HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-6-7, Page 77. A Little Daughter Of, a Church of England Ininieter Cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer'st Sarsaparilla, Mr. Emma) p3tRics, the well-knoWn Druggist, 207 1400111 at., MoUtreal, P. Q., glue: I have aold .A.yer's Earaily Medicines for 40 years, and have heard nothing but geed said of them. I know di many. Wonderful Cures i; performed by Ayer's, Sarsaparilla', one In particular being that of a little daughter of a Churele of England. minis- ter. The child was literally covered f rom head to foot with a red and ex- ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, in spite of the best medical treatment available. Her father was In great • distress about the ease, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad. - minister Ayees Sarsaparilla, two bot- tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to -day, he would testify la the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mass, Curesothers,willcureyou •01,•• liOlIND THE WINE 'WORLD WHAT IS 90ING ON IN TIIE rourt, CORNERS OP THE GLOBE. OK anal NOW 'World Prowls or Interesia Chronheleil theletty.-Interesting nap. ventage or Beeent Date, Germany has 93 cavalry regiments. NEM( E imam DEANS are a now Ws- Icovery that cure the worst casts of 'Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and BEANS'Failing Manhood; ye/stores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex, ceases of youth. This Retnedy ab- solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other TRtATSIZIMS have failed even to relieve. Zold by drug. gists at Si per package, or six for r,.5, or sent by mail on receipt of price by eddressingTHE JAMES MEDICINE CO.. ,Toronto. Out. Write for tietti9,:et, sold es - Sold at Brownine's Drug Store, Exeter, CENTRAL Drug Store FANSON'S BLOCK, A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan'tx Condition Powd- the best in the mark- et and always resh. Family recip. carefully prepared at Cenral Drug Stora Exete C. IATITIZ - DYSPEPilft GORED MB. GEO. READ. Read the Proof, EA stits—r write you to say that for some time I had been suffering from acute indigos. Con or dyspepsia, and of Course felt very genet inconverdenoe from smile in my general bug., • nese. I thereupon dereded to try Burdock Blood Bitters, cod after taking two bottles I found I was mate another 1116,11, for B. B. B. en- • tirely cured me, I have also used it for my wife and family and have found it the best thing they eau take, and frOnA past experience I have every pleasurein rstroliglyrecommenditigB,Bea, to all my friends. 1 write you hecitinie I think that it should be generally lenoivn what B. B. B. can accomplish • us cases of indigeatiom • Vans faithfully,• GROlint READ, iiherbreelte, Quo. Some of the biggest lies ever invented Stand seeeuse they eisenot be disprouen, the bur4'en of OVidenee rests upon tru London has orte-eightli of the population of Great Britain, Provision is to be made for greatly en, larging the British museum. In many German. factories corsets are forbidden diming working hours. The 30 Bible eoeietiee in existence have issued over 240,000,000 Bible, Throughout the entire world there are annually about 180,000 suicides. Madam Albani began learning music when she was four years old. There are twelve postel deliveries a day in the "Pb 0." district of London. The mean annual temperature ef the Arctic regions is below 30 deg. Fehr. I:10.rd times have forced several of the famous boulevard cafes in Paris to close. The gold product of West Australia last year was double that of the previous twelve- month. An underground railway up the Jungfrau mountain is one of the late projects of Swiss engineers. The seven -mile tunnel out of the Valley of Mexico has been finished. The tunnel cost $10,000,000, In Hong Kong and Shanghai there is no duty on epirits, almost the only thing imported free. Lord Rosebery has a collection of thirty • razors—one for each day of the month, Re ehaves himself. bre ef the department 0 meat, A beggar, who for many years had salt - slated on cherity, died a fele days ago, in Auxerre, France. In a trunk he left bonds to the value of 1,000,000 franca, and in his Wier were found 400 bottles of wine Of the vintage of 1790. Lord Rosebery made his debut as an. orator at the age of 14, when he addreseed a company of volunteers to whom his grand- father was giving a luncheon, and Spoke so eloquently and with so much self -poeserndon as to astonish hit auditors, 311 °Verne Eight thousand tons of gold have been mined throughout the world during the present century. . The only woolen mill in South Africa is at Natal. It produces an average of 1,800 yards per mouth. The oldest railway in France runs between Paris and Havre. It was built more than half a century ago. Italy has the greatest proportion of criminals. They number 5,140 to the mil- lion of population. Over 1,800 stray dogs were recently cap- tured by the police during a,single month in the streets of London. At Saitsburg, Austria, a man was kept prisoner -for fifteen years, during which he never saw a human face. A Roumanian lady is at her own expense constructing a railway from one of her estates to the nearest town. Bachelor of hygiene and doctor of hygiene are two new degrees created by the Uni- versity of Durham, England. Great Britain is first in merchandise freights, Germany being second, the United States third and France fourth. • Very successful English barristers like Sir Charles Russell, have yearly incomes estimated at from $75,000 to $100,000. Experiments with Heilman's electric loco- motive in France developed a speed of sixty-seven miles an hour an up grade. Incandescent lairspe are ridiculously cheap in Sweden, the price of those with all volt- ages. up to 125 being about 20 cents. A French society has called a convention to meet in Paris to consider means to pre- vent the deforestation of the world. The most elevated railroad in the world is the Lima and Oroya in Peru. It ascends *to an elevation of 15,840 feet above the sea. A Glasgow, Scotland, matt has been sent to jail for whipping his wife because their baby did not take the first prize at a baby show._ A suit brought by the brother of the founder of the Magazin du Louvre, in Paris, shows that the busiuess is valued at $17,- 500,000. Eating contests are a feature of the re- ligion of the South Sea islanders. They hoop themselves like barrels to keep from bursting, London is to have a university that will rival Oxford and Uambridge. All the pre- liminary details for its establishment have been arranged. On the body of a notorious brigand, re- cently killed in Turkey, was found $16,000 and a note book which showed he had mur- dered 192 men. The residents of Frankfort-on-the-IVIain are so superstitious regarding the number thirteen, that no house onauy of its streets bears that number. Dr. Benson, the Archbishop of Canter- bury, has been engaged for the past thirty years in the preparation of a book which he has not yet finished. Mr. Gladstone has written to a friend that since his retirement from office he has felt like a disestablished church with bracing breezes Plowing around him. A. company has been formed- in New Zeeland b establish a whale station on the Kermadec islands, in the Pacific ocean, north-west of New Zealand. - Young girls are frequently employed as porters in Switzerland, and amble nimbly 44 they carry travelers' baggage up and down the steep mountain paths. There has been anseimpenveneent in the linen trade of Great Britain with Spain and Germany, but with France and Italy there has been a considerable decrease. The complaint comes from Russia of a scarcity of physicians. Iii some sections of the country there is 51ily one doctor to 30. 000 people, while the average ifs one to 6,000. M. Carnet will complete his term as President of the French Republic on De- cember 3rd next. His salary for the last seven years has been $250,000 a year, be- tides allowances. London has a big appetite. It devours every year over 400,000 oxen, 1,600,000 theep,500,000 oalvee, 700,000 hogs, fowls inuuraerable, and consumers 9,800,000 gal- lons �f milk. There is still burning in India a stored fire that was lighted by the Parsecs twelve ceseturiee ago. The fire it fed with Sendai and other fragrant Woods and is replenished five times a day. , Joseph Ames CheeseMaii, the president of Liberia, Was born in the,t country. Ilia parents were sent out to Liberia, by the American Colonization Society, and were among its early founders. A. tenipetance society has been organieeel in S. Petersburg, Russia, vvhioli frielitclei a brother of th rsNuing Ozer and a high offionel of the Grot Church, anti the minis, The ex -Empress Eugenie frequently uses the diamond pee With which the Treaty of Paris was signed. • This pen was used by the fourteen plenipotentiaries who signed the famous document. It was is quill pluokt ed from a golden eagle, and is rashly rnoun- ed in diamonds and gold. The policemen at Dieppe are, required to be ready to rescue persons from drowning, arid are supplied with printed rules tor efficient service. One of the rules directs them to "seize a drowning lady by the dress, and not by the hair which often re- mains in their grasp, while the lady sinks." Justo Gonzales, a leading lawyer in Buenos Ayres, recently defended Mine Tetrazzine, the famous South American prima donna, in a divorce suit. He charged her $800 for his services, but the money was not forthcoming and he obtained an order for the seizure of the lady's jewels, all of which turned out to be firet-class paste. THE CHEESE OUTLOOK. lixpansIon or the Trade, -Cheese Queued nigher TAM lien; than Last According to official returns there was $172,000,000 invested in dairy farming in Canada last year, and, as it is admitted. that a gross return of $13,000,000, or nearly 8 per cent., was made to farmars by the manufacture of cheese alone, beside the re- turns from butter, eggs, milk and live stock, it can readily be seen that the lines of the dairy farmer in Canada have fallen in pleasant places. That the profitable nature of the cheese trade is being daily more recognized is shown by the amount of expansion it ex- hibits. New factories are starting in districts hitherto unsupplied, and the - development of territories affording a good sapply of milk, which have hither- to been debarred by their distance from established factories, is thus being pro- ceeded with. The fact that there were factories which paid their patrons from $500 to $700 each for their milk has shown the farmer how lucrative this branch of his labor is. In the County of Leeds the cows during the cheese season averaged $37 a hoed. Our farmers have learned "to pro- duce the largest quantity of milk in the most economical manner, and, considering that prices for cheese opened fully a cent per pound higher" this .yertr than last, in spite of the prospects of a much larger May make, it looms as if they would reap much larger returns. The estimate of $16,000,- 000 for this one branch of dairy farming does not seem to be far out of the way after,all. There is an increasing disposi- tion of the English irnperter to purchase direct at the country market, and no doubt there is a tendency to bring the pro- ducer and consumer more closely together in cheese, as in everything else; but it has not,yet reached such dimensions as to in- terfere with the trade of our buyers and exporters. RUBBER. GARDENING FOR WOKEN. A.» ASSOciiiiirni Su P.M11011. Wader Fashion- able FairO4all0-4X, Idea worth yea porttng, A practical and eminently successful era. ployment has been developed in Lsason, Bug., for women in the shape of a garden - ng association, it is under very fashion- able patronage. Snell philanthropic peo- ple as the Countess of Malraesbury, Lady Herniltoa and Lady Lubbock are among ite officers, and it has a well organized bureau. on Lower Sloane street, and does business, all over London. There is no reason why elmilar organizations should not flourish in all large Canadian towns. The Gardening Aesoolation contracte for the care of coneerviitories, window boxes, balconies and. gardens by the year or sea- son or month. Plants are also loomed out on hire. All orders are entirely executed by women, a man being employed for dig- ging, conveying soil, laying gravel, train- ing high outside climbers and the like. The association also undertakes the care of graves in the cemeteries of London. It supplies whatever plants may be required. When necessary, ii, replants the graves twice a year. An excellent point 111 con- nection with this particular branch of the work is that the prices are made as reason- able as possible in, order to bring the bene- fit within the reach of peraens in all cir- cumstances. Another department of the work consists in taking temporary care of plants belong- ing to persons who are leaving town. For this purpose the association uses its own conservatories, Cut flowers are also sup- plied to families. Every variety of floral decoration, bouquets, wreaths, crosses, etc., are made up quite equal to any similar work exhibited by firetsolass florists. The segretary is always at the bureau ready to supply estimates and to discuss any particulars relating to orders. The businesa, in feat, is energetically pushed It sande out a charming little prospectus artistically got up on rough paper with light green ink. In reply to some inquiries the secretary said that althouah the work necessitated a good deal of stooping and fa- tigue it was generally considered pleasant by the women, even if not, particularly light. II, entails early and late hours, and much running to and fro. Still those who have tried it say they find it a much health- ier and brighter occupation than many others open to women. The Best Grades Come Front the Banks of Ike Amazon. The best grades of rubber come from the bank e of the River Amazon, and we might say the supply is unlimited, but the climate is very nithealthy, and this adds to the cost. The very best in turn comes from the Rivers Puma and Madeira, tributaries of the Ama- zon, and these sorts are used for surgical goods. They are very fine grades, and while their cost is two or three cents more per pound in the New York market, still, i the demand should increase, there would be a greater difference. The Para grades are good enough for all ordinary purposes. The term Para comes from a large city at the mouth of the Amazon, in telegraph communication with the whole world, and reports from there received daily govern the rubber markets of every nation. „Bicycle men, it is generally conceded, use very freely of Para grades, and few admit anything to the contrary. Still, an examination of the manifests of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company discloses the fact that Centrals come into New York consign- ed to bicycle firms. The large mechanical goods firms are nct particular about obtain- ing Para grades, one house.neing freely of Madagaseare7'which, in a cummercistsense, rank next to Para. A great many ASSEI,M9, rubber coming from India, are used. The adulteration of rubber is something remarkable, and in order to make it weigh more, barytes, white lead, or most anything is used. The consumer is attracted to the product because it is cheap, but he pays just so much more per pound for the heavy minerals compounded. Insulating men use a very cheap rubber coming from the East- ern Coast of Mexico and Nicaragua. It sells for about 15 cents per pound, and can hardly be called rubber. Chicle is very cheap and used in the manufacture of chewing gum. The whole aubject is one of price, and as you cannot get something for nothing, you cannot get lasting mechanical goods at a quotation which is ill not pay weight for weight for,the rubber supposed to be in them. RUSSIAN NMILISTS. A Printing PresS Seized and a Number f Conspirators Arrested, A St. Petersburg despatch says:—A clandestine press, from which large num- bers of revolutionary pamphlets have been issued, has been discovered at Smolensk. Hitherto, whenever the police raided the place they had to force the doors thus giving the occupants time to burn their papers, but upon this oecasion Police General Wahl adopted a most successful ruse. He sent the local fire, engines to the spot in the night time,mad the occupanb of the suepeoted building surprised and alarmed, opened the doors, thinking that the place had caught fire. Thereupon the polio rushed in and seized a quantity of len- portent doduments and pamphlets. The pol- ice alto arrested a Woman and six male con. pirators, From the documents seized and from the statements madAy the conepira.. tors,the police are aonvinced that they have ) made prieoaera of seven people who are connoted With t Widespread consoiracy. I s4t, VANDERBILT'S ESTATE. --- The $10,000,000 Palace and Grounds of Geo, W. Vanderbilt at Asheville, N.C. Geo, W. Vanderbilt's palace and grounds at Asheville, N. C., have cost him about $5,000,000 already, and, will cost some $5,- '000,000 more before they are ready for oc- cupancy. The eetate includes 100,000 acres, and right in the midst of it, not more than hall a mile from the magnificent mansion, is a miserable little frame shanty which George Vanderbilt cannot buy, although he is worth untold millions. The place is owes ed by a negro named Joshua Moore, who has been offered $10,000 for his nine acres, which are really worth about $5 an acre, He says he has no objection to Mr. Vander- bilt for an neighbor. Josh goes about half- clad and has difficulty in obtaining money to buy his chewing tobacco. He raises a little corn and truck, but the land lies in a hollow, and will hardly grow the seed he puts in the ground. The Vanderbilt nurs- eries at Baltimore, as the Asheville estate is called, are said to be the largest in the world. They consist of between 60 and 70 acres, two and a helf miles from the man- sion. These nurseries were established at first merely with a view to supplying trees and plants on the estate, but they have so grown under the orders of Frederic Law Olmsted, the landscape architect, who laid out Buffalo's park system, that Mr. Vander- bilt has decided to turn them into a com- mercial wholesale nursery after stocking his own place. There are annually grown in the nursery about 1,000,000 of plants for the furnishing of roads laid out by the land- scape architect, and in addition to this number there is an order for 2,000,000 for- est trees for replanting the denuded hill- sides. More kinds of hardywood plants are now in the nursery than can be found in any one similar place in the world. .7-[Buff. Express. AWFUL DISCLOSURES. A Youna Woman in Quebec Confesses to the Most Terrible Crimes. In the action now being tried at Quebec of Odell v. Gregor/ for separation de corps et de biens, some of the most sensational evidence so far adduced is that of a sewing girl named Eugenie Torichette, whose admissions, outside of her testimony bearing upon the case in which she was called, dis- close a lonee line of criminal practices, and may furnish a clue to the detection of more than one supposed murder. She admitted on her own part all sorts of criminal ace's, swore that she had set fire to her house in St. Sauveur and had committed sevetal robberies, for all of which she had escaped arrest on account of influence in police circles. Once she attempted suicide, but was prevented by a detective. She has furnished a police official with a description of some of her dealings with an American highway robber named Napoleon Dulac, who has been driven from many of the im- portant centres of the United States, and whom she believes to be now at Lewiston, Maine, and this recital reads lige a romance. More important still is the Story of this new Gabrielle Bompart relative to her relations with one Fournier, formerly a Montreal detective, but now a professional thief, who used the girl for some time as his instrument. She declares that in July, 1802, the two of them persuaded a young man named Legere, who was possessed at several hundred dollars, to accompany them to Montreal. Legate was never heard of again, and the girl Totiehette swore in court that Fournier had told her that he had put him out of the way after poisoning and robbing him, The mysterious disap- pearance of Legate was the 'subject at the time of mueli newspaper comment. The girl further relates that Fournier claims to have carried off a �hild, whoge disappearance has never yet been accounted for, More sensational developments are awaited. The Ducheas de Penni: is creating quite a sensation in Paris by a Series of lectured at her residence. Owing to the growing fittest in these lectures on Christianity and mysticism the Duchess restricts the admis. :don to her hoofs to bearers of personal in. vitations. To avoid the interruption by ate arrivals the doors of the mansion are losed premsely at 3 o'clook. Children Cry for Mace% Castorial British and, Foreign, t e sot emcie 11 Its e see Isa swithowpneumatic tires are being Gas now costs consumers in London Bit apt cents a thenniand oubie feet. japan has ordered to be built in London a first.olass battle ship of ever 12,000 One displacement,ightkro,t0sp000ieneddi,eate d nor S'e -power na A French bicyclist has juet crossed the Alps, by the Mont Cenie Past, on his bicy- ele. The weather was unfavorable and the - road was made slippery by, snow and rain. The trip waean incident et a journey on the wheel frons Rome to Paris. The thinnest sheet of iron ever rolled has recently been turned out at the Hallam Tie Works, near Swansea, Wales, It has a surface of 55 square inches and weighs but 20 grains, It would take 1,800 such sheets to make a layer an inch thick gxtreme eases of habitual drunkenness. according to the Manchester correepoudent of the London Lancet seem to be more common in women than in men. An old woman was brought before the city magis- trates of Manchester recently, charged with drunkenness for the 191st time, The latest development in the milk busi- ness in London is to drive the cows around the route and have them milked in the pres- ence of the oustomere. The customer is thus able to judge for himself of the healthy appearance of the animal, sad is sure of the freshness of the milk. The practice is a common and ancient one in Egypt. The population of Melbourne, Australia, at the end, of 1893 was 444,632, a decrease of 46,001 as compared with April,1891. The decrease is due to the industrial de- pression, from whiehthe city is now begin- ning to recover. The population of Sydney at the close of last year was 421,030, as compared with 411,710 at the end of 1892, s. The British War Office is consideringa proposition that all soldiers should be in- struct -ed in elements of anatomy and phy- siology in order that they might be able immediately to atop the flow of blood from a leading artery. The proposer of the scheme also offers the unpleasautsuggestion that every soldier should have the leading articles mapped out on his body by dotted lines tattooed in India ink. Accordingto a report just issue by the Greek Minister of the Interior the re- cent earthquakes in that country caused the death of 207 persons, the serious injury of 154 more, and the destruction of 952 houses. The chief loss of life was in the churches, where the people were assembled for evening worship. There is great dis- tress among the houseless people. The damage to property is estimated to exceed 4,000,000 drachmas. During the last two weeks of April 868 inspections were made in 'Glasgow under the Shop Hours' Act, and in 42 cases it was found that young persons were being overworked. Grocers, barbers, saloon- keepers, dairymen, and confectioners were the principal delinquents. Twelve grocers were discovered working their boys from 75 to 8b hours per week, five barbers from 73'4 to 78, four saloon -keepers from 75 to 88, and five dairymen working their girls' Irons 75 to 102 t hours per week. Some unpleasant appearing statistics have just been issued by the French Gov- ernment. Explanations of the figures may come later to tone down the evil impression or explain it away. In 1885 about 57,000 hectolitres of absinthe were retailed in France; in 1892 over 126,000 hectolitres were similarly sold, and there has been a marked increase in the consumption of all other alcoholic drinks in the republic. Between 1861 and 1865 the average annual number of condemnations by the law courts was 86,000; in 1885 it had risen to 127,000. Increase of population had little to do with the increase of figures, for in recent years the excess of births over deaths in the country had varied from 10,000 to nearly 40,000 a year. A MODERN UTOPIA. Acolony in Italy on the Tolstoi Principles —Ail Property Held in COMIU0u—No Artificial Light. In these days, when Anarchism is making so much noise in the world, it is interesting to turn to the peculiar colony which has been. founded in Italy on the Tolstoi prin- ciples. The colony has been established by a millionaire, and so long as his millions last and he deals handsomely by the colonists the colony will probably endure. All the property is held in common. There is no government, but plenty of laws. All books, newspapers, and letters from the outside world have been renounced; beer and spirits are forbidden, though the people are allowed to drink wine made in their own vineyards. Artificial light is with them a thing of the past: like happy shepherds, they rise at dawn and retire at dusk. They maintain Christian marriage, and the institution of the family. There is only one punishment, expulsion from the colony. This, however to be enforced, has to be agreed to by all the members, so the privilege is not likely to be abused. They have solved the "rational dress" problem for women by making them wear the same costumes as men. Every member of the community must work, and in return for this he and she have an equal right in all the capital and property of the community. There is no overwork for anyone, and their chief practical difficulty is said to be found in the disposalof their leisure. They are all Roman Catholics, and are opposed to taking part in offensive war, but they would be quite willing to turn out to defend their native soil. Sad Phase of City Life. A little lad named Willie Cracknell was charged before the Toronto Police Magis- trate the other day with stealing coal from the G. T. R, "My sister is blind, mother is sick, and father is deed," sobbed the little fellow. "We had no coal or wood in the house and I took it to keep mother warm." The sympathy of the court and spectators was strongly on the boy's side, but the repres. en tativa of the railway seemed determined to have the lad sent to jail. The magi- strate would nob have it sh, however, and discharged the little fellow with a warning. How to get a "Snnligh.t" Picture , Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrapper, (wrapper bearing the words "Why Dees a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to Lever Bros., Ltd.; 43 Scott St,, Toronto, and you will receive by poste pretty pictures free from E.',dvertising, and well worth front. lug, This la au ,,,issy..way to decorate your home. The soap is tile in the market and it will only cost lc. pdstag.3 to sena In the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write yam address carefully, WIFE Do HER OWN WASHING?- - • F she does, see the. the wash is made Easy ani Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors of wash -day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. 'Truly wteme(inritdIer 11 Investigate t, by Wilting to the Mayor, Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen o Hartford City, India.na. HARTFORD CITY, Blackford County, Indiana, June 8th, 1893. South, American Medicine Co. Gentlemen: I received a letter from you May 27th, stating that you had heard of my wonderful recov- ery from a spell of sickness of six years duration, through the use of SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE, and asking for my testimonial. I was near thirty-five years old when I took down with nervous prostration. Our family physician treated me, but with- out benefiting me in the least. My nervous system seemed to be entirely shattered, and I constantly had very severe shaking spells. In addition to this I would have vomiting spells. During the years I lay sick, my folks had an eminent physician from Day- ton, Ohio, and two from Columbus, Ohio, to come and examine me. They all said I could not live. I got to having spells like spasms, and would lie cold and stiff for a time after each, At last I lost the use of or walk a step, and had to be lifted like a child. Part of the time I could read a little, and one day saw an advertisement of your medicine and concluded to try one bottle. By the time I had taken one and one- half bottles I could rise up and take a step or two by being helped, and after I had taken five bottles in all r felt real well. The shaking went away gradually, and I could eat and sleep good, and my friends cold scarcely believe it was I. I am sure this medicine is the best in the world. I belive it saved my life. I give nay name and address, so that if anyone doubts my statement they can write me, or our postmaster or any citizen, as all are acquainted with my case. I am now forty-one years of age, and expect to live as long as the Lord has use for me and do all the good I can in helping the suffering. Mips ELLUN STOLTZ, Will a 'remedy, which can effect such a marvellous cure as the above, my body—could not rise from my bed cure you? C. LTJTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent fOr Exeter. Dn, IVIoDAramm, Agent, Hensall. illiemeemeimeo sase-- v's.sco\ cs' t.eg'Saq4. •‘4 '0"'6° co _oeb: *sp .4z§:$ f.c ,5/ N).t 4\t .s4 N.$• (6A. e‘ 4 'a- 431 •rs.‘1‘‘' s. 11/4-XN 1.1.0" gtes 0 V'" 4( -"t4Z' A 't gek SP+ NsA OA'nrehctssr shouldleOlt to the Label est the BeXtiel ana rota, tI tlie iflaress is not OS, eivan sT.Lento. they Itte eptuotte,,