HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-14, Page 8;r. 1)1.13 1144e10E. LkJLit, T,4,.tarliiNit I+',Ujii E W S11iRN •AS4lYleA.Nene COM. Lvk, ofT 0 ornate: ttieo for the'1Plia>yrtr:� S11 1:411,x; INBee fg° ll ouoltll'AN , of Jaozuieu Ilestlend Aia]:,14.11Q1; IKSUItANCE Gg1Y1- r .setlY of Eastland GOOD tVo arc showing Sample Lots of choice gees .Perfume. 1'1}o are showing a ..rice like of Hair Brushes. We are showing a cheap line of'i`oilet ..Soaps. We are showing aline of Combs, We show ct 4nelline of Tooth' L3rushes, We are offering a Snap in Whisks. We have low lines in Sponges, We keep. Tooth Picks and sell them. cheap, , We keep Chamois Slins,nbest quality, You may need some of the above, call Mand we will try and please you, J. GRIGG, BUY YOUR GROCERIES ---AT THE ankrupt 51ri And. Save Money. Best black pepper ground xoc per pound, Best baking soda 2 -c a pound. Royal yeast, largest box 6c. Pure extracts, large bottle 6c. Best carpet tacks, 3c. box. Best matches, 3 boxes for 25c. 3 Ib. box soda biscuits 22c. N, P. Soap, 3 lb, bar x8c. Dingman's electric, 6 for 25c. White castile, 5 for 25c. Dome black lead, 70 box. 4oc, Japan tea for 25c. pc, Japan tea for 2oc. Best rice, 4c- a pound. Good raisins, $1 box. Good brooms, 2 for 25"c, Best wash boards i8c. Yes, you can save money on your dry -goods too, Best spools 20 ; dress steels first quality only 7c. ; good pins, three papers for Sc. : ladies' vests, 8 for 25c. ; I2' c• flannelette for 8-1c. ; men's sox, 3 pair for 25c. ; gent's washing ties 5c. worth 25c. ; black henrietta 58c.worth in any store i o e c araso de Jaynes, corsets, Iagloves, hosiery, capes, millinery=, all at Bargain prices. J. A. Stewart. lirevitioe- Can this be summer •S Wheat now brings better prices. The recent rains have assisted vege- tation. Cheese 18 now more plentiful and cheaper. Potatoes etre new very sea>,ree at $1.20, per bag. Read It...N. Rowes change 14 sdvt, /another column, Straw hats and white shoos have made their ap oarance, Andrew Robinson of Centralia, has the eoutract for a big drainage work in the township of Brooke. Several of the residents of William street are having granolithic walks. Placed to their residences. A nunber from Exeter attended the Society pieuio at Grand Bend on Mon- day. A plesisaiit day is reported. The June sessions of the Peace are now being held in Goderich. A num- ber from hero are in • attendance, The contract for a big drain, similar to the one in Hay township, has boon let imthe township of Rullett. It will cost over 89,000. If it weren't for this election excite- , moist strong men would become maniacs at the thought that yet a few weeks more and the tax collector will present his bill. The impression has gained ground that J. W. Broderick has moved from his old stand. This is wrong, he has simply leased stir. Johns' store for a few weeks Despite a month of rain there is still enough of summer left, according to the almanac, to grow a crop of three -.rowed freckles under the straw hat of every blonde in Exeter. Mosquitoes and slump speakers are. now the bane of the Ontario farmer, who is breaking his back planting po- tatoes which should have been in the ground before the 24th of May. While Master Ben Walden and his sister, of Lucan, were playing with the lawn mower the other day, Benny got leis fingers in the knives, and two of them were cut off above the nails. The Presbyterian General Assembly will convene at St. John, N. B„ next week. The Presbytery of Huron will be well represented. Mr. Strang of Exeter is one of the delegates. At Stratford the other afternoon, Mr. W. A. Rutherford, of Rutherford 65 Harrison, of Toronto, was united in marriage to IIargaxet, eldest daughter of Mr. J. P. McDonald, of Stratford. High, Public and. Separate schools close for the summer vacation Friday, June 29. In rural sections re -opens on Monday, August 20. In the cities, towns and incorporated villages they open a week later. An ice cream and strawberry festival, will be held on Mr. John Spackman's lawn, under the auspices of the Ladies' Guildiof Trivitt Memorial church, on Friday evening 22nd inst. Music by the band. Admissson 10c. Mr. T H. Race has left the field int South Perth, leaving the aren f 1r ewer. roat ate, and Mr. McNeil, Patron Candidate. The fight will now be a warm one with the chances greatly in favor of the latter. Owing to the absence of the regular pastors at Conference, the Methodist pulpits were filled by local men on Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Martin preached in the Main St. church, while Mr, Hart- noll and Mr. Clarke occupied the pul- pit of the James St. Church. A full report of the County Council proceedings will be found on the 5th page. To finally settle matters in conn- ection with thel Buse of Refuge it is nec- essary to hold a December session. Next year the members now on the commit- tee mightlnot be returned to the Council hence the necessity of those who under- took its establishment and carrying it out. A meeting was held here Thursday night for the purpose of organizing a bicycle club for the ensuing year. The following offeers were appointed: Presi- dent, Dr. C. Lutz; vice-president, N. D. Hurdon; captain, W. E. Browning; secretary, R. Ferguson;;treasurer, F. W. Collins; bugler, Frank Lutz; whipper -in, James Grieve. Exeter can turn out a strong bicycle club. The persons from Toronto, who gave an entertainment in the Opera House, here on May 24th, are quite indignant at what THE TIMES said of the affair', and try tc palaver their alleged play by forwarding clippings from the To- ronto press. .A car load of newspaper clippings would not convince a single attendant, at the entertainment that it was anything other than a farce as ren- dered before the aunience here. A much respected resident of Fair- field in the person of Mrs. Elliott (relict. of the late David Elliott,) died at the residence of her son William en Mon- day. Deceased had attained the age of 1 years 2 months, and was one of the shoes) highly respected residents of this s ,ction . Shelves widely known for her liberality, Christian spirit and affability. Vier remains were interred in the Fair- f?'e]d cemetery on Tuesday, the attend- pnce at the funeral being very large. Indigestlon 1* stubborn but B. D. LY, over- comes it. The South Huron Orangemen wilt cel- eebrato the coming 12th July in Parkhill. le There will be a grand excursion along Ale line to Port Stanley in the near fut. Imre, Wait for it. Particulars will be ?given later, Great bargains in baste and shoes At the Bxeier Cheap Bankrupt Store. We have the beat stook in town and we sell cheap all the time. J. W. BBoDEriICK. M. Lewis of the London Bead Solidi died en Sunday last alter a los and painful Menem She loeves a husband and ono daughter At ]setae. Demurred wait highly respected, by a large circle of friends. Notice to Times' Readers. 2'he publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in THE Teams. NOTICE -All busineas announcements notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc„ appearing in these local columns will be charged for at the rate of five cents per line each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save to persons having open accounts. To immure change off advertisements in current issue copy must be handed into office on Tuesday. 'Trivitt Memorial Ch. June 17th, 1894. el a. m. "The teachings of Christianity in regard to"Social Sermons ism." - 7 p, re. "With the rear Column of the Army of 6od." Special Music by Choir and Orchestra; MagnificatServioe. Bunnett• Anthem. "For the Wings of a doyen Mondlehon. Obiegate Solo. Miss Davidson. 75l QuarietteC.na and. nire. Hunt and Mrs. Hawksbaw ess "TH17RST)AY. JUNE 14th. 1894. s' LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Pon SAtz.-1 second hand Phaeton, 1 second hand two -seated carriage, and one it sett of second hand harness. Also new buggies and carts./ Apply to W. G. BlaaEZT, '�., The Ladies' Aid Sooiety of James St. Methodist ohnrch will hoid a Strawberry )']'estival on Friday June 29th inst, See ills. • ° The half prioe sale at the eters ons door north of the post office is a great emcees. IPneerybody pleased with the bargains. The cheap sale will .continue one weak longer. Remember all goes for half price. J. W. d Bx8O0Eit1GG, On Monday evening Adv*nee Coun- cil No, 207. Royal Templar?' of Temperenoe hold their election of officers, when the following were, elected for the next tern :-Select Councillor, Geo. 1'enhele; Vice Councillor, Robert N. Rowe; Chap - fain, E. A. rollick: Trusaarer, Peter Irrayne; RecordingSseretary, Flank Wood; Financial Secrolsoy. Mise M. E. (filly I1erald, WarrenSnell; Guard, John Cttd. More; Sentinel, Andrew Dernpley; Organ- 1st,lklise Annie Gregory, Messrs. Georg. 1' enhale and Thomas ft. McCallum, Mise M. A. Down and Miss Clara Voepor, were oholen sr delegates to attend the district mooting at Wiegham on Thursday, the 14th init. M *stM'. Llrtirrkttrtt for t►el a Vat he Mill, B. 1t,. Law wishes to announce to the Iadies ot Exeter and vicinity that, having opened,A deems making establish. meat one door south of J: A. Stewaift'ef store, is prepared to do all kinds of droit and tnitntis making in the latest styles. Mrs.`Low is lets of theJ, t), Tait Co., alt, Clttha 1ue* and MotewenCo.,l , it w A. �,' of To-, ttont% Bread is down to four eenta again in Se afoot,. Dr. Campbell, of Parkhill, has settled down to practice ?]n ,;;ari,oh, Mr. ;novenas Ward, of Varna in full bloc= on May 27th. Many fanners have ploughed up; t itch potatoes and corn anti planted a eeocnd time. Me J'a01o5 Egan has been, offered the appointmentof assistant baggagenlan at Brantford. The Bnttauco and Publio 84boo1 Leav- ing Exatnipationa will be held on 28th, 29th and 80th of June. David Chesney, of Tuokersinitb, has a horse with a mane, the hairs of which measure 4 feet 8 inches. Provincial nomination en Tuesday 19th Met. Election on the 26th. The nom- ination for South Huron will be held in Henagl1, The semi-annual meeting of Bidditiph Diatriot L. U. L. will be held at Centte.. lia on Saturday next at 2 o'olock. By order, Disiriot 14,'laster. , A football match was played between the juniors of Exeter and Luoan last Thursday which resulted iu a snore of 2 to Din favor of Exeter. James Graham of St, Marys, who has been attending the Last- School at Toronto, during the past two years, has returned home a full fledged Barrister. Mr. John Fox,. the Conservative can- didate in North Middlesex has retired from the field. The contest therefore will be between stir. W. H. Taylor and Mr. J. H. Alexander. George W. Barry, of .Luoknow; bought the drug stock of George A. Fear, of Goderieh, which was sold at London, at 55i cents on the dollar. The stock was invoiced at $2,752.02, At the a enual meeting of the share- holders of the Exeter Salt Well Co, the old Board ot Directore were elected, viz: - D, Mill, T. Coates, G, A. K. McLeod, Ehomaa Fitton and T. B. Carling, The sudden jump it the prides of po tatoes is accounted for by the fact that an immense increase has been caused in the amount:required for seed owing to those first Vented rotting in the ground. The tide of trade flows steadily to s merchant or business man who keeps the beat stock, advertises it freely, sella at a very small advance on cost, and gives .his customers good value for their money. The London Free Press says that a Woodstock man has secured a patent on a school desk and seat. If he could patent an arrangement to make the small boy sit still on or off the seat his name would be blessed. We are sorry to announce that Melt O. at the Stratford races last week again acted ugly. He had every chance of get- ting third; plaoe in a field of some S or nine horses, His gait is being changed to that of a pacer. Some idea of the amount of water that fell during the ;recent heavy storm may be gained from the official registrar at Toronto,• which places the amount at 7 inohes, or over - of the amount that falls on an average during a year. A 'full :attendanceof the members of L. O. L No. 924 Exeter, is requested at the next regular meeting, as business of importance is to be transacted. Any Paxson w,iehrng•to cin.can do so that night By order, W': Taster The . tithe.. cjf Teen<+a, , .dzedlintl 't •.$ g a ti tkre° other day.MrTaylor-hid not- seen;hf s mother for 11 years, and was making arrangements for her to come to Canada to live in a few weeks timo. "Lord Tennyson" and "Lady Garfield, both of which took part in the Exeter races, were distanced in the 12,50 and 2.19 races at St, Thomas, on. Tuesday of last week. "Saranac" won 2nd money in the 2.30 trot. Seven heats were trotted to settle it. 2.29e was the beet time made. The death of an other of Sea- forth's earliest residents in the person of Mrs, Alex. Scott, took place last week. Mrs. Scott had been in delicate health for several years, but since last fall has been perceptibly failing, and at times suffered severely. Death to her was a happy re- lease. The deceased was 'a daughter of the late Walter Smith, of Mitchell. She was a native of Scotland. Jonathan Etagere, SOyeare old. living in the town of Preston, was found dead in a hog pen. He wan subject to fainting fits, and it is supposed that while leaning: over the side of the pen he was struck down and fell into the pen. leis clothes were torn and his flesh had been horribly lacerated by the hogs. The medical examiner thinks that life was extinct before the hogs began their work of destruction, Seaforth Bicycle Club hold races on Wednesday evening. The program con- sisted of a five mile named race between Livingaton and Baldwin, a two mile hand- icap and a half mile Class:13 event. In the five mile race Livingston won. In the handicap race Livingston was first, Baldwin second, Cardno third and Mc- Lean fourth. The half mile class B race was won by G. Good with F. Cardno second, The Lucan Irish Nine baste ball team made a tour last week of various towns in this county. In Exeter en Thursday last they defeated the Exeter team by a snore of 33 to 5. In Clinton next day the game stood 22 to 12 in favor of Lucan team. At Goderich matters were revers- ed, the score standing 32 to 4 in favor of Goderich: Goderich and Mitchell teams also played a game on the 6th, Goderich winning by a score of .17 to 4. A most promising young man of the township of Hallen, has passed from this life. Wo refer to the death of Mr. George Wilson, third eon of Mr. David Hinson, of Hullett, near Kinburn. He was a victim of oonaurnption, and although he had been ill for several months,, ani it was app/sort to his friends that hecouid not last long, the'end came very suddenly en Satu"rtlay last. He had never been confined to bed, but passed peacefully away on Saturday lost. E TI Yiiis-an Era2 of Low Prices' Certainly with wheat at 55 cents a bushel, brit are we to look at the low price of wheat only, We should remember that the value of the article is to be measured by its purchasing power. It required 15 bushels when wheat was $1 e bushel to purchase as good a Suit as can now be purchaspd by .18 bushels at 55,cts. That is to say our 10 SUITS Are superior to what a few years $15 was paid for, We are now running a special line of SUITINGS Ii,l9TWEEDS 0 AND TE AT $10.00 AND $15.00. In the FURNISHING LINE we take the lead. Gents - Silk �i Shirts, Flannelette Shirts, Wool and Silk Shirts, Ties: Collars, Cuff's, &c., am, in end- less variety. DIRECT IMPORTERS. so.-E,.V Read This, To know that I am in Exeter again, is of importance to you. This is my seventh year to be with you, and my business is on the increase. Is your sew- yr mnolxi[nalrnutest:orderl ., GdboeB At jinn) U,rvM Dpeatdr 444a�641 •,.ag.oin g • overcams_Atte ;ha znsphlna: unAeqes3v ary noise? Has it lostmotione Have` yaij lost any part of the machine? 1)o you want a shuttle? Now is the time to have anon as this attended to. Do not wait for me to leave and then tell your neigh- bor you are sorry you did not have your machine repaired. Those having machines repaired by me and not running properly return them and I will repair them free of charge, if the guarantee has not run out. I will be with you three weake only. H. S. Earl, Fanmon's Block, next door to L utz's Drug Store. Ben Short Acquitteee James B. Short, of Centralia, who was acquitted on Saturday on the charge of having burned his store in Parkhill, w as given a great reception on his return. During the whole afternoon the telephone office at that place was surrounded by a large crowd anxious to hear the result of the trial. When the verdict was announced all the wheel - men in the place rode out about five miles on the London road and acted as an escort for Short, Miss Johnston, Hensel], (Short's fiancee) ' Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. Miller, on their return to that town. The first halt was made at the market Square, where about 1,500 people had congregated. Short made a; brief speech, in which he thanked the citizens for the interest they had shown in his behalf. A big display of fireworks followed, and the crowd went to the hotel, where a spread was awaiting them. Short is going to start up in business again. The Seaforth Expositor thus refers to a ',eon of Mrs Page of the Metropolitan: - )"et, very happy event took pine, in town 4on Wednesday, at the resident* of Mr, Robert Young, when his eldest daughter, Miter became the bride of Mi. Jae. 1'age, one of Seaforth's most eetimabir young men, Tho ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. J. Gelloway, pastor of the Methodist church, in theresenoe of the relatives and intimate friends Of thearties most deeply concernisd. The P young Y 1! g couple begin their married life under yery happy auspices and with the best wishes of hosts Of friends, in which we bog to join, for their future welfare, prosperity and happiness. They to to Brampton for "their wadding tate' �tttlfi Per iil a'i. reliefrliter, eating 100R. D Pe ons Y8 a 3 Mr. and Mrs Geo. Powell and son, of London township, visited friends and relatives in town on Sunday last. - Mitchell Recorder: -"Mr. Alex, Tait, of Exeter, was in town on Friday night calling on friends." -Mrs Mann- ing, mother of Mrd. (Dr.) Amos, cele- brated her 70th birthday in town last week. -Mrs. Geo. Weekes, who has been visiting friends in town for some time, left for her home in Guelph last week -Mrs. W. H. Verity of Brant- ford, is visiting with her daughter. in town. -Mrs. (De.) Dietz has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs, B. W. Grigg, Montreal. --Mr, Wm. Grigg visited friends in Clinton this week. - Messrs. F. W. Collins and Ed. Treble visited friends in London over Sunday. They made the trip on their wheels. - Mrs. A. M. Peterson, of Brandon,. Man., is visiting at Mrs. Templeton's. -Dr. Mary Hutton of Forest, visited friends in town on -Tuesday.-Mrs. Dinginess and child, who have been vsiiting at the Main St. parsonage left for their home in Stratford last week. -W, J. Clarke of London, spent a few daysof this week with friends in town. The autumn sittings ot the High Court of Justice will takep lace at Goderich, withoub jury, before Mc- Mahon, J,, On Monday, November 12th. The d . oods men of Clinton have decided tb close et6 o'clock in the eveziin. during *esuininor rr*lube to take effect next Mendel,. Their New Stations. GIIELP11 CD\FERE\CE. The following is the first draft of the Statronin, Committee's report for -.Ie GoousaxClt DIaTBICT. ''(lodarrieh (North Street) -Joseph Edge. Goderich (Victoria Street) Henry Irvine, Clicron (Rattenbury Street) Joseph W. Holmes. Clinton (Ontario Street) Wm. Smythe. Seaforth-Joseph Galloway. Hoimesville-Ezra A. Fear. Bayfield -Edward Olivant. Heneall-Francis Swann, Henry E. Currie, Kippen-James •Walker, (Hensall). Dungannon -David Rogers, Nile -P4 m. A. Moss. Benmiller-Alex. Thibadeau. J, W."Holmen, Chairman: Jos.'" Gallo- way, Fin. Secy, AINCARDINE. DISTRICT. Kincardine -James Livingstone. (rind; ley M. Smith). Ripley -Benj. L. Hutton. Lucknow-John Mille. John Walker, Superannuated. Ashfield -Root. H. Hall, (Lucknow), Whitechurch -Robert U; Byrton. Tiverton -Robert 11. Barnby, S. T. L. Bethel -Charles V. Lake (Pine River). Beryie -Thomas C. Sanderson, Albert C. Tippin. Salem -Jabez J. Noble (Greenock). John Bowering. John Milia, Chairman; B. L. Hutton, Fin. Secy. WINGIiAII DISTRICT: Wingham-Gerham A. Clifford, Ph. D. Teeawater-Alex. X. ;Birks, L. L. B. Wroxeter-Wealey E. Kerr Brussels -Geo. H. Cobbledick, M.A., B. D. John L Kerr, Richard Paul, Superan- nuated, Walton -Thomas W. Cesens, Landshore u h e -H J. Fair. H Blyth -George Buggin. Wm. Mills, Toronto, Superannuated. Auburn -Wm. Baugh. Belgrave-Edward A. Shaw. Blue,. ale -Joseph W. Pring. Wm. A. Smith,,Wesleyau Theological College, Montreal. Geo, Buggin, Chairman; Wm, Baugh, Fin. sexy. LISTOWEL DISTRICT. Listowel -N. R. Willoughby, D. D James Caswell (Grimbey) Superannuated Milverton -Abraham W. Tonga. Trowbridge -John W.Ro ` w gbinson Gorrie--Josiae Greene. Fordwieh-Solomon C. Edmunds, B. D. Wallace -Richard W. Williams (Lis- towel). Atwood -John S. Fisher. Ethel -Wm. J. Waddell, Herbert E. Kolltngton. Benjamin Sherlock, Super- afinuated. John H. Watts, Henry A. Newcomb. N. It. Welloaghby, Chairman. Joni Greene, Fin Secy. 8'r MiIRY's DIBTnIOT St. Marys - Andrew Cunningham, Richard Service, 13upernumerary.: Granton -Joseph S Uoo'c,kh D Luoan-Ede in A, Chown, 13 D Richard C Blenders (London), Superannuated. Ailsa Craig -Walter Ayres. I irkton-Thomas J. Snowdon Woodham -William Birks ,i ohn nd13 D Wel- "ssou --J lien e Ni f, (. bu.n) Kintore -John Bart Timis lord -Hervey D. Moyer, the household remedyfor *. X, D. •` soh trotebles. torn Bops will be OVS The little chaps can't }.sell) Wt:filillg out olotlh. :, ing. They are not to tt)atth,.. Parents should see to it ,that THE CLOTHES THEY WEAR are of right sttTff at the start, vaoatiou and school holidays give .a severe test i,') 01', goods and the workmanship. Bah Should ; A t fight CARLING BROS. make a special feature of BOY'Sr THING in style, finish, quality and Prices, CARLING- BROS.' Clothing is'the King. CARLI'G BROS- Eggs Sc. Butter Be, Mra. A. Allan while yisiting a neighbor. some lime ago, slipped and fell on one of her arms. The memhee felt sore for a time but seemed to gat better, until the other day it troubled her so much that she had to engage a Burgeon, wno found tbat it had been broken and did not knit properly. The injury may yet prove seri- cite. Malaria is one of the most insidious of health; destroyers. Hood's Sarsaparilla counteracts its, deadly poison and builds up Biel system. While playing base ball at school yester: day, R N Creech had his nose broken by the ball striking it. A healthy appetite, with perfect digest , ion and assimilation, may be secured by the use of Ayer's Pills. They cleanse and strengthen the whole ai]rnentary canal and remove all obstructions to the natural fun- ctions of either sex, without any unpleas• ant effects. tt s -Seer P J y the final draft of stations, Re Locke comes to Main se: church, while Rev, McDonagh goes to Kingsville. 11 your tongue iscosted one Ese hay's Liver Lozenges. They will set your liver working healthfully and purify the blood. Mondayrr,.,.: ?no,..,ng a young boy, 6 years 1f8" on of D. McDonald, stone cutter, fall into cansl at Perth. A man jumped in tobut as save him,o 1he uld Po not swim he nearly loslife'and had to be helped out. The boy was drowned. There is no one article in line of medi- cines that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Do you feel the weakness of age? Some men die at an age at which others are young. Take Eeeljay's Liver Lozenges. Is your tongue coated? Take Eseljay's Liver Lozenges. They will work off that bilious condition. OLEnclI3IEN REoommEND IT, Rev. J. Leishman, Angus, Ont., writes: "It gives me much pleasure to testify to. the excellency of K. D. a,60 a cure for Dyspepsis., I have recommended it here widely, and in 'very case it has proved successful. It is the yery best remedy for that frightful trouble, that I know of, and neverifails to help or onre when used as you direct Ii deserves the name "King of Dyspepsia Cures." BORN. COLLINS-in Lucan, on the lst inst., the wife of 11ir. J; R, Collins, of a daughter TODD' -In Clinton, en the 9th inst.: the wife of A. M. Todd, The Neves Record, of a son HICKS -In Centralia, on the 1fth init., the wife of R. F, Rieke, of a son, CORNISH...In Ueborne,on the 10th inst., the wife of Wm. Cornish, of a]daughter. DELVE -In Exeter, on the lith inst., the wife of Wm. Delve. of a daughter. CHAMBERS -In Crediton, en the 10th inst. the wile of Matthew Chambers, of a daugh- ter. MARRIED SOWERBY-SALKELD-By the Bev. J. E• 'Howell, M, A., at the rosidesce of John Sal- keld, Maple Grove, Bayfield Road, father of the bride on Wednesday June6 John Sower - by. of Rapid City, Mich., and Diss Florence Gertrude Salkeld. PAGE -YOUNG -At the residence of the bride's lather, on Juno 6th, by Bev J. Gallo' way, Mr. James Page, to Mies Birdie Viola Young. eldort daughter of Mr. Robert Young, ell of Seaforth. ilaINTYRE-SMITH-At the residence of the bride's mother Wellington et. Marys, on Juno 6th, 1894, by the Rev. A. Grant, Mr. W. J. McIntyre. Revelstoke, B. C.' to Reiss Jennie L. Smith. of St. Marys. Lr WIS.-In St. Marys, on Juno 2nd, 1894, Jas. Lewis, AAO 65 years' WILKI1ISON.--in Mitchell on the 3rd inst John Wilkinson, aged 85 years; and 11 month. LEWIS.-In Stephen on the 11th incl Mary, wife of George Lewis, aged 71 years, 1 month, ELLIOT,-In Stephen on the 11th Mai., Sarah relict of the late David Elliot, aged 71yoars, 2 mouths. STEVENS.-In minket, on the 9th inst. Mary Jane, wifeof 11. Stevens, axed 54 Jeers, and 1 month. FERUUSON.-in Barfield, on' the 3rd that Agnes A. Ferguson, aged 89 years, mother of ItMr. jamas Ferguson, Clinton. British Grain Trade. Tho'sfark Inns Ex kersin its weekly review of the grain trade, says:-EngliahlWheats have risen sixteenmo and foreign wheat a shilling, California wheat has been quoted at 24e 6d: Duluth at 25$ 9d end the best Msuitobe at 27s per quartet. Barley, pea sbenne, and d oa t s have been eteady and oorn'frm. Muted Amer- ican corn has risen 1 d. To -der English wheats are dearer. Chore is small reuest for foreign Wheat, and. Arnerioan wheat, 1s strong. California is a,shilling higher anis the other nineriende• 13nalistiear floirr is erechanged, at ill: Apierfoen flour is 64 ger, at 2.is od. Corn is x shilling dearer fox flat and etxpenao for Hotted. Beene are si*penoe dearer, and teat aad ltneesd Arm. London, Huron and Bruce. Genic Noma- Passenger. London, depart....... 8.20 A, M. 4,40 P. nr. Exeter.. 9 29 6.00 11cnssll 9,4.2 0.18 hippen 9.47 6 20 Brueefield -..., 13.55 6.23 Clinton 10.12 0.55 Londeab' no 10.20 7.14 Blsth. .......:....... 10,38 7.23 Bele rave 10.82 7.37 Winghain arrive11.10 8,00 Gorse Sayan- Passenger Wingbanr, depart... ".. 0.35 A. tr. 3.25P. is Ilelgratis ... 6.50 3.47 B7 4.01 Lopdestoro ...... 710 Clinton.. ........ 7.45 Tl ru c efi el d .................. 8.05 l ienail 8 hetet .................... 8,4J 4.03 4.28 4.40 4.53 4,58 0,12 NOr1LE. Settled tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Tuesday morning July 3rd,. for the improvemenc of Mud Creek Drain as Advo at iiivPlanss pnd]Specifid eations can Exeter e' seen at my residonoe at Sodom. Tho work;con- templated will be that portion located in Stephen and half way along 5. B, rliaad from M 0 Bridge to concession road. Tho lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders. will be opened ouTuesday ;July 3rd, at t*o Town Hall, Crediton. By Order of Stephen Council. 0. PROUTY, Han, P, O. 1 f J Bargain Day. Awl AST ofPat Things FOR CASH. Our famous 25c. rrea,, (Bargain Day only) 20o. Our famous Orient Bik. Tea, (Bargain Day Only)- 30c. Our famous 35c. Tea,.. (Bargain Day, only) 25o. Dish Cloth Soap. 20c. 13 bars Electric Soap (To -Day) 25c. 25 yds, 1 yd. wide Fac- tory Cotton, $1,00. 2 ieces 150. Dress. p e . Goods, 5c. 50 Bili;. Serge Dress, Goods; 25c. 60c. Blk, Henrietta,, 3c0c. A range 25 pieces, 10 Prints, 6c 3p air fast Blk. 150.. hose, 25c. 4 dozen Flannelette Shirts, 25c. 103 cash discount off' Boots & Shoes, 108 cash discount off Cashmere llosiery. 156 cash discount off u Tweeds. 15° cash discount off" 0 Clothing. 20e clrsh discount Off.,: Parasols. hand. ` Be on erly.a Highest price paid for' flrfn produce. 0. 0 4,1011TIVEI ON