HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-13, Page 19,_
Came across a new party
game recently, and thought
you -might -like to try it on
your guests.
It all began with some
friends of ours' who like to
play with words and create
yyld puns. They had a bit of
a problem and one said to
the other: "We seem to be in
dire straits."
The' other replied Ents.
solemnly: "Yes, Dire Straits Then there are the 'great
separate Tierra Del blank spaces on the map.
Freakout from the Cape of One is entitled Ara' Plain,
Good Dope, I believe." and the other Just Deserts.
Or something like that. And there are hills and
And they were off. They mountains. We. have Kitchen
tried ' it on sone of their Range, Ovatha Hill and Duty
friends, and the result was a Cols,'
collection. of puns that.. even Nor is mining left our.
Shakespeare would have There is an ancient mine,
blushed at, begun by the Incas, called
All you need is a Old Pala Nlinb, Another,
knowledge of. geographical Owtafya Mine.
terms and a total inability to There are huge forests
blush at the atrocious puns dubbed I Never Wood, and
you produce. Yew Wood, .and She Wood,
Some bf. 'your friends will and Hee Wood, and of
undoubtedly try, if I know course, the biggest of all,
people, to turn it into a Do farmers need it?
pornographic geographic
game. This is almost
,unayoidable, because there"
are a lot of people with dirty.
minds, unlike you and me.
These excrescences on the
face of our pure and, bland
society' will come up with
filthies like Sunapha 'Beach,'
thet, State of Nymphomania
called Kingdom of Kum Y'all Wood.
(ruled by King Klima'ct There are points, suc-
Eric) and above that is a cinctly titled Getthe Point
smaller adjunct. called and,Point A Forder.
Higher In Kum, and below it There are dangerous, dirty
another called Lower In great rocks looming just off
Kum, Dire . Straits. They are
Just off the State of fearsome to sailors, and no
Nymphomania lies Kumin wonder. They are known as
Sea;' in which are found a Acid Rock and Country
Fast Eddy and a Current of Rock.
There are a couple • of
sounds, one called Mersey
Sound, another Safen Sound.
There are , a couple of
depressions, or faults, in the
map. One of these is Kronic
D'epression,, the other,is Itzer
Fault. a,
There are elevated coast
lines. These are dubbed Base
Cliffs, Treble Cliffs, and the
High Coast of Living.
Got the idea? Thy it out. 1(
guarantee you'll be ill in
twenty minutes. But don't let
them pawn off on you such
junk , as Generation Gap,
Parr Gulf, and Cape Porn.
arketing boards
rove iuciess.ful
in which we. find a mountain Supply management plicable - and inappropriate
called Mons Pubis and a through "marketing " boards when applied in any other
wood labelled ..Shewor ' has been suceessfu1, despite 'industry.
Forest. Pay no attention to some much publicized set- Translation: Since farmers
... them. backs. Consumers, must buy in a market where there
They'll suffer enough' in expect marketing boards to is not' free competition and
the next world for contriving be. used through • the sell where competition is
such monstrosities as Taka foreseeable future: . limited by a,s nall number -of
Peak, Itsa Butte, Para This Was' the message, of buyers, there is nb.economic
Buttes and Maka Pass.. Oh, George Winter, economist, in theory ;that would say far -
they'll suffer. the dying minutes of the niers. themselves should
But not as much as, you'll f e d e r a 1- p r o vin cial
-- operate under conditions of
� ee �com etition. fr
suffer when • your guests get agricultural outlook con- To back up his point
into the swing of things, and ference - , Winter cited Nobel Laureate,
start -producing such items P�roi'essor SW inter, is Paul Samuelson in Foun-
as Melon Coulee and Sherbet chairman of the agricu
Shore. - economics department at the dations (1947) and a 'famous
• Perhaps what you should University of British paper by Canadian Lipsey:
the Theory of Second Best.
do .is partition your guests, Columbia., the
on Winter's
into groups, give 'each group • The Ottawa conference s eech, Gordon - Hill,
a 'geographical term, and see ' considered outlook trends for resident of the Ontario
agricultural _products , p
what happens. W,..,.
Thus, you might°say to one presented y economists Federation • of Agrieulture;
group: "O.K., your -topic is from federal and provincial says, farmers' welcome 'this
forthright statement in favor ;
bays. Let's 'hear some departments of agriculture. marketing boards.
-bays:—So you get such items Winter's , paper showed
of as Hound -dog Bay, and that in 1969, 40 percent of "We have questioned often
Stagat. Bay and Brought To farmer receipts was ob- why some , sound,
Bay tained from commodities. knowledgea�b•le, realistic.
To another group, you marketed through boards. In agricultural economist in
subrnit streams,' and .they 1970, the proportion rose .to Ontario has not come for -
supply such. • doozers as 47,3 percent; in 1971, to 52• ward in recent months to
Uptha Creek, Niktha Creek p°erce.nt; in 1972, it reached 'defend the principle of
and Sleau Burn. If there's an 55 percent. marketing boards," Hill
alcy in ,the crowd, he might • Winter stated flgtly that comments.
.stiggest° Live_ R. At the basis there is no economic theory f Iowever, we congratulate
of this body of water is Font that says farmers should -be this distinguished B.C.to
andrunning others -are not, -Quite- the when
to s for having the
of Life, off from purelyeconomist
the main river are 'Minna couragepeak out in siite
Rills. In there somewhere reverse. • M 1 a positive manner.
Those who believe labor
you will find Compression ° unions are bad for ' the The constructive action of
Springs. •
• it gets economy suggest • that Professor George Winter, as
Don't go away,. marketing boards are a type head ' of agricultural
worse. In front of me I have
a map, showing this unusual - `of , farmers' union and ,say economics at UBC, will do
world, drawn by an excellent such countervailing power much to restore farmers'
cartoonist who• became in- should not, be allowed to confidence in economists in
volved. develop among,farmers. "' general and agricultural
''''''SlIth statements seem to economists in particular.
Tests 'should be made
Hidden mastitis poses serious
threat to Ontario dairy farmers
• 1
At any one time, nearly 50 •
percent of Ontario's dairy
cows have mastitis, or in
flamniation. of the udder, in
'some form. However,
although the clinical, form of
this disease occasionally,
causes death,` subclinical or
hidden mastitis is more of a
threat ` to the dairyman,
drastically reducing his
herd's production and•
lowering his income .by
thousands of dollars each
"However, in the last few
years, weve found post -
milking teat dips • and the
establishment of dry
treatment programs to be
instrumental in mastitis
control," says Dr. F. C.
Nelson of the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food Guelph Veterinary
' Services Branch.
A recent three-year study
,,at Cornell University in the
U.S. established that the
regular use of teat dip and
dry treatment programs can
increase a farmer's annual
• net income by about $80 a
On -that map is an island
called Nomanison Island
(the poet Donne), on which
is• a ,lighthouse.,called Gotta
Light.and a cape called Cape
W-atikin. All ' we need is a
Someone drew cities, so
that on the map we have
Greater Kappa City 'and,- in
small print Lesser Kappa
City. In these cities may bei,
found such things as the
Pubic Library, Brut Al
Copse` (a small wooded
area,) 'and a narrow street
labelled Gunman's Mall.
On the map is a kingdom
imply that farmers unlike
almosteverybody else
should be competitive: The
statement has no economic'
'validity whatsoever," Winter'
pointed out. , He added that it
leads to , the Theory of
-Second Best. • - •
"The 'point. of view en-
dorsed by most students of
economic theory,'"' Winter
continued, "is that, if one
industrial, group, be-''' it a
trade union or a sugar
company, fails .-to meet
competitive standards then
those standards are inap-
, - Rates as low as
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Let us assist you with your spring
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?rices will never be better!
Port Albert
Our selection is tit its,,best!
To determine the level of
subclinical mastitis in your
herd, a California Mastitis
Test (CMT) should be made
. "regularly. by. yourself or your
veterinarian on each cow's
milk to count the number of"
white -
blood Bells
(leukocytes). • The more
leukocytes ':there are,. the
greater the loss of produc-
If a test indicates sub-
clinical mastitis, dry, cow
treatment should begin
immediately following
milking, before the cow soils
her teats. Repeat if the
udder fills' and the cow 1
requires stripping. Follow
package instructions or the
advice of a • veterinarian
exactly when using the long-
acting antibiotics designed
for dry treatments.
Start to teat dip about two
weeks before calving and
continue until about a week
after drying -off. Teat dips
from farm supply store and
veterinac'ans .i•nclude in-
structions which should be
closely followed.
"Most failures
to control.
mastitis occur when farmer's
do riot stay with trgatment
programs,"..says Dr. Nelson.
"Dry cow treatment and
regular teat dips can'reduce
a herd's hidden mastitis by
50 percent a year. However,
it takes a while for `the
positive results to become
obvious. -With perseverance,
a farmer° can reduce the
level of mastitis in his ,herd
to between five and ten
percent -- an excellent
for, any dairyman."
would like to call you with ,
"housewarming gifts" and in-
formation about your neW
location. The Hostess will be
, glad to arrange your subscrip-
tion to the Signal -Star
Call herat524-7854
Georgi Turton
GODERICH 524.7411
Latest modern equipment
Domestic - Industrial - Municipal
Free Estimates
You and your family deservethe best of water
so don't hesitate , to .call
PHONE 524-6410
COLLECT 855-4605 •
producing gas
is no longer a
While we are being atieeted'b\ tli'e Worldf
energy .crisis. Canada is,sitting on to,p of one of the
largest coal supplies anywhere. Some have
suggested meeting a much bigger .portion of our
future ,energy needs by burning it'. while others
have shuddered at the thought.
Coal has been the dirtiest burning fuel of
.all. It has contributed greatly to pollution that
WAC already'experienced.
But now there's a way of using our vast
coal resOurdthat will help ensure gas supplies
almost indefinitely. We call it the gasification of
It's a process of producing a gas that's in
e` er\ av e0- parable andc:ol1lpletely
interchangeable With natural gas. The end product
is efficient Lu d burns virtually pollution -free.
At 1, nion Gas, we've established a
research group to study till r'ractical applications
of this new process. And it's just one of the things
we're involved in. The whole' idea is to make sure
wenevertun short of gas. Even if we have to Clean
upra-dirty fuel.' '
14111011 GHS
.5c'!'t'rriti 246 ('elft'\, lotidrtl, 1'i//�tf,es, tlllcl
(ott'rlsh('Im ill ,", 11l/ltt'c�.a/c'l7r Onta,'ir;.