HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-27, Page 2.
Just like at home
Lucky is the man 'or woman who
lives to enjoy retirement. Fortunate is
he or she who has the good health and
financi& resources to rernain at home,
live,. the life style of choice and be
connp|ehe|y|ndependant and free asthe
year creep onand old age sets in.
. For some of the elderly though,
changes 'necessary. are ���muary. Oue to c|r'
rnmtamces, they often must leave
home and familiar otirroundingo to
reside in other facilities such as
Huronview. Thanks tu. people like
Chester Archibald, the 'administrator
at Huronview, an atmosphere as lose
as possible to the .one at home is
nna|ntainedforfhe residents there. '
This weekend; the Royal _Canadian
Legion Branch .lO9\nco-operation with
the Legion Ladies Auxiliary /oun-
dertaking a fund-raising event to
collect nnone^ to buy furniture for a
pub already establishedforHuronvkevv
residents there who enjoy a little nip
' Mr. Archibald explained that the ,
men and women at Hurohvievv have
enjoyed drinking privileges for
sometime now. Last June, a pub-like
facility ~n�
opened for their enjoyment
but s ' through the generosity' of the
Goderich Legion, the room will take on
a cozier,more comfortable air. The
austere makeshift appearance will bm
and ��rons of the little social
gone p,
centre will 'have one more pleasant
reminder of the world they may have
feared they'd IeftbehindfOreV?r.
Only sincere cornrnndat\onrnuatbe
accorded ' the Legion members who
are thinking of the happiness of the
residents of Huronview; to the
Huronvievv personnel and the county
board of directors who are en-
deavouring �et
deavmur\ngtooirhUo osome degree
the atmosphere "back hornm" and to
assure that the rights of all individuals
are respected.
C��ours�fhe are limitations onthe
'cuo-turnera^|n the little bar. Only two
drinks are served per sitting, andonly
iwo Sittings are permitted per day. But
even so, it is a real joy, for those who
' are soinclined, toVisit the pub, buy the
bar tickets and s|tdovvnfohave adrink'
' with afriend. Alnlost||he it was when
things were different.
How things really work
"Hello. Signal - Star? We're having a
presentation of a 50 -year pin down here
� right mV�'?'The feUa's leaving in about
five rninutes*��ou1dyou semd.somabody
over r|ghtavvaytogetap|cture?"
• "Is this the editor? Well, .1 got this
story for the paper.T | 'U kill me if it .
'isn't in this week. The girl at the desk
. told meI'm too le*,but \ couldn't get
the baby to go tosleep any earlier so 1
_could write it up. | haven't got a car
�. today` \ was wondering' if you would
take it over the phoneY or can
--•-EverydaY the staff of a small town
. newspaper has. todoa| with things of
this | re'...andkeep to a schedule,
too.S,dmeUrnes there iust is no
way ,but to disappoint people - goocl
customers, valuable readers.
' r
About four years ago, the Signal -Star
begana sincere canpa�ntobring to.
�drich and district the best weekly
heyspaperit aspossible toproduce'^
The new&^.o\icy was simple - cover
every event in the area of interest.to
readers. - -
It is a big (ob,^asome-timesneo ihm'
oasib\e task. But the policy has. not ,
changed. It will not change in the
foreseeable future.
Some things HAVE changed though.
.The nevspaperie getting |arger. The
.company°Sche4iles are.
• is growing...
-tighter. A sdund financial picture is
more and. more ary. A. more.
' profass/ona| /pproach is imperative.Deadlines must be met., There's ,less
• room for maneuvering..
The first day of the work week is
-- .Thursday a -t tha.S|gna|StarThat is.
the day last week's paper hits 'the
street. That is the day news for this
week'saper begins to happen.
In a week where the adver�Sing is
•,expected to be heavy,the word goes
out thata three section paper is in the
�f|nQ.[emdUnetorrnaTthird wgCw.."
Monday nocn. All adsand aU cizipy for
that section nuatbo'to the production'department no later,. than 12 o'clock
Deadline for the second secMon is 10
a.m. Tuesday norrIng. DoagUne for
the first section is Vemnaad^ ^ 10
a.m. but it can be strefched.�'noon in
some diredrcunstancea.
Monday norMAmg arr�es. Work
begins on the third section.Copyis
scarce. Uia�Uedwith asmuch feature
material as Was prepared by. the
reporting staff the last four
days plus 'any' other•a«aHab\e news
.ready set.
Tuesday morning dawns. The news
ad copy
py which is in
a' 'nd p
' r
for printing is included in.thissection.,
Tuesday afternoon, maybe hours
after the first two sections ofthe paper'
have been'»rinted, the wires start to
hum. People start ca\lin8and br|ng|rg
in news. t has been a struggle to find
enough- news andadstof|\the first two
sections,and all at once then4 isfoo
much --material for the Wednesday
section. It can only beemaximum ofl8
m~"--' the editor hasto cut
something; knowing -lull well that on
nin there's* going to be a
call from an irate reader who simply
won't understand why his or her hews
has been left out. r,' f++
Reportersand photographers are
human. They have hona,sand families
like everyone else. They have 'wives
, who like to go out on Saturd6 ni'ght,
too. They havo'cN\drenwho like tzsee
them a„tt,home some evenings. They
like to have abowUn8 nightt belong to a
service club',. and get involved a
church. They get tired sometimes.
The' forget things.
Life is much easier for!.then, if
assignments, especially on weekends, --
can be planned. Thepresentytion.ofa
50 -year .pin isn't some unnxpecnad,
happening |i�afi� Or tornado. Such1*inoncanbe'arranged\nadvance. _
Contrary to 'common -belief, .
photographers am� reporters' aren't,
expected to wait and waif for games to
end hngstobegin, They want to
do a good job but there are many other
things todoby dead Une`..Uhe�oup/ng
film and printing pictures, writing
cuU| eS and copy, planning |ayouts,'answeri ng the telephones, researching
kk, " WONPEA
A�- tY
' D
NT` ?
_ ,~
' .F1011 QOEEN'S.PP(k
The u t '
Association �po
sored a eooYore��et in the
prevention of --'
agodentiear schemedVh s.,lrer
negoti ng with otaric
plement the dentp e plan,
but it now appe0 be' less
At the preseRt. ti e,. only
about 'half of tbe'7 eople in
fact ^
that ^"""` ^
eper ent of the
ar.Oolilerns. Many
people do notqe1c treatment
u nt`because oV„th,/ 'high cost of
dental c '-' '
with / n oi u^ -
prob|omo, the earlier a
problem .s treated", the
better. The Ontario Dental
Ae000iutkn feels that a
dondouce would `n-
. prove �h� \ health of the
population 'over \pn,.mu of
oigbk'tuthe ow�Aoy
things after a vacation is
always'di�ioub but returningto an office with an extra and new deadlines to hotels.wantthis words travelling on the plauded.All were Canadiabocit is twiCe as, hard. Such is
for Goderich, but one nice Queen Elizabeth Way from who were visiting Florida and
nEvery s
�M�e�dof the wwpk Canadian the
road to „the beach and there 'heYoo�|0mtaking them out �r~State oYF�rida.uooamusome
absolut:ely no ��o��nt�\� despite the fact he's which cannot
finding a 'place tO swim and spent inb�car. here,
sunbathe in relative privacy. He told me his
iness But the clincher Came ds
Of course,Floridabeachesbrings Canadaevery few about 12 of the
are lined with rhotels and weeks. He had a few choice restaurant Stood up
'dining°"`,"~,~^`^Falls -'-' '-displaying
wutmr�6yLake Huron �=uumuo 'un Highway omrand T»ron�vnational pride .mu^v/- a/mn,"-m-°`. fewer' problems
«�u'n0,vw_ov=,°"",=~^"^~, . .a
twoeven asstraffI vacationed in Florida again ic. He complained about
''uoh6u}d be im' ~
plerneinted as soon as
Tho proposed •ocheme
would ensure than in time all
citizens of Ontario c
tine u\ theynoud It
iwv`l« be, ""p'""^^^~~ in
four. phases, .d`o first being
ooverago of children. At the
end of the' � m five yeuro'
thv plan would cover all
children in the Province
wider '}�, and would, cost,
about $180 million a year.'If
children have regular dnn�u
care and are taughtgood
'oral hygiene habits, there is
good chance they have
�ALLO� U= -
P"t"C" =_ VEYF
d���saying - �� �uyla ,uaru�nu
At one fresh water lake there_the exit signs Personally,' n\6tor ynaro.
this winter ^ubnyhusband ~'nun/x""ee the ,"�~ordpnu--
� theODA Yohb b�''-- �b��
and two Cho'~,~"' Weenmvebuut o �"""" "`� atmosphere and confusingLike the day he cidentally trying to the +��`
fantastic weather and many oaroundf
refreshment stand was 27 with ~
at, -
nearly so impressed'«Ndba�ing area. hereb� db'---~peo'~ aged 65 and ovor'^u""^io..'�.., ` ' ''-'-'shaded tables and chairs. �terthe h�bwoyhad been re- pushedbuckat me with 9,P care �e --
patio and 'brella- exit on 401 to discover miles - -Native Floridians' ~er« not
There wbou'u-]esou,e�pshop nvnbecedg27! reach
m�the'= '7�o second ph9oo inyo\veo
an a sun � un d*mxo n,ren��x My� Husband tipped a
weather as were we' I:luct'
was music |nthe ��and people -Ymbu�� �nruo| waitress in Ohio with al! ' These senior
citizens would '
�Muny oy' them -.actually everywhere. It Florida.Of course, must American Money exceptforbe pruyNod with normal '
,~lived for o,,---) air and rovonde and ,cYtn'otiw�
~_ couldn't help mc"="v""ier °'~~~~^a __= ra=~~` quarter. The
the sometimes cloudy skies.== how a spot tike maintain in a atatp'whoro snow restaurant was closing when services' in addition to
te(hot?) beach 'without too much but it is certainly a pleasure to roa\bodI'd .�rmy
complete and partial den'
But to us northerners, the would be on Goderich'sandyrnot are u�noo� unknown,We left.After getting outside l
sunshineenough u ^mvceud' ~ ^
~ „Pleasant ond`' was drive almost onvwherd `in handbag.l went back -into the extend coverage t«' young ,
get a
tures. The third ph000would
people" - complain
One road seems better ' restautant- in time to hear the
op|e up to
ago 18
On -
sunburn almost any day you'the co�mon:iu\ism ofFlorida, ' than the \��' � ' about the ,tinning
satisfied. many, many conveniences "-' ff+' �' she'd received with a bit yy` grou�'»«y»n« age u' The
could choose. Su . we were
• the ` • �
While We swam un&uunnbd'�e�for �em'rtaa�a/�ee' .. 'While the ~ mwplay ~^\ included. ` �na\phase would bou�cover,
FNrda'eresidents looked otuat~~^catered ~ and '-'orodof peopleFlorida (and allvnWmms-sawmo.'shm sold, the' general -population,^T6is is a Canadian, many of whom would have
shoppinguncoNme, "Oh � wonder .usy a_courteous, there |mn't^
assured her » ° ' already been punticipu»td in
the plan hvmm time. Those
uandxUt�sAaOne |�dmgal ma .�»qt^every wish possibility. along �rn to Florida),are ^`
can tell the
touristsdght Iare the only ones who aVe
_ofnuisances. day l got a good background
-nedMor|,takinQ� news �|�nat, the
counter, following 'the fire:truck and
iust plain reading and learning from'
other newspapers and publications.
f+ +
The staff at the Signal -Star is
dedicated to producing a newspaper
which contains a|\=the Goderich and
�iStrict news it is Possible to cram /n.
` W^nt to give attention to all
spoils, all service clubs, all boards and
counciis, all churches, all schools, all
business' and commerce, all
recreational activities, aUpeople inaU
parts nfthe enMrecirculation area.
But there are Unitat1ona...and
schedules and deadlines. For
maximum satisfaction to .all there
4, Must an understanding of the way
things at thi des|re
to co-opera'te and a capacity to accept
,the reality that human fallibility will
always bepresent. '
-C_ T�Cm��r���w�ap��Hu�`
Founded In 15449 and published ()Very m"mv�mm^�6�um"�wwm�,momoWw^mmoWw^
Advertising rates on reqUest, Subscriptions payable In advance $10.00 In Canada, $11.50 In all cowl
tries.Other than Canad'a, single copilla 25 cents, Second class mail Registration Number 0715 Adver
tising is accepted on the condition tnat, in the event of typographical error, the advertising space oc•
cupled by the erroneous item, together with reasonable allowance for -signature, will not be charged for
but the balance of the advertisement w1,11 be paid for st,,the ripplicable rate. In the event of a
typographical error advertising goods or services at 6 wrong price, goods or service May n61 be sold
• Advertising is merely an offer 03 Boil, and May be withdrawn at any time The Signal -Star Is riot respon-
'sible for the loss or damage of unsoliolted manuScripts or photos,
nutiness and Editorial Office
'area code 519'
P.0.130X 220, Goderich
- class MmWr�imrmNmnnwmm�-0nm
POlished by |�a pomwwinwum
ROPtERT G. SHRIER-president and publisher
JEFF $EDDDN--editorial staff
DAVE ,SYWES-editorial staff'
EDWARD J. tYRSKI-advertising manager
DAVE R.v|LUAxG-�uvor�inm representative
` ^
^ -]x ear -round are some people who`th�k of She smiled. ��u can't foolentering theadult group
Canadians as foreigners-'.- . .
oogouatan .hardy enough mum
Speaking- of quarwterpreventive
--- totdk - recounting her experience to itwas
'until Iasked
� . 'prubob\x 4»hu}r|ng fewer
the beach at Daytona. I ex- me. This gal had a - .ot really ht it as play_
This time our vacation was v\ainodtohim that lworked �rnmneY''' ~/ Iho`0D� said �75v"aotbw '
upcn�inu�ario�x»�n�»t«)pn�d newspaper in Canada and
-`- it� � aotvvhnro" ,.Now it Was my" t«r�to be original target dme for the
' hotels. We had d` opportunity a ^ was experiencing sheprovoked overheard one waitress surprised.I'll mostimplementation .� of the
"".'"'"``~'~''^~'"--difficulty ,in hiring m sayup-,, "Give a''x""',*' Canadian wait-e*9,p andon bus and ether
, business people hafe seen
-beach and tbe pool,
;They are Canadians, '
for th'
type tri
I asked him,if
would mind This woman from Toronto 'r " a.
poony mmornn-
but it now seema§ highly
. qua.
l was surprised by the^oi`/~g "° what -e earned .an lost her cool. She stood uptohori umco-und nioN'"s'aritt'dines '"^xk,/, ~b,/ th�o*e"~
~umb~' of ~~n�- «^�._.n
'uying the Florida sunshine . m"n[ oro:xu6��w'th "o
~`~. `~~~ '- ' least five .feetand told the ~and'�und. ��
v' � o--y�wa��ossn �omc� Concise ao welcome hem. l have
^ v
with their travelling ,""' '�'h"u^for ~^''_,.. '-. while he was more A�
.^°,i°~"' n~,//^~ abounded,
'It's not bad as longu» you indeed a ^�"^"��"� she ~.. to 'r"., '"�."^ =r'
poolside and
just have to sit here,all day," he spending American dollars and currency and
. E�or�ooup�o uu�/mouPand .'e,, on to say. "That's what paying for American services :Tourism is a mighty �
down the beaches,.most people eo'l��ooa But which had been advertised on |ndua�y.
holding hands and o`g`^^=me days/ go into the ocean
minute of it. Life was good .m,~o'&N
he was u0 $49
getting old was one of God's his depth. That's when I earn
four or fi"~~A-es.-o pull out
these lucky people. '
some guy Who has gotten over
I have always thought thatmay look '
richest blessings, solong aS one my salary. And a fellow doesn't
is fairly healthy and financially ' live t6o high,on $2.49 an hour."
comfortable, -Now I m sure of I had to agree with him. It
e a
to some
it. ^ l ap�nt some time talking mu people, hut to me, sitting out
few senior ddzA$ut thev/au�� there onthat mm ^,. eight
I - visited. Most of them had hours at m time in all kinds of
*°mrked hard for their weather is^`~'~--' -wwant to
"mw"/.".... . ',-
^~�o scheme at this time. All tie
machinery is Set up �d
`"i='' ready to go, bUt d`eD�ry
yia) of Health is acting
Ortunt reluctant bridegroom* .
' ' ODA suggested at pe
rnnyorenco that if
Gnvurnmpnt were
r children, the \ou*tit:^n
�6-;yembark on a bge
'advo�8u|nQ camp„
directed towards Qq
habits. 'Hopefully unig-
dw I raise the
rking some ^ people on x
portance of good
be a ugu\ur visits to th
each and proper techni
'~"°= this, but he ~u,
�.~�80g problem was go�g`in�'that
retirement. All were thankful m�.«�o'ar
, little more courteous,.;
;- February 22
n y vital and as as lifeguards. " plentiful in ---' --'-~
�oN»rN ladies drove to other, after all we're going cleaning the • mou
many folks half their age and it i�\'haten�dng.But then ~ yoomahoarbytowntoorFlorida even though �p pay ve,
was truly a joy to chatwith
But 1 was reminded of An Irritatedn_'^,,
many, nunx senior citizens for. mention ,-'-v"'r~~'-''-^' was Mrs, M. Or.
whom life is not no�l� so en- There's lots ot of pouring rain about that time.
]nyah'e'''undlwished kir more",~,' ` - the . Well it did that the most of the
'u" winter -An FNri«ul
p in
""'"'~~^~.-g' not try to make bu bit more
\mOeh~9uu could We arrived approximately 3 �o^aoant for each othor'a
commododon, od»quut«°»\d f9ncircled the square several Thank inerehan8s\uw cost housing ac- aYuarnonn'
force the 55 mph dnioe to find pu'k\nAP)oct
„age ponsinno, improved health n, ,U,, "
and welfare measures 'and speed limit, in Florida? Indeed close 'to Wom\wordh's.whe'iethe
they do. And the result hbeen ladies 'choen to shop. We did,
make their sunset years' atreyyi»4e"u'^'safer highways and . fewer hut while l was waitingm' a community concern 'm
worry -free and funfilled as
car to
(back out. another car
with, a travelling* sa'""ncA and took the parking ok�m..
' -f �+ from, New York State. This Now, as a result ;��do.in-
Couldn't helpbutcomparekd\m� was telling me~ he's considerate driver,four of the
.mo beaches1 visited m the discovered that ~ speed Um\toy harequirest
to stay
beud`oy hero in Huron County. 55 miles -an hougets him toh� mumoan^o�» se she
l'was surprised by the appointmentsand in awn�orWhere vmhad to park
*h Unes� of �e Florida hotter humor. He's not nearly «hewou��avobeen soaked nx
""~- - ~~~'-. �hodnrshe got tothe store.
pomrib\o' • [ had u~
m)k one afternoon pulled in -`=�..`,\nv=on,ofm~.
���nd �����N�,obeat at en
the hruch0 to the pubic when ��m:frh|o Grant^�the driver didn't , (continued on page a)
Dear Editor,
I would like to use your
column. to express our thanks.
Last the merchants" of
Goderich sponsored a contest,
the prizcbeing a trip for two to
Barbados. My sister Joni was
the lucky winner!
To the many nice people who
inquired about us, we did
."=^ take
the trip. We'V'e
been home for two weeks. It's
taken us that long to get our
include brushing
the conference W�rpreventive dend�dt�Um t
past there has beep little "
no emphasis by either t
profession or Goverpment 0
prevention of denta
p'""'""' People tended `
regard their dentists 'ak
technicians who nm�� et
and treat prob\onmd, not h
mdiuu{urm. People tend to b
hesitant to pay a,ddntiotfw
a -session on prevmutiw
which, may lead to m.0rmu
saving Mar
of the younger Wt
have rnoontlyQr�ouuxmm
very keen on preventif
Another topic dioc000wd