HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-27, Page 8L.
„. •
(continued from page 6). Geoff King who picked up Jim
Wurinink scored a goal and Wilins' rebound and fired it
assisted 'on Tom Doherty's home.
second goal arid before the BANTAM HOUSE
period ended, *Ian 4 Chisholm' LEAGUE PLAYOFFS
scored unassisted and picked. Playoffs started.Suriday
up an assist on Tom's third goal in the first game
February 23 '
with,only 38 seconds remaining i
Series "A"t was Don Holst
in the game. Real Estate 3 and Burger Bar
In the.final two ames of the
Kings 2 and in the Series "B" ,,it
was McGee G. 'M. Parts' up-
Realetting Goderich Elevator by
regular 'schedule," Don Holst
Estate ended up with 20
points and maintained first the same score of 3-2.
place, McGee, G.M. Parts,
Series "A!', Steve Doney was
the scoring hero as he got the
second place, accumulated 18
Points, . Burger Bar Kings, in tie breaking goal for Don Holst
in the final period*an a perfect
third place, with 15 points, and
Goderich Elevator ended up in pass from Scott Peacock.
fourth place with 5 points. In the first period, the only
The first place team, Don goal was by Don Coughlin to
Holst Real Estate were , give Don Holst a 1-0 lead. Andy
awarded a trophy on Saturday Stoll made it 2-0 unassisted. But
night. before the second period ended,
In the first game, February •the Kings fought back to tie the
22, McGee's came from behind game — Jacques Richard
to defeat Don'Holst Real Estate unassisted -and Gerry Gwyn
from Ian Chisholm. The only
4-2. Leading the attach was
Rick Leddy with three goals. goal inkthe final period was the
Theother goals were scored by winning goal by Steve Doney of
Chris Carter who also picked'up Don Holst.
assists on Rick Leddy's goal.
In the final period, Don Holst
went ahead on a goal.by Brian
Wunnink, assisted by Larry
McGee. McGee came back to
tie the game, and go ahead 2-1
before the first period ended.,
The Only goal in the second
was by Don Hoist, .Larry
McGee from Ian Chisholm.
This tied the, scoretwo all.
In third period play, it was
'McGee's all the way as they
Series "B" — McGee G. M.
Parts opened with three
Unanswered goals in the first
period. Rick Leddy scored two
goals both from the point 'and
then assisted on Doug
Cruikshank's first goal of the
garne. •
Goderich Elevators fought
back scoring only goal in the
second period. This was by
Brian Reed as he picked up
Danny sBoyce's pass to beat
The Goderich and Clinton fire departments worked together to
contain a blaze that destroyed two lakefront cottages Saturday
night. The two departmei breaght the blaze under control but
Hully Gully
to hold.
C.M.A. race
Di-J.er .International,
Canada's largest motorcycle
accessory distributor has
TIVCROWs- both -W ..D..,ave
Goderich Elevator's picked Randy Collins, president of
Leddy to win 4-2.
In. the second game, Burger
Bar Kings . defeated Goderich
Elevator 6-3. 'Wayne Jackson
picked up his first hat trick of
• the season for Burger Bar.
Other goals scored by Mike
Lapaine, Kent Mills and„
Sagar. Goal scorers for
Goderich Elevator were" Mark
Hutchins,, Brian Reed and Eric
Skirten. '
In a regular scheduled game
played on Thursday, February
20, Goderich Elevators
defeated McGee G. M. Parts 5-
1.• Eric Skirten lead the attach
with three goals all in the final
Goderich Elevator's other
gols-wemby,Danny.lioyce.andPm% *Are midget,. twins
Terry Schpernacher who,
ail-stars*afterMonday's game.
opened „,„ the scoring. Spoiling Refreshments were donated by
Mike Reynold's shutout was Bill Clifford.R,ealtor.
up another goal in the third
period, as Eric Skirten put
Brian Reed, in the clear. Final
score 3-2.,
!!! Supporters Club and
G.M.H.A. have over 500 bags of
potato chips for • sale. If the
organizers Wish, Bill Clifford of
Bill Clifford Realtor, will be
glad to assist. •
If you wish to purchase a bag
and support Minor HoCkey,
drop into the office at 26 The
Square. -
Mike Pope of K.F.C. The
Twins, • supplied buckets of
. ' .
Pool opening soon
New county facility
plans for public use
Workmen are., proceeding for the safety of occupants in.
slightly ahead of schedule on -, case of an electrical in -
the Indoor Swimming Pool at terruption.
Vanastra. This project, the first In the next few weeks work -
public year roundpOol in Huron man will be busy placing
County, is intended for use by ceramic tile on the walls and
pool deck, applying the stucco
finish on the exterior of the,
building and putting a final Coat
all county residents.
The Vanastra Parks,
Recreation,. and Community
Centre Board have indicated of paint throughout the change
that tilt facility will be ready rooms, gymnasium, and pool
for use on April 1, 1975 with area.
In the" final week prior to
programs commencing April 7,
1975. opening, the pool will be refilled
Spokesman for the Board with water and heated to .a
have been pleaged by the in- constant 76 degrees , with a
tierest of various schools 'and room temperature of 78
clubs in booking the facility for degrees for year round
future, use. A circular swimming enjoyment,
describing the . facilities. being
constructed has now beerw \A- •
mailed to interested clubs,
schools and recreation com- urama
mittees in the county.
In March a detailed program
folder will 'be mailed to every
household in Huron County,
giving county residents a
chance to register in •such
pr,,ograms as Mom and Tot
, Swims, Red Cross and Illayal
Lifesaving Courses, Skin
Diving, Scuba Diving, Com-
petitive Swim Teams, and
general family swirriming.
As of this writing the Walls ,
are up, theroof on, and the
building is heated. A knotty
pine plank ceiling has teen
installed and six huge lamps to
light the pool have been put in
place giving the interior a
bright Cheery appearance.
Standby lighting has been
installed„ in the pool aiea,
change rooms, and hallways
(continued frorri page 1)
"school spirit", on Saturday
evening was most exciting for
all who attended. •
The Goderich students will
now -continue to the Western
Regional -Festival to be held in
Hamilton on April 10,11 and 12.
There are Four Regional
Festivals being held with a
total of 35 plays participating in
the four festivals.
The nine winning plays
chosen from the Regional
Festivals -will go on to the St.
Lawrence Centre in Toronto, on
May13,,, 9 and 10, to participate
in theAll Ontario Festival.
Our good wishes and support
g,9.with the Goderich students
for, success in .their future
Festival participation.
lialnition.Wentworth Police Choir
Goderich District Collegicite.Institute
Tuesday, April 1st. 1975
• 8:00R.m..
Hully Gully Sports an
Recreation ttd. to co-sponsor
:for Moto Cross events this
spring, All four C.M.A. sanc-
tioned races will be held on the
redesigned Hully Gully Moto -
Cross track, located near
During 1973, Di-Jer Inter-
national sponsored the suc-
cessful I:S.D.T. QUalifing
Series, and,in 1973 and 1974.also
sponsored the Di-Jer Cup
Enduro. Di-Jer continues their
interest in „the sport . by spon-
soring, , and promoting the,
following Moto -Cross events,
April 20th "The Di-Jer Spring
The new $1 per rider fee,
payable to the Ontario Centre,
• will be paid for by Di-Jer
International. Entry is, by mail
only, no phone calls and the
closing date is April 10th.
The "Di-Jer Spring Bosh"
weekend will start off, on
Friday evening with a press
conference, to officially • open
the redesigned track, and the.
start, of the Di-Jer International'
,Moto -Cross Series. Practise
will open at 9 a.m. on Sunday,
with the first races scheduled
for 12 noon. Prizes are limited
to trophies at this first event.
The. Di-Jer International
Spring Moto -Cross Series will
consist of a three race total
point program, for school b ys
and all Junior classes. irst
d by
event is May 4th, fallow
-,MolsOn qualifier on Ma
and the final race 80 Jun
Purse for each race .of
series is.'40 percent of the gate,
and $1,000 in Di-Jer Inter-
national Gift Certificates will
be . divided amongst the top.
riders in each class after the,
series is completed. Riders
must sign up and enter all three
races, in order to qualify forthe
total series point program. ,
Entry fee is $5 for the three
race series, plus $1 per race to
cover the C.M.A. rider levy.
Entrees close on April 29th, and
are available from any Ontario
Motorcycle Dealer who carries,
Di-Jer , International products,'
or directly fromv• Di-Jer•
International Moto -Cross
were unable
to save the buildings.
' -
By Chris/deb
It had been over 20 years
since some of the men had gone
to a dance, but everyone kicked
up his heels at the Country
Singles Dance held last
Saturday night in Clinton.
The first singles dance was a
hiige success according to
organizer Vicki Horbanuik, and
plans are already underway for
,another to be held on March 22.
The Clinton Legion, which
holds approximately 180
people, was packed for the
event and 30 to 40 pestle had to
be turned away at the door,
Mrs. Horbanuik said.
The dance Wa,s' advertised in
10 newspapers three weeks in
adyance, and drew people from
Exeter, Lucan, London, and as
far away as Welland and
Detroit, she sAid.
- "It was something new and
we didn't* know what kind of
turnout to expect," Mrs.
Horbanuik said. "We were kind
of shocked at the response we
got, it was like a big house
The dance ran from 9: 30 to 1
and people began arriving at,
the Legion as early as 8:15.
There was a mixture of
bachelors, widows, widowers,
divorcees and young men and
women who have never been
married, Mrs. Horbanuik said,
and they ranged from all ages.
Mrs. Horbanuik, and a friend
Retty-Ganthlo-of-Sea forth -
A celebration was held at the home of Robert 'Chamney. of Auburn last week when five
generations of the family gathered. Seated is Robert Chamney, the great -great-grandfather,
. holding great -great-grandson Brian Chamney of Windsor. Standihg, left, are William-Chamney
of,,Windsor, grandfather; Daniel *Chamney of Windsor, father df young Brian, and Herman
Chamney of Windsor, great-grandfather. (photo by Eleanor Bradnock)
Help men
to reach
The Ladies Legion Auxiliary,
-Branch 109, held its regular
. monthly meeting Tuesday,
February 11 in the Green Room
with 6.3 members present.
Five new members were
installed: Eileen Beauchemin,
Marion Hays, Carolyn Holborn,
Janet Phelan and Helena
Young. Ladies who. joined in
December were Karen Draper,
aurie, Hurlock and Lucy
Businps,: deal! with diirina
the meeting revealed, a very
good attendance for the annual
potSuck supper.
Members are asked' to
remember their donations for
"Friday, February, 28. The
Legion',,s , entertainment
committee is hoping for a
successful evening with- all
proceeds going towards the
furnishings for' special
socializing quarters at
Huronview for residents there.
Races, c -o Hully Gully Sports
and Recreation Ltd., R,R, 1,
Varna, Ontario.
Mrs. Betty Cardno of Seafortb.
attenuing a singles dance in
London. "We found it was
pOorly organized„ You klt tike
you were at a singles dance—
like you were on. display," Mrs.
Horbanuik said.
The two widows decided it
was ridiculous to travel 60
miles to,a dance, and decided to
stage their own.
"We had four hostesses who
made sure that no one
remained sitting. They got the
men dancing and introduced
people to each other.'
"At the London dance, the
men sat on the other side of the
damn hall and waited for -you to
go over and ask them to dan-
ce," Mrs. Horbanuik said,
'The True Tones' provided
the music for the Clinton dance,
and the dance floor was never
empty, she said.
A ,$3 admission charge in-
cluded lunch, and the money
made at the dance will just
cover its expenses.
Mrs. Horbanuik sees the
Country Singles Dance as a
monthly event and the
organizers are looking for a.
larger hall for their next dance;,
Picnics,. barbecues, .and even
. singles bus trips are forseen in
the future.
"We'd just like to thank
everyone who showed up at our
dance, for making it the suc-
cess it was," Mrs. Horbanuik
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