HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-30, Page 2.»~����
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«ox� u��p WfIETHfK YOU »^N
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Planning needed�-����7 `� ���� ��
' .
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When Hbron County Council con- ' options: to hire planning consultants to
venes f�� its first full-fledged prepare some secondary plans; to
meetingof T97S this Friday, the engage another planning techn|de
n to
pdanm\ng department will havesome assist the okierburdened'p|anning
. . . to . ^ along .
refreshing news for the Members.
of askip^ council for more "n�oney to carry,out the -expensive
business of developing secondary plans
far Municipalities across the•county'
there will be a,reporf on provincial
Community Planning Grants'whichappear hj'beavailable |oca||yrnrouQn .
,the 8Ain\otry.uf Housing. -According to
•N|ck Hill of the planning department,
they will be asking for permission to
apply for nine separate grants worth
yp to $5'006 each. ~ ^_
A release from the Ministry advises
fhat.thesegrants are designed foassist
Municipalities in preparing or bringing
official plans and zoning bylawsup to
anaccepfab\e level.funds oynalsoThe
be used to prepare bylaws -to
replace .mordars and.
to fihance ,pLanning pr nms for
snail's pace Wifh the' present capable
planning staff. _ .
^` Looking at .the three alternatives,
advantages ta'esend d|aadvantageScan be
readily observed. Planning consultants.
are costland much of the continuity of
having one planning department
prepare all the ^\anshas been lost. To
additional, staff at the county
level could result in a whg}e
' shakeup ig�hopresent departrnent �s
vve||'es the problem of being over-
vep. staffed whenthe secondary., plans are
all completed. Either way thgugh the
important iob of planning gets done
The third alternative, thought 'to be
favored, by, most rnembers•_of~ the
planning committee, may be leSi-
'economicaln than .at, first believed,
:unorganized municipalities. In short, especially in the' light of the new
_^_ 'tat��the remainder
and believesplanning, |fyjem.--
' u ' Satisfactory completion of .the County officials admit the value of
studies '-- should help mUnicipalities tot, _ ••
. completing secondary plan's. for all
prmperesoundp\ann|n�p[p�r�rns' ^_ municipalities as,, soon as po»sm/e'
It /s . understood
" 'e y'"'.~ ^''' be
-Even citizens, s~''~�
' nada t� the individual municipalities
whom thep|answill��pared'
but it, is hoped thenuhidpa|if|es will
pass the 'funds:•••along to the county
vnose responsibility it ,will be fo.,3un-
dertakethe planning studies. This
&5hou[d not be a difficult .objective' to -
achieve. .
Wh- ' '\ ne st nthe
that nd|mTSorestrictive�
Prepare |hep\ansissfU|
ataiun' ThereanreaUy three
been caught in unfortunate
(100/teEPrlorrraN &M«L
Dear R
dcra. '
ppublicn meeting Wednesday,.
rdneouuy.. s
News that �_Go�i� C.onB"u�e.��s the time *
Police --C '�'�_'•
_ _-__--~March' 19 .at 2 p.m. in the _t
~.."th/"" was xonc. zt t
o- eneoUriage
some 8welt
imo citizens carne -forth' to researched presentations
vi -r ---their beefs ' and their- • which will shed lighr on .a
uggoyt/ons. • wnrSeniog .situation and
a new look - and a new ``_-�- poVneso-�fwu�ion-bu_uuc�'c�^g'
curnstances because of inadequate thethrust - .is best news �de of:�n
planning guidelines are .pressing for municipalOf
citizens have '- 'greatest concern «oncern to aungry ci�zeno making Does this -town need -""n.
more '
'completed secondary plans: `•heard for�onme time. good number of people, of ridiculous statements aboutbylaws +y "^ such things
No longer is the �«u\ course, ibe''^inge. what, '^ua |nVering?'Duthe existing
County councillors will be assessing pp|i«« �idn. heavy like. ��~euUu�eon hub -bub such "'youthful.' pxubo��noe° bylaws need stricter .en'
- these q»e�o»'o .soon. They »iU be, w'UhiYd�|alu��W�»which made thenational .is is w|tneosod•aU too often fnroemont? Is • a curfew
called upon to makea doti�on' The personnel.This year's ��oa ond�ovoOod n^ the m Goderich.Some people necessary? Will a''d»nCon mission hasonly Mayor Undeserved` distinction of are like that .ut a public o»mP\e» really help? Are the
' route to the earliest completion date of • Deb
Shewfelt, citizen
'-in... o
tha nof.secondaryp|ans'Should be
porsued. Soondp|anningnovisbaic
toTheu|tinate |ongfenprosporjty of
th\s county.
Bsit daof Nveek
Rawson, anu'_ur»n c»uncy |ow|castownuinCanudo.Judgo Fra � G' Cart«' wanother ureu for oummo,t
mumbo'o' •',wiU uhduubtmd\y a the
'Judgo Cu�e�. ohairmonof unyor�nute incidont'hnCuu,t
c ioo|on oxp\u\ned uitHouse S \ y U h| h
this way. 'The government.' ,iliro receiving blow-by-blow
has seen
.., _I-Y.,440Ar-f.K,9,:ivirici0,3 ';'-'ikt.t'. tenti?n in the dat1y press
Chiefs in some ways •curR,,,-
., go,,es to court over allegedly
tailed uze effectiveness �of firing u gun nt`ofleeingpo\ioecommioomn. xouth �leuppnoono cvu\dauy it Y Gojb,\chi"muk�u
dm'N/ \ c8d the: prevailing-'it\an \cdemandthataU |ces
cfbus\nasandanusanen+ be fight)y
c}ed, but~ \f va�'a socialnimdeneanourto be cauQMnm any'activifyothwrthanohurch'gchngonthe
Sbbaƒh. \n fact vcan recaA|on|y a
few h h h asa baft|e
' | rthepoosUbilMythatour|oce|- *arenas might be operied fo free" skating on a Sunday afternoon.
No doubt fhera are still tnouumods
mbm are deep\'.by fhe ap''-'-- -tf �he Fnurth C8n~ nd Hovever'the, influx a/untN»sshnnigrntywhoarenfother
7aifhs,pr'noneat aH ,haqchangadtx
|ega|''ttern+' Sone ca|ebratc their
----hmnour Saturdayor soneother
==x °' ^'~°'-, Ma ' oth d nnt
re-cogn|ma an-dayof'the wehasset0. asde fmr re|ig\ous observance.', Be that all as it may. Th heod foronmday`ofrmstineevenisma/cnomout
of us, both physicallydand emotio.nally.
Even|nthe Sov|etheretkere|/g/ouy
sio*if|cance of the Sabbath|o-der\dod,
M vao f#u� tha^'onaday of rest |n
~y~' --- '
�b.bugy that
'SuMdayin fhis partc« rnevor/p�.p.
from being a day of rest, has become
the 'busiest day of the week. Sports of
o\uCn wiUo uo'criticismcriticismm tu YuKin8 down in -theho ]o"uy
on,r/undth ,unnftut t,Jning Qood citizens? Arc
uth ith t g\ving 8ny `t6e eth \e |n o»y woyr,u[d ---"oun' oonected? ^SHoud thn
sideration b inv) od in ="""""',e a"! "«^ ^~ ~~~^~ g -`--l the, »|�utkon` Tbpy orx no- ,|amk of ont'yor theho|p. ^ • ~�-Municipal Policelrde�mnvoidthia kind Forcn? Should thero bo unx
uY aim|ess heurin8.^�hn -kivd oy reoonmandotiun
C�mv|s�un is uhking tbat [rum thnconm�njtyto txo
all ' ons -
he Ontario , Police Commission
noia heard at �meong�ont now deliberating" on thcwyemutNng \iko ha-mQ,h, ron,trucdou foreman ,"'x-.""~ o^^~h",""=.,-' ^- wrin,n xrief prior to noUc1ogquoedvnp• U k]nds' requir\ng na»y to `n«northi» m*n "oyk' ,ot[ui rqwd4ymunu yundaoonmu"on�m' In th/s �uy.'Tbame arooone questionsreturn�o»or« ason unYox'e' "uvtno•mauiururto'y''iConce,n. `D /a0meCommission memoorsnoPo wn.mn roa"«r*"""^"_,x^
ha`=",,x+pra+ed-nrnanizat|ons of aU A~,o,dinou`JudoeCuno,.
kinds nov :schedule mew/.w*u p"" u""=i"xj""a~ h~"n~a/"`ctnnd rnou\u, dounn�� wunf-""d"'/""/"bpranppn1
.o. vur in their
Minds for Ole u)7\lc"�
next few weeks. Then 'it is
hoped nuoy;muny of them
wU|.put Uzcirheuds tognthor
to come • up with �omo
constructive briefs which
will' pinpoint 'prOb\omo,
define d�OcU(deq and
Any. 'time the publicopinion' is �uoUched.,ny•
000r»o. it (Toes not
necS�ya'Nv fellow that an
immediate .and complete
solution is enacted. -T«
noolphraeo u[amU�rclause.
when naUinAu tu d "The
'best and only uogAeauono not
nocu*sod urtotod.^The__yino| decision will 6 fh
rest' with the Goderich
The important thing is that
people. in Godoriohnow have
a ta opportunity to
.bo.hnord in uyouing where
some. influence can be
exerted. 'Think, it over'' and
conies! , '
'have your say when the timeo.
- it is an '"p='" day. that can be -'things like police court, for
pected. to find'more members t
,.instance: A ,private citizen
has . more general
onnitne»ts' -
�° ` than a police chief where
'rorsona[ly, we still enjoy quiet ^nudna is concerned. mg'
Sundays a
undaysa"ndno organ\zat|on under
fhb-w`on the
°^'oun' isgoing n~ drive us '-^» giving v_ surely .these people can
. .'
the re|axatipnwhich »efind necessary stand bunx,anvlako u.'ong,
a commission is intended to
��• .� '� ���Lr`'�'... 'v`..\.
methods.reasonable and thoughtful which it ` is later �� he
' practices and Objectionable of s�c oty^Theyconsist, o~ large, fro the ^v:^.w in - As in the natural Cycle all people, who are concerned 'bcsukod and. h, is co!�m�o •
oouturu"dupond on some. and worried when they look �first. 14"io amount collected
,8`,r ` kind .for various 'u� the long list of 'animals must be' somewhat more
aspects of; livelihood, �findit and 'birds already extinct as than the omdunt oy'the
ubu furKgchod^�o compare the of man's' mindless. Arunt, tb providu a ohurd of
\ih/'Snuc,00uiox (or swatting actions. We think tat .,we civi| service and ministerial
a fly and stepping on a worn- o``.'. Rol. contribute to the 'salaries,--. before being
by accident), with "fun"' list growing longer, hut use returned, to \ y'
killings or deliberately bad our resources and reason to Anyone who doubts. u,is }y
behaviour 'including cruelty work -out h«tter solutions for cordiuUyinvited ^oyt�gy the `
" /Tr-relong-term current vulu�n of 'Public
ondcrudonoe* '
'As to ""="°"""^~ (in ' Councillors and municipal
this. ease _'u�n Norwegian). ;If it makes some people
whalers,. they are actually put labels on m«,l really do :officials"' know -all this Pv`
d»}�f /h«m»»Wes out of their not mind. As �r the treat-|oot| ° well;theWord.
livelihood in uhurry if they ment ofc'uuu''«y not on the "grant" 'io designed',&to
continue without restraint in on6u g""cd �pecing -list,l comfort the taxpayers: '
their ^)'m all right,,Jack" um simply no friend to /Ihu'system originated
'attitude .and do .'not look 'cruelty,. Crudeness .. and away back when the
d`ouAxu�uasnoao. . ' nr"`un:o u non -tax revenue,
looking a bit deepnrinu)the-rosuuroes` was roJnauttu�rooW�And l really. ! that ,nain\'. yrom
matter Mr. Manfred D�m\Y .hnp��nt. Before he un'
might find more in common • pqsod dey�stt6rMd gasoline-
-with me and Mr. Bindmurnh ''tax of three' cento. Premier
than' with "some of pie so- - Ferguson 'was able to boast
called hunters, whose actions that "unless, you to the
wou,uc*ndennh�atUmoo.thuat(o. purohaae_oqur »r
hot on the ,races, you 'don't
,Yours sincerely, pay' the proVince
• /'^ E�uBuydonThoycnnhas become
�� .�
wasteful now, and it is p"
|ob`to.do much about it, but
� . ^
looku� policing as
forour weU'be[ng,.nthat means being
noa-� Editor,' ,.='' out "+�� lot of arn'viti�s, so be itdo. ^ �`
'Ljke most otherfamilies. in this Judge, Coor and :� ' �.
.,� community,' we have' 'invested nuwm`nuroopo*h`tedbytho. 1hre are subjects over
thousands of .dollars and niU\~'~of |�. Governor oyOntario. The which reasonable men
. /hOtirs in -creating:a -that is rmlyor is the third and Onu\ homne i,rutmnu| and
member by virtue of his emotional. Hunting one of
.°--'f rtabr|e 'and -a fam:1yYhatis, a't 'ffieo' T'"-d`or, these men them. .. .
- least, our ``n |f Sunday has.to be '
'' d \d dU` � hikU`«� � �1T�� u'' «on�r«d
devoted to another 'endless round 01-OTinrt-wont a police state to D� h`|rg•AunUemam)y way of
^ out' aido activities
i ht
as well be, exist
Uhnx do
• -no/ muntkm\n' g my
namb in
- ~|i |ng`~m a _on�'rpp�n apartment with they want matters, to ,Wing his,. letter last wook, but it is
housekeeping- services pro«^od-o `oy a so ,f"' the other way' thatohv\ou's 'that some of his
there ..~ little. respect fm. ,,/nurkn were meant for me
once'a'week cleaning lady.
police, - the " among, was the one who: in:
~ you can.heve your hockey practices ciUqonsof1unyaAe'tn'uco& the subject of Brian
"",,',s" of this, ,,,-' Davies of- the International
and .your executive nce^.mus. m. .:l
opt forlmet up in front of 'the fireplace ^~`~`~y of each month at 4 and contributions towards are t~e second d for xn|mol "
and a good cigar. Out then', of course, p.m. in file townbail'(except the. purchase of a helicopter
beyond «hu|r
noses. Do. we e
.this busy, prugrworld vasn|t' during„~ July.- :and 't,\U8ueU' for that OrAniiu^.on.*, really have to wait Until
'fashionedby lazy fellows like us who ' These ^neodnAx .- ~ mnk> l X\�d|y. yl'ir^ the; th,n`'uvuri» Whales Te�� 1
~vant to take a day off every week' � closed shop ' the-(m'w|U`M� Hidmu'*h'
iin not in y»«»u'oy
—Wingham .Advance -Times. to the public in much' � �no� Mr,mon`nnnv ~cxminut|nA. any species
same way as council- ':slightly,- J) t enough to form because itgivess»mepm.people
meetings are �pon to an ',y|m_om that he is a employment, 'quite ^.~*'� .
spectators who �iyb to oh- sportsman in the best sense p"ror\x ai that. ThortF.wus
serve and learn, ^
of 'the w`rd, and an excd\'n!- full
�dudng the
'~ is somethand n-` x*m"ammunition
n -�
-0--- The County. Town Newspaper of
Founded In 1848 end published every Thursday at Godericb.Oritarto—Member of the ACJvartIsinvates bn request Subscriptions payable in advance' $10..00 in Canada. $11 50 in all couh•
�o�� ��~g copies 25 cen
Second Class mall Flegistration Nunibfir 0716 Ailver;
tiein,�~�_�~~ .�*��� �� =
�ed _r .
*m m° "�"�°�"e"�"~~'~^ -1 - rate in the �^chr�" �'"
typographical error advertising goods or servicet at a wrong price. gOods or m==^m�"m��m
AdVertleing is merely &Lotter to sell, Andlyray be withdrawn at any ttme �emv"o/�mm"m�"�"•
' .
business mmmO�Cm
area uodw5re �..
_-i ^dd°ess.^"
SmCm�d��se rm�mnmmm numbo-0�*
"u"�`"h"" ~. m '- �a, poboomnn�m'
ROeERrm. SMm|sA-nnsmont anu pouUohe,
swwLsY J. weLuEn-*mm,
JEro | omf
"°vE cvupS-�*om,/a/s'w,,
Eo�uARD eYmm«/-a inn ��na�er
DA«E WILLIAMS—advertising rep!e omanvo '
n _
Whil` �"nc` r`'-/"sio°° "o 'uuh| thut ho obeys /he: ''wur machines' ' were
meetings may hoV been written' laws 'of k�ndn� u«mQu[uoturod' Certainly
open in 'h,
puo. the in- ,well as the unv,Vun laws of
d i
d\cudnn^ in recent years d'c'ncY' `^ ,'mw"_`" """''`^ ^`^ to
*o,» r,,min\x .thut the '' Mr. Di'n\fmu t be aware, «djus,t ' and adapt when nths,
� ~r
u | p
commission meetings were of the. fact, however, that,, old u',""..". ,~,,,~,,^_
private affairs 'about which there, are numbers, ^'`o'e,s
trustees who know there in
/o �own.�*huro�"y the no such thing as "govern -
nobody knew too muoh' It«nK �,omms or whatever people not, listen to mont^money could 'keep
way seldom that yomo/nte n -m be used to `v_an"a,"e each other nearly as ""e^ ,"s` is ,"/,/oper c""" o'l=e this fact in 'mind when
.` o�t6pY 'think they do before total; the Province Will pay budgeting.
-_ �. ^
^`." quest limed =*". _n --x ,o.mo./un,b/,x*, whit shoot
transpired o| .. these at :nyt�ng mu, moves, be it ^,ycome to ."..^u~'""^`^ ,^",".~."^",~' _- "' W. E. Elliott
Word or " v"~"°e Catches �~' ,S'~^^~^~~ ~~,,h as the r
_'``.n-= The '~","`si"" a 'a,mn's n`w or a `""^""
m \'`' fhwv/ ""iwformuUon goose in someone * .*unr'
Monday -'
m`S`p'`'ate: discussion 'm.wy. Nearly always .``'. the true,. ...~.a" in the in the ",,,s.rh" fact,
commonivations =i~m our -,",,~,- is that "^"°,",w',n, Dear Editor,
Hooray for the `n,~)nok huno',, N,ith,p W'' rRi»' k�\'w,men. Getting more hun'no money except what it also con .`'_".`.~^' .
Commission's Most '"`".` ~~r 1 '-` illy '-'--. kroups theFund ' - their
and -Prinnipm\ modbndjumt now have had .�o�e "say" in that negative thinker»
And .hvuri.8�^r the y,.)icdxr°h.a*}understand it, infor nution uh»utsuch collects' from the taxpayers
y 'vm`N do himself- arid "n ,n"'"'"n ,. W ,/^//'"` is ,"~/"~ /",' °b/,h '~~`~yin Print, be they ~.--'
decision to allow' the people- such people, And M''D|e�p\y Animal. ' Welfare
o, hunters in his w*n cut'A»'y .p'�rrom`�hop�X«und that G»dericho»�apm�, The feeble, please allow this
�/,o~� money for �u' p,ospucuve.writer the same privilege m
offer some positives, which',, m`oo, by ��'ow'nA out �i'y orr m,
about mincing o~p»�»|
to vandalism and n`wdyi^
in |h}sowm, Th,,, will h,
' �
"ill' 1111,1 nt°i."o'N'` »inu `m""`m" grant is on.Urc^"". by and (cnn�d.wod on, -g3` ~
4 •�