HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-06, Page 3•
Some advice
catty f armers
in Riding
Because of the, unsettled situation in the cattle in-
dustry the " following comments may be helpful to
Canada's cattle and beef global quotas have now
been official policy since last August 12, and the U.S.
retaliatory quptas started on,November 16. •
Light weight fat cattle (mostly heifers) under 700 lbs.
can enter Canada legally and are not subject to our
quota,,Our cattle feeders are very 'critical of this item
as it has been a depressing factor on our fat cattle
market. •
A., 5 percent tolerance in this 700 lb. weight range had
been permitted but this has now been eliminated after
protests were made •
All imported' silaughter cattle, "regardless Of weight
range must 'Jbe designated as "for , iminediate
slaughter", and of course are subject to Canada's DES
certification policy. c,;
411 feeder cattle, including those over 700 lbs. can N,o
enter Canada outside our quota provisions provided throughout the County nor the •Government plans but he Nixon, who sent a municipal officials on the lottery early is s
least 90 the people in need of said ',`It's a good report all- rebate cheque 'from his assembly. The .10,000 acre. Mr, Welch told
they are designated as�f Feeder c held for at would p p $43 500 Opposition Leader's
days before slaughter'!' Feeder cattle imports must medical attention be com- in -all".. He did state, , site will be kept for large Legislature the Governm
show the necessary ,negative tests to 5 health items: 11 d to • attend a clinic howe•vei., that he wants the salary- to the trasulast scale industries, each using will set up the Ontari
T•B`., Brucellosis,d
Some mea
beenimported and Huron- Bruc@ and I can searchers KerrW d further ea sales
subject t
All of these loopholes in' our quota provisions - legal veyed to the minister and .if Federal it will
e said he talked legislation is not as and parkland. Mr. Irvine go ° for physical fitness.,
or otherwise, 1 pointed out on the •minister seriously and Otto Lang. U they he
federal favourably considers the to Lang lastProposed p to said h p
u •
allow each municipality to tiling the land "certainly to Municipalities to complete
The le of Huron Government bought the Oak- Cabinet Board ' of set standard it feels is won't get "' any,;_„ •en- planning studies approved
County are to be utile land. 1• d ° th � to appropriate for, courag � ,
T e• pe0a Management, Eric Winkler,' its com- ement fr m me". Mr. and initiated prior to April
congratulated for taking Premier 'Davis rejected out the e n rio munity (ate went on to say �� Bennett had Made the. 1st, 1974.
such an active interest in Stephen Lewis' suggestion Government's five percent y that in the past' remark earlier in Eastern Transportation . • Minister
list of con- pay cut .. for Cabinet that he „personally John Rhodes introduced. a
familiarizing themselves that he table municipalities found they did Ontario,
with the recommendations of ' tributors to the Conservative Ministers. He indicated that not have the authority on found it extremely difficult bill to amend the Highway
the Mustard Report and in Panty's 1971.election cam- the reduction will aply only their own to pass anti -noise to believe that the govern- Traffic Act. This, ; Bill
taking the time to express paign. Mr. Nixon said Whe to not
year's salary i it is bylaws that,- had any real T„menu can justify` such' "a provides relief from tial('
their concerns of the report was concerned that the , not a permanent `reduction in teeth in them. • large purchase load restriction for vehicles
to their elect. d Members of attitude of the. Cc�nservati•'es pay - .and Ministers will 000 . Once the amendments are Mr, Bennett provided his arrying milk, household
th Legislature If the' is ane of tollgating the able to deduct the $2,000\ assed by the Le-gislature, critics with more am- (quid and gases, fuel and.
minister of health, Frank � munition revealing
business comM n' y th.
indicated thatplan
to order, a public s bylaw
into the "—case leaves su - ssistan
stantial publicdoubts Municipal(
the morality of -in how to
, servativeraising. Lewis, forceable b l
process, community need
+-Industry and
A 91 page reportofMinister Claude
Royal Commission enquirywas laced on the hots
into last May's police raid on "sen ' the Legislature for almos
e r u it and from their $40,500 annul
munition byin the'' livestock feed' gt��Che present
Miller, y received asp many Davis refusal salary either in monthly � � model Legislature to Opposition time all vehicles using half ,
, letters of protest and per- d bl c enquiry instalments or in a lump h 1 Leader Robert Nixon that load roads during the spring
b Sum 'Ministers without y 1
sonar• objections as both the
for 'Huron -Bruce about portfolio who earn $30 000 a recently ” approved bt yang lbs. per axle total weight,
rand I did, then his visit to h the Con year will return $1,500. the land, the previous Vehicles carrying, the
Huron County on February 'fund tstng Stephen Ontario �, , decision to' have options a$ora.tnentioned commodj'ties.
quite understandable. New Democratic Party
7th, is leader who has already taken on, it was made by four are equipped with tanks and
Frank Miller, minister lofe + +
environment ministry
to setup a
.nd provide technical
and advice to
es, requesting it,
draft, an en -
for their
although the full Cabinet thaw are limited -to. 1, 0,000
ministers of the Government complex pumps and tither.
health, stated in' the a labelled the proposal of whom he was not one. Mr, devices which result in their
meaningless and non- p Bennett wee was say which having a very high empty
Legislature a short time ago steal called it an election
that he . would be visiting k and even g four ministers eoul�-make weight. As a result, ,the load
such a- long 'reaching these vehicles can carry is
decision while keeping their so low as to be unec'onon►ic
binet colleagues 4 in"• the, and at times non-existent. In
long enough for.them to the case of trucks .collecting
embarassing public milk from farms the
situation is further , com-
and Recreation, <, plicated by a requirement
Bill bert Welch in- that the farmer's' hank must
into tY be ' emptied, • when the
ich would collection is made, thus
a io Cover- resulting in overloading
its own when the farm is located on
mer• a highway • subject to half
the load. restrictions. . ' „ ,
t Under the proposed
amendments milk trucks
will be able to carry' the
e load in the half load
n as ^-they_-_ri L—at" i h.er'_
of the year. Two axle
in Government�-has introduce Development is unlikely for years of operation.. A profit, fuel delivery trucks
the payout as a voluntary about five ears. Eventually Mr. Welch said, will be X40 es with two •xles
estock feed to,
e permitted'
xle rather
c ,000. -
at in
Huron County presumably at - a Fort Erie -, Hotel, was year gimmic hour during the questio
, the request of the Huron tabled in the Legislature this, more of a sham than he first -y eriod because of comments
week. It termed 'a search of th;o•ught. During M. p
County Health Committee, he made last fall about a
comprised of Anson 37 female patrons of the Wi,nkler's reading' of the rumoured Government land
McKinley,,, Ed Oddleifson, hotel "foolish and Un- statement, Mr. Lewis called assembly in 1i✓rnmen burgh
Bill • Dale, Jack Morrissey necessary", and recom- the payout a "cheap political Township, northeast of
and Joe Miller, and mended that the unlimited trick',' and asked out loud Prescott.
" presumably to allay the ' powers of police to search "what are you doing for low Housing Minister Donald
fears of the local hospital,citizens caught in . raids wage earners? What a farce Irvine announced the plan
boards - and the. people in should be curtailed. Solicitor this is, do something for the, , in the Legislature this, week
general that *the hospitals General George Kerr economy . after privately briefing
uld not be phased out declined to say what action Liberal Leader" Robert about 50 eastern Ontario
$2 000
troduced a
permit the Onta
riment to set up
m .pee _ _. . w - •
our rather than see a doctor of Federal Narcotics Control week, claimed that his ° ac- 1,000 acres or, more which Lotte-ry Corporation to
• Act amended to clarify --the tion was the only reason the 0 nae locate a other handle what it hopes will be
their choice. „ _ . ..... .. .._ -Government— VMS � , it,.-:..... ..
.�..... .�,�.,�.... eta _ off- .. �"ket
of -
cattle and cattle un
were not
was under 700.
Anaplasmosis, Blue Tongue
� tren`ds ofindust( t h cafe. -mooa'r "°-°ha d -le ' iha a---:-Yea-f- to tic s
fixed loads of cattle including heavy slaughter Both the member for pewees s. police anadtdr to11r. Nixon said the way the east or north. within a couple
der 700 lbs. have impor a
oquota because their load average assure the people of Huron discuss ,possible changes
that their ' views were con- the Narcotics Act. withabo Y
• F d 1 Justice_ r Minister measure ratlrer than as 11 include some housing to $50 million a
year -and will
and vehi
carrying 11
farms 'will
16,000 -lbs. per
than the present 1
i e• have been vigorously porn e
.W.1 week and -was satisfactory as wa ' e .did � not know the sports recreation Wand
severalu- occasiops by cattlemen to' our a avo in a , . Private
cost of � the, Cultural programs. As well.
Agricultural ,people including Health of Animals who objections to. the more told amendments to the Act
for the administration and follow-up • critical , aspects of the may ,be brought' in during Member's Bill, ' which he totalobut thof' acquiring would be at asu supplementing moneywh l
are responsibleleast $5t/2 million. The area Province,now puts into these.
�r cedures involving our quotas.' � � Mustard Report, then. the'the ', curreit session 'of introduced. in the procedures slaughterpeople of Huron as well as Parliament, • Legislature. Mr. Nixon's Bill designated includes_ 5,000 to'' fields, Mr. Welch said that
For the last quarter of 19'14 there -were 7193 6,000 acres includes_
yet 'option'ed ` lottery proceeds will lead to
under 700 lbs. imported from' the U.S.A. - not the • people 'throughout the One ' of the recom- called fora permanent five
cattle entire Province have scored mendations of the Royal percent in salary for Cabinet that could be added later. a whole ,range of new
subject tQ quota.end h Cu
•osition Leader
I � firmlyCommission was that the 'and the Opp "
brought the House .'programs in Kure and
to Canada. .feeder 'cattle a 'major victory.a
In the same period. (3 months)9071 feed° down on Mr. Bennett,•the. amateur sports.
were m orted in believe that" the minister Niagara Regional Police ` 'He also called for an o•
pblic o inion •Intelligence, which. planned special 'rem.uneration,paid to Minister primarily ct The Provincial
In 975' at t is a e *.d- the ,controversial rat cerne with t arty c
til listen t pboardsn-Treasurer
h' c1 t (January 28) 13 576 U.S:U S cattle e does is en o p
' out d 11 consider such- a 'd ,should M'PF's for serving on d �~ 'th ' 'ndustri+al ' D M Keough introduced
have been imported, but this figure includes some an wi developments, was: that until a `bill 'entitled ithe ••Municipal.
of quota cattle. This • is an average' of about 714 head vice given to him whenever be either disbanded or 'in- and commissions.
this'" -rate of importation our First quarter he and his officials are in the tegrated more fully with the Ontario Municipalities will• late December, he only Unconditional ,Grants Act,
qa should pygive the power to pass that aa tuber, he knew takings 197'4. The purpose of this bill
quota be filled by about to estmateFebruary. `' ". process •of formulatinghealth matters. restJudgehP John a Pringle of anti -noise bylaws without option on the land but did not is, to amend the Municipal
impactpertaining to
. file it is perhaps tooaeaG•Iy to estimate the knov7hat the realtor was Unconditional Grants Act to
r Whelan's cow subsidy policy of December 13th',, I am sure that I can speak Norfolk County; who seeking special -authority
of Mle of prepared the report -said that from the Province under a working for the Government. allow payment to be 'made to
b h if of the neap
d the
reduce our total H, lth Frank should be am •said
it is ,my personal view that it will not substantially ofl e a
Canadian cow and bred heifer num- Huron' when I extend to the the Narcotics Control Act Bill given first.:rea ing in •. °At that time, Mr. Bennett municipalities due to the
ended .so that Legislature. his week the idea- wa's . "ab- discontinuation of the
cocoul d beerp are now• (o '74 and that our p calf crop Minister • of easearch saidtely. foolish. We would be g o. v e r n'm e n t >s special
74 that crop was 7, to 8 , Miller, a warrt't' welcome, to" no one is�subject to a of the William n NewmanMsaid t the,
.ver percent overassistance for unduly .bur -
thegreat County of Huron ,on when the only basiscompletely our nut,. to
percent over the previous year! :. O buildona offour park. ass s tan costs for bu's
seems to be more of the same for 75. Our February 7th and certainly search ei In elace legitimate Environmental Protection
Again �t there."- new industrialn.to, say rrAid Societies.. The `Bill also
Canadian beef cattle industry is faced, with two fun-- we hope that hiswisit will be presence +++ Act introduced rnto the that whoever was assem provides financi"al"'a sistanrre
The chairman. of � the Legislature this - week would
damental market depressing (actors:
A short term oversupply of breeding cows (and
calves) - a situation, which has apparently .put Canada
into a net •export position, for the first time in 4 or 5
years. '
2. A shortfall of domestic feed grains•with resulting
sustained very strong prices for these domestic feed '
grains, "although I never -have thought that -cheap .•grain -
was any I9ng term benefit to livestock producers, •
This same broad situation applies- to the American
cattle situation as well, and their current market levels
iry x"I
are well below ours: •. , -
A, delegation from C.C.A. is meeting with the,„
Committee of the American National Cattlemen's
Association • inLas Vegas , to begin cattlemen -to -
cattlemen ° negotiations, that may restore some corn-
• mon, sense Co the current very unsettled trade relations
between our •two countries: , •
Hopefully, "mutual understanding of how the 10:1
ratio of our respective cattle population's influence both
markets, will move our gbvernments to more
statesmanslike negotiations, . and less short term
-retaliatory actions.
'. I expect to,Shortly• be receiving a Copy of the cat,
tlem,en'g brief ,to the Canadian Trade and Tariffs
Committee-..,,This...is a brief relating to Canada's cattle
industry that has been submitted in anticipation of
Canada's involvement ;in., the Tokyo round of
discussions relative to GATT. I have also ' made
rep'resentation•to the Minister of Agriculiture. . ,
a most enjoyable one.
Ontario' Liberal Leader -
Robert Nixon challenged
Premier William Davis in
the- Legislature to call'. a
public enquiry or a
Provincial .election , as a test
,sof patronage allegations over
the purchase of 100 acres of
'Oakville land for $11/2 million
in 1973.
'"'°`"415con's• challenge in the.
.,fir.• 9 •
(continued from page 2)
Dear Editor:
On behalf of the Goderich
and District Pro ,Life Group,
I would. like to thank the
paper for the excellent
• coverage of event's ;and
'meetings-' during -the past
year. A special thanks to the °.
expertise of the advertising •
department. -
We Wish to congratulate
the Sign al.,Star for the many
awards" that they received
personally and depart-
mentally.. for..bein;g__.the_.bet .....:
Small town newspaper.
Our new publicity chair -
''•,man is .Mrs. ' Joe Cou?Iney,
"rcern o '.hers of the and include t,opiw. of all Nurse and a representativ• e Kingsbridge, who , • is a
Board of rcic�ant forms u'scd by the l'io'n Communityseasoned reporter.
Legislature was backed' by ' citizens each and every Huron County
Stephen Lewis, leader of the one of 'them. We must un- ' Education and Huron County Health Unit or Uepartinent: Health Scrviccs.-
MeVs/ Democratic Party, who derstand that wit is possible Council, 8. School .Health Records 15, The Public Health
" urged .Davis to call. an There are areas of be kept • in licked files in • Nurse he a resource person
g for almost everyone to enjoy, schools,' or he kc{71 in .the fol the health teacher; be
.enquiry to set the public glowing, health and a'happy` disagreement, of course. civ 11 C of reference and
mind at rest. Mr. • Davis mental `�atti'tude,- but Basically, though, the idea of HS c oolth Unit cv• t)ep,artment.
an til ” rejected ;M the metimes some people need School Health. Services is .A.:. -School H'e:alth Records •be resource ma•teriaa•on current
demands saying there was , 'a little help. •- good one and the • initial transferred only to another health problems'and issues,
a recommendations - for the health jurisdiction find on 1G. During preservice
no evidence to warrant an There is, however, someall
airy and that he would concern , among school add- most part R are sound. r ns re-gtl'est of the 1-1 in Unit or
new education
duc lti a hasictecchers be
co course in
tl d to t i g
call an electio^n on a number health official over certain Those recammcn a Dep.�ir n e growth - and development,
of issues at the appropriate.` are: school:
fundaritiental administrative g; A health time. ;The 'request .for the •details. For. instance the 1. School Health Services assessment Of ntitrititin, • communicahlc
each student he carried out disease„ „ family life
enquiry stemmed from the he administered "'as an in- „ r
q Y Task Force report recom- e, ral art of the community chi, or before entry into the education and in, mental
allegation that a Tory fun- hu mends a School Medical Co- g p , ' Ce,f:;e{•ably by health,, including; normal
draiser offered. $30,000`"to the ' ,,ordinator -the suggested'co- health programme school system, p
2. Soho h Cvor family 'bvtiician If this personality development,
Conservative Party, if "the ordinator=student ratio being
dinating ��..,,. p, Yevery opportunity to,�lcq
established atathe local level, be carried •.oi,1t by,a specially opp Y
and be composed of senior trained Public Health Nurse. new skills and knowledge to We would like to Year from
members -• of -staff of • Boards 10. Fitness for engaging in meet new challenges . • ,,-.. b
of Health and School Boards, any . strenuous_ _ physical'" °pl vision , .of School Health. as many former teachers,
rvices. as
functions , in activity in association with e
® u ils and associates
with advisory .
- 8. The Medica -I- Of£.ic�,r. of,.�».pdssible. Spread the word. tae_
.relation to the School Health schiiols he" determined . by ]
Programme, parents in consultation. Hc,alth he consulted as to the any
no,school frien
still n touch.. with
3. The .Chairman • of the , .,,,,here ecessEiry, with the health fac'ilitic?; required for to aresti • soon as
School Health Coordinating ri, studentK�_ physician and the new schools and for major Write to ilei as formulate
Committee be a member o•f physical educator, alteration or extension of, old he s s plans for aweek-end to
she School Board staff.
• t� red oaf Three times abe ones.
Vision' screening
' shotald fun and reminiscing.
-" ' � nd 19 All schools
,4 A School carr',......,.......-.....
• with' Please write to Alexandra
iii °�ri'r1 screenin � Corn-
Health1 pr iva y
with ab 50 000 or more ` 12 Tuberculin testing be of Brantford., Ontario
' school population.
entrants Scheduled visits, In son
of Healt - the oa,mi y p -
C•onlm ittees --"tic is not possible, 'the appraisal 17. Health staff he OffCrecl,-
a student° population of
X0,000. Immediately this
° throws Huron County•.into
sharing agreement with
some other Health Unit, -
-Perth' "Ur' 'Bruce- - or _doth
'perhaps. And this is not a
popular suggestion with local
politicians, ,
' Furthermore,' -it is laid„out
i'n ., the report 'that the co=
ordinator should • be a
paediatrician or a physician
knowledgeable in growth and
development and„yin physical
and mental heath problems
,• of 'children. He ear, she would
h sponsible to the Medical
- Mrs. Pat Osborn
Past Publicity Chairman
Dear Editor,
It is the intention of the -
school- 'board to demolish
Alexandra School in Bran-
tford without rebuilding uit,
To commemorate the eighty-
one years of its existence; a_....,
committee has been formed '
to plan a Homecoming for
May 3 and :4, 1975..
g twice / provide some space
Coordinator be. appointedhey g ,d c Tor the exclusive use- School Homecoming ,
Units or Departments 'during schoo ing• 214 DarlingSt.,
the nurse on her mittee,
vutA .e .
dune on all school schools, facilities may be
5. The Public Health Nurse and at age 15. ., Yours tial.
e provided with supportive 13 Responsibility for Shared between healtoh'aind ;,„,�W. Dick, Co-ordinator.
minor medical emergencies
of ther nurse hasFsprfority for
he assumed by n
the school staff ^o'r students - their use when she is
At least one working in the, school. In.
Officer of Health and would .r h
be a metriber'+of •th•c--$.ch.do.l__, staff to carry ont functions
Health Co-c�•a•di,latine not requiring fiat..,training
Committee. and experjence.
And, speaking of the School 66. Information on the
He lh Co�ordin_atin'g ,student's health which is
Committee, the Task Force pertinent to his educational,
•recom•mends that this • experience he exchanged
• committee shotjld. he corn- among the •tnemhcrs of.
posed of senior members of Health and 1�'ducation` tears,
the school hoard staff and 7. A 'guide to School Health
the hoard of health staff. Services he developed by
,Thcrr is no pr°ovision for local Health Units , er
Ike artments; and contain a”
rlc�etc�cl representatives on • p , .
. ,. Phis' cc�iiimittec under the • description ' of the .major
° 'Tisk Force recom services offered to -schools,
n-iendutidh, and this spells the rotes of the health staff
person in •each school should large schools, heath
have knowledge of, or be facilities for f `ill time use by
qualified in first aid. the nurse are required. •. have s� beef?• .
14', The approach '.to 20, Health information
recognition of the ” student gathered in a uniform
with learning or behaviour manner , through ,' School -
disorders he 'f hat of a -' Health Services .be tabulated }
multidigcisp{ina►y team "at regular inteYva•I�nand t �alth Te11 1t Ido, ,, the
which} iricl'tidt:�s,sides� to evaluate cur
educators, the School needs and. the effectiveness
Moduli Coordinator where of programmes in meeting `' i >�a�-Start
avai'Iable.,the Public Health these n°eels. ¢ ►..7 g ,
Do you