HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-21, Page 2;er , , 11�,_ :, , . I . , 11 -_ �, —, , - - � , - _ — , ,-- - - ......... '.", � - -, -, I -11-11-1-_ ....... . �"_�"' "_ '�,�,,,-� 1W*1110 �1� -77.�M I'll .1
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I 11 I . Ion while I atri a I ton for hie last. Words. I have par- tober halt would 4140 RO it We RhOula trust an ena0mont woo adolited, to provide that
I I I � I . tq,te,n It W o presseti by, aftirs of and lie T T H fl, DOMINION HOUSE, . - 'A
,As business . he
I I THE MITU GOVERNOR 0 - . , among other tially to guess What they are by V . motion God as much as, we ought. he W_ ise I non debts for liquors supplied by wholesale, TR N AND :, COVER010
�� , I things, that. rulae:1 him soul, and 1 suppose of his lipa, he is, so feeble, but rallying 'has onough to do to worry over his own � merchants could not ho It was ' , I . 11 11 I 1, I .
. . . -- . ii,ra not himself, he whispers, until I can hear him sins, wit out fearing the 44al that way —_ � , . collected.: �
I I I there are thousands, of people who � , . proposed to provide that the Lieutenant, , I �
I . . I . , ". �
I INATION ch � PARLIAMENT — FOURTH Govar�er mi lit by li�ooi%matfou repeal the W Golilg ()
I . THE PANORR OF PROCRAST � a4ron of GgReopkiroe they have so much say, I_am_Nv,-aItiug_fov a m9re—cou- O,Ome, to him froia, the sins th0 others have S'EVENTR ,11at IS
I � . .
I I losses, voaiont__se&xou"_aad he is gone, not yet committed, The fear of men easto provision., I n In t1ie.BU,qr,W0rI(X
I . I
I 11 I . I IN REQARD TO REL10ION. businesq. Itisbusine4aintheetar _ $1 � . SESSION AT OTTAWA. , i1nother leature of the bill was 1� . I
; I 15ains, unfaithful employee. Itia. t4sinoas I O In tell you when your convenient out 'the fear of God, but the love of God that it 1 , of Trade,
� I . � . I I I —_ I 4 peasou, will come. I can tell you the year casts, out the. fear of Men, -- provided that the members of the, I I ..
I I . I I volt I our law offiiis—subpoenas, writs yo I I FRASER RIVOP, FLOODS, . Executive Council should hold office until
I � 1 14 A vessel recently arrived, in No k
I . . , X, Jue J.toulaix Governori Vorms Otl hmry. to write out� papers you have to file, —it will be in 1894. 1 can tell you, what. 7.—The bitterness of bondage. We their, avooessoreare appointed. I W yQr
I I I $0ject or an I teresting 0400AIVS0 UY arguments �ou have to ninke. it im your, kind of A day it -will be—it 'Will be tile talk about "the bondage in yp V) Mr. CorbouI4 with 4,000 tons of Ciavdiff goal. , �
11 - 14 1 , dapirod to call attention so I IRRIGATION. . � � . I I I
. I 'Dr. Taliatage-)tr You ,are CX9lu% to easion, with its broken ulghts, Sabbath day, I can tell yon What hour it bat the true bondage wa's O, API, the disaster in the Prager River valley, 13.
1.� . 11 � 'be medical prof f th gypt, Mr. Daly explained, on the first reading The closhaw down of the Paton blautif4a.
I I I . ,Saved Xycr, W14Y Not Zrogb*,TO�Xlght " and theexhatrated. auxteties of life liangiV9 will be�lb will be between eight and ten laria, They were bound to, false gods 0. This district was, p rb%po, the garden of I r n � � I
I I In other words, it is now. Do t1lo Dominica Irrig - 111
,�, . � ftooX your treatmeut� it is yoiir real estate O'clock. and false priests, to a, cruel earthly of British Columbia, a 0 ation, Act, that it tu i g Works at Sherbrooke, Qua P, W
. I I I Lya, June -10.-Rev, Dr. Tal- rid the result of the - Makes provision for irrigation by co'niparileo ' '
. I IS yourbu4 I was hardly yet knowii. Much valu. and Individuate. . I 0,00..
,� 9 1�- iness with landlords and ten, you� ask me bow I know this. is your con" ruler, degrading ouNtomo, &md ignorauge of 9904a only temporary and for trooded. rep
I I , you are the higher life. The Israelites were soon Able property had been destroyed and some I .
I ma�go, wbo to now ppeedl�gaoroom, the Pacific ;%Ate and the failure of men to meet their veniontseason? lknowitbecause
I 11 1 . tQuortolulit,on his round-tho,world journey, obligations with you, Ali, with morn . a of here, And because the Jloly Spirit. is here, s,V . � A gurop3an despatch Shows Spaniab,
I � _ free, but the Egyptians remained in lives lost, A aftetch of country Seventy . THE MIS CASE. I I '
, � yance of and because the elaotoons. and daughters I railways to be embarmsaed. At 9 a
I I . I liaomeleoted &S the subject for sermonic als- those. who are. here it is the. annO , . I their prison., Rem er I hardwork is no miles long by about twelve miles wide haa The Ilouse passed adverse. judgment upon x me tha$t
I I . I :
I . I . 11 I � the kitchen, and the sitting�rooai and the of God are praying for your *redemption. . of shareholders in Spanish railways On the
� � tiouree through the press to�dsy, 11 The Rx- I ,bondage, nor is the ,most rigorous and bitter beenswept by the flooda. The disaster Davies' resoultion, which. proposed, to cou- I
� �', . . . , parlor -the wearing economy Of trying, to Ali,, I know it is your convenient seasoa servitude. However narrow your lot, the was caused by the sudden and excep,tional dema as wrong the imprisonment of John 30th. ult,, it was resolved to 4 p
., I an from a a an yes a 0 t. 'ge I , p eol� (o . r ints
. olted Governor," the text being taA meet large expenses with a small income. because some of .you, like. Felix, tremble whole wid he v revol. bov I - season melting a very V. Ellis, proprietor of the St, John Globe, medi . I
. , rve wa,rm,jh of an early
I I I I . I I Acts,24. 25 z "Felix trembled and answor- Ten thougimd voices of "business, business, wa all your past life cornea upon you with God, and "all Maurer of service in the field" heavy an Ate Governmental assiat h
� 11 , I . owfall on the, morlutaine. Us b()ped by the Supreme Court of Now Brunsw� anceli 110 t1h11:
11 I ed, Go. thy wa,y for this time ; when I have business," drown the voices of the Eternal Its sin, and all the future life comes upon, will be easy and joyous. "If the Son shall the Government wouic . ql�l �,hlgh rates 'of Exchange are meal -mg
�' . I I I I 0 voice of the Adva,11014 you with its terror. This night air is make you free, ye shall be free I indeed. " � d come to the aid of for coustruotive contempt of court. 1� -, . .� I . I I I
, I . . I . a convenient Season I will call for thee." : Spirit, silencing th . I the people of the district who were homeless' John Thompson gave the answer of ine financial stability of the railways, �
� I �, , I ,� It judgment day , , overcoming - 11 aglow with torches to show you up or to 8. -The Triumph of Trust. Humanlove and destitute, I Government, to the charges made against Representative ,
A city,of marble was Cesarea-w arves ' . I _ I
1� � � . eternity , and they cananot hear, they allow you down., It is rustling with wings often interprets to us God's love, and the Sir John Thompson was sorry he'was not tile New Brunswick judiciary, and to the ,a of the coal, oil intererib
. � I of maxlile, houses of marble, temple.$ of cannot listen. o de� 11 I , have boon at Ottawa, asking oo�mponmstion:
I , They say, "Go thy way for to lift you into light, or smite you int daring of human devotion is doubly reward- able to -day to give the bon. gentleman a legal arguments which have been put for. I
� . I . I marble, ,This being the ordinary Archi, this time." Some. of yen look upon your Spair, and there is a rushing to and fro, ad, in the - safety of the loved one, and direct answer for want of information and ward. :So far, as the offence was concerned, from the government for the alight redue.
I L . out
place, YOU May irnagin goods, look upon your prof0saion, and a beating against the door of your a in fresh proofs of Gori's providence. Jooh. particulars on the subject, He presumed thePremierholds bbatit amounted toma4ing tinn which has been Made in the duty upou'
I I I 1, . , . L Aecture of the a some. look upon your memorandum as with a great thunder of emphasi I a, telling Shed ana miriatti, in committing Moses the Information would be forthcoming in a infamous charges again J�udge Tuck, which, coal oil. The last returns of the Toronto
. . I .. I thing of the splendor of Governor Felix's �O','kgt and you see the demands you. I 'Now, now is the boa b time, me it May to the bosom of the Nile, were committing few days. after the accuser was compelled to admit 11 ..
11 I I residence. In& room of that palace, floor that are made this very week upon your be the only time." their hopes to the current of God's care, THIRD READINGS. were groundless, he refused to withdraw. ouatow house shows that tbcy�4repow pro.
. I
. I money; May God Almighty forbid that any of The L punishment of libellous and !also iebted to the extent of 85 per con't. It is L ,
� I tespelated. windows curtained, calling fret. time and your patience mud your and that current brings all good things. Tile following bills were read a third I I now
. f , I I
L IL L and while I am entreating you about your you, my brethren or Sisters, act the Parb 0 There is no more perfeQt, abandon than the't time :- . attacks upon tire beach in connection with defirritely announced by the Fi6ance Kinig. .
I I ted, the whole scene affluent with Tyr,ian I . .
� . soul and the danger of procrastination you Felix and Drusilla, and put away this great of the boatto the water, except that of a actions pending is held to be conatitution%l� ter that thetAriff changes are at an ends r
purple, and statues, and pictures, and carv. say, er, , To incorporate the Northern Life Assur, ly and pro erly, within the power of the I . . , �
. ',Go thy way for this time, when I subject. Ifyou are going tubesavedev believing soulto God. "When ourship auCeCompany of Canada. .
. I tugs, oats very dark-oomplexioned man have a, convenient seasonI will call for why not begin to -night? Throw down comes in," we cry in jest; but toward the I court assaTed. I and while this may disappoint some it wit �'
11 I about h ten Respecting the Richelieu and Ontario I 11 I
. your sine and take the Lord's pardon. soul that is dfloat on the ocean of fait Navigation Company. I RELUCTANT WITNESSES. . I
. bF the name of Felix, and beside him a thee." Oh, Felix, Why be bothered Phriat . has bee I n tramping after you many thousand ships are surely sailitig, each heav- afford a pleasant relief to the commergial,
I 4onian of extraordinary beauty, whom, he the affairs of this world so much more than . To Incorporate the Trust Corporation of & an coin i�r -i�merally. 1, 1
about the affairs of eternity? Do you know & day. An Indian a�nd a. white Man be rQighted with blessings. All things Canada, � . I Mr, Edgar moved th t J. B. Prevost d mun' I
. had'stolen by brea,king tip another domes. that when death comes you will have to came Christians. The Indian, almost as Ily I I of Quebec, witnesses who had The autru'a"general meeting �oi the shar
I . work togeth'er for good to these that love C. E. Larose
I . . tic cirol . a. She was only eighteen years of Etc usiness, though it be in the most soon as he heard the Gospel believed and God.' . I DIVORCE CIOURT. refused to answer the summona Of thO holders of -the Bank of Montreal was held I
age, a princess by birth, and unwittingly ex4ctiDg period of it�_between the payment was saved; but the white man struggled Mr. Charlton, on the . second reading of Privileges and Elections Committee, do I
, I in darkness for a long while before he 9. -Tile Might of a Message. I I Who am the bill for the relief of Joseph ThoTpoon, attend at the bar of the He the banking room of the, institution in tha
I waiting for her doom -that of being buried of the .,no'nety and the taking of the receipt? on I � I 9" asked Mosea the meek ; but Moses the use on Monday,
. -
hem in . be comes you will have to go- found light, After their paa,.o in Christ, messenger forgot himself in his message. said that if the system I of granting divorces June 11. city on 'Monday. It was shown that th
I alive in the ashes and scorias of Mount Death waits for no man, ho a er high, the white man said to the -Indian, " Why were to be continued, it should be by a Sir Hector Langovin pointed out that in bank earned $1,313,28 9, or within a fra,
I . W V When he learned who God is, he nevermore Divorce Court. I �
I I Vesuvius,' which in sudden eruption, one however low. Will you put your office, was it that I was kept so long in the dark- considered -who he was. And God never . . Quebec when witnesses were requested to tion of 11 per cent on the paid up capital
I our shop in comparison with name, and you immedia6fely found peace?" As the dvidence had not been distributed go a distance their traveling expenses were I
� day put an, end to her abominations. Well will You Pat yet has lacked messages that call similarly the bill was allowed to Stand, m. 'In thigLesSe not a _.
I . the affairs oT Affairs The Indian repliedf: " 1will tell you. A always tendered the The president, while deploring the goiriora
an eternal world? ennoble and strengthen, all be lacks is mes- . .
� one afternoon Drasilla, seated in the palace, that involve thrones, palaces, dominiond prince comes along, and he offers you a mangers. The world is atill Nil of peoples . EMPLOYMENT OF CHINESE. I cent had been paid. Therefore, he thought business depression, expressed the bop
wearywith the magnificent stupidities ofthe eternal 7 Will you put two hundred acres coat. You look at your coat, andyou a .1 . these witnesses should be first offered their that the bottom had been reached. . The old
� I I 8 Y to be delivered. Glorious tasks are plead- Sir John Thompson, replying to Mr. expenses before these extraordine.rk pro. directors were re�electad. . , I .
. places says to Felix, "You have, a very of ground against immensity? Will you I My coat is good enough,' and you're time ing 'on every hand for workmen. The Prior,'aaid that inasmuch as the work on ceedings were taken. I
. I I . pt�t. forty o fifty yetua of your life against his offer ; but the prince comed -along an& heavens a,re charged with power, the earth the I 1:
. I distinguished prisoner, I believe, by the � Esquirnalt fortification is carried on L'Sir John Thompson said- the practice The London Economist Says :-Consider.
L I Mathe Of Paul. L millions of ages? ohs Felix 1 you might offers me the coat, and I look at my old, is mad with need. Where are the heroes ,directly under the British Government, no was not to, tender expenses, but no punish� able quantities of gold are 'still at Sei% on
Do you know he is one better tic qvbiytliIng else 1 For do blanket and I throw that away and take that Will carry the one to the other ? Be*, action bad been taken regarding the ment -could be mated out to awltness Who the way bither, andlu a course of a week
of my countrymen 7 I should very. much- -�6if_�not know that .the upholstering of his offer. You Sir," continued Itfie, Indian, pause a Moses was possible once, a Moses employment of Chinese upon them, furtber failed to attend because
like to hear him a ill fade; 11 are clinging to your own righteousness, . hour. � I . ,of his indigent or two the Scotch banks will be returning
,peak, for I have heard . Tyriau purple in your palace w is possible every year and every than to forward the protest to the home oijournstriacell. I the gold coin they recently took north.
so much abmit his eloquence., Beside, and the marble blocks of CeBarea will you think you are good eno�agh, and you I
0 the beach, keep your own righteousness -, but I have 10,�SafetytliroughSacrifiee. The lamb's authorities. I Mr. Laurier said the payment of ex. 'Thusthe plethora. at the bank promises to':7
'' - I that the other day, when he was being crumble, and the breakwater at �, nothing, and so when Jeaus,offers blood'UpGn the door-postF was a symbol of GOVE31NMENT CONTRACTS. I pauses in advance, when tire -witnesses were increase, and any efforts that.may be made::,,
. ' made of great blocks of stories six feet long, nothing obedience. God did not need the Symbol, . k" . 1.1�
I � tried in another room in this palace, and must give, way before the perpetual wash me pardon a -ad peace-, I Simply take it. " My the.death angel did not need it, but it was Mr. CoatsWorth, in moving that it is summoned by the Crown, was not the to alleviate it by inereasing the ban a in. -
, the windows wars open, I heard the ap. of the sea ; but the redemption that Paul reader, why notnow throw away the worn - needed by the Israelites. Through the pedient to insert in a a4' practice in Quebec vestments will add to the ease of the market
ill be forever? And yet, and out blankei ofyour sin and take the iobe of I very contract for any The motion was adopted. by increasing Its available mupplies.
plause that greeted the speech of Lawyer off on W symbole of baptism and the Lord's Supper public work made and entered into here-
. ye "�! b y?u mave him back to the a Saviour's righteousneaa-a robe so white, we indicate our acceptance of God's love after a clause requiring the contractor to KEM.PTVlLLE POST-07FICE The United States Senate has at last din.
t ad Y.
. Tertullus, as he denounced Paul. Now, gir.,d.r..ra Baying, 41 Go thy way for this so fair, so lustrous, that no fuller on earth shown us in Christ, and our gratitude for pay the workmen engaged uson much work ored of the sugar schedule, after a good
I I very much wish I could hear Paul time; when I have a convenient Season can whiten it ? Oh, Shepherd to -night Sir Ad�lphe Caron, answering Mr. Lister, Kal of excitement and'acrimonions debate.
� Speak. Wo&t you let me bear him speak"' will call for thee." bring home the lost sheep I Oh, Father, the safety God freely offers through ,him. a rate of wages at least equal to -the our- said that in 1891 and 1893 complaint had The repeal of the sugar bounty is to take
1. "Yes," said Felix, "I will. Iwill order Again Felix adjourned the subject of to -night give 9. welcoming kiss to the wan God does not need the symbol, but we need rent rate of wages paid in the locality beaumadebyMrs. D. Leslie that bar letters
I ght it. jilst as we need the things symbolized. where such work is being done, at and had been tampered with in the Kemptville effect from the let of July, -1894, to the let
. religion, and put off Paul's argument, be-' rodigal? Oh, friend of Lazarus, to-ni God might have Saved the Israelites with- during the time such contract is bei,g post -office. The matter.bad been inveati- of January, 1895. An amendment to con.
�irn up now fro It the guardroom." Clank, cause he could not give up the honors of the Ereak down the door of the seiculchre, and out the slaying of the lambs; he might have rdifled on, unless the Minister with whose tinne the sugar bounty till 1895, and to con.
1� . clank comes a chain up the marble Stair. world. He was afraid somehow, he would Bay to all these dead souls as -by irristible saved the world without the death oftha ,dejpartment the contract has been made gated, and the postmaster was instructed tinue it with annual reductions of 11 -10th,
. ter. Re- fiat , " Live ! Live P to discharge the assistant who was charged
L way and there was a shuffle at the door, be compromised himself in this mat Lamb. That he did not, is proof that it Shall for special reason relieve the contrac. with tampering with the letters. to confine -it to the producers of beat and
L and in comes Paul, a little old man, pre. markshemade afterwards showed him to be - � was beatnot to. Surely no mortall,hat has ter from the observance of this clause, . sorghum sugar only and to reduce it to One
- tensely ambitious. Oh, how he hugged the ever entered into the experiences of sacri- said that a simil&r resolution was carried LAXDS.FOF. SETTLERS. cent a pound, and an amendment for free
I I . I maturely old through exposure -only Sixty favor of men I fice could fail to see that God chose the way in the British House. of Commons on Feb. . sugar were rejected. The bill Provides for
years of age, but looking as though he ,were I never saw the honors of this world in AY SCHOOL it Mr. Charlton moved, in amendment to 9. a duty of. 40 per cent. ad valorem on &I -
. I eighty., He bows very courteously before their hollowness and hyprocrisy So much as __ I most joyous for himself as well a,s most ruary IStb, 1891, and was now in operation r obion that the House go into supply, that sugars, with additions when they are above
� . � powerful in winning men. . in all the departments of the Imperial ser. lands shall be sold only to actual settlers.
� I . I the Governor and. the beautiful woman -in -the life and death of the wonderful man, 11 -Deliverance from Danger. -When vice. A by-law bad beea adopted in number 16 Dutch standard, and this Is to
Charles Sumner. As he went toward the INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 24TH petil-a- The ourse of the settlement of the country go into effect on let Jaaw4ry, 1805. 1
1 1 b.? his side. They say, $'Paul, we have . encompass us most thiokly,-saVage Toronto enacting that laborers working was, the middleman or speculator. The . I I
I place of burial, even Independence Hall, in — , enemies behind, cruel waters to the left, on corporatiou, work in that city shall be Government had given away to speculators The London Times, inllh , article discuss.
heard a great deal about your speaking ,, Philadelphia, asked that his remains stop SECOND QUARTERLY REVIEW. hiirsh mountains to the right and in front,- pai3 not less than 15 cents an hour. The ipg the close of the Indian mints, isays .--
I . I . no less than 2,290 townships, or 82,590
. I I give us now � specimen of your eloquence." thq,re on. their way to Boston. The flags lab us rejoice in the evidence that God is principle he son toestablish was by no -diW
. . square miles, Another evil Was the grarr� "Tt is � 4ia that the rupee has fallen at
I I I. -The Power of Prayer. God's strug- ght n a quiclia _
I I Oh I if there ever was a chance for a were at half-mast, mud the minute-guas on preparing for us some glorious rescue, Trust means new,. andii. thought he had show ting of 25,000 square miles at $5 a square ,r rate than can be accounted for by
I 1. . . Bostofi Common throbbed afterhis heart gles with Jacob by the Jabbok form one him at all times, .and when the times are a good precedent for its adoption by the mile to favorites of the Government. the concurrent appreciation of kold. The
I man to show off, Paul had a chance there. had ceased to beat. Was it always so? of the most remarkable of acted. parables. darkest.trust him most, for then he is near. Government.. � I I . What was wanted was the actual Settle- policy of raising fresh gold loans in Eng.
, He might have harangued them about Gre. While he lived, how censured of legislative The divine stranger wrestleX with Jacob's est. Thus he was to Jacob at Jabbok, to Mr. Onimet said that at first eight the ment of lands and the develop 'ant of the land to meet India's current gold obliga-
;1 I cian exb,aboutthe wonderful *E,6terworkohe resolutions, how caricatured of the pictor. Joseph in prison, to Moses by the Red Sea. resolution seemed commendable, but the resources of the country. Them tions was adopted in an hoT.Lr of weakness
I had seen at Corinth, about t I he Acropolis late; how charged' ,with every motive mean I pride', self-will, and crafty ambition, and With. this truth the quaker's lessons coa- question that ELlways arose was what was should in every way Government last autumn, and the tempea*,ion to rectir -
. � � mud ridiculous. how -all the urris of scorn not until these were conquered did Jacob clu�el and this truth Includes all of the the current rate of wages. With the ex- of the make it to the interest to it n will be strongly fdlb during the
I by moonligbt� kboat.Prioo I settler to go Into unoccupied lands. agai I
I I . n lifeT I in Philippi, 'and hatred and billingsgate emptied upon really pray. Till God lamed' him, with a quu�rter's lessons. caption of what bad taken place in Toronto Mr. Daly pointed out that the proposed next few months. When the export season
I I � � about "What .T saw in Thessalonica," his head; how, when struck down in Senate touch, the partriarch's prayer had beenj I - I last winter, he knew of nothing that called 're.solation declared that lanas should be at Bombay closes the Secretary of State
about the old mythologies , but ,,No!,, Chamber there were hundreds of thouliands for such action as the bon. gentleman sold to actual settlers � on liberal terms; will find greater difficulty in disposing ? f
I Paul said to himself, "I am now on of people who said, "Good for him, served "My- will be done " ;, but after that myster-, PROTECTION OF CHILDREN. agught, to take. The trouble in Toronto tbat illere should be no sales of land to his Council bills, and there will be again
I I him right I" how he bad to put th&,, ocean fous humbling Jacob could pray, ','Thy will I— � seemed to be that the contractors took in middlemen; that provision should be made some pressure brought to bear upon him to
my, way to martyrdom, and "his man between him and his maligners, that Ile be done"; only bless me." As a prince we The Enclish Society for the Prevention or laborers who wore not local men. But for free grant settlers; andthatland grants hold back drafts in the hope of better terms,,
� and woman will soon be dead, and this is might have a little peace, and how, when prevail with God when we yield to him all cruelty to ChildrelL Hag Done Aduk ir. how could this be provided against ? If to railway corporations had been made with which means another vast. speculation o
I my only opportunity to talk to them about he went off sick, they said he was broken- car desires, our confidence, our abilities - able Worlr. outside men were never enipl��ed, much reckless lavishne'as, to the serious detriment theriaeofthe rupee. The speculation rove
the things of eternity." hearted because he could not get, to be � higher prices would have to be paid. .He of the public interest. The majority, h I a a losing onelastyear. Thesubstitation ofn
� . And just there President or Secretary of State. Oh, Coin- and thus royally to be humbled before God The discussion on the bill now before the foresaw great difficulties in the way of conceded, woiild agree with the first per-
. . I geld IOaD2 for the Secretary of State's week.
and then, there broke in upon the scene a monwealth of Massachusetts I -who is that is to be crowned among men. British Parliament for the amending and the adop t -ion of such a principle, and for his tion of the resolrition. Provision for free ly drafts would not only tighten the noose
peal of thunder. It was the voice of judg. man who sleeps in your public hall, cover. improving of the law with re department he could say it was impractic gold indebtedness around the neek of Ind Isla
I I ment dayslieaking through the words ofthe ad with garlands, and wrapped in the Stare 2. -The Perils of Pre-eminence. There prevention of cruelty to children is in some able. - grant, bad existed since 1872, and it was al finance, but would mean. the dislocation of
, . all the world few temptations so liberal provision. Before the bon. gentle. . � .
� I � and Stripea ? Is that the man who, ouly B, are in Sir John Thompson said the proposal to man made Indian export trade, thus carrying distreh
. aecrepib apostle. Asthatgraud old MIS. fe respects gruesome resding, and such as to such charges lie should agcor- into the rural districts of India.,' -
I w months before, you denounced as ohs foe severe as to see some one excelling us, adjourn the debate able one. tain the terms on which colonization lands
sionary proceeded with his remarks, the of Republican and Democratic institutions, whether in the home or the school, in, social make any humane person determine to do If the sweating system existei in Canada, were granted to settlers. . The cheese exports still show a material
�I . � stoop begins to go out of his shoulders, Is that the sameman ? Ye American people? b I life, This test maybe made what lie can to help societies such as we and could. be checked by the present reso- Mr Martin charged that the Govern- those of last year. The total
and -he rises tip and his countenance is illu. Ye could not, by one week of funeral or in increase over .
as eas have among us here, and which have. for lution,'it should be adopted. That, how- ment's land policy was responsible for the shipments last week, as compiled by Can- I I
� , eulogitim, and newspaper leaders, which the more perilous still by the foolish conceit ever, was seriously challenged. The subject
I'L . mined with the glories of a future life their object the protection of the weak and smallness of the immigration to the West. ningbam, Lemessurisr & Co., gate
, dead senator could neithex read nor hear, of the favored one, o;by such innocent but was worthy of consideration, and therefore The reservation of a two mile railway belt 42,238 boxes� am compared with 'Awre, I,
, I and his shackles rattle and grind as he lifts atone for twenty-five years of maltreatment unwise exultation as Joseph's. The ton helpless from those who, instead of being he supported the motion to adjoirn the had retarded the settlement of the country. ip-
- , his fettered arm, and with ithurle upon his and caricature. When I see a man like their refuge in distress, too often act a debate. I the same waek in 1893. The total sh,
abashed auditors the bolts brothers were unequal to the tem I Monte to date this year foot �1 to .99,367
1 of God's indig- that, pursued by all the hounds of the polL'- t, and so THIRD READING. I He contended that grants had in every in. �
I wicked and cruel part. It appears to be . stance retarded the building of the railways. boxes, against 51,299 boxes 19 the game
I nation. F elix grew very white about the tical kennel so long as he lives, &rid the flrst�. We shall fall into Mr. Weldon's bill to disfranchise voters The men who got grants were in nearly period of last year. The demand is scares..
� lips. His heart beat unevenly. He pu buried under a great pile of garlands, and the same errors if we do not remember far too easy for parents to forget that they who have ,taken bribes was read 9, third every instance unable and unprepared to ly as brisk as Iiist week, and there in a,
his hand to his brow, as thong to sto the amidst the lamentations of a whole nation, that differences of a are respossible,for the existence of their time. go on with construction,and only prevented I ich � sty at from, I I
attick Lill, genius, and fortune alight decline in prices
I I raw neas and violence of his oug ts. a I sayto myself: "Whatam unutterably children, and that there is every reason SABBATH OBSEP.VANCE. others who were able to carry or the work. 9 to 9 c- as atches from ondon and
. , him robe tighter about It as n er a hypocritical thing is all human applause are usually from God. Let native our lives why they' should be towarde them long- Mr. Charlton moved the H*ouse into com.
� audden chill His eyes glare andd h 8 rises and all human favor I You took twenty. faithfully and serenely, neither depressed I Mr. Davin anid the bon. member for iverpool refer to EL steady tendency to
� I suffering, patient, and wise. In every mittee on a bill to secure the better obsery North Norfolk (Mr. Charlton) in stating �epress values, and ougge.ob caution in buy-
� � all ke, and, �s he clutches the side of his five years in trying to -pull down his fame, by so-called bad fortune nor exalted by so, class of life cruel parents are to be found ance of the Lord's da.y, commonly called the amount of land granted to railways by ing at,prosent rices. herefGre shippers'
� a
I:, chair in sivery paroxysm of terror, he and then take tweriby-five more in trying to called good fortune. All glory is God's, and who seem to think that'theV not only do 8 u,�dr, y . wants are at present co aratively light.
1. I orders the sheriff to take Paul back to the build his monument." My friends, was r � the United States Governmeni since 1850, n .
coal. -"Felix trembled, and said, Oats ever a better commentary on the since that i I a so, to god's children no last- well to be angry,. but who, on the most proule objected to the provision when the first grant was made, down to the Little or nothing has be done go far in
� . trivial provocation. go to fengthe of retail. preventi=g boats moving through t time, which he said was 58,000,000 shipping batter, and the state of the
C"Irtbli; way for this time; when I have a, hollowness of all earthly favor? If there 1119 disgrace is possible, either. he canals present
� atory vengeance which are between 6 a.m. Find 10 p.m. on Sundays. acres, had given only a fractional amount British markets. would scarcely admit of , . �i
I convenient Season, I will call for thee." A are young man who read this who are post. 3—The Evils of Envy. -Joseph's brothers . Mr. Haggarb moved to substitute for the of the He had made the mistake the exportation of Canadian butter advan. I .
I I � young man came one night to our services, oning religion in order that they may envied him his proud coat and the pre. emi. HORRIBLE TO CONTEMI'LATE. clause, that in case of urgent necessit ignorantly',rithse believed, of calling the tageOU917- * . I I ..
with pencil in hand, to caricature the Kare the favors of this world, let me per- Bence that coat betokened ; with one cruel . 0 amount liatented from the total amount Bank of England notes are the only legal
� Such unreasoning wrath and such forget. owing to. pressure of business, caused y
whole scene, and make mirth of those who suride them of their complete folly. If you act they got rid, as they though b, of the falnes of responsibility for the existence of interruption of traffic or,* the approach Of I .
looking forward to gubernatorial, brotker and his pre-emirence together. 'We its wretched objects have a tendency to the close of navigation, the clause may be The amendment was then put and de. Y,2 in amount; were this rule done away
Shoald express any anxiety about their are � tender (except gold) for payments beyond
� souls ; bat I met him at the door, his face senatorial or presidential chair, let '�e are horrified at the story, quite forgetting grow and become habitual. There is, per, 'Suspended or varied Mrorder-i -Council eated by a vote of 103 to 47. with every payment made in the country I ,
� Very white, tears, running down his cheeks, show you y�&ur great mistake, . in n
Can it be how our Lord insists that Diu lies not in haps, on the part of the public too much which shall continue ce for only four THE TARIFF. I would, as regards payments, depen-4 UpD11
� L. as he said, 11 Do you think there is any that there is now any young men saying, outward results, but in inward thoughts. disinclination to Wterfare in such cases. weeks at the most and may apply to one or Mr. Poster moved the concurrence of the the stability of the banIr or other concern , I
� chance for me?" Felix trembled, and so "Let me have political office, let me have If whosover hates big brother is a murderer, When cruelty to children is witnessed peo. more canals. � making pmvmel)ts on its own notes, or 11 ..
t may God grant it may be so with others. some of the high positions of trust and then whosoever envies his brother Is a House in the now tariff, item by item.
�L , Sim- ple are apt to say that it is none of their The motion was carried by a vote of Bo I promises to pay. Since May 6, 1844, no
I propose to giveyoutwo orthreereasons power, and then I will attend to religion ; eon, and has already virtually despoiled BARLEY.
� why I think Felix sent Paul back to the but not now. I Gq.tby way for this time; him and thrown him into the pit. Cove- business, and to turn away in % cowardly to 32, new bankers in the United Kingdoni have
� , manner from distresses which they are too Mr. Charlton supposed he had better be Sir Richard Cartwright pointed out that been allowed to issue notes, and any of I
r , gnara-room, mud adjourn ed thiswhole subject when I have a convenient season 'I 'will call tousneas and envy are among the most Inert or too fearful of inconvenience to satisfied with'what he had got, and, With the United States dui� on ba those then, existing which have discontinu. - 1.
,. I of religion, The first reason was, he did not for them I "' rley was 30
� 11 I Common, the most weakening and debasing, attempt to alleviate. The record in En the permission of the chairman, be would per cent., and tbat,on some grades that ad their issues are not Olowed to resume
� Want be give up his sins, Ile looked around; And. now my subject take 9" Was L
� . a a deeper tone, of sins, and few that indulge in them ever land shows that the Society for the Proven. drop clauses 3 and 4, referring to the ran. lower than the proposed Canadian duty of them, . Until 1759 the smallest ukq6a issued
adm* ' - ,
� *here was Drusilla, He kne* tha,t when and it shows What a darigerous thing is this recognize either their poison or their sinful. ti,n of Cruelty to children has done We of ZC20 value ; by an act of, W7. the
:. L " be became a Christian, he must sead hdr deter I ,, of religion. When Paul's chain ness. . ir- Bing of Sunday railway trains and railway Ib cents r. bushel. He thought it -would be to
-__ . 'r able work, and the pow Act of Parliament and steamboat excursions. wise 'to reduce, the duty, so as t? give no minimum limit was fixed at el" two years . I
� � . I bask: to Azizus, her laWful husband, 'and he rattl.cinlown tire marble stairs of Felix, I. -Tho Secret of SuCcess.-Jomeph was will give sach organitaiions more extended The clauses were dropped. excuse 'for the American duty bein" rate- later increased to 96. , Gres b oare and ox- . I
- said to himself, (t I will risk the destruction that wa1 Felix's last chance for bea,ven ; advanced becauge he walked with God, and powers, During the last ten years itis sad Mr. Tavlor desired to know if the Chris. ad. . . 1�
.. � I
� :, %. of are exercised in the prepare,tion,of, .. .
i � I 11 itabriortal Bout, sooner than I will do Judging f dra his character afterward, lie God never retreats. Joseph was an* to find that the services of the society have Lien Gaaril ian was to be called a newspaper, Mr. Fo8ter-I have noobjection to making It'he' .'I.eotes, which are said to cost from 5d. , I
I . :1 thlb� Row many there are now who cannot was roprotate and abandoned. And so was abled be walk with God because he been given in the cases of no fewer than Ile t1iougIltnot, This paper was sei�t t the duty 30 per cent. . � to 6d. I each. for manufacture. ' The paper
., get to bo Christians because they will not Druailla. was modest, loving, I brave. ho� %on. 109,364 poor chilAreri. Of the total 25,000 clergymen, who distributed ib in ruraol Tholtent was amended accordingly. is apecially made from pure linen ral ,
� � I . abandon their sins I In vain all their One ft I I Ise,
I ,y in Southern Itrily there was a credit becatise he always gave God cred. were districts to their parishioners on Sunday. I c ng for.two notes. . ".1.,
�. .. . Prayers end all their church -going. You trembling of the earth, and the air got black it, He won power because big dependen ' ROGS, . ,,, J, , ..
11 � . . I ce per is specialty deal n. I f I
cannot keep these darling sins and win with smoke intershot with liquid rocks,and was o SUFFERrItS FROM VIOLENCE He t therefore objected to the clause provid. I watar�mark on the. ps, �', 6
1� �.. I n the Creator of power. He succeed. ir Mr. roster. in reply to Mr. Cargill, -said I A ,�, I
�� ,, � , 1104vdn ; and now some of you have to de. Vesuvius rained upon Drnsilla and upon ad because his faith failed not. Young " from boots, crockery, shovels, straps, ig for the imposition of a fine of nok more tbat the offer to admit eggs free of duty ad, Attempba'a6 forgery in this flon, ,,�'
� I
� � cide between the wine -cup, an than $50 for firab conviction and not more .
- bars always been made by hot pressing, and ;�
., 11 11 .1 d unlawful her son a horrible tempest of call as and fire. men of ambition, if these qualities were rope-thongs,,pokers, fire, boiling water, any than $100 for each subsequent offence, when the Unitbd States did carried witLit apart from the pomiliar eiiap feel of the "
� ,; I alklusaments, and lasaNioug gratification on They did not reject religion ; they only put victorious in the cage of a slave, a priaondr weapon which came to the reckles the proposal that if the United Sbates paper a ready tem
I I I is and The clause wars c%rried on a vote of 48 to , t is to dampen the note', ,
.. I I., . � � . , the one hand, and eternal salvation on the it off. They did not understand that that in dark Egyptian heathenism thirty-six' vengeful hands which owned them." Fol- 24. 1 reduced the duty on eggs. Canada would when the water rn%rk samade on ulie forged
I I . L ,.
: '' . other, Delilah, sheared the locks of Sam. day, that that hour,when Paul'stood boforo centuries �go, how much more will the lowing these ca,me 62,889 sufferers from The bill was reported with certain do likewise if Parliament wag in session. note will at once disappear,. The ink is ,
. , I BOB ; Salome, dianoSd Iferod into a pit, them, was the pivotal hour upon which win victories for you, in this enligh,lene
� ,,�,� . I � 11 I I I c neglect arid starvation, and in 710 cases the amendments, which were agreadto. . TA'AlrR OXIANGES. indelible, the design plain and difficulb to
I ., I - for everything was poised, and that it tipped age and Ch.�istiaa nation I ilbtreatment ended fatally. The report ORTY-111itY TO ANIMALS. Vinelar is reduced from 8 cents to 6 cents forge, and, in printing, the machine ragid. I
. I Druailla. blodked u the Way to heaven
, � . I 1, Foli1c. Yetwhen Tp� . esentthe gubject now the wrong way. Their convenient geason 5. -The Porce of Forgiveness. Suppose says that the poor children thus maltreated . , .
. � I I I I , I
... . on. term automatically the quantity produce& 1". I
. I fear that 90MO Of 7 bit willSaY, &;Not quite came when Paul and his .guardsmen enter- Jo4epli had notforgiven life br by their so-called parents and guardians Mr. Coa,taworth moved the pot '. � '-,e
I , I 11 I others; men House into f Other, banks pay it tax on each oto asu. d. � �
I ; � I Poulb be so precipitate in J�our , T , n I 0
� , 'I I St. ad the palaco ;and it viont awa� when Might have called him strong, but how would make a procession that would t�ke a committee on his bill to make further prov. lie item of lron or steel plates, etc., was
1 I Maude. I have & few more tickets Paul and him guardsmen left. Have you weak be would have been I By big forgive. ision as to tile, prevention of cruelty to arrionded to read z-11 Irdn or Steel plates, the Bank of England % compounded amount: .11
� : I I Yet that I have to use, I have a never soon Man waiting for a cotiverdent togs he oonqttsrod them as all his aerniog da,� to., &,note given point. The experience animals and to amand the criminal,06de of ,bea,rod nsheared, hoop, band, strip, of 4-70,000. All notes are destroyed sLt '
.,the p _ or u
1. I I '. ,
. � � few morb oagagente,rits that I must keep, I season I' There Is suah a great fasaillat'OUL never could. More .- he conquered peace assault r � y is that bringing the cowardly 1892. and akelp iron, �r steel, sheared, or rolled they return to the ba,nk. The larpst, ,, � , 41
�., � i I � a a to jUSbIC8 PrOVGetfi IhL 0, t of a note in current circulation U
1 � . � I groat d. widbbs amoun 4 ...
. I I . I , . Iyant to kay a little longer in the whiFi of abotO it, that though you may have great for hims4f and favor with God, When we measure the reourrehoo of he wrong, and Mr, Flint moved to. have the words 9 tex. in.geotives, an Jroi) or steel of all 0 Pot P1,000 ; bat notes forX50,000 and R,100,00 11
L I % I dTvlVi4I1by-% few more guffaws of ancient, respect to the truth of Christ, yet somehow learn to forgive wrongs we have tak. the lesson of the, Ade is that huma oepb as a bon& fide test thicker than Xo� 17 gu3oa, ia.e.8., $1 1
1 � I I Ot no per. of skill in marks. � . have been engraved and issued, . 9 ; , , 11 4:
'' I At" ghttt, a few Kiore stapo on the road to thete is in your soul the thought, "Not at all the sting out of them, Whon we song should n Z afraid to interfere in manallip" struck otib, which, am the'Oloa0a ton," � . �
, I
I I d0oth, 11,33d than, bir, I Till a a yet. It is not timer for me to become learn to love our endMiesi, we have Won tile caeso of cruel oppression of dejonoolese stands, prevents the ill-treatin�; baiting The following proviso is added to the .
I � 118t9n to 'what tl it om their date of issue all notes ara
. : I I I . 4tG I .- �tp I =,,,,as too or destroyed, and are Written , �
i . I a tuU, whori -is a targei item of eggg ,::-" Provided;' that if the
. I . 0 t ly Way or th .. � Chriotfan." I a, to & boyp " Idesk ,Infinite Friend, who preyed, ttFothop, children, Starving, abandoning, or using United States impose a less duty than 6 off the boo 9 I
;,� � 11 I I 00ii'vollibut season, i will call for Christ." ."R-0 gave) '0&O , wait I till I got to forgive them," 0 want to be truly I AA�__ . I oVany dom,�qtfo animal, k",of the bank wliiah so makas : . ..,
.1 1. � 1, I ih`aaok.111�17� '11 .. lu"Ifor. I �Ote of cents a dozen, an cqttivalerit duty Shall be a Prollt. But any boa& fide ' holder I I
I I . � � be a young Ma I 01 to the 7oanq sttong a,"Out 01, we Mao set the - . The amendment was carried by a i ' : ;, �
� . : � � 1 : I I , , Applo $50 alftrrel In Ch eagot 55 to 10. . 1. . collected on eggs imported into Canada.` possessing much a noto and proving his .
. I . Anoth or reason wh% )Telik men b Paul back ty 81 I a an �
I brigi", 0 says; ( WaID force of folTvenosu. I title can haverthe a a doin d paymen1w : 1,�', "
�:, . : I I to the guard-roomerril Adjotxrn6d this sub, antfiloometorAld-Iffo." Imeetth 0 Same) I Mr, Tisdale moved tbat the i committee The arriendmoutg were adopted, arid the 1.1 I . . � .
I � I a a I Say, "'Seek( 00"..'=,46i ot For. Joseph's A Chicago deapatolt says: —What few - items as arnoided conourre I I I
'. ,�, .! �, � 1.1ob wak lie was go vopy bur, In ordinar Man in rpid4ifo n J I , rise 8, d in, and the
11 � . � I t Y q �� I "Irl' a D, r 1 broth&ra alhouldlaxe known 166oph better. rid report progress. . I . 1 -14-- .
: . I t meg h6 found th�, afNirs o 0 at6 absorb, He aayd, A4� until I got old,,, Probably they4orried through I many aftx� good appW there are In Chicago are held The motion was carried -by a vote of 62 l"dliitions read the second time, , I I . Irta, at
4 1 TA1=51 DITIL, I The Bridgman School for gi o I �
,�� I I in 4ame person fit old a a, ious hours before they tionfedhod. their feai at 860 A barrel, 6 price high boyo -id all to 1-57. . . P on" � , �,
y 11 b t I 1�1'.Vcv the I Obfu&,, has todently determined to reoeivoi
11 I I to �
�,�, , � ,. I I I I evh� I d,nd vio.11 M to tho man whoin they bad wronged, and recedont. As tl�pra are 400 Apples Ill a XORT3,)Vn%T ACZ I Mr. FoBtor Intro,it-tred abill to congolidato 110 mote girIN with bound feet. The ft,04vo ,
1� " ,j � 61 mye, 41&&4it until I atit ten my dying bod. 11 , who had forgiven th am. Ile -If our wrinkles garret this makes the price 12 1-2 con ti each. Mr. Daly, in ititroduchIg a bill *6 mneqri and wrpiid, t,bo Aot-s respecting tile duties of Chriatleills at Pokim, as, tile result of' an _ I
,� , .
, ':4 , . , rol't I wn call6a W him dy4n couah, AIN last would be smoothed oiit if we should trust One Arur has all the Stodk there A it, the the Xotth-Wotb Tardtori6 Ao5 explained U11",ttim, and Exdlg�.�, I
alppo y Enthusiastic meeting bavo formed at) Atitt,
�11 : 0, in niquts hava eemit, I gall tl over him couch i each other as m t- tO�r t ai wo ought , krid,zho, ol by. . thm whou the prohibitory law IS in force, Tao W1 wm wha the firat tlm�.- I . I I I
- � .� I I . � I I 0 I � I I I I . . . . I I I . I I I I I . I , . I., I foot-bluding So�i . ety,' I I . : . I : �.� 11
I -, . I � 1. . I � I I � � I I . I I � I I I 1, I 11 I . . . I I I . I , . I I I I I I I � . I I I I ,, . � I .
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