HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-30, Page 3f l‘b ••••••te0.'4. (continued from page 2) J, • may ,help to make them happiee,, in the point of Town's Coun,Cil, at --last, changing their meetings frem. Thursday to Monday evenings. This change has sever angles in its favor. Firstly, weekends (for some in- tervals of relaxation, hopefully) are, for the time • being,, regarded as cone-- me'ncing at noon, or 5 o'clock on Thursdays, esneciplly,for thoS'e in Executive and „ Managerial positions„ and, ' certainly at this junctere on These' grade seven pupils are learning how people make the horizon for many others. " the ' best use of the ',resources ,ayallable to them ,as too. Reference: , railways' extra- charges, hotel and otelfees Thurleday evenings is practical. Robertson students study m, etc. So, releasing Many who Would like to attend Council Occasions are engaged in adult-ilearning and teaching .eourses, musical, church and, ch* commitments. The,latter not being, advisedly,, placed earlier in the week for ob- vious, important, 'reasons. Therefore, these people have been (im)patiently awaiting a change for Council meetings to Monday or. Tuesday. It ,may not be sudden but before very long the public's Interest in these ,meetings will iecrease: • (Band rehearsals, , often, do adjust, without much inconvenience.) ,.._ Monday, seemS' vantageous; giving ,our Goderith Signal -Star time to re are ublication. of current council aCtivities•fol- their immediate Thursday isslue, and, while those matters are still fresh news: and not ancient hisiery.:ALL of which should be of ;in- terest to ALL taxpayers. Perhaps some council newcomers, particular, haven't yet the "feel" of the inajoiity of Electors whose benefits should come first,. rather than the Candidates' personal desires. -Surely there, is a parallel et- the **, large increases in 'salaries, or, stipends, the Council Members , voted for them- selves, already... Thusly, -further proyoking this un- necessary inflation in Canada. If said praCtice is permitted to , permeate throughout other delivera,rices, unchecked, there will -be chaoS..befOre it can be stopped. In all !fairness, coptinuin•gc,' lacqUiescenee 'Should COMe from the vote of the tax- payers who elected Council Members in the first place. Granted, a ' few MondayS may ' fall, on statutory -holidays. That, gives the Council •man (Or woman)a .4o1den opportunity to cogitate. prdpositioes pen- ding, in a less -pressured period. Also, to be home ahead of the general traffic .. again, less pressurCand definitely a step in the right direction, • Council Membership, in ._Geelerich, is not a full-time job. „Its "moonlighting".4for Most, from Which there are definite rewards,- too "\I• numerobs'to list here:, if - we accent the positive. . Aincerely yours, - 0. Miller. evidenced by the lamp in the 'photo made of cotton -strips and soaked in oil. (staff photo) Eskimo life GQ1DERIcH 4IG'NAL-STAB, *AN VA,' ftlr 30, ij i • .ro..Life:group,hetaft-, fo.r .protest.' The Gaerich and District Pro Life .Association Board of Directors and, members meeting Was held in the Queen Elizabeth School, Goderich on - Monday', January 20. Honorary Chairman, Reverend Marvin Barz opened the meeting with prayer. Chairman Mrs. Pat Osborn welcomed the member. Mrs, Mary O'Keefe and Mrs, Teresa Courtney „were ap- pointed to audit the books. ,.correspondence received from Alliance for Life, Toronto, advised that the Can,adia-n Medical Association is pressuring the Government to have -the therapeutic abortion com- mittees eliminated so that abortions "may be, a private • , matter between a woman and her -doctor",. The CMA •does not want to have any • control over- its abortion • practices. • The leadership, especially. Bette Stephenson, President of the CMA rather than the medical profession itself is pushing for a policy of • abortion on demand. Members were advised to • write to Canatlian Medical Association, the. Provincial • Mieister ' of • Health, • Honorablee?Pierre Trudeau, Qtto. the local 'newspapers; and 'Bob " `McKinley, MY: con- demning the -CivIA • and especially Bette Stephenson. There is grngdIsiitian against this CMA stand. Goderich beginning at 8 p.m. , the club, maey of th,e of- ficers and, !a geod• deal of lovers of the game travelled with the hornetewnboys and • helped. to cheer them- on to 'victory.Both teams PlaYe,c1 excellent hockey and the harbor team won the match 6-4. • John Clement (left) .steadies the board .‘ as Ken Reid (centre). and .classmate Brian Shewfelt,eiperiment with ' these primitive.Eskirno tools used tb. make fires and 0‘11 slnall holes. (staff photo) among Pro Life doctors. , 1(10K1f1B - petitibn, should telephone 524e 75 YEARS AGO 7184. Rebert 'McLean ha' got, - - , Motion was ina44 to spaoe on ship bogrd AM- the request abortions be car of horses he bas stabled removed from 0.H.I.P., that - in town for: the 'past two abortion Committees and weeks:- All oi the animals Hospitals in Ontario -be- -in- wiff b -e -'entrained- tomorrow' vestigated regarding or Monday ,and sail bY' the abortion .practices; e and to Allan line .boat from Por - write to the Reader's Digest tland. The shipment 'is said regarding their • refusal to to be the best that ever left print pre -life literature, our town and an expert The Voice of the Unborn in horserean informs us that 13 Wingham advised that they of the ,animals could not be - have been invited to present . excelled for either sound - a program On "Singtime" ness, good form, mettle or with Doctor DeVeber of Pro good sped. We hope the ship, Life, They are planning to will reach the Horne Land, hold a fund raising dance to safely ! and that , the owner be held in the Wingham the' purchase of Armouries on Saturday good holses profitable. evening, February 8 at 8:30 On , Wednesday 4 evening pih. February 23. grtht5ts-wioifi: Ten-iumw-n7nc alitt ir. . but as they were mostly a 'Clerk Mitchell held a beSphe:IlddngatentghgegeK7 meeting in the' Columbus Hall, Goderich on Thoma,s Naftel and Jahn% chairiber;" w h,en• - Wednesday, February 5,., the Knox were nbminated to .fill Conestoga College, Clinton the vacancy in the counCil. on Wednesday, February 12, At the close of the llour-lor and the Huron Men'SChapel, receiving • 'nominations in Auburn on .uriday, sever'al speeches were made repitition of those made at ". Discussion was held the December meeting the citizens. will comprehend their purport. Mr. Naftel, who was not present when nominated, declined to stavd and Mr. Knox wAs therefore declared elected by ac- clamation. p from Goderich removing it. team ,, travelled' to Clinton to test The metion ,was made 0 the strength of the tam hold meetings on the. third 'frcinl- that burand the Monday of the month at the result was a Wril after a very g regarding Neter Edelin who is bejng charged with killing a fetus, a viable baby boy,- by, cutting off the' infant's blood supply While the baby was still in mother's womb, then watching the :telork fid-----waltiti-erth-red- tiVe minutes before ueen Elizabeth School in hard fight .• The president of Four 'delegates from the . Huron ',Riding will go to Ottawa - for the presentation of the One Million name• petition to government in - eluding' 2,115 signatures from the_Goderich area. A bus, . will leave from Stratford and anyone %ViShirtg to go to ,Qttawa for the preseneatidn or wishing t -o 'sign the .• . :ifyou WE c4ti IELP: GIVE GENEROUSLY 60 YEARS AGO The concert giVen,Tuesday, evening' by. the Stewart Orchestra was in every way worthy of the full house that greeted it., From the rise of ' the curtain to the grande • ,..finale the addience was " treated to a wide variety of ,tnusic!andnot a dull moment existed in the program. The soloists, of the evening heightened the , impact of their • performances by dressing • in 'the manner attributed their score and at one point -One of the .rnerri- bers of the Highland regiments, now training in Toronto, • stepped on the , stage resplendentin. the --green- and plaid of the and tunic and offered* the audience a bit of Scottish tradition on the bagpipes. While engaged in his work! at the elevator last week, one of the, shaft employees en- countered a very unusual occurrence. The lad was, in .the midst of filling 'one of the bins wher he thought he 'spotted a small' dark _box -in- 'amongst the grain. .1 -le stopped the loading process and began to dig for the item with a shovel and after a short time heuncovered the ebject of interest. It turried out -to be a 'Container that would be 'used for holding a man's lunch andthe ex- • -planation_ offered by the 'workman .is that a farmer,, net wishing to.., stop har- vesting for a lunch break, lia-d.;:tak en a box of food- to the field. Somehow during « -4-77; - the course otth,e day the box Had been misplaced and thus -1 found its way tcr.the elevator. Anyone; missing .such a box is welcome tO claim it. - Myrta Shuli and Diane Taylor get a,first hand look at the modes of transportation used' by the Eskimos. (staff photo) • r Danny Maillet (left) as,sembles polar bear jaw bones while classmate Greg Ferris examines a whale vertebrae in their studies of Canada's north. (staff photo) •., Photos by Dave Sykes • • • , ....*••••••••••••••••4••••••••••••••,••••••••••••• Al LIE MARKET LIMITED HARV.p.L9LVhWES MEATY- NO BACKS (SAVE 20C B•) CENTRESLICES ONLY $ BUTT SHOULDER LB. ONtY LB. The Blueivater Shrine Club Indicted it's new slate of of,47 Goderieh as Walter Powell (left) and Lawrie Slade, the ficers for the Comihg year in ,a district Meeting held in First Vice President, and Spenee 'Ctimmints (right) Goderich. . Poteneatto• ..Harold Icentre) „ Master of the Mocha Temple look on, (staff photo) congratulates the new *preeldent Bryan, Ainslie of - ,p. 4. , ..5`yEARS AGO Goderich town' 'council gave third and final reading -last Thursday evening to a by-law which permits the town's two taxi Companies to. raise prices ;"-effectiVe. mediately. Under the new prices taxi service for one person to any place in tewn beekeen the hour A of eix • a.m. and 12:30 will be 75' cents, up from 65 cents: Each—additional passenger will be, charged ten ;cents and each stopover of not more than five, minutes will cost 25 cents. BetWeen the heurs Of 12:30 and 6 a.m. fare will be dollarsfor one or rwo persons to any one place ifi town, ti;