The Exeter Times, 1894-6-7, Page 8al ME Wit8T4RN AltteDAOS COW' \
PANT,o Toronto: also for the istiOlete tX,
IN8U44M4ote CoMPAelY. of London
letAtisna LLIaki OE LtientegNote teetee,
Ate of Emerald.
XN laleeNClet lereviteep.
„ .
EST if4LLIOT F01.1,
We ere ho wing Sample Lots of choice
Riegers Perfume,
We ere showing a nice line of Hair
We are showing a cheap line of Toilet
We are showing aline of Combs,
We show a fineFine of Tooth Brushes,
We are offering a Snap in Whisks.
• We have lowlines in Sponges.
We keep Tooth Picks and sell them.
We keep Chamois Skins,:best quality,
You may need some of the above, call
and we will, try and please you.
TEE -----
Big laaltrtlpt Storo
.A.nd Save Money.
Best black pepper ground roc per
Best baking soda oiC a pound.
Royal yeast, largest box 6c.
Pure extracts, large bottle 6c.
Best carpet tacks, 3c. box.
Best matches. 3 boxes for 25c.
31b. box soda biscuits 220.
1\T, P. Soap, 8 lb. bar ISc.
Dingman's electric, 6 for 25c.
White castile 5 for 25c.
Dome black lead, 7c box.
4oc, Japan tea for 25c.
300. Japan tea for 2oc.
Best rice, 4o- a pound.
• Good raisins, $1 box.
Good brooms, 2 for 25c,
Best wash boards i8c.
Yes, you can save money on your
dry goods too.
Bet spools c;2dress steels first
quality only c.;7good pins, three
papers for 5c.: ladies' vests, 8 for
25c.; i2e.c. flannelette for 8c. ;
men's sox, 3 pair for 25c.: gent's
washing ties 5c. worth 250. ; black
• benrietta 58c.worth in any store in
Canada 9 oc. ; parasols, prints, de
laynes, corsets, .;:gloves, hosiery,
capes, millinery, all at Bargain
J. A. Stewart.
Telma are the next atfitotion to ire mete
De. Bellies has purobased ahendteeme
new driver.
The fitirOn County Counall Is in eessie
at Goderich this week,
The Council ate asking for tendere rot
grovelling the streetof town. \
Some fielda of fellwIteat are out in beetle
It ie the earliest for many years.
Az J, W, Broderick bas rented the
etore xeceetly vacated by II, Specimen.
The late treats evidently had. their
tegeh pulled, for they did little or no
Fine wool wanted at the Woolen
They require a large go,antity and will
pay a good price to get it.
M. T. 1W. Hawkshaw went to Strete
trferd this week with his trotter, Mall '0,
to take part hi the race meeting there.
The political earapeige wage% OttiellY
but effect:molly in tlaieeeetionot the ttiding
and elle Weicreller is receiving great en -
Mn. McVieer, a mail elerk on the ele T.
R. end son of the editor of the Sarnia'
Canadian wee married last week to a lady
Lo Clinton,
• Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
evaders would,w hen making their purchases,
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
• tisement in TER TIMM
• NOTICE -All business announcements
notices of Public raeetinge, tentertainments
auction sales, eta., appearing in there local
ooltunns will be ohareed for at the rate of Ave
esents per line each insertion. 131ank heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons having open aocormts. To insure
()hangs of advertiseraente in current issue copy
must be handed into office on Tuesday.
Alt accounts against the late firm of
Ooleeledicie releted, must be hooded
in to Mr, cobbledick by she 15th of
June ut order that the partnership hue -
Mese may be settled by that date, All
wountit owing said firm tanst be paid
before. July 1st, 1894. Josotmx Counrx-
Half Price Sate.
Jest- weeetved at the etore one door
Nerth ofgthe poet office le nice stooke of
Orpitoods, Readymade Clothing Plothe
and Tweeds, Hats and Caps, and Gent's
fureishinge. This Stock has been par -
Chased at less than half price and during
is Great Sate, (Seeds wilt be offered at
alt prices The Sale will continue for 10
aye; J V? Bnoekitintre
In this County, at the next Midsum-
liner Exietninatione, the following num-
bers will write t „
152 ?denary, or Third Clase,
93 tfuhior Leaving, or Second Clase,
19 Senior Leaving or Firee Claws,
21 efetrioulante,
315 in all
A. horse belonging to W Sanders of the 61,550 were colleeted as the fees of these
3rd cue, of Stephen, ran away the ether examinatione,of which e938 was sent to
day, but was caught before doing any , the Education Department, to pay for
aerious da maga. the examining the papers, and the bal.
A number of the Canadian order of arm* $612, was retained to pay the local
Foresters visited Luoan on Sunday and expenses for preeidin g, paper, ink, etc,
attended divine service with their breth-
ren of that Village. Address and Presentation.
On Monday evening the gentlemen
friends of Mr, James Egan, late baggage.
man at the G. T. R. depot, to the number
of about twenty, waited upon him at the
Commercial hotel end presented hint With
a handsome gold watch, accompanied by
a -nicely prepared add. ess. The address
was read by 111r, N. D. Hurdon and the
presentation made by Mr. Joseph Davis.
Mr. Egan has occupied the position of
baggageman at the Exeter Station for the
past seven years, and owing to a recent
reduction in wages made by the G. T. R.
authorities, Mr. Egan not wishing to ace-
cept the "cut" withdrew trora the com-
pany's employ. Intelligence of his bay -
tug town becoming keowo to the young
J/181; and as he was held in the highest
esteem by everybody, they at once seized
the oppoitunity of showing their respect,
by surprising him as above stated. Mn:
E. left Tuesday for his home in St. Marys
caking with him the best wishes of the
citizens of Exeter for his future welfare.
personals -
MaeWeerrell, the murderer of old Mr.
and Mrs Willtems has beau granted a
respite till October let next. He will
likely get a new trial.
There died on the 4th concession, town-
ship of Stanley, on the 24th ult., :rennet,
beloved wife of Mr Samuel:Reid, aged 46
years and 9 months.
In the Stratford district leorosee
chagagioeship series at Seaforth on Mon-
day, the home team gained an easy victory
uyer Stratford, by a score of 4 to 2.
The call from Parkhill and Usury
Presbyterian congregations to Rev. Ur.
McKenzie was considered and sustained
at the meeting of the Sarnia Presbytery on
Whilst performing with snakes in the
side show tn. connection with the circus,
the lady charmer was bitten by two of
the reptiles, one of which was forthwith
• killed.
Mr. Richard Terry took a weak spell on
Monday nigh, and falling against one of
the doors cut his head open. Several
stitches were regnired to repair the
The firm of Jessop de McElroy, who
have been carrying on a general store in
Blyth for some time past and doing a
thriving business, as it appeared, were
closed up on Thursday.
M. Joeeph Peart fell from a ladder the
ether day while cutting black knot off
his trees, and lighting on a pail, broke
several of his ribs. The old gentleman
was laid up for several days.
A change in the time table of the London
Huron &Brace railway calls for the south-
ernbotind morning tram to arrive inExeter
five minutes later than formerly and the
evening train fifteen minutes earlier.
G. Taylor, of Kippen, has sold his
winning stallion, "Gulf Stream," to Thos.
A. Powell, near Wingham, fox a good
price. Gulf Stream wae shown six times,
taking six first prizes, four diplomas and
a silver medal at Toronto. •
Wm. Brophy, of Goderich, has been ap-
pointed by the Provincial Secretary, In-
spector of Anatomy for this county, vice
Daniel Gordon deceased. His duties are
to take ehargeof all unclaimed dead bodies
and forward teem to Toronto for dissect-
ing purposes.
Stratford Herald: -"The doctor has
given up all hope of the recovery of Peter
D Batt, G. T. R. bridge catpenter of this
city, who was injured by a fall 'from a
bridge at Clinton the other day. His con-
dition at present 18 very low and death
may come very suddenly."
The Grand Trunk have been slashing
things on all sides. Their late act is the
remoyal of the baggagemen from several
station salong this line, and prescribing that
duty to the station agents. Tele Eva , at
thia station was offerea half rates, but he
.preferred`to quit the company.
The Methodist ministers are 'attending
Conference this week. The Main st.
Methodist and Presbyterian congregations
will unite in service next Sunday, Mr.
Martin offtelating, Service :will be held
in the Presbyterian church ire the morn-
ing, and in the Moan street church in the
The death of Mrs. John McCallum of
THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1894. Heater toek place at her husband's reah
dance on Saturciae night last, at the age of
64 years, She had been ill for some
veers, biresince the death of her daugh-
FOR SAM -I Second. hand. Phaeton, 1
Second bend two -seated carriage, and one
sett of second hand harness. Also new
buggiee and carts. Apply to
W. G. Bolster.
At the Middlesex County Court 11 t
Loudon this week, the grandjuryreturned
a true bill against James Itentamin Short
of Centralia charged with having set fire
to his shoe store in Patirhill on the night
-of March the 12th.
The June Session of Huron District
'Council of Royal Templar,' of Terepeeance
will be held at Wirighena, on Thursday,
June 14th, 1884, coin menoin a.t 10 a. m,
Each council in the District is requested,
to send, a full number of delegates. The
list of delegates should be sent as early as
possible to P. G. Sperling, Req., Wing.
In the list of eucceseful candidates at
the examinations of the college of Phy-
eicittne• mad Surgeon's of Oatario, held in
May, the names of Messrs. 3. W, ford,
Woodlaarn; A. K Ferguson, Kirkton; And
• N. Stephen, B. A, of Anderson, appear
aShaving passed their final, which !Menges
thetn to practice medicine in. Ontario.
Geo. More, leirkton; A Ruppert, New
Hamburg, and C. R. Sneath, Toronto,
passed the primary examinations.
The first draft of the stationing Com-
mittee of the London Conference places
the following Ministers on the teeter
district:-Exettet-Alain Street, Pi, W,
Locke; James Street, acorgo Jackson.
Parkhill -Soho Holt:dee; Elintville -T. B.
Ceepland, B. A. Centralie --W. IL Butt;
Creditott-Geo. Baker; Birr-R, Red.
mood; Bryanston -I. H. Kirklatd; Sy].
van--Stelfilen Knott; Grand Pieria -S. El.
Chaise, 13 Clement goes to London West,
jasper 'Wilson, to Colhotee Street Church
teudom. Wm Pool:tall to elt, 3ohns, E,
Kershav,, to Thorudale, Wm. Queued to
Doroliester, it.. Sy Treleaven to Aylmer,
S j Alien Amherstbrieg, Wm, MODonagh.
Ii Medd, leattliven. A L Russel,
Leamington, 3ohn Russel, Wardsville, B
coeditNewbury,. S.Asooe, Watford,
r wine months ago, gradually grew
Forge, the sad event praying on her mind
o such an extent that lien death was
astened. Her remains ' were teken to
woodbridge cemetery near Toronto . for
The alleged Wild West Show and Great
Hippodrome headed by Yellowstone Bill
was pitched on the vacant lot opposite the
roller mills, and the audiences were de-
servedly slirn. The combination was en
illtsorted and generally inferior bundle of
side shows, none worthy of special notice.
face they should have been ;fined for
advertising that which they had not It
was a fend of the worst kind. The Show
was accompanied by a number, ofetrick.
The following are the returning oeacers
is. the adjacent Ridings for the ens sing
Provincial election t-Efuron,
lay S. Scott, village of Brueeels • Huron,
West -Robert Gibboetesheriff of 'Goderich;
Huron, South -John T. Dixon, deputy
registrar, Goderich ; Middlesex, East -W.
0. L. Gill, registrar, London t Middlesex,
North -J. Owen, Ailea Craig ; Middlesex,
Wait -Stephen Blackburn, tregistrar,
Glencoe ; Perth, North -J. Plossie, sheriff,
Stratford Perth, Boath,-P, Whelihan
registrar, St. Marys.r031*, MOW
""Erstatietictir etrePert thews total
amoant raised during the year, $12,752.31;
the value of chinch peoperty is. the Cone
fereece upwards of $1,101,062; total debt
of $160.061. The increase of membership
in the Conference is 812, The following
wore recommended to be placed Cs the
list of superannuated mhiistets 3 II
Watts, 11 ed Smith, H Itlewcotnlie and It
Godfrey. The sneetnutnerary ministers
are; Theo Hall, Hairy Hall, Sylvester
L Kerr and. R Service 3 W
lolui &wring, W 3 Ashton, C C Keine,
W I Stafford, A 3 Jobrition,_ Geo A
efietideon, AatireW Colerell tord P A Mac-
were racenuterided to be received
on triodes candidates for the minietry.
Fielded : 6 bottles, of No. 1 quality
radicles for $1 at J. B Clarke's,
• Woodstock Times 'f -'Wm: Down, of
Exeter, visited his son, Fred, here on the
24th. Mr. D. saw a great difference in
the town since the last time he was here
40 years ago." -Mr. D, Weisiniller, the'
Conservative eandidate was in town on
Monday and met with much encourage-
ment,- Mr. J. PORoss is in Toronto this
week "-Mrs. Law, who has been carrying
on dress -making in St. Marys moved to
Exeter this week, and has taken rooms in
Gregory's block. -Mr. Coleman of Hills
Green, together with Miss Coleman a ne
Miss Smith of Hemel), visited. at Mr.
Smith's onSunday..-Mrs. John Brewer,
is visiting relatives in Aux Sable, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rowe left on
Thursday last to visit relatives in Brown
City. Mich.- Mr. R. H. O'Neil of Inman'
spent Tuesday the guest of his son, B. t8.
of this place -Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and
Miss Dyer, of Forest, and Miss Suther-
land, of Henrall, visited friends in town
this week. -Rev. Mr. Beamish of St.
George's Cathedral, Kingston, ooeupied
the pulpit in the Trivitt Memorial Church
on Sunday evening last. Re is at present
visiting his sister, Mrs. James Handford of
Centralia. -Minton Nowa Record• -Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Manning are spending a
few ,days. at Exeter. -Mrs. Elliot, mother
of Mrs (Do) Anderson, and Mdand Mrs.
B Williams all of Mitchell were visiting
at Dr. Anderson's for a few days this
Lace curtains from 50e, 60c, 85e $1 25
up to $650 a pair at J. P. Clarke's.
The Orange brethren of Exeter, ha,ye
purchased a handsome new flag and elab-
orate badges.
When buying your Fruit Jars and
Sugars, call and get prices from the
undersigned. No trouble to shove you
at J. P. Clarke's.
The oonsta-ble has commenced war
against all dogs found on the streets with
out the official tag. Several vagrant dogs
have been captured and killed.
The district meeting of the Royal Tern -
piers of Temperance of Huron county will
be held in Winghaen • on Thursday, June
14th. It is expected that about 100
delegates will be in attendance.
A number of desirable single and
double fold rertluantS is Cashmere,
different colors, at a remarkably low
figure it J. P. Clarke's,
The Imams' Aid Society of Main St.
Church will bold. a Strawberry Festival and
Garden Party on the grounds of Mrs IT.
Nelson (Corner of Gldley and William Sts.)
on Wednesday, June 27th, inst. See Bills.
To the lady wanting a first-class
black or colored henrietto, and black
brach° ; in fact a variety of kind e in
dress goods it )01 pay you to buy from
J. P. Clarke.
Mr, W. R. Meredith, leader of the Op-
position in the Legmlature, has promised
to address the electors of South Huron, in
Exeter, at an early date, particulars of
which will be fully announced in due
Together 'with his many friends, we
regret the seriodii illness ot Mr. A. Bishop,
ex. M. P. p., for South Hutton, who has
been confined to his bed fur stone thee,
suffering from Bright's disease. We hope
to be able soon to announce his recovery.
Grand Trunk stock has reaehed the
lowest point in the history of the compariee
The quotations last week were First,
preference, 86e ; 1 per cent guaranteed,
45. The Ordinary oltock of the company
is iloW quoted. at 2e, arid the 12nd !prefer-
ence at gq,
There is on exhibition at the American
hotel, Niagara Falls, a thoroughbred Dur-
ham steer, the property of Mr. H. Wile
nettle, that 15 indeed a wonder. It was
discovered on the mountain near Hamilton.
On measuring hie leviathan it was found
that he measured 12 feet from nose to
ramp, 6 feet 5 inches iit height and. will
Weigh 5,000 pound e when in good Gonda -
ion. He is thin now and will probably
tip the scales at 3,500!
leantrerterism thrums In A DAY. -South
Aneerioan Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatisin
and lieuraight, radically • mires in 1 to 3
days, Its action upon the itysteni it remark.
able and mysterious. Ititernoves s.f once
the cause end the ditidaSO immediately dis-
appears. The first 00E+6 greatly benefits
75 cents, Bad by C mhz, DrUggiat, 818
his an Era
of Low Prices
ertain y I with wheat at 55 cents a bushel, but are we
to look at the low price of wheat only. We
should remember that the value of the article is
to be measured by its purchasing power.
It required 15 bushels when wheat was $1 a bushel to
purchase as good a Suit as can now be purchased
by 18 bushels at 55 ets. That is to say our
$1.0 SUITS
Are superior to what a few years $15 was paid
for, We are now ruuniug a special Tina of
AT $10.00 AND 315.OQ.„
take the lead. Gents Silk
Shirts, Flannelette Shirts,
Wool and Silk Shirts,
Ties Collars, Cuffs,
&a, etc, in end-
less variety.
IL IDI.C1<1.A.P.,1) & SOl\T
Exeter Mumcipal Council
The council met pursuant to adjournment
at the Town Hall, Exeter, 4th June. All
present except Mr. 13obier,
• Minutes of preyious meeting read and
• confirmed.
Carling--Bissett-Orders for the follow-
ing sums: S. Rennie $25 60, for cedar;
Thos. Yellow $30, stone; jno. Loadman
$1, livery 'ill. R. Bissett $1 50, service as
constable 31st May,and Wm, Creech $1"e50
services clo 24th May. -Carried.
Carling-Teylar--that notice of assess-
ment tor street watering be given and
revisionlield 15th inst. Carried.
Bissett-Thylor--that tenders for gravel
be asked for to be reeeived up to Friday
tho 13th hist at 8 o'clock p. m. -Carried.
Wasett-Teylor-) a Ijourament • until
Friday the 15th inst,, at 8 o'clock p. m.
M. Eacastw, Clerk.
tit” t
Exeter Public School.
The following is the repot of the
Exeter Public School for the month
of May :
lettreSiow 1 -Senior V -R N Creech,
A Martin, II Fitton ; Junior 'V -N
Quarme ; B Hooper, A. Dempsey. No
on the roll 38 ; average attendance 35.
T. A. Baowa, Teacher..
Drvistox 2--Setior1V-E Creech, S
Gwegory, I Newton ; Junior IV -I'
Sweet, 0 Prior, A Handford. No on
the roll 38 ; average attendance 36.
Miss Graioon.Y, Teacher.
Divisxmi Senior III -A Martin, T
Creech, R Fanson ; Junior R
Frayne; CI Weste,we,y, B [-Topper. No
on the roll 56 ; average attendance 47.
DI-ago/sr 4. -Senior 111-E Gillespie
Rollins, IS1 Thomas ; 'Junior 111-M
• Howey, M Panson, E Envie. No oil
• the roll. 52 ; average attendance 46.
Miss Gem, Tea.oher,
Division 5 -Senior 11-N Walters,
Newcombe. M Hicks ; Xunior Ii; E
Lambroke, M Martin, j Murray. No
op the roll 73; average attendance 66.
1V1Iss WAtamin, Teacher.
• Drynaox 6 -Senior II -S Bobier, R
Howard, Id Newton ; Junior II -L
Carling, VI Newton, II Ruston. No
an the roll 75 ; average attendance 64.
• Miss Pitman, Teacher.
• Division` 7 --Senior II -11 Davis, R
Davidson, E Carrel ; Junior '11 -0
Deinkwater, H P Rendle and
A. Wilson 'No on the roll 83 ; average
attendance 62.
Mit. Fnncyusop, Teacher.
The total number of names entered
on, the roll during the month was the
largest since ,my connectiea with the
school being 415, while the average
attendance was 354.
T. A.BItoWitt, Principal,
%Mut. Jane Evans, vvite of Richard B.
Evans, and mother of Mr. John Eyans of
this place, died at London Saturday last,
and her xemeitts were interred In the
till -ovine cemetery on Monday: Mr. sod
Mrs. Evatte and fatally formerly lived at
She was aged 62 years,
Wit, Weisroiller, the Conservative
Candidate, WM in town on Ttleedata, Ito
was gtostiroa of tt liberal support in Exeter,
His Meetingti throughout the townships
have heat largely attended, and all pro.
mune° him a talented men, a !MOO
speaker and. one whom South Huron,
electors should be proud of as a represent-
The baseball match last night between
the married and single men, resulted in a
victory for the married men, with .a score
of 20 to 15. Luoan and Exeter learns
play to -day at 10 o'clock.
Their New Stations.
The following is the first draft of the
Stationing Committee's report for the
Districts named ;
Goderich (North. Street)--Barnuel S'el-
lery, Id. A. B. D.
Goderich (Victoria • Street) Henry
Clieton (Rattenbury Street) Joeeph W.
Holmes. •'
Clinton (Ontario Street) Win. Smythe.
Seaforth--Joseph Galloway.
Holmesville-Ezra A. Fear.
Bayfield -Edward Olivant.
Beneall-Fromcis Swann, Henry E.
Kippen-jatnes Walker, (Hensall).
• Denganuon-David Rogers.
Nils -m. H. Moss.
• Benmiller-telex. Thibadeau.
miicAnnirm merraicT.
Kincardine -James Livingstone (Find
ley M. Smith). -
Ripley -Benj. L. Hutton.
Luoknow-John Mills. Sohn Walker,
Superannuated. -
Ashfield --James Ferguson (LucknOw),
Whitechurch --Robert 0. Bytton.
oTivertot -Robert Ti. Barnby, S. T. L.
Beryie--Themat; C. Sanderson, George_
Smithermao. •
Bethel-Cheales V. Lake (Pine River).
Salem-Jebez J. Noble (Greenock.)
Victor 3. Gilpin.
wiNeireet menace.
• Viringhlun-Gorham A. Clifford, Ph.
Teeswater--Alex. K. Birks, L. L. B.
Wroxeter -Wesley E. Kerr.
Brussels -Geo. el. Cobbledick, B.
D. John Ie Kerr, Ilichavd Paul, Superan-
Walton -Thomas W. Cosens• .
Londesboro--Pfugh J. Fair.
Blyth -George Buggin, Win.
Toronto, Superannuated.
Auburn -Wm. Baugh.
13elgrave---leobert H. Hall.
Bluev ale -Joseph W. Pring.
Writ, A. Sm.ith,Weslayan Theological
College, Montreal.
Iestowel-N. R. Willos.ghby, D, D
James Caswell (Gzimbsy) Superannuated
Milverton-Abreham WY Tongs.
Trowbridge -john W. Robinson.
Gorrie--.Togies Greene,
Fordvvieb-Solortmo 0. Edmunds, B. D.
Wallace -Richard W. Williame (Lit'
to ‚well.
• Atwood -John S. Fisher.
Ethel--Vem. Je Waddell, Herbert E.
Kellington, 13ehjamio Sherlock, Super-
Jolni IX, Watts, Henry A. NOW,O0Mb.
Sr MARY'S Drsraror
St. Marys - Wm Williams P. D.
Richard Serviee, Supernumerary.
Granton---losepli 8 Cook ,l'h D
Lucere-Ea,A in A, Oluetvie, B D Richard
C Benders (London), Stmetannuttted.
Ailea Craig --Walter Ayres,
Kirkten-Thomas 3. Snowden
Woodham -William Birk e
Niesouri-lohn leennedy,8 D (Wel-
b ure)
Kiritore-John Hart
Tharnesford-jehn S Humphreys.
K. D. 0. retiree Sick headache.
Boys will be Boys
e little chaps can't help wearing out cloth-
ing. They are not to blame. Parents
should see to it that
are of .right stuff at the start. Summer vacation aud
school holidays gve a severe test to the goods and the
workmanship. Both
Should be Justai ht
CABLING BROS. make a special feature of
in style, finish, quality and rrzoeS: CARLING
BROS.' Clothing is the King.
Eggs Sc. Butter 18c.
RYAN -On the 27th ult., the wife of Mr. Ed-
ward Ryan, Stephen, of a daughter.
KENNEDY --On the 25th ult., tho wife of Mr.
Kennedy, Stephen of a son.
CRON AN-,Onithe ult., the wife of Mr.
Michael Cronan, Stephen, of a daughter.
RARNESS.-In Exeter on the 4th inst., the
wife of Me. John Harness of a son.
ORBECIi.---Iit Exeter on the 2nd inst., the
wife of Mr. J. W. Creeala of a son,
ENGLISH -In Greenway on the 3rd inst., the
wife of Mr. it. English of a son.
COLEMAN. -In Seaforth, OR May 25th, the
-wife of Mr. E. C. Coleman, of a daughter.
Mo CALLTIer.-In Exeter on the 2nd inst..
Peary A.wife of John '.McCallum, aged 04
FATTee-In Mitchell on the 30th ult.,
Thomas F., youngest son of Mr. Matthew
Fawcett, aged 6yeare 8 months and it days..
EVANS.-On June 2nd, 1894, at family resi-
dence, Clarke street.SouthiLondon,Jane, be-
loved wife of .ttichardB. Evans, aged 62
A Boon to Horsemen .-One bottle of
English bpayin 'Liniment completely re-
moved a curb from my horse, I take
'pleasure in:recommending the remedy, as
it eats with mysterious promptness in
the removal from horses of herd, soft or
calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints,
curbs, aweeny, stifles and sprains.
Gso. Bonn, Farmer,
Sold by O. Lvez
Begone Dyspepsia l here is K, C.
Dyspepsia causes Dizziness, Headache,
Constipation. Variable Appetite Rising
and Souring of Food, Palpitation of the
Heart, Distress after Eating. Burdock
BloodBittere are guaranteed to cure Dys-
pepsia, if faithfully used according to
A telegram from one of the largest coal
companies of Duluth reports that there is
no more coal for Tenets there.
A habit of constipation is most dangerous
to the health. Take Eseljay's Liver Lozen-
ges. They are pleasant to take.
. The latest fishing report from the
coast of Newfoundland: Codfish and herr-
ing plentiful, but the hefting taken are
There is no one article in the line of
medicines that gives so large e return for
the money as- a good porous strengthening
plaster, such as Carter's Smart Weed and
Belladonna Backache Plasters.
Steele elt Walker, wholesale grocers,' of
St. Joseph, Mo., assigned Monday. • Lie.
• bullies. 6700,000, assets, - $900,000 to
1 , 000, COO.
Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia and too
hearty eating, is relieved at once by tatt-
ing one of Carter's , Little Liver' Pills lot -
medicine after dinner. Don't forget this,
Forest fires started Sunday about fifteen
miles oat of West Superior, Wis., on the
Northern Pacific Railway, and are gradual-
ly work towards the city.
A. pale or sallow complexion may be over
cg#00by Cletus of Eeeljuy's, Liyer Lozen-
ges. They Purify the blood and give tene
to the complexion. ,
Sylvia!? Denis, a Frenchman, aged 72,
committed suicide on the banks of the lied'
leiyer at Winnipeg, Saturday, by hanging
toet tree.
If sick headache it misery, what are Car-
ter'e Little Liver Pills it they will positive-
ly cure it? People who have time them
speak frankly of their worth, They are
email and easy to take.
The Toronto City Council has adopteci a
bylaw to pay oldermatt $300 per annum
with $100 extra tor chairmen.
Men andwomen of sedentary habits alionld
use K. D. C.
Thee. Mattock, a young lad, eon of Thos.
Hirieock, Sparks Street, Ottawa, was
drowned Sanclay evening by falling in the
water works gully, leading to the Ottawa
PARENTS Muse neves ante
A President of one of our Colleges Sags
"We spend many sleepless nights in con.
sequence- of out children eufforing horn
cold, but this toeter occurs nowt We use
Scott's Emulsion and it quickly relieves
pulmonary troubleit".
t> *In *
lineup Is Sig 11011118.-*Diatlessing Hide
new and bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American
'boy Cure." This new remedy is a great
eurpriete end delight tu physicians de an.
couot of Ito exceeding promptness in no
Having pain the bladder, kidneys,back
and every part of the urinary passages in
mato and fomale, It telieeee retention of
water and pain in Passing it almost hinted'
ately. V yott want quick relief and ogee
this is your remedy, Sold by C. LUT,
Sealed. tenders will be received. by the
undersigned up to Tuesclity morning July 3rd,
for the Improvement of Mud Creek Drain as
per BY-Legr lately published it the Exeter
advooate. Plans anti Specifications can be
seen at my residence at Sodom, Tho workeron-
templated wilt be that tortion located in
• Steelier' and half way along S. 13, road from
C Bridge to concession road. Tho lowest
tender not neeeesarily accepted. Tenders
win be opened on Tuesday July 3rd, at the
Town Ball, Crediton. By Order of Stephen
Council. C. PROUTY. Ray, P. 0.
In the matter of Richard : enn son
Insolvbnt. •
Mr. :Richard Jennison has this day made
an assignment to me of all his estate for the
general benefit of his creditors. .A. meeting of
the creditors win 'Ace place at my office in
tdliaey voiflljeugneeo fAD, Deai. iite89o4o, daton
o'clock n. m., for the purpose of coesittering
the dhaoyurtelifewtlrerob
the affairs of the estate and appointing lire
apeotors. Creditors are notified to file their
elaiDmasswihwtohomd,oild:Iry2v5eti:esdmo.n or before the
15th day circus 1894, after whieh time I will
Proceed to dietribute the assets oh the estate
having regard tsootshesevlaBilst:hAesnsifiglneedect.nled
IL D. C. Pills tone and regulate Cie
The steamer Cynthiana, wheth arrived
at New York on Monday, brought 4,000
tons of Cardiff coal.
The French Chamber on Monday voted
confidence in the Government 315 to .
We hold a'
• .SAI.
• Some Job Lines of
below, regular cost all next
week. Aanong them will be
600 Blk Cashmere 39 cents.
50e Blk Serge 25 cents.
• of Clothing and Tweeds a
Cost price.
This will be the 'great
est chance of the season to
get a cheap suit for man or
Come early and seetire
your choice of these snaps.
C. C. ,6701-12ZEil?CrIsT.