HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-27, Page 29..,
In my wandering around
from place to place - or year to
year - I sometimes get in a
hurry - and it is easy to make
mistakes.- Last week, in
speaking about the parades we
used to have, I mentioned the
Women's Institute float win-
ning a special prize and among
those aboard the float were
Mrs. Archie Wilkin and (I did
notice the initials of the 'next
lady) Mrs. W.F. Price - and 1
wrote "Mrs. Fred Price." I'm
very sorry, It was Mrs. 'Bert'
Price who, I believe, was
president at that time. I hope I
haven't upset anyone and I
want to thanktan old friend for
bringing it to my attention.
. 21,
In that September '49 Parade
an interesting feature was that
the Junior Majorettes led the
parade with wee Betty
McConnell, 21/2 years old
strutting right along the full
length of the parade. She
wasn't much taller than her
In an earlier issue appeared a
nice writeup about Goderich -
the Drum Majorette Capital of
Canada. - a big title, big praise
but the girls earned it.
Art Curry - yes, OUR ART
CURRY - so well known for so
many years, at that time
owning the Curry Taxicab
businessoig\the. one .who had..
set the batons spinning 4couPle
of„years earlier, by suggesting
. it would. be nice to haVe some
"Kickers" to lead the
Bluewater, Band, an allzmen
• So, three lovely girls started
their bag of tricks, leading this
fire band and it made an in-
stant impact on the whole town.
Suddenly there were batons,
broom sticks or any kind of
stick, spinning and flying all
over the place and they were a
teriffic lot of kids. Three
•seniors, three intermediates
and 24 junior Majorettes
comprised the main.group. For
many years the Majorettes and
4H club
elects new
The first meeting ef Tiger
Dunlop 4- 14 Homemaking
Club 3 was held at Linda
Matthews when the election of
the officers took place.
They are as follow:
president, Sussan ,Pollock ;
' vice-president, Lynn Pollock
secretary, Valerie Matthews;
press reporter, LoriMcPhee;
treasurer, Charlene Rourke;
and telephoner, Linda Mat-
Members are Valerie Mat-
thews, Charlene Rourke, Carol
Thom, Brenda McPhee, Susan
Pollock, Lynn Pollock, Sandra
Nivins, Alice Nivens and4Lori
The girls discussed the kind
of top and material needed. for
this club. The hand out sheets
were distributed and discussed.
, 'The next meeting will be held
at Ruby Brindley's.
Measurements of each girl
were taken.;
the Girls Trumpet Band ap-
peared in a great number of
parades, contests', etc. always'
' I can't recall when 'or if this
group ceased functioaing, -but a
few years ago Margaret -Jean
Craig decided we should have
these cute high steppers again
and she worked and fought for
months to 'get going, get boots,
uniforms etc. She had a couple
of dozen kids from age 4 to 12
yrs. and spent a lot of time
whipping them into shape. She
deserves a lot of credit for a
terrific job well done
Knox to hold
The Arthur Circle of Knox
Church met in the parlor on
-Debruary 17. President Mary
Wray presided and asked each
member to introduce hr
neighbour in the circle. This -
was. followed by a circle
The business following the
secretary's report included 4)
resolution to send a supply of
powdered milk to Ida White, by
Whatever means is most
• Several members volun-
teered to help at the World Day
of Prayer which will be held in
Knox Church March 7, A
Nearly,,New Sale will be held on
April 19 in the Church Hall.
Emily Crew . and her goup'
arranged the meeting and the
devotions were taken by Pat
Stringer and Dotothy Reed.
Helen McManus intrgduccd
the speaker of the evening Mr.
• • 1
I understand Sylvia (Skel(on)
Harman has nowtaken the
group over andAla 32 young
twirlers coming , '
Perhaps Goderich will again
one day be famous for their
bands and majorettes - that
would be pretty nice, wouldn't
Not the end of February and
•.a nice fat,robin has been seen
by one ef the gals Of the Signal.
By the look of, the blizzard I
hope the little robin has found a
place to hide.
The battle cry for Mareh ic,
"Cancer Can Be Beaten". • Te
prove it, the Cancer Society will
be showing films on cancer and
Dr. Valerie Joanes of Goderich
Medical Centre will answer
questions on the dreaded
disease Wednesday,. March 5,
9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Knox
Presbyterian Church. It is your
duty to yourself and your
family to learn gore about
cancer! _
• Wednesday, February 26,
Bruce Heath, Director of Huron -
County Children's Aid Society
discussed `Children's Aid in the
Community', after we had a
warin-up period of country.
dancing with Mary • Lynne
Last week the Women's Day
Out gang enjoyed Square
dancing with Beryl Harper.
.Thanks a million for the fun
Unfortunately, • the writer
was sweating out a bout of flu.
So, according to rgports, Mike
Dymond • conducted a
discussion • • • period on
recreation. Mike • said: "I
prepared some material on the
recreation programs but before
I was into it, .we were off on
So here is a,surnmaty of the
Goderich • Recreation and
• Community Centre Board's
programs. • Winter: Arena,
hockey, skating with ice trine
rented by the Lions Club for
chool hours 'skating and free
skating Tuesday and Thursday
after • chool, ballet and
majorettes, adults, ballroom
dancing at Saltford Hll, Yoga
Monday night, and ladies'
fi ness Wednesday night at St.
ry's School.
lans for the spring:
Children's creative. art, Mona
Mulhern; hikes, clay sculpture
and pottery, community.
Workshop for leadership,
Saturday, March 15th.
Plans for summer: Pool with
10 attendants andinstructors,
senior and junior playgrounds
with six attendants, ssailing
instructions with a Youth and
Action Grant; tennis in-
struction with two instructors,
and roller skating.
Some of the mothers' con-
cerns at the meeting were: 1.
Children's safety during public
skating. They complained that
the arena staff didn't seem to
be able to stop the bigger kids,
from knocking about the
younger children. Mike,
sukgested that apart of the ice
could be i8ped off for little
Prayer Day
Brian Markson of the Coach
House Travel Agency who
showed pictures of a recent
tour -he had taken in the Aegean
Although a self-confesed
amateur photographer,- his
pictures clearly 'howed the
differept cultures and begin-
nings of the two races that
occupy that area. His cruise
ship, the Aquarius, was a
Greek veAel but called at all
port,and at no time was there
any evHdence of wrfare. • ‘..
• His vivid word -pictures also
helped to create the at-
mosphere of 'earlist 13iblical
Emily Crew thanked Mr,
Markson and presented him
with a' small gift and invited
him to joinin a social hour,
2. Children's safety at the
beach - whether the recreation
staff were life savers or beach
patrol, whether the, staff had a
boat and equipment to save a,
life. There is a boat in the
budget but not on the beach.
Mike informed the group. that
the members of the staff were,
not babysitters. The parents
were responsible for their own. Letter of thanks was received
children,,, • from Mrs. K. Stowe thanking
• Mike was_ask_ed_allavit Jfef11hjJQr acts .eLkindness
Goderich Recreation and when she was - 'sick and from
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher for
aid at thelime of their fire.
'Mrs. Erskine gave a splendid
presentation of_tb'e..Uast Coin.
World Dayof Prayer will be in
Knox Church Friday, March 7
and members' were urged to be
Mrs. ,Cliff Elliott and Mrs.
Warner were -guests speaking.
on Object of Canadian Savethe
Children Fund. They" -were
eager • to interest women in
knitting.forthis cause and their .
efforts spcured results. If 'any
- of the ladies Would like to help
please contact these ladies.
• Mrs. Ann Leitch, Toronto, a
former member' of the WAS:
a . lovely Valentine , and 'the.
interesting. book ,for •the
members "Good News for
Modern 'Man•*, which was
gratefully received.
• The St. Andrew's Church
Choir, Toronto, have, made a
record from hymns in the ne.w
Book of Praise and during the
offering the president arranged
to have a' hymn played ort this
record to the delight of all
Discussion' followed in regard
.to. changing- the time of the
monthly meetings and it was
agreed to chaRge the time to
2:30 p', m.
Hazel Macdonald, a
retirecl missionary', gave a
resume of the c,hanges in the
Overseas WorldIn7-regard to
Missions. She talked of changes
since she was a missionary and
the present day, and of
Government conditions that
can have a bearing on missions.
She principally touched on
Nigeria, Kenya and Taiwan.
Mrs. R. McAllister assisted ,
" with an article re award, for
Bible School in taiwan donated
by Chapter of the Order of the'
Eastern Star and Mrs. Wilcox
• read the Scripture.
After the meeting the ladies
enjoyed a social half—hour
L.,' ,-•••••,,ir.11,,4
hear guest
The February meeting of
Knox Church Women's
Missionary Society Afternoon
Aux was held in .the
Church Parlor Tuesday af-
ternoon February 18. Pregident
Mrs. Clayton Edward olDened
the meeting with the Call to
Worship taken from the
passe in the Bible, "I was
GlatMeen they said unto me,
LLoetusgo into the House of the
After 'welcoming the mem-
bers and visitors, a 'hymn was
sung, and the minutes of the
previous riving were read
and adopted.
-The various secretaries
reported: Mrs. A. Enright,
Literature secretary, had
several very interesting books
for circulation and encouraged
the members to read •these;
Mrs. James Horton, friendship
and service, reported 49 home,
hospital and telephone nails
made; Mrs. R. McAllister,,
Horne Helper Secretary,
reported they were calling op
members Of the congregation in
a friendly Way and it would be
encouraging if this would in-
terest women in becoming
active or home helper mem-
Community ' Centre Board's
Senior Citizens prografn. The
board provides taxi fare twice a
month to the Gplden Gate
Senior Citizens Club. That is it,
The • Information and
Friendship Centre organized
and supported by a-L.I.P. grant
January - June 1974 and a
Secretary of State grata, plus a
Lions Club donation until
February 28th, 1975, saw this
gap. The following programs
were organized' and co-
ordinated by the centre's staff.
Monday 2: 30-3 : 30 p.m.
therapeutic exercises at
Goderich Psyhiatric Ijospital
With Tom Worthington,
Director of Recreation;
Tuesday 2-4 p.m. card games
at MacKay Hall;
Wednesday 9:30-11 a.m.
Women's Day Out for women of
all ages at Knox Presbyterian
Thursday, co-ordinators
Muriel Stokes and Isobel
MacDonald sell tickets for.
Meals -on -Wheels;
Friday 2-4 p.m. Senior
Citizens playcards and carpet
bowling using • equipment
bought with a New Horizons
Grant. .
Volunteers, Nancy Pond,
Ethel Washington, Frank
Washinton, Carl Worsell and
Isobel MacDonald have .been
doing Income Tax Returns"
free, for those over 65 years
with a limited income.,
High school students from the
"Reach Out" group are visiting
local. shut-ins.
Huron County Public Library
system has taken over 'the
responsibility, of providing
social services, information to
the residents of Huron through
their 29 branch libraries. The
Huron county social services
directory, published by the
Information and Friendship
Centre is also available.
• Although the Information and
Friendship Centre will close on
Friday, February 28th for
financial reasons, it is hoped
that the work of these -groups
will be carried on by those who
are interested.
Thanks to everyone Who has
made the'se programs possible,
especially to our board of
directors: Bruce Heath,
Garwood Russell, Mrs. Gurpal
Thind, and Ernie Crawford,
and to Shirley Keller, editor of
the Signal Star for the use of
this column plus the .hundreds
of others who helped in their
own ways.
Mrs. Isobel MacDonald '‚\
Information and
--- Friendship Centre
For yaw
Victoria Itt Grey
will be
• - OPEN
to take Retirement
Savings Plan Contributions
9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Earn a high yield of over
10.69 pertent per annum.
• -„
u 4 .•
are like
• The morning after
Once we sget up in the
morning We find that the
rest of our day depends on
our rest of .the night. And
that's doubly impprtant tb,
the motorist, says the
Ontario Safety League.
We have been closed for the
last 3 weeks for re -stoking. •
'We are re -opening now with a ;
completely new stock of tt
quality pet supplies and
live stock. We are sorry for •,
any inconvenience Hop' to
see you soon.
• ,/
6 days week
Poodle Grooming)
The Pethop
74 Hamilton St. Goderich
)------"--------: -----"-----f
Give us a Call
anytime - Sundays
and Holidays...
*Arrangements for
all occassions•
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r *Funeral Tributes
*Our specialty
Wedding Hewers
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i . *Decorative giftwear .
(from Brass to China)
1 1.
ideal for gift giving..,
See our fine
' 1.
i selection soon
• 1,....41,... 6 01. AM...A ......car ...-....••-.....••-, 411,.....,.....• ...., Trra,ID
Be sure your
• arrangement is
• „.
The Flower Basket
• 56 East,St. Goderich
• ”
• carry the high-fashion Saturn tl from
Samsonite. • •
Saturn 11 is made to take abuse
• ,,without showing it. Its ultra -strong
•,Moulded body with eRlusive
ChanneGarir frame ocritructiOn,
andcase-tength piano style hinge • ,
protects your belongings under the ‘.
most Severe travelling conditions.'
••,,VNIIee-leari h-a•damp
• Saturn JI features a retractable
. handle for easy carr9ing and recesse'd
locks that stay closed: won't open
accidentaiY. Your choce: 8 styles. 8
greaffashion colours
, Retrattable handle
Rr.eSsed locks*
Ultra titrong
polypropylene shell
- ,Y ailson it ei
' • ' ...• • u ve arrive •
Extra value sale. Save up to $10.00 on Saturn 11duriiig March.
14"Shoulder Tote
2V (Might Case '
24" Wardrobe Case
21" Companion Case
One Spiter •
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