HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-13, Page 2PAGE 27-GODERICHSWINAL-STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1915
Need.for co-operatio
The community of Goderich must
ask itself what amount of abuse they
would ask a police officer to tolerate in
the due course of his duty in this town.
Provincial Court .Judge Warren
Ehgoetz warned the citizens— of
Goderich that this and other questions
must be asked by them as a result of
reports of an incident at The Square on
October 27. The incident was the group
proteSt of police activities on that night
that degenerated to a near, riot and
ended up with a shot being fired and a
constable being charged with
dangerous use of firearms.
The recommendation to the town
cannot be taken lightly. Goderich,
should take -a long, hard look ,at their
police -community relations and see if
both. sides Ittre doing theirutmost to
achieve whaNhousands and thousands
of fax dollars are spent on. Good
policing.. „
Do the people of Goderich expect
their police Officers to stand aldne
against an element that shows no
respect ior law and authority? Do they
expect them to stand up against those
odds,or Io they,expect them to run?
Evidence brought up in the Hills'
trial indicated . that charges of *,
assaulting police officers, obstructing
juStid'e, puhlic drunkeness and
creating a disturbance were in order.
None of these charges were even in-
vestigated by any officers after the
incident until 'Constable Hills- was
reinstatedback to duty. Why?
Should the ,police department be
allowed to operate without public
support or scrutiny? Should an officer
be required to perform his duty while
being humiliated to° the Roint where
frustrati.on may cause ,hirn to
overreact and cause severe injury or
even death to someone?
The public must reunite their efforts
with the police department to ,insure
that the fax dollars are indeed well
• spent and that an officer in the town ot.
Goderich can perform his duty content
in the knowItidge that his employer, the
taxpayer,is satisfied with his efforts.
0:AsheS10s sewre
There seems to be very few things
,left in the -world that we can eat, drink
or inhale without becoming paranoid
about, contracting some form of.cancer
within five to 55 years.
Asbestos was in the news this week
and once again it was linked to a form .
of cancer. This time a University of
Toronto research • team. found that
workers employed in an asbestos plant
for as little as four days can develOP
cancer -of the larynx anytime up to 55
years later.
In a medical analysis the resear-
chees found that 23 percent .of male
laryngeal cancer patients al -Tororqq.
General HopiIappiMay l974 bac! ,been
exposed to industrial asbestos at some
period in their life. The sampling,
however involved less than 50 patients.
The report was made public this
• week by Dr. Morton Shulman, the New
• OernocraticMember, of the legislature
for High POrk. Dr. Shulman began his
asbestos -cancer campaign back in
mid-December when he released a
report prepared by'the Great •Lakes
Advisbr Board which stated that
cancer ,could be related to asbestos
fibres in the drinking water in the
Great Lakes Basin,
The report stated that asbeSfos
fibres, could be found in thedrinking
water in the Great Lakes basin and
tests On rats resulted in their death
from cancerous growths. -
Well, the Canadian government_
• promptly took action 'On that issue by
. passing the buck to our neighbour to
the south. The U.S. government wiIl
conduct 'extensive tests on the water in
-the Great Lake's' basin and its relation
to cancer. Canada will lend a small
percentage of manpower fo the protect
and the results. . •
, ,
The two reports frightened Shulman
so much that he went out and bought a
$400 distiller for his homp. Hopefully
the people of the Great Lakes Basin
can be giyen some confirmation or
• denial on the validity of the reports in
1-easonably short time.
4. Until then•maybe wewould be wise
-to hold our breaths and restrict our
diets to manna from heaven. 'But even
then you can't be too sure.
energy needs
The • whole world has become con-
cerned with energy. Mani/ basic
amenities that people in the affluent „
lands took for granted just a year ago --
• such as electric light and heat --are no
• longer in abundant supply. In some
countries, people are' going without
heat for days on end.
In CanadA, heat and energy pre vital
to survival. And there has been con-
siderable debate about the warning of
Toronto lawyer Robert Macaulay that
the energy policy Canadians select this
year will determine our lifestyles,
- maybe our future and like(iy 'our
Mr. Macaulay-- —argues that
Canadians face a serious energy
situation -- or what he calls a life. and „
death energy problem. He blames the
federal government for failing to
provide leadership during the past 10 to
20 years in the energy field. He accuses
industry of dominating government
policy amid public' indifference. \,
If Mr. Macaulay paints what is
perhaps too bleak and,, pessimistic, a
pictiire,„ it is mainly to alert the people
of Canada to , the dangers that lie
ahead. Unlike people Hying in •In-
donesia, Australia and Egypt, in Africa
and in Florida, Canadians must ha)e
ample energy, during the long winters.
It is more imporfant to have heat than
to keep the wheels of induslry turning,
for it means survival. Doubtless
Canada, with its large areas and
relatively small population, will not
merely suryive but will make great
strides in the decades ahead. But today
on must plan for progress with
caution. The federal government
would be wise to take an accurate
inventory of the cou9try's energy
Early on Friday morning,
the river Maitland broke up
and the' rushing waters •
roused people near its banks,
and the people of Saltford
were apparently watching as
thefirst great rush of water
passedunder the village
bridge. Above Saltford the
water was very high, and so
strong Was the -current -that-- - • '-
fences and small buildings
on low . parts that were
flooded were carried away
into Lake Huron. At
Maitland Falls a large piece
of the structure known as
Baechler's "Bridge was,
washed away and came ,to
- Rundle's farm where it. now
rests bundled up and,twisted
out of all shape.
At no time the past ten
' years has the Government
dock, been so free from
'lumber as it is at the present
time, and at no time- in the
history of Goderich has the,
dock been so out of repair. A
walk along it this week
showed ' that about every
• third plank was rotten, and
the spikes that had worked
- '• up though the decaying
timber were a source of
danger to pedestrians., The,
Government should be called
-at once by Council and the •
repOsittroade to be ready for
the first lumber ship, of the ,
The long awaited-icham- ,
pionship hockey game,
Frank Miller the Mustard Report
agreement with, the bulk of
. This, Cabie TV only when young Johnny"or between Goderich and
Suzie Meet with a , serious Seaforth came off last week
• ,
finiDear Editor: ' accident? „ . at the West Street Rink. The
_ det, not so, afrom ,
Dear Editor: . this area;elyis otherwiSe,s Why Of everyone mentioned, 95 ick was good as were the
According • to newspaper would the Taxpayers have I would like to claripercent of yo
ii your ti do not have the fans and the hometown
announcements the bothered to write the Honored • :report last 'eek on our slightest • idea how your players wild constantly were
Honorable Frank Miller, Sir? Because 'most are, ' protest of the poor quality ofc, children are making Out while cheeredfor goal after goal.
' Minister 4of 'Health, rightfully, • against the san mission of the crossing streets. Maybe you The Goderich, • team'
would be in Goderich Mustard Report . .. this well- transmission
T V Cable Ltd. r-
b- should walk to school with displayed their ability with
February 7 for a special attended meeting gathered to , We maintain that any in- tliem a • day or two. It is an 11-5 victory.
hazardousyou know. Aftaer
public. meeting, etc.-, com- hear . • the •• ,, Minister's crease in the 'cable T.V. rates.
witnessing the manner in,.
REPORT" ... . thesis had not, already, been proved to a point where a
on the highway; you may
. . played on Friday
Mencind at 10 a.m.; quote statements in favor•of ANY • is excessive unles's the, quality
The MAIN theme being the PART of it — and, to find out • which some of the • children The third flame in the
are now crossing,• 'especially 'Town League 'series „ was-,. ‘,
of the transmission is im- -
Controversial MUSTARD why the . whole . diabolical
V' iewable pieture is obtained
Want to get involved before it between the GCI team and
, Knowing this Taxpayer. thrown out, along 'with the
on most of the channels and
the Goderich Township
expected to attend, a number' questionable doctor, Mustard
himself ... seed .... et al. . ' that a choice of programs is. ' Some of us feel this plan is a team. The result was a
of others, who could - not, auilable: To this end we
wa'ste of .our tax dollars not' harvest of .five for the far -
them_ know, what transpired. •manylikely solving the probleMs •• 'mers while the students had
• . requested the writer to let
With regard to the have notified" the, 'Cankdian
Instead of . holding-bpand only to find our council of .. but one to figure on. The .
. 'dangers contained if the Radio and Television Com:
Mustard Report . . . the mission that at the hearing in
the future to be approving game was played with six.
• telephone lines unduly, Minister stated our reactions-. Toronto on February 25, we'
plans by which we 'wouldty- aside as the township team
popular newspaper isthe best failed to appear in full force.
conceivably through ' your were "all wrong . . . no such are requesting they in-
na s the town - limits
things, etc." — even though vestigate the poor quality of , ' s
altogether: Why this, after an The school team was at a
way to reach the greatest
our interpretations had beentransmission and that they
expenditure of some unknown disadvantage as the wingers
. .r
number:, ,, -.checked and researched with cause the Bluewater T V hundreds of .th-buSands of were forced to play back on
Firstlya vote of many to idollars have been spent? defence and the team play
, —
learned legals and Cable Ltd it . - •
°their professionals in medical We are asking the viewers Others of us are involved
servatives for they practiced all week
thanks is due the Con -
thoughtfulness in providing mainly to ensure the safety of could not be used.
matters, before writing him. to put their complaints in • . .
delectable refreshments to The weather this past
Most, realW concerned, in . writing to us, So that we can to
our children in ways other
warm us op arrival, and week has been very .'-un-
telligent people understand present them at the -hearing,
than the use of controlled
served by two lovely ladies. English very well so if the and to forward aonations to lights or ...,
pedestrian savoury even to those that
Becoming acquainted with relish in winter sports.
, •
Minister hopes to hit target help defray expenses. crosswalks which to us stem
said report, the"— so ex- unsafe along four lane high- Mother Nature brought the
the Hon. Frank Miller,
P.Eng., M.P.P., was a special way. Since underground eek in last Mondaywith
• revising in a' whale of •a lot , Yours truly,
pensively 'prepared, needs
privilege. In person, , he lis a tunnels have not proven to be bright sunshine • but soon
real charmer, with a fine • .forACrtonCs,°u°
feasible, we suggest an in -
better English and not turned that off as one would
messed up and confused with .vestigation into extingu'ish a candle. By noon,
myriads - of _ tedious-, - 0, . , .,.,,, Alert.,,C°111'moitxt_ele6:, „ , . , • . _
ticality of overhead passeS'.`
the prac-
sense .61 humor and. many . , .- the. visibility w•as. ,almost nil
semicolons. and whereas-es,thi:--- ' Clinton News -Record
become more concerned and streets of our fair town and
us, if not strictly on guard. semico ons,
, We are hoping you will as snow swirled about the
talents to melt the hardest of • 1
. . H,owever, his opening -either. (We suggest -if the Clinton.
involved individuals ex- began to build up in lanes
response • was too long — good Minister has further pressing , your feelings and and doorways. By supper
especially when he. knew he "bait" to put forth, it 'can be Poor attend • ance ideas to,h council2 member
timeich the workers • of
would be cutting -down this done, with similar effect,
To those East of Highway 24 -• remembering it is - , , ,„ Goderfared well to reach
„ . .1(a),your tax dollar ' their homes and many did' '
meeting to only one -hour -and- Much more simply and much
five -minutes . . . with the less costly.) • , . South, ''''' . •
Wednesday, February 5, we '(b) maybe your child's life not even attempt to leave the
.' excuse of. HAVING TO visit ' warmth of their place of '
our two hospitals before
• Unfortunately, this short attended a public meeting set.
, at stake.
d ' d VoicingIt
employ. Next morning the
leavitik Town: Visiting one-hour pdriod NAra allowed up our town council giving • C
Mr. & Mrs Ed Scruton Jt. '. snow had stopped but high
hospitals is an any -time part _to be usurped by one, in us a chance -to air our views
Mrs. Donna Reed winds made travel im-
of his very highly -paid ' particular, with pros and cons regarding the widening of , :
. Mr. & Mrs. Lemis Bedard possible and the town was
position and• should not be re Abortion, entirely Highway 21. ...
Ed S uton Sr entirely void of traffic and
used as a release to short- irrelevant and a subject on • We . were appalled at the
Mrs. John Shaddick
business. That evening the
• change a Ques'tion & Answer which anyone could expound lack of ,attendance by those wind ceased .and the street
meeting which is granted us. for months. A subject which people so directly involved. cleaners. were able to open
— rarely. Similar excuses are should have been clipped at Although the meeting was More onaenergy pathways about town to
old, worn-out tricks of the very mention, or in- poorly • publicized and the ' , • allow some travel arid are
Politicians, ever since sinuation, of "Abortion". The" time 'to ourknowledge never1?ear Editor: ,
,_ . just now clearing out streets
Politics began. . The major introducer was obviously being announced we feel that "
in the east end of toyvn.
concerns of the Taxpayer planted in the meeting to - many ofyou must have read In last week's, Signal Star
, .
should bp their paramoUnt .delibesately take advantage the announcement inthe town you devoted a considerable.
' onews and just- ignored it or amount of spac,eWork on the final stage of
,to the social a
commandment-. , of a captured audience.
found it uniniteresting to you. economic impact of another Elgin Avenue Storm
the t
Are you, the people- • of large electrical generating
SewerprOject stared this
• Bayfield week after the confusion
Road, so willing to complex in Huron County. •
give up the pleasant ap- a What was said iv only too between town council and
pearance of this residentialthe Robarts family was
true, the sad part is what iias s
street and the S'afety as it now ' • •
left unsaid. The essence of the Cleared up and the town
stands, with having our matter is not to preserve bought an easement across
boulevards? Are • you not agricultural land, or to the Robartsproperty • for
$2,250. ,
concerned about losing our permit the continued growing . Wok is progressing
trees and having the road ,,„,,9f whitwell and is being carried out
some cases within ten tax -payers • an e beans, or save local bywplmford 'Construction of
itself in some
Toronto. to
to fifteen feet "frOrn ypur
gs , t
,burden. InipOrtant 'as these
doorstep'? Do you not care thinmay betliereal issue The GcleriCh Recreation
.Board ha made final plans
that it may take you forever
or the tOwn's first winter
is that our society has gone
to get out of your laneways? badly into debt we are using
NO— y4t powl GINt '11.011TtS IN AP\IANCt!
ittlt ogobtrith „
—0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron
—43— •
Founded In 1848 and published every Thursday at Goderich, Ontario. Member of the CWNA and OWNA,
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OthliritiSil end Editorial Office
TELEPHONE 524-8331
• '• tree code 519
-1 Mailing Address:
published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. SHRIER—president and publisher
JEFF SEDDON—Olitorial staff'.
'DAVg-5¥10E staff'
VF:07130X120, Goderich -EDWARD J. BYRSKI—advertising.manager
Second claws mei regpitratIon numlier-r-0116 DAVE. R. WILLIAMS—adv'artising representative
r Ns
• 44, , •
Most in this meeting were. ConsequentfY,- this Tax -
dedicated citizens with. im- payer beseeches all Chair-
porlapt questions needing Men (and Chairladies) to
good , answers but, awaiting announce at the outset of all
their turn, through,pol4eness "QuestiOn & , ..Answer"
didn't have a chance to . nieetings that every par,,
submit them.' So, this un- ticipant shall be limited to
timely termination didn't ' one, and at the most two,
enhance the HOnorable short questions; to a,total of 3
•rd) to 4 minutes in so doing, and
•Gentleman's "image".
se, •was•only "touched upon" t,..ime. them,rigidly to it. (If he,
The Mpstard Report
. — twice — and V'ERpeyr or she, hasn't made his &int
BRIEFLY, The purpose of in that length .of time, he
carnival to be held this
tbis Asseably as NOT to never will.) This would save
To you people in the vicinity energy at a rate greater that
weekend. The two day event
hear statigics, so frequently embarrassment for ' all and
of Palmerston, Jones, Hin= even a resource rich country
unreliable. Statistics can be would give others a moment
cks, Martha Streets and the
races, free snowmobile rides
". twisted and juggled around to to be heard. It woUld alSo
Delbar Subdivision', are you,. like Canada chn hope tO will featFe snowmobile
fit a desired result. So many curtail the efforts of poor and
not at all concerned,about the maintai,n.
Our politicians, reluctant to for the 'kiddies, ,novelty
Speakers use this un- monotonous Speakers - who
, aspect of ensuring yodr ce the truth and implement, events, winter games and
checkable commodity, and tuhsueallY do endeavor to "hold
,ebildren get across the im-
often: only off the "top of their. floor" beyond ' ac-
practital four lane 41iihway
in a protectedmanner? Measures, have endorSed GDCI have agreed to help
unpopular restrictive feats of skill. Students at
hears"! ceptability and who would ..
day" •
With great respect,never be given it van "The Kydro's impossible target of with the event and have
refute the myth that most of in other
• ' bridg.e-- ;Street/. - area; " . your every' ten years, for Ontario three legged *races, novelty
,j Those residents of, Cam: doubling generating capacity sckeduled snowshbe rades,
the large nUmber of letters
we""' tsiimttiaetioonfs.
Yours sincerely,
. A. Sizzling four lane. highways to cross.
childTen will now have two this must involve ,,the relay races, ski races, a log
sawing contest and a tug,of
' sent the Knister expressed ' Are you going to get involved (continued on page 3)
• • war.
1 %' • TAXPAYER —:
t • , `
. N ..- - • ., ' 0 ,,, : . A • ' ik ' * '