HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-01-23, Page 154 z • 4 C." .1, ""' • .14 .Comedy rerite'comes to.Olyth " .'1" I • 1 " ' • " 01. ,-.. , ,. ,, 1K,....'' 'illitamy„,-;;;16" t*iuAR7v t3r-to' 7$.;-o,,. 'A'OrJ, . ... .'t ::7:::''''..„ ., ::'.,, Torontosuccess ploys to Dave Broadfoot, one of theatre "where you can get Canada's top comedians, is close to your , audience" he also one of the busiest, as he has also, ,aptlaeared on some prepares - for a • Provincial of the largest stages in the tau- of his comedy revue world, , including -' the "Take, A, Beaver to 'Lunch" C a°n 4 d a Iv, National that ran *so Successfully for Exhibition Qrandstarid Show, seven nienths in. 'Toronto. and the'Calgaey 'Stampede. With his first book "Sex and „For , those who only ven- Sechrity" in the bookstores, ture as far -as their television and_his record "Wall to Wall' set the, .Broadfoot face will Broacifoot" in the * rePord be faihiliar for an Ed shops he continues to yrite Sullivan apPearance, 10, up-to-date local ,material for.' , "Wayne and Shuster" shovv•S, the .highly acclaimed 39 "Comedy Crackers", pihe i.troduction: "Thi S HOur Has Sevein Mr. Broadfoot will bring Days", 33 "Zut" and 26 the revue to Blyth Memorial - Hall •in late February. An incessant traveler, " tiroadfoot;, returns to his , newly • Ourchqsed st. Toronto. • Thoii-Te, following a Christmas tour entertaining, the Canadiah-' troops in West Germany, Cairo', Cyprus and the Gotan Heights.. Past • One of the highlights of Fiiday night's game was a mock baseball game played by the Rejects. The audience, learned that with a bit of money you can always.get to first base. (staff -photo) “ uronPlownian's. Assciation John claT4 John Clark, a.R.5., repreSentaiive• Until 1959 there hadbeenWill travel' Goderich, . Was • re-elected by .chartered °bis. Named as two associations •in Huron president ,.*C4 ' the Huron delegates representing in the north 'and south. In ,Plowittan's Associatibn at Hurn were President john that -----year '' the _two a, the . anntiai meeting . at Clarke and S'tretary'Russel- amalgamated s the Huron - Winthrop 'Monday When. Bolton: , , , , n. Plowxnen's •ASOciation.• Mr. there was an attendance of ' Howard ' Datars' local , Cardiff -• who .1•1a. been 70. • . ' , committee ;said a review of 'secretary of the North Huron • Other -officer' elected are poSsible, sites in Huron for group sine' 1924 continuedto • - 7 -re i wed b hold the Same offite in the performances have. .taked him from the Playboy Club in Montreal to the ,Blue Angel in London, the Maranouchi,, iri Tokyo, - the Clayton House in ChiCago and New York's One Fifth Avenue. For nine years he starred in the • political satire "Spring Thaw" and for four years in "Squeeze";' "Clap Hands" in the U.K.; "Off Limits" '- in Molitreal; "Laugh with Leacock" at the Confederation Centre in Charlottetown, • - arid • the Katimavik •Revue at. Expo. '67, While his preference is the small intimate type , . Gorrie; Harold Robinson, Gorrie; Harvey McMichael,' Wroxeter. Grey — Don 'Petrie, R.R.3„ vice-presidents., James ArmstrongWingham and representatives of the Onew aseciation, He was Brussels;, Wm. Perrie, 'amJ. Leeming R kat 4; and that a'.?deisioh-coUld succeeded. by Mr. Bolton in, R.R.3, .Brussels; Bert , PA ton; sedetary-treasurer, ° exected•in the near futur. • 1967: . HeMingway, • R.R.3, ell Bolton ', R3 • Members reViewed the Associaiion ?directors Brussels; Charlie. Thomas,-' f Tth,, and assistant 197,4 match held on the Wm. approved by the meeting Brussels: Wi Ru Se • McKillpp — -Gordon cr• Ashfield Rbbere Elston farm in Morris, and includei • "Comedy Cafe", ..not ---,to, mention innumerable commercials from Alka Seltzer to the Yellow Pages. "Take A.Bedver to Lunch". is Bro:,c1fooe,s• own -con- ception; he . has written, produced, and performs most of the material. One Toronto columnist wrote "If ever you've wanted to take a heaver to' lunch, now is the' time to do it. 'We took a beaver to „lunch via the brilliant and hysterically funny Di Broadfoot, and new„„ comedy partner Carol RobinSon, as we `smokey beareds our way from one hilarious skit to • another. Broadfoot . . possibly the top Canadian humorist in' the country today,' made it all com'e•true. Broadfoots come a long way since the old corn -hall days of playing the nightly drinkeries. With ,plaudits • from Ed Sullivan, Variety and the U-.K.'s • Punch, his' •flair for the comic has developed into an extrabrdintry sense timing." Another praised his par- ner. "Carol Robinson, is as kooky • as ever, bringing to the show experience 'that dales back to the early 60's at the .Bohemian Embassy. Appearances with The Dirty Shames, with the. Chitako company of the Second City ReVue and with the Pomerantz -Michels CBS Spec.ials have strengthened her projectionfAs a balance for Broadfoot Miss Robinson • is intriguing. Her short stature contrasts amusingly - wit?' his lanky, loping ,Josture.",.' A Montreal journalist closed his Column with the following story - "As the , show ended - *to some of, the most enthusiastic applause I have ever heard, in any theatre anywhere, - I overheard a c,onversatton that made me, feel typically, Canadian. Two men, ob- viously executives, had been,,, seated in frontof, me and • both enjoyed the' show im- *rrieriseVy.,. After' much laughter and applause, they - both rose to go, as they did, one asked, 'Who.' is he?' .Gentlemen, he is Dave Broadfoot - one of the fun- niest unen in Canada, when •'he has the right material. this time he had just the •right kind. The, results were. the sort'of.thing we'dpay an arm and. a leg for in 'New York or Lohdpn. Don't miss it! Your friends' will never ,forgive you!" area • of Ducharme • Excavatint-Dashwood 236-4230 TRUCKING - BACKHOE - St. DOZiR:SERVIet. •,„„ • -CGtERi C H NICKDOW H 0.111/K..$ 24 r444,0 a • 11, IF& 111.!111 s That addition to.your home or\c'ottm; .--;get,it done now so it will be ready in the Spring. Borrow the money you • need from Victbria and Grey—the �1d' established 'eornrany that has been cystombuild:!ng moitgiges for people,. 1. • like you since.1889. Start your Winter work today at Victoria.and.Grey.. Donald • • McCartpey R.R.'4, Seaforth. Were -"agreed it hp been,. McGavin, •-Seafortft;'. Allan ,,•• Maurice Love Is past most ' successful, /The McKenzie, R .R.1 „CaMpbell, R.R1 Seaforth; Dungannon; Oir\7in Reed, Russell Bolton; R.R.L,,,' prsident, JaimeS Armstrong meeting approved a Dungannon Ross EedY, , Seaforth;_ „ Wm Leeming,. is ' ,•revincial dirattor akar resolution - 'expressing•-•-ap- „,,, .,, ,,,,.. ,,_ .,,,,, ..,,, R.k.2 -Walton; Ross Gordon, 0 ti- avin Q • n .?, • Prngannon. 1.1.1, §e fbil-th. • s Turnberry — Jack •'ctiYettor for 0PA• for. his co-oeratert -in, Fischer Bluevale; Harry - Hullett Thomas Leiper, Mulvey, Winghm; out by Hugh Hill, a long tie'. The auditprs report was Reid, R.R.1, Bl th; Wm The election was carried making facilities available. , Lolidebero; -Watson • • member of the Association ” Presented by • Reeve 'Simon Dbn Eady, R.R.2, Wingham. • y , • West Wawanosh — Harvey ' Flynn R.R.4, Clinon; •High and chairman' of the local Hallahan. .•° - Flynn, Londesboro.' Culbert,' °R:12:6, Goderish; ... -committee for the 1946 in- - A feature of the meeting •Goderich Township — ternational held in Huron.... was the display of a medal,, Joe Hickey, R.R.3, Auburn; , Goderich; Mr. Hill, recently celebrated by Girvin Reed won in 1880 James Acheson, R.R-.2George Feagan his 90th birthday. . by a member of hi family uc)Know; Robt. Lyons, Everett McIlwain, R.R.2,. The meeting adyanced• • The_Luknow.• Goderich; • Hugh ' Hill, plans for Huron participation .- medal' was "Charles GirViri East,W h r , awano8 _ GOde ich• Gerry,' Ginn, R*.R.2 Clinton'. inscription on the r,at the annual meeting of the Jr Wawanosh. Speed- the ,Clarence Hanna, ,Beigrave; • Colborne — Ralph Jwell, Ontario - Plo*Wmen's Plow. First prize frit- men -Sitron Hallahan, R.11•37, R.R.4, Goderich; Jahn H. BIFth;: Roy Pattison, R.R.3, Association , in Toronto . in and presented by F. • Feaan, R,R.45 Goderich; b. . morris D— George Michie, R. McNei1°,R.R.6, GoderiCh; February. •Garner, M.D._to be won wingW1. ' . - In anticipation of the 1978 ...twice iri j..tiknow". R.R.4, 8russels;*Bill Elston, - John, Clark, •• R.R.5, International being 'held in Mr. Ijolton recalled a brief ' R..R.4, Wingham; jim . Goderic; , Jamieson " itibey" • Huron the local association 'history of the Huron R,R.6, GOdeich. mill be accompanied by the Association.. which had been Arinstron•g, • i R.R.4, flag party of the Seaforth , . pepared by the late Elston Wingilarn. ' ,. Tuckersmith ---, Ivan District High School Girls CaraiffthAssociation. the first secretary of .- HoWick' 7-, Ivan Haskins;'--. F -"---"t11'. --,:'1"" KiPPPn; Trump,et, "Bend. Huron orrie; Rbt Gibso, . Alex Chesney, R.R73; , BRUCE IVIACDONALD ELECTRIC Domestic -Commercial -Industrial • 133 Britannia Rd. - Phone, Evenings 248 1 46 VG • RblandGREY • TRUST COMPANy SINCE 18891. MANAGER (DAVE) CROSS 5 24.-7 38 1• GODERICH , ••••••••*,•••••• (continued on page 10A) • "A show band you cannot, afford to miss!" !rr WEEK • 0,0 By Special 4rrangement "THE HAMMOND TOUCY! Here are four young ladies with singing ability not oiltdohe by ° their good looks. • I,— • D. "BEAT THE COLD" AND RELAX FOR, A WHILE IN OUR NEW HEATED POOL AND SAUNAS.fHE FAMILY DAY RATE OF $1 2;50 INCLUDES THE USE eq OF ONE OF OUR LUXURIOUS GUEST/bOlViS FOR CHANGING PURPOSES • Watch our future ads for full detailof • THE GRAND OPENING ." T ORNOW Alf LOUNGE' OF • OUR NEW DOWNSTAIRS Thcii new spacious nightclub wilttiedecoraied in a ntiveseafarirrtheme and will feature consistent top flight enterta in 'IWO incitiding the following re booked acts, • *THE CANADA SHOW BAND .THE GIN • UFU-S ROAD MACHINE *OCEAN' *. *GARY titid DA VE *THE MERCY, BROTHERS *THE.FABCILOULRLATTERS COOPER ULTRA STARS COOPER ULTRA L1TES LOUISVILLE SLUGGERS Nowis,thetirne, -41 41 • 4. • •.6