HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-21, Page 4enia -••••.- . . -^ XETBB I M Established in 1877 S, OWSX:14, BANKER, ONT ensaate generelbankinglaninens. lteeeiees the AecouPte of Meichenes °Oxeye enfavonible terms. Offers avers' aocommodatioa consistent afe end eenservetive benkissa erineiples. Xeterest allewea en deposets. Drefts issued payable at sine omo o the MereeautsBasek. Noweersistenneeen, seed Noeseree Loeie et :Weiss an env:semis. weemoreemalemegeteeree TT1-1 EIIIRON" Political Meetings. D..wrasmILLra, The Liberal Consezyative candidate for South Huron and others -will ad- dress the elector's bu the Public questiOns of the day at the following placeon the dates named. :- 21st --Crediton. 22nd -Dashwood. " 25th--Zaric1. All meetings except Nondeation Day will commence at 8 o'clock, Mr. McLean or some one in his be- half invited to attend these meetings. (44 tii00 01000 THURSDAY JUNE 21, 1894. Any Port in a Storm Mr. McLean, the Liberal Candidete, accompanied by one of his supporters, vrho is an active worker for the cause of teinperance, has been engaged in mis- sionary work among the• Conservative 1Temperence Electors of Exeter and vicinity during the pasb few weeks, and eye are creditably informed that to certain persons he has heldhimself up as • a total abstainer for the past thirteen years, (though when cornered admitting to a trifling deviation from those prin- • ciples) while to others when the quest- ion of Prohibition is asked, he would • reply like unto hie venerable leader, Sir Oliver, that the matter was now be- fore the dourts, and if the Courts de • cided that the Ontario Government could pass a prohibitozy law, he would support Mr. Mowat, Now, we Would warn our Conservative friends in South Euron, especially those of the village of Exeter, not to be • hoodwinked into voting for Mr.11ikLean on the strength of anythinghe may • say as to his temperance principles, nor be deceived by the temperance candid- ate dodge thatirs being worked to secure him the solid temperance -vote. This is only a red herring drawn across the toxic. Mr, Mclean is not. the nominee of any temperance convention or society, but the nominee of a political convent- ion, who, we are bound to say, never •thought of the question; he was brought mit as an out and out supporter of the • Government of Sir Oliver Mowat, eehich • he is solemnly pledged to support. He has been before the electors of South Huron since last November or December, and although the owner of the leading Reform Journal in his con- stituency, during these months has carefully remained giant en the great temperance queetion, not even printing one word in condenination of his party who in a boby at the last and previous Sessions of the Legislature; voted down the lefarter Bili, the only temperance legislation introduced -and that by one of Mr. Meredith's supporters; but just atthe present juncture when he finds himself and the Government on very • slippery grounds, he quietly bedecks himself with the mantle of temperance inlocalities where the question is a popular one, entirely disclaiming it in quarters where its advocacy might work to his disadvantage. He is reputed as saying, that, having sifted the Prohibit- ion questionto the bottom, he fuids •nothing in it. Such are the two faced tactics employed to seek the confidence of the electorate. Mr. McLean, like Sir Oliver, is bound to gain his desired haven by skilfully employing the com- bined vote of the temperance and liquor parties, carrying in his pocket, as he admits, questions submitted by the hotel keepers. There is not a Conservative temper- ance elector in South Huron, who does not wall remember the active part this new rbpostle of temperance took in the • election of 1886, the period • of the Scott Act, in stumping the County in direct and bitter opposition to the then temperance mediae* Mr, James Swenerton. He was on every hustings and together with his abuse of Mr, Swenerton, claimed insincerity on the part of the temperanee people, notwith- sta.nding that he must have known a round robin had been signed by both Reform and Conservative temperance electors:to vote only fors Temperance man. • A letter was received later on by the Preaident of the Scott Aet Assomation in Exeter, from Sir Oliver Mowatf re - queering the allineme not to bring out a temperance candidate, • but a solid supporter of the Reform Government, end to tins bidding, no dotibt, can be attributed the right -about Vybeel of the Reform temperance element. Thus wore teinperanee principles cast to the four winds, and as far as Ur. MoLeen was coimerned it was politics first, last and always. So win it •be if he is elected. to the Legislature. tnlike Mr. McLean, Mr. Swenerton was not afreid to ennounce his convietiont on every platform. Mrs McLean, mewed him of havieg Dime Ushers e. gime ef ale, and wee in consequence -unworthy of tho VD ppor t of the temperance people, Mr, McLeeo baa admitted the tome crime react Aate, mid why i$ he entitled to the cnnfidence of the tem- perance electors/ Time are faots • worthy of the Ono/Aeration of the temperanee people, and while tempers an'* is a high and nobleahn, we despise tiny under -handed. attempts to gain petiioal, preference by draggiag the cause through the mud to accomplish the desired elide. We would therefore ask every Conservative Temperance voter and thosediffering from Sir Oliver Alowat on the political q,usestions of the day, to close up the ranks and go oot on the 20th and vote for Mr. D. Wei - miller, vrho will do as much to bring about Prohibition sits Mr. McLean, and 'who is pledged to support the many desired Reforms adyocated by Mr. W. R. Meredith, Sincethe above was put in type, the temperance people submitted questions to the candidates, at the nomination in Henaall, Tuesday. Mr. McLean, who has all along made strong professions at first refined. to answer the question, but being urged. by the deputation, in a Yery equivocal manner ansvrered two of them quite unsatisfactorily, however to the spokesman of the deputation, Mr. Weismiller was also given the questions , and he answered. them in about the same strain aa Ur. McLean, the result of the meeting being that both men are now on sequel footing as regards beiag entitled to the temperance vote. %NMI/ .N AND COMMENTS Is it true that Sir Oliver Mowat ask- • ed. Mr. Lays to recommend his son for the most lucrative office in the Pro- vince? These queetions the people of Ontario desire to see answered and answered quick. We all know whet Sir Oliver Mosvet's present explanation of the appointment of his son ill -that • it was forced upon him by the unani- mous wish of his supporters. But, if Mr. Leys' atory is correct, Sir Oliver not say committed one of the moat flagrant acts of nepotism in the first place, but falsified the recoil in ex- plaining it in the second place. The people of Ontario, therefore, at we have already said, demand an answer to the question. Is Mr. Keys' story • true? it appears in another column. x x The following qualifications are re- quired in order to be able to vote at the pending election: Every male per- son whose name appeara on. the certi- fied list of voters, provided he can the the oath required, that he is a British subjece of full age of 21 years, resident in Ontario for twelve- months, and resident in the municipality in the list of -which his name is entered at the time of such. entry and has since con- tinuously resided and at the time of the. election resides in the electoral district, and he has not voted at the • election and has not received or given anything •to induce Mint° vote or to induce any other person to vote or to refrain from voting. x x Before another issue of the Trues the elections will have • passed. la no previous provincial election have the prospects of Mr. Meredith's party been within hailing distance of the prospects in this election'and from every direction come reports that in- dicate a sure and certain triumph at the polls. Good. judges predict a Waterloo for the Mowat party resemb- ling that which decimated the Reform party in the Dominion in 1878. The very best that cautious judges allow may happen for the Mowat Government .is that no party may have a str&ght majority in the Legislature made up of its own following. Sea a situation would throw Sir Oliver upon the teuder mercies of the Patrons and other in- dependents for his political existence, and could done more than give a brief respite from the evil hour ot dissolut- ion. Li any case a majority of his own following is out of the questiou in the next Legislathre. The campaign is being conducted with consummate ability by Mr. Meredith and bit follow- ers. It is to be a sharp and vigorous campaign righe up NS the night of the 26th, and the dissatisfaction on every hand visible is indicative that Mr. - Meredith will be leader of the Govern- ment for:the next fonr years. ' x The Toronto News publishes tin affidavit by one J. J. Muldoon which if true proves that. moat ingeniously corrupt methods were employed in •, the last general election in the Liberal interests in Toronto. Muldoon admits he was one of a committee working for Messrs. Tait and McDougall (Mowat candidates), and among the methods re- sorted to for the advancement of purity of elections, was the hiring of false beards and moustaches from Deren - wend, the hair snare for the purpeee of personating abeentess and dead ineb. •A facsimile of the receipt of Duren - wend is published. Muldoon says lie wits personally given $40 to expend for this eless of work, and other mem- bers he understands were furniehed with !similar sums, and to his certain knowledge a large stun of money was paid out during that campaign for porpoises of personation. He received the money entrusted to him from Peter 3. Brown. A score of names of some persons to be personated are Oven by Muldoon, with the :James of some thirty teamsters Who conveyed person - atm% to the polls. Among the members of the precious committee that engin• eered those rnanoeuvers were Peter J. BrOwn,,of Osgoode Hall;Arthur Mowat, son of Sir Olivet; Wm. Weeds, a Globe opener, Samuel &mbar, D. P. Cah- ill and others, The way the diselos- ures bourne Publio was through Mul- doon having A falling °a with Registrar Peter Ryan, the letter thumping Mul- doon, who had his assailant fined, Tiles 'when roguee fail out, honest people gat at the fact. * • 0 • # • MAY PAW; Ince. r or Nelvene Prouttation end A morels, there is no medicine that will as promptly and intellibly visions vigor veld deength §d9"Is .610191011. se• • ii200 illtioerit for o4er ceree, $5 Veil cpc' •fat D, SENTENCE ROVER Twenty.five Years for Attempting to Drown Ris Wife. HE SPEAKS FOR THREE HOURS mama copious Notes, and Walnut That Witnesses awl envy Wave rire- jeweled Against -Tito Jury Ably Dereueeti, bar the Drown. MBEs Rivgas, Que., June 18.-enidge Bourgeois. in the Hooper trial, in his ad - deem to the jury, follewed the evidence from the time Hooper took his wife out of the lunetio asylum at Kiugegut eetil her disappearance at Louisville, while in his cm. His marriage rows to this woman charged him to love and protect leer, and that, if she was not thrown into the river by his own hands, he had failed to guard her from falling, and that omission was a crime equal in the eyes of the law. The judge also spoke in French, and the jury, after being out seventeen miuutes, return- ed a verdict of guilty. The court rootu was jammed, but there was no demonstration. His, honor imme- diately adjourned the coutt until to day. Then the prisoner said: "Your Lord- ship, I wish to again state before God, ba - Tei Plusormt. tore the court and. all these people that I ani innocent of any crime swhatever. I have not had British justice, and I hhld in iny hand the damaging evidence to show that a Queen's counsel wks • suborned a,gainst me. "You charged very strongly against me and. I believe that you did it in what you believed to be British justice, but it was not justice to me. God is a just God, and. be would strike me dead if I am not speak- ing the truth, It is a fact that the woman jumped off the train before I did." At the close of the sentence the accused raised his voice to an awful pitch and with his hand upraised made a most im- fressive scene. He added: "My life is one and it does not matter to me whether he sentenoe is one day or a lifetime." Before discharging the pry Judge Bour- geois said: "Gentleman, the verdict you leave rendered is according to the evi- dence." •• Timm ItrvEns,'Qtae., June 19. -Hooper Fre for three hours yesterday from pious notes which be took during his l, claiming that witneeses and jtry , wero prejudiced against him. Mr. efaMaster, for the orown, replied that thejury Was as intelligent a one as efhild fniihd in this country. The judge, be - ei passing sentence, said. that the ptigener had had a fair trial, and that his 'Kai relatives if they had 'been on the jury caild not htdre done otherwise than cove Hie same verdiet. Hooper was then sem- Weed to twenty-five years in the peolten- tiaty. , COLLIDED WITH AN ICEBERG. An Exciting Scene on Deck in Which alien and women weep. Geaseow, June 19, -Mr. J. B. Ramsey, of Madison, Wis., who was a passenger on the Ethipia when she came into collision with an iceberg on •Tune it, says that; the shook frightened the passengers greatly, everybody rushing to' the decks. Glaaaes and dishes were thrown to the floor and eetieles of furniture were overturned. We ill thought the vessel was sinking, said eft Ramsey, as when she backed away from the berg her bow dropped and her tern rose. The passengers made a rush for the boats and, the order was issued to Meer them away ready for use. Nobody, however, entered the boats.- Half an hour efterwards the captain called the passen- gers into the cabin- and assured them that there was not any immediate danger. Other passengers say steamship's engines were reversed, just before she shuck the berg. Had she still been going full speed ahead, they think, she could not have -withstood. the blow, but would have gone under almost immediately-. When the passengers had recovered from the shock and had scrambled to their feet they reticle scenes of panic and. confusion. Mothers and children were clasped in one another's arms. All the women and some of the men wept and many ran about on deck as if mad. A giant Englishman, of emeeptionally distinguished appearance, earned the reputation of being the worst frightened. than onboard, His abject ter- ror was so evident that he did more to aggravate the mule than did all the rest of the passengers. The fire, feelings of alarm was quieted by the captain's announcement, after the examination of the ship, that there was no danger of foundering. In the evening a thanksgiving service was held in the cabin. Many passengers were still nervous during the night, but the next day confidence was fully restored and all aboard amused them- selves as usual with cards, and jokes. The majority of the Ethipia's passer): gen have already gone to London, esittal Aceiiteut at St. Johns, N.D. Sr. Joints, N.B., June 19.-A singular and fatal occerrenee took place • here yes- terday morning. An old three story vrotiden butiCting, containing three famil- ies and belonging to Mise McCormick who lived on the lower fiat, suddenly doliapsed into a heap of tuine. Of eight persons buried in the ruins, seven were taken out alive and but little injured. Miss Mc- Coemlok died before ehe Was released. The young girl who slept with her was oely lightly injured. The men, who slept to- gether on another flat, were saved by a l ng benpose which sustained the weight of material above, Struck by Lightning. Peenteek.A., OM, Stine 19.-Laet night aboitt 8 o'clock, and derieg the storm, a barn belonging to Mr, Engle& of thia • pines was struck by lightning and totally destroyed. The building, containhq int Ilements, etc., was intoired in the 'Ater tilte NANAIMO'S SENSATION. Sesspielous cironmstaneete Attend, the Death of Nese Donn, DiAmmio, June 16.-4 sad tragedy Is that wbieh eoeurree here last weeks the partieulere of which have net been ,preVie mealy transmitted owing to a break in, the telegraph wires. On PrIaay night holt Mrs, Sydney Lobb, wife of Accountant Lohb, of the Nanahno Colliery, was shot through the heart, Death was almaat inatantaneotte.. The shooting took piece 10, Mrs. Lobb'a bedreona, Tier husband counnuniceited the awful news to the neiglabers immediately afterwarde. Mr. Lobh wee very much •excited at the time, when at the late hour of 11' o'olook be rushed .ever to a neighbor's home and startled the inmates by crying: " My Wife has shot herself 1" There was no oue else in the house at ihe Lime of the shooting. The coroner eleoided that an ingeest was. necessary, and after Abe evidenoe of the distracted husbend, and an examination of the surroundings, the jury decided that it would hardly be poseible for Mrs. Lobb to have fired the fatal shot herselt. On their finding the authorities deoided that a thorough inveetigetion should be held, and in pursuance of this Air. Lobb Was planed under arrest and an examine - tion of the faote is now in progress 'eefore the poIiou magistrate. Mr Lobe oecnpied an important position in the colliery and in this eity he has always been held in the highest esteem. He, is half crazed with grief titer the death of his young wife, and • the proceedings of the trial place hint in a pitiable plight. Be admits that be had given cause of grief to hie wife and blames himself very much for his eonduct. Mr. Lobb was a former resident of To- ronto and befere coining to :laminae he was with the 11. P. B. at Vancouver, The deceased lady. who was a Miss Elliott be- fore her marriage three yeare ago, is also from Torouto. There are . two children, th.e youngest six mouthe old. THE KARWIN CATASTROPHE, Two Unwired and Thirty-one Hen Per- ished in the "KIrrwhi Diaster. VxmeteA, June 18, -The number of men who neriebed in the Karwin mines has been definitely ascertained to be 231. During the 104 years the Kerwin mines bare been in existence there have been many disastrous explosions in them. The last wee in March, 1885, when 102 men were killed. _1:he-mines areein;two sections and. have an annual outprit of 700,000 ;ens. Moat of the coal is consumed in Vienna. All the shafts were provided with the most mod- ern ventilators, inning:ling double doors, connecting the working shafts with the ale shafts, and oil lamps of the Muzler systeni. The Fraimiska shaft is 286 mitres deep and connects by passage with the Johannes shaft, whieh is 886 metres deep. • - Count von Larisoh, owner of tha,raines, was in the village and personally superin- tended the worketif restate. which was car- ried on with more zeal than discretion. The rescue party consisted of several fore- men, officials and miners, of whom one overseer, two head: .miners, oneofficial and. ten miners were killed by ensiling ex- plosions. The men who escaped from the burning mines say theexplosions originated throngh dynamite:blasting by a 'miner. Such blasting was against the rules, but the rules were disobeyed by the miners to save work. • A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. Three Nen Frightfully Mangled on the soulangeti Canal. CorsAu Du LAO, Que., June 15.-A ter- rible accident ()conned at thisplace through which three men were killed and three others dangerously wounaed. The men were charging holes with dynamite for the purpose of blasting rooks in section 17 Soulanges Canal, when the dy.namite-pre- maturely exploded. • The names of the killed are: Patrick Drohan, aged 40, married, leaves a family of eight children prohan came here from Smith's Palls, Ont.); Rory McDonald, aged 85 years, unmarried, from Glengarry, Ont.; James Scanlan, about 22,,years of ago, unmarried, from Welland. -The first two named were found terribly mangled. The injured are: Thomas Cos- tello, James Kelly, and W. ViTheet Hurl - butt. Their injuries, it is thought, will not prove fatal. The first two wen old men at this kind of work, having been working here for the past two years. They were very sober and reliable men. unlikely that the cause of, the ex- plosion will ever be known, as only those killed &mid give the reason, Lynched by a Blob.' A.Yr...61tuA, Ga., June 19. -Dr. Wright, residing near Forsyth, Ga., on Saturday was called to go on a professional visit to a patient several miles away,. During his absence a negro named Ogletree went to his house and outraged. Mrs. Wright •A' posse was organized- and the negro was captured this morning. He was recognized by his victim and immediately hanged by • The Ploocle at an Bud. • VAiecouvuu, B. 0., June 19. --Reports from up river points show that the water is still falling fast and tb,e general opinion done. The work of reconstruction on the Canaditin Pacific is proceeding with vigor, and by to -night it is expected that trains will eotne through from Montreal to Van- couver with but one transfer between Katz Landin, and Agassiz. , is that very littIe if any) damage will be Evangelist Belleville Pound. PORT CREDIT, Ont., Attie 19. -Evangelist Belleville was committed and taken to Brampton jail for attempting suicide at this station Saturday morning. Traeltmen found him early in the morning with his head lying ou the rail, and while being thistle to the villitge authorities he broke away and. pinned into the Credit river, from whenee he was resoned with•diffi. entity. A Man With aratiy Itinvom, Ont., June 18. -Fenton Bake, of LutPerworth township, was arrested On Friday on a charge of house breaking, and was subsecinetttly oonnuitted to Lindsay jail on a charge of bigamy, preferred against him by Mrs. Bake No. 9. There is a MAN HD D GUILTY Judge Ingraham Reserves Sentence Until Wednesday. fRECOMMENDAT1ON FOR MERCY tdr. Boardman makes appuoation for a New Trial ---Dow ate. Winona Bee eetved the 'I''ardiat-Ife is In- • terviewed in the 'Tombs byte Reporter. Naw Yonx, June 16. -The jury in the oase of Breaths Win= brought in a ver• diet a guilty. The judge will deliver tentenoe on June 20. The jury retired at 2,30, As the hours pease& and nothing had been heard from the jury room Wimanis ho e increa'sed, He chatted and laughed with his friends and seemed in the best of spirits. "1 am sure of a disagreement at leaat." he sai,l to a repenter not tea 'minutes before the pin,' 'eAlne 10 with their veediet, and mil, tif: teen minutes before Mr, leiriman had eent a telegram tohie wife ttiuing bee that t)2ings looked very bright for hum As the jet.), filed into.the court room it Was very east to see what the verdict was. The juroes showed plitinly that they had decided adversely Wittunt's fate. As Whiten rose to face the jury his iuday face became deadly pale and he trembled vio• lentiy. The foreman of the jury was much more affected, hon -ever. Indeed, he was actually weeping when be delivered the verdiet Guilty, with a strong re. commendation for mercy." The other jurors would not look: at the prisoner and. hurried from the oourt TOGM' as soon as Justice Ingraham had thanked them for their services to the etate: ' As soon as the verdict was announeed Mr, Wiman fell back in, his chair ,with a groan. Hie young sou placed, his area about his father's shoulders and the two sat sileut for a few minutes. Then. Sheriff Brotva came and Erastns Wiman started for the Tombs and immediately after his father's departure young Wiman started for home to tell his mother the sad news. Both Gen. Tracy and Mr. Boardman seemed very much surprised at the ver' diet. Mr. Boardman said the ease would be appealed. • Judge Ingraham adjourned - court until next Wednesday morning 14 10 o'clock when Wiman will be sentenced. The penalty for Mr. Wiman's crime is im- prisonment for not more than ten years in the State prison. There ia no minimum penalty, it being discretionary with the judge. After hearing the verdict Mr. Whelan said: "There is nothing I can say. My ease will, of course. be appealed. I am not guilty for I did. not intend to defraud any one. I was persecuted not pressen. ted," The usual motion for a new trial was made by Mt. Boardman, one of Mr. Winaan's counsel. The arguments will be heard next Wednesday. Meanwhile Mr. Wiman will remain in the Tombs. Throughout the trial Mr. Dun and Mr. Douglass were in constant attendance. To a reporter who called oa him at the_ Tombs Mr. Wiman said, pointing Wale four walls of his dell: "Well, here I am convicted of a felony. It is a terrible thing, but, as you see, I do not give way. I have great energy, great will power and I am a philosopher. I will not lett, this situation crush me down. Nnw 'ons, June I9. -A petition is in circulation on Staten island asking that mercy be shown to, Erastus Wiman, The petition so far is signed by about fifty - residents, but it is expected that when . Wiman brought before the bar for sen- tence the petition, will contain several thousands of names. • "The Tombs," said Mr. Wiman to a re- porter, "is the coolest and kindest place in New York. That muoh, at least,I have found out to my grest satisfaction sines I came' here." Beyond expressing his pleasure that his experiences and sur- roundings were as agreeable as he had found them, Mr. •Wiman had very little to say. He deprecated the publications which bail appeared as to his experiences, visitors, etc., at the Tombs. He did not relish, he intimated, being made a hero of, and he felt that he should not be followed into the Tombs, at least not ' with sen- sational stories este what was happening to him within ite walls. "I ane glad to see the newspaper men," said Wiman, "but I think there is no longer anything ofpublic interest in my case." e. Flowers, fruits telegrams, visitors and. letters poured itt imoe the prisoner all clay • long. He was permitted to have' scene' of the flowers and fruit in his cell. Wiman did.not give out for publication any of the, telegrams or letters of sympathy. He inti- mated that he felt greatly coneoled by them. At least fifty men oalled at the Tombs to see Mr, Wiman. Most of them were business and persmial friends. SOMO Were from Staten Island. Some of those who called to tender their sympathy and, regard were employee of the commereial agency with which be .was connected at the time of his clowefall. Only a few of these were able to see Wiman. Wiman is bearing np well under his confinement and misfortune. His voice was very steady and his tote cheerful. Accident to An Artillerymau. S. CATIIARIES, June 19.-A serious tic- , eident happened to one of the members of the Welland Field, Battery on Stitarday afternoon. J. Clark, of the Port Colborne battery, was lotting one Of •the cavalry horses to water when the animal became unmanageable. Oink was kicked in the . hip and fell heavily to the ground. Ho remained insensible foe !several hours: He ! is now lying at the hospital in a critical ' &audition. Billed by a Moving Wrain. WAmagnortgas,, Ont, Juno 19. --James Doyle, an employe of the Ontario Natural ; Gas Company, was Instantly killed at Pel - 'tan yesterday by a working train on the Lake Erie &Detroit Bever Railway.He jumped feont the inoving• train,• but his clothing canght and he was drawn under, five oars passing over him. He was a horrible sight, being literally out to pieces. around Drowned. . aid to be abundant, proof hot onlyQuEunc, Jame 19. ---The body of an nn. Bake's first marriage. but also ot a third marriage, fled, indeed, is is rumored that ihere are more wives to be heard from, ' A 310Y'S reenlist): Beath. Peereeanotrisiereee, One, jute) 16.-A sad aceident occurred here last evening. A little be about seven years old by the neine of Frank Ilitibes climbed a tree end ig supposed to have slipped and fallen to \pc gtotincl when a glee ran let° hie ..efeatit Arta broke his ribs, lie lived only el few 'Minutes without becoming don. *Meta known man was foun21 floating in the river at Silloy on Saturday evening. Coroner I3elleau 16 endeavoring to have the body itlentified. It is thought that it is the body of Gauthier, who lost his life in the tee int St. Alban's disaster. woke l'its Neck by a Van. MA X Wetes Ont., Jane lit -George Lush a farmer tiviug hear this village, fell d'own. s Aire yesterday' morning and bad hee Id ls oor heelth it is . appoeed broke his ne ;le causing instant derli, Id had alt ntabb of faintness. WILL BE TRIED FOR MURDER. Mee Hartley aud Henry nine tensed at Brantford. Biteaeareoite, june 15.-1l1aria Hartley and Henry Ling, of New Durham, against Whora the coroner's jury at Noesvieb foiled a verdiot of wilful nnirderj adininister- ing poieou to Caleb Hartley, the eters- keeper at New 1)tirliam, and front the feats of sthich be died cm May 18 last, ar- rived in the, city and 'Were promptly lodged. in jail. Ling, who was arrested by County Constable Allan, was kept in leis • tens. CALEB HARTLEY. bons° until be was taken by train to )3rantford and brought before ;times Caraoe, a. P. He was formally renaanded until Tuesday, June 19. Ling said he had told a straight story anti be dicl•not fear the consequences as Id had. no hand in the affair at all. She had told him that she administered the poison, though he did not see her give any of it. • When asked why he had not given in- formation of her efforts to poison her hus- band, Ling said he did not think it was any of his business to interfere. He had beau led into his present fix through the woman, and he had no doubt his lawyer, Mr. Jones, would be able to show that he had no part lathe business, He ad- mitted the killing of Hartley was an awful affair, but he had no responsibility. Mrs. Hartley, who is charged with the murder of her husband, and accused by the jury of ecteally Administering the poison, arrived in the oity at noon yester- day. She came by road accompanied by her brother and a constable, and after partaking of dinner at the American hotel went to the police station and thence to the jail, where she will await the prelimi- nary trial. She was dressed in black and looked very pale aiid not a little BerYOUS. She was quiet and refused' to make any statement of any kind whatever. A MILLION AND A HALF FIRE. Five Thousand rive gundred. Sheep Con - sunned in a Jersey City Fire. JERSEY CITY, June 19. -The Central Stook Yards and Transit companies' big abattoir at the foot of Sixth street caught fire Saturday evening and everything it eontained was; destroyed. The loss will be $1,50Q, 000i, covered by insurance. John Merton, an employe, is- missing, but it is not known that he was in the building at the time. There are two horses, 6,000 sheep and twenty cattle in the building. Of tb.e sheep 200 were saved and theborses were taken out, but all the rest perished. The burned property consisted of the abattoir'a two-storey wooden building, 480 by 870 feet, two freight cars, four ears loaded with coal, the -cattle barge Arlington, the coal barge Maria Hoffman, • owned 'by the Berveynd-White Company; a refrigeratory with about 200 dressed hogs and 3,000 dressed beeves. There was also a quantity of machinery used in making oleomargarine and for reading purposes. Eighty men are thrown out of • work. HARWOOD AT LIBERTY. The Last of the Notorious Georgetown Campbell Case. GEORGETOWN, June 15. -The last of the • notorious Campbell ease was brought to a close, when Win. Harwood was tried be- fore Judge Snider, of Milton, on the oharge of perjury in connection with that case.. Harwood was a witness on the; Campbell ease and was chargee with having sworn falsely 10 his evidence, given last Febru- ary. He appeared before Judge Snider then, and elected to be tried by jury. His trial was postponed till the Court of Quar- ter Sessions, and he was allowed out on bail of 8600. The prisoner was ably de- fended by Mr. Wm, Laidlaw,of Toronto. • A large number of witnesses were ex- amined on both sides, occupying most of the day. The judge charged the jury somewhat strongly agMnst the prisoner, but after an hour and a half's delibera- • tions the juey returned a verdict of nol. guilty, which was greeted with con- sidera'-le satisfaction by nearly everyone present. Accident on the c. D. et. AIONTREAL, June 18,-A special despatch from St. Henri de Mascouebe says: A. very serious accident occurred on the O. P. P.. at this point on Saturday night. •/t has effeettally blocked trate and the ex- press train that left Montreal at 8.05 was delayed until about 10 o'clock on the wrong side of the Hoene of the accident. The damage done was great and the fens of men available here would not be able to cope with the work of repairs. Messengers were despatched to Three Elvers and n, large gang of men were engaged and sent to the scene of the aeoldent. Twelve ears Were derailed by reason of broken axle on the engine. Conduotor Fiechette and Engineer Bolduc were in obarge. The train was going west. The Anti -Canadian crusade. Btivear.o, N.Y., June 16. -The anti - Canadian crusade has gained an important point. Heretoftire the street railway coin. patty has employed a very large number. of • Canadians annually. Select Cotincilman, Byrne reeently OppOsea ri grant of right of . way to tho company bettause of this fact and had the grant tabled, President Watson, of the street railway company, now announces thee hereafter only citizens Will be employed by Ilse company. ilamiiioniens 13.owricd. HAllifirON, June 19, --The body of lie Henderson, who was drowned le the bay ou Saturday, has not yet been tecov- , trod, although grapplers bare( bee u almost •eontinuously at work since the aceident happened. In the CAS° of Bari gOriatity, MOM Was drewned neat the grain wharf oa J. P.CUKK SUGAR, SUGAR. The market for Sugar is firnr with an upward ten- dency. We are well pre- pared for the rise, Fruit Jars in all sizes and. prices very low,' A new shipment of Dinner Sets and Glassware to ban - this week., Very handsome,‘ Call and see them, Eggs, 8c,• Butter, first quality, 15c, J. P. CLARKE:, MARKET IMPORTS. - • Axeter, June 20, 1894. ' Fall wheat perbush-_-. $ 55 a 5$ Spring wheat perbuth. . • . 55 58 Barley per bush.. . 85 35 • Oats per bush.•-• .... -- • 5 35 Peas per bush • 52 53 Flour perbbl ........ 400 420 Apples per bag .-.. 75 85 Potateee per bag.- ..... ............ 40 40 Ray Dee ton .. . . . ... ,..... ... 6 00 7 00 Woodner cord hard • ....- 3 00 3 50 'W ood perZoord soft 2 00 2 21.' Butter per lb... ....... 13 is Eggs per dozen...-. 7 8 Turkeys per lb 9 9 Pork per hundred., 600 626 Hogs. live weight,- .... . 4 BO 4 50 Geese - -. 5 6 Duoks . . .... • • • 1.• 5 7 Oltiolos. -.. ... . . 5 5 London, une 0• 48944 Wheat,white,falL 10015s St 95 to $100 , Wheat, red, fall. per 100 lbs.- ... 93 to 95 Wheat,sprin , per100l5s - 93 to 92- 0a18.per 100 bs . 98 to 1 00 Peas, per 100 lb.-% 9D to 90 Corn, per100 lbs. ---------------------90 to 95 Barley. per 10C lbs85 to 90 Rio, per 100 lbs.. o 90 Buckwheat, per 100155...........90 to 1 00 Beets, per bus- .1. CO to 110 Ness, fresh, single doz.......... 15 to 16 Eggs, fresh, basket, vor doz..... 12 to 14 Eggs, fresh, store lots, per dos to 10 Butter,single rolls,per 113. .. . 24 to 253 Butter, per lba. lb rolls,baskets 20 to 20 15 utter, per lb. large rolls or 17 10 18- Butter,nerlb, ill]) or firkins 18 to18 Lard, per lb. it to I 12 Chickens, per pair 40 to ik, 70' "0 t I 80 'Turkgt,T.'8' to 90 per lb: eaeh 60 to 1 75. ---it- Torontojune 0 eflet Wbeat, white, per bus-- • ... 8 n to $ 51 Wheat, soringl per bus . .... . .. ... 60 to 60 Wheat, red winter, per bus 67 to 37 wheat, goose, Der bus 56 to 66 Barley. per bus..• . - 42 to 44. Oats, per bus 32 to 39 Peas 53 ta 53 Hay . „. .... ........ 800 to 9 00 Egg3 per dozen . 00 to 25 Butter, Der lb 17 to 22' Dreseed hogs * . 6 30 to 6 50 Potatnes, ser bag 50 to OS DR. SHOUL11.1S, OENTBALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. rip WICKETT M. D. 0. M., 4417_ University BT. D. Toronto. °ffigo. Orediton. KINSMAN, DENTIST, • LID, S. SPECIALIST in GOLD PILL- ING, EXTRA OT ING and PLATE WORK. Gas and looal Anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. 2nd door north of 0,ABLING'S Store -n ALTON ANDERSON JD:D. S LD - S, Honor Gradnate of the To- ronto University and Royal Copege of Dental Burgeons of Ontario. Specialties, painless extraction and ereservation of the enteral% teeth. Office over the Law Office ot R11,ot, Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Xxeter, Ont, ' . . 11Q1 AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, -L"•F„.111Wir)Fil.be at Grob's hotel Zurioh on the second. Thursday Of eaoh • month and at Hodgin's hotel, /Lerman everr Monday. J. C. 0LAUSE11. UE LAR, Mane a - Ontario • Begs to announce to the ptiblic that he - is prepared to do all kinds of 'Carriage Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc. Carriage and Buggy Tops of all kinds • MADE TO oADER. Old Buggy Tops recovered and made • as good as new. • Our harness are veil known, as giving perfect satisfaction, We manufacture largely and consequently our prices are. low, A call -will convince . C. CLAITYSZIT. IAN • an always Be Dressed Well If he goep to the proper Taliore We have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from - Natty Tweeds, Berges and Worsteds, made up in any style, arid -fitting. tho ouetomers so well that inti- mate , friends do not sample 10. ask who .mado your Suit. . Our customers never :' hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, t3"01-11•'sTS TN Sunday morning, Coroner Woolverton will pinion that deceased may have been shoved; W] J.LP • from the.wharf. • ()VEllCOATS liold an inquest as there is a alight The Tailor.