HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-23, Page 21r?.
.G.01) E.MC.It SIG NAI.,,,7STAR1,,,THOR5D4x•IMuAgr
23, 1975—
WE INVITE engaged couples to
visit the Arbor Gift Shop in
Clinton. Receive.a free gift and
tell your friends about our
shower and Bridal, Registry
§ervice. No charge, no
•DO YOU have marriage4Nfamily'
problems? The Ministry of Com -
1, .„,intiility f& Social Services offers help
in thenform of marriage and family
counselling either in your home or
itt the Winglotm Office; 199
Josephine Street„ Foy appointment,
phone 357-3370.:7-8tf
Rp•LLINSON::'We sincerely
thank our many friehds for
making our 60th Wedding
Anniversary a very••happy oc-
casion; also for the lovely gifts
and cards we received.—Mary
and Alfred Rollinson. -4
'FEAGAN - Words cannot begin
to express .our gratitude to
relatives and friends for all tile
kindnesses extended to us at the
time -of Doug's passing. It would
be impossible to thank everyone Dr. Pullen, and thirses of sixth
indiyidually but we do want you floor East. Vi Cowan. —4x
to know how much your help iiimmommii;
was apprqciated. The many
floral tributes, . donations to
charity, and expressions , of
Sympathy _have meant SQ much
tous. The Feagan
BOWERS - We desire to express „
to our relatives and friends our
heartfelt thankS"TOT their .many ...11.11.1111111.111111011
expressions of sympathy during
our recent bereavethent; The
beautiful floral ' offerings were
especially appreciated. Special
:.thanks to Father Moynaharf,the CHINCHILLAS - a few left -
pallbearers and Stiles Funeral some bred females standards -
Home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward "bred Beige" - also few 'Stan -
Bowers and family. —4 ar dard X Beige - a few Beige
males. All must go. Clinton 482-
7864. —4X
LOST — Vicinity Eldon Street,
six monthold kitten,t.black with
white on neck, „ansWers to
Blackie. Phone 524-7773,-4
Alexandra Hospital, Goderich:'
Ontario, to the Rev. Dr. ,and
Mrs. Lawrence Stotesbury-
Leeson, Orlar Place, Bayfield,
Onfario, on January 18, 1975, a
-son, Robert Edward Cromwell.
A brother for Susan. -74
PEARSON: Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Pears,on, 236 Bepnett St. E., are
pleased to announce the arrival
of their daughter, Jodi Rebecca,
• January 15, 1975, at Alexa?idra MacAULAY - The family of -the•
Hospital.-4nc ,late Dale 'MacAulaY wishto
thank the relatives,,,friends, and
n di-ghbourS" whose kirdriegs 'and
LEWIS Special thanks to 'Dr.
LOX,: • Lynch, nurses and staff
Alexandra HOspital for their
" kindness, duringmy stay in
hospital. Mrs. Phyllis Lewis —4
• COWAN - 1 wish to express my
thanks ,to friends, neighbours
and relatives for cards, flowers,
'and inquiries while 1 was a
patient in. University -Hqspital,
London. Special 'thanks, to Dr;
Wallace, Dr. Barnett, Dr. Paty,
ROBINSON We should like
sincerely to thank our friends
and neighbors for their kindly
expressions of sympathy
folloWing the recent passing of
our brother. W.O. and Catherine
• Robinson —4x
time of his accident. The floral Bo
CUNDARI:' .In memory of Vi tributes, donations_ lo„ Charity, ho5t Ciinton
Cundari, who passed ,kiway six thecomforting thes,sage by Aev. k1.
• years•ago, January 29, 1969.. ...,,'7 Ralph King„ and , the lunch ,
God took you for His own; • L . . .._6_, _....„--_-.. -,„..,,,....------_,..„....,,,_-,„,___--,,,,-,,,-• ___ - ---- -
The Golden Gate Senior
of • ' " v't • Citizens of---Giid-erich Those of of us you left behind ,
4 much appreciiited. their first meeting of the
-New Year on Wednesday„.
-January 8 in MacKay Hall.
'Mr. . Snyder the president.,
conducted .a ,, business.
meeting, assisted by the
secretary ',Mrs. Salter and
the treasurer Mrs. Larder.
Mrs. Salter read the minutes
of tile December meetings.' •
A. few games'of cards were
pla_yed, ,after. .which a lunch
4as si...1 ','.,Strby the January ,
USED tractor • . chains
good conditjon. Ronald • Baer,
hhone 524-9821,'-4X
'(continued from. page 7)14,
In a game played here iq
Goderich Monday, January
13, the Midget "B's" won
their first igame of .the
season, as they carne. from
behind to upset Zurich
Midgets 5-4-:
Zurich went ahead on twO,
quick goals by centre Fred
Mommerstug, but before the
first period ended, Doug
Redpath picked: up a loose
puck to beat Zurich
goaltender Randy Oke.
Leroy Meriam assisted.
Zurich ended up with two
game misconducts and 4
gross misconduct plus 10 ;
minor 'penalties ,,to only 7
minor penalties called
against Rae J. Watson Real
At the 1 A7 mark of the
second. period, Bill Gauley.,
tied the game, picking up,
• Dean•
Black's- pass and
letting a high handed wrist
shot go from ,10 feet out.
Zurich, ,again went ahead
on a goal Pete Kelly was,
partly screened oh, but Bill ,,deserved 4-3 win.
,Gauley came right back at
Hanover opened the
the , 6:19 mark for the scoring in the first two
equalizer, Dean .13Iack minutes of play as Doll
Kennedy and Paul Schaefer seconds remaining, the
Kincardine got thcgo ahead'. Goderich team gave the
goal while
puck away in their own end
pass, Ron Wilson remmed it disputed goal as thii Twins
home.wHhailnedepdlaay!nbgr,eaak'a•rnwaayn and Hanover slid . one piast
Paul Duckworth:, it was a
, , players thought Mike Bray
Final, period it' was Kin- had pushed 'it in , With . his
cardine who piked up two hands, but the referees let
more goals .on• power pray the goal stand and . was a
aptetancnhiss,pbuyuEozn. Farrali and victory for Hanover. It was
, • thei,r second straight, win as
The TwinS:were called for ehey. defeated Listowel
six minor penalties in the !• Saturday night for their first
final period plus 10 minute win of the season.
Misconduct. Dennis Burrows , • '
Goderich Referees.
Association should hold a
meeting or clinic. with all the
coaches,- managers, etc.;
received , Kincardine's only
penalty for elboWing, and he
should have had 5 minutes
•for drawing blood. .
Rep Worsell, who worked
hard'all night, finally scored
banging one off the
goaltender's stick with less
than twc minutes remaining
in the game.
Hanover upset the
Goderich Twins in a close
contest played here in
Goderich Sunday afternoon,.
January 19. With only 7
seconds remaining- in the
garhe, Mike Bray slid one in
through Paul Duckworth's
legs to give Hanover- a must
started the ply. •Mercey let a hard high one
Dean °Black Was the op- go whiCh vvent in off John
por un s w t
Local •SeniOrs t it i less. than a Page's .arm. Tim McLean
' minute remaining. in ...the•• _tieci.....the game on' a .power
sympathy helped sO much at the, second period as Zurich went play attach, picking up Greg
ahead on eve
• r We felt so all alone.
But through the years we've felt
you. love-
• , In the life you helped tis start; -
For to' see your smile 'or hear
your laugh
We have only tow look in our
hearts. n
• —Always remembered and
sadly missed by Terry and
Di, -4
t• vIcCULLOUGH - The family of
the late Christopher Andrew
McCullongh would like to ex-
press a sincere, thank you to
Stiles nFuneral Home, Captain
Herber, Captain MacKenzie and
Dr. B.J. Lynch. A special thank
you 'to Jean and Emery
Baechler and family Who have
• opened. their home to us while
we prepare oitr new living
• quarters. We also want to thank
• Mrs. R. A., Chapman, neighbors,
• friends' and everyone in this
community who have been so
generous in helping us get re-
established. Yoter tlroughtfulness
and kindness will never be
• forgotten. ' Dave, Ann,„and
Michael McCullough, Bill and
'Bertha' Hendersbn, Frank and
' CLUB NO. 2
- CLUB ND. 4 • .
You con benext
NOthing to:buy
• .,Nothing to lose
'Enquire today
Ori January 15 the. Golden:
Gate Senior Citizens of
' Goderich entertained the
Senior citizens of Clinton, Alt
enjoyed playing progressive
euchre.' A nice lunch was
served, ' each member
bringing sandwiches. The
Jantiary luhch committee'
was in charge.
'The next,business meeting
• Wilt be in MacKay, Hall on
February .5. Alt' senior
citizens are weleOrne.
Anyone wishing to Carpet
owl should come to
MacKay Frail on Friday
Janury 24.
berer'S Beacom's pass'and knocking
goal. 'in his own rebound.
With thescore tied four.. Hanover again wentahead
all, Rae ?. Watson. Midgets at the 2 minute mark of the
ot the only goal in the third second period. This, time
eriod This Eant'W-"ffe-rti
winger Barry Ward, Ken power play .as he was left
Shelton assisting on the , .unprotected in front , of the
winning goal-.
• , _Twins net.,
aft- Hanover were assessed
THE TWINS. .. five minor penalties in , the
second period 'hut the Twins
• . ALL-STARS % , could only capitalize on one
The Goderich Midget' A" power- plaY. attach. This was
-All-Stars ,went , down to. on 'Tim McLean',s: second
• defeat twice last week 'as goal of the game assisted b.y
they lost to Kincardine and till Lewis, . --,
the bottom.team Hanover. .: Hanover again, took the
Travelling to Kincardine , lead in the third period as
- on January 14, Kincarditic ' Don Merver scored„ his
Midget -outskated, • out- second goal ' of the game.
checked and outplayed the This came with Hanoer two
Twins to a 6-3 victory. Only men sttsrt and the Twins had
one, penalty in the first one sifting in the box also.
period it was to Kincardine Mike Andrews, 'after
but Goderich couldn't score serving two P.‘t-ninutes for
on thoir'power play.'- holding, scored the Twins
Both Kincardine 'goals third goal at the 14:42 mark
came on'a three way passing 'of the- final s period, Piiking
Olay as defenc.eman Ed up' a .loose puck in tile,slot
Yottng and Ron Wilson 'let and heating Monty Morinan
- blasts, go from tPie point to, who Played an outstanding
heat goaltender John Page.- game ,.in the nets for
In the second period," the Hanover on a - partly
• Twins started to 'play better screened shot, - ..
hockey as they tied the game This- tied the game, •3,al1
. 2 all on Phil Arthur's, and and it looked. like a one point
'Tim McLean's, goals. Scott game ' but 'with, \only .7.
• Hey -
Come on in!
• I invite you to come in and
look at our 1975 models.
We'd Ilke„your business and
1 think You'll like what we
-have to offer In our new car
lineup for '75. Come' In and
look them over in our,brahF1
new showroom.
ri deep
we wrote the book or
AMC's exclusive Buyer Protection Plan means that under normal'use and service, if
any part of 'your new 1975 AMC car is defective in material or 'workmanship except
tires — in the first year or 12,000' miles, and it is the F actory's fault, it will be fixed
Without charge.
5s. •
rri`ot .
• .
14.12:7,4,r•4" •
arRoDuc7THE N,A,
41,..4. Pi
0411-1 , • ... t.....g.2_ ,
ka..., --------00,----
- •-,,,
' n ;•;•••• ,
A message from.the- sales manager
We.wcont YOU as
our customer!
ittx. •• _ .
You will find a good selection of new products in stock, and you can get
premium price for your good c lean used car. Wheth er a new customer or
present customer, it will be our o b jective in these new fa cilities to bring you the
utmost in service and satisfaction not just FOR sale, b ut ATTER a sale. Why
not.dr6p iri anki meet.,Peter Strickland, the new franchised dealer and the rest o f
the staff. Inspect the new. premis es - have a coffee - W e'd like to see you. And
watch for our official graft! opening 'soon.
4 Gord Munroe
1/4 • -OPEN ,8
to 9 p.m.
We back them better bemuse we build them better • Wed. and Sat. 6 p,.m..
V e American Motors
Tlf ItC241CON
346 Huron Rd....(HVVy. 8 Goderich 524-8841 or 5247841I
plus' any fans who wish: to
• -
Several garnef0pOrt$'.449VF.
the referees have net been
These referee'S that do the :qualified -= no cards, 4001 ;
games • are from the
Goderich Ref„erees'
'Association, have all got
their tickets (cards?) and
are eligible to „atiswer any
questions you may'have;
For example — game
• misconducts and suspen-
• sions. Does this mean one
gaine or three games out?
Does the convener or the
league pass down the rule"?
Or -the W.O.A.A.? 01. the
Referee -in -chief? Who.,
If a referee hands down a
three game suspension, does
it 'Stick? '
sign the game report etc. ,
These are mishaps that
should be looked into.
How many'coaches or WO. •
• km* what. a gross penaltY„.•
Or why a five minute :IS,
called for cross clfeCking.:
instead of two minutes? Or, „
why five minutes fqr
charging instead of tWo?
These are some of - the
questions asked by our
readers and„the only way we ".
can answer them is by
having a meeting' • and. •
allowing the referees to
anser them. Let's sie if, •
anything can he done.
, Our Goals: EQUALITY,
• Did you -know that 1975 is P.EACEWornen,. whether as in-
International Womens
Year? dividuals or as members of
, '
General Assemply of the organizations. and., • club
United Nations proclaimed . 'groups, should -work for
'S these 'goals' within their loca4.
1975 a , Internat.ional
.Womels Yearand set"thes ce m m unities and 'should
follow with. 'attention the
,goals.fdr, us gals:-.-- . , , -
,- to promote • equalityplah
a.atiOies - ried , 'by • - the
iaed Nations for this year
between men and wQmen;
'- to ensure •the' full par-
ticipation of women in the Actually, all organizations
total developmenteffort at should work together . thru'
the creation, of InternatiOnal
the national, regionaland
' Y r, Co mittees
- to recognize the in- .
regional and' national.
portance . of women's in. ‘
programs'planned for 1975. '
creasing ,contribution to the , _ou riiay __
write to Mrs.
developme-nt .of. friendly Gusella, International,
relations, co-operation and Women's Year Secretariat,.
wc$rld peace, ...
This, is a great opportunityPrivy Council Office,
Ottawa, Ont. code KlA 0A3.
to advance the rights and
..responsibilities of women. Ail this on top of our one
and to expand their freedom, hundred and twenty-fifth
of choice in planning their year as a Town really calls • '•••
lives. •
for •"a. stirring up among the John Lauchlin McLean, 217
- women of Goderich. I know. Picton Street- .died
of no better way ,to get -• janPXY-20' in St. Joseph'g
things moving than thro' the Hospital, Sarnia, at the age „
*women's clubs. • of 62. He had been ill for
I can only hope all the about one year but had been
presidents could he as lively in hospital only .a few days
and conscientious asa before his death. ' ,
wonderful gal, Grace, He was "born January 5,
whoaccomplished so , 1913 in Bruce County to John
many great things with the Lauchlin and Margaret •
1.0,D.E. as their preSident. , (Montgomery) McLean. He
This •great lady is very came to • Goderich , in the
proud of her group and their early 50's at the time the
accomp-Ushments and we .,mine)kyvas opened where he
can all look to her for advice • worked as • a mine foreman.
or inspiration to liven us up. , He was married December
• ,The • year, beginning 14, 1940, in Timmins to the•
January first, is an historic former • Elizabeth Ann
month has slipped away. ,
he hestT variety shows
e ones that had , been
quickly and enthusiastically-
put together and the en-
thusiasm SHOW -ED. Plans
'that dilly-dally frorri, one
,meeting to another usually
• fall by .the wayside or lose
theik punch. They should be
-taken-care-Of-Al once -so -that --
everyone can keep up their
interest. •
Launch a project and keep
pushing it to,a great finish.. -• I*
. Love,Martha.
As long as three thousand
years ago, man bent down'to
• pick ,u15 a ,glistening pebble
and by some chance found it
to be different from other
• stones. From that time,.
diamond began to acquire'
'magical powers and to be
regarded* with awe, worship'.
and avarice.. n
Man began to4 collect
diamonds, treasure - them,
build ,legends around them,
trade them, treat them, as
gems, fight over them, arid
eventually to giN.7e them as
symbols of love and trust,
TileA, name Diamond is
derived from the 'old French
diamant, itself derived from
the Latin and . ,the .Greek
adamas,, 'meaning "un -
_conquerable", Diamonds',
effect on social' history has
been mainly because they are
possibly the grea-test con-
centirated ,form of wealth
whiCh is .negoliable almost
anywhere": 'They, have played
- a part in many upheavals
and .during recent world wars
paid the way for ,the escape
of refugees item 'totalitarian
From at least the fourth
'century B.C., India traded in'
diamonds, taxed them and
exported them. There had
long been trade - between ,
India and Babylon, Syria,
Ceylon • and* Arabian coun-
tries. Diamonds:that- reached
the western part of the
Roman :Empil were prized
for their' magical.powers,
• All gems haVe three
common attributes -rarity,
beauty and durabilit'y. -The.
luster, fire, and brilliance of
diamond are so unique, -,that
diamond is considered in''a
class by itself, apart from •au
other gems.
After diamonds were
discovered, they were not
" wor'n in jewellery at 'ally and
if they were, it was as
talismans. At some poinA they
acquired value in exchange
for other goods or -services
and became .a badge of rank
or wealth. Later diamond
were used spe,cifically fo
jewellery •purposes by
royalty. And still Wei-, it iS-••
no wonder, then, that this
jewel of such beauty and
such meaning is the symbol
\orthe single most important
'emotion known to mari,. •
To be continued next.wcTek
David C.*Ansttt G.G.
Geaduate Gernologist
( G .1A .)
Clinton, Ont.
opportunity for the whole
world to focus atientictp on
the status of women, and ,on
the means to improve their
• status.
' Beta Sigma Phi Inter-
' national Executive - council
has 'urged -a11 chapters,
councils and individual
members tp participate in
the activities. and Work for
quality, Development and
VeaCe. :
There's a lot that can be
done. Let's alf get together
and"accomp1ish something
Ktiusela.. He • was an
adherent of .Bethel Pen-
tecostal Tabrnacle.
Survi.ving , are his wile;
three daughters, Mrs. David
(Susan) GoWer, R.R: , 2
Qoderleh ; Mrs. -Stephen
(Karen) Snell, Sarnia; • and
Lisa, 'Lonslyn.; one son, John'
of Elliott Lake; one ,gran-
ddaughter, Kara 'Gower; hi,
mother, Mrs. Margaret
McCan, Southampton; two
sisters;' Mrs. Jamieson
(Beccy), Hunter, Tiverton
and 'Mrs. Sara Sheppard,
Worthwhile in. Goderich for Denver, Col., and one niece
and five nephews' • .„
A few weeks ago I men- Funeral servi.cc is today,
tioned some of the activities :Thursday., January 2,3 'at 2
vvhih took place during our p.m. in Bethel Pentecostal
Centennial Year '67' hbping Tabernacle ‘with Re', Peter
these groups would act St. Don officiting.
quickly . on things for this 'Interment will 136:- in
year - even tho' a whole Tiverton Cemetery.
Ex -Service Men antliNomen
and Dependents
Mr. HW. Moyer
Provincial, Service Officer
London, Ontdrio
11 be visiting in the area
the eek of February 25, 1975
Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding
war disability perksions-,Oreatment, allowances, etc, 4 .fi------
requpte4 to contacrthe service officer, or ecretary, Of the
local branch, whOse name appears below, not laterthan
February 7, W'75 10 arrange an interview. •
• •1/4George Low
Service Officer
PHONE 524-723801'.5 24-9390