HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-30, Page 23COLVOENE CORNER
Mrs,; G, ,Kaitting
' W.I.
sday4--February 20: Further
particulars " will be in the
'_. The Jantiary rneeting of paper in a few weeks.
Tiger . Dunlop Women'ia
..Institute was held in SOCIAL NEWS
Colborne N Township Hall, v
Carlow; Wednesday. • ' Quite a number: of ladies
President Mrs. , Eric from ,Colborne Townahip
Reaburn presided and -after. attended the Pre -Course
the roll ,.call "My favourite meeting on Tailoring at the
Recipe" answered by 27. Board Room, Agricultural
members, the members and Office, Clinton "on' Tuesday
visitors were warmly January 21st. While not all
welcomed. - the ladies that attended will
Correspondence was read be. „taking this course 4 in.
and attended to which in -4 April, several ladies .plan to
eluded a thank you rote attend.
` from. Mrs. Rod Bogie,. a Mr. and Mrs. Eric
letter from Premier of , Reaburn report a very
Ontario Wm. Davis happy weekend January 18
acknowledging letter' sent in at their home when their
regard.. to the M3.14tard daughters _ Janice and
Report, letter regarding the Maureen and a friend;
new 4-H Homemaking Club George Tracy returned from
Project "What shall I wear" a three week group trip to°
and a letter from Ministry of Guatamala and Mexico. The
`trio had a '
, Agriculture & Food re Senior vroricTerful and
Leader's • Training School interesting trip and while
Huron County "Baked in a there they hiked to various
' Pie", letter, from Federated . remote caves along with
Women's Institutes ' of other young people who
Ontario ' with the Branch enjoy this educational sport.
Women'"s Institute Fee Guests visiting with Mr.
(QUI, ;Itil` It 11 1
Sheet.. and Mrs. Toynbee Lamb The GDCI senior Vikings basketball tearti was hard pressed in last Friday's game
rcantly w were Mrs,_ Lamb's against Stratford Central. The Vikings Game up short against a stingy Stratford
eTher: group isleadased tp,_. wr .;
report it has leaders and son, Mil:. and --Mrs. ,• James ' Y `"defense losiln�g 53-29. (staff photo)
assistant leaders for four 4-H . Wyman . of Kitchener -and a " "
groups for the spring projectsister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vikings .Lose two
and the leaders will be at- Bagg of Hespeler-
tending Training School in Cambridge, whose son 'was
February. These Clubs playing hockey in Clinton
. should be starting early in one evening... ".
Guests with Mr and Mrs.
Juniors edge
rs. c:.uri
president o
Mrs. jilt part ° of . her<< k., n ,'
Under the leadership of treasurer, year �enpied,;
President Mrs. John Berry' McLarey; secretary, Mrs. the w.11 I1 it., 1now Your
the Wom,e•n's Hospital ,,.Emily Crew; corresponding Hospital" and s? hopes t- ,
Auxiliary had a fine year: secretary,., Mrs., Margaret' have, heads Af each 'd.epar; ..
Murray; historian Mrs. tment of the hospital speak
The main project for the Lorna Vincent; Gift Shop 'during the year.
year was paying half the .treasut'er," M,rs.. .R. The president 001,1
cost of the Coulter Counter, McCallum. presented Mrs. 'John Berry
a blood analysis machine Mrs. Ada Ainslie' presented, with a past president's pin
purchased early in the year. Mrs, Worsell with her and the- entire out -going
This was made possible president's ,ping, executive was thanked for a
through funds raised from Mrs. Worsell thanked the job well•~ -done by, Mrs; R.W,
the hospital shop and cart, ladies and told them she had Hughes.
the annual sale af" calenders
and "a successful Penny Sale .
and Tea.
The Auxiliary had many
interesting speakers through
the year including • Mrs.
Charity McDonald, Dr.
Valerie Jones and Dr. Frank
Mills. Members also at-
tended ' the district con-
ference in Ingersoll and the
fall cdnference in Seaforth.
The Auxiliary also spon-
sors the Candy Stripers and
there was an awards day
held in April for the girls. In
the fall one of the local
Candy Stripers receive& the
Margaret Fraser award
from -the Ontario Hospital
Auxiliary at the Fall Con-
vention held at. the Royal
' York, Toronto.
Gratitude is expressed to
the many friends who help,
with, the knitting for the Gift
Str pt O rCenruiThee-election of the
executive has been held:
M h if not before
s•eni"-°�i�':OQ`'""to. th'e ave tye
oerrdeo...an K. ie•anldt.t>nMg iss recently
The members agreed to The'' GDCI.
s Confereice besides Stratford
lea ue � me Northwestern.
Viking squads is here e
' Friday when St. Mary
h ner and h were The GDCI. juniors now e t e �►5itors.
..Sight Fund on motion of Mlglarini of Ice here Friday when they
n aunt Mrs Clara Schwann defeated 53.29 by unbeaten boast a four win /no loss
Mrs. DeGroot and Mrs.
a record in league play. They
James matterHortr. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph -Jewell Jim Commerford, a fine led by as much as 12 poihts
The. of the"' recent .
fire at Meneset • Park was have returned home from a basketball player, scored 21 in the last half with Strat-
discussed two week vacation points for the winners. Ron ford, but 'had to depend on
discussed and it was P d , .. ,
unanimously agreed that a : in Florida. , Williams had 10. their .bench' strength in the,_
cheque be sent to aid at the We are .sorry to rr.eport the For the Vikings, to whom fourth quarter with three
time of this misfortune, .on fire at Meneset ' Park a lack . of height proved . regular fould ottt.
recently when 'tie. • mobile costly, Jim' "Jo -Jo" 'Watt . Jeff Baechi • and Greg
motion ,of Mrs. Earl Sher scored 15 points, Pat Conlon
M Doug McNeil • home of,' Mr. and MI's. p Beacom 'played outstanding
wood -and Mrs.
• of Sarnia.�•Stratford Central.
ou ' • 'Gordon. Fisher was
Mrs. Elmer Hunter' 'thea had six, --Glean Tigert four, games forthe Vikings.
fire. d
destroyeby • while Casey Wildgen and
gave' her ,report of the • g .
Women's Institute. Area Everything was lost in the Mike Wild en added two Baechler had 1.8• points.
blaze and if anyone wishes to point's•each. ‘Tim, McLean ,added .eight,.
November which she at- P �
Convention in Stratford in lay -the' part of the Good . Goderich won the junior Bill Gauley six, Jon r-Barz
' . y,.. �•
tended as delegate for Tiger,' Samaritan -contact them at r game, defeating Stratford and Beacom five each,. lain
Dunlop W.I. It was moved by the home . of Elgin Fisher, Central 49-48 in a ' real Lambert ' three and Tim'
176 Shore''Cresce�nt. • . thriller. The loss 'was Cen- Doherty two points. ,
Mrs. Ed Montgomery and Mr. and' Mrs. Terence al's • I he seaso 'and
s oiided• by Mrs: Henry ,,. �,;,,._.;; ri s 1, , »� � -. StratfoxdPxCerrtral r+ t
Brindley ', to M •pay the Hunter have returned.home home , theirfirst loss in six' years tomidget game° =55. ` 'i"
delegates expenses. . from Detroit. any team" in the Huron -Perth
Will Ort hospital points for the GDCI midgets.
Dave Mackenzie scored 24
Mrs. Robert Bean in-
troduced, the guestspeaker / s� p " Bill Barwick ,hooped
for the meeting, Miss Jane �a Percy .Teichert added. eight,
Pengilley, Home ,Economist'„ Don Bogie five and Mark
who gave a 'very interesting g
Theta a n s USY
Metric System. 'This was The Viking midgets record
very timely and prepared
inner's r a' !
1 year o
and instructive
i5 .now three wins and one
defeat, • '
the . ladies with a heg .
knowledge • of the system. Next action for' •all three
"Mrs. John Henderson The main topic of the last " Fashion Show. There will be
',thanked: the speaker and two meetings.of Beta, -Theta_. more ,details about" this in a
Ith' a_ gift i ,i: ebekahs,
esented,her w g have been the upcoming the near future.
from the Institute. event's planned to raise April 19,, garage sale at St.
The merriber"s enjoyed 'a money. The_. money acquired George's 2a.ris.h Hall, If' you ,
hear reporisocial half hour togetherthe fromtheseand otherhaveany discards (fur
social committee with Nils. projects will be 'spent on an , • niture, books any odds ar>„d
George, McBride as convener ultra violet lightcs for the. ends)
serving a dainty lunch.
after_- spring
hospital. housecleaning which h•ch
.• .
For those who don't know would like to donate to a -„O n con e s t
the use -of thin light, it is worthy cause please save ,
used for ,babies with Theta, Phone
on Mrs. Carlton"Wors was
will , named president; M John
--- •-•�'I3=e�� ..,�.���:t.._::.....�pres-rcte�f��- ,
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