HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-13, Page 16PAGE 8A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1975 • HERBIE'S STORY blackouts became '-quent bleeding for the stuff, but This is'the story of Herbie, and more and mor: often he remembering' ''that the a smiling, happy Bermudian ended up either in jail or in . gentleman who was paying who worked al—the hotel the hospital. He awoke from - his way was sitting next to where ' ' we holidayed one blackout to find he was him, Her'iie somehow recently. He's the •kind of married S"'She had the managed to grit his teeth guy .who makes you, feel Papers to prove it._ and decline the enticing good just to look at him, his Whooppee!) "It didn't last offgz•. eyes lit up;: a lop-rsided grin -long", he .says with' a wry • He saw his mother briefly in New York and once again she advised"him, to trust God with his problems. "I had another good laugh about that!" On the bus to Penn- sylvania' from New York, 'all he,saw were the giant billboards declaring the merits of this or that brand of alcohol. "I've never been more . miserable", he remembers, "I was sure I'd die if I didn't get a drink." As they drew up to a resort hotel where the Faith at Work conference was being held, he noticed a liquor store about t half way down .the block. Somehow ,he managed to get throu-gh_the first day, but that ,night, unable to sleep, and with' nothing on 'his mind but the unquenchable need for a drink, he decided ,he could that one . of the things he critically sick in the hospital-- ,ta'ke' it, -no. longer and would wanted to • do' was drink. By " where he had been , treated head for the liquor store `as the time he was 16 -he had many times before. After soon as ' it opened the next set 'himself up it a classy 'two weeks the doctor told 'day. apartment and was drinking him bluntly, "Herbie, you're As dawn broke, he got up, here's ' nothin QIe.S. t__ _ n _:a sari. ...,. � ,.o_ i ...r,l' w..r_ho.. ,;., � ._�._._ .<._ _-,�_�_ly.� r�ess�ed._.a d �u.E.nt.-ou.t_:.f�tr he Ly. w kh ngs,.-I toed P, , -d . to do in those days", he . more I can doforyou. walk until the store opened. recalls, "work hard and Please donJt waste my time Going down to the' lonely drink harder."-ariymore." However, a little beach he, „kicked his way 'Shortly, he was drinking later he came back to tell along angrily impatient. harder than he was working Herbie he could be released Something bright turned up and taking his hostility out if he would go and stay with in the sand, He bent 'clown on everybody. "I'd fight a couple wl}p ran a home for and picked up an American anybody,. didn't matter how' alcoholics who were . trying Penny. The\words printed on big they were." Booze to make it back. To,get out the coin leapt out at him, "In of -''the hospital, Herbie God We Trusty''. .. agreed and stayed at the ' His mother's words came home for awhile- because rushing back to' him. there was no place else to "Suddenly,.. I was down_ on go., But his thirst for 'liquor, my knees writhing in pain, was becoming greater and crying, 'Oh Goll, please help more desperate with each ME, - passing day. - --`- "I can't explain what .Ode day, another man who , happened, all I know is that. ' worked with alcoholics came ,, -,something beautiful washed -to see him and asked him if over me and took with it all he would , go with him -o a the pain and the thirst which Faith` at ark-cortifisreti e tit -"'has-"iaever 'returned, to this Pennsylvania. He offered to day." (That was in 1969.) His , buy Herbie's plane ticket eyes mist over when he tells and-' whatever clothing he . you, "I believe it was the needed. Seeing a. chance to • 'a'nswer to m9 mother's get out of the " home and prayers." ' perhaps_awan .opportunity to Well, whatever it was, see his mother in New York, .»H.erbie's a new man. Now, Herbie agreed. . instead of hating people, • he "I'd. no sooner got my seat loves 'them. Wherever he belt fastened", says Herbie, goes he spreads fun and "when the pretty stewardess' laughter and faith.., bent Over me and . asked "Every day is exciting", sweetly, 'Would you care for he says, "I never know .what anything from the- bar, Sir?" God has in store for me!" With his inners . almost and a quick quip for any. grin, "I drank up all her situation. But after listening perfume... and anything else to him, we found that Herbie I could get my hands on!" hadn't always been this Occasionally he would lovable. In fact, it had been meet his mother on the quite the opposite. ' .- street. "Herbie", she He says he had always pleaded with him, "your been a loner, hated and problem is too big for you. mistrusted everyone from Why don't you ask and trust his earliest memory. When God to help you?'; he went"to school he was in "I' had never trusted constant- hot water so he anybody in my whole life", attended as rarely as' says Herbie, "and I wasn't .possible. As he puts it, "I about to trust somebody I passed through school; in the didn't know or believe in." front door and out the back." Eventually, his• mother At the age of 13 he walked moved ' to New York, and out of the classroom ,forever; er-bie kept going lower and the same day he left home lower until, unable to keep a turning his back on his job, he was forced to mother and older brother. scrounge in the streets. One It, wasre't difficult for him day, .with no money to buy to pick up work and he says, liquor,.he took a container of "I felt like a big man, I was anti -freeze from a service free to do whatever I station and began to drink it.' wanted." He foind out soon Of course he ended up Family style ccs -1 4004 •life, insurac,ce --Stattearm's Family Life Plan: Easy-to•afford, 'convenient-to•own. Ideal for the • young, growing family. Let me show you why. MA • Bill Barwick. 30 Kingston St. Goderich 524-7551 STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.; Members and guests eney.- W�men's Institute 'outing Forty members and 25 visitors of ' the Goderich Branch'.of W.I. enjoyed a noon luncheon- at Victoria, Street United Church, on February 6. . 'Mrs, C. Crozier, president,' welcomed all and asked for a moments silence for a past member Mrs. R. Fuller, who passed away recently. Mrs. H. Anderson, reported on sick,and shut-ins.— An invitation, to a euchre party which will be held in Clinton Town Hall on Two candidates receive Rebekah lodge degrees Two candidates had their Lodge No. 89 February 4. Rebekah Degree conferred on them at the regular meeting of the Goderich Rebekah Jehovah's to hold program Mrs. Marguerite Horton, Noble Grand, presidedfor the ceremony conferring Mrs. Dorothy Tideswell and Mrs. Amelia McKay.. • , -The lodge was honored" by the presence of. District Deputy President, Mrs. Jean Bridges, and a few members of the Morning Star Rebekah Lodge No. 315 of Brussels. The Goderich group agreed to hold a dessert card party in the Legion Hall April 16. ' ritrich was convened ,by Mrs: Hilda Inglis and corn. mittee. "As Religion Declines, Jehovah's Witnesses Move Ahead." . This headline in -Montreal's ' Le Petit Journal -- describes what is taking . place,on the religious scene in Canada. Jehovah's Witnesses have increased from 1,150 proclaimers of Bible truth in 1914 to a peak of 60,015 in 1974, an over, 5,000 percent in- crease! - One thing that has con- tributed to this increase is the semi-annual circuit assembly 'program designed to train them for their activities. The local congregation, along with many interested people, will be attending their next assembly bri February 15 and 16 at Norval. It will°be heldin a large new Assembly Hall that the Witnesses have constructed thernselies, using almost .entirely volunteer workers. The program will feature Counsel on how to avoid being -overcome by Satan the Devil, as well as a baptism' service . for new ministers, and will reach , climax Sunday when K. McCann, District Supervisor, will speak on. the subJect "Stand Still And See The Salvation Of Jehovah.". DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For .All popular Makes /Huron Fuel Injection , Equipment . Bayfield Rd. . 482-7971• ACCOUNTING AND TAX SER VICE ,ARTHUR R. TUCKER C.G.A. Certified General Accountant 1'i ViCtnrta BIWf.. Vana>tra Box 957, Clint9'n 482.-37,17 C HISHOLM FUELS' Distributors For PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, ' INDUSTRY • 24 Hour Pres Burns S•rvfci • Furnace Financing • oalpnnoo & Dish*, Fuels ' * NI* Fipmaoa tnititallatlon & Hot ; Water . Bolters. , • 524.7681 OR ,529-7524° t. • Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ,'ACCOUNTANT 39 St, David St., 524-6253 .Goderich, Ontario R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square. 524-7661 Cards• For All Occasions * Gilts -"Books ▪ Stationery Sup'plles `.- Records .ANDERSON'S w, BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST St Goderich For. • FASHION RIGHT SHOES --- The Place To Goltls ROSS SHOES The`gquare M f Goderich • 1. II «• t , h H n The b19 puflch behInci a Combat Group. A Combat Group is made up primarily -of Infantry. Armour and AAM'illery units And Artillery is 'the power punch behind every Combat Group's effectiveness. There's a,lot more to our big punch than a lot of noise, It s an opportunity to become part of a highly trained team, • mentally and physically at the peak of condition. A' chance to become a leader. to meet a lot of young people who share the same ideas and interests as yourself. This is an opportunity for you to become someone special Part of a very special • team in a Combat Group. Think you ,can share the response - bitty of our, big purtbr ASk about Artillery opportunities now. NVOWED- .., WITH THE ARCA MAEDDIAN FORCES. Canadian Forces Recruiting and Selection Unit . • 520 Weilington"Street LONDON, Ontario N6A 3R2• 679-5110 Open Weekdays 8-5 -- Thursday 8-8 m interestedvnshearing more about a Combat Arms Group please send me Inforrnatmn Without obligation Name A.ddreSs City Prov P C or ViStt O'oder,ich Mobile Recruiting Unit Located in the Manpower:Office This T'uesday;', February 18; 1915 Open 12 Noon to 5:00 P>,M. February 14, 2 p.m. and at Brookside School, on March 19 at 2 p.m. was extended. The Go,derich W.I. - will sponsor a euchre party in MacKay Hall on March 14 at 1;;30 p.m. -Mrs. D.O. Sitter with Mrs. D. Reihl, as alternate, will be delegates to the Area Officers Convention , to ' be held in Waterloo April 29, 30 and May 1. ,Mrs. N. Clairmont, Branch Director Convener, had charge of program: Mrs. L. Warr led in a sing. song , and contributed two pleasing solos. Mars. N. Clairmont, Mrs. M. Sutcliffe and Mrs. A. Schram favoured with a. humorous trio, "The W.I. Husbands". ,Mrs. D.O. Sitter introduced the afternoon guest Mrs. Warren Zinn who showed interesting pictures taken while on a tour- .of Holland, Austria and France. Mrs. A.B. Straughan thanked the ones, who con tributed towards making the afternoon enjoyable, also Mrs. Zinn. Mrs. C. Crozier, adding her thanks closed the meeting with O Canada. .rt D O YOU NEED A WATER WELL!!! .,. DAVIDSON° WELL DRILLING LIMITED, OFFERS • - 73 year* of successful water development - The most modern, fast equipment available - Highly trained • personnel - Fast service and free estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest cost PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK . FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARI'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE BOX 486, WINGHA14- OR PHONE 357-1960 rt. A J/ r.. MAYITAG • AUTOMATIC WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • IN SINK FOOD WAST DISPOSERS • Fromthe-•Dependabi,litV People cit:- HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS'ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 Halliday Homes government... THE DALEWOOD ONE OF 157 HALLIDAY NOM" AND COTTAGES we're working together -to save you up to15OO. on homes.. 41300.an cottages. The Tax cut on building materials used in Halliday Homes and Cottages will be passed along to our customers• immediatdl',.based on May/74 price list. Halliday'EarlyOrder Discounts have been combined with the Government Tax cut to save you up to $1500 on our homes• and as" much as 513007 on cottages. To qualify, your order must be placed by April 30th and delivered"by June"15th.. • 1975.. The •amount you save depends on the model and ot,o . ,_.. • p. I ns•ye�u �t�oose: o. ...;..� ,. -.•_._ r .._,..,_.. Halliday Price Freeze" Program - If you can't take delivery by June 15th, reserve your hone.or cottage now fr r delivery anytime in 1975. We'll guarantee 1974'prices.... less the Government's tax cut o.n building materials. GoVernment Grants and special subsidies. Ask for details at your local C.M.H.C. office. . DELBAR INVES of Goderich Limited '36A East Street, • Gederich, Ontario P'h.524-2332 Send 51.00 for Home Catalog., 50c for Cottege'Catalog. HA HOMES " Nry TODAY,•MORE THAN EVER YOU SIMPLY CAN'T DO ANY BETTER! iii a •7 Buying and borrowing can sometimes cause problems. This to protect you:. ..r o000000o,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o• cc. %o 0 0 0 oo eIGNH I There are basic corrnMonsense rules for buying and selling. Unfortunately,, 'people don't always know thesd rules or follow them, and that allows unscrupulous sellers to take advantage of people. Common sense is your best defence, But you have another defender, too. Two pieces of legislation have been passed by your On- tario Government jn order to help you: The Consumer Protection Act is designed to prqtect you from problems-thaVmay arise when you buy goods or services, or borrow money. It is administered by the Consumer Protection Bureau, which • also handles complaints and inquiries about question- able business practices, and it controls: • • registration of itinerant sellers,(i.e., door= to -door salesmen) • contracts over , $50 where delivery of goods, services or payment has not been completed • full disclosure of credit terms • special discounts for getting• friends to. buy (referral selling) - • unsolicited goods (including unsolicited credit cards) • falseor misieadi-ng,advertising • penalties for Offences The Consumer Reporting Act lis another law designed to protect you. It gives you the ' right to know what credit and personal' in- formation about you 'is on file with com- panies, and an opporttrnity to have inaccu- racies Corrected, and prohibits consumer reporting agencies from using information unless it is stored in Canada. According to this Act, you-vare entitled to request in writ- ing that the contents of your file. and the sources of information be disclosed to you. Ybur Ontario government has also pre- pared twig easy-toounderstand, booklets that describe the Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Reporting Act. The book- lets explain these two important Ontario laws more fully. If you would like copies, write to: Ontario Consumer Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Y7 Ministry of Consumer andCpmmii:Tcial Relations 'Sidney Handleman, Minister Government of'Ontario William'Davis, Premier .APO Ane. r I A +M1 nr�