�,i,' W6"..'I.)� " � �! �! - 1, 11 1, guard against. Lor, us look at Calviodra, I i L�Atllildsy, vill-A ,?vu,; ­41� . . I I . I -, Z I .. ". �4 1 , I cb�li I tZi lr� twu rqwj I th,� lI ii4 ro-loil. �* 'I -wib he a b ot a ;r P. �, ill ach .0 - n - - � I Z-. - ." " , ,�!� Ov, ,,, r,(� i, � ,,, 4I i ),� , I , li $, 11 I I P ;:,21 its ovexythilig else, with steady eyes.. � � I �il , . A3 flisord,,rx,l owizwl by ;� ill ;k r litw� oi AbIa nutllily, telit,aii, It rlI t.t once �. ' � l . .11VV I . � , � U 14 U, 7' "I, t�t _P . �: ", Rowlavolil a ,certain 11'sQuative feeling 'in _ a tho couple V.nd thn C116II injim-liatfily Ills thert; wiii be t o A'� I c L e o. i i o r, NY (�� hi 1 , , " "I 1. !.0"i w, .1, . r14 . tile mind lilay rise and plolect against .,. the 1-yatelu o- I),, "l-vt rl,v il�-'ljt; Clt,r' I I . I I . 11,��.: o �? , . . � some of Its doctrines, yet they have pro- .. . -, .. I I Little Fillik. Nil pain, qripb.-g Qi, 4.8cula'. I Rriljer.,UA, I The firs� di -so gII lrielitii,te I . � I �;�l.--�,�.,.-�:--,,�.-��,-�-,,,, - I I � I I I I �,�.� 61, .. .;;. fort iX1teU,J:ug 040r WW' Tr"', *.41inu, 'M cerits, SoM b -y V. Lutz, Di uggiik. 61S 1 4 "I 1. I I � ,--,, duced some Of the strongest and mO0 I I .......", I . . I ! 1, I I ..: �, I � . " - il .1 -a olitlyaoters the world Ilse, ever a I I I . spoakcr WW'e ww$ i"2ell h�f� �V:;,�-ILIII;t I ­ - , - I "---I-,' "' , _­ r � I ol-Z'-1 '11, 1V(,,rA.Tu4:(-d,8tlIts 1--v �,;� ,,�4:,:r i,�,�4 ,i-!", � �-. , ,,,,, , 1�"31:,t� lila"'k """I'lit�, 11 �; � for tho writ Ila a nl­lw vlm�cti..n ii. lii (.t I �iirpj--I.ilZal r.%c�� ri K!veio �!*,.-Oi, I ';;:� , , I . I I .l.lai SIZ -;,, �,!­,. We � -1, !;Ip�c�;:� \, �-,, :r"t", ,;CI,-,�s� 0m. GAI:iuel, , very fibre and substance of which . I I I I - , I S ., 4 . , . 1, , � I I I-11itht.-Al"'.4 owi�l), 11) L;;" 'i"43gel".1ol, ,4 `,4,. . ril� thloat Ic"t al, if i,(MAPI'd %I ith a, . I . Il a I.- n � . %f,.� 1, , I I 11 ,� j, . , �� 1 � I enduriul; cownionwealtha are iniadel, LlI Ill. �,'��",',�,,,��, � Corb.i. it it, wit.b. t1hAt tl�c II ,. Jj ,, lit, 3 L"I' ; TnI 1)�;at thit" World 815 ��"5" -)"'t e:,il'.�:, Gg:,Vl,� 111� ;� citif Iwdl w�(., , for 11 ", . .. .. '? w m V - " I , . I � -11, .o,lil, at 11.1i , for fi'�4-anne NT. , +110 tjolit, 1.11 W'iin Not av Pine Syrup I I'm Ia that � �� . I I e, .I, I .F I I �Mw. I � I . I . , , ,. I - 1, , hel(I Oil tile 3rd or 401 J U I Y. ' I �c i r 11 . . . I I .;, . I air. J� W., "VICamam I .. I . 11L I I . � . I ioal and latellectliAl freedom we enjoy, :1 . E:ne d6lepuNeieli(f iiiiii , i-(rcl-d I (i . . I I . . St. George, New Brunswick, �pringq as tiuly, perhaps from the l6i!s . I . I . I M n��ttlj S. Luv, )-0 v, 'I L,lellk; n,, low kilil;-i A covil 104-1,l, cilrecl li,ell � j. I I 11 I I I . . I . . I I I I �. 1 ,�� � . I ", I I __ , n, , 1121.91 . � of Colvin, as from anywhere ehis, I wbo�('ocoupathlfi glll*,­� ba, ,�t11,,lC'%(;JVI-A, J L � I I _ . � V* ll:[L�laotjc, orjft� , "I �� I � , 4 f4 P. A. A - ovuey, I . :; " , I I I I . . I I Al I - I I . - I I , An, I do notthink it safe -1 -tim fonrl- . KNQW. LEDGE ' sl�uiil,l u�e Car-tI G�u�zo f-ir.".. 1,1:hi f.'r. 11 sla 72T, G' n-33BRIVIR , I '44, I . 1 9 , , - . I . . -,I ' i . _1 I I After the Grip ulating no -creed of my own ; I have Brings comforb and improvement tind - torpid It"'e, 0"I �,&­ It 0-44 EO- ( ta- it ,I . fl,gr1ov,h W*c,nd 14,Werti cure dys,pvpsio. . I ,� � I `�_ , ­ I . — 1. . I I Try tlws�i. 11,1rifoqk bl�:lnd 131ttert; cilro Culrsflf1f,t`,:�,I, I I I . ,,,, I-, 1��-�%, ,"­ . g1waya been I liberal thiliker, and I . ,. I I I I 11.1 . - . 1�_�3 t'.. - ... ­ . � '� t -1 4, - ,i I "t" tonde, to personal enjoyment when , 11 , E, X ( � (-'�! .11 -e Bul,dock Blood BI,tin cllrel,t,io-zi,rw�.'Zi. Mud -n , � � I � I 1, No Stirongth, No Ambition there allowed othersto differ With me, to rightly used. The many, who live bet- I 1"0111 ill-mviiIII6 wJ00,1VIII, 4' 1.,AI rV13,4,U d � � . I I . I I I I , . � think also as they liked,- but at the me 'T J� P111,40, Blood I'lidwig viint lit-gilacbe �___ I� . I �,, .­ I— . I I � ,4, , . . . lot-, . . . . 9" ter than others and enjoy life Iii0re, with II QtlIallva o1i ,i,kv:r,kq-­t'1u;_n1k , Bliniocir illood Bhters . unlo,4K all the ­­­", I . � �. , 4',, ,� 14ciod's Sarsoaparilla Cave Perfect time I fepr that wben we indulge our. Nlaelift.�, (It New E(61,1,111i"b, V,hu l(E0t*6X1 � - ry l�, I , " , � � . Iture, by - - : P ,.A I I .� , i i�, , I I I , , ., 9"., - I , I , . I 'r R lov".4-7 i.(-er%ftjouI;,nf tbli lk. IV, 1,;, 11uh eny-, tg �,.� ,., III . I elve less expendil . ,,r�-?u, , , , ., , more promptly ' 14,ii e, . , ,�, " V 8 0 in the anjusement of going without widoil' owl s;4 LIIIIII11w." Una three I --- Health, . I � . . '.kl sin-Var comr,Jr1xjt-. ­� , " I . - . -, adapting the world's best. products, to 10bort Milk. Alfred J�)%i,,3toutl . * Ing beadiiI ar . .1 tz" � I I_ "=l -- z- - � 1� P% -,�;q - 71 t a religion, we are not peiha�s, aware how au -i Jim . _ �,.p�4,4�i am" - x:q, ,F�4 I , , , , . � f,,%)vZIi,,& letter N froru a well-known . 11R , � . UP I I . `!l`h,, , I � - . - OF _I�, - , .-V , & . I -�J I . - much we are sustained Pt present by'an tile needs of physical being, will attest Jarlick, /� . ."':­­­­r�_­-1 i , k l,Nh, � ---­------ � --- " , I I - archaiiLtailor (if leorgo, N1. ]I.: . - I � - 11 ­­­ ­ � �� zm_ . . I 1� 4 le hy, Cli llsils '"I � 'Alvil CM4 . ""I . ­ 11 14�11 � N �.1_11 - 1. ­� . 11 0. L, Ilood & Coll Lowell, Mass,: proovio., i,i-t-, ii , I " r'' , &nn-, - V , I I . ,,k : ,, I ,M St. ( enormous mat all aLout us, of religious , pure liquid. G. ".,- , i M! J , ., I , - ( ,,, , , .., -1 IM U . ,A ,� - ,I � to health of t; -2 �', lZ �� � ,,, �'l - I 11 � I that the value III 0 Ift. III rr I .1 I . a, X, & � ,".% . feeling and religious aclivicticn, so laxative principles enibraced in the I of ti.'(- lit. Ot!$I, 'w"IJ1,14t ',I �;�U';, fir . I : . 11, 17 :. . .11 Genticium ­ I ain glad to say that Rood's ',whatever it may be safe for us to think, S � : . I . I . . I I I I � I I . ;�111 . I Sarsalinxilla.Lind TXooirs 111119 have done 1110 a, for us who have bad great advant4c.es rainedy, III41bgl Istila), rit'lli !, 0 . . I -�­A_ . - L . I :11, '. I�or . yrup of Figs. . 110 re"I'l-ri l -t -II kilit 1�"Itlroll` I ` , , I .� L' great dval of,good. Its excellence is due to its presenting arrm 01 bllil.44 ljf,'ill, l .94 a �,; ,',� U ..; �I � I I I . . I � I I It . I bad a severe attack of I " "�,,-.,!,!,-� i � xl, o t fi pr r, ��', � 'it, " Av 101A, 0 �a 8 I I . I I I'�'. I I . and have Leen 1,rougbt up in finch a way ,.4vh,. nolls-Ii.,ftz"'Ill, ,j *.Zndice. all -I t.%%�r � 1, A tho.erip in tho,t�luter, and after getting over the that al� (;c1trI moral direetiou has been Ili the form most acceptable and Pleas- havelp 'Twequ 1. 1-.avry 1 I 8i Gal?dening Too] I I 'Paints, ax�d Oils I � . , ��lli I I L S, � . - ) � 6aver 1.01d no,, sacm to gather strength, andball, t our character, I do ,not know shiilg,�,ndtz,�lyloomplait:t,',tlledt, I I I . I I 11 I 0. unt to the taste, the refills dose 'ITf ctiv,,, . _ tLawn MloWei,s. ' �i Alab,astine. I � . S . i a Itlem Hood's Sarsaparilla, proved to be !"I",1111 would become of the less favored benLficia . I properties of a P�rfoot lax- . I ­ . I . I I : Just ,bat I iteeded. The results were very BI,11111 I'vo, rd: ZIr David i's firw., u, ­ I � I I � I . 1"_ - �12_N r T . -_1i5.�.._IJlE11,h t,4 - - . I - close of inablI it they undertook to ti ,e ; effectually cleansing the system, 1. I - 7-_ , 45 9 .1 14 E &I sal Isfactory, and I revommOuLl. this medicine to 8:11V I son II Ail U S [,iir, wu, liviia. oil Frid�hy M .41-1 r, Ill 41-48 U I A ,lie are a leted with rheumatism or othier play the same game. I wish OrI to tinter es I se �,,',Vl! �T ,., I S "No "I , alspolang and fevers I 0 .uted vvitl, $),fl(�O ili pol., (ill his rebot'. f - the protest ot one in whore veins runs.the . colds, headach k - I—Sa h;. ".4'M j'Jo 0 2 . M 030, W1:RJ1;J t I ai, rilio blood of Calvinistic ancestors, against. the and, permanently curing constipation. ix)g j�js 2LElt birtlililiy� ;H�; is I lie ,,evolid, � . � 1. � ---I"- � -.---�­�­I 1. �. . I .. . " a way in which Calvinism bills bet . n spoken It has given satisfaction, to millions and son 0 M r linm �) a that has - tmmiyvil meh 1, .. . 1. - I ;11�jr I . . - � � I - I I I I I I Z .� . I . I I H, o. � 0 CIN , T ", "' . C our e s � I P, mlwll�fkeja -,. ilT PE,vi�l, 4s well ftfi hirs .-I -11, 9 A 11 I , We have i n s t r c. c e i �ii-,:,-.1'. n. I -;�a�,ge QmRntity of, � I ,,. affili,tions caused by poison and poor blood, I Of, flild also to remind one of the speakers ' met with the approval of the mediea� a -t i re,�,:�' h u I iws llmliho.ld witboa �­ . I , - . I : brotlit-r, M I I I _� 111, 'a Sar , that the saint Jwborn he quoted was the ,profession, because it acts on the Kid N'A�,, I I ,� .-dway,1 kcep Hood saparilla, in my house . I . ....... I 'I,- - � . .. ,* 0, till any spiritLOUA liquo.'s hall Y&I uul, . 4 -1 , X. and it, o it when X need a tonle.0 We also keel) same who said, "The gre test of there, is neys, Liver and Bowels without weak - - . 1'.'e" 1. .. 0.17111VROZOIS . P Q 11 I& 1: 1.1 eD 0. lu C111 I IV 1.7 Xf 0 H, . . . X .Hood�.-i Vills on handand think highly oftliem-11 charity." , . r ul it is perfectly free from Ila, iutt utled tobbeco Ill I'll'.. fo m. _.` .. , � . � .1 , �1� ening them ai , 11 , .. I . I . . I . I . , � J.1vV. !;vKzA%,,,ir, St George, Now l3runswilak. "Whatever defects suld imperfections -very objectionable inibstance. Hoo(I sarsuparil"Lig, O."Oltitillf all'il. � � .4 ��. J, . If is 6ffecti-ve for aay purpos,,_, t h a, � Paris Greea� would "", , , , , It may attach to a few points of the ;e ualled,ttati.VoI puriflur aLrA.lm*rrvrl.hcnln;; lt'1�11 - . .�01. I , A I Rood's P1126 are Purely vegetable, and d.l: Syrup of Figs is for nale by all drug. mediair.e. it istlitlide,itilpring intI I 11 - �, . �1�1 -te� � I I .� I �.� I I � I . alu or gripe. Sold by all druggists doctrinal systerr, of Cal-vill-the bulk of . :tie., be a inuch bet .. I � 11, 3 =tpurge, In , I - Try ft. . � . � � I 11 .'1 which war kimply wbalt all Cbrilitians be- gists in 75c. bottles, but it *3 manu . . � .1 I " 1 - __ I � . ­______ factured by the California Fig Syrup .1 I ". '? . liew-, -it will be I uund that Calvinism or on Suridul, womixtu 0 -Gut, 7 o'elo(ok, Ask for our I IPIX411 h ... braxid A fresh carloat'. of a t,�-LVJ L, X -TS !_tud PLASTD, R �;,,�,, pl.�'t Co. only, ,whose na.me is printed on every 11 �, 01 any other is. which claims an open Bible -d bil. IF Pfu:ties building will � . : ", E . . Ifirle wila t1iswyevL .NIP, Wflra%s tli.x I A ,,W� .� L . .. PLI'T"I"I.A 0111 Ali EDGE and proclaims a cruoified ana risen Christ, ,,,,aokae,i,n, also the name, Syrup of Figs, Meats. They are th e. best. P RISjuqstin,� Prices rig ,, 0 I I 1'�,,� 'a e g will, Liwao, ,liu i;t1a:in w" ijbichly iun,-, I . . * -1.1 � � � lite well informed, you will not I Iy by dealin a uAll ,. I ". �% ------- infinitely rreforable to any form of pir , but beIII thu vu -No win on thA spuz� the Save trione 0 � I � : �, �1 I . I I I and polisbed skepticism, 'wbich gothtrA as accept any subs' .ituto if offere I fit(, vi a,,, quell0let", I 8ND1 LL BROS. , I . I I.. I �i:, ,wno,r,�­,.z,,.q �i­_, mov.iNa r, ART AT � I I . If- _ �. __­­ I %J %id , ' -1 A %J . C . . its votaries tile degenerate eons of h�roie I I rp . , . For Sale at C. Llizz's Drug Store --.10- I - - - 1 J04p r, , - , S v been trained in a, —,,, . _ - , . . I COE"Bol EDICK, 11� T118, rn�-­,",1',,tox,r I.,)RIVING II ancestors, Who, having ._ , I Loc its xr, A MrRA= -N&I'loleorl con. FJ * �- E3 .646 1. I I ­ .� �, .I,,----- society and educated in schools whose htm Lucan together. The Coins were quered the wRo!e world The tootblI I _�_�_ I I � — . , " , I. � I foundations were laid by men of faith and ____ _ -,--.. ______,______ , I — piety, now turn and kick down the ladder teasilag young Bennett' and to get out �,Qf I ooxlq at rol Napol�oir. Tile gnsat trial 1,i F I J , P ' ' . L . � I . '41or, thtir way he ion to Mr. Bowers"jifiCe, and faced with evillir-eiA. it I--, t1i,,, gnus. I f ,gl ,4' 11 U B, D 4- _XT ""I T-1 ,r% . "',"",� : a Ft . I . �, V � I I ­. � . " , i�'.� men to live without, God, and leave., them tbe.cains ,aert home and put their horses stiind the lo,,�,m I>! Iprtiuu�. Till, wirewit. � I . '�L'2 21,. alid .% Great 1134kitle is . . � , _rAR . -WIle .,.lI ZmUv- Will be the I R IN ad I b,y which they climbed up, find persuade _(:LIT, t(J ' pt-atin't. ,I ."Tiouting, Jully 10- the latter tock him into the boufle. Then life that " . Jtja�lo I s 4. Oil 4 111:11. . 1 4I � I I - "', F R.LUMB,,..,_u 'Y'. 1.10 4 I .. ,, to die without hope, ant; " up and came back to Bowers'place. They ting .kick I-t;Ldai be kwit niatle 'sidv,di a I 11 A ILI I t L . L r , I .� . I , axisad, I I The worst kind of religion is me treligion _ L I I I Fro,.. were sitting an the milk stand Ia front of fore nuw. ,Add bililassi-osu and nenralgiA a ________,______,_. . I . 1 at Pill ; nuathese men who, living in ease ,l �L_ a r a e s t . -.1 �', I I I . -is the house shouting for Bennett to come tint! tb. mo -t irtin 4,i,ilurmination gav,6 Z5 The undersigned wishes to inform tba.pu blie J.'a g I, he keeps con 7 . ­��11 . - and, luxury, indulge then elves in "the out. Bowerg came to the door and, ex. down bef,,Zre thi�A i:m1c,pr eombination. stantly in Stock all kinds of . ,eneral L the" � L . I "ll st -,IL-, . amugementof going witliput al religion," changed words with the boys, who were . S; ary"r. P0'%V4LJe1-b C111 -1i 'I bi 66 FifflidiO110, - e!st Dl3:-SigJ11S. . L r . r L - � . I I I . .. n . .1 7 .� track ,,,' I- !,, !rolt 1.)�; lur a I . -DING ) .1. I . 11 ., Va. 11 .-1 lu,o novi,, in tirder at the new may be thankful tl�at they live Ia lands onlythere for a frolic and to tense him akq the brain plept arid liebt. Fur the . Fin BUIL \ NIATRRIAL, MRESS,ED A'ND VNDRESSEDi . I v ,, Club and th where the gospel they neglect has tanned and Beonett, Finally Bawers came out of exciuclhthrit lwbig:, Ill r.,! I Lag L I tratn,rs 1%.-v vi!1.11 thet'r strings are cona- of the men I . . ig, 8tark'u S I . Ing ;1 %vro t1- I,-"1;!,_, at a clip so the beastliness and ferocity . the house, and the boy- laughing, jumped I Powders Ort! Ille J)b P� v t"llis0ioupri"Ils of I-owest P"rices . PIN -R-4 and HEMLOCK LU'NTBER, I I ago . . . " " - met1ting Who, Init for Christianity, might long down from the milk stand &'tid ran down , ease and 1,eI I.,, III ?J at,.l .t, niatil). . � surr,ri,,:nAe �_rltho eea-,iom of the year 8:41d have eaten their 011TOSSBes like the South Inimense $flow rooms, Ioaded mth . I -L lco2-,�.�,I,ri the road, Powers it is i,aid, bad no Intent,; ­ � - - B. 0. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND . 11 . '.1,4 ,,lmt Lhe track is brand new, Sea Islanders,Lor out of their hends: and ion of shooting ttiem, but raising the re- ­ ­ - -.-- gl,Lruds, ; every quality, style and. price, I . I � 11 - . - I ., that the newness tanned their bides like the monsters of the voler to fire ovi-r their li,nds it 'Went off I H 1' a - ,irNI-i'WIT but. all tile best for tl e leasc ,money. "F lid PINE SHIN GL E S. Th'I wtiry sopro,rear, I HOlN TO G I or tl.­.� track w L,iii(l Nv,,rl,, against Its speed I I It I , F rench Revo ut on. before he iuteuecd, and shot William Cain 1 N('TrI11-,.. Our I at U14 i-�.�iiinv iriII but the machines "When the microscop'c search of s e t . . . . I 11 will, wo"kiricri'llavi., ,:!,_.-,;.t1 this ballet out in the tspine. L I - Special notice is draw n to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowled. to be th & 'L and ticism, which has hunted the heavens and A 13-1'�er of boys in the neighborhood 8GL10 25 **Sru'i:_,,,.­.,*,?,,vL wrap1.ti,,I, ilI Sloring StollkeL Most Durable Timber of any that grows, Special ty for Shingles, " ,$aid b y, L�, of tber nI of th,� r,,, -qt sceptical scurlded the seas toaisprove the existence m "Why doeu tt WoWan . , id of per bearing tlii, ritiol,, '. any climate. , !! did.not like Mr Boweiii, and were foi competent judges to last from thirty si:k to forty years in . thl: traek is to' -day Pister than, the course of a Creator, has turned its attention to playing tricks on bim. look older Ac-oilei ,litin a mr-a") to Lever now ctimplele, I., tlie pi,�,k of the mar- I L =tramck ,I was. Of course the 1 1 1 � 11 at .11, human society, and hag where a decent ___ - - bros., Ltd.,43 fSootto 8I., Tuioutr,, -34 P111 hot in ,F.,verything--is elogrant and vLiried 1WX"Xz ".1 work of the tral li-,rs `mprcivos It daily and man can live in decency, comfort, and , C will receive try post a wevy plel.ure. free tht, Uin,, vf 11I,� 1,IIue Ribl'on meatinq I., ERTIFIOATE OF A144LYSIS. . boyona des�_,rif`)tioin. , — -, I — - '! " from wtv . _____ - i I r.11, fl. !1 vVill N, tL',, ,&,�,.LrZ�t &pproa.6'� .security, supporting and educating his Laboratory of Dr. R. Brsce-dernmel, ertiting ..iA -Ii,ll wtirth frfuriag. I . " CA- I to '.111t ivo-irinutl, track of any in the children unspoiled and unpolluted : a Th; is ell � ­ L '0-- Irf Ilk "! . I . cl�,!� - . I The a aillbr, 1-s th-a bvio ILL tue market, rail '-Parlol, Fium,ltu,re ,f_ _ F �, '" " 1. I . � II ­ place where age is reverenced, infaricy Consulting and Analytical Chemist, J,I _IIiT I" d,l,_,.fL.ltJ' I nar ho4as L , � - .1 11 n� n t�,,�! arrir,�,l In lar,,ia numbers . 228 Boylston Street, I . - - U�l Ai I 1.�, T . i,: . :. " In th, 1_�Z:t w -lit, Oil- rI importa.rit protected, matilloot'l respected, worrel ill Will olily co,-; to ?)O.-I.ge "r. selill in the will be the fate this %rook. The unus- 'Lk . ' - - L� ­ , I .. 2 . 9 i I '7 -7 � . Boston, ' Mass, . I you leave the ti.iLls upf:n, 0 1 L 0E]IJ. OIL . of, - h� . -.11,41'.i:iColon stock Wrappers, it strllw i:w;n,:� ,1,ktt 17" � hood honored, ard human life, held in faI -Y )-I.oTilanq, xviach vontaiiis nine I boieby certify that I I bave carefully 'Trite yt-iir tild-Ir, 6 . - . . ual size and varioty of the line does liv 1� that al%" .(; [)"! tLijl`:t�ll ,.;,A,ivn Lbe line. At due regard ; when skeptics con find such 0. submit- ., I 47 ". it.. I lit"t admit. 1vivill" pieces in deta;). --1 . LL , I 1ILL IIII lie t�,atti,r -%Vilkes, 2,177- by 11 place ten miles square on this globe, e.xamined the sample of R. D I . � V . . 11 . St. Jiterome, 'Cl then come Slenwt�, P�ca- %here the gospel of Christ bee not gone, ted by the K. A C., Ltd., Fob. 10, 1893 __ ­` * ­ - THE BOBIElt PRODUCR CO.'have decided to Retail Oil ,-It I ----'*-' —_ I . lionl.,as Pvinci-, Capsar, C'y and colts and and cleared the way and laid the found- L and have been unable to detre, any obje,i' ) $_ J` P-1 eces , L fillh-, I y Si;�tln,--v­ and 'Sinimocolon. Mr. Ordid F" - ` a'wiii:iz, th -'ow and be says ations, and inade decency end security ionable or Injurious ingredients thII 11 , - I sale rices : L igiarl .- ii, .e ts,r . I 8 U1111 M . R FURMT E Whole Ma! llt. cabovaas PrIrI 1:.rho . 1111114 b -,en con.- rossible, it w` .11 then be in order for the It is a compound prePared from puri I . i . . vert&d to tl;,� Laeral gait. is gx,irir ulong skeptical literati to more thither, and drugs, and't IS my opirlinn that, if pro. I I . . Will be espe;�,401,y ai-tractive in price, L L I . L. ____--�7 - _____ —_ alidall whO Wisli for inuch, in return vIIsmoothly ana eh6wInr,- quite ot bit I I ,d It then ventilate their views, But so long peirly allmitlistered it will give ready re . ----- Best Caundiah Ojl� - - 12c. Y. spe ,II - - 4_�� i for small outlay, will nut he disappointed. I ut illion the lief to ;ufferers frora the different forms of I I I 'L Tbl�, flMkature ('f the nI Will be the as these very men are depenae I 11 �,�_ � . . . Best Canadisn "Water WhitA - 17I 1 J-Jor.13tn1,1n E.'1V1IMntlI SUAJCQ� for 4 -year- religion which theyidiscardfor ercry Iriiil- the disease for which it is intended, It is i . .11_- -1 �,�.I Q,=P;:4�z-k I . . __ 4I worth ue,w $19,155 and With th,:� la,st they Pricy, thev may well besit at a & little a perfectly safe renI . . . . . -_ f] I Best American Water "VVItite - 20a. 1 �II ncx- -week it ,wili swell to about , - I . 11 ..",,_ __ ­ � L & U J D L E IV )' ) I , L . 'I ttre twent, vefore they setk to rob the Christian of Respectfully, I I se� ,ilght left in this ' I ODDFtI LLOTIS M,OCK. THE BOBIER PRODUCE 00,� te.�tt Ii, tr�jtt n;y "ic ALnd ,ope, the sinner of his rebtraiat,society Ii. BRYGE-GRIVY .1 I , COME ONE , COME ALL. i e;4 I drivers his L EEL ' i "tr?,,,1, , ."Ilty will start. " I 1- - . I L be, vk. ba. tw Of the ot its izoverning power, and humanity of "Late ,Aualyist Suygevil'srs hall," Edin i . . I I I LL startur,; -.,Ir%.-, ravv, Wlqtful, Silloon, Nerno- i I �,'_ V' 6 4.1 0( I put-., vnimint,t. T�va anil Hustler its faith in that Saviour who has given man brugh, Scotland. . i . I " T �R, I . JP L . I I I . , .1. geent to - - , I . A 11 I'll I is the only hope of life eternal, which makes - " _ - be al-ta tho fo,II �Iut qom,� al t �_ I -,,It ,--- f - IS" A 1 -Full Stock Change inZiuminesm, "M'��O,' Iall ', ­. .. iiam, to e,tue alring ana make life toleroble and society pcli4ble, and The body of Thor. Stonier, who com- X'J7 - I - 11 ;* ilg" , — I I . .11 , steu down towar(I the lowest of the teens. robs death of its terrors and the grave of mitted suicide three weeks ago, wasloizrid , �/, Vy , I . - lFr --or J [ff ,--A---, it Is thonght It will be the fastest -1-year- . - 11 old rac-I lx! rot -rel for the season of the its gloom." . flomtiug in Toronto Boy Saturday, , 11 -LU I "N L 1, - 11 ." - _ i , . ... .- .. year zmd thp startr-r will call the horses ; �1, f i . '.. I — ON M. I& I . ��11 _N R__4 T-1 T I -1 S, . to the po�:r on rl'ii.,.�Oay. July 17, the sec- . .with rrance in the loss occasioned by the 61 __ ,-' ." ..., , - � 11 . �� ond dav of the. miI The great 'Mer- . ...., .. I - 11 vsa of $10,- death of presideAt Carnot. . '? ' I -T T h Exater - All the powera have.expresse(I sympAthy ,. 11,71, - - - ,turers' pu- I -1 A - -_ � ft� 9 " h I ? chants'* anfl, ','�IanufaIu ,; U 61 Wm. Cain may Die, a .- I �. I L , .� to . Va 6A 1 000 for"'the, 2:21 trcttlI: will be called on 'I I� k ., .. �kl VIII , " , [, '7"'I" "I B u tuc, - h it -1) r 8 h pT .. .. I , fi � -3 W All La �J . F�i , , , 'Ile day Jollowin-gand from the way h,,)rses Edward Bowers of Biddulpb, woe In Summer, autumn, winter, spring, ,,- , I , L Manufacturer vf 0 9 11, L If. till, classi are stepPing Siva's t record taken to London joalby Constable Frank If you'ribehappy, viso, .. 11 I stariLls, a. good chance of bet set aside. . A A 4 -r bousehold pleastire briar, I 1-1 ". ", I'll I I _AT T TV T -k-M -n . .1 � ,as ever, t � angazed to gt,z I I I I I i I - ? �111 I "" 0 ii, �1 1i �. , �,uA, M `01 15 I ILA prominent Walden on Saturday evening, about 8 n o ,a . I 11 0 1 1 V %J 0, Im V.UIA.C.IX01 I . I I I - I I I iberatt baving been Oj �lor Jn;I the Diamond Dyes. I - - .i TWIN PLO WS. . - . I ,k on a charge of shooting Villiarn. ;:,'�,,- l"', I""., -,'- I _r1k 0 1 ana from New York, lson- iW If you mail this vbree and notice and � .. ....... I -I- - t 1 )4 1 Having purchasod Ili i Cain with intent to �Iay him, The PA I - Whe'lesale Manufacturer- of Plow la Butchering litis, I ,­ - � 11 er is a rather fine looking man, about 55 26 cents in stamps or money to Wells & . . '. I I b I ( )" Wfl I h ( 8 I irI of Messrs. WOOCL J5r%;.z , .-,,,iA-- Uk e . � §Richardson Co., Montreal you will receive I C"_ Casting.". Also General Castings con - I Years of age, and bas a wife and family of - ---,-. — . . . possession on April Ist;,aI Y would Tea �� I qp ,, . I .ed for in Iron % � I .. L , 0; 0. seven children. Ile is a farm.er, and is Our Home, Canada's now monthly family i I . . . . . . . . . . . . V � . I tract , lid Brass. pectfully solicit the patronage of all the I 1 4 pa er, for one year; also illustrated book -DF�ALLu EN- anufacture t;f Brid- -olt ends, old ,,, and I & E� U . said to come of a wealthy Irish family He on p "Row to make Mats and rngo," and I The demand-) Ili furniture change Also M, I Is ,,!(; F tomers of the, shop as, many � hap. been living for the last ten years on a , - Washers, etc. new ones as can favor me with a call. : farm on the Roman title a fil,tle east of I one package of Ink Powder for making III the .9,I ,-is We[ I in our ' line ,is Books, - S Lationery, - and ,,, . . , . I - " 1" slid fillil, - ker'. co-st-4, � 00 . P11j, I 10 onuces of best bla ink XZ -r Ilention trictningornnything ull,qe. AA youwam I -1 1, - ., " s always on hand, � the Donelly homestead, and bears a good I � rfet illeasuro and�conlfurlf out. of that il liand, Repairs pi-omptly execut- Slid perfect satisfaction, allaraLiteed, ... � . . Iq % A utation. The farm virbiall Mr. Bowers this paper. . to g Fkancy - Goods, e d. . . I � ,hady porch ur vernrldall, You want . , , �, 4 � . I � I . 1P tell was owned by a Mr. Robbins tip to The Globe'a London, Eng. coi respand- li - � I � � I. W Ms. ON . N 6" a S 0 2 I r,L � (if our fancy cairip chairs, alway., � . . a ihot t time ago, What the Huron & Erie ent II that the supply of cattle in the oilt Bibles, Hymn Books in every var, -z- 1"..,,,% 7r "a -I . � ELL .. � Loan Society, of Londoll,foreolosed a mart British market is ii-xcessive The weather I cool and comfortable. Exnotly the I _0 %-..o _X_ %-,.J _U I . - . �ageecn it, and when it was sold Mr. has beeu hot and the cattle trade very I bhing for verandahs, parlor, liall or lety� ScribbleTs. Palls, Note Paper, — . . . ..O, '61, -ught it. His friends sav that be bad. , lawn. � -, "---'-------- � . ,_ ink, Pons, PenciL9, Lock Boxes " � "? "I I has never had a day's peace since be In Cilicagoon Sunday August Dubloz, � �,_ , . . YOU !-)T1 ,1 E N D 8 A ND bought the place, but what the trouble his wife and six children were poisoned by n. .N* :.9.0v7s, Etc- ete. nt a Bievele. 14 11 ,,, � - O.; I , I . � 1-shic., , I 1, lit I , � ,� I Wa 9 I ill 0 IQ 9 & 9 9 tv � r; �_ t � . lie about no one seems able to tell. On Gating ice creara or lemou creabo pie, It ­___________ -a � W,--,. tN 0 111� � � 11 , I Friday evening Cain, the man who was Ia believed two of the family will div. , . , " I �. 11 I - ... 0 ' _� -i 'S ' . � I A�14:, ri OR 8 HAVE WHAT A 11 W. Brownh - IR . I ly L 112H Q shot, was up at Bowers' place in company I SuFrRRIXG CHILDREX.—N-OthiE19 IR 1110TO � I " I HE G. a J. � L. "i I . "I 11 With some others, One story says they I nOOKSTORE. I ... . _,.�� J7 piteous than the writings O! a child who *1 I kA �1 , I . .. - � f, : . I ,, . wont there to turn Bowers Ott, and L i'"A. T L: 01 1M' 0 1%q E Y — ___.— P )`lH "I .:. �_, I �,, i ,;i,/ US L D IT, is ilicl; and locato its pain. In, meet cases NEUMATIC . . . , I I Cc, I I Ir � ' 0 ,I I � . 'V�.­ another story Ia that their meeting was children suffer from disordered stomachs I 0 V I , 4,48 ,NLQ� VIA , I I � . ; 11 . � I , I I , I ____ friendly, and it was after they had been _or a,t least troubles of tbat kind are WILT, F, (Ty - _ I, I , Nz ',car TIRE %O16%.10 �) I � I . there for some little time that a row took most common-aud if not treatid in time I QPz . ,­ ,ILI � �_J , , . , 4 P a lin ol I s (41a 1. e I �y Compond place between Coin. .Rud Bowers. Bat oficri roault in death. Twenty drops of If spexit iii tho right phtee, � a �r r I a I" 0 S �.' �iq a u 0 1p',,l S , I E-1 � Infe . ',' . - " -� -�4 , , .. 00I I R reerris that Cain must have sugar : ed Perry Davis' Pain -Killer will alleviate the I That J. 1). Atldnson'ti is ,� q I,,44 n 11 .'f� �t` I , � Blo�rers in seine wtI because he ran.a - , � i P; ­ � V I I way most painful &I obstinatlecase o1chronic the riglit placo to b ­, - . ,;% ,,� �I. 'R n, V , . , 0 , ,�..' R'. . . , , , ", . . ,,.,A , r . I 12 J. . . I 'a 01 diarrhoea or summer ocitnPlaluil the world furniture. The following We hAve received a choice lot (A . V -;�011r P, I? JaSt- ',�,,Jeo�. .i, t on the road, and as he ran Bowers fol- %, I / , I " Y ili'.> I I . Thea. Only -, I lowed Mir, and drawing a revolver fired Childron's Carriages and Wagons, which 11 ,; qko il" - lil�,f� 'Ili " -1 11 4 � , � , I 11 � � I . . I � . . . I I the bullet, taking offset in Gain's spine and no nurso con feel safe without having facts and figures proyo : 0 ,ft, - n't - 11, 1� 1. I I I . abotile of the medicine Ht her elbow. . will be sold . I " - I . I , I d I , I IF . � I � . AR,.i,.41..'� - 4 — I- ­,9;X` , w V I I I §J,�I . I I out 10 pie0e < II FT I .P,.P, T". �,,�J� , _,�._ III "' I �, i 1q01JXr Bp fl.w the waist Ii e, Cain fell to All roojetitable druggists sell the P A, .. I � 11 � , .h, ,�, I , , _0111I just 1), sin - I "I C� ''I I 101110 � R a . �, _� . I the ground, and Bowers, after finding I low size. I . i �, . �§ . � rons Kil or Fit 26o. for the big 'Y . "ns'll'a - I I , 1. . . I .� �_" his :shot had inflicted a dangs Caleb R. Healy, the inventor of the I � Z"".", ,,Rg � 44 Hq,4�4,i N, I . 0 q .1 . � Ci I ";10 D, wound, helped carry Cain back to big Bedrooyn 0 i�l t fi t,, Como ;indsev. tlivni and be convinct:d. - , , �i,,,a " I . .M. 0 Own. " "" N, '' I . Healymotor was drowned by the cap- . � �._'t�­� 11 lt,� - I g)� , . .1 %j�,�, ,� I, , I own house, and then went for a doctor and -,,�;�C,y I I . -' , , 4 ,% , �; I I , . � ien sizirig of a b�at in Lake St. Clair during � Our 8tock of BOOTS &, 'SHOES is A,. W . i ,� , . also notified Father Connelly, and tt N�l ,­ a t . , . , , , � Stiuday after nootils storm. . $20,50. : now complefe. iii every lino. Prices ft) �11 1; , , H, I . Public, Went and iurreudered himself. H,th I . . 1. ��. 11 1?1e!`;,._1 � - .1; I 1,'! I . � I � 'a I r� .11, �11 , 0 1 i . . '. I" , �. . ... . . . � Cain and'Bowers ore Roman Catholics, —­ - . suit-. (weI We don't, advertih a . .. 11 . . I I -- — � Btu), , dile()Unt and el'tint ft 2() ,: "I ,., �;" , '� I ! I 1 i, I I . collstalfle a � �)o per Cofit .11, �1, "" 1) I L I I I � . . I NV Iden took chailge of the .1 - ni, � I . , . . � �� I , � . . Yes, slifforer, PlI Caltiry, Compound prisoner after lie surrendered, and howas Dnrssi $2 0. 50. , per cent profit, for our trouble, nor do .. . �r 111fif � I , !,�, � I I I taken before Squire McUcgh find Cagey, . NN",1181T 9 T.k -.\' 1), - we drig wople Off tl1O ltreet, to induco Isthr., only Tito thilt I,, t -n! timelfaction1ma yea . r � .11 . .. ... " . J 11 I weets and enter your trouble. no matter Pd, , 111 ,41,1 . I NMATJi�V';S, MANUIPACTVRIZZ i3l` . I I ,T�,2 who, after a brief hearinV t � . J--, i I I li il-3 11 how desperate it may ho ; and lot tie ,, remanded him I know IN1114RDIS; LININIE NT cares ' I Slihma, . I them to uy'. Come in yourgolvol4 an(I n i I i 1 I I , 111111 I , , l" L � . I you llorrio v.dditional comfort and to jail. � . . I . get prices, and yoti st-w at once we havo Tho 0- oold Bicycle Cal; LTD. tuoa . 1pi , � . �idcr; diphtheria. I d 1, V r ,; "I i to c . 2) PtLf ONVS, I . H 1 �"`J Three doctors were called 1, I _', r . � M11,11. by saying that this precious rat -nod), 18 said there I= no 40 per cent proflt.* . Ila YoNtF syktiz-r, Brantford, Ont 0 � I �� I ,� It I -age, and it a ver French Village, John D.Boatiler. . R.0I � , I IFORONTO . I I I I I , � I I . � , -will meet your warits after your doctor Cnit's c ' y NINIENT will 00,50. -111do"Han d. Illado. Bout s $2� 90 . �� � I . ; I . � has given You ilp� - I . . . . . . little hope of his recovery. The bullet I kriow. WINARD'S .Li, . . � v Clultm, Good Cow I I 3 RKIN S & X4 I UT t N I . � . . I � . . I . I penetrAted his spine, and be is perfeWy onto croup. ,I Curiningbat . r . T,I ,, - . .,, Kil), 1 .4 4( 8.25 PE I. . _ "I' I I I C Is, Owing to big weak state, it was I ,11 . * rmnson,p Block. , 11 I - Tlio. roprietare of Paitia's Celery , oln- holplei Cape 1pla,udii , J. r I Corning brides and younq married C,l 13ab 2.20 5 . . � . . .---". �'', I I I I I found ginve records twifying."to ill, "Irvel- deemed inadvisable to probe for thebuIIII I �. � I., i 11 11, Plow. ,4 t ­­­_ I . I . � " � Oils :after physiole,lis iniled, and : I . I I I . I couples take l%dvantage of the above . Boor. J01 J, 13. Millet, formerlv, of the villaKe of ' . curer Cain is still lying at Bowers' house, and � I I . , �, -). I 1 35 Tiverton, was firrested"at Mmoardine Mon. J03t10r,d8J6d 010thitgr Pradiced in Exete - , � I other ol'alicities proved useless, These it w a deemed inipoeilibI19 to move him. I . offer. We supply comtort cheaL .1 ,doll's Half Soling . . � I . � ,:� records and testimonials are open Pit all � � a . I . I . . I � I � I I Avomen's 1, � - . . 80 day raorning by Chief Constable Aaffman, I � � . . I � � I . , � times for inspection. CAws Viluryox Ov Try. ArrAj% I I ;� I . I . obalIgeil with 0, litelloh of the Choultou Act, Gentlemen I leave yourordisrs ea", for r' , I --- — . . - I I The driver of the Liwa,ti ataga ropoilted No charge for ripe, n1so soe om, 118,1- Ili b� I . � .� I . Let us niter a soleirin warning. Donot jg�. H,romenvlllle,*�ooklteorer for the � . ai� ,n for Miller is a married man 35 T� care of . ago, with fhe boat stal of Tailors 0 _ 0 egi . , �. � I I I I tbik morning, that Drill Satton and Rob- tc style aull the I 1, I waste precioap"thm by rising medicines re attendiou Young , still Life Insurance Company, Montreal, 11 -'r� C, lit be ben still was formerly lietitl ratoter of the II 01 )?Inls Tilln�niingg, and )00 I �) I, e virtneol, sock, ofLucan, who a qu,slity, and everything in tile it I "I � 00 have no curath Go to your stolo 0,568 from his omployaro, -ut'y JJDATKINSON P I llrnesq Tivertou Xigh,$Ohool no loft the village Cutting In Town, yott eiro Onto of satiII � " "' halit hope of his recovery. ire I 1. suddenly some months ago, suil it, was ra- lot . ' 11:1 Z . dualer and ask him for Paine's Celery Cain, held, cuts and wont to ChirlaRo. Ue wag f` -ll -1e4 I line. I I - , � i " C ottle will Convince You His litattimont; of 11A nufortifiate offair at I I I 'Oinrourla ,- one b re= and Pleaded guilty awl was morod that; he hall rialuid ore of his girl 1 I � at n1day even- T I I I ;" , " ,� � � that you have foand the true III that ]Bowers' Is to the effect th 00 a AiOliday tilotning to to Or' Yearb To , Farnituro Manufacturer, north of � J. TREBLE, . ptipilo, aged Ia. i All. *7. 014 I'll I'll i� . � L gives rew life, I itg thr, Voo Cain boys &lid n neigbbor'A wn. Hall, . XIII V11=44 � n in the peniteritiaI V. . % I � 11, I �', ,''r , I .. �� I. � , , I I boy limed Bennett were .coming horn a I I I I � . I . I . I I . . I , . i I : 1, : I � '' I . 11 , I .1 . ., I I . I I * I . . I . I I 11 . . I � I 1. . .� � �. , � I 11 I I I I . . � . I � . � 11 . I I I . I . I I . I I I I , I . I . 1 . I . I I . I I . I . . I , "� 1. . I I I . ., I . I I . I I � � . � I � , I � I � .'', . . . I r '', � � � I . I I I I I . � . . . I I . . . � � I I . I . I I I � . � I I I , I ., I . � I I . . 1. I I I I 11 I L , I.1 %� 1. I I I .� .. I.., 1. .� . I . I . . I I . I 14, � , I ,,, . � . I . .1 � ". I I . , � I 1. .� I 111,11 . 0 , � I , � .. 1, . 1. � I � , , � I I . I I I I I � , I., ,1� , , I ., . . I , , , , , . , I , , . I I I � I., I 1 I I � Z �,', , I I . . I I I I ,. . . , . � . . I � , I K' I . I I I , I I . I I r I I . . I I . I I I . I . 1 I , , , , r F I .. ,�j,, , � I �, �­ . �, I I I I 11 I . r I., 1, I I I I I .1 ... I . ... � I I . I . � � , �� � I ,� I , ,i, L, , , ' , , ", � � � I 11 . , I � , I . 'I, 40 '. I I I I � I I . � I . . ,� �t, L " ��_ A�,;i�_,�,__,, *k, - ,I,,,,- , L . � I I �. �. , - . I I � �,:r. -, , ', I I I 1 0 , ­ . I . $' 1 1 11 Ii I . I . , . , �', ,� � �� " , 0�1,�. � , � - , � 4� Ju-", -t.�,N -,�:,­�.?::" .,�'- ,.;,`L.17;:11`11�_:� r'..",.:-�,�,��,.,�.,-��t:t��,,,,:,�,�..�...,*,�,.�,,�l_.�,,'-,,,�,,-,��"��,��-e. Z,Y-��­z _!�;�_i�,­�Zit.tzt-_q_ --, , ', �'.,� � �;:�, �.,;,� ��_�: _1.-i.:, �. � , �­_iftaQm%?4�. ­lI --w, - -.6�.; ... 41...,...,....-.--�---.—,�--�--,�-,�,,�,,�.,�,. ­ _ _-1. ­ 1. I—— 6, � ....... . .. I -1 ­ � � , ­- ,- �,' � �� - �1:.. _..,�"­,L�� " -� �—.),.Pr.".e��*--*,��r�"*"%*O—*-**��w�,"�,��,�i,t�,�, 1%. :. ,'�­ . 14.1z, .� .L ­�,��A� !�, �