HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-06, Page 4.0 • • • • ( PAGrg 4-;-045DERIC41 SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY'', .PEBRI.JARY 6, 1975 • Y, Last Tuesday evening, at game, tiying to break the Peter Conlon scored t.:wo Tuesday, jantiary . 28, the Canadian Legion Branch, rut they had been in for two goals • for Gardiner's with C antf11igh1Z Tavern G.1VI.H.A. held, its monthly weeks. . . Steven Schutz assisting On previously; called Goderich meeting. In attendance were . Goderich tallied the only one. Gordon Harper got the Electric, outscored Glen - g the coaches, Managers, goal of the first period when, other goal. mark Home8-5. conveners, referees and, Daryl Madge took Mike For Lionel's, Sunocos Mike First period, Rick Young merriberS from the Sup- ., Eastwood's perfect pass,- got Mcls.aac and Scott Bowra of Glenmark Homes stored porters Club. in the clear and scored oil a score. It was a well fought from close in at the 3:45 • Highlights of the meeting hard shot to the corner. game, Sanzit, ,Thind was mark. 'Then Mike *Chisholm were as follows:, thp Sup- Daryl had earlier . 'been back 'Saturday from his tied the score, taking a pass porters ' Club ' donated robbed by a fantastic save injury A week ago which from. ,Scott Wilkinson. .Poul $2,000.00 to help -pay for ice by the Byron goalie. ' everyone was glad to see. Bolan scored a short handed time, referees etc.; the In the second, Byron tied goal, while Dave Moore was , Executive of G.M.H.A. have the game on two mis-checks SUNCOAST ESTATES in the penalty box to give asked for volunteers to aot but then John Thompson ATOM ALL STARS Glenmark Homes. a 2-1 lead, • as directors for the completed a three' •way. The Suncoast Suns won the but before the first 'period tganization and Mrs. Betty passing play by beating the only league game they ended, Tom Profit ,...stored. = . Thompson has volunteered Byron on his right side. played, last .week, 'defeating two goals, both on to assist Mrs. Auriel Pope, Daryl Madge and Mike Port Elgin, .,5-4, here breakaways to give the who is presently holding the Eastwood assisted. . Saturday night. Candlelight Tavern a lead of . position of secretary-. Goderich came close in the , Darrell Graham and Joey 3..z . treasurer. with Mrs. Sandra' third to scoring when the Morrissey each scored twice. Second period, Glenmark .',K.isch and Rainford Jackson - line of Thompson; Randy for the Sun ," with David: HOrnes tied -the game as also volunteering their Gaynor and Kent Feagan put Eastwood scoring the win- Dave Mahood tappedin John services. ‘• • on good pressure. In the last ning goal. , Peters' pass from the cor- , The G.M.H.A. Executive ' minute, 'Madge came close Jim Periard score cl twice ner. Greg Marshall stole the consists, mostly 'Of members again by hitting the and Billy Jacques and Dave puck at centre ice and, went • from the service clubs in crossbar, Bartlett once each for Port in to score ,unassisted to town, who all donate funds DefenCemen Grant Garrow Elgin. • break - the tie, before the • and assist All-Star teams. If and Tim Riehl played The Suns led '1-0 at the end period ended. , you know a member. of the particularly strong of the first period and 3-2 . 'Final period, Candlelight Kinsmen',. Goderich Lions,' especially killing penalties in after two periods. ' Tavern top scorer in the . ' Canadian Legion or Rotary the third period, Both Referees- Don Kirktonnell league, Tom Profit picked up Club, ask him who the , goaltenders Terry Bean and and Randy Carroll handed two more goals. This gives members are that represent Paul Brenner were very out a total of ten minor him, a total Of 39 goals for 42 the G.M.1-1.A. I'll bet he alert. • This game for them penalties, six, going to the points. , doesn't even know. was a good comeback, visitors. . „'Other goal scorers for the Maybe you could get Dad This Saturday, St. 'Marys The Suns' league record, is Candlelight Tavern were joe• involved, as 'a representative will be in town - for • a five , now eleven wins, six losses_ Melady, scoring on a three • of G.M.H.A. They need help. o'clock -game. We're hoping and two ties. They have-oriTY 7 way play from Andrew •..4159Aby riothaveother the boys Wye the sarne'effoxt one_ league game remaining, Sur,nrier and Mike Chisholm .„ .. -a.gii-a_-allOri-s-,- -or ' ti-tiliT,-STICII . aSih---erataitati§i B4yrirriiii--tifat- -csrtt+...bt.--iaityetrt,:,,c,trd-• 151.---weit-----iii7 hi0- as Goderich Police Association, Goderich O.P.P. or Forestors, etc: ' By wayof interest, Mr. - Rainford Jackson' has volunteered his services as assistant convener • for the Bantam,House League. • GRAHAM ELECTRIC NOVICE ALL-STARS Last Satdrday the Elec- triCs entertained Byron at the local arena The boys all were working hard the whole & . Apt • tonight • •(Thursday)„ here goal from Scott MacDonald. • NOVICE against Walkerton at 7 'p.m. Glenmark Hotnes' tWo goals • HOUSE LEAGUE This dbuld be a big -game for, wereTby - Paul- Bolan • and • the. Suns in that it could Rick Young each picking up 1V1r. Stereo defeated Legion_,. decide first place, in the their second goal'; of .the ,Auxiliary by a' score •of 5-0, league standings and hence game, Brad Smith assisted. • David Jewell•getting, three determine playoff positions. • Second garne, Canadian ' goals along with Mike For ,OMHA playoffs, the •Legion - Auxiliary edged • Brenner getting two, with Ontario , Wirt. • Hockey Mclntee Real Estate -2;4 in a •Scott • Middell assisting on Association has placed the dose checking game which one. COngratulations. to Goderich Atoms into the. „featured good goal ,tending Raymond Bedard for, a zone ,composed of the same and superb defence. , shutout.• teams, they compete with in . Canadian Legion„Auxiliary The second game started regular league pl4y. Thus, opened the game at the 1:20•' at 10:15 with Gardiner's. • instead of playing Petrolia, mark of the first period as Dairy defeating Lionel's as the other ,Goderich All Del Bedard, beat Brian Sunoco- by-, a scare of 3-2. Star teams are dging,. the' Murray on a shot from the • Suns will play off with the slot assisted by Allan Hough. • • teams in their own league to Theri at the 6:55 mark, Greg • - mor -1110_11111 determine an OMHA zone Lapaine •tied the •game 481. as well • as a unassisted for Mclntee Real '• aeag*alanlpion. ' • .' Estate. There was no further • • - The Sun's victory over scoring until the third period Port Elgin here Saturday when Brian Shortreed scored • -waS their third one goal what proved. to be the victory, of the • same day. winning goal' for the Earlier in the day the Suns •Canadian Legion. won two games by margins ' Canadian Legion Auxiliary ,• of one goal' in •the Arthur came from behind to defeat • AtoirCTournament. • . Glenmark Homes by a -score • Coach Richard Madge sees . a 5-2 in Saturday's first .team's numerous- one game. No referees . showed • goal victories -as evidence of , up. , This is ‘the ,secand, the hard work and desire,his 'Saturday in -a row. Some one players are willing, to put should get Mike Cummings out, an alarm clock or have the A.TOM HOUSE LEAGUE ,--e-bach "-give him' 011 -at q:30' • Saturclay, morning. In " the first garnes If it wasn't for .the keen • interest Allan Coyne has. f6r, Minor Hockey"' there would ' be a lot of disappointed players in this league. `. First period* featured ClOse • checking by both teams and - the only goal in the period Was scored by Tim Roosemalen who put in the rebound:on- , Brian Shor- treed's end to end rush. Glenmark Homes played their best hockey in the., 'second period as they picked up two --goals. Paul Bolan tied the game ,and Ken Anderson scored while Scott Profitwas off for tripping. Canadian Legion came on ' strong in the third period scoring , four unanswered • goalS ,to come up with a win and •they now trail the top team by only two points. Goal scorers were Oreg , *KIrkcorinell as ,he stick' handled • nicely through the - Glenmark ••teain• to ' tie the score, •Del Bedard the, • winning goal, Ron Stoddart ," powerplay goal • and Scott Profit all unassisted goals. The second game ended up six all as Mclntee Real • 'Estate trailed the Can- dlelight Tavern 6-2 at the end 'of the'second period and fought back with four g?als, in the third to give them a much ,deserved tie 6-6, Mclntee opened the scoring as Greg Lapaine scored' _on an, early breakaway. Toni Profit 'evened the score within 111 seconds a he rushed in'frorn the face'of,f td heat Steve 17Iuntar. Then on breakaway, Torn,pieked the top right hand (pener to. give 1/4•••:•, . ••• • ••• • $• <•••••• • • ' • • ••• • • • • 111 oSEWEEK'SSCIk L HAD YOUR PUMP • CHECKED LATELY? 'AVOID MID—ININTER GRIEF , BRING YOUR PUMP TO , 7‘.:e _Pawl& Peoftle MINOWREPAIRS OR SRVICE PUMP • MAJOR OVERHAUL.ON • AVAILABLE ALL MAKES OF PUMPS • IN EMERGENCY FAST EFFICIENT . 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Easy -to -install, easy•to•Clean ,.. _ '4171 toilet. Tu,11-size bb ' „ SHOWER STALL 1 ,- - - k, ,,,,, ., • secfrniess .*. ' , with construcathtutipn. • - • 00 Extra convenience in home or Cot- -. , . „ , toge.',Steel construction with enamel finish, Includes shower /4 4,1.,. , , , head, mixing ikzilve,s, plastic „,. _. showercurtain ond soap dish,'48", lit , •x,30" x, 75", ..' 50 . ' • . each . !, LANDSCAPE MIRRORS .-- (Tapered Edges)' • 0 • 2'x .36" $13.95 30" x 48" $22.95 , , . . . - 4 • 4• • 24"" x .'48." $18.95—, 16" i 60" $13.95 TOWEL BAR & RING— An economical way to add to the convenience of • yopr( bathroom. , 96 '1 Towel ring with bracket Arm each 5/134 Square x 18" Bar 3.38 ' 4----1 ' 5/8 " Square x 24" Bar ,3.Z0 , :; . COLOURED . . . ' VANITY' SINKS Reg: ., ' .. '75Cr ' ,, ' $2035 ; NOW Ar * WHILE SUPPLY LASTS 16 SAVEWAYS ) SERVE YOU 4! r• LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Mon.- Thurs. ^ Fridoy • Saturday .: 4:00 - 6:00 8:30 :- . 800 - 9.:00 1), 4 t 'elf:4)• c*EbTuEr R YARD .1111114MIIIP • •••. • •to • 4of 4 roo