The Exeter Times, 1894-6-28, Page 1rt A N .AG_.f 1 . •R vim. '. MIDDLESEX GAZE :PHEW, TO TAB LINE, LBS, TM ()HIPS FALL W HERB TSBX MAX • VOL XXT. NO, 43,. ALWAYS ,MITE OHEA EST, k :MustGAINS i to Create Any e ExcitementThese Days. See if Ti4ese:Lines will suit You q zoo Straw Hats all at Sc each, were 15 to 50 cents. 200 'ds. of Fast Colored Gingham at 7c,. were, xo to' z2 cents, Ohildrens' B1k. Cotton Hose for 5c. were xo to 12 cents: Ltdie's Corsets at 85 ,7, were 75 cents, Lathe's Summer Vests at 5c, were lo cents. Ladie' Parasols as 2,5c, were $1.00. " Misses' Parasols at xi c, were 50 cents, HeavyTable Linen for tgc, was ao cents Corns and ask us for quotations of Sugar by the 'bbl, Nails 'by the keg.^ eotlon by the web, and see the great values we are giving iu these goods. 'R. S. FORD & CO. Kirkton. BRIEFS. -Rev B. L, .Hutton left on Wednesday for Ripley his new field of labor. Before leaviug Mr. Button was presented with a well written and nicely framed address by the Epworth League. His daughter, Ada, was also presented with a similar address, ---Mr. i%icNell's majority over speaker Bal- lentyne is 160. The electors here were in great glee Tuesday night. - The Presbyterian picnic in Wiseman's grove was a grand success. Proceeds about $90. -Mr. James Rutherford and bride' of Chicago, are visitfng' .friends in town. Anderson. BRIEFS.--1Vir, R. Ratcliffe loet one of his'veluable horses last week. The an�tnal, while trying to rub its head, caught its foot in the hal ter, and. when Mr. Ratolitle came out in the morning the horse was dead, -14r. John W. Atkinson has secured a school in the vicinity of London.. -11r. Wni. WaddeL; bas rented hia farm of 183 cores to Mr. White, of the 8th line. -A sad ate 'cident which resulted fatally took place in Blanchard, Road work was being done and Mr. J oaiah Lane; of Anderson, was obtaining gravel from ;the piton Robt. MoIutyre's farm, 5th. line, part of the embankment gave every and a stone weighing over I00 •pounds descended on Mr. Lane's head. .33alect ees body was paralysed but he Clinton. BRIEFS -f3.0. Brewer,iesq„preaohed to St. Paul's church lad Sunday morn- ing:sand evenang,--'Messrs. Wheatley & Boruton, Helton street; have discon. tinned the butchering business and closed their shop last Saturday even- ing.--Wo very much regret to an nounce the sudden death of Mr. W.0 Cole at Chattanooga, Tenn.,Iast:'Thurs- day, aged 24 years. The young gentle- man was stricken with typhoid fever and was laid up but a fete days. On Wednesday a message was received containing sarcous news, and friends were about to leave for the sick room when the death announcement Dame. The remains were brought to Clinton. ttranton. BRicrs. -A very large crowd met on Sunday last in the new Methodist church, it being the occasion of deli. eating the church. •Rev., Holmes of Clinton, addressed the assembly in the morning and evening service, and Rev. Mr. Redmond of Wesley preached in the afternoon. The three services amounted to $80, On Monday evening. tea was given in the basement of the church. A very large crowd again met and did ample justice to the viands provided by the ladies. After tea all adjourned to the body the of church where speakers were 'awaiting them, and a right good time wait spent. -The St, Mary's foot ball team playedthe town line boys, neither side gaining the victory. -The Church of England EXETER, ONTARIO, THVBSDA.! MOIWINO, , JUNE 28, 1894 THE ELECTION'S Wellington Seuth-'ittitrie, 681 1890 Below will be found the' returns from Wentworth North- i tett, 72, 1890, Ref all the constitneuoios. In the Oppoettion 388, list, except where otherwise iudioateel, the i Weotvorth ScallyAwrey, 279; 1890, Ref, 51e York Ent—Richardson, 443, 1.390, Ref, 517. Rork North -Davis, 272, 1890, Ref, 691, Toted,. 4:7 MIKfsT,aarJL Lessee, inernber-elect is straight Conservative, In each oonstituency tbo majority in 1890, and whether Conservative or Beform, ie also given; orecerktoorevs: Addington -Reid- 1880, Con„ 86., Algoma West -Savage, 135, 1890, Ref. 59. Bruce North-MoNaughtoo, Patron and P. P. A„ 166, 1890, Reform 17. Bruce Centre-tlaDonald, Patron, 1.890; Ref. 975, Card well -Little, 300. 1890, • Con., 45, Carlton -Kidd, Patron, 150. 1890, Con,,. 9. Bulletin -Dynes, Patron, 260 1890, Cote, 780. Dundas 4Whitney. 1890, 156. E R ilurhem Cast 1:'ailis, 406. 1 90. 10, Durham West -Reid, 74. 1 890, Ref, 51, Elgin East -Brower; 381. 1890, Con., 118. Frootenac- Haycook,' Patron. 1890, Con., 98. Glongary- ifeethereon, Patron, 400. 1890, Ref., 258, Grenville -Bash; 600. 1890, Con„ 412, Grey Centre -Rorke, 61. 1890, Ref., 351. Gray South -McNichol, Patron, 585. 1890, Ref., 144, Balton -Kearns, 90. 1890, Con , 181. Hastings 'North -Wood. I890, Con., ad. Hastings Fast-MoLaren, Patron. 1890. llastings West -Biggar, Ind. 1890,Ref., 136. Lambton East -McCallum, P. P. A 158. 1890, Ref,, 462, Lanibton West -Guard, P P A, 74. 1E90, Ref„ 713. Lanark North -Preston, 472. ' 1890, Eet., 1S7. Lanark South -Matheson, 622. 1890, Ref., 431. Leets -Beatty. 1890, Con., 156, Lennox -Meacham. 1890, Con., 22. Lincoln-Hisontt, 57. 1890, Con., 153, London -Meredith, 187. 1890, Con., aco.. Middlesex East -Shore, Patron, 229. 1890, Con., 58. Muskoka-Langtord. 1890, Con., 89, Northumberland East - Willoughby. 1890, Con., 275. Parry Sound -Beaty. 1590, Ref„ 101, Perth North-Magwood„ 166. 1890. Oen., 92. Perth' South -. McNeil, Patron, 23. 1890, Ref., 631. Prince Edward-Oavan, Patron, 268. 18 90, Ref., 7, Simooe East-Misoatnpbell, 125 1890, Con , 58. Simcoa West -Currie, Patron, 141. 1890, Oen., 495. Stoemont-Bennett, Patron, 150,.. 1890, Ref., 356. Toronto East -Ryerson, 1,553. New. Toronto North -'darter, 936. New. Toronto South -Howland, 1,854. New. Toronto West -Crawford, 1,368 New. Victoria East -Carnegie, 1890, Con. 72. ,retained coligot<;usnese up to the time Wellington West -Tucker, Patron, 272., sof his death which took place t3;:: Wed of this place. to ether w%tla 'iospeoli 1890,Ref,, 30 t John, 57, 1890, Ref., Iiesday. Mr. Lane was highly respect= Bill purpo.ae i.' -wing a picnic on ThdPs- York at, ed by neighbors and friends and his day of next ween. ,lie doubt but family have the sincere sympathy of there will be a nice time as they pur-, tall in their deep aftliotion.-The me- pose going to the river on the St, dnorlal service in memory of the late Mary's road. -Mr. James Drooks,town ,Josiah L'tne, was held in the 1VIetho-1 line, shipped a oar load of Horses from .dist church Sunday morning at •10.301 this station Monday night for Pen - o'clock. The funeral was one et the neyivania. Success James. -- The largest ever seen in this section. Sharon. BRtErs.-Lir. Joseph and Samuel Pedlar of Artaniahea, are visiting friends in. this ne'lghborhood:-Mr. Jacob Swarte, who was kicked by a Horse is slowly improving. ---Miss Amelinda Martens of Detroit, is at present visiting her parents. Mr. John Rowe sold his driver to his' ,'brother Samuel for a handsome sum, :-Sara, thinks he has one now which will make the record in 2.40 ; two Presbyterians are not. behind as they purpose holding a garden 'party at Mr. Wallace's 'on the 2nd July. -Cora, a little daughter of Mr, Alex.. Langford who has been a terrible sufferer from a. complication of diseases, passed peace- fully away on Sunday about noon. Her remains were interred at Birr. Her, parents have our sympathy.. -A sad accidenthappened to a eon of Mr. R. Jertnyn of this piece Monday even- ing. While takinr; a horse to pasture the horse bectiene frightened, and fal: ling, threwlie boy' ate breaking his leg above tb'e ankle, It will be some, time hours and forty minutes, -The Patrons before,, he will be table to be aro ,of this place have received their binder �'p,...en.-Mr. Baker had the misfortune .:'twine and each Is well satisfied with to lose a cow by its being killed by the it , it being very' good quality.•• -V,, four o'clock express going west $un' h erected a Mr. Polly Plank also • Thos. Amy,• jr,. as a o, new day moi nine. kitchen which makes quite on' meat to his residence. -'M suffers the loss of having hie cow kill - this place visited frieze as in Crediton tlfe • y[ttnrday. -Mr. Amy and Peter He visited fp' .tends in Crediton Peter Sunda, Jag, ,;here must be some �' improve da . Hall of r ed by lightning on Saturday last.-2'he proceeds of the tea together with sub- scriptions,go to show that , the new church is aboat out; otdebt. which is a great credit. attreetirit, ,or the young gentlemen K. D. C. is temente, prompt and laatingi are .ry;10' .ng that place quite often of its effects. Jets. - n Total 47, a t111118TERImLIST9, Algoma East --Farewell, 901. 1890, Con 60. Brant North -Wood, 428. .1890, Ref. 521. . Brant South -Hardy, 520. 1890. Ref. 63, Brea/villa-Dana, Ref. 161. rune, South &Truax, 231.' 200. 890. Ref. 975. • Elgin West-McNeish,190. 1890, Con., •285. Essex North -McKee, 227. ,1890. Con„ '735. • Essex South _Balfour, 400. 1890: Ref., 307. Grey North -Cleland, 200. Ref., 377. lialdimend-Baster, 106. 1590, Ref., 333. Hamilton Fast -Middleton, 95. New. Hamilton West -Gibson, 450. New. Huron Haat-Gibson, 502. 1890, Ref-, 503. Hnrou South--eicLea n, 16,1890. Rei. 158. Huron Chest--Saraow, 107.1890, Ref., 119, Kent East -Ferguson, 600 1890, Ref.. 638. 'tent West -Patric, 500. 1890, Can. 41. Middlesex Noith-Taylor, 83, 1890, Algoma West, l3rilee Centre, Durham West, Grey South, Kingston/ Ltnibton ,'Test, Lanark North, I,,anark outh, Parry Sound, Perth ,South,' Prince Edward, Stormont; Toronto North, York 'West, Total -14, oreosterors eoeats. Algoma East, Blgia West, Essex North, Kent Vest, Welland Total. -6, The new oonstitttenoies went se follows: --The one in 7 oroiito to the Opposition and Ottawa and Hamilton to the Goyexn- m ant. THE *Nr„ TE IN VVS130itNE. 1890. 1 1894. Holmes Bisbee Weisuiiller efcLeen, No 1, 107 37 116 62 ” 2, _45.. 83 55 75 " 3, 116 55 92 51. " 4, 56 73 : 62 07 $23 243 • 324 257 Mai, for Holmen 80: Maj', for Weismiller 67. .'ExETER, No 1, 78 25- 67 " 2, 62 20 • 48 " 3, 61. 24 39 is 4, '66 49 .79 ±,^,:,ilio+ To Read this Advertisement, and after you have read. it, think of what you are paying others for the same Goods. a .t 'A AgeCliCiXIOP Regular 250 Bottles for 17c. -Regular sae Bottles for .4oc.q Regular $1.00 Bottles for 750, -2 Lbs. Pure Black Pepper for 25c. —5 Lbs. Splendid Japan—Tea for tiI.00. .--The wonder is how We, can sell so much good Fla Soap for 25c. -We are doing it, come and see for yourself. Highest price paid for all Farm Produce. A, ., tris irkton Ref., 33. Middlesex West -Ross, 103. 1990,Ref. 124,' blonck_Haroonrt, 112, 1890, Ref:, 124- Ni0issing--Longhrin..1890,Ret., 452, Norfolk North. --Carpenter,' 274. 1800' Rel., $07, Norfolk South-••Chatlton, 17. f$90,Ref. 65. 1,lorthnmberland West -Field, 146. 1390 Ref.,893. Ontario North -Chapple, 50. 1890, Can 78. Ontario South -Dryden, 300 1890, Ref. 132, See our oniric - _ New. 267. 119 233 Majority for Holmes, 148. Wattmeter, 9$.. THE voTE IN HVaoat. Wele miller. license 98 58 3 3 112 49 67 27 25 25 58 135 ,Majority for Exeter Stephen Hay •. Stanley Goderioh tp Bayfield Usborne T.uokersteith Seaforth 290 116 390 406 Majority for McLean 16, VIZ 111MP/a IN 1850. - Holmes Bishop 148 71 150 Exeter Stephen Hay Stanley Bayfield eisborne Tnekersmith Se aforth Majority for Bishop Bnuira.-A deliberate attempt wag ine de ' by some villians on•Taesday night to bunt down a number of business places on. Queen street' Sowell had their plans em- ended thee lee the blaze not been observed euat at the moment it would have almost been an impossibility to cheek the flaines until property bad been consumed. At IO, o'clock Geo. Ross, tr., and some other young le.de saw fire inside Mr. J. Ready's boot aud shoe store. May called Dick Burns and Pet Alurraywho ran across ;he street and eller a few well directed vigorous. kielts burst int the front door anti making use of their saps stamped out the firee Me. Ready waster:et for and uporeinvestigation it was foend that it del- iberate and -determined attempt hal beea made to set fire to his establishment. 107 SO 2 59 105 429 587 Henault, aalt, Blyt , Special leart;ainefor Cash in an •eind4°oa 73oote & Shoes -at A. Weselob.'a. Cali aud<' sed our eargsta'1 able. Soot lines at halt erten: Butter & lads;, t:tlee i same ae Dash, t v treater; to show' geode. Siam of 131g Boot. A. tvi>iSSL01i0,. neon wen's Sloane Following are tine market quotations : Wheat . ., 55 to 58 Barlow . 85 to 35 Gate , ... . 30 to 31 Petra 50 to 50 Hay.......,, °6,aoto_7.00 Butter 15: to 16 Bair. . 13to18 Hogs .......: .•EDO to 6 25 Betzve.-ivlrs. A. Mit leek, of Thames- vilte, is'visiting her sisters; Mtn, Harold and Mrs. Wren.-Outofeat ball team de featee an Exeter -Eden ioonabination team by a score of 1 to 0; they. also played a team from the White sehookbut were de. nutted, 1 to 0. --Mrs. Macarthur ' is visit- ing friends near Alicia Craig.- -Rev, W. E. Treleaven preached ' hie farewell ser- mon in the Methodist cbrxrob 8abbsth inorning, last. -'12r• Noabli haler of To• mete, .isspending a few weeks visiting hie brother and other faisnda in the village, --Mr. Peter HaganeekDearoit, was visiting friends in the :village the past week.: -We nndersteed than the Foresters of this place intend attending;the,. demon- stration in Brussels on Dominaon Day• -- Mr. '&r: Fred Mann's haspurciieteedtee butch- ering husineae from. Mr Fred, Mayen: Election i;xoitement is high here and at time of writing Mr. McLean -1r McLean-1ris elected by, sixteen votes.—Mr. and. Mrs -Horn of Granton 'felted se ilir.Shafione-on Sunday. Beizes--Me. Themes Cud:tearer. of this township, harvested about, three -acres of *rye on the 7th of Juite. It was a good ssmple, and the Orate averaged 5 tfeet length. Fre now has the ground plowed ep ancl again rowed rootse Thin, we the counts'. Otte Ottevra--0'Keefe, New, Oxforel Sonth-IdeRay, 407. 1890, Ref, Peal -Smith, 4e1, 1890, Rafe 123- ' Peterboroi East--131ezard, 359 1890 Ref., 70. 564. Renfew Nortli-Berr -1890: Ref*, 88. Renfrew South -Campbell 23, 1890, lief. 229. e Sinicoe Ceetre -Patron 125 1890, Ref. 417. Vietoria Waist -McKay. 1890, Ref. 432, Waterloo North-Robteteon, 12. 1890 Waterloo South -Moore. 1890, Rate 417, Wellaed-Gerthan, 91; 1890 Con. 71, Wellington Ent -Oraig, 62 1890, leet' 632: Joriemote Oft Friday o'ir 'ben "ball team rt'roVtr to Auburn to .clay a Baine of'rase hilt°'with A.iburn team. The' game tat the, fin eki, was: Blyth 10, Auu:rrn 0. -On S'.t thiy, morning Rev. 1vir, kiendereon officiated, itt St,Andrew's Presbyterten Cuttrob lar .eon- ing au able discourse to- lartro,. <oi ,ryr- pation,--On Wednesday:•e,as a, high tt.„rryd, ;wedding eelobreted In et •.Andre:e'e Preebye rerun church, the oontraeting parties were Dr. 'J Milne stud Mims Elle Mc .1t.innr? only daughter of our oldest ruga{haat k*„ et. eleKinnon If anybody can explain •in a few nice 'and simple words why-thunderetorni.e;. .which used to be hailed as a blessed relief' on, enitry days, now leave. the atmosphere more oppressive than tbeylound it, he is ase. liberty to take the floor'' . The death of b1rn etn11t: eteefordio,, Benra-Mat; Ogee waa visiting friends in Forest last week.- A pienie. watt held in Burn's bash hoe Saturday. under, -the tea easy winter Staff& by Bye 'gores teteonee auspices of the lethodist Sunday school. The weather was all that could be desired, and young and old enjoyed themselves, mensely. The return game. of • football' which was played between the, Sta&sr and Fulled teamson last Saturday, qesuIted in FARX SOLD. -The Jennison forma. on . the Sanble line, near Emrich was snit:lay . public auction on Pridev lad, and was purchased by Mr, Paylor, who °wane the contains 90 acres, is a good plane; and has good buildings on it. We ccateider that Mr. Taylor got it uheaply anb • con- gratulate him on his gc,od bargain, We hope he may long, to enjoy theAruits of it. K. D. C. Pills cure Chronic constipetion ACCIDENTs, -Last week was rather. an,. eventful one among the boles. On There - day W. Taman Spra113Ad his ankle slightly. On Fride.y while leaning a hone ny race. store and dwelling house est Woodhern.- Mrs. S. S. Blackleg presented bee husband with a tittle daughtee on- Standee Lightning 'Week the chimney, of Mr. Auson'S house, Pullarton,, during a. recent s term. -The cold. weather of May iniured same of the vegetables and fruit crops, but there appears to. be a fair prospeot of barns are going up in lelsinglaard and Milenneet Tbes does not. look as if the country VW "going to the dogs." -The wave of heal followina the prevums °tee spell bas Seen very trying to old people and persona of weakly eonstitution,- Lightniag atruck the house of Mrs. Daw- son at nine o'clock Monday morning, and towing off the shingles on the roof mid, way [between the two lightning rods. Capt. Palely, who War; standing at bia door, was titunned by the stroke mid neartz whiela took place at the voidance ot her on. Tuesday removes a meet estimable lady, who was loghly esteemed in that neiehbothood,partioularly. indite tetunty of Huron, where she reseled. for seamy yean, The deetased, who bad -readied the ripe age of of 87 emirs; arid five menthe, was it native ne Newt ostaards, County Down. Ireland. ' With her hus- band,. who died in 1868te. abe dine to Cangela 15 years ego, Load .oettled ia. the. sides -I; nntil about two yesnaaga, when she 13esides a host of warm kiertds, the de. nand leaves behind her four obildren-- Robert Moelordie, of Hat t et. efellentelle, Loudon, ,aed ate !Monteith of Tuokerarnith-as well ac, a number of The 'gamins were taken• to: inippen for Ve Giveray' our many n and .a11 v?hb hays-. .ser eislr Ste l'.0,0111 u.t'ni8140 s"z' liaiat vier 4YAtia',4;Secaw S'3 are '010 .' !d. ha st• ;y l:.s,, r1t :' ': fcit= et,t prices: iZ s .fret '.,if..at.ti. wear, • dt F. RCS Ear: tef WHHAZ Sale Betottt and Shoes. knoiaecktliO.' (fine prices cieft:re KYDne-In exeter,on the 2.titist., Jonathan :Tali ,e).: PA08.-In Exeter, on the ealein.st, the wife ;SIP Boots at enae: tere es extra, geo4 Gowhide It etal Et $3. Mon1s, V,14 tweets wee otaiernee :at el se following even i Men's Half e °let oehe of:Vialb, Page of e daughter: thee/ere of Mr, e. eMalet formerly ee Rsoeit:waireintghpevree Bro:rtagyina:d tiestlY clone eMALR-In Modesto, eaT„ =ether Its h inst. Fleeter, a a daughter. • 1, -g10 INIANSON'S leek teat, by Inv Smyths- I/T Steep ol Bend,. :ea the leth last nen n. Sellers , ; eeittb. fr ens Chicago ani St, Pool. YOSidenmaf tlte bricieN paretas...on. the 2.14h, City, an& pe ,nts beyond at practically ono ef.Contralla, Mins, lgazigle Powell, 04 tha-bade'e pa:tents, Parkhill- on the 1'244, fare .e round trip. let nirsion ticket:tee:in be gooti for intern passage thirty, drags from date of ;tale, but aro gooe for gaintep aasage only ou date of sale, For ftwtb er particulate apply to oety TaleltNITY--THOMPS.01n-eet the residexce,,otS Canada, or iota tees A. J. TAYLon, the. kide.s. mothtr,,, HuUntt, on. the eletda Ceeeseen' a Page. e7 York St., Berne re tense mat -serer.. -second daugetteer :f test-, at the reside...nee:of, the bride's ezeesa ts, B ay. George JS4SS073t. Mr. win, Vera, or ; Will tam Walker. efoULD-'11.10MAtint. ele the residence al, the` 1, lay lievNI. Roberts,Xr.Wm.II. formerly oi Exeter. to lkliesNIsma,B- tearing the flesh. X.: Mosser, C.nt be. same W4th inst:, at the zesiaerme of the. britet.,;,s day was the victim:1 of a horee'S pranks,. .11 !ipIrrotAly, tIlltielsIo.altse;,vat;t:arlaltZy.: art at: ane. ere although bettereets we are glad to- .eay thetni.A:RMIPAGE-e4RTBR-At the xceirl,edoe of boys are ell ott the, 'mond, Mr, Powell; te. 1 mr. George Coneetx. father of .1.te beide, en able to be about after his noefeent, with, { wtgr,nespitAyr,meotteeime.a3tk.hoMmisasineszetterie,,,reolsorter Belfry, while reeying ball, bad lie theme; Rev. tele r..14.,w, of 1..U0aU, - dislocated, tbe-bone protradiege throttler --.....— the flesh. friendly game of foot ball twas. played between the. home team...and:the. Base yet we pradiet for them, it, glorious record la the futurs.,--Mrs, John for the.. purpose of.., improwisag her TO WHOM IT MIT (1050TW8.-Some- time ago there was..a, Tittle. fellow, who thought himself a dude that lett these pone tor the old sods seed we learn thattillir. W. B, hes retatemed from his trips which be detemedi necessary tct takein order to save besioaself from a dose ef Tar arid. Veathers. Now mt. advise him to make- himself scaroe, Batmen -During the storm, lighiaing to a considerable extent. Fortnatele, although the family were all in hIls honeys at the time, no one was treared.-.Rav. Mr. St. Andraw'e church last Sabbeth at 9,80 p. ra.--The town line has received. another good dose of gravel. It win soon be ono of the best roadsein the vielany.-Mr Robett Winters, of Staforth, 18 looking up a few ear loads of tattle in this vioitlitY, -Mr.1 Gerson and Mr. George Moore who have been in Algoma for some menthe retutr•ed home last viror4r, till after harveat when they eapeot ko return again, They haVe faem of 160 acres, very near Mr. Nett's, met well locatee.--Dr, 'Mare Hut- ton ,of Forint. it the gaeat of :gra, 11. Forettere, of this piece), are early in Jule, K, D. a bringt prompt "relief to mermen 11,11nod,g1 Lirlimero far sale everywhere, from indigeatiOne 1:14-Dpj b:Si Ellifpl 1E IIAI A: If...47:14:119:avr'41;aeal igdbUI 1:5:11 .0:16nceya:eort tans : a , :1 L21;11i i .:4'. t Itini:1.1:::;';; days, eor,078eTit.-;8.":I.li,t1:1::11 tiltiaa:nroaavg, ii.o..1111:1.1..1.1th,01:i get hte. , ittbl the GARart,e4...atil5:7-4.:::::::._e, ,k,x.e 17,;rs9,:nr,,,i;;,11;t110;1;?: ii "....: e :s i d e n e e o f met Jebe oidfield, eel tnes tee, insp., 11,.16;,t;plairi;Gir:eeiti;),:a.is.:Fd,:t:1,3:: amr;:u ; High sehmoi: oosgprooztrizI:n ,, rtt sut 1, t: t‘11;111'11,11'ilialik:avt:1-ttsao.nenig:rha. gRteeitae.licIN:rt.r. ';'31:Gii,°.17,41eFsite:otl .3f"Olfrillties„landr'tly:11:01f411eninibd5. hert and father ot Mts., Wm. Ileb;ilson. Mee Gevetnor-General hare written ft .13tYiSt to the Mayor ef Ottawa protesting iteetabe at the immoral eloaracter et the thew 'tab latey posted up aroeue the city, Y1' inslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty - /7 ears by minions of mothers for their childree 1 rhea teething.witb. perfect suocess. it soothes the ohild,eoftens the gums, al lays the pine, cures the collo, and. is the best remedy for Diarrhoea?, ls pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every pert of the world. 25 minis a, bottle. Its value is inealetilahle., 13'3 sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's .00ething Syrup atettekeno other k in d,, AUL MEN. newt, old or middle aged, who dud . them - broken dovvn from ogeess or oveiwork, resett- ing in Many of the following symptoms : Mental depresston, premature old age, toss ef vitaiity, loss of memory, bite draome dliatiese of soon, eaten -dims of the heart, emission, halt of oriel:es-alien in the kidneyeeeeadoolies, pitmen on the fan an.1 beer, notelet or Deciliter negation abo at 110 scrotum. we e: ine of tile organs, ,lit7,121eSS. speOte before the oyes` twitching of the mat:close seends and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the uria*:, 1.09, of will power , tenderness of the ,calp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to seem, nature to ple rested by sleen, constipation •iallness of hearing. loss ef rain, desire for surrounded with leaden circles., Oily ln- skin, eteo are all symptoms of nerrons a0,13 - its. teat lead to insulate unless cored. Tho k,PrIng OT vital course having lest its torr,tiOn, thr3ngh abuse committed an 1;2110r:111S" may he pernuthentle eured. Rend your ad - then for bo...k on distnses v'eculier to Wirt tr. ,around this pra.t of tho country, as egs. have s.very deengerous regard for etas au], little bleak WU gine hiln one oe the, most danger), us rules out of this piece that he eeett took. The vehicle, tehicin they have. velem for the occastort n good stone raile with lots ot kande t o use it Mete, his oostuine tee be the setae tar and feathers that, wee got betore he leit. We would &divine you Billy ect take another trin. itoon and nevem °erne back again, for tear of Tits Sureenteree. Ot Hood's Sarsapetella dee to the tretnendotte amount btain work and one bottle and you will be omit:bided of which, the some° of health, curd deepepe nos. It is jest the medieihe for rte. Heed's Pille one purely vegetable, ears. fully preeared from the best legrediente, ter. John Sparrow, of 'Varna, has s. gobbler which set on a dozen eggs and brought mit a nook of prang daoks. Granulated at 41.e. per lb. bb1. 13right Cogeo at 410. per 16. WA. riglit Yellow at Bio. per lb, in t Ivor two weelts. Also .Tob Line of Hats and odds and r..mds Goods at 119,1f-pri(?,e. ZLOWINT de; 1'3: TTON