HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-30, Page 64
Knox WMS
Well -attended
Mrs Mary Bare • Knox Churcph Women's
Missignary . Society , After-
- ' noon Auxiliary January
" Mrs. Ben Park and JaniceU.C.W. meeting was in the, Church
spent four days recently in ,, Dungannon United ,Church. Parlor Tuesday, January, 21.
Sarnia with Mr.' and Mrs. Women met at' 2 p.m. in President Mrs. M Clayton
Bill ,Naylor (nee Colleen Tuesday, January 21 with 11 Edward -.welcomed all
Park) members present. Mrs. preset and• expressed
M r . and Mrs. Ben Park Wintemute a nod.;„,,..,,.M,r s '....44.1e as•ur e----at--titre.--gr-at.i4in,g_
were pleased to have a long="togienterrloiik charge of attendance,
distance call from their son the devotions and Mrs. Wilf. The opening • exercises
Allan at Ft. McLeod, Alberta "Pentland was pianist: were taken from the Glad
bringing Happy New Rear Mrs, Graham McNee Tidings, magazine and Mrs.
wishes from hin-C and .his ,began with a poem, "The Gordon Henderson , as
wife and daughters, Angela Unusual Visitor” and then pianist. Minutes of
apd Lee ;Anne. , gave an interesting December meeting and the
Miss Beth McConnell, presentation of the budget Executive meeting- were .
librarian, would appreciate -for 1975. This was followed read 'and adopted and' 39'
it if those who have Huron'' by a discussion of ways and' ' members answered. the roll
County library books would 'means to raise money, some.. call.
have them in , before suggestions being,a catering, Mrs. Erskine read a)letter
February 8. bakeless bake sale, fashion acknowledging money. sent
Russell Johnston, who was show, etc. It was discussed from The Least Coin. Mrs,
home from hospital for three whether to make quilts for James 'Horton " reported ....on°
days' last week, returned to ' Five -Oaks flannelette9, crib visits -made by the members
Wingham Hospital by am- quilts. µon .hospital, home and
bulance on Saturday. President Mrs. Lorne Hasty, , telephone calls. Several of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Naylor, took the chair_ for the the members were reported
Sarnia, 'visited her parents, business, assisted by
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Park secretary Mrs. Jack Alton.
recently. , Roll call w, s taken with
Miss Barbafa 'Blake, those present paying their
Toronto was home with her fees.
mother, Mrs. Cecil Blake for There ,are six life mem-
the weekend. bers on the roll.
• Miss Beatrice The annual meeting is to
McClenaghan, Newi°narket, be on February 10 'with a pot in ,. Knox Presbyterian
spent the weekend with •her luck lunch at noon. World Church.. '
parents, Rev. and Mrs. R.C. Day of Prayer will be on . The study book for this.
'McClenaghan: March 7 at Nile church at 2 year for the Auxiliary ,is
Dungannon Youth Group p.m.
"Unknown Mission" and the
held an Activity Night 'at Discussion took place on first chapter was presented
. _ ..Brtalsstd .School on,' a.,?Ved catering for dinner for in dialogue form by
._._ nesday eved-rn"g�"w�tlt•�brot� -
"acax�ts ladies yrs---,p,.j-.F'nriglaL� .
' parents and session,' a group Mrs. R'. "McA11i}sten, :-Mrs._
Communica9nts.aClass 'was of 65; and catering for a G.G. MacEwan, Mrs.
held on Sunday even3'ng in wedding in May. , Clayton 'Edward and. Mrs:
the church. On,, Wednesday, February .Gordon Kaitting, as a round
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy, , 46 is the Spring Rally at. table conference followed by
Megan and Jennifer f � Starting at -.9:30 open _d"isc-ussion•---This--prey
. . Q Listowel, _ _: w.. °�� g and was
Mississauga visited on the a•'"'-. - quite' interesting
Foodprices for catering climaxed by a short message
weekend with Mr. and" Mrs. ,
Irvine Eedy, The girls/ were set for turkey, £-
pork with' a challenge for the start
stayed with,their grand ,and beef dinners." , . of . a '• New Year and
v parents and r. and Mrs. ' Rsports_ were given by throughout 1975, by Mrs.
Bob Eedy left Sunday conveners of various com- Gordon Kaitting.
morning for a holiday and mittees. After the meeting • the
visited with Mr. anHo, lliston, Mrs..-- Lunch hostesses wereA Mr's, members enjoyed ,a --social
Graham McNee and' Mrs. half hour and friendly get -
Mass.;. U.S.A. Grant �owerby, ,. ) Cecil Blake. ' together. o,
Eedy,;,. • Bakery is closed
• for the ' next. two ' weeks,.
January 27 -February 9. '
on the sick list at their home
'or in the hospital.
Treasurer's report was
given by. Mrs. G.G.
MacEwan. •
Members were 'informed
the World's Day of Prayer
this year in Goderich will be
Mr.. 'and Mrs. Dick Pa
visited. ,,with 1VIr. and -M
Gary Dauphin and Holly ,m
Glencoe on the weekend.
Greg Park is in University'_,, '•
Hospital, London where he. I
will undergo surgery on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank This year's Junior Farmer ° Square , Dancing Com -
,Thompson`` visited her Talent Festival promises to petition, The dancers are
mother' Mrs..' Wall,: in provide• a full day's. en- 'Lynn Douglas, R John
Brucelea Haven, Walkerton tertainment ' for .the near ,Thomas, -Patty Wilcox,
on Sunday. ' 2,000 people expected to Robin Hood, Gord Gibb,
M.rs. ' Gerrie Glenn attend. - Cheryl Cable, Matt Jacobs,
returned home on the Over 200'entries, a record' Marie Brown , and Jack
weekend after •�a week—in "number, have' been made for, W'.arram. ' Charlie,, Bowman
DVinghatn hospital. She has this program, to be held is the caller for the set.
to go back to hospital the February • lst -at the Royal In addition, the Festival'
'-.first of the week -for '-more,
York Hotel in Toronto., will feature Art , Crafts,
tests. Huron. County will be Photography and Writing
represented " in the public''.. displays with contributions
speaking, , singing, square from J'uni'or Farmers across
"dancing and general talent Ontario. Rhonda .Ferguson,
competi't'ions. ' - Dublin will be• participating
Mary Anne Miltenburg, in the writing displays.
RR 7, Lucknow will be The "Show of.Stars' in the
.taking per. 'in the Public evening will be the cli'max'of
Speaking competition. ' the day's program. Winners
The Huron County Choir, of most events Will perform
under the' director Larry to a capacity audience in the
Murray, R.' 4, Walton will *Canadian. Room. One of the
be .participating in the Choir highlights will ' be a
Festival. tpresentation, by the massed
The°Vocal Solo competition Junior Farmer choirs under
=Beautifully illustrated is' popular iagain this yeari. the direction, of, Mrs',„ Marie,
°Donna Henderson, RR. 5,'`t Deveareux of Port Perry.
Seaford.' and Larry Murray,
Huron Junior Farmers
n Talent Festival
(over 70 years of growing
service) U
1975 SEED &
Complete List of Flower and
vegetable seeds, Lawn Seeds,
Ferftiljzers,` Insecticides:;
Garden Tools & Supplies, etc.
r Tear out 8 maiE now---,
,RR 4, Walton will be singing . Also during this program,
in this event. winners of several of this
Talent Hunt" one of 'the year's Junior Farmer travel
most popular and amusing ' 'programs will, be announced
I' ONTARIO SEED" CO. LTD. ' including the Australia and
BOX 144, WATERLOO, 'ONT. parts of the day, will include
Nesw Zealand visit and the
an entry from this county as . ,,.
I Yes, please rush Me your big Ontario Ministry of
well. Tom Melady and Ikon
�° newpillustratedFcatalog for Melady from, Dublin.will/be" Agriculture • and Food
"J.Spring Free and postpaid. Scholarships , to the United
�_. entered in 'the musical , Scholarships
I, 'NAME__ presentation.
1' Square dancers from Jim Phelan,"of RR 2, Blyth.
i._Di�ESS by
Centralia College of has been nominated
° LP.O.----=---- PROV.•Agricultural Technology will , H'uron County for the United
represent this county, in. the Kingdon Trip.
D.0 SO
c ._
$35 Perm Wave --$30.00"
$30 Perm Wave --=$25.00
$25 Perm Wave ---$20,00 •
'$20 Perm Wave—$17.00"
-�J $18 Perm Wave—$15.00
,,-i $16 Perm Weva—$12.00
Mao -Bonnie -Charlene- -
Sandy •- Anne -
JAN. 15 'MAR: 15
108 , LIGHTHOUSE ST. 524.7461