HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-02-06, Page 2°
, . To a maze: �'
Bureaucracy .for the man on the
outside sometimes can come across as
a tangled web of department and
people, a seemingly impenetrable
maze. To get ;questions answered -or
something done may,rnean an endIss
|abyr|nthof buck -passing, an atteTpt
to crack fie kn-ervious web.
But there was
ag||mmer of hope at
an information 'Sermloar held at the
County Assessment -Office last week by
the 88|n|StrY of Trwasury, Econohlics
and|nt Intergovernmental affairs. The
information seminar intended to and
for the most part did dear a path
through the bureaucratic maze.
The idea was the brainstorm of J..
Spence McIntosh, Local Government
Advisor for the M•injstry of Treasury,
Economics and |ntergovordnnmhta|
Affajrs. What Mr. McIntosh attempted
trddwas familiarize town and county
council members with the location,
operation, aims and iurisdictions of
various ministries withJn
the -
provincial government- that within,
Councillors would. rnnyf likely en-
counter. yh effect he is attempting, to
bre.ak'bUroaucrat|c barriers between
bigand little .governments
gov �
Mr. McIntosh and his group will visit
several counties in 'southwestern
Ontario and cannot help but oet a
^ .
favourable reactCon. County councits
have many transactions with
provincial government agencieswhich
Were simply silent invisible dictators.
n"e had to wonder who these people
vvarefhat dministered grants, refused
ibning bylaw amendments, lost ap
plications and were never when ohe
The ,seminar had rmpr mntatives
fron7 the- KNn|atry of Adrico|ture.
Ministry .of.Natural Resources,
Ministry of Housing, Ministry of In-
anti .Touriern' Ministry bf
Community and Social ServiceS,
aDnnrnationbyJohnLongworth, Senior
Local Government Advisor (Planning') '
Ministry of Treasury;~EcomOcniczmnd
Intergovernmental Affatrs.
The rninioters explained their ro|es��
he jurisdiction, and their aims
their �ur|s )ct�' a e nns
within the county itself. For both the
,members, in attendance and the
,ffin|stryrepresentatives signatures on
photocopied letters became,. faces,
'zpeop|e oddly eriough concerned and
willing to act..
The barrier was broken and perhaps
it as only for that 'y. ,But man, hast
unusualan penchaM for hoping a,na
-' vKho knowo? ` Someone Could stumble
through l'he maze., (DS)
SOrnedhnes a quick note to the local
nevvmpaper editor' tan reveal the
strangest things: Last week!" for in-
stance, this office _received, a gentle .
.though definite suggestion to 'find puf
what happens to the wood from the
trees whichare cut down around town.
The letter writer confessed he'd fried
to acquire some woodd for his own use
from the town works crew a'fheywere
felling some trees on hisStreet. He was . .
toldtldThwoadwassold at $lOa load and
-al the town hall.. / '
The citizen's natural qUestion was:
"1 wonder hoW much the tcwr .grosses _
on th\u.'' - ~ ' �
The. municipality's Parks hirman
88rsr Elsa- Hayden .was' contacted to
clear up th'e matter, but Coundnor
Hayden was not aware that the fown
^vvaa'|nthe business ofselling wood. She -'
.took her inquisitive self to„town .hall
..where she, learnedthaf~in l974, the
~ _
foovn��|�24Yo |oads c��»woo� at m/o p.or
death,- . � .
How much wood is in a load? Mrs.
Hayden wasn'table to get an accurate
answer at town hall but the letter
suppliedwriter ihformation in his
by one foot. Anqaccord|ng foathrUly
shopper, two or th�ee cords of green
wood -(even it it isn't split.) for $10 is a
real buy,
And more background inforn��ion
for you, Apparently 'at one time, the
wood from trees cut down on the fown's
boulevards was free. But people who
said they,vou|dYleenitu 'never really
get around to it and the town Was left
v|thsonenessy looking streets. Now
O[$10aleac[for the -wood, there is_. no
p 'beni getting rd �f the wood and
. citizens who really want it are getting‘a
trees, Mrs. Hayden was concerned that
." 241/2 I oa'da of.,wood.represented a. fair.
" nuen6er Of trees felled in 'beautifUl.
Goderich. Not sb, again, accord|ft to
those that know.* It would..not
unusual for a nature maple to yield
two or three cordsof wood ....ormore.
Is the'wood in demand? You bet it -is.
The [mtter writer observed that when
heinquired hewas told there's a long
list of'peop|ewanting wood. His name
would obviously haveto be.added to the
bottom. . "Who wants two or thr,ee cords that ,
' x
Dear Readers, .. theoretically completely
I have, just"�n�hcd Unnecessary?
reading hc ,report by the . It Was then / km� that �`
Task Force "nSchoo|Bua\A` 7wuy notin touch with 'the
prepared �the very real world right here in
Ontario Ministry of Health. 'Huron `County. Certainly
.Ch4irmun of that committee far the greatest pGc,»tuxc
is Dr.JounF.Wcbb. Chief of of the noop|c^who• live in
Maternal and Child Health Huron �r, ,intelligent people
Sorvico`u/`the. O rio who are �doquutdx cu,�d,Ministry �� Health in ' for 4n W| aspects, But •th',o
Tnr^nu� areo�h,s
_ '
opening tin.
the brief tell in a nutshell If School Hei.ilth SerVices
what is behind' the recom- -became an . integral part of
mendation for School Heillith -education .in Anis County, the
public health, and :education,,, development - .would, be
staff, which have as their identified; nu,'nts woad by
objective Ume -.promotion,ukn. duly advised of ,h, needs of
uinoununr,o' restoration their chi[d,cn• and the'
oytho health of children in -rcsyurcru ovuUah\o_ for
schools, so that they may... di^AnOsi* and treatment;
ohuuin optimum benefit from y/ dunts ,uN be c ovnd|cd
their educational ex - on health Matters: and
pe,kmcu.^., . ^ 'opocJicpncvundvc voosprey
,Tho brief further states; .^(such~uy immvnizo/ion )
h Services for. schoolwuu0 be-applied.
chi\dren Lire part of it con' There would be screening
� .
--^ -
self-referred o, just wanting
to talk' to :someone; or
CnunSoU|nx. is .s`mothinq
that isofmgmisundomuxd
bypnop\o�j]�^,e~|x a vc'r�'~-
,- '- - ' -''
sold the town foreman hd au«isedhin letterwriter vo nnoY' Lots of �mrc' of mo
-thers. and
peop e' it seems. Said. one fireplace tinues through adult life."'a lead constitutes ",,two cords or
three' " 1o�er^.'Vhen the sap, startatorun out 'And. the clincher: ''lt is the
According to trust'okJtiner, a of a �resh piece,of map|e info Or right of every Child t6 begin .
cord .of Wood is four feet by eight feet fireplace, it u-e||t and•'continue o�ucu|kmin
optimum nu�oufhou|U`.^
/ih� basis; L can fully
agree with the premise
bch�d School "Health 'Ser-
vices. /am a great believer
in „preventative •mod|dne
( Ou know the oN nux|mg,
x8.35 pTomo'oY rovcrtiun is
0.*54_ m:of
But more than Uhis`l am, ;-
nickoning\y uwarr that -sortie
childtien., in -this county , are
not �nn�properly cared for
'5 Y' A
Members'of tho-Go
de,iohvuricuyoywuyu. Even in
Recreation gmirc( mot with duyund age of health
in�roneo' miracle. council |umlhurs��y
oodicinox;' too Many m �ivo'u progress
,h/u,," =,e,�unhealthy knuwn, as niuch as they concerning
.b~°"t"^ their,~re.'s or "b^"» =»r °^ no.mm mt»c° -,o«_w'the Memorial, _.-'-.,rnv,"« -' the /_,^,,i,h
guardians are neglectful and "tieino oounSd}oJ ~v someone
'you to lame?
, Ever~^^'a' about the cost | good health" and the 'prevention of
health services in Ontario? Ever long sickness.
•' for continuing ,health and`pep?� H��r . ^'}tcosts one niU|ondoOarsaday hn
vh-�1��,Alan |Hav' executdirector this province alone, to pay the hopital
r ofthe Ontario HogpMa|Associ ^^had costs mfauto:acddentvictins. Th�yjiL
10 �rcentoƒour hospital beds all the.
^+" say a~"~'people in general.'
^ , ~~. .• time. There |samass c�evidencethat
"Millions '|itt| �the^`cnsts of. physical inact�)�� of .
' real, effort to avoidpromiscuity, of, excessive eating',' lifeStyles 'show they/are,'quitg and 'bad driving are
'irresponsible about their 'health .and , staggering. ` '
fitness. They 'e ^^ --~.~h.-°"+ ",..`~~~~...x these, people, ^~`,- or�mh��md�r\nk .,' changefor the bfer_iny atf|tua"`-
ax ';��_°'-hey
exercise. xerc)se
Du,inA his visit to Mon;
treal last wee -It Mr. A. MoD.
Allan hpdun interview with
the G.I.R. uudouritipo and
after some pretty cur&np
argument brought away a
signed agreement ....by the
Company that they Would,
c,cct a new station here at
cost of $5.000. the town to
allow the assessment to
remain at the same figure it
is now. The muoxor. with a .
letter �rom the own
solicitor, �U| be laid before
council at. the next meeting.
Mayor Wilson would
enforce the -town snow hx'
\ow. if we have one, or see
that one isenacted at once
and put in force, hewould dn
the public a service .and
perhaps save the town the
expense of a law 'suit. The
'd( d paid co the
sidewalks on theSquare,and
the main 'streets.' in b
passable condition is worthy
a huckwoudS village.Councillors and,eu_
councillors are.. alike in'
different and in -some cases
they are .�uring o�nndS'm
Surely a town like Goderich
0 shouldhcuhoved`i�
On Friday evening the
Star ��6 the Signal blocks'
�pkycd hockey, the leaders ,,-Tin each side .being- chosen
-_ from their:respective.BO' Shirley. ^' @U@7 ~ ,.--. uy'-�_-~�
x . )
'Tho| the guHc was fairly
�nuturo\ result (houu~/_e won.-
` �pn�sud m`. on, will. doubt.
, buc|ho,cus/o,n men are, not,
girl is advised, of Huron's leaders |n the art and Could
Family Planning Clinics not be expected to. win
which do provide yrro ,against such experts as' the-
contraceptives in ,.Certain Stums.Th,scuncwuy 4-2: •
ru^c�tornronnm 16 years of '
age and' &oi'�«t these • «0YEARS AGO
FahiUy Planning Clinics are Goderich .. was u|moy/`
i,rno way connected with the cuny|,to|y,^xhut in' 'for two
muu. You u,o hard' pressed *cmx.m unumo�.�p����-qvho\r clays this ,eck. The
^o pick up u book.or u.construed. .,���incoming midnight train on
••is -. ' being ,Uuunted `--~ /h�, 0J`n. was'wrecked.wood�' ' 'mapuzine. Watch a. television But oounyeUbng is much. '
show o, ;see. u 11:10V ie that. 'much more than handing .out-. fluh�Ur ��uv`,,on
isn't dripping with, sex' Sex frank „advice about muk|ng h'w,cn �t, und snow
[vgh./oncdunx to a Lind the wrb'kuuc the t,uck '
, oy hk`ckud until last night,.
„orxnh'ro. It ,is ,:an 9P-. kid`'ah»u/ those
x,yxkm &� many people. It 'pains in the pn of his
dominates, *.conversations in stomach; `itixchecNnX on^u
even /h.�.f�xt v'lAo circles. yoon�Ste'who has u history
/s it any wonder the kids are of diabetes; it is listening m
interested? Is it any wohdvr �,b|ome .of someone too
they haVoqucyd'n*? , :short for his years.; it'|�
Y,s, more and More hearing complaints.about u~
younAstors urr 'ex- Mother Who mtoo m,ic�itia
vo,imondnxwl/h sex. Itisu. finding .the cause” • a
fact. $o. it iy.,when student's' .squinting;. .-it is
youngsters .uok a 'ochon\ detecting a naycho|ogiou]
health nurse' for' some change' before,,,it beebmes a.
'confidential udvic,uhou- dho
p,eVn/i n of pro
they' dovtzxpuct uloc/uro�
on mv,u|*,Thoy'vo h 8fficor for Health in .auion.
• had that and nudetheir br. Frank Mills, has
u,c/mon^m avu' »�it: :What su-pAeyoeo`mco,`ouon,m a
screwing, dental *,ro,ourni/nAg. they want is the privilege of School Health C'ro,d|nu/innsciurn|nA.
Juhcrcu\W testing and what u m,u\xht answer,'a clinical Committee' in Huron. The
is known as 'rapid classroom bit of information. And: a mcuur in' now under study
inspection', nurse - or anyone else ,with and it is good to see it. No
Not t6cloue| of it would he the knowledge who is uskod, doubt there. will ;be sonic
counselling 'by'u public b should provide proh|omy. sonic • •u,cu* of
health nurse. ��x•�nun*.J�S�dixuprccmen/. some 'ad-
con/xocontivny ditional cost� if � is un'ycVng ' W01.110 rndudc x,c
students whose eorN'school available in :the ychoo|y�'l dortukcn.
health records . Would • |,-
d|cuu tho nued` for" follow-
up.; students whose
hoec'„health eu|U`
problems were revealed hy
�h0mndica\ assessment of
the familly. at age
13;'o/u who were
,referred hy' the, education
^otu�;. y/udenmSwho were
.ruu| fear. that if a, student is
There have
uvo even
suggestions that birth
Cmt,y| devices are available.
to students through. these
clinics. `
�,t's'0`cv ii. The. subject
of sex fs an open book these,
days. �rouay'y society is sex
f f
A\reudy the Medical odicu\
u `
leaving u
Tuesday morning was
oiaU,d'hy-the snow at West
Monkton and |h,tn/�ie �d
not return u, normal con-
du|ony until y,storduy,
Wednesday. ^.
.".111,0 menihers of `/h�
,x,euuV, committee o[ the
*',, surprised mvo,nua,N
50 businessmen of the town
ohne out to d`hu*inoyw,Wth`
them. The meetingwas held '
'despite .|h,. storm and the
power failure that lasted
m.mt of the evening, Thc .
Paid `
tribute (ot6, go] work, the
chi,[ constable does in their
interest but ^bAgrsu.d that -
possibly the chief .was not •
doing, all he COU Id do to ,
enforce the law. The chief .
admonished h, gathering
with on imp,cy*W, Um 6f all .
the other duties he is •
obligated 'm perform, in 'u
^`'`'-..- ^""u` it. But ^, have What ~-"` b. ".'-..°."". ,oJro,,[uweek.,» good idea that if a coun- in our minds is the u\}|m»t« *
SoUoris c'mwncod a young good of HJrtm'u young The masquerade carnival
lady ]* already. (c»ndnuodun Pn"go3} on Tuesday evening Was
he)d e West Street rink
h./�'ndny with .sex,, the,*om'whu| d*vvoinUng.Aho
• numo,,of, compe000rs.,u.mA
small, in, view of the ja�Ac
o«—' �on,nmy )prize '
and behaviour �e|ddb
improve -your health than�ny recent
advance in nediciqe. /re you
�repa�ed try?"...
` The` o ���
�ho County,rmwn�mwona��mHuron
' ..
m"�w�"=~~Advertising rates on request. SubscrIptIona payatadvance $10 00 in Canada, $11 $0 in all cotin= •
tries other than Caneda, single copies• 2t cents Se.cond cities mall Registration Number 0718,45_101'....._
tilling is acCepted on the ccIndition wet. in the even‘ of fypOgraphical error the advertising space ocr.
cubled by the -erroneous Item, together witth reationaqfe allowance for signature win not be charged for ,
but bib balance of the advertisement wilt be paid for At me applicable rate In the ()Vent of a
typographical' error advertising' Odds or services at wrong price. goods or service may not be sold
Advertising Is merely an 'offer to sell, and may be withdrawn pt any time the SignakStar is not respon.
sible for the loss or damtige of unsolicited manuscripts or photos
Theydrive carelessly or too',as/, or
'h.The` way they 'live is not cnnt
Publis• hed
ROBERT t HR-�r and u0»h»'
'11 xEE
• JEFFO-` pD�Ve n�Ke
s�m��o�. '
-�n—ovlm�o^E R. WILLIAMS—auve�/sr*prmsenvat�e^
"-, Business and Ecli!oVal
^. ^ area �de 59
~' Amd,e”'
BOX '2/0, Gpdefich
`. °0 .
_ -��aA.`ou.�u=
e-t9»estimated to' o,o4�d�no��'nA^^.�o,
uhhis -Or -her E�hnr:
plain ignorant ",o -t U?'An forwird r •''^'`�.. 'u,mo'«n��t*)40.0po.includesu'
as basic 'us�uummn and surely hc`'receiving advice o� our' Prks' Cnmrmi��oo�
'de-N»ue arrangements ,have Suspended floor, you/nA nn.~
c\oon|hueso. isolation with
' been made in .,two sides of the |cc, u new
toy any »�v'um«'«'nu��l will never forget trip hw/ |o, her puronm, associated with roo'nuuthat tea pit and houyds, ^unex-
various kinds) ^ am most Council meetings ~'"^ tonmmvonr.itnu lower corridor
anxious to make sure that ni//c ) You and the auditorium, a now.
thN principle Of equal rights may wish to attend on untruncu, on entry floor and •
»ndnb|ipu�ons is applied to February |Oth' to »bk`i� a new ticket wicket. Coun'
uU groups and individuals information or to represent cillor puu| Carroll, reporfing
using our parks for an ini»'Otod group. If You for thercc hoard. 'told '
recreational purposes. 1 prefer you may get in touch council ,work could begin in •,-
huro no doubt that this with the Parks' Chairman of. April and ,,,be Completed 'ind,sir, is shared by all the Recreation _Director »' throe months. ' '
CoUnd| moMbere.' - any Council member oyyour - The official opening, s the
Th', Goderich Trotting choice. ' ' new addition. St..'Mary's
Association is scheduled to ' ' 't \- Separate School waybu}d onA� a result some recent'
appear before the Town uhruunX 2 'A^ many local, ',
d|ncusei»na with theTu»�tinM�
~'-i| (»t its Committee provineia\ ., "^" �e�e^=Aaxoc|uom l understand,,
meeting) on KnndoY~ dignitaries '' Guestsquita bit ^hnrouyU`uirlbnoF hrdu,�10th, at 7'30 P. andparents o puoxoV the new,
'" ,h,_c.onrnrxxmour.4hu ,of ~h',~*h^ and ' — they ".s''"~ the
huvn u bottur u^nd�• nd|no
^ysm.ou"nw.mm""=kn»�^ f ,h.m�ohmc|ement weather.' Thrmodo /o .a, du*s?6`n in would suggest - or u\ least,
Bu,pn C'mn|y, y,,,nJ years advice which is in some ruy
ago when U`� dental health going to put the parents in
nurse was rxum|nA the teeth unuWkwn,dp,yiVov. .
of kindergarten Class./One -=J� may h»-�hv case' in
.,' Child, who*oiooth,|hu nur*o som, yory special instances.
.dinHuy,, m m,, was filled D .gun',uUy. counsellors
-AA; are- shells of what_ had - Je`�inu with rhUUncn�u(o
been teeth,' This \it�, one's skillful in determining what
teeth were ^}mp\� rotted the ch�dr�n have already
uwuy�umdi�h,nl thought of been omght~hytheir pon`Htx.
' the" ognny -`y it. the -and then using that basis
. u`thuchow, the poor diet upon �hi,h m build 00 o,,v
which ,must. ��w roo.,d |� of aAn`,m,n| vON'h will ho
the uAhno^a of it,' and o,crp/oN, both to .0n'
hou�y ser of p'Tn.m'ot thu,u��nmm`�oMmj|inm�h''bw'n|+n.`�.'n|^.realized Uo`/ hopes [!v\o
teeth for this 'hila 'k ere. 1'h,n` has been ,4nm, o�nos
d,«'i,/"'" "^""°"*« with
it/mom^ Z.,. 1 as ^.m``p.n'p.s'n` '«mconn«',npii�'' �.°� a^� ",',~�"-,~,«/°�u«i",moxntunn|yu»n''objections ru|ood~•FuU~»p«ninp the addition advised
thoroughly ;communication • i"^ unythe, parents that, the fine, -Surely that child .,had. `~ YouthClinics which have �|n,'n`*'d use '»y the
mut/cr is most useful., With o[. the ho^| boarT.,
vm,h right u^ ,m> '"hrr-1(` th� in mind, my lines are anN not be w6xuzi andtho~h,'n ,�/ d |n o couple '��rk�\'onu| pod�.��e'-�o ut�9�pt to mkke overyuno^twou»u«hvn would do ^�heh'
-'ounAsm' d»"�'|"' ./ |�" "| i,, ,o/' /ho| yoonxm,,arc
YoynuY'*J'yMite stepsuwnro of the situation. h|mi`rwon''m0K``xhl�w'}�w./` ..}.`i«. ',»[y ��/hh,, |h{i,x.J�/���xnxn*. T|nhvUmor`ordn
� �utmost to take advantage bf
o�"rN ^k'"'"/ ' .14,t- `!`}` '`k/o� h , `i', about birth »U D~~/n'/^ groups to make taken il i" n''r»up� h`' °
the province. =�. ^Yo |' one of thoGnew�yociUdoo |n' '�\uueu�d»yn'
x'/~ n`w'`'/n"/ '` ~' /^` ,.n\n,| .m'week m� |� their "presence- . ~ ^ ....4,. ~ !1
'' ~�'. .� r .."4 �^' ' '
� ~