HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-27, Page 14Mrs. Dunlop was very ably accompanied through her varied performance by Joseph Herdman, organist and choirmaster of St. George's Church. The two out-of-town guest artists were Bruce Schaef, bass -baritone, and Bruce Ubukata, pianist. These two young men were a delight to s'ee and hear. Bruce Schaef's rich baritone voice seemed par- ticularly suited to his Sea song! , but was just as effective in operatic aria and folk songs. His enunciation was excellent Lind -when he sang three of Noel Coward's risque songs, he had the audience in stitches. Bruce Ubukata accompanied Mr. Schaef on the piano and the audience ,was entranced not only with his easy and:relaxed, style, but his obvious ability and dedication asp an ac- companist. Mr. -Ubukata also played a number of piano solos with great charm and delicacy, particularly two numbers from the Holbein Suite 'by Grieg. However, he confessed that his real interest lies, in ac- companiment and not as a soloist. - There was nothing stiff or formal about the stage manner of these artists, .They gave short explanations 'where they deemed 'it necessary and also tossed out random remarks to the audience. The whole concert was an easy blend of formality, in the evening dress of the artists, and informality in the intimate and relaxed style of ail the artssts; This review is in no way i' 11' Church intended as a critique, but just a short resume of the highlights of the eoncert. The A.C.W. is to be commended in sponsoring a concertof such high caliber and it is certainly hoped that there can be a repeat at some later data. BONE IN CANADA GRADE 'A" „BEEF BLADE ROAST CHECK THE TRIM! CANADA GRADE 'A" BEEF SHORT ROAST IbQiI CHECK THE TRIM! CANADA GRADE 'A." BEEF BLADE ROAST Ib BLADE BONE REMOVED No finer meat sold anywhere I Schneiders' Week at0 A&P! SCHNEIDERS 'Wieners ,DUTCHRED OTREATR 1-I6 Vac Pac 79? • SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES Cooked Meats 6 -oz Vac Pac-4145/1 SCHNEIDERS, BLUE RIBBON .Bologna BY THE PIECE SCHNEIDERS, SLICED Cooked Ham, SCHNEIDERS, MINI SIZZLERS. OR COUNTRY STYLE 1e85? '''6 -oz Vac Pac 99¢ Sausages v lb 99? Ib COOKED SMOKEDHHAMS- SHANK PORTION ' BUTT PORTION Ib CANADA GRADE 'A".BEEF l BONELESS —ROASTS Blade ' Roast , Short -Rib Roast. CENTRE CUTS OR HAM STEAKS LB 51.14 Shoulder Pot Roast Ib . TOWN CLUB, SLICED Side" Bacon UNIVERSAL - 1 -Ib Vac Pac $1.3 8 Pepperoni -Pizza SELECT QUALITY, MEATY Pork Hocks EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING 1 -LB 79-0Z PIE Blade Steaks LB 94? FRESH ' D tl Ih49? Ground .Beef LB 68i - 18 Canada No. 1,rade, Florida, Firm Ripe TOMAIQES 2 -LB • TRAY FLORIDA, FULL OF JUICE' CALIFORNIA Avocado Pears ' ' 3 for $1.00 TEXAS, WASHED, READY TO COOK Spinach 10 -oz cello pkg 39¢. VARIETY: OF COLOURS FOR YOUR CHOICE, -POTTED • Chrysanthemum 6" Pot $2.95 Oranges. '5 -Ib cello bag 79? WHITE, PINK,' YELLOW, GREEN ITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE PKG OF 4 ROLLS :POWDER DETERGENT ACTION PRICED! KING SIZE 5 -LB BOX REGULAR OR DECORATOR WRITE SWAN TOWELS PKG OF 2 ROLL•5. F B I — PURE, FROM CONCENTRATE • ACTION PRICED BEEF, CHICKEN, LIVER ACTION PRICED! SRAWBERRY OR RASBERRY -- WITH PECTIN ACTION PRICED! Apple Juice 48 -fl -oz bottle 6¢Pollie Dog Food5-oz tins $1.00 VANILLACHOCOLATE, BANANA,CINNAMON RICE OR TAPIOCA ACTION PRICED!, Kraft- Koogle Spread 12 -fl -oz jar6 55 Ambrosia Puddings 215Va.fl-ztins 8 cosi. RECONSTITUTED LEMON. JUICE ACTION PRICED! CREAMETTES — MACARONI OR , ACTION PRICED! Realemon Juice 331/2 -f1 -oz bottle 79% Spaghetti - 2-16 pkg 6911 .0* Mrs. Luke's Jams PANTRY SHELF Small Shrimp CINDY — LEMON 16 -f1 -oz jar 79¢ ACTION PRICED! 41/2 -oz tin 79¢ ACTION PRICED! Liquid Detergent PLAST BTL. 59? dY P4QE 14,4 00.1)ERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, l97fit 7, Iutives, describe musical offering at St. George's Last Friday night, February 2lst, at St. George's Parish Hall, a capacity audience had a ' ' rare treat when Marjorie Hays Nnlop, Joseph .Herdman, Bruce Schaef and .-Bruce Ubukata combined their considerable talents to present a superlative musical•program. Marjorie 'Dunlop 'again , • confirmed the fact that she is a • very. , talented and versatile vocalist, and that audiences in ' Goderich are very fortunate to have one of such musical ability in the community. The high point in her per- formance was "The Jewel Song" from Faust ,which -she actsd out, having previously explained to the audience the- , situation in the opera. As a complete contrast she sang folk songs with toughing simplicity and then show tunes with plenty of verve. Her., ability as a comedienne came through in Jerome Kern's "Life Upon the Wicked Stage" when she kibitizect with members of the audience. Seminars planned for. farmers • The topic is pigs, and area pork producers are invited to attend two seminars sponsored by the. 'Ontario ministry of agriculture and food. - Entitled, "Where are the Pig Profits?" and "Everything (well•...almost)-- You Ever Wanted To Know 'About"Bwi'ne Health," the meetings will take place at the •. Londesboro Community Hall - one block East of Highwayl4 on Monday March 3,.and Thursday; March 13.' The seminars begin at 10• , a.m. and include such -talks as "Doing My Own Thing" by .Willy Keller of, Mitchell, "Farrow. to Finish Operation", and "Putting It All Together" by. Jack Underwood; a swine.A.- specialist from ELANGO. Thursday March l3th's sessionswill. focus 'on pig' diseases, and will feature Dr. Brian Brandenburg of , the Ontario Veterinary College and Dr. Bill Young of London's Westminster Vet. Services. Opportunity for questions and discussion will follow each presentation and over the lunch break. The coffee is free, so just bring yoir `own lunch. For more information, write Don. Pullen, Ag. Rep:, Clinton Huron County, ' Ontario ministry of agriculture and fold, Clinton, or phone 482-3428, Zenith 7-2800. ' Nation's drivers to • take les t All Canadians will have an opportunity to test their driving skills on Sunday, March 2ndc. when the Canadian Broad- castin-g Corporation •presents • a one hour program called the "Canadian Drivers' Test". ' Local listings • should'• be checked for the time of the nationwide telecast• -°which is being produced and ditected by Bill Bolt and hosted by Allan Milker.., Multiple ,choice questions on corrAct driving procedures will be ` submitted to both the viewing public and a Studio audience of 200. The studio audience response will be' compared against , two high - mileage irofe,ssional drivers; one from Edmonton, Alta. and one from Moncton, N.B., 'and a university graduate . from ' Toronto. The program will make use of the Canada Safety Council's Defensive Driving Course films and materials. Familystyle •10 4 � • i✓ li `� life insurance Statt Farm's Family ,Life Plan. EasytoOffgrd, .convenient•to•own. Ideal for the youhgytlgr wig family, Let me u Bill Barwick '30 Kingston St. Goderich 53.44551 "rr FARM titittilANCg dMPAN1'f' 1}�dmd 9fficet Bloominp"ton, IIlinott Like*, 0004 •neiglibete State Farm 1. there:. FREEIER (UZ! CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF BEEF CHUCK 60 TO, 75 -LB AVERAGE CUT & FREEZER WRAPPED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE FRESH FROM -A&P's- OWVN 'OVENS, • JANE .PARKED ' • AppLE FULL 8 -INCH .PIE Action Priced! At this' low price:.„Buy two' Free-tem—le!' - . JANE .PARKER Action r'iced! LARGE • SIZE- CAKE IZE 'CAKE •J 48 -FL -01 TIN Action Priced! , A SUPERB BLEND, RICH W BRAZILIAN COFFEES EIGHT O'CLOCK BEAN COFFEE 1 -LB BAG 1 3 -LB BAG ¢e� $89 SAVE 50c SAVE 16c ,,A&P BRAND —• PEANUT BUTTER CHIP' -14 OZ. OR Chocolate Chip Cookies' TIE BAG"8 9¢ SWEET OR UNSWEETENED ORANGE OR UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT, RECONSTITI)TED ACTION PRICE"pt A&P Juice . K .4 19 -fl -oz tins 89, CONTAINS RICHjAZoiiN COFFEES 8 O'CLOCK (SAVE 30c) " ACTION PRICED! Instant��j 10-oY jar $1.69. INSTANT (SAVE Ur TO 28c OVER NATIONAL BRANDS) A&P Coffee Creamer 16 -oz jar $1;09 ,J , SALTINES OR UNSALTED (SAGE UP TO 1Oc OVER NATIONAL BRANDS) A&PCrackers , 1 -lb pkg JACK'S Cheese Twists 51/2-oZ pts 49? ALL PRICES1SHOWN IN THIS AD, GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE .THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 1ST, 1975. (SAVE 20¢) (SAVE 2Q¢) Fresh from Our Own Ovens! (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 9c) JANE PARKER, ENRICHED WHITE OR 60% WHOLE WHEAT RE JANE PARKER • Bran Muffins JANE PARKER Jelly Roll JANE PARKER Lemon Roll JANE PARKER, RAISIIJ TWIST Coffee Cake JANE PARKER, PLAIN,' SUGARED Cake Donuts Sliced° Sandwich " • (SAVE 10e) pkg 49f/t (SAVE 6c) 9 of take 69? (SAVE 4e) 14 -oz cake' 7 5 VE 4,c) 14 -oz cake 5 ft CINNAMON (SAVE 10c) pkg of 12 59¢ Action Priced! ORANGE PEKOE R�d PKG OF 120. • cl °24 -OZ LOAVES JANE PARKER (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 11c) Pumpernickel Bread 2r6-ozIves 79p -JANE PARKER (PKG OF 12 $-1.19) Hot Cross Buns pkg of.6 69¢ JANE PARKER, "BROWN 'N SERVE" ROLLS PLAIN OR WHEAT - (SAVE 6c) Twin Roll 5 PKG OF 12 p649¢. PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED •. (SAVE 6c) French Rolls PKG OF 10 =k=49d JANE PARKER (BUY 2 PKGS. — SAVE 2.1c) Snowflake Rolls pkgs of 12896 CREME SANDWICH COOKIES Christie Oreos, 11/2 -LB TIE 'BAG n 'REGULAR, DRY, OILY • 7.5 FL. OZ. PLASTIC BTL Alberto Balsam shampoo $1.35 6 VARIETIES ACTION PRIew Disposable—Regular Pkg. of 30 or Super Pkg. of 24 ACTION PRICED! babyScott Diapers pkg $1.99 SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE SIZES - (HAND SAVER PAIR 990)•_ Playtex Gloves 11.‘10117: , pair $1.49 FAMILY SIZE 100 ML TUBE Pepsodent Toothpaste $1.29 Funk &Wagnalls 1/Wildlife Encyclopeclia 4 N It'ss here! A world of facts on the world of living.. tures. 22 volumes. More than 2,500 color illustration& each for ;I Ior1b1,1 Vols. 2.22 • it�l:lf tll,11_1 ti i�. jE* lIli ( ,r. • Aa •