HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-06, Page 10to P4C.E ikreODERIcH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, "FE BR ' 6, Hydro -"life line or kiIler.... `A y 'continued from page 1 A everyone these days. ti Everybody. wants' clean air, clean water, clean coun- tryside. These are wor- thwhile aims and objectives and' with modern technology and plenty of money one could almost believe that someday it could be possible to have one's cake and eat it to .... to live in the style to g which most people want to become accustomed without fear of pollutants of any sort. Yet common sense dictates %that unless there are some changes in the° pattern of modern living, there will. be little ' left of what is itaw familiar and enjoyable. Without becoming 'fanatical about, preservation of the environments, this generation must find alternatives to some Y now acceptable methods. Instinctively this generation and the • generation to follow • must maintain the vital life supports on this earth. It will be necessary ' to- willingly adopt, priorities which are quite different', from the - norm of this moment.. It may come to serious adjustments in life styles for many, many people, ,but it will have to cotne. SPECULATION NO. 'THREE': Electricity is a marvellous source of power. Without it 'modern society would be lost.' 'There are 'tome thinking people, however, who believe that other . energy sources could b ed to _ 'produce in.exhaustable power:—The ' rays of the sun! The force of the "wind! In the future, mankind will haveto look to .new and certain ways to produce power to •keep this nation on the move: It can be done. It will be done. r. Many' slickers not picked up for new year. SPECULATION NO. FOUR: Farmers are ,the backbone of the nation, they say, and there are few people who will dispute it. Much, is being said these days about Lhe rate at which farmland is being taken out of production because of urban -like development. Ing. •9 „ 1975 this part of Ontario, Hydro is being dubbed a culprit because .power corridors to carry the heavy lines from the power plant to the power distribution station in some cases cross crop -growing land, reducing productivity there. Yet it is undoubtedly true that if farming became truly lucrative business, �.,,..,.,;,., •a n thi' n:It•t n.f the country could produce far more food than' -they presently do, despite Hydro lines. Farmland is not en- dangered by development, but by dissatisfied farmers who are finding agriculture an expensive investment Sr with only lo'w returns, A ,olutii.)n lies in fairer prices tc r farm products. - SPECULATION NO.: fear is wide -spread that the location of a Hydro plant in this part of the province will surely be followed by increased costs for services .49 and goods' to all a people. Taxes will soar. Land prices will, skyrocket. To some., this represents pr:og.i:ess,• To others, it spells doom. It was ever thus, What must be considered though, is the way such development fits into the whole spec•tram of provincial planning...: and the entire picture that is Ona.rio. It'. must be established whether new growth' points, like Kincardine is now and like this area could become, will - be left like orphans to fend for themselves or be , taken under the provincial' wing and nurtured and protected until a degree of„ This Week A&P is Fealuring Sapper -Right . 1k� vs Canada's Finest Grade • f Out of 2,761,385 motorists, 2,140,074. have .failed , to purchase their 1975 green vehicle licence. stickers. And there are less than five weeks remaining until the February 28 deadline. This represents° 77.5 per cent .off the province's drivers who cou:ld'be caught in the last-minute rush, according .to officials of the Ministry of Transportation . and Communications. • Renewal' stickers have been on sale since December •-2' at the 296 "issuing' offices throughout the province. ' To speed up the renewal process, the Ministry has made •available insurance declaration forms at LCBO retail' outlets and \issuing offices. Motorists• save time ,. by filling ,out one, bf these forms before arriving at the issuing counter with their ownership permit and -fee. - This ye4r the validation sticker is to be attached 'to the car's rearlicence plate on top of the red -1974 sticker. The fees are: $23 for a 4-, cylinder car, .$32 for ,,6- •c tnders, 6- •cy'7inders, $40, , for an 8 - cylinder vehicle; and $5 for trailers. _. CLAY °L. • - Silo Unloaders - Feeders - Cleaners SfabTlnq A-teg'Elevators - - _a' liquid. Manure Equipment • Hoa Equipment , , FARMATIC - - Mills • Augers, etc. ACORN = • Cleaners °- ;Heated Waterers ZERO — , sulk Tanks ;, • Pipeline A Parlour Equipment WEST;fEL•ROSCO•Grangries B A L. . HOG Panelling B ulk Tank R Pipeline cleaning Detergents, Teat Dip, etc. Novadine -1- • Dyne lodge „ ' (Merlon Foor,.chick Kleeniosy LOWRY PAW SYSTEMS '.R.1',.kl!)slcairdlni; Ontario rlionle 8%slsU , ,4 BLADE BONE REMOVED SUPER -RIGHT CANADA GRADE "A” ,FIRST 4 ((IBS ONLY .PRIME R1B ROAST BONELESS BOTTOM. CUT ROUND ROAST ST FLANK STEAKS BLADE: ROAST SHORT RIB CUT RAST BONE SHANCK MEAT 41c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Ib CHECK THE 'TRIM BEEF! .(ROSS RIB ROAST BONELESS SHOULDER CUTS BRAISING RIBS BONELESS STEWING BEEF. "' 31c'LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! EXCELLENT FOR BRA.SING BLADE STEAKS LEAN Ib BRAISING RIBS BOlNE71D7 & IIO+LLLL'ED ' BONELESS RIB EYE Del mon ico Steaks END CUTS Brisket Point BONE IN Brisket Plate BONELESS, STRIP OR CUBED Stewing Beef FULL SLICE y , ,, Round Steak 46c A LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! 1 Fresh Ground Chuck 11,88?' A(� TOWN CLUB, SLICED ' ' , . :Bacon-..,._ .., 1 -Ib Vac Pae$1'. 3.. ,, FROZEN rs ' '� Sliced Pork Liver Ib 395i Ib $2.98 ESSEX BRAND 41c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! • Polish Sausage . ' 4, 745/ ESSEX BRAND (1 -LB VAC PAC' 69-) Ib$1.64 1658? Wieners ' 2=Ib Vac,Pac $1.35 TOWN,CLUB 20c +LB LOWER THAN P• YEAR AGO! 160.38 Cottage Rolls' PI D !b 9 9re NEW ZEALAND lb $1.68 •Lamb Shoulder,' Chops 1678? $uper-Right Canada Grade A + Beef ° BONELESS RUMP ROAST BONELESS N POINT SIRLOIT ROAST SIRLOIN STEAKS TOP ROUND ROAST OR 'TOP ROUND STEAK S 16 Fresh Ground Beef -1b 78? NEW ZEALAND. WHOLE 012` SHANK HALF Lamb:' Legs ' ' 14 1.29 Frozen Meats & Seafood! RA.'ER( BRAND, FROZEN (4, Cod Fish &Chips 20 -oz pkg 99? 81c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGOI ESSEX BRAND - FROZEN ' Hamburg Patties 2-16pkg$1.3 8' CARIBBEAN - 36 10 40 COUNT Frozen Shrimp 5 -lb pkg $8.99 Gnlr)EN SKILLET,• FROZEN Chicken Cutlets Ib 8 ese Super -Right (anadaGradeABeef STEAKS & ROASTS PORTERHOUSE or. WING 3WAYCUT, ' PORTERHOUSE ROAST CUBE STEAKS CSIRLOION POINTOF BONcLESS • SIRLOIN •, STEAKS 16 CHECK THE TRIM For Variety " and Value -You Just Can't Beat • A&P Baked Goods! JANE PARKER (PKC OF 12 I,Si.19) HOT- CROS ' PKG OE -BUNS JANE PARKER—Plain or Seeded (BUY 2 LOAVES—SAVE '11c) JEWISHRYE BREAD 16 -OZ LOAVES JANE -PARKER "BROWN'N SERVE" ROLLS PLAINOR WHEAT (SAVE 6c) 'TWIN 'ROLLS pkg ofi2 • 49 JANE PARKER, SLICED 16 -oz loaves ACTION PRICED! PLAIN, POPPY SEED, SESAME SEED , PKG -Buttercrust, Bread 275¢ FRENCH ROLLS pkg of 10 JANE PARKER Twin= Rolls' JANE PARKER, PEACH OR (SAVE 6c) JANE PARKER pkg of 12 49 Jelly Roll - ° Apple Pie FULL 8 -INCH PIE JANE PAR!,.ER ' 15.OZ FOIL TRAY`. (SAVE 10c) JANE PARKER Each 795i Lemon Roll (SAVE 10c)„ JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) 9 -oz cake 69¢ (SAVE 4c) '14-0Z cake 75? (SAVE 10e) Chocolate Brownies 89¢ Cinnamon Rolls . Pkg of 8 69 1• JA NE „6 PARKER, DANISH • (SAVE 6c) Raspberry Whirls ' Pkg of 6 89? J' NE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON (SAVE 10c) Cake" Donutspkg of,2 5 9?. JANE PARKER, "BROWN 'N SERVE" (SAVE 6c) A• French Stix 12 -oz pkg of 2 loaves'49¢ JANE PARKER , Purnpkin Pie FULL 8 -INCH PIE 99? ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY,' FEBRUARY.. 8th, 1975 • • 4 STRAINED — MEATLESS VARIETIES Gerber Baby Food 43/44l -oz jar 20? POWDERED DISINFECTING ACTION'"PRIZED! Eotet Cleanser 222-ozcontainers 89? 'WITH CHEESE • . 'ACTION PRICED! WINE FLAVOUR Libby's Sauerkraut ISLAND QUEEN, SOLID ALBACORE Tuna Fish 3241 -oz tat: 5 3 ' o tin 69g ROBIN HOOD,— 4 VARIETIES ACTION, PRICED! - PANTRY SHELF maturity has been reached. Some consideration to this . has. been given to this • important question in recent months, but much, much more work" must be done if any kind of co-operation is to be expected from the majority of people in this county. Action Heed! CO REGULA,;, .oACON &' CHEESE, SMOKEHOUSE BAN LUNCHEON MEAT ' GOLDEN 12-0Z - TIN se ACTION PRICED! Beehive Corn Syrup 2` -Ib tin 795i ALL PURPOSE COFFEE ACTION PRICED! Maxwell House '4 :1 1 -Ib bag $15 SAVE 20c OVER NATIONAL BRAND & P Liquid Bleach 128 oz. 9 9c OAK OR NEW ORLEANS STYLE 14 -FL -OZ TIN Stokely Kidney Beans 3/$1 00 .Peanut Butter HEINZ, SNAPPY Apple Drink WESION'S -'— SQUARE BOXES Kraft pizza Mix 30 -Oz Pkg $1.2,9 Fruit Crisp Mix 3 it -oz pkgs $1.60. Wagon Wheels ACTION PRICED! (BONUS PACK — 1.OZ FREE) NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE -- 11.OZ JAR ACTION PRICED! FROZEN, HASH , BROWN n CARNATION'— 2•LB'PRO POTATOES 3189$ BANBURY INN•, IMPORT!D,, IN CHINA. 4 -PIECE PLACE ONLY SETTING ,■ r' Start your sot , today, Collect a table full of Banbury , Inn Fine China, Every four-p(o"cen place setting, includes a dinner ptate,.a bread and buffer plate, a cup and a sinner, - M .4 32 -oz jar $1.39, • 40 -f1 -oz ren 23 Ft 12 -oz pkg 99? SPECIAL BLEND FRESH ... FOR FLA VOUR! CANADA No. 1 GRADE, FLORIDA, FIRM, RIPE TOMATOES 2 79? • SERVE A SAVOURY IRISH STEW --- ECONOMICAL" & NUTRITIOUS CANADA No. 1 GRADE; ONTARIO GROWN CARROTS, 3bs49 e CANADA". 1 GRADE, ONTARIO GROWN, WAXED RUTABAGAS (TURNIP) Ib i GI VARIETY OF COLOURS FOR YOUR CHOICE three bloos HYACINTH5-inch potm$� 1 CANADA SMALL No. 1 ONTARIO, RED DELICIOUS 89: APPLES =1ebag 99r A&P Tea Bags pkg of loo 99? A&P BRAND, "PURE', UNSWEETENED Grapefruit Juice 48-fI-oz tin 63? SUN MIX .. PKG OF, FOUR 31/4.OZ ENVS, Orange Flavour, Crystals 99? ^r� REGULAR OR MINT FLAVOURS Crest Toothpaste--..-, 50, mI tube 0'3¢ LOTION 175 -ml btl - `100-m1 tubo • 100,m. jar • SHAMPOO Head &-Shoulders$FAMILY SIZE'$1, SA5 Small, Medium or Largo Size (HANDSAVE air 6) Playtex Living Gloves Pair $1.49 ACTION• PRICED!' IN TOMATO SAUCE—CATELLI SPAGHETTI ,«;100. 4 ACTION PRICED! WHITE, PItvKr YELLOW, GREEN SCOTTIES t� SSUE BOX OF 200 SHEETS 00 4 u1 n 1