The Exeter Times, 1894-6-21, Page 5Hood's Cured After Others Failed scrofula in the ,Neck, -Bunches, AO Cone Now, ae:s, ,lilt; Nelms. u c 3. I:.::.f w Co,,h , „'1 r u I ,,. I, I ra .not a in favor , e of :a , 0 1 a ': li 1 I,., of live years .rs I.hare been t,ot:ale:I Willi suroi.ti3 in my neck and throat.' Several kinds of 'Medicines which 1 tried did tl not do me any good, and when I coal-• ,nheueotl to take Iiooil's Sarsaparilla there werr large bunches on my neck so sore that I could llood9s Sarva' la Pa rel Cures ,lot bear the -slightest touch. When I had taken one bottle of this medicine, the. -soreness had gone, and before I had finished the second the bunches hal entirely disappeared:' i3n.tscaz ATWOOD, Sangerville, Maine. N. 13, If you decide to tale hood's Sarsapa- Alla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Pills euro constipation by rester -- lug the peristaltic action of the alimentaryeana3. READY FOR THE HORSES.. DETROIT'S NEW TRACK IS COSI - METED ANI3 VERY: FAST. •Trainers are Nose 1i'orlaing There And Soon the Great Arany- of Cam- paigners Will be on the Scene. Another month and the hoof -beats of the , sleek -limbed trotters as they fly down the _stretch of the Detroit Driving Club's new track will. mingle with the hurrahs of the thousands assembled to clo homage to the great American"horse and participate in the dediceitery ceremonies incidental' to the opening of the finest racecourse in the country. Those will be halcyon days for the owners of the money -winners, 'the in- ducements being unusually, large,'and from present indications this will be taken advantage of by more trainers than. in any of the meetings on. the famed Hamtramo course. 'Everything is practically ready and, th:1,, procession of horses,is the sole requisite to" start what promises, to be a most brilliant meeting. Now that the track is completed, it is daily the scene of fast brushes between well-bred roadsters, and drivers and train- ers are arriving continually .with the strings they wish to prepare fol'an active season's campaign. The liberal offering of the club in allowing; the free use t the track and stables to all who care to come before the annual Blue Ribbon meeting is attracting men from allparts pf the state, but there is. abundant rootn for more and breeders In the interior can still put in three or four weeks' work here before starting out. Aside from the magnificence of the equipments which commend the track to the most scruphlovs, the racing will be the great feature of this year. Inquiries are flooding the secretary from all parts of the country and the indications are that the mail in the four days_ following July 2, the date of the closing of the entries, will keep several clerks busy arranging tile- horses and classes. The special arses which filled so nicely are holding t.heir own, and the declarations are .very Small in number compared to these in the t t'eesenit routloonk other Cities. will be fully 300 Horses at the track to battle for the $?0,000 in premiums ,during the week of July 16-`21, !l !4iDlr The Worst Cass, YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS HA VE USED IT. Paine's Celery Compound The OnlyHonest 'Med- icine i cine Now Before The Canadian Public. Yes, sufferer, Paine's Celery Compound ,,leets and Duren your ,trouble no matter how desperate it may bo ; and let us give yen some additional :comfort and hope by saying that tills precious remedy will meet your wants after your, doctor bas given you up. " The proprietors of Paine's Celery ,Com- pound have records testifyingtto marvel- lous cures ',sifter h sieians failed,and O rs p y useless, These other medicines pso'Ced tse records and testimonials are open at all times for inspection. Let tie utter it aoleren warning. IDs not. waste precious time by using medicines that have no curative virtues. Go to yeti dealer and ask him far Pine's Celery Cottipound ; Otte bottle will; convince you that you have fottld-the true agettt that gives new life, C. Pills tone and regtilato the bowels, MASS,MBIETING fl FXET3IR'1 PllWl ybdon't you try, Carter's Little Liver bey era a s tit a euro for slab pp K y it d h d th b Cl dared liver Onl 704:07 M- - , en ao e, an °01.013104 gy dim" - evening . ,S A. Meetin tires held here on Friday evening by Mr. David Welemillor, the y a Coneervetive candidate in South Huron, It had been intended to hold it in the Opera Homey - but the excessive host caused the local oemmittee to Nall the gathering in the cricket grott,nd.instead, There wars a very large attendance, and much enthusiasm was tnanifosted by the audience. The Conservative speakers of the evening wore Mt. 1V•. Clarke Wallace, Dr. Beatty ,Nesbitt, and the candidate, while R. H. Collins and Dr. Sloan spoke for the Government can didate. Mr . W eismiller made an excellent im- pression. He severely critiois ed the principles of his opponent, and iittacked the record of the Mowat Government,_ especially in connection . with: the dis- tribution of seboolgrants besween;,com mon and High Schools. Dr. Nesbitt was to have sljokeranext, but the twosupporters of Mr. McLean, the Liberal candidate,appeared on the scene, and were given about an hour In which to submit a defence of the Gov- ernment policy. Tho meeting; how- ever, was very Conservative in its stripe and did not receive their statements favourably. It was all the more difficult for them to make out a case for their side as theywere we a cott>pelled to speak. one after the other, and both in advance- of either of their chief opponents. At the conclusion of their remarks Dr. Nesbitt resumed his address. Ile devoted .some time to answering the arguments of the Government G e lent, rt- ?support - ors. ars. He denied the necessity ' of re- taining the head of the Education department in the Cabinet, claiming that except' for the sake of the political advantage which must necessarily accrue to the Government on account of the political influence thus gained, there was no reason for the retention of the political head. As an instance for the favouritism shown by Mr. G. W, Ross, he asserted that a brother-in-law of Dr. ivlcKay, the Liberal whip, had received a certificate through political influence. Mr. Ross had recently thrown out a challenge on a platform in Toronto, and had defied anyone to show that political influence had anything to do with the management of his depart- ment, and yet it was well known that not only In this, but in many other instances, unfairness or partiality had been shown to candidates, according to their political principles. Dr Nesbitt said that he accused not only Mr. Rosa, but every member of the Government, including Sir Oliver Mowat, of corrupt- ion. They had shown great favors to their own supporters, and in doing so had sacrificed, whenever necessary, the best interests of Ontario. Dr. Nesbitt concluded a vigorous speech by recom- mending the position which' had been taken by the Reformers in 1881 con- cerning biennial sessions, and which was contrary to the arguments now ad- vanced by them. Mr. N. Clarke Wallace made a pleas - "ant speedo which was replete in arguments, very clearly and" put. He held the close atterhtion' of his hearers by his effective attack upon the policy pursued by the Mowat Administration. He criticised at some length the management of the Agricul- tural Department, which he considered had been corruptly administered by Mr. John Dryden for the purpose of pacify- ing his discontented constituents. In the License. Department he said, a state of corruption existed such as few could conceive. The commissioners nor, being appointed by the ntunicipelities, but by the powers at .Toronto, acted simply as political . agents, and distributed the licenses according to the political con- victions of the various applicants. And for the valuable services they each charged $800 a year. The manage- ment of the license system' was only one instance of the manner in which Sir Oliver Mowat has taken from the people their rights, for the purpose of adding to his own political power. It has been so often asserted that the. Mowat Gov- ernment was .pure that. it was worth while examining into its record before accepting the assertion -ail an axiom. They had used the money of the people rashly and extravagantly, both in the unnecessary , and etipensiie officials 'whom they had appointed froni among their own followers, and intheir mothbd of carrying on the public works of the province. It had been asserted that Sir Oliver Mowat had spent more than Bixby millions of the people's money, t h e of corruption and thatno offals co uptioth lied ever ;,been brought against him. If that was so, he proposed to make the charge of corruption had Byer been brought against hire. If that was so, he proposed to snake the charge right now. Mr. Wallace then touched upon a number of the instances in which the Opposition ciaimt•cl the Premier had diverted public money into the pockets of his relatives and friends. He read a list of the members of Mr. Mowat's family who were ' occupying public positions, and also cited other cases of a similar character. Ib was not for the Reformers, he said, to reply to orit]cisms on their conduct by pointing to Ottawa as an answer, for events had shown that while the Conservative Government at Ottawa had punished their criminals, Sir Oliver Mowat hacl zvlhite washed his and raised them to positions of trust. 2 Mr. Wallace concluded his address by a 3 strong appeal to the electors to throw prejudice aside and vete for the princi- 5 pies advocated by the leader of the 0 Opposition. ' The meeting dispersed at a late hethi.' with the, usual cheers. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with. less expenditure, by more promptly adapting theworld's best preclude to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative]nci es embraced in the r 1 x P p rids. remedy, Syrup of Igs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medioal profession, because it acts on the. Kid- neys, Liver' and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is mann. factures by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at G. Luuz's Drub' Store. A Full Stock SCHOOL SUPP6IEs Brownmg s -DEALER IN- Books, Stationery, - and Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var= iety, Scribblers; Pads, Note Paper, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes, Etc.,, etc. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. Carriages Wagoas We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold OH EIS ls_P. Come and see them and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS Se SHOES is now complete in every line. Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise .a. 20 per cent, - discount and claim a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them bo buy. Como in yourselves and get prices, and you see at once we have no 40 per. cent profit. Good Cow-hide,.Iland-made Boots $2.90 CI Kip " CC 3.25 Balls 2,25 " Plow Boots 90 Men's Half Soling - - 85 'Women's " - - 30 No charge for rips; also see our Hat- ness., Can't be beaten for style and quality, and everything in the Harness line. J TREBLE atttaatalttitl H;'1 '$ WORKING NOW' naafi. 1,o91lfoa WAS'.Qnx3P,LEA oriel ILD- nix LDn ix DosFnna-,pip's HISS= Pati' OOHED wax -Toes Mos'. Nsveu. Knower to Pair,: Newcomb Mills, J'uuo 18,•--Oitoster Loomis, a well known, farmer living near here, has for:yesrs heap afliotoa with kidney die - ease, so badly that he could not nitin it i.buggy t o dv e to town,ens he i•1 6 0 ye a rs old hedespaired of aanre He tried Dodda.fidney Pills] and they oared him, He has not done any farm trail for years, but be helped to put in this spring's grope, and any one who goes to nee, hint to -day will find him between the plough -handles. instead of laid out on, a bed or an easy chair as he need to be. The :maiden of Archbishop Tache, of $t.lR°nilaee, shows no improvement and oauree much anxiety. ,Sire, -I had each a :severe (sough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp., On taking Norway Pine Syrup I toned the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle completely cured me, Mise. A. A• Downey, Manetic, Ont. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT P1CTTIRE. Send 25'''Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Levee 5St., Toronto, Bross.,Ltd.,4$ Scott nt andyou ., o , will, receive by poet a 'pretty pic'ture, free from advertising and well worth framing. T hs!a an easy way o decorate your home. The soap is the beat in the market, and it will only cost le pottage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the endo open, Write your address carefully. 1tUEIIBrATIst1 Utixtex 12r A DAY. -South American Rheumatic Cure. for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Ito action upon the system is remark- able and mysterious. It removes at once the ethers and tba disease immediately dia. appears. The first jdoae greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 518 Skin Diseases are more or less directly occasioned by bad blood. B. B. B. pules the fallowing Skin Diseases; Shingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rheum, Scald Bead. Eruptions, Pimples and Blotches, by removing all impurities from the blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous 8 arc. EntorPackinzlialgo Ask for our "PLUME" brand Meats. They are the best. Is the -only Tire that <-are satisfaction last year STE LBROS. MANUcACTURFD 8Y The Geoid Bicycle' Be i LTD , ral Iona& Siylo: ! h,. tIS VONOSEET, Brantford, Ort.TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN 1ardeox Bleed Bitten!,our dye epai ai I3urdoak Blood Bitters sure Constipation; I3urdoek ,Blood Sitters cure biliou irness, Burdock Blood Bitters pure beat:401w, Burdock .Blood Bitters unlock all the oloeged secretions of the bowele, thee our-. ing headaches and similar ootnplainte. Sunday night about 8 o'plook, during the storm: a barn on the eighth line be- longing to Mr, English, of Petrolsa, was start* li hteiug and totally destroyed. 11111,11111TUR! Largest Finest Designs, Lowest Prices Immense show rooms loaded with ,goods ; every quality, style and price, but all the best for the least' money, Our Spring Store now - complete, is thel;_ ofthe mar- ket pick n p set ini ever th'elegant and varied y hng-is beyond description. ParlorFlr11tre Will be the fate' this week. The unus- ual size and variety of the line :does not admit giving pieces in detail. Odd Pieces Willbe especially ,attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in rturn for small outlay,will not be disappointed. 8. GIDLEY SON, ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. ]DO -YOTT Want a Bicycle? THE G. C J. PNEUMATIC ,,teeHq s, TIRENOTMtit. t" 0 Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early,for with the best staff of Tailors ; the hes- stook of Fine Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Town, you are sure of satisfaot ion elmor Weismi Net having more s a years l0 ? r to live, al deto.r lzten,' to do all the good I can in the interest of Alen, Women and philclxeta,. There will be about as much financial profit in the transaction, as,;;. there will be to IVicl,ean orWeismiller whoever gets in. Men's all wool Tweed Sults to order' for $ro oo' ; Fine $lack. Suits''; from $r5 0o up, We snake a specialty of fine goods. Our Guinea yourseTrouserslf; beat the world $5 ' 25, spot cash.Gin us;a call and see for r 11r lYlain- t.q - - F ei;er OLD ESTABLISHED Just received ed 5al lab of meri can Binder Twine. 1 Our new make :milk .cans sell at sight. Selling nails, hardware and locks at rock bottom prices, Eavetroughing and furnace work a specialty. Prices were never so lo ' W InT yea s. Ilarvest mitts, tools, forks, rakes, sythes, snaths, cradle fingers. Come and e iu .airs ' rices. 1. p Our haybalings-black and al i z 11 van zed wire, eve lei d 11,I prices.. Builder's hardware, sash weights,pipe e and fittings in stock. rPg , Buy plaster paris, hair, akron and portland cements from us. Leave your orders for iron roofing. Our tin work will be under; the direction of Mr. Kann Bissett. Every job guaranteed first .class, :Doing a large trade in this line, oar prices are low. I can give you satisfaction in all branches. Cheapest place in town: ti Iteeping pace with the wants of the people"—our motto.` JOSEPH COBBLE DICK. EXETER LIJMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general; that he keeps con- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED) PINE and HEMLOCK' LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red. Cedar Shingles which is aeknowled, to be they Moat Durable Timber of any that grows. , Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. Jam,. AWXLZX1 Fanaon'rBlock. °It oil. Well ! ilere's s SOMETHING NICE ,a If you want the best value for the money ever offered in the way of au easy chair just come in and see our Furniture. Cupid's Resting on his laurels just matches are made and now-then now t the marriage's are taking place. Here are facts of interest to all those people who are to establish new homes. Call and examine our stock. OIL, OIL ! TFIE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices Best Canadian. Oil, Best Canadian Water White Best American Water White COME ONE, COME ALL. 12c. 17c. 20c. TIE ROMEER PRODUCE CO. J. Murray Si Co, The Exeter Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS,. LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Castings. Also General Castings con- tracted for in Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Bolt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed. Change i.Business SI j-+:LL'S Butcher Ship I Having purchased the Butchering bus iness of Messrs. Wood Bros., will take: possession on April >_ 1and I would res. p P lst, pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me with a call. Meats of all kinds always on hand, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. WIZS. SNELL 0 f D -CT JlJ 0P 0 —V 0 T Returned by. Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending June lath,, 2894., pursuant to the ' Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section 1. E 0 Name of Prosecutor Naive of Defeedant Nature of Charge. Date of Conviction Name of Convicting Justice or J llatioea, Amount l?e,talty Stine or Damage, Time when • to be paid Time when Justice.to said , paid. To whom paid over If net paid, wbr not, and gen by said Justices oral observation, if any. and when 411/ 4 A Drerarselrrrs Srru,teices--What a dreadful thing it •is to ,wake up in the ruiddle of the night suffering from cholera -.the nearest doctor a mile away sled no one to send for him. Imagine .a Chore. distressing domestic situation. if you can and yet cases of thin kind aro very coin; moa. The tronble, ho'w'ever, weida never have become se serious if the roan of the house had a bottle of. Perry Davie' Pain. liiiler at band, for It in a remedy that never fails to ware ebolere, crarurtr; diartht a, or dysentery. All druggists'. keep it, 25 cents far largo New size. On Saturday afternoon "Willie WValker, A lad of about 16 years, was drowned while bathing in the i-lumbrir River, Toronto. Is yew digestion woakeusd by "la•et,ppt2, Ilse K, D. O., 8 9 10 11 Geo Jardine Thos E Etandly Gerold Fitzgerold yG m Ballantyne Lottie Swan Thos tlandly Edward 51hbons Wm II Carpenter', Henj McKenzie Jas Davis /t. 12 Jamie W Morrison 13 Thos Wilson 1.1 Wm ialelrhtoslt tri Chauncey A Jerome 10 G 7a Blair 17 Jas Driver 18 t. Agnes boot h. 10 Albert Pevlin 20 Jae Horton Jno Jardine, jr Godfrey Walters Wm Li' Flannagan Chao Greib {leo Able Wm Campbell Robt Torrance Lawrence Brennen Alex 'Brownley Sylvester Flynn Peter McIntosh Rector Pfawkhtn J'er'ry Melirien Thos Scott Joseph ,Saint Geo }Inds -eon Constable Broadfoot Henry Yroting t, Geo Page Attemptea Nape Vagrancy Assault andeBattery Selling liquor contratry to law Illicit connection Indecent Assault Assault and Battery Malicious Damage Po) Assault Tereats Aseanit Insanity Disturbing Publie Worship Assault de (10 Abusive language Aseeult Trespass April John butler, Mayor of Goderich March 22IJ Beattie & I7 D Wilson, J P's Seaforth April May May 10 J Beattie, J P. Sealarth case dismissed for want of Jurisdiction 12 ,john Beattie, J P 17 28 31 25 Mar 21 Jany 19 Feb'y 27 Marek 13 April 21 02 2 1.. 12 is u Infer W( T,ewis, C `Snell k W J Wilson, r P's P Y' Taumer, N if Voting, J P's 1? W Tanner, Iv" 1i 3*ouag, Wm Camp. boll, J 1"s J Stephenson, & lltyden, J P's J Stephenson, J 1' J lalc?dilia :, J P W 1+ Brobenehire, S P W H Kerr, and John M Bae, JP's W }1 Kerr, J P Wm tclallougll, J I? do do Geo Berl ett, J l',_ 5 00 Forthwith case with 20 00 Forthwith deft under 1 00 Forthwith 5 00 do mat o n with drawn. 1 00 June 1 00 1 00 5 00 100 r0 0 1 00 1 00 Forthwith April 3 '94 Forthwith do do do do drawn 21 years by plaintiff Defendant sent Costs paid Wm Ballantyne, Lice of age Paid Town d"reaserer Matter amicably Paid 'Trees: Blyth Ca. Treasurer Huron :, Oierk of:: the Peace bth May tq Committed for trial to jail for 2 months : hard labor by parties enae Inspector settled Case dismissed Sant up for jail Case withdrawn Committed to jail I hereby certify the above to be truly and correctly copied from the records filed hi my of(ico, i LEWIS.) Clerk of the Peace Clcrlr of the Peace Office, Goderrieb, June 16t11, 1844.. nd Coon ky Crown Attorney