HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-06, Page 25•A
and second mortgages up to 95
percent financing, prime rale,
excellent service. Cali Paul
Kueneman, Walkerton, 881,0476
evenings, or Peter Henderson,
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Horne Co -Operative mailings.
Offer details 'rush 25 cents. and
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Gill Dodier, Box 328, Mitchell,
Ontario. -6,7
with two trucks fully equipped
plus equipment for cooking.
For mare information call 482-
" 3574.
MOHRING: Mr,, and Mrs. Jim
'Mohring wish to announce the
arrival of their daughter,
Missind4 Jane, January 16, 1975, now how much your Well) was
ut Victorit Hospital.-6nc •
appreciated.. A s.pe.cial thank you
ALL.P+,N At Alexandra IIo p til,"o'�---fi1r-•='hompso'n-Gordon°'°
Goderich, Ontario,, on January ;Beverly, and children. -6
31, 1975, to Mr: and Mrs. Bryan
Goderich, On.tarin, a •i'IER: I wish to thank all my
daughter, Sarah Jean. b friends, relatives and neighbors
'Tor their kindness shown to 'rad
JOHNSTON: At Atlexandra while 1' was a patient in
Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on Alexandra Hospital. A special
January •29, . ,1975, to Mr. ,and ' thanks to all my fellow cm=
Mrs.. Edward Johnston,.ployees at Signal -Star for all
Goderich, Ontario, a 'daughter; their acts of kindness during my
ccinfinement. 1 would like 'also to
Kathy Ann. • Thank especially' Dr. H. G.
Cieslar and Dr. J: M, Wa,tts as
well as th.e nurses of second
west. Your kindness will' long. be
rcmemhered .=--Patricia 'M,
WALTER'S': The .family of the
late Mrs. William (Annie)
Walters wish to express their
sincere thanks to relatives,
friends•,. '-and neighbours, for
sympathy and • kindness shown
during our recent bereavement;
for the ,, beautiful • floral
arrangements, donations and
cards. Special•thanks to Rev. G.
Lockhart Royal and McCallum
•Funeral Home, and ..all those
who helped in . so many
ways. -cord and Winnie
POWELL: In loving ►n%mory of ; Walters and family. -6x
a, dear ' husband, father and •
RYAN: I would like to thank
grandfather, Harry Powell. who
rel�rti� c'� fc
passed- away two yt'ars ago, frnd the
February 5, 1973. iend~. ,a
cards and .gift~ while Iris a
h Victoria
LAMB: In loving memory of our
and grandfather, Robert
1)awson Lamb, who passed
away cbn January 30,'1970..
1 think of him in silence,
His name I oft recall
'There is nothing left to answer
But his picture on the,��ull, '
E;ler remembered by son
Harold, Phyllis, and grand-
children, -6x.
WILSON: loving memory of
my dca' vac Irma and loving
mother, o passed- away three
years ago, February 5, 1972,
As time unfolds another year
Memories, keep you ever neat' -
Silent thoughts of .times together
Hold memories that last forev'e'r,
-Ever remembered by husband
Roy and famil,y.-6x
JEWELL: Friends and relatives
please accept this thank you for
the many visits, treats and
flowers during my lengthy stay
in hospital. Many thanks to Dr.
Jones, Dr. Lambert and the
nurses of 2nd . East,, and 2nd
.West. -Mrs. Dora Jewell. -6x
FISHER: We would like to
thank everyone who helped at
the time of our fire. Various
church groups and',the staff at
the A & P. Its would be im-
possible to thank everyone in-
dividually but we•'do want you to
BEADLE: My sinters' thanks t0
„SII nay 'friends, neighbours. and
relatikc'5 for their cods, visits
and flowers during my illness, A
" special thank, to Doctors,
('hertkow, Nit'L.rrty'., Jamieson
and Chiz,an, to thc� staff on 5
('entre, 5 Mirthand 3 West of
l.ondon's Vict.w,rit' Hospital, to
the Rev. H. I, G. Rugg, and to
Mrs, Wm. Clark for her ;kind
Il,r,►llx. Everythin'l; was greatly
Beadle, -6x
ALLIN: In oving meriiory'of a
dear husband and father, Roy
Allin, who passed away one year
ago, February 11, 1974.
Gone .are the days we 'used to
share, •>
But in our hearts, . you
The gates of memory: will never
We miss you more than anyone
-Always r'em'embered by his
wife Beatrice, daughter Berva,
son-in-law Ken,. and son
Wayne. -6x
• ems.
,,To lcrse'someone you` loved for 11.00(100. Special th:rnk.s to 1>r,
Is hard beyond belief.
Your heart conics
-breakinf„ and , ,
God alone knows the .grief. '
Time cannot stop a heartache•
, 11AWI<INS'I would like to thank
cOrcrftakcsto tear, •
mc*moyy of my friends and relatives for the
:... lowly .. diads.. and. fl.uwet;,s I.
Someone •
We loved,so dear • received - while a patient in
The Heaven and earth divide us, • Victoria Hospital, Lon
And•the distance seems a lob., don. -Mi ti. Fronk Hawkins. - 6x
There'. is a flow' r still• blooms
between us,
M. (c:►eichi, I)r. R. Holliday, I>r,
NV,' C. Watson 'and 1)r. ►, .1. ' f-1,
'I'rrogood• all of Lon-
don.-Jt'unnette• Ryan . -6-,x
McILWAIN: 'Thanks,••to friends,
A gentle forget me not. " and relatives for, their kind
-Sadly missed and rcmcm thoughtfulness at the time of our
ereavement. It was very very
1,9erecL by his wife Laura and 'much. appreciated. -The George
family. --6x Mcllwain Family. -6 • ti
Town of Goderkh.,
'Dog ControI;,io,,
'BY-LAW 10 OF 1974
Dog tags are now due' and payable at the Municipal Of,
flee, 57 West' Street,, Goderich, •Ont.
In accordance With By-law 10 of 1974 evew' owner of a
dog in the Town of Goderich shall within one month af-
ter becoming 'such owner, cause such dog to be licen-
sed in the Office of 'the Town Clerk for the period which.
will expire on the last day 4of December in the'current
year, and shall thereafter annually on or before the 28th
day of February eac ear cause such dog to be again
licensed for bne y: ,gym the said first day of January.
-Every owner sh : the following lIcerise fee:
For a male dog ed female dog $4.00
For each additlo to dog or .
spayed female' $6.00
For a female dog, if oniy, One is kept $10.00
For ,each addlOnal female dog $15.00
No person shall suffer or permit' any dog of which he is
the owner or harbourer to ruff' at large in the Town of, -
Goderich. Fine') to be levied for violating By-law 1'0 of
1974 are as follows: - ^
A dog Irrtpounded or running at large. -- first offence
-,second and each subsequent 'offence -- $15.00;
Boarding' of Impounded dog -- $3.00 per day.
Tfine limit for impounding dog is three days, exclusive
of day en' which dog was Impounded, Sundays end
statutory holidays,
D.J. Web) Shewfelt,.
Town 'ofoGederIch.
SWITZER: I wish to thank
everyone for cards, gifts and
"'visits while I was .a patient in
Alexandra Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Watts, and Dr.
Thomson, nurses and staff
second east, and to all who
assisted at the time of my ac-
cident. All was very much ap-
preciated, and will not be
forgotten. -Mrs, Merrill Swit-
zer. -6x
CLUB N.O. µ2�
CLUB , NO. 4
You can be next
Nothing to buy
.Nothing .to lose
Enquire today
WA'NTEI) Pasture. fit' fiv
horses.. Will pay' top dollar„.Do
1111 le Stables, 320 South St
Goderich, Phone 524-8429.-6,7
*6 ODER' SIGN•A L -STAR, THURSDAY, idEBR JARY 6197; •,; ? !
(continued from page 4)
three in the second, although.
good saves .on, breakaways they did not hold the lead for
one shot from Greg Marshall long, as Goderich retalliated
and the other from Tom and then added another to
Smith to end the first period bring the' score to 4-3 at the,
two all. end of the second period. Six
In the second period, Tom , unanswered goals were
Profit scored four goals in scored by , the high -flying
'one minute (this has to be a Lions in the •third period •to
record) to give Candlelight make no doubt of the 10-3
Tavern a four goal lead, victory over Petrolia.
Not to be outdone, Tom Chester was especially
Smith of Melntee picked up proud ' of each and every
three goals to start the tIffi i : Lion player"'for their out -
period in • a minute and standing performance. Team
twenty seconds', all these Members are: captain Mike
coming from the faceoff as Hodges; assis'tant captains
he -made some nice' moyes to Robby.Trebish and ,Danny
beat Steve -Profit who was in Maillet; goalies . Stephen
goal ^ for, the Candlelight Gallow and Brian Shewfelt;
Tavern. One was a picture Larry Madge, Larry Gaynor,
goal as he neatly dodged the Randy Graham, Larry
goalie and touched it in. Kelly, Willie Denomme, Jeff
One of the highlights of the Denomy, Ken Reid, Larry
game was the tieing. goal as Boyce, Mark Rowe, 'Stuart
Danny ShaddicW tipped in Crew and Duane Elliott,
Mike Worsell's shot from the In the weekend play Robby
blue line to tie the game at Trebish scored eight and
the 8:30 mark. assisted six goals; Danny
A great game played by Maillet scored seven and
both teams and on a assisted four and Mike
breakaway 'with, less than Hodges assisted , four and
two minutes remaining in scored one. Thre-ssists
the game, Tom Smith put. and one goal were earned by
the crowd on their feet when Larry Madge; Larry Gaynor
he came in all alone on the added one goal. and . two
goaltender, Steve. • Hunter assists ' while Willie
and let one go, But Steve Denomme put two in the net.
stopped it and the score Larry Kelly tallied one and
remained, tied 6-6. assisted one; Randy Graham
At 'the- end of the third was credited • with -Two
-quarter' they top five -point- assists; harry----B•oyee-and
sc firers were Tom Profit, • Jeff. Denomy, received one
from the Candlelight Tavern assist each.
- 37 goals, .three assists; next On ' Sunday the Lions
was Brian Shortreed 24 goals 'completed their WOAA
and nine assists;. in ,third schedule by ' playing Kin-
pla'ce is Greg Marshall ,20 cardine and were defeated 6 -
goals and eight assists; Tom 5 in Kincardine.
Smith from Mclntee Real - Next'°'Saturday the, Lions
Estate is fourth with 22 goals travel to .Petrolia to play
,and five assists; tied for fifth their second OMHA playoff
spot are Greg Lapaine and game at 5 p.m.
Mike Chisholm each with 20
• The Lions scored a total of ,
21 goals in weekend action;
six of them on Friday night
when the Lions . beat Port
Elgin 6-1.
, . OMHA, playoffs began on
Saturday night -' here as the
Lions met Petrolia. The
team exhibited fine hockey
'ability and played a picture •
game of hockey. They got it,
all together and performed schedule ends.'
as a team unit with, all In a contest played on
*situations 'under control and "December 27,, Goderich
many spectators felt it was Restaurant bombed the
the best game of hockey 'to Goderich 1 O.P.P. 6-2. Rob
be seen in Goderich for a -~ McDonald led the attack
,long time. with four goals and two
The • Lions started the .assists.
scoring with two in the first • Coach Bill Wilson is
period but Petrolia.-.scorecl amazed. He feels that Rob
Only , three weeks
remaining in' othe regular
schedule.. In the.: Pee Wee
House League standings to
date,' any one of the four
tearns''tould .end up bin first
place. Goderich Restaurant
is presently. on a -two game
Winning streak only trailing
Sifto Salt'by one point. These
two teams meet each other
twice more, before the
r. &Mrs.
' thing You!
We have a
x200.° (ASH REBATE $300.6° CASH REBATE
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Wo back them better Because we build them better; 2Wea. and, Sat. 6 p:m.
tl tt
.Your authorized American Motors and Jeea'dealer
346 Huron Rd..4Hwy' 81 Goderich 524-8841 or 524-8411
has made the difference for Jim ' Fritzley' hit the goal
the Goderich Restaurant post:, on his first shot a the
team. Maybe All-Star coach ` game early in ; the first
Don Elliott could bring him
up for the O.M.H.A. playoffs.
Rob . Jeffrey and Gil
Vandenheuvel accounted for
the Goderich O.P.P. • goals,
Mark Hunter assisted, Gil's
goal in,the third period. Rick
Ryan and John Sheardown
were the ' other marksmen
for Goderich Restaurant,
also picking up assists were
Jim Fulford, and David
Kennedy on Rob McDonald's
The second ' game, the
powerful well balanced Sifto
Salt team - lost a tough one to
period, but came back at the
'2:19 mark to beat Brad
'honey on a low shot: 'Both
goaltenders made some
exceptional saves in the
scoreless second • period,
stopping sevtral
breakaways, w
Starting the ficial period,
left winger Scott Wilson tied
the game up for- the.
Goderich O.P.P.'s as he was
set up in front of the net by
Dean Bowra belating Paul
Bellinger on his stack side.
The tie breaking goal was
scored by Mark Carmen as
blasted one' as Bill- Walters
set him up and the final'goal
of the period was by en
Worsell playing defence
picked up Scout Kennedy's
drop pass and it went in "off
, the Petrolia 'defencernan's
The third period Goderich
picked up two rriore goals,
- Bill Lewis his second.of the
'game, from Paul Schaefer
and Mike Cunnings as he slid
one under the goalie's pads.
Steve Chase assisted.,
Petrolia finally got on._.the•
score sheet as they' picked „'
up three goals in less than
five minutes, spoiling John
Page's . chances for a
Denomme Flowers as they he picked up , Dave Moore's shutout. ..
seemed to play their best rebound to beat the O.P.P.'s Petrolia lost to Sweden by
hockey • against Sifto. goalie who had no protectlon a score of 7-6 last week.
Denomme 'Flowers were- in front of him. Therefore you can expect.
down • 2-1 in the third period Mike Wedlock' playing his them. to be,- a ` lot tougher
and' with less 'than four best game of the season, when they meet them for the
minutes remaining in the displayed good rushes and second and third games
game, Paul King tied the finally scored from the''br'ue which will be 'in 'Goderich, '
score and John Little scored' 'line as he let a• high' hard In the second game
the winning goal with four wrist shot go which hit the„. Sunday afternoon, the Twins
seconds remaining in the top right hand corner. John held on to defeat Petrolia by
game. -• Cletrtent dropped the punk a score of 3-1 as all 'the
Bdth' goaltenders came back bo Mike and Joe scoring was donein the first
through with key sOves in Trebish, as sisted, " period.,,„ ,
The Twins , opened the
game with two fast` goals in
the first three - minutes of
the scoreless first period
stopping ,,...,.,.,s,.e v'e r a 1
breakaways. Irl the.°second
period, Sifto Salt opened the
scoring on a powerplay goal.
Don Kloss. let one go and it
went right through everyone
--•t ' ive tern a-nc�- eaklead,
Before the period. ended,
Arian Bos scored his' first
goal •of --tire season as .David
Fisher shot from the corner
and was tipped in by Arian
Bos past goaltender Paul
Bellinger, Steve Sager
started the play. Jim Frit-
zley was .set up nicely by
Mike Wedlock' as he went in
all'alone to make it 2-1.*
Denomme Flowers had
many opportunitiesto score
but Sifto-'s defence played
good position hockey and it
looked like a win for Sifto
Salt. But Denomme Flowers'
new line of Paul King, Scott
Smith and Del, Mitchelmore
finally got a goal.. Paul King
tipped in Scott Smith's pass
Steve Arbour lead the play. Phil Arthur blasted one
Falcons to victory with four from the slot at the 1:27
goals' when the Goderich mark, linemates Bill Lewis
Police Falcons played and 111.1:1 Schaefer started
__ y the , -
1=i'an`nver'` Iasi''' . �'Wnesd�a per•` •
night and'troun"ced them 6-1. Bill Walters slid one past
Steve Arbour led the at= , the Petrolia net minder' as
tack with four goals, Rick he picked up, Ed Courtney's
Stoddart one goal, and Gary rebound from close in to give
Peters one goal. Hugh Hanly the Twins a 'quick two goal
came- up with two assists lead.. Petrolia p'a-t the"'
and Rick Rawson also was. .pressure on and finally,beat
credited with two 'assists. John Page on a powerplay
The defence played well and goal. Paul Whitely flipped it
forwards were back-" over John's, shoulder after he
checking. made a_spectacular save on
Their next game was on,
a two to one breakaway. -
Friday night here in The final • goal' in : .he first
Goderich. when they played period was scored with only
the first place club, Listowel, 16 seconds remaining; •Phil '
who defeated them 5-1. The Arthl-tr, letting one go from
only goal for Goderich was, inside the blue line. Mike -
scored by Larry • Daer, 'Andrews, dreg Beacom and
assisted by Hugh Hanly and Ed Courtney all played an
Steve Arbour.' excellent game on -defence,_
The. first found of the plus the star of the- game
at the 3:49 mark to tie the'.; . was John Page .as he. made
-...., • O.M.H.A. Playdowns will "be :
game. against Petrolia anal the°first some outstanding, saves in
The star of the game wasame was in Goderich on.' the second and third,period.
John Little who scored with Saturday night when the The next game is here this
only four seconds remaining Petrolia Bantams beat the
,Falcons' Sunday afternoon.,
in the game on a breakaway'`7-3. The Petrolia .
club was very well organized HOCKEY NOTES
and proved it.
Goderich's goals came at. The O.M.H.A. playoffs, 'are
the S:O1 mark of the first 'off to a fast .start. Let's hope
period when Roger Lewis all the All -Stat teams can
receive& a pass from Reran come through, •with a series
Conlon. Their next' goal win against Petrolia.
came at 14:01 when Paul The House. ~` League
Dougherty picked up a loose Divisions will be starting
puck scoring unassisted. The 'their playoffs sometime this
Falcons' last goal came. in month. Would it be .possible'
the "third period when Gary to have a playoff schedule
Peters scored on a three way for each team before the '
play from Steve Arbour and
series commences` •
Terry Kisch. - Also -would the conveners
heir advise what trophies are
of the O.M,H.A. available in each division?.
in Petrolia on We 'have several sports
t 6:30 p.m. minded citizen's interested in
• 'donating atrophy.
giving'Denomme° Flowers a
much .ne.eded victory.
Friday's . doubleheader 'in
the first game was Goderich
Restaurant 4, Denomme
Flowers' 2. Both teams
displayed good playoff
hockey, the big difference
was the defence for'Cloderich
Restaurant. Rob McDonald
teamed' up with Dave
Kennedy and the both ..of
them stopped ,several
breakaways., . broke . up -a
couple.of rushes and laidout
some solid body checks,
The other, defence pair ne ,he Fa
Greg Williarrs and, Mike t playdowng
Murphy displayed some
Saturday, in blocking. shots in Saturdayy
front of the net and they THE TWINS
know how to carry the puck MIDGET ALL -ST
out of their end.
Denomme Flowers In a•; In ,the first game of the
^°s Conestoga
J-0 lead in the first period as 0•M!H.A, pia'Yoffs, th.e •
Wes McLean, Denomme,,, Goderich Midget A's . appoints
Flower's` most improved travelled to 'Petrolia
player skated around the Saturday for the opening •
defence and beat Harold an8' won easily by a
Sartori on a wrist shot.- Of
er s
Goderich Restaurant finally
scored late In the second
Robert McDonald swept it
in from the side letting a low
shot go which was stopped
nicely but the. rebound was
picked up by Dave Parson
-and he, flipped it over Robert.
Cummings'• sprawled • body.
Then with .less that, two
Minutes left in the second,
period, Mike „Murphy teamed'
up' with, Gary Williams td'
give the Goderich
Restaurant a 2-1'lead.
The Goderich' Restaurant,
picked up two more goals in
the final period,. Robert
McDonald blasted one from
close in• and Martin Middle
scored before ' the -dame
ended tipping' in Dave
Parson''. shot.
Steve Sager started ,the
play for Denomme Flowers
only goal in the third period
as he passed back to Wes
McLean who fed it to Jim
Burbine standing at tfte edge
of the crease, knocking it in
through Harold Sartclri's
legs' -
,4 The second , game,"' Sifto
Salt edged the ' powerful
Goderich O.li,f'; team•
surprising store of 9-3.
The series is a three out of At ti ' the nnual
five with the next, two games organizational nie'ti.ng of
'in Goderich. the Board of Governs of
Starting •the game for the Conestoga College, held 'at
Twins was their newest line. t'h, Doon .Centre on Monday,
Steve Chase, Peter Crew and , ,January 27, 'the following
Mike Cummings, TV's line appc,intments were made:
played exceptionally well for chaif'man of the boar
the first time as a unit. Donald En Bot -t; Repr•cs n-
Stev:e Chase .started the , tutive of the K -W "k District
Twins off knocking)n a loose Labour Council, Kitchener;
puck at the 3:51 mark. Pete • vice-chairman (operations),
Cr'ew 'and Phil Arthur Mr•s, .lane Brewer, I3•rewer's
assisted,• • Then on a ('f Gal , 'Cambridge -Galt;
powerplay goal, Shawn vice-efiair•man'" (ad -
Dalton tipped in Mike ministration), Walter q'erth,
Andrews' dri•ve,;. Scott- Milverton: sec're,ta'ry;
Kennedy dug it out from .the treasurer, Jack Williams;
.corner. i)ircctor o'f•••• Finance at
Steve Chase then.. -made it Conestoga College, Kit -
3 -0 picking ;1tlpa;,. Paull chener•,
Schaefer's pass. Mike. Each of
Cummings intercepted a served in
pass to start the play. The in 1974.
first period ended with the
Twins in the lead 4-0, as
,,Scott Kennedy scored on a -
powerplay. Bill Walters
assisted, . .
The Twins went ahead -7-0
by the end of the second
period as Bill Lewis started
the period, scoring from a
sli'ar.p angle. Shawn Dalton
assisted. '
Then Mire t Cumtni'ngs
these 'per sons also
the same capacity
' b