The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-06, Page 6•
Mn, and Mrs. Hugh
-MeWhinney return ed, last'
week,- from a m onth in
Florida during which they
visited Tampa, Si- 'Peter-
sburg, Miami and tour'ect the
southern part of 'the state.
They .rport the y had a
wonderful holiday with only
one day of inclement
The Cemetery Board met
at the home of Mrs. Elma
Reed on Saturday evening
with SeVe,n. mernhers'
Mrs. Min nie Jones
celebrated her 95th birthday
on January '21 •quietly at
home. ' Several neighbours
called ,with bi2st wishes and
phone calls and telegrams
were received .from relatives
Mr. and Mrs. • Alvini
Sherwood m oto red to Sarnia
on Friday e to attend,
the wedding of their son;
Robert to Miss Claudette
-meeting for decisions and A well prepared Motto was
plans: 1. a quilt is to be given by Mrs. Ivan Rivett on
-done; 2, non-quilters might "Feed the family w,htat they
have a home euchre , require, not • what they
,gathering; 3. a large euchre desire," pointing out that a
at Brookside school during fancy meal may not be
March (19th); . 4. variety nutritious, stressing fresh
concert, fruits and vegetables, and
The Branch Directors are the importance of a good
to be the nominating coni- breakfaSt. "
mittee. For the Brookside , The topic on Consumer
party the committee isMrs. Affairs wag' given by Mrs.
George Erringtori, Mrs. Roy Graham McNee from
Robson, Mrs'. Clifford materials Supplied by Mrs.'
Purdon, and Mrs. Robt, John Black, Agriculture
Irvin. . requires planning, research,
It was decided to exchange and government policies to
all the February program stabilize resources not only
with the April program. ,4-H for Canadians but for world
clubs will be sponsored by needs. Each . was given
, W.I. „ " booklets for home study.
Lose first two
Juveniles regroup; hope
Primeau. Congratulations to °
wishes of friends and neigh -
to take three straight
the neiNlyw eds. • Best
bours were expressed in a., • - ,
comMunity gift of a' mirroe. BY JACK CUMMINGS dug the puck out of the
arid sewing basket for In .the first game of the, corner to Mike Palmer who
Robert and'his bride. OMHA playoffs in Petrolia blasted one on the net. Doug
Jim McWhinney and Miss Saturday, February 1-, 'the picked up the rebOund and.
Jan Aikens ' of Wingham Signal Star juveniles. lostito put it away. ..
visited his patents, Mr. and the well balanced Petrolia . ' Petrolia tied the game
Mrs. Hugh McWhinney on 'club by a score of 6-5. again on a power play goal'
Saturd.ay. Sunday visitors First period ended in a on which Pete Duckworth
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MUrch and Vincent ''of JUveniles opened the scoring changed direction with lest
Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. at the 1:10 mark when than one minute remaining
Harry 'Chambers and Tracy Randy Core scored in the third period (Goderich
Of Goderich. .. . . unassisted. Grant Shelton with all fiVie attackers inside,
Mr, and .Mrs.,, Bill tied the game as..he picked . Petrolia's blueline) Petrolia
Woolford, Kin-cardine visited up Kevin Meriarn's rebound got a two-man,breakaway to
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'to beat 'goaltender Ron score the winning goal at the
• Robt. "Stothers. ' Mrs, ,- Tetreault.. ,Lee Arbour 19:03 mark.
Woolford is a sister of Mr. • started the, play from centre. ' • The final goal was scored
Stothers. Nir. 'and Mrs. Shelton put the Signal- i when -'the Signal -Stats pulled
" Woolford ‘;',ere recently Stars in the lead at the 12,01 Pete Duckworth and Garry
inarried • and have just mark as Mike Palmer fed Dobbin fired one frOrn inside
returned from a honeymoon him a perfect pass. Ron his own blueline. .,.
. in the South. Sowerby4 assisted. Then Next ,game iS, here. this
Due to; ic y conditions on , r i gh i w i'n g e r , Maurice Sunday. Dori'f' be surprised if
graver roads there' were -no Steadman was left un- the Signal -Stars have 'a few
buses., running to Brookside 'covered as he, let one go changes in „their- lineup:
chool last 'Wednesday: Most • 'from 10 feet out to beat Pete Coaches Wane Fisheir and • •
(6f the teachers were able to Duckworth. This goal came Doti Fisher feel this club
8 get to schoQI by the.highway at 13.24.. „ • , , • can beat Petrolia'...but they
and put' in. a day of,.....4 In the second ,,period have to back check.
, .
'preparatory work'. Petrolia took advantage of ' Who says the Signal -Stars
Weekend visitors „with ' Goderich as they played' can't come back and win
Mrs. Mary Bere were very sloppy hockey. Petrolia three_straight?
Gerald• , from Fansh,awe scored the 'first two .goals
College, 'London; Mr. and before Doug Marshall ' ..i. '
Mrs. John 'Bete and Karen, .,cOnnected with 'rant Retired
'London; and Mr: end Mrs/' Shelton ‘''''..and Al Worgan .,
R.D. Aldham, Johnny, Greg assisting. The period ended
anct Larissa of Goderich: .' 5-3 as Peter Core got
Steve Caesar, , Lindsay Kietrolia's fifth goal. ,
spent the weekend 'with his Goderich Signal -Stars ,
0 • ' '
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack . Started. to, play hockey h.
Caesar and. Jam\ and his midway through the third see s I es. -
-grandmother, Mrs. , W.A. ... period. But in the first „ 15 '
Stewart: , seconds, Maurice Steadman Miss Edith' Lockhart was. '-
The subject of Rev. R.C. picked up .his third goal of .• hostess to the meeting of the
IVIcClenag•han.'s_ semi& was 'the game for Petrolia giving Goderich Group , of . .
"Let's Talk about God" and °:thern-a 6-3 lead. . . Superannuated Women
for the next few Sundays he*Grant Shelton played a Teachers on Wednesday,
will continue " to . diScuss strong two-way hockey game January -29, and „showed
points'," of particular interest picking up the , final ,„ two slides of her trip through
, .
to„Communicants•Class. goals for four goalnd an „Brazil, Paraguay, Argentirta„"
,A beautiful flower" ' assist. Kevin. Meriam also Chile and 'Peru. Als'o' on
arrangement was placed in , figured* heavily °in the display were souvenirs of the
the church. for the Sunday scoring picking up four • trip including afew•beautiful
service by the family Of*the assists. pieces of silver filigree set
late 14eber J.L. tedy wfio * The second game in the with nafure stones.
died a year agd..
best. three out of five series The president,_ Mrs. B.
Communicants' class met was played here in Goderich mortis, was, in the chair.
in the,.. -church on $unday Sunday afternoon. The During the discussion of the i. -
evening. Gdderich Signal -Stars blew:a ' minutes one • membe •'
- Mrs, Melinda 4Nivins . of "3-2,1ead and lost 6-4. described her visit to t
Clinton spent the weekend ' .
Adult Clinic of the Hur
with Mr. , and . Mr. Jack Grant Shelton opened the County Health Unit held on.
Errington. " . ' - scoring in the first. 4two the third" *Thursday of each
L.O.L. 324 held 'a 'card 'minutes of play . as.. he 'mOnth, 1-.30 to 3:30 p.n.i. at
party on Friday night with ' combified ° with Kevin the Assessment Building. , -
Oh -
seven tables filled. Ladies'
high prize was won by Mrs:
Walter 'ftori, LUcknovx;
ladies', second prize, Mrs...,
Mary Rivett?' Goderich;
men's high prize 'went to
Jack 'Errington and men's
• 'second prize to Wm. Caesar:
• •
On Thursday, Januar?'30
DungentIon W. -omen's
Institute held its meeting at,
the home. of Mrs., Robert
Irvin. A deliciousldessert
luncheon P'ieceded • the
regular meetinv. Hostesses
were Mrs. Wilbur Brown,
Mrs. WA, SteWart, and Mrs.
' Warren Zinn. ' .
Mrs. Gfaham MANee,
presideni,' and Mrs. Harry-
Pirvin, secretary -treasurer, ,
conducted the meeting.
- Sixteen members and one
child were present. •
The roll call gave pet
peeves while doing grocery
ShOppittig, such as' not. having
L price Marked in. /pace
provided, finding more than
• one price' on an aiticle,
Variation of. prices from
store to store, etc.
Seveltil suggestions were
• broUght from an 'executive
0 4..
Meriam and Lee Arbour for Here blood pressure,
the goal. The lead wasn't for 'weight and haemoglobin Ore .
very long though, as Petrolia taken, and,, some foot
tied the game ,when problems .treated.. Tr- °
Goderich gave the puck sportation, .isg- provided, if
away in their own end. •,,, necessary. .
Then With' _both teams - Others spoke ,,of attending
playing four a si-Ee,'IVIaurice ekercise crasses - gti the '
Steadman went around the Ontario .H•ospItal each
net and poked it in to give Monday 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Petrolia a 2-1 lead at the end These exercises are not
Orfhe fist period,of play. strenuous, but a doctor's
The Signaltars played certificate is necessary. .-t
their best hockey in ,,he ' Refreshnients were served '
second period as their . by Mrs. 0. ,Sitter and Mrs.
second line scored both goals W, Armstrong, assisted by,
to, give them a lead. Ron the hostess.
S-owerby- 'set up Doug- The next meeting will he
Marshall for the tying goal held orf Wednesday, March
and then Mike Palmer made 26th at 1.-.-30 p.m. at the home
a .perfect „ pass to Doug of Mrs. W. Armstrong, 225
Marshall for the go -ahead'Britannia Rd. W.
goal. Kevin-Meriam started
the play at centre. ' "GROWING" DEMAND
In the third period, MET FOR USC 4,,
Petrdlia came out 'skating, ,,Produtts organircfta11,y
Goderich took a couple of grown ate finding a ready
penalties Which'' didn't help
. market among thoughtful
V 51,
and Randy Core tied the
score with Lee Arbour off for
The Signal -Stars went.
ahead for the third -time in
the game as Doug Marshall.
picked; up, the hat trickt.
Defenceman Ron Sowerbi
people who criticize' modern
methods of production,
Through a sale of garden
vegetables. and flowers,
organically grown, a ,con-
tributor iovas-able to send $8r
to the USC 56 Sparks Street,
Ottawa KIP 5B1. "
• 4.
-4 ;0
larranTITTMT11111111111111111111111 I 1111111111111
Moriciarto.Tliursday^ 8:00 to 5:30, Piiday 8:00,to ;00 Saturcio' y 8:00 to 12:00,
155 Angletpea
at cambrla Rd.
• eh
. .